Straits Echo, 26 September 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1188 1 if fO« require a Tonio and some thing to nourish you, S3.Drink:J Djt i’s Head jGuinness’s stout and look for this i? V (Jf L label to nee that you get it. *r. ns TTA\q LEE A Co., Bole Agents. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip Bottles Dog's Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothos and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANQ LEE A Co., Sole Agent»
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  • 2067 2 (Specially Contributed to the China Republican.") Man is an animal with ideas, a thinking animal, became he is a fabricating animal.” Such is the question taken up by Bergson in his most interesting book Creative Evolution, in which he demonstrates clearly that it is by creating
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  • 263 2 The Companies do not guarantee the dotes of arrival of these vessels, but will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. From Alor Star, (Kudah). Kedah, Sept. 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30, and, Toug Chuan, Sept. 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 806 2 Java —Australia Line OF THE Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatchappy (Royal Dutch Packet Company.) Regular monthly service of the magnificent passenger steamers an Lmschoten 1 K T Van Waerwijk 1 tween Java Ports and Brisbane. Sydney, Melbourne via Thursday Is’and and Port -•resby (Papua), leaving Sourabiya and Sydney in both directions on
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  • 1913 3 H T 0F Tub Russian Fryikopan Into International Fire. Tib* tan affairs having been forced to the f on t lately through the Timin' ill-consider-livlTocicy of immediate highhanded action |,v the British Government and which has unfortunately been effected, a useful purisP lliay be served if at this
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  • 2353 3 A PUBLIC ENQUIRY'. Captain Chamberlain's Storv. The Board of Trade inquiry into the cir- cuinstances of the ramming of II M survey t sloop Waterwitch by the yacht j Seamew was opened on Friday morning 'in the Marine Court at Singapore Mr 11. W.
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  • 337 3 Press Comments. We give below translations of the comments appearing in the German and French Press of Shanghai on the subject of British intervention in Tibet: Der Ostasiatische Lloyi>.” In the issue of the 30th iust, this paper writes editorially “We most energetically protest against the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 Whooping Cough. It is in disease like whooping cough tla* the good qualities of Chambelain s Cough j Remedy are most appreciated. It liquifies the touirh mucus and aids expectoration. It also renders the fits of coughing loss frequent and less severe depriving the disease of all dangerous consequences. For
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    • 221 3 EUROPEAN AGENCY WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest cash prices for all kinds of British and Continental goods, including:— Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists’ Sundries, China, Earthenware and G lasswaro. Cycles, Motors and Accessories, Drapery, Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancv Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery
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    • 370 3 LIE SIEN BIE, BATAVIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC STOBIO. CHOP “DIE YONO KING,” Djalan Toko, Afe,ian, Deli. Telephone 270. Studio open daily from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Photographs of all sizes and descriptions taken. Best workmanship guaranteed. Enlargements made. Amateurs negatiTes developed. Estate Photos, Interiors, Groups, Landscapes, a speciality. Pictures Framed. A
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  • 2499 4 MR. GIBSON’S CONVICTION UPHELD. THE D. P. P.’S ARGUMENTS. Text or the Learned President’s Judgment. Continuing his arguments in the Fitzgerald appeal case on Monday afternoon, Mr. Hope, for the appellant, produced numerous authorities to bear out his contention as to the danger of accepting the uncorroborated
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  • 212 4 The Pinang Gazette says:— The Government 'of India have decided j upon the vexed question of suitability of I the Anglo-Iniian of mixed parentage for military service. There have been proposals towards the enlistment of Eurasians for many years. Mainly on sentimental grounds put forward by the military
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  • 497 4 New Books. The following new books have been received at the Library:— Mtb. Ames, by E- F. Benson. The Return, by Walter De La Mare, 1910. The Turnstile, by A. E. W. Mason, 1912. Carnival, by Compton Mackenzie, 1912. The Chink in the Armour, by Mrs. Belloc Lowndes,
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  • 84 4 Friday, 27 th September, 191?. 1 Selection...OfSchuraan’sSong Hartmann, 2 Two Step Happy Hebe ...Tyres. 3 Selection... Waltz, Venezia ...Desormes. 4 Polka ...The Handy Man ...Coote. 5 March ...Wolverine... ...Sousa. Saturday, 28tli September, 1912. 1 Fantasia ...Carmen ...Bizet. 2 Two Step Merry Mitzi ...Anthony. 3 Selection...
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 54 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound tasteless odorless The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVFR OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. 11ighly recommended by the medical profession. OF ALL CHEMISTS ‘NimiflHflmunimmiiim'mTnH tnrfflTflmmr timmu <“imrti Priw
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    • 47 4 Chi dren’s Ailments. Disorders of tha stomach and constipation nre the most common diseases of children lo correct them you will find nothing tetter than Chamberlain’s Tablets. Thev are easy and pleasant to take and mild and gentle m their action. Sold bv all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 109 4 Money Wasted. Don’t waste jour money buying strength* ening plasters. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is cheaper aud better. Dampen a piece of flannel with it and bind it over the affected parts and it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale bj all Dispensaries and Dealers. NOTICE. TAMIL IMMIGRATION FOND
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    • 904 4 The Straits Cinematograph Coy. PENANG ROAD. Tempera inutantur et nos mutamur in illis.” ENTIRE CHANCE. Comedy 3.000 ft. Drama 0,000 ft. World’s ErentB 2,00.) ft. Of the Best 11,000 ft. AT 9-30 P.M. The Pathe Animated Gazette 174 AT 10-5 P.M. THE TITANIC DISASTER By the various incidents before and
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  • 27 5 Vetseli from Agent» Due Drltu Colombo A-O.ACo-3rd Oct. D'ranha Singapore A.G.&Co. 5th Uoebtn P. EM Singapore B M.AJo. 8th I Eritdricft Colombo BM.ACo. 10th ft
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  • 22 5 Veutlt For Agent t Leaves DtU* Singapoie A.G.ACo. Oct. Detanka Colombo A.G.ACo. G'jrltrn Colombo B.MACo. P Fidel FntJrich Singapore B.M ACo.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 311 5 txiwted Arrivals and Departures Mail Service Outward. Oct 3 Delta connecting with Marmora 17 India Maldavia M 31 Assaye Mongolia Homeward. SPECIAL THROUGH STEAMER. K M S. Iudia April 4th. fares by mail steamers. 1st class 2nd class r > London by Sea $565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00
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    • 1380 5 SHIPPING BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fo* Intended to Sail. Singapore. (Throe times a week). Thur. 26th Sept., 4 p in. Sat. 28th Sept., 4 pm. Sun. 29th Sept., 4 p.m. Thur. 3rd Oct., 4 p.m I ort Swetienhsm and Singapore. (Twice a week). Mergui, Tavoy, Yoh and Moulmein.
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  • 91 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THR CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226 —232 Beach Street, Penang Pkick. Outstation... Postage Extra Mail Edition (Post Free) ?17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 S.B. —AU business crrc.nunication3 should be addressed to THE MANAGER.
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  • 1021 6 Excellent advice, that. To fail in respect for that which is respect woi thy, not to pay honour to whom honour h due, is bad. “Worth makes the an, and want of it the fellow Moreover, failure to recognise worth distinguishes the fellow. But now I’ve got
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  • 128 6 In reporting the evidence of Lieut. W. Y. Rice at. tin Wafer.». itch-Seamew collision enquiry, tin Strait* Ti ne< makes th t gallant officer say that the Seauiew was going eight knots when sho levelled her fatal thrust”. It also makes him remember Captain Chamberlain coming “on board the
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  • 104 6 A constant reader has been moved to emulate certain poetic efforts we c'ipped and reprinted tbo other day. Hore is the emulation A rustic, while minding the plough, Heard a very odd kiud of a rough, But on turning around To the curious sound He
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  • 289 6 To the Editor of tiie Straits Echo. Dear Sir, I read with keen interest the correspondence of our worthy friend A poor student appeared in the Straits Echo of the 21st instant. It behoves me to heartily congratulate him for his kind and public spirited suggestion anent the
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  • 540 6 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of tho George Town Dispensary Ltd. was held at the Office of the company, 37a, Beach Street yesterday for the purpose of receiving the Report and Statement of Accounts for the year ended 29th February 1912. The
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  • 415 6 (Ech« Special.) From the F. M. S. comes a letter which has made Wright intolerably swanky this morning. He looks more like a pouter pigeon than a journalist, and the staff is considering ways and means to take him down a peg. The first suggestion was to i
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    • 141 6 (i'.c/io Special.) Allegations Agninst A Direeior. ar a, Sin B a P°re, September Mr MeClymont, who presided at il Jimah meeting, said the cond.iL the estate had so materially improved»? it was po sible to issue debentures the Directors had discussed, in order’ll off the government loan.
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    • 69 6 Hutton vs F.M.S. Railways. (.Echo Special.) Ipoh, September 25. In the Court of appeal before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith and Mr. Justice Innes Z appeal of the F.M.S. Railways against tb! decision of Mr. Justice Woodward at the Taipiug Ass zoa in favour of Hutton, who claimed damages for lost
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    • 19 6 (Echo Special.) Ipoh, September 25. Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith returned to Klumpur by the mid-day mail.
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    • 24 6 (Echo Special.) Kampar, Septemter 26. Mrs. Stack, wife of the Mr. J. W. Stack of the Survey Department, Batu Gajab, died last night.
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    • 499 6 [Echo Correspondence Ipoh, Sept. 24th. As I wired you this morning, the conviction of Fitzgerald for accepting a bribe of $100 was upheld on appeal. It is always a pleasure to see a strong Judge administering justice, but if a layman may express an opinion, I think the
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    • 69 7 {Reuter.) JORDAN S ADVtCE TO YUANPeking, September 26. Sir Jjkn Jordan lias presented Yuan Shi -jth a statement of China's floating ].abilities which are nearly -£10,00),000. Tl„. money must be pai i within a few months out of the proceeds of any forth- m ing loan. He advised
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    • 192 7 Reuter. Count von Berchtold’» Speech. Vionua, September 25. Count von Berchtold, addressing the Hungarian welcomed the private Turco- Italian peace negotiations. The removal of foreign complications would facili,Ae the settlement of Turkey’s domestic rrtsi* The fact that all the Cabinets agreed t. his proposals for an exchango of
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    • 18 7 (Reuter London, September 25. The Oil Fuel Commission of July 30 has begun its sittiugs.
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    • 31 7 {Reuter.) Loudon, September 25. Barry and Durnan will scull for the World's Championship from Putney to Mortlake on October 14 for a stake of 4 r >oo a side.
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    • 37 7 (Reuter.) Berlin, September 26. Twenty-seven Socialist, Women s meetings protested against dear food and demandei that the Government should abolish the duties and that the local authorities should provide meat at cost price.
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    • 38 7 (Reuter.) London, September 26. Reuter is informed that the newspaper statements that the conferences at Balmoral lietween M. Sazonoff and Sir Edward Grey are likely to lead to a practical partition of Persia are absolutely without foundation.
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    • 132 7 {Reuter.) London, September 26. Tho loan group consists of Lloyds Bank London and South Western Bank Capital Counties Bank and the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Reuter learns that it is expected the sixPowers will exercise the rights under tho Ik'ier Indemnity agreement and prevent
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    • 78 7 (Reuter.) London, September 26. Sir Edward Carson and Mr. F. E. Smith v ‘*ited Poitadown. They were greeted by fresh scenes of enthusiasm and with semimilitary guards of honour. The national •uthem was played. They received addresses. Sir Edward Carson, replying to the address, emphasised that they would
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    • 49 7 London, Sept. 26. (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co. Ltd., through their agents G. H. Slot Co.) Fine Para Spot 4s. d. Fine Para Forward... 4s. 6£d. 1’ irst Latex Crepe delivery next three months 4.5. SJ(I Market influenced by poor result London auctions
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    • 251 7 (Reuier.) CONDOLENCES. London, September 25. Sir Edward Grey and the Lord Mayor of Lor.don have sent their condolences to the family of the late Baron Marschall von Bieberstein. King George’s was among the first messages of Sympathy. French View. The French press states that the death of Baron
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    • 34 7 I have often been told,” said the horse, Of man’s intellectual force, A thing, if correct, I should never suspect From the people I meet at the course.” Scribner's Magazine.
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    • 91 7 Penang, 26th September, 1912. 4 m s Bank drafts on London 24^ D/D 2/4A T/T 24 vV 3m s Credits ‘He 60 d/s 2 f v* 30 d/s 2 /Vff D/D Bank buying 2 i KV New York Pans OOQ? Hamburg “£’2 Java, Bank demand 140| buying D/D
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    • 56 7 The following business in tin has lee done to-day:— StoTrading Co., 100 tons at 114 10 Penang 11 oo Tenang Tin Exchange, 3/ 110,1 Total 137| tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £22* 15s. cash and JE225 15s. three months sight. Rangoon rice is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 354 6 GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH.! Auction Sale of Town Lots at Sungei Patani. 07 town lots at Sungei Patani will be put up for sale by auction at Sungei Patani on Tuesday, the 15th October, at an upset price of $75 per lot. One block consisting of ten town lots, and four
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    • 45 6 The Flu is busy everywhere. Few people can escape tLe snare So of this fiend you must beware— Get a cure. ’Tis Peppermint can n ake you strong, You will not suffer very long. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure will right the wrong That’s the cure!
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  • 1182 7 The inquest into the death of Ong Gian, conductor of one of the buses plying between town and Batu Ferriogbi as the result of an accident to the car, was held yesterday afternoon in the Coroner’s Court. Before any evidence was called the Hon. A. R. Adams
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  • 50 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Page 2.—The Cause of Revolutions. h 3 —Tibet’s Plight. The Sinking of the “Waterwitch.” Great Britain aud Tibet. 4.—Tho Fitzgerald Appeal. Eurasian Tommies.” Penang Library. 9.—Lost 10. —Dr. Sun Meets the National Railway Union. 11. —China, England and Tibet.
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  • 194 7 Yesterday. To-day. Ri 4or Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers RUBBER. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Amrlo Malay ..15 44 16 3 15 6 16 44 14d Bukit Mertajam. 27 3 26 3 -Id Chersonese 3 6 3 11 3 4 3 104 —ld Core. M:ilays 15 3
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  • 116 7 The winning ticket iu a sweep arranged in Calcutta on the St. Leger was held by a Bombay merchant in Colombo, H. A. K Mohamed, says the Times of Ceylon. He becomes the lucky possessor of Rs. 133,000, tho horse he drew being Tracery. Owing to a
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    • 20 7 Per s s. Sardinia, 26th S<*pt., from Singapore Mr. II. W. Hobbs. From Port Swettenham Mr. C. R Savage.
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    • 127 7 Per s s. Sardinia, 26th 3ept, for Marseilles Mrs D. Anderson. For London Mr. W. M. Millington. The N-D. L mail steamer Ludwig, having left Singapore at 4 p.m. yesterday, is expected to arrive here to-day at 7 p m. and will leave for Colombo, Aden, Suez, Port Said,
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    • 176 7 ss. Hebe 165 slabs tin ss. 54*2 cases rubber ss. 100 bags wolfram ore ss. Glenogle 700 flour s.s. B 0 chests t°a ss. 61 bags sugar s s Lian Choo 45 tin ore ss. Tara 872 rice Also bt Request. At the request of many Patrons of
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  • 1129 7 League Football. C. R. C. vs. P. C. C. A Two Goal Draw. The best match witnessed since the commencement of this Season’s League as played on Victoria Green yesterday between the C. R C. and the P. C. C. Both teams were well represented aud at their full
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  • 83 7 Cheah Cheng Lean’s Cap. We learn that Mr. Cheah Cheng lx*an has offered to present a Cup, to the value of 1100, to the Champion among the Malay Clubs affiliated to the Moharaedan Football Association. This offer will, we understand, be accepted. League Football. The first League
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  • 90 7 To- DAT. 16th Day of Bth Moon. Jewish Holiday. League Football E. A. C. vs. G. 3. It. C., Esplanade. Municipal Commission, 4 Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. Lady Frederick”, Town Hall, 9-15 p m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph,
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  • 16 7 English {Delta) 3rd Oct, China (Devanhi) sth China (Goeben Bth German (P Fidel Friedrieh)...lOih
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 227 7 STEWARTS TOURISTS GUIDE TO THE FAR EAST. I A Complete Handbook with Notes on Burmah and tho Malay States and detailed information and description of the voyage FROM 30 UT H\ M PTON TO TOKYO. $1 per copy 2 6 each. Pritchard «fc Co Straits Echo Criterion Press, Piuang Gazette
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    • 58 8 Rotorua, Br. s.s., 556, Bell, 25th Sept, Tongkah, 24th Bept, Gen.—E. S. Co., Ltd. Derfflinger, Ger. 5,148, Botel, 25th Sept., Hamburg, 27th Aug., Gen B M A Co. Jfehe, Br. s.s., 346, Scott, 26th Sept., Teluk Anson, 25th Sept., (Jen.—A G. A Co. Tara, Br. s.s., 3,651, Symmers, 26th
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    • 45 8 26TH SEPTEMBER. Malaya, for Deli. Petrel, Tor Asahan. Pegu, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Sardinia, for Colombo and Tuticorin. Tara, for Port Swettanham and Singapore Avagyee, for Dindings, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. Qlenogle, for Rangoon. Padang, for Batu Bahra. Chantaboon, tor Trang.
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    • 412 8 I OB Alor Star (Kedah)— Per Resident Halewyn, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah)—Per Kedah, to-morrow, 8 a.m. Deli and Asahan —Per Van Hogendorp, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu Bahra —Per Leong Ho, to-morrow, 2 pm. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, and via Naples, for Europe etc. —Per Prinz Ludwig,
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  • 129 8 Pbnano, 26th September. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4.* 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4J* 3 Cred t 2/4*5 3 Documentary.. 2/44* Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 17-4 f 3 days* sight Private 1754 Bombay, Demand Bank 174£ tfonlmein, Demand Bank 173$ M 3 days* sight Pr
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  • 221 8 Gold Leaf 564.60 Black Pepper un stoc'. White Peppar 34| buyers Trang Pepp3r 23 75 nominal Cloves 35. —nominal Mace 12 )—sellers Pickings 106 —buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 29.50 buyers (No. I 8 20 sale* Sugar < 2 8.10 sales (.Basku 5.1 b buyers Copra (mixed) 10 6 >
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  • 148 8 Penanq, 26th September, 1912. Beep— els. Soup per catty 14 Roast m 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox TcV.l each 30 Tongue... 35 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork pei catty 32 Pig’s Head... Feet 20 Tongue t|
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  • 750 8 Name. RUBBER DOLLAR SHARES. Ayer Kuning Rublier Estate. Ltd. Balgownie Rubber Estate, Ltd. Changkat Serdang Estate, Ltd. Glenealy Plantations, Ltd. Jebong (Perak) Rubber Co., Ltd. Kedah Rubber Co., Ltd. Malakoff Rubber Co., Ltd. Nellmav Rubber Co.. Ltd. New Serendah Rubber Co., Ltd. Perak River Valley Rublier Co., Ltd. Sandycroft
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 8 8 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Omat Peppermint Cure
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    • 76 8 CHAPOTEAUT’B UHUO/ NO CURATIVE TASTE PRINCIPLE NO OF SMELL C()D NO LIVER NAUSEA OIL MORRHUOL Is superior to Emulsions or Oil, it cures Incipient Consumption,- Coughs, Bronchitis a:ul ScrofulaEach tiny Morrhuol capsule is extracted from a tcaspoonful of cod liver oil. Recommended at the Paris Academy of I Medicine, for
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  • 1809 9 A MALAYAN JUNGLE EXPERIENCE. Br F. W. Knocker. The Empire Magazine is giving the first of a very interesting series of articles on the Malay States, by Fred W. Kuocker, F.Z S., who has, it says, been connected with those Countries for many years. These articles, the Empire Magazine”
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1305 9 The Insular Life Assurance Co., LIMITED. CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. Head Office: 25, Market Street, ManillaiP.l. LEON HOOBER Esq., Managing Director. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. Special Features, Disability,” and Return Premium Clr.uses.” •NO OTHER COMPANY OFFER THESE ADVANTAGES." “STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION.” For further information apply to: TIANG LEE Co., General Agents
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    • 57 9 THIS IS I IT! 1 I I 9 WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound sr3SfTASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre parationof COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it and super- sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by tb medi cal profession.
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    • 62 9 MosceUr Rheumatism. Stiff neck, lame back, lumbago, pains in acd chest, all iodic&le muscular rheumatism. There is no more satisfactory remely for trouble of this kind than a free application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm massiged well into the skin. Manv severe cases that hive detied all ether treatment have yieked
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  • 1127 10 On the 29th ult, the National Railway Union in Peking gave a reception in the Botanical Garden in honour of ex-President Sun Yat-sen. The cist of a lengthy address of welcome by the Union is as follows: An Address ok Welcome. 1 he
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 516 10 ®<s>®®®®®(? «>:• To Advertisers Have You a Customer in nearly every town and village of I the f.M.S.? WE HAVE. If you would like introductions to §> our customers, write or ’phone to our BUSINESS MANAGER. He will do the rest. YOUNG MOTHERS can’t be too careful in selecting food
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    • 64 10 Why Seme Women Are Beautiful. l*en your digestion is good your disposition is likely to l>e sweet. Your face will take on a kindly smile which is one of the most l>eautiful attributes of a pretty woman. If you would like to be beautiful take Chamberlain's Tablets and keep your
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    • 334 10 If YOU feel that the ECHO deserves A Leg Up It’ll cost you only $2 month to show it. SUBSCRIBE NOW. \ou get the BEST Lo al l’aper You get something to Bead Worth Reading You join the Intellectuals. You are in the Swim. A High Legal Personage says: “Your
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  • 1348 11 A CHAPTER OF HISTORY. Hr i.m. in Pall Mall Gazette. Wheo. on September 7, 1904, in the holj f Lhassa, the Til»etan official i signed name, after Sir F. You ngh us band’s, the ue v treaty with the British Governnt a new era was inaugurated
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  • 47 11 September, 1912. H. W. L. W H. W. L. W Date. a m A M pM pM 26th 12.21, 6.41, 12 29, 5.38 27th 1.12, 7.36, 1.28, 6.28 28th 12.46, 7.11, 12.50, 6.04 29th 1.35, 8.00, 1.45, 6.55 30th 1.21, 2.13, 4.20, 7.78
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 181 11 Tli** first violent inflammatory symptoms juieklv disappear after treatment with Riedel’s tionottitl Capsules. No better prepapwition now on the u „rket. Certitied by the leading Specialists. THE CRI mi? PRESS, LIMITED. Printers, Publishers Stationers, &c “STRiI i Proprietors of the M 99 A 4$ J SIN POE. 99 We hold
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    • 125 11 U :nosan like other preparations of Copaiba and Sandalwood oil does not affect the kidneys or disturb the stomach and is well tolerated by the patient even after lengthened treatment. Trials by the Medical Profession solicited. Samples free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemists. 8,000,000 Rubber Stumps.
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    • 99 11 Singapore Cold Storage Co. LIMITED. No. 255, Penang Road. Telephone No, 602. Fresh Salmon Turbot Halibut Plaice Soles. Week days HOURS. 5 a.m. to 7 Sundays 5 n.m. to 11 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. TIANG JOO CO.. PENANG. ARRIVED I! NEW HOWE BICYCLES. “NEW HOWE” BICYCLES. n
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 900 12 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Utelof Dr. AUca f Co., PU, 0. S. A. ChargesJModerate, Consultation Free EK8IDINO AT Ao. 21 a, Penang Road. 4 for loots fro* tke Eastern ud Oriental Hotel. Khoo Buan Phuan ',CHOP G)m Seng Moll, 203, Main Road, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advaneers and Genera Goods Store.
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