Straits Echo, 4 January 1913

Total Pages: 9
1 1 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1102 1 I you rejuiro a Tonic ani same thing to no uriah you. Drink Oog*s Head Guinness's Stout, and look *7 A»/ T'-.', vw \i-r for this label to sec that you got it. TIANG LEE A Co., Sole Agents. •vJISVao® Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SAKDILANDS, BUTTERY
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    • 33 1 I Order it in Nip Bottles Dog’s Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and Boothes and doesn’t hanc. Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANG LEE Co.. Sole Agsnlt
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  • 928 2 Ablul Hauid in a New Liort. While the Empire falls, what does the rrd Sultan dream about f is the somewhat melancholy and suggeitivo title of > n interesting article lij M. Stephana I*au/»nD<* ill the Mar/in. Wbat d<ies Alslul Hamid dream about all day I ng in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 76 2 y «2 bsfel ‘Z7X- I i -zr~ i THIS IS IT! Waterbary's Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Co Ei pound TASTELESS ODORLESS 1 he Lit» t s* it ntific pre [vai at ion i»f I't >!) I.IYHR OIL. I> v aH ,t i» claim» If t it a:ij Kill's the <
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    • 408 2 Beware of Colds. Children are murh u> re !ik**Jy to contract the contagious dioa-us when tb«y ha»e colds. Whoopiof; c» ugh, dip h* l<**i ia, scarlet fever aud consumpti< u arc diseises that a:e often contracted when I lie chill has a cold. That is wby all medical authorities say
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    • 1509 2 jEsrxxm Coughs, Bronchitis, S Asthma. The soothing, healing and strengthening property ot nRier S Emulsion make it invaluable for the relief and cure ot troi. esoine coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and all inflammatory am j-i 11 ,l affections of throat and chest. It not only heals and strengthens the lungs, but
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  • 26 3 Vet iris irom Agents Due Assaye Delta Kirill lWt men Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo A.O.AC0. \.GACo. B M.&Jo. BM.ACo. 9th Jan. 11th 14th 16th
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  • 21 3 Vettd* For Agent* Leave* A eeay e Delta Kleitt Bremen Singapore Colombo Colombo Singapore A. A-.G.&Co. B. B.M ACo. Jan.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 290 3 P.&O. S.N.C CxiMKted Arrivals and Depart ores Mall Service Outward. Jau. 9 A ssaye connecting with Morea Jan. 23 Himalaya Marmcra Feb. 6 Devanlia Medina Feb. 20 Delta Moldavia Mar. b India Mongolia Homeward. SPECIAL THROUGH STEAMER. R.M S India April 4tb. FARES BY MAIL STE4MEKS. 1st class 2nd class
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    • 1512 3 N G. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD, Foe Intended to Sail. Steamer. Singapore. (Three times a week). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh, Moulmein and Victoria Point. (Fortnightly). Singapore, China and Japan. (Foitnightly.) Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly.) Sat. 4th Jan., 4 p.m. Sun. 5th Jan.,
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  • 98 4 Published daily (except Sunday* and pnblio holiday*) AT THB CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Fkic*. Daily Local 124 per annum. Outatation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Po*t Free) «17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANO.” Telephone Nos. (Echo 580 Printing Department 343 N B.— All I)U.lnew rcnmun 'rations
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  • 521 4 Periodically, with a recurrent regularity that tends to pall, souia worthy chemist, who has been dabbling with isoprene and test-tubes, gravely announces to the scientific world that ho has at last succeeded in producing synthetic rubb*r in all essentia.s identical with tlio natural product of tin Amazons.”
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  • 239 4 A few mouths ago the Unionist Party had a very fair spo ti ig chv oe of winu ng •be next general coHion 10-day tha- > han*T has diminished almost to vanishing point, and Mr. Asquith aud hia co .eiguemust be positively “chortling at the ra inner
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  • 44 4 (By Couitesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co, Ltd. though their agents G. H. Slot A Co.) Fiue Para Spot 4«. 7d. Fine Para Forward 4s. fl^d. hirst latex Crepe delivery next three mouths 4-\ 7jd Market firm. January 4, 1913.
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  • 553 4 Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at sll', buyers no sellers in Singapore (refilled) at $ll loves no se lers, ind in London at JL229 three months’ sight. Rangoon rice i» «jiiotcd to-day at «183 per coyan. The December put put of Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd.,
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  • 510 4 ln.pec.or W. to- f|~ tto arrived this morniog by the 1 Mr II Dor.ll, in Ito offieoof kil Medical Officer, has Ufn H SUte Treasurer of Negn Semb.lan. The King Emperor’s approral is announced of Bishop Lefroy of Labo« Metropolitan of Ind.a and CejLn rice B shop
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  • 126 4 Shortly after noon yesterday an affrav to jK place at the junction of Bridge Street and pres ?r ave Street in which about 200 Chinese Hokiens and Cantonese—took part. A quarrel about some firewood led to Cm?™ fiKht <he and Tw”*?? 8^ nPS brick B and P
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  • 102 4 "e understand that u wart mg will have to e P s u th,s race course on race davg d at the i I lie < ieo-ge Town ir;_. C<««1 pro ram roe f„r Vni/ht*" TkL"'?' a *i<* final of the \fri A h® Cup A.wm.tio will r.f
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  • 846 4 Half of then.® no meet no-ad»?, ore botoJ with life and three-quarters of the wouieu fane? tbeiuselve. aiee tncompi Mrs. A „d thev expect to ho .ntemstcl ben.’ But people -ho are out of cone.,t with life are addon, iotore.t.uj. Wh -nwe mee t them they fill u.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 471 4 NOTICE NOTICE I;Y ORDER OP -BAN £OON HOE”! KONGSI OF MEDAN, DELI. Tin ur.<krii|(D(d will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, At th' E stern Oriental 'ales Room. N<>. 57, Ui'finjt Streit, Prating, On Wednetday. Isth January. 1913. AT 11 A M. Tiicfc’crew Steamship Bun Pop" irainier dat Lilxcii, Dell, Netherlands 1
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  • 178 5 Oa« Man Killed. (]'a ho Suednl.} Singapore, January 3. Ti e railway (mash on tbe Singapore Hue on Thursday is mo o serious than the first information led one to expect. The 854 train from Wood! inds to Singapore was despatched without the necessary precaution of ascertaining
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  • 147 5 The Programme. (Echo ‘Special.') Singapore, January 4. 11. E. the Governor will arrive in Penang on Monday. On Tuesday he will attend the Paces, and there will be a dinner at Government House. On Wednesday, in the forenoon, he will be at his office for interviews
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  • 123 5 (I'rho Sjteciu/.) Kuala Lumpur, January 4. A Conference of the headmasters of the schools of the Straits Settlements and the F. M. S. was held at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Mr. G. A. Hall, Director of Public Instruction, presided. Mr. C. M. Phillips represented Singapore, Mr. A. E. Pringle
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  • 49 5 Prosecution Withdrawn. Iteuter.) Boston, January 3. The prosocution of the Captain of the Nvmidian ami tho Captain of the Wini/redan, for alleged violation of tho Wireless Act, has been withdrawn. The United States Government has extended tho time for them to comply with the regulations.
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  • 23 5 {Reuter.) New Yo k. J mmiry 3. Ex-President Castro, who pieseut in New York, will sail for Hamburg on January 4.
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  • 39 5 {Reuter.) Washington, January 3. The United States and Brazil have practically arrived at a compromise settlement of the coffee valorization dispute. It provides for the gradual sale of 1*20,000 bags of coffee stored in New York.
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  • 33 5 A Likely Candidate. {Reuter.) Berlin, January 3. It is believed that Herr Zimmerman, German Under-Secretarv for Foreign Affairs, will succeed the late Herr yon Kidorlen-Waechter as Miuis'er for froreigu Affairs.
