Straits Echo, 26 August 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1069 1 If to* require a'Tonio and; somei :i.d' to nourish you i-i Drink’ Dog's Head ,Guinness’s Stout, and look for this label to see that you get it. TTANQ LEE Co-. Sole Agents. t r ~&A 1 /1?* rv 1 X !>S Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SAND1LANDS,
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    • 32 1 Order it in Nip Bottles Dog's Head Guinness’s Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothe* and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is on every genune Nip TIA.NQ LEE Co., SoU Agent*
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  • 1688 2 By Spencer Lkioh Hughes. Considerable anxiety, amounting iu somo cases to consternation, has been caused iu certain ciicloi by tbe Government’s proposal to interfere with tbe freedom of feebletninde 1 persons. Such persons are descril>ed j os including those who, through in uta.1 de-
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  • 776 2 Dividend of 130 Per Cent for the Year The report of the Vallambresi Rubber I Company, Limited, states the Vallimbro'a estate acreage as follows: Rubber in hearing 1,172 acres; rubber in partial bra iug, 80 acres coconuts, 50 acres grass 1 8 acre- total, 1,320 acres. The amount
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  • 589 2 American Clergyman Would Send Them To Perpetual Exile. Love, Courtship, aud Marriage,” w’as the title of a seemon preached by American pastor named the Rev. Elmer Huffner, of Grand Junction, Colorado, and in it he advocated the banishment of all old m aids to some
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 558 2 A Working Housewife mm wi %M'KS n =x*ri R 1 mm mm <-•. liiiirSEJ n p§^$ 4/, IH r5-* m vtu j m if a tz&m turn Nervous Depression, Neuralgia, SleeplessnessA cheerful, bright way of looking at things, a brisk activity which easily enables her to Jo almost as much
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    • 416 2 KESHRANJAN OH. W Ml W v ?/The P e «I BB r t fj* Kavira N. N. SEN’S KESHRANJAN AGED MILD PURE BEST FIRST AND Foremost HAIR OIL for Bath and Toilet. Imitation may be the sincerest flatten but be sure you see on the label KEBHRANJAN with the facsimile
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  • 1623 3 Y n A Co., Send Remarkable Letter American Manufacturers Seeking 1 vVncies—” China for the Chinese” 1 The firm of Yien and Co., General Im- l -tors and Exporters, and General Agents 1 i r the Government of China, No. 7 Kiangso j
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  • 279 3 The Companies do rfot guarantee the dotes of arrival of these vessels hut will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. Alor°3tar, (Kedah) Kedah, August 14, lt>, 18, 20, 22, 24, 2d, 28 a .id 40 aud, Tong Chuan, August 15, 17, 19,21,23, 25, 27, 20
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 467 3 INDIGESTION. It is not the quantity of food we eat. but what we digest and assimilate that nourishes the body. When the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition are diseased, and the food eaten is only imperfectly digested, there is loss of nutrition, and the body loses strength as
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    • 141 3 GUNS! GUNS!! GUNS! High Grade %rith all the latest improvements, A» V«ry Low Price». o’ir Mnorl No. 650. DOUBLE HAMMERLESS GUN is thr »»!.!*> in tbr worM. Top Irrer, tr»M« bolted action, left cAoke. U, 1* or BORE Prion, XS-S-0 IVliTrmd Fro». C. JAMES A REYNOLDS. Lensdsr K-xid T*ontcm heath.
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    • 258 3 LIE SIEN BIE, BATAVIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO. CHOP niE YONO KINO.” Djulan Toko, i/ruan, Deli. Telephone 270. Studio open daily from 7 n.m. to 5 p.m. Photographs of all sizes and descriptions taken. Best workinauship guaranteed. Enlargements made. Amateurs negatives developed. Estate Photos, Interiors, Groups, Landscapes, a speciality. Pictures Framed. A
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  • 1022 4 On July 31 report* were circulated about the settlement of an attack on Directors of the C. M. 8. N. Co. by a number of the employees variously stated to amount from 25 to 100, who were alleged to have locked the directors in a room
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    • 89 4 Araulia, Br. s.s., 3,514, Barcham, 24th Aug., Shanghai, 13th Aug, Gen.— A. G. Co. Coruelia, Br. s.s., 194, Case, 24th Aug., Malacca, 23rd Aug., Gen. E. S. Co Ltd. Namur, Br. s s., 4,179, Collyer, 26th Aug., London, 27th July, Gen. —A. G. Co. H*he, Br. se., 346, Scott,
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    • 60 4 26th August. Atjeh, for Langsa. T. Sexawe, Segli Sabang and Olehloh. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Avagyee, for Dindings, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. Bohemia, for Colombo and Tuticorin. Lian Choo, for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping. Egra, for Singapore.
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    • 78 4 Fob Yen —Per Jit Seng, to-morrow, 7 am. Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Resident Halewyn, to-morrow, 7am Deli and Langsa—Per Indragiri, to-morrow, 11 Deli—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Trang—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 2 p m. Dindings aud Sitiawan —Per Pangkor, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 55 4 irruji linin' imuiup THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound tasteless Srrsst ODORLESS T He latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly recommended by the medical profession. OP ALL CHEM/STS mm
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    • 269 4 The most rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by treatment with tlf. ilOSaii (Kawa Santal). Booklet and sample to medical men free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemists. Funeral of Field Marshal Sir George White The Hero of Ladysmith. Mr. A. Mundsen the explorer of the South
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    • 485 4 ORFEVRERIE 8 CDIVRERIE D ART. JENNY CO., LTD, RAFFLES SQUARE. SINGAPORE. Speciality :—Every Description of Electro-Plated Nickel-Silver and Electro-1 lated Britannia-Metal Goods Nickelplated Goods, SpooDS, Forks, Cutlery, etc. Artistic Articles of Brass and Copper in newest designs. Everything for House-keeping, Hotels, Clubs, etc. Handsome and suitable Presonts for all Occasions.
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    • 445 4 Ordinary General Meeting. The Kedah Rubber Co., Ltd., Penang. Notice is hereby given that the Ordinary General Meeting of the members of the 9 abovenamed Company will be held at the Penang Chamber of Commerce on Friday, the 30th day of August at 4 o’clock p.m. for the following purposes
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    • 1272 4 notice. The usual monthly 3ale of Pawnbrokers forfeited pledges for sums exceeding 0 will be held punctually at 11 o’clock a.m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 4tb, 5th and 6th proximo respectively at No. 42, Beach Street. The above forfeited pledges may be viewed at the above Sale Room
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  • 20 5 Vettelt hrom Agent» Due Lu‘tunc G*e\ ,n Drra nha Singapore Colombo Colombo B.M.&Jo. BM.ACo. AG.ACo. 27thAug. 29th 5thSept.
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  • 22 5 Yuielt For Agent t Leave* Luetzovc Colombo B.M&Co.. I Aug. Go fltn Singapore B.M ACo. 1 Lttvun ha Singapore A-G.ACo. Sept.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 252 5 Mi-M-ted Arrivals and Departures Mail Service Outward. lijppt. 5 Pevanha connecting with Macedonia 1!) China Morea I’crrcward SPECIAL THROUGH STEAMER. K M S India April 4tb. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ist class 2nd class To Lo ldon by Sea $565-72 $377-14 T) Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $358-29 extra steamers. Intermediate
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    • 1591 5 (SHIPPING.* BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. NOMUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. N. Y. K. Fob Intends» to Said. Steamer. Singapore (Three times a week). Tbur. 29th Aug., 4 p m. g Teesta Sat 31st Aug., 4 pm. Lunka Sun. Ist Sept., 4 p.m. A steamer Thur. stu Sept., 4 pro. Tara
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  • 99 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT Tns CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226 —232 Beach Street, Penang. Prick. Daily Local $24 per annum Outstation... Postage Extra Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABI<E ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 543 S.B. —All bu»in««» or rami
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  • 1931 6 Korea is rather out of my field now, but having treated my readers a year or more ago to a close and up-to-date bistory of the reform movements that led finally to the Japanese annexation of that Peninsula, I want to add a few comments on the
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  • 194 6 Mr. Oscar Dawbarn, who is lying ill in Batu Gajah Hospital, fs now considerably better. Mr. Robert Cyril Morgan has been appointed to act as Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court, Singapore, with effect from August 22. Sir Alexander Hosie, who has been in the British Consular
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  • 221 6 [Echo Correspondence Aug. 24. Mr. W. N. Cosgrave, the Executive Engineer, is going on leave shortly, and it is rumoured that he intends to retire permanently at the end of his leave. The members of the Reading Room have decided to call their institution the Ellerton Club, in
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  • 71 6 The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company f or the week ended August 24 was twenty-three tons. The Annual Prize giving at the Free bchool will take place on Wednesday next Augu st 28th at 5p m. Mrs. Michel! has kindly consented to give away the
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  • 541 6 Little Jim was widj awake and sitting u in bed when Father and Mother g 0 from the theatre. There was no Avah to comfort him, because, you see, Little Ji m a Dream Boy, and it is contrary to the Principles of Political Economy, or
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  • 60 6 The following articles will be fouud on our outside pages Page 2.—Concerning the Crazy and the Cracked. Vallambrosi Import. NoUseForOldM/ud*u 3.—Chinese Firm Starts Big Foreign Trade Campaign. 4.—The China Merchants’ Squabble. B.—Taiping Topics. 9.—Ripe Fruits, i, 10.—The Chinese President acd Hi* Generals. Kota Tinggi (Johore) Rubber. Millionaire Wants a
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  • 89 6 The following business in tin has b* s done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 2-5 tons at sk 4'" Straits Trading Co., 50 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 100 1 00 40 Total 175 tons. Rangoon rice is quoted here to-day 4 $233 per coyan. Plague.— Negapatam
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 154 6 FRED LANDER. TURF ACCOUNTANT. Penang <& Singapore, HAS OPENED HIB BOOK ON THcJ ST, LEGES Run on Wednesday, Ith September, 1912. Combination 1,500 to 10 against placing them 1,2, 3 as they run. Also Straight Out. For further prices and particulars apply to HEAD OFFICE, 23, BEACH STREET, PENANG. Telegrams:
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    • 9 6 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure-
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    • 337 7 Singapore, August 24. The Colony’s trade for the second quarter jj oWB an increase of nearly as compared with the same period in 1911. The following comparative statement ,hows at a glance the progress of trade, the t, tals for the period under review being glared alongside the
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    • 29 7 y.rhn Srwcial.'l Singapore, August 24. The Hon. Tan Jiak Kim has appointed a member of the Legislative Council for a further term of three years.
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    • 19 7 (Echo Special.) Singapore, August 24. The registration of servants is receiving the attention of the Government.
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    • 65 7 Echo Sju riuf Klumpur, August 20. Mr. G. H. Phillip», Telegraph Engineer, Railways Departinent, died at the General Hospital at 1 o’clock this morning after only two days high fever. The deceased was a big strong man who appeared to be in perfect health a few days ago. His
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    • 89 7 Reuter.) London, August 24. K uter learns that the overseas section of tl>e Imperial General Staff in London now 'iiM>ts of Col. Legge (Austral a), Col. h 'bin (New Zealand) and Col Thacker (Canada) South Africa will undoubtedly send a representative in due course Ihe duties of
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    • 36 7 (Reuter London, August 24. 1 he Times correspondent at Bombay states that the Aga Khan has abandoned bis candidacy for the Viceroy’s Council owing his approaching visit to South Africa and tut Africa.
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    • 45 7 (Reuter.) President sad San Ymt -ten Confer. London, August 2G. 1« liter's Peking correspondent reports (’resident Yuan Shih-kai and Dr. Sun i Ml have lud a conference lasting many •our*. Ikjtb declared afterwards for pub“•ittiou that they weio in perfect agreement UB important question*.
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    • 98 7 Reuter.) ARCHBOLD AND ROOSEVELT. New York, August 24. Mr. Archbold testified that the contribution of the Standard Oil Company towards the Roosevelt Campaign Fund of 1904 was not returned. It was specially stipulated that Mr. Roosevelt should be informed of it. Mr. Roosevelt emphatically declares that he
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    • 30 7 (Reuter.) London, August 24. Sir G. R. Askwith is proceeding to Canada to inquire into the labour conditions and the working of the Canadian Disputes Act.
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    • 48 7 (Reuter.) Ilallifax, August 24. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught, while motor-boating from Nova Scotia to St. Andrew’s Island yesterday night met with an accident. There was a break down and the boat drifted two hours. She was towed to her destination by a fishing steamer.
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    • 144 7 (Reuter.) London, August 24. The coutinuauce of heavy rain is making the crop prospects in Great Britain more desperate than ever. Experts prophesy an indefinite prolongation of the rains. London, August 26. Torrential rains forced the Guards, who were encamped at Swaffham, Norfolk, for manoeuvres, to abandon their tents
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    • 175 7 (Reuter.) London, August 24. The Times correspondent at Paris states that Co'onel Maugia is now 75 m-les from Marrakesh and is preparing for a dash on that town with 4,000 men. Resident General Lyantey is now goiug Southward and may join Mangin. Aviatio Artful Aid. London, August
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    • 68 7 Reuter.) New York, August 25. Julia Curran, an Irish Governess, was found dead in a low-class hotel. It is believed that she was murdered by a mau who lured her there. The Police described the death as from natural causes but the coroner’s surgeon suggested that
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    • 26 7 London, August 26. (By Couitosy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., through their agents Slot Co.) Prices unchanged. Market quiet with declining tendency.
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    • 31 7 (Reuter.) Lisbon, August 25. The Governor of Timor telegraphs that the revolt there has been suppressed, the rebels losing 3,000 in killed aud 4,000 in captured in a battle.
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    • 115 7 Reuter.) Fused Wire. London, August 25. A fire in the new Post Office, St. Martiu’s Le Grand, the result of a fused wire, paralyzed the telegraphs for three hours yesterday evening. A thousand operators, mostly girls, were very busy in the huge provincial gallery in the
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    • 16 7 (Reuter.) Kiel, August 25. The cruiser Goebm, iu a trial, steamed 29'4 knots.
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    • 28 7 (Reuter.) London, August 26. References were made to the late General Booth in the pulpits of all denominations, paying a tribute to bis missionary zeal.
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    • 43 7 Reuter.) Turks and Servians. Belgrade, August 25. The Turks attacked the Servians at Sjeuitza, in the villayet of Kossovo, massacring many. The Servian Cabinet met to discuss the situation. Montenegrins Disperse. Dj ivid Pasha entered Bei ana unopposed. The Montenegrins dispersed.
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    • 166 7 (Reuter fig ed By Taft. Washington, August 26. President Taft sinned the Panama Canal Bill. He sent to Congress a memorandum suggesting the advisability of passing a resolution declaring that the measure wa« not being considered by this Government as a violation of the treaty. The memorandum points
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    • 86 7 English Cricket. (Reuter.) London, August 24. The following matches wore drawn: Middlesex r t Surrey. Kent rs. Gloucester. The remaining matches were abandoned owing to the rain. P. C. C. T»aai*. The following ties have l een fix*»d for Wednesday, 28th instant: Mixed DonWe Handicap. Mr. «1 Mrs. Dunn
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  • 671 7 Judgment Confirmed. In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Fisher delivered judgment in the appeal of the Straits Echo against the conviction of Mr. A. V. Brown for selling and publishing obscene literature. His Lordship, who was very indistinctly heard, said that the two appeals were taken
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  • 357 7 Anti-Gamb ing Activity. In consequence of a raid made by the Gambling Suppression Department on the 26th < f last month on a house in Acheen Street, a Chinaman, named Li in Lew Ku, was on Saturday coni ict d of being the occupier of a house
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  • 59 7 At St. Giorge’s Church this morning Mr. William Graves Tagg. of Klutupur, was married to Mis* Florence Ciane, of Bow, London. The Rct. F. W. Haines officiat'd The bride, who arrived from home by the P. A O. steamer Namur this morning, w»s given away by Mr. Alec.
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  • 130 7 Messrs. D. G. Robertson, Ltd have just completed a large timl>er tongkang wharf at Sungei Aur, Port Swettenhaui. During the past four mouths tbev have driven 5,680 feet of 12 inch square Chengkai piles the total amount of timber m this wharf is, approximately,
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  • 36 7 The B. I Royal Packet s.s. Teesta, isVxpected to arrive on Thursday at 6 from Negapatam with the English mails and leave the same afternoon at 4 p in. for Port Swettenhaui and Singapore.
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  • 64 7 To-rviT 14th Day of 7th Moon. Volunteer Recruit Drill, A Co. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala K ings ir Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road To-morrow. 15th Day of 7th Moon. Volunteer Maxim and Bearer Sections. Baud, Golf Club, G p.m George
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 Dilution and AssioiUticn. It is not the quantity cf food Uken but the amount digested and assimilate 1 that gives strength and vitality to the Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablet invigorate the stomach and liver and emble them to perform their functions naui,ally. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 230 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE An ordinary meting of tlie Municipal Commissioners wil 1 be held at the Municipal Office at 4 p m. on Thursday, the 29th inst. L. A. Coutieu BIGGS, Secretary. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO..J TD. ITkai> Office:—SINGAPORE Life Assurance and Endowment in All Fo ms. LIBERAL POLICIES.
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    • 264 7 I i I STEWARTS TOURISTS GUIDE TO THE FAR EAST. A Complete Handbook with Notes on Durniah and the Malaj States and detailed information and description of the voyage FROM SOUTH A >IPTON TO TOKYO. $1 per copy 26| each. Pritchard Co, “Straits Echo'*, Criterion Press, Pinang Guzttto” Office and
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  • 1730 8 {From Our Own Correspondent.') Taiping, 25th Aug. There were six execution» at the Convict Establishment on Tuesday. Two of those who wore launched into eternity were Chinese, two were Tamils and the other two Javanese. Of tho first one was a pork butcher at Kampar and he had
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  • 919 8 Glenealy Plantations, Limited. Name. B RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate, Ltd. Balgownie Rubber Estate Ltd.... Keduh Rubber Vo Ltd. Malakcft Fibl er Co., Ltd. New Serendah Rubber Co., Ltd. Perak River Valljy Rubber Co., Ltd.... Sandy croft Rubber Co., Ltd iluk Anson Rubber Estate Limited RUBBER- STERLING SHAKES.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 8 8 For Chronic Cheat Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint. Cure
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    • 38 8 How to Core Iftnculir Rheumatism. It is worse than useless to take any medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain’s Liniment. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 48 8 When coughs, and colds, and chills abound, And folks are falling ill all round Just try a cure that’s well-renowned Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. You’ll find it’s better than you thought, The very best you ever bought; Your coughs and colds will come to nought, I’m very sure.
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    • 43 8 JUST TO HAND. HISTORY OF “CHINA’S REVOLUTION, 1911-m 2 By Edwin J. Dingle. The Truthful Historical and Political Record of China’s Civil War and the Birth of the Republic Profusely illustrated Priee $7-50 postage extra. Order Your Copy Now. THE CRITERION PRESS, LTD.
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  • 673 9 When it has been proved that the eating of ripe fruits is a necessity for mankind in the Tropics, it seems a pity the majority of Europeans should know so little about'the many varieties, and their divers uses. We naturally do lament the absence of home apple orchards
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  • 123 9 Pbnano, 26m August. (By courier y of the Chariered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months* sight Bank 2/4^ 3 Credit 2/4. 3 Documentary.. 2/4 4 Calcutta, Domand Bank Rs. 1744 3 days* sight Private 1754 Bombay, Demand Ban* 174$ Vlouluiein, Demand Bank 1734 S days* sight Privau* 176
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  • 229 9 Oold Leaf 164.60 Black Pepper *n tlork White Peppor 32 tile* Trang Pepper 23 7b nominal Cloves 35. —nominal Mace 121— teller* t Pickings 113— *cller* Nutmegs 110 s. ...2 7 sales SNo. 1 820 sale* 2 810 *,ils Basket 5.15 buyer* Copra (mixed) 10 15 buy ers l
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  • 196 9 Pknaso, 26ru August, 1 >l2 Bkek— c tn. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Moat... 16 Rump Steak M 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 3J Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork |er ratty 32 Prg’s Head... VO Feet
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 753 9 The Insular Life Assurance Co. t LIMITED. CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. Head Office: 25, Market Street, Manilla P.I. LEON MOOSER Es<j., Monaging Director. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. Special Features, “Disability,” and “Return Premium Ciruses.” “NO OTHER COMPANY OFFER THESE ADVANTAGES “STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION.” For further information apply to: TIANG LEE S’
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    • 150 9 ♦+++ttt++++++++**++++'» -M< ft THIS It i+ I IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound > TSSt, c.« .V TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset ihe stomach. Highly re commended
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  • 1029 10 A Possible Dictatorship. (From A Times Correspondent) The situatiou in China, as it develops under the Republican form cf government, affords but little ground for optimism. Its main features poiut to a steady growth of rea tion, most marked in the north, agaiust that
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  • 1231 10 The second ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Kota Tinggi (Johore) Rubber Company, I mited, was held ou 31st July at the Great Eastern Hotel, Lonj doD, E.C Mr. L. Byron Poters (chairman) 1 presiding. Mr. 11. YV Ilewitt (managing 1 director) having read the
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  • 199 10 Thousands Respond to the Dbmaud. New York, July 17. From Jamaica, Long Island, comes the interesting announcement that a millionaire widower is seeking a plump wife.” The announcement is made by Mr. D. L. Hardenbrook, a prominent local solicitor, aoi the name of the millionaire
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 765 10 Under the Special Patronage of most of the notables owners of the best cars in the Continent abroad. AUSTIN. The KING of the Roads. Very sm jrt stylish. WORLD RENOWNED CAR. To arrive shortly one 15 H. P. WELLINGTON five or six seater. Colour: French Grey. For prices and particulars
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    • 55 10 The Dp-tC’Date Woman. The woman of to-day who has good health good temper, good sen*e, bright eve* and a lovely complexion, the result of correct living and good digestion, wins the admiration of the world. If your digestion is faulty Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct it For sale
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    • 42 10 Be>t Treatment for Whooping Cough. Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and expectoration easybvgmng Chamberlain’s Cough Remejy- It has been used in manv epidemics of this cisease with perfect success. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 170 10 Sound, Healthful Sleep. Restlessness and insomnia are often caused by disorders of the stomach and constipation. In such cases a cure is easily and quickly effected by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. They strengthen the digestion and regulate the bowels, insuring soun healthful shop. Sold ty all Dispensary and Dealers. THE London
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  • 1947 11 By Fixi.ey Fetes Dunsk. I'm geitin old,” paid Mr. Hennessy. nad mo sixtieth birthday yxsterdah I wuddon’t have raid ye were within ten years iv sixty,” said Mr. Dot ley. “I bet Hog»-n last year that ye weie siventy-wan. But I migbt’ve known I»etter. Whin
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  • 234 11 Mutiny At Wuchano. Wuchang, s?h August. The retired soldiers of the 2ud Brigade of Hupeh troops began firing causing troubles aud the people have been confused. But Vice-Presi<lent Li Yuan-liung sent out his men to suppress them and lias succe ded in dissolving them aud thus a 1
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 315 11 mm cycles. 1912 MODELS. IN STOCK. 2 b.p. Light-Weight, Single-Speed Model, Price b.p. Heavy-Weight, Single-Speed Model, Price 3 t h.p. Heavy-Weight, Free-Engine Clutch Two-Speed Model (Starts Like a Car) Lucas Horn P. H. Lamp $325 425 Gear 475 25 TRIUMPH CYCLES. 1912 MODELS. Special Triumph No. 21A/1 Dunbp Tyres, Price
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    • 34 11 I' on (wan provokes neither discomfort, complications, nor nausea. It is the happiest scientific combination of l>est East Indian Sandalwood oil and Kawa Ivawa. Bottles of 40 capsulos at. all chemists and doe lor*.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 899 12 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Or. Allen 8 Co.. Pka. 0. S. A. f Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. EB8IDINO-AT Ao. 2In, Pennng Rond. A lev Joois fro® tkc Eastern aid Oriental Hotel '.CHOP Olm Seng Moh, 203, Main Road, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advaneers and -Genera Goods Store. 20o HONG
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