Straits Echo, 21 August 1912

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1019 1 If job require a 'Tonic .and! boom thing to no uriah you Dog's Head .Guinness’s Stout, and look rr-OSS for this -V label to »oe that V O v: you it. TLA.NO LEE A Co., Sole Agentt. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip Bottles. Dog's Head Guinness’s Stout. The Tonic that cheer* and soothe* and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANQ LEE A Co., Sole Agents
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  • 1089 2 (From Our Ou-n O>rre*porulcn(.) Loudon, July ?t>. Things hive come to a prety pass when the King uulQtieej caun t give a garden party without a battalion of detectives piesent to frustrate the trick< of the suffragettes. The extreme outrages of wjiieh these hidies have b eu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 122 2 For Cbildreu’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Groat Peppermint Cure. SELF CURE NO FICTION I ND SIJFFEAtn NfFO NOW OESPIiR. THE NEW FRENCH REIV’EL*^ THERAPION f'iO. 1 in a r*-w*rkab»y short t ae, uttro f«-w dart n«i« Zurr* dfn I». ihttpn ceding mictions THERAPION N 0.2 Currs h ood poison.
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    • 435 2 >! Foi Chrome CLubt Complaints, WooiU’ Gnvit. Pi*|>pi>ri:iint Cum The only Genuine and Okiginal Cinema Entertainment of its kind in Penang. The George Town Kinematograph, Kuala Kangsa Road Theatre Hall, Appreciated, recommended and Praised by young and old, is presenting a Braud-Nr\v lot of Choice Photo Gems from a good
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    • 711 2 API OLINE CHAPOTEAUT ft H API OLDIE CHAPOTEAUT Tk. Z>!0/£$ Mff REMEDY for functional troubles, belay, pain and those irregularities peculiar to the sex. PARIS S, rue Vivienne Sold by all Chemists “Isle of Skye Whisky.” :c:This Fine Old Highland Whisky is Blended and Matured in Sherry wood Many Years
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    • 1313 2 INTOTICE. Infi r «nation U ?r*bj civen to the Geceral Public that I. tl o i ndersigned, have for years carried oil bus ness at No. 335* Beach Street, Penang, under the style of Chop Hong Soon and that I have also recently opened bianch shops at Ipoli, Taipiug, Teluk
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  • 23 3 V rtteli brom Ayent» Due India Arcadia Luttzoic Butlotc Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo AG.ACo. A. B. BM.ACo. 22ndAug 23rd 27th 29th
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  • 19 3 Vtuelt For Agenls Leave» India I'UfU'.K Untl* it Singapore Colombo Colombo Singapore A.O.AC0. A. B. B.M ACo. Aug-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 267 3 92 HI S.N.C /.xi'jeted Arrivals ami Departure» Mail Service Outward. Auk- 22 India connecting with Mooltan Sej»t. 5 Devauha Macedonia 19 China Morea Homeward, SPECIAL THROUGH STEAMER. K M S India April 4tb. I ARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class T i London by Sea $565-72 $677-14 X)
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    • 1343 3 {SHIPPING.} BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. v HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT 81 Co.. Penang, Agents. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCKAPPU. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) mUTSCEEB LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIKE. mHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen A Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa
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  • 96 4 Published dailj (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Prick. Daily T ocal $24 per annum Outstation... Postage Extra Mail Edition (Post Free) sl7.*>o CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 345 > S.B. —All business crrciiiunicationa
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  • 1177 4 The other day I wrote a critique of a Philharmonic conceit from hearsay, f was not present. My two informants are musically well educated. The critique was amusing. Concerning that I am not open to argument. It has been represented to me that it was (a) unkind and (6)
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  • 548 4 We have borrowed our copy of the new Ipoh paper from a friend, who asked our opinