Straits Echo, 28 September 1912

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1149 1 If rod re juiro a Tome and < soma thing to nourish you, j J. Drink {tog’s Head fGuinness’s 'T Stout. and look a F \£> \i for this S)»U A Vii label 4 A to seo that S r>< you got it. TTANQ LEE <fc Co., Sole Agent». Andrew
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip Bottles Dog's Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANG LEE A Co., Sol* AgenU.
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  • 1692 2 [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.] IV. Looking Forward. BT J. J. Bentley. I do not possess the imaginative faculty of a Jules Verne, and it somewhat difficult to foretell the future of Association football, but from the past and the prese it it is quite possible to conceive what is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 58 2 cjWTircn mmn f r3D n THIS IS IT WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS as*. C.l K The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly recommended by the medical profession.
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    • 66 2 Muscular Rheumatism. Stiff neck, lame back, lumbago, pains in the side and chest, all indicate muscular rheumatism.* There is no more satisfactory remedy for trouble of this kind than a free application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, massaged well into the skin. Many severe cases that have defied all other treatment
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    • 1450 2 WS-' BEWARE of IMITATIONS RIGAUD’S GENUINE Japan Kananga Toilet Water PARIS FRANCE SOLD BY ALL PERFUMERS “Isle of Skye Whisky.’ :o:This Fine Old Highland Whisky is Blended and Matured in Sherry wood Many Years Be.ore Bottling In case of 12 quarts, §9.00. Special price for quantities Apply to G. H.
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  • 32 3 Vcttelt hrom Agent» Due D'lta Colombo AG.ACo. 3rd Oct. D r hi nha Singapore A,G.ACo. 5th It Gorbrn P. Eidd Singapore B M.AJo. 8th ft Friedrich Colombo BM.ACo. 10th 9»
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  • 21 3 Vessels Far Agents Leaves Delta Singapore A.O.AC0. Oct. Devanha Colombo A.GACo. Gotten F. Eidel Colombo B.MACo.. Ftiedrich Singapore B.M ACo.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 345 3 1 xpwted Arrivals and Departure» Mall Service Outward. Oct. 3 Delta 17 India 31 Assave connecting with Marmora Maldavia Mongolia Homeward. Date. Steamer. Connecting with S.S.Due London. Tel. Mar. Oct. (Jet. SlDevanha 19 China 1913 Season. Mooltan Macedonia Not. 16 Apr. Mar 21 Himalaya 8 Devanhn 22 l>elta 4 India
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    • 1208 3 SHIPPING.) BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob Intended to Sail. Steamer. Singapore. (Three times a week). Sat. 2$th Sept 4 pm. Sud. 29th Sept., 4 p.m. Thur 3rd Oct., 4 pm. Sat. 5th Oct., 4 p.m. I*ort Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly).