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  • 60 5 Threatened Dyer» 4 Strike. London, January 3. 8.000 Bradford dyers have tendered notices on the question of wages. A ballot is beiug taken in Yorkshire and it is expected that 50,000 dyers will be involved with in a fortnight. If a strike is decided upon it will
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  • 361 5 A Canadian Denial. (Reuter.) London, January 3. Tha Montreal Star, which is in close touch with Mr. R L. Borden, the Canadian Premier, denies "(he astonishing canard” ia a London Radical paper to the effect that the Unionist leaders were committed to food taxes in consequence of an
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  • 76 5 Arrival of Body in New York. Reuter. New York, January 3. The American warships picked up H. M. S. Natal, which is conveying the body of Mr. Whitelaw Reid to New’York, on December 21, and escorted it slowly and solemnly to New York Mr. W. H.
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  • 72 5 Indian Government's Decision. {Reuter.) Delhi, January 4. In view of the gravity of the situation the Government of India has decided to suspend sales of certified opium uutil the clearance of the stocks accumulated a* Shanghai and elsewhere. This can lie effected within three months. Notice is
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  • 41 5 Big Bequests. Reuter.) Loudon, January 3. Tho Rev. John Ellis left 100,000 to Cambridge University and .£30,000 to various church funds. He requested that his name should be in no way used iu connection with the bequests.
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  • 41 5 Deputation to the King Contemplated. (Reuter.) London, Jauuaiv 3. The Ulster leaders are considering a deputation to His Majesty the King to pieseut him with a monster petition warning him of the dire consequences that would follow Home Rule.
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  • 35 5 Slow Progress. Reuter.) lh-li i. January 3. Lord Haidinge is now making slow progress A constant aching iu the wounds prevents him from having a sound rest. Much of the deafness remains.
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  • 418 5 SUCCESS OF CONFERENCE. (Reuter.) London, January 3. J The Times, in an ed torial, says that 1 the big words of Dr. Daneff, the Bui* garian delegate, will not disturb the belief of well-informed people in the I success of the Peace Conferen e ou a basis of
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  • 31 5 And The Icrberg Danger. Reuter.) New York, January 3. The shipowners have agreed upon a new trans-Atlantic crossing, 1° further south, until August, iu view of the iceberg danger
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  • 44 5 Formation of Parliamentary Group. (Reuter.) London, January 3. A meeting of the mombers of the House of Commons will l>3 held on January G to ducuss the formation of a parliamentary group for the consideration of matters affecting the republic of China.
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  • 23 5 (Reuter.) London. Jantnry 3. Ti e ir.u'wiiM/er Gazette states that Sir Sydney Olivier l as keen appointed Governor of Ceylon.
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  • 71 5 A Split in the Camp. (Reuter.) London, January 3. The opinions of the Radical members of the House of Commous, on the subject of the possibility of a general election, concur in regarding Mr. H. H. Asquith’s reference to an appeal to the electorate on the subject
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  • 317 5 To the Editor of mi Straits Echo. Dear Sir, I always read with interest your Taiping Topics.” I think that the gentleman who sends these notos would be conferring a boon on many of us in Penang, if in his next letter, he refers to the Bungalows on
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  • 292 5 to THK rnilOß OP TIIE STRAITS KCHO Sir,— No one can d ny that the F.M.S. Government is acting in a very praiseworthy manner in deciding to keep its revenue clean, and to liegiu by abolishing that which the gambling farms have hitherto furnished This revenue,
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  • 188 5 Yesterday. To-day. R se or Buyers S* ers Buyers Sillers Full. RITBE t. a. d. s. d. s. d. d. Anglo Malay IS 14 1« 13 74 1« 6 i Bilk it 2 104 3 4 2 104 3 3 Chersonese 3 94 4 3 3 9** 4
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  • 491 5 The Cost of Production. Ia the course of a paper read before the Rojal Soeiet j of Arts Dr. F Moll wo Perkin, whose researches into the question of synthetic rubber are well known, discussq 1 the question whether synthetic rubber P would be able to compete commercially
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  • 470 5 Six a m., a fine cool morning and a large crowd of onlookers saw the first batch of horses on the course, and fast work was the order of the day. The course was in good order but a bit on the soft side— provided there is no
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 57 5 The hnppy days we spend in health, §eein all too soon to glide away Then a time when each of us. Must to some illness be a prey. An<l as an illuess oft begins With cruel cough, or chill, or cold It’s ltest to take Woods' Peppermint Cure, A
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    • 47 5 Perfectly Safe. hesitate about giving Chamlierlaiu’s Cough Remedy to children It contiinsno opium or oih*r narcotics and can tie given with implicit confidence As a quick cure for coughs aid colds to which children are susceptible, it is unsurpassed For sale by sail Dispemar es aud Dealers.
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    • 10 5 For ChiMran’s Hacking Cough it Night, WooJb’ (Jrtttt e|*|ciunut Cure.
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    • 46 5 Something Dependable. Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy never dis appoints those who use it for obst nate coughs, colds and irritations of tho tLroat and lungs. It stands i nrivalled a.* a remedy for all throat anl luog d sta.(s. For fa’e bj all I ispensariei and i>eaVi«
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    • 461 5 Notes for Merchants TAKE CARE OF THE CENTS SO THAT THE DOLLARS CAN TAKE CAKE OF YOU. ou lose money because yoor system Joes uot show you where every cent comes from. It does not tell you how much you haro taken. A National Cash Register Does both and more.
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  • 99 5 Obituary. Mr. James Keene. (Revter.) London, January 3. The death has taken pla?e at the age of 74 of the New York financier and sportsman Mr. James Robert Keene. Mr. Ke«ne, who was born in London and went with his family to California in 1852, accumulated ♦0,000,000 during the bonanza
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  • 679 6 The Pkgph ets akd 1913. If thoM old, and very reputable astrologers, M Old Moore" and Zadkiel are to 1« believed, 1913 bid* fair to be a very diaaatroua roar. Old Moo re’a calendar of calamitiea if almost terrific. We begin early enough and tamely enough (in
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  • 142 6 The B I ss. Zaida which arrived this morning from Moulmein ia discharging 8,413 bags of rice. The a.s. At reus which was alongside tbn wharf took away 9.138 bales of tobacco, 125 tons of tin and 951 cases of rubber. On November 22 there was launched at Port
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  • 140 6 Petrol, Ur. s.s, 1-10, Catnpliell, 3rd Jan Asahan, 2nd Jan Gen.—E. S. Co, Ltd. Atren t, Br. s.s., 4,290, Thorop«oo, 3rd Jan Yokohama, 10th Dec, Gen.—W. M A Co. Avagyee, Br. s.s., 247, Harvey, 4th Jan T. Auson, 3rd Jan., Gen —E. 8. Co., Ltd. Taro I i, Br.
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  • 110 6 4th Jaxuaky Circe, for Deli. Taiolxi, for Madras taking mails for Europe, etc via Bombay. Tony Chnan, for A lor Star (Kedah). Omapcre, for Deli. Cetrel, for Asahan. Sicilia, for Colombo and Tuticorin Hotorna, for Tougkah. Unk Canton, for Teluk Anson, Bindings and Sitiawau. \facfttuijckcr, for Langsa, T. Serna
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  • 272 6 to* Port Swettenhain and Singapore Per Klanj, 7th instant, 4-30 p.m. On >Ybbk Days. Taipmg, 7-15 a.m., 1 p.m. and 4 p.m daily also at 5-30 p.m. on Saturdays Jpch, Ratu Gajaiy Tapab Roa Teluk Ausor, Kuala Kubu, Kuala Lumpur and Sercm ban, 7-15 a.m. and 4 p.m.
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  • 121 6 Piiais. 4m JiiCAtr. {By eowrxery of the Chartered Bank.) London, Detriud Bank -2/ 1 4 mcnfbs’ sight Bank 2/4s* S Ce.l t 2/4i| S Documentary- 2/41 'airutta, Demand Bank K*. 174 i 3 dey»* <igbt Private 1751 lombaj, Demand Ban* 17 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 3 dars* fight Private
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  • 219 6 Gold Ijeaf $64.6<J Black Peppr so tioek White Pepper 33$ tcVe Traag Pepper 2X7b nominal Cloves 89 —tellert Mace 12 >— teller» Pickings t»9.— buyer» Nutmegs 110 s. 27$. sel’ert C No. 1 8 20 tale Sugar 2 2 810 tal i (.Basket 5.15 buyert •Jopra (mixed) 10 6
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  • 199 6 Pbnanq, 4th January, 1013. Bbbi— So u P per cattr 14 Roast it 24 Steaks M 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tf-il each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Lirer per catty 55 Pork— Pork po catty 32 j P-J?’s Iload... to
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  • 42 6 To-dat. 27th Day of 11th Moon. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangssr Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. To-mokbow. 2SrH Day of 11th Moon. 2nd Sundav After Christmas. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road.
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  • 33 6 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outward. Homkward Attaye 9 Jan. I Drill II Jan. Himalaya 23 Inilia 25 Extra Servlet. Outward. Homeward. Somali 14 Jan. I Sumatra 16 Ja*. Samar 28 Snmatri 16
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 59 6 THIS IS IT I Waterbury's Metabolized Cod Liver Oil! C ompou n d f£ TASTLLESS ODJitLLi'r The latent scientific pre p «ration cf COI) LIVLK OIL. Dee» all that is j claimed f«,r it and super sede* the old («tbijticd emulsions which upfet the stomach. Highly rc commended by the
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    • 62 6 A Fetlcvrr of laflvni*. An attack of influenza i* often fallow <1 bv a prrriatrnt ccugb, which to roanr prove* a great annoyance. Chamberlain* Cough Ktiuedv ha* l»een extenMTelr u»ed and with pood tartans for the relief and cure of thi* cough. Man? case* have been cured after other well
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    • 528 6 The Me&glembu Lode Syndi cate, Limited. "VTOTICE is hereby gren that tie Trans--1.1 fer Books of tin Company will l>e closed from Monday, the 6th January, to Wednesday, the 15th January, both days inclusive. By Order, BROWN, PHILLIPS dk STEWART, Secretaries. Penang, 31st December, 1912. 2a ST. GEORGE’S BALL. Subsciibers
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    • 223 6 “ACETIC ACID 99/100Z PURE (GLACIAL). :o: Packed in demijohns containing 44 lbs. each. Price $9.00 per demijohnY apply to G. H. SLOT CO., PENANG. •o BE SURE-the Teeth are so important that it would be a pity to neglect them— especially when you can clean them so well and so
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  • 954 7 An Indian Omnion. It is really refreshing to find an Indian newspaper taking a decent view of the opium traffic, and credit is due to the Indian Daily News which writes as follows on the subject:— The Jewish fraternity interested in the opium trade want the British
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  • 406 7 Rheumatism Permanently Banished In Ceylon. Her physician told Mrs. Mack that her blood was so impregnated with rheumatic poison that no medicine could ever restore it to a pure condition. It is in just such cases as
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  • 274 7 Tenders will bo received up to noon on the 31st day of January, 1913 at the Honourable Resident Councillor s Office for:— The use and occupation of the Government Di tillerv at Sungei I’inang for the period commencing on the Ist March, 1913 and ending 31st December, 1915.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 810 7 O. Hotel. ■:o:« SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. a *3 pi X 10 5 A,'v' V m fv n w i f i -T' .H.- I,- 'iWii® J V: Lv" ii'Wi M to ii I MR S o ••.19 'W' nu -I. MI'OTSB I k;rlli' '•i'll. 4'MM life, i ill*
      810 words
    • 29 7 MARTIN’S lfor Ladies J French ter »11 lrr«(u»a->t > -<nk«p U> i>< >’ i'li i I H» h .4 vir JirreoUmr ‘4 ite Sy>i*Mi iw ■MI I. TV-W L-r- t kuUTH*«i'TVN, •*>
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 412 8 I I i NATURA MILK (STERILIZE®) r LION BRAND. A The Ideal Milk for use in the tropics, biing absolutely pure whilst retaining its natural qualities and flavour Chop Singah. m a. Gold Medals. LONDON 1893 MARSEILLES 1893 PRETORIA 1898 SCHWERIN 1889. Natura Milk Lion Brand can obtained at every
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  • 1901 1 i i I i •Si Number of x -J 3 Capital. Shares r P Dividends. Name. 5 (Sr® issued. 8 j is i j *3 1 I I I j o* 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. p.c. p.c. I p.c. j j 1909 5; 4..VHHH1 130,000
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