Straits Echo, 11 January 1913

Total Pages: 9
1 1 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1062 1 It yon rwjuirs a Tonio and. ions* iking to nouriah 700« Drink Dog’s Head Guinness's Stout, L& au<l look for this -C S label lV: to #oe that jou get it. TIANG LEE A Co., Sole Agent». Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS
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    • 32 1 Order Nip Bottles Dog's Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is on every genu* ine Nip. TIANQ LEE A Co., Sole Agent*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 388 2 naturA milk (STERILIZED) r LION BRAND. A The Ideal Milk for use in the tropics, being absolutely pure whilst retaining its natural qualities and flavour. Chop Singah. Gold Medals. LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN 1889. V xiT a B Grand Frix: \A •Lill en *°n 1893. 1893 *t«
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  • 784 3 M. Bourgeois’s Refusal. Paris, December 19. It appears that the Prime Minister, M. Poineaiv. in the couise of yesterday aiteruoon, called upon M. Bourgeois and made a tinal effort to persuade hiui that it was bis duty to accept the invitation to become a candidate for the
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  • 491 3 One of Malaria’s Worst Dangers. Burma Sportsman Proves From Experience That The One Right Remedy Is Dr. Wil iams' Pink Pills. The thing to tie done wheu enlargement I of the spleeu is present is first to remove its cause, in the East usually M tlaria, and for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 899 3 WHISKY “ACETIC ACID” 99 100,?: PURE (GLACIAL). -:o: Packed in demijohns containing 44 lbs. each. Price $9.00 per demijohnv APPLY TO G. fi. SLOT CO PENANG. Why waste your good money after cheap rubbish article T Be sure to only Paul Sons' MOHON FLUTE. The Kintr cf all harmoniums. The
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    • 73 3 r it THIS i t IS IT! 1 V: ATERBURY'S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Gil Compound 63 STSSt I SSL t 2 3Ĕ “I A S'.' F.LLCS OPOPLESS The I te*t scientific pre i pai.itiui! o* COD LIVER OIL I)oe» ail that Is claimed for it and super- sedcs the old
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    • 351 3 AMENDED NOTICE. Tenders will l>e received up to noon on the 31st day of January, 11*13 at the Honourable Resident Councillor’s Office for: The use and occupation of the Government J_>i- 1 illery at Sungei F’inaug for the period commencing on the Ist March, 1913 and ending 31st l)eeeml>er, 1915.
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  • 93 4 Published daily (except Sunday* and publio holiday*) AT TB> CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Pnic*. Daily Local 524 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Po*t Free) 117.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone No*. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 All bu»in»»» ««munieAtion* should b* ».ldr»»»»S
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  • 808 4 A paragraph we lifted yesterday from the Christian Herald announced a new crusade against the Mormons whose propaganda is said to bn? making great headway and gaining many adherents iu the delectable island of Hawaii. It is really remark able to observe the language of downright
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  • 1370 4 Recent events havo at last forced the Colonul Office to take up a more or less definite attitude on the question of whether retired Colonial officials should be allowed to figure on the b »ards of companies carrying on business in the Colonies in which they have
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  • 511 4 Mr. G. E. Cobb, of Kuala Lumpur, i 8 to be married in it cot land on Februarv 19. Mr. G. O. W. Symons, of Teluk Datoh and SuDgei Manis Estates, Jugra, leaves bv tbo P. A O. s s Delta to-day for Marseilles. t Mr. A.
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  • 107 4 Messrs. Guthrie Co.’s weekly rubber report, dated Singapore, January 7, says J lie market to-day was easier and prices were lower by about 85 per picul. There was very little really fine quality rubber offered for sale aud only a lot of Smoked Sheet and I ale Crepe
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  • 55 4 Itesult of Operations for the month of December, 1912. Mine,; Output <SCU. cU. Do 4*12 (R| 27 i!£. r\ IS!- 7 11,3*4.1# o- *7.12 (81. Drr. Ore). 222..*) 70.00 15.540.00 rr— »26.934.1 Pin. 383.78 Working Exp,ium>« a/twrna It per cent. Tribute 3 L m n 3,232.09 $12.204
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  • 83 4 The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank has received a telegram from the Head Office in ong ong to the effect that, tubject to au i the Bank dividend for the half tear ending i December 31, 1912. will probably be W,th a *****8 of per share, i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 316 4 For COMFORT, STYLE HARD WEAR Buy Akiha's World-renowned Rickshaws. THE RICKSHAW OF THE MOMENT. f itted complete with Nickel-plated and Waterproof Honda and Connolly's English niako Wheels and Tyres, spxially recoinmended for Durability. PRICES MODERATE. For further particular* apply to AING CHEANG CO., 61), MAGAZINE HOAD. mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmm mmmmnw w-a me
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  • 28 5 Successful Flotation. I'i ho Special. I poll, January 10. The i> ingsang Lode, Ltd., ha* I wen successfully it uted and is going to allotment.