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  • 92 4 u Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226 —232 Beach Street, Penang Price. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 N.B. —All business crrnmunications should be addressed to The
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  • 1205 4 j) Bully for L. Cheng Teik We admire n. him. A Chinaman, a Penang Chinaman, with the ne: ve at this time of day to accuse ms of “utter ignorance” of any subject on earth whatever, deserves to be encouraged. He has grit. lie has cheek. He has
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  • 453 4 p There are three newspapers in Mala; a s which hare brains and some knowledge beY hind them. The Straits Times”, the Malay Morning Chronicle and the e Straits Echo and each of them took a p sane view of General Nogi’s
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  • 252 4 A Footballer”, who wrote a letter the P. G. last night, about the C. R. C. P. C. C. match, is described in one of the headlines as A Visitor We hope he won’t staj here too long. Reading his letter, I thought till I got through it
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  • 338 4 [Overheard at the Lady Frederick Supper.] Ist Young Man Yes, awfully good show, don’t you know, I enjoyed myself A. 1. I thought it just splendid right through. 2nd Young Man M’yes, awfully good, as you say, but I prefer something musical myself. By the way, you’re great on
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  • 250 4 Under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association (Asiatic) of Penang, there was a large attendance of the Chinese, Indian and European young men last night at about 8 o’clock in the Y. M. C. A. hall at 89, Beach Street to hear Mr. R. D. Pringle’s
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  • 94 4 [Echo Correspondence Tongkah, Sept. 26. I have to report heavy damage by floods here. Heavy rains fell for three hours (7 to 11 a.m.) on the 24th. Over seven inches were recorded by the gauge. Many of the roads were three and four feet under water. The public
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  • 279 4 Messrs. A. W Tullyand J. McDonald now in partnership as mining prosnJ and intend to show local clients tint l i*’ cal men aclne.e mor, than the 'cuff "'j collar experts who wander round wnh ♦i books up their sleeves. Both men have h wido experience, and read
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  • 80 4 [Echo Correspondence 25 Sop. His Highuess the Sultan of Selangor is granting the prize 'of a silver cup to the Klaug United Association for a billiard tournament. A second prize is offered for run out by Mr. H. W. Thomson, the President of the Association. The tournament has started
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  • 154 4 The Malay Chronicle notes that Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith criticised Mr. Hope for the length of his address on Monday and publishes a two column article for the purpose of showing that this judicial impatience was wrong. Of course it was wrong, especially as Mr. Hope was
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  • 280 4 Major General T. E. Stephenson, Officer 3 Commanding the Troops, Straits Settle- mentB, arrived by the s.s. Ellora this morning from Singapore. By the same beat there also arrived Capt. Ewart and Hon. W. VV. Cook. Mr. A. L. Chalmers, British Conssl at j Nagasaki, has* been
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 205 4 Fred Lander TURF ACCOUNTANT. Penang Sc Singapore, HAS OPENED HIS BOOKS ON THE CESAREWITCH A CAMBRIDGESHIRE STAKES. (Run on 16th 30th Oct. Respectively.) 1.500/10 COMBINATIONS 1,500/10 on EACH RACE placing them I. 2. 3 as they run. 1,000/(0 DOUBLE EVENT 1.000/10 ALSO STRAIGHT OUT. For further prices and particulars apply
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    • 8 4 For Chronic Cheat Complaint*, Wood*’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 54 4 Whooping Cough. It is in diseases like whooping cough that the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy are most appreciated. It liquifies the tough mucus and aids expectoration. It also renders the fits of coughing less frequent and less severe depriving ths disease of all dangerous consequences. For sale by
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    • 105 5 (Echo SjjeciaL) Singapore, September 27. meeting of those interested in planting was held at the Exchange. It was decided to form an association for the protection of the interests of planters aud other m, directly and indirectly connected with plant--ID^t to be styled The Singapore Planting Association.
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    • 176 5 (Echo Special.') Interesting Discussion. Singapore, September 28. At the meeting of the Municipal Council the President moved the board m favour of providing accommodation for the isolation of cholera contacts. The Municipality was prepared to co-operate with the Government m providing the accommodation. l>r. Fowlie moved an amendment
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    • 26 5 (Echo Special.') Singapore, September 28. (Chiiii Kam has been sentenced to death for the murder of towkay Gaw Boon Chan at Pasir Panjang.
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    • 27 5 (Echo Special.} Singapore, September 28. Miss Keaaberry wa« presented with valuable gifts from the ladies of the Presbyterian Church on the occasion of her departure.
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    • 92 5 {Echo Special Ipoh, September 28. An alarming fire, due to the falling of a chandelier, broke out in the billiard room of the Grand Hotel last night. But for the promptitude of Mr. Creet and the visitors in extinguishing the flames with matting and water
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    • 82 5 {Reuter.) Milner's Plea. Halifax, September 28. Lord Milner, speaking at the Canadian Club, strongly apj>ealed for the absolute dissociation of Imperial questions from local •ffairs. The former must be divorced from partisan strife, similarly to foreign affairs, "hen the public sentiment has been •ducatcd the politician
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    • 31 5 {Reuter.) Melbourne, September 27. -he House of representatives, without a division, passed the maternity allowance Ihe maximum is j£s. The bill excludes *borigiue 8 and Asiatics from the allowance.
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    • 60 5 {Heuter.) London, September 28. hollowing was the result of the race for Newbury Summer Cup (1* miles) which w *s run vesterday Balseadden 1 Tullibardine 2 Wilfrid 3 Seven ran. Won by 1 length; II lengths between COD d and third. L T 7 to 4 against
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    • 168 5 (Reuter.) London, September 27. Large crowds awaited the prospectus of the Chinese loan outside the banks which are issuing it. Ike New FuMtier. London, September 27. The papers give prominence to portraits and character sketches of the financier, Birch Crisp, whom they hail as the new financier and
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    • 76 5 (Reuter.) Unionist Sympathy. London, September 27. Most of the Unionist leaders hare sent a message to the Ulsterites sympathising with their movement. Mr. B. Law thinks that victory is certain. He assures the Ulsterites that they will not stand alone and can rely on the support of the whole
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    • 26 5 Reuier.) Boston, September 27. The international Congress of the Chambers of Commerce have resolved to recommend an international conference on the dearness of living.
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    • 123 5 Reuter.) London, September 27. A foreigner named Titus entered the saloon bar of the Horse Shoe Hotel and fired at two customers with a revolver. The manageress was shot dead. He wounded a bar maid in the shoulder. He reloaded his weapon and rushed out into Tottenham
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    • 54 5 (Reuter.) Tokyo, September 27. Communications, destroyed by the recent typhoon, have not so far been restored. 400 fishermen were drowned at Sapporo. There is no news of the missing torpedo boats. In many places, temples, offices, and schools were wiped out. Forests have disappeared and the face of
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    • 26 5 (Reuter.) London, September 27. The death has taken place at the age of 92 of Miss Louisa Twining, Lady of Grace, St. John of Jerusalem.
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    • 32 5 (Reuter.) Constantinople, September 27. Sharp fighting took place between the Turks and the insurgents at Samos, lne British and French cruisers landed men to protect the consulates and foreigners.
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    • 44 5 London, Sept. 28. > (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co. Ltd., through their agents G. H. Slot <fc Co.) Fine Para Spot... 4s. 'd. Fine Para Forward... 4s. 6|d. First Latex Crepe delivery next three months 4s. sfd Market steady.
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    • 30 5 (Reuter.) London, September 27. The Lyons airman and aeroplane constructor, Charles Voisin was kil ed, and an airwoman badly hurt, in a collision of motor cars at Belleville-sur-Saone.
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    • 48 5 (Reuter.) Constantinople, September 27. A hundred battalions of Redifs were called out for exercises, four divisions of which will participate in the manoeuvres at Adrianople. The remainder will leplace the disbanded time-expired troops, thus maintaining the total of the effective troops in European Turkey at 300,000.
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    • 19 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pa ;e 2.—Association Football. 6.—Penang Volunteers. 7.—Siam’s Trade.
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    • 21 5 M. F. A. Cup Tie. 28tli inst. J. IToreah vs. IttihadulKbairiah 29th Sunghai Ara vs. Babarul-Alain.
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    • 58 5 The following businoss in tin has l eeo done to-day:— Singapore Straits Trading Co., 150 tons at SI 15.15 Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 12| 114 65 Total 16 tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at <£23o 10s. cash and .£229 three months’ sight. Rangoon rice
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    • 97 5 s Penang 28th September, 1912. 4 m/s Bank drafts on London 2/4*J D/D 2/4* T/T 2/4 T 3 m/s Credits 2/4-** 60 d/s 2/4 30 d/3 ..V 2/4Ar D ID Bank buying 2/4 New York 56| Paris 294* Hamburg 238 Java, Bank demind 140* buying D/D 142 Calcutta
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    • 186 5 Yesterday. To-day. Rj s «a>. Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers RCBBKR. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Anglo Malay ..15 6 16 41* 15 6 16 44 Bukit Mertajam. 2 7 3 1 26 3 —ld Chersonese 3 5 311 3 6 4 +ld Cons. Malays ..15 6
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  • 159 5 To THE EdIIOR Of TBR STRAITS KCRO. Sir, With reference to the decisions giren by two referees in recent League matches when free kicks were given because the backs kicked the ball hack to the goalkeepers. I must state in justioe to the referees that I am responsible
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  • 183 5 To the Editor or the Straits Echo. Sir, Will you kindly inform me through the medium of your valuable paper if a cheque can be stopped by the drawer without giving a satisfactory reason. The facts are as follow: I gave my furniture
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  • 137 5 Reutens—D’Aran jo. At the Church of the Assumption this morning, under tho happiest of auspices, the marriage was solemnised of Mr. J. S Reutens, Sub-Sanitary Inspector, Municipality, and Miss Irene Constance D’Aranjo, fourth daughter of Mr. B. E. D’Aranjo, of Messrs. Ribeiro Co. The Rev. Father L. M.
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  • 216 5 Kerosene. —The B.s. Besitang which arrived from Pengkalan Soesoe yesterday is discharging 345.96 tons of Kerosene at Bagau Luar for the Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd. Inward Shipments. s.s. Trang 14 bags tin ore 8.8. 10 slabs tin s.s. Mary Austin 261 bags copra s.s. Malacca ...1,137 tin ore s.s.
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  • 71 5 To-DAT 18th Day of 8th Moon. League Football II. L. F. C. r». re-cent, Victoria Green. Band, Golf Club, 6 p m. George Town Cin* matograph, jKuala Kangaar Road. Strait* Cinematograph, Penang Road. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road. To-Monmow 19th Day of Bth Moon. 17th Sunday after Trinity. Runnymede
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  • 18 5 English (Delta) 3rd Oct. China (Devanki) 5th China (Ooeben) 8th German (P. Eitel Fried rieJt)... lOih
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  • 17 5 Last Quarter Oct. 4th O New Moon 10th (First Quarter 18th O Full Moon 26th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 (joiiosan (in capsules) is well tolerated by the digestive apparatus no complication of any sort occurs, and its action is most favourable in Cystitis. Approved by the reading specialists of the day.
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    • 63 5 Why Some Women Arc Rautifol. When rour digestion is good your disposition is likely to be sweet. Your face will take on a kiudly smile which is one of tie moat beautiful attributes of a pret'y woman. If you would like to be take Chamberlain’s Tablet# and keep your stomach
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    • 364 5 I I I I STEWARTS TOURISTS GUIDE TO THE FAR EAST. A Complete Handbook with Notes ou Burma!) and tbe Malar States and detailed information and description of the Tovafpo FROM SOUTH A M PTON TO TOKYO. $1 per copy [2 6] each. Pritchard A Co Straits Echo Criterion Press,
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  • 596 6 Annual Priie Distribution. The annual prize distribution of the Penang Volunteer Corps was held last night in the Drill Hall, in the presence of a large number of Volunteers and their friends. The B company was poorly represented. Tbe Decorations. Mr. S. R. Perkins and Sgt. Major Hills,
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  • 631 6 Chaplain’s Clock. 1. Clock, presented by the Hon. Chaplain—Hon. Captain the Rev. F. W. Haines -Sgt. P. J. Hall. 2. Silver Bowl, presented by the Corps— Pte. J. Dowty. The Kedah Challenge Plate. 1. The plate presented by His Late Highness The R<ija Muda of Kedah. Prizes
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  • 2032 6 I I I i X a 9 I 9 .2 I Number of j3 e, I -2 3 Capital. Shares > 53 Dividends. Name. u ©I is8uod i six fe A 00 1908 ***** 1W0 1911 1912 RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. p.c. p.c. p.c. i i«8»o a tt n i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 45 6 Money Wasted. Don’t waste your money buying strengthening plasters. Chamberlain’s P**in Balm is cheaper and better. Dampen a piece of flannel with it and bind it over the affected parts and it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 46 6 Children’s Ailments. Disorders of the stomach and constipation are the most common diseases of children. To correct them you will find nothing better than Chamberlain’s Tablets. They are easy and pleasant to take and m<ld and gentle in their action. Sold by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 31 6 (•onosait capsules contain only the purest East Indian Sandalwood oil and Kawa Kawa. The first dose quickly removes violent inflammatory symptoms, bots of 40 r apsules, at all dealers and chemists.
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    • 91 6 For Children’» Hacking Cough at Night, Wood»’ Great Peppermint Cure. Reputation means Repetition Fussell’s Cream (Golden Butterfly Brand) Meant Repetition of Your Order Selected for use at His Majesty King George’s Camp at Nepaul for the Indian Durbar. FusseU’s Pure Rich Thick Cream has a larger tale lhan all other
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  • 350 7 Timber u 4 Pmddy Prospects for tbe Correct Year. Inquiries the Siam Observer Las made concerning the trade prospects in Siam for the present year show that the delivery of timber will be smaller than usual, but this depends mainly on whether good rafting waters will continue. This
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  • 245 7 o> Dr. Raynaud, of the Parisian Faculty, retired senior physician of the Hospitals, who now resides at Villeloin, France, writes:—“l have known a great number of Anaemia sufferers, and of weak, sickly young girls, to have been cured by Dr. Williams’ pink pills.” (2) You ask me
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  • 40 7 Saturday, 28th September, 1912. 1 Fantasia ...Carmen ...Bizet. 2 Two Step Merry Mit/.i ...Anthony 3 Selection... Leslie Stuart’s Song Godfrey. 4 Waltz ...La Barcarolle ...Fetras. 5 ]>ance ...Des SylpLes Sabatbil. 6 March ...Bight Left ...Sousa.
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  • 777 7 A Difficult Problem with am East Solution. The famous proverb, one man's meat is another man’s poison,” applies with peculiar force to the dyspeptic, aud the same is true with regard to the drugs ordinarily prescribed for indigestion. Fasting has, of late, been greatly advocated
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1029 7 The Insular Life Assurance Co., LIMITED. CAPITAL Ps. 500.000. Head Office: 25, Market Street, Mai\illa|P. I. LEON MOOSER Em*., Managing Director. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. Srocial Features, Disability,” and “Return Premium druses" •NO OTHER COMPANY OFFER THESE ADVANTAGES." “STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION.” For furtber information apply to:— TIANG LEE S’ Co.,
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    • 94 7 In this modern Twentieth Century, It’s the man who’s well that wins; To be weak and ever ailing, Is the greatest of all sins. And there’s but one way of keepiug Always fit, and well, and stroDg. ’Tis by taking Woods’ Peppermint Cure, When you cough —’twill right the wroDg
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    • 51 7 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow g Amoy. The steamship Horuj Bee, Captain O. Kinghorn, will leave for the above ports on Monday, the 30th inst, at 3 p.m. For Freight or Passage, apply to CHIN UIN Co, Agents for Uo Hong Line of Singapore. Penang, 26th Sept 1912. 687 MARTIN’S saSS
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 897 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Utcfof Dr. AIIca 8 Co., Pha, 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free KK8IDINO AT Ao. 21 a, Penang Road. A few loots from the Eastern Aid OrienUl Hotel. Khoo Buan Phuan •JCHOP Ofm Seng Moll, 203, Main Road, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advaneers and Genera Goods
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