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  • 214 5 A Result of Ike Critis. (Reuter.) London, January 10. As a result of the Unionist crisis the final stages of the Home Rule debate was very •juiet. Once yesterday a count was called. As few as forty were present. Mr. Ponar Law wai for a long time the
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  • 117 5 Question in Parlinment. Reuter.) Loudon, Jauuary 10. Mr. L. V. Ilarcourt, Secretary of State for tlio Colonies, in reply to a question in the House of Commons by Sir J. D. Rees, hind that lie did not propose to lay down an absolute rule that retired
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  • 92 5 Small Government Majority. (lteuter.) London, January 10. la the debate on the Welsh Disestablishment Bill Mr. Reginald McKenna, Home Secretary, undertook, ntter an ainendmeut by Mr. W. G. Gladstone, to intro- duce a scheme for the commutation of the life interests, resulting in the future income of the
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  • 32 5 Prcibytcrian Opposed to Churclunan. (Reuter.) Loudon, January 10. Mr. David Hogg, the jtf<itiotm ist candidate for Londonderry, is a Presbvterian, and Lieut.-Colonel Pakeuham, the l uiouist audidate, is a Churchman.
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  • 46 5 Dyers Strike.” 6.000 Out. (Reuter.) Loudon, January 10. O.OtK) Bradford Dyers struck work yesterday. Ttie employers are willing to increase their wages if the men will agree t<- do piecework but this the men decline to do. A settlement has been effected with the Lancashire buyers.
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  • 26 5 Reuter.) Montreal, January 10. The condition of the Duchess of Comiaught, who is suffering from appendicitis, is easy but au operation may necessary.
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  • 25 5 Ten Liffi Lont. (Reuter.) Loudon. January 10. The Booth liuer, Ambrose, collided and sank the fishing suiack Hopper m the Mersey. Teu perished.
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  • 506 5 Austria Supported by Italy. (Reuter.) Vienna, January 10. It is stated that Austria will be supported by Italy in her demands for the inclusion of Scutari, Jumna and Prizrend in an autonomous Albania. Reported Rumanian DecisionLondon, January 10. Tho Times states that, according to information from Bukharcst, Rumania
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  • 27 5 Renewal of Government Grant. (Reuter.) London, January 10. Government has renewed its three-years grant of L’lo,ooo annually to the British Celt ju Growing Association.
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  • 120 5 Peace of the Far East. (Reuter.) London, January 11. Baron Kato, Japanese ambassador in London, in a farewell conversation with Reuter said that he was leaving when AugloJapanese relations were in the best possible condition. There was every prospect of a continuauee of peace and goodwill in
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  • 522 5 Before Justice S. L Thornton in the Supreme Court on Tuesday last was commenced the esse in which Chin Ix*e Foo 9iied Lew Cbeoh Teong and Another for (1) A declaration that the alleged expulsion of the plaintiff from the membership of the Penang Goldsmiths Guild, otherwise
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  • 114 5 SCRATCHINGS. Appended are the scratching Rack I. Little Mary, I.X.L., Ad certify, Timothy Titus, Settlings, Tynenider, Mystery, Afghan and Beaky. II. Lodestar, Yeoval, Chanticleer, Perilous, Phonograph, Skirmish and Queen's Medallist. III. Tongkah, Sirdar, Come On, and Gold Nugget. IV. Boombah, Lah and Skirmish. V. Hedonist and Austerity.
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  • 200 5 Ynteriay. To-d»y. Km or Buyers S»l’en> Buyers Sellers Full. Rubber. i. s. s. a. s d. Aiuslo Malay IS 15 9 li 3 1« +3d Huk it M.rt.ij *ru. 2 1» 3 3 2 1« i 2 Chersoort- ..39 1 2 3 91* 4 3 -'til C«n* M.iUv* ..US
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  • 1036 5 Montrond, a protege of Talleyrand, am' one of the scandals of Europe, was found by his master lying in a tit clutching up tht ground. Talleyrand watched his struggles and then remarked “II veut absoluuient uescendre.” Those who collect and cherish choice specimens of Indo-Angliau literature should endeavour
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  • 92 5 A late telegram received from Singapore states that the Servants Registration Bill !is introduced to check the use of false testimonials. It is considered inexi podient to make the bill of general 'application but the operation will 1« limited to local areas to be declared by the
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  • 43 5 (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co, Ltd. through their agents G. 11. Slot Co.) Fine Para Spot 4s. G]d. Fine Para Forward 4s. G^d. First latex Crepe delivery next three months 4s. Gd. Market firm Januarv 11, 1913.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 For Children’* Hacking Cough at Night, Wood*’ Great Papparuunt Cure.
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    • 81 5 Enure of Colds. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scirlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say be*are of colds. For the quick cure
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    • 164 5 Never hurry, never worry, Don’t get in a rago; Try to keep your temper always Says a good old sage. If you get a cold and shiver. Don’t take doctor’s pills Run at once, and got—’tis precious Woods’ Peppermint Cure for chills. Ju-Jitsu School. Professor Y. K. MURAKAMI will be
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    • 412 5 Notes for Merchants t TAKE CAKE OF THE CENTS SO THAT THE DOLLARS CAN* TAKE CAKE OF YOU. uU fc »c money because your system dor* not «how you where every cent comes from. It does not tell you how much you hare taken. A National Cask Register Does. both
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  • 386 6 lo tm r K »***** OF niK Sn»»rr» Koto. Dear Sir, Homs li me bark I *iw in your columns certain article* ulsiut the prosecution brought against lan Sww Chah (Managing Uaitner) ami L<«* Beau Soon (Assistant Manager of chop Ban Scaiig Chau tor cheating. As a fuller
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  • 372 6 Pay or I)riykra and Station masters. One Concerned has written as follows to the ilailwiy It^oien': From Ins letter of August 30 it would appear that “Veritas” is chiefly concerned in maintaining that engine drivers in the Federated Malay States are not so well off as in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 121 6 For Chnmir Complaint*. VV •<•»!«' titwßi lYpporunnt Cum. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. An )r<linnv <f t!i<* Municipal CointuirtMoucn* w*il I»«h**|«l at th«* Municipal Uffi t» at 4 in «»u Momlar, tlu* in«*. I. A CnCTIIK ltl<i<>X. >• n rtury. rjoTics. n!<) ISI U »i:s in »I Stvini.** Hank arc iw*uiuU«sl to t»uD«l
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    • 1677 6 iMLmmmmwmnmmmmmm THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELrSS OIiORLCSS cUttSS'C The latest scientific pre para t ion of COD LIVPR OIL. Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the medical profession. OF ALL
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 28 8 Veufl J trom Agent» Due Drlt i Singapore A.O.ACo. 1 ltb Jan. KlrUt Singapore B.M.AJo. Uth J.rriHru Colombo BM.dkCo. Wth Jh mu /<» i/a Colombo AG.dtCo. -3rd
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  • 19 8 FWi For Age+tt Leaver Leila Colombo A.G.ACo. J«n. Krt»t Colombo B.MaCo.. B M ACo. Jlimulatfi > n^-jore A.G.ACo. 1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 279 8 P.&O. S.N.C£xp«cted Arrivals and Departnras Mall Sarvlca Ootward. Jan. 23 Himalayafcciuiecting with Manner* Feb. 6 Devanha Medina Fell 20 Delta Moldavia Mar. 6 India Mongolia Homeward SPECIAL THROUCH STEAMER. H.M.8. India April 4th. fakes by mail steamers. 1st class 2nd class To London by Sea $505-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or
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    • 1194 8 \SHIPPI NG. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION DO., LTD. HUTTENBACH, HEBERT 81 Co.. Penang, Agents. KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) Fob Dell, Asanan, Panel» and Singapore. (Weekly). Deli and Bafu Balir* (Fortnightly). Dell and Lanir** (Fortnightly). Singapore (direct) Connecting with Batavia and other Java etc. ports. (Fortni>.:"th.) Sabang (direct),
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  • 1236 1 Name. 1 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. Bui go w nit* Rubber Estate, Ltd. Changkat Serdang Estate, Ltd. Glenealy Plantations, Ltd. Jebong (Perak) Rubl>er Co., Ltd. Kedah Rubber Co., Ltd. Malakoff Rubber Co., Ltd. Nellniav Rubber Co., Ltd. New Serendah Rubber Co., Ltd. Perak River Valley Rubber Co., Ltd. Sandycroft Rubber
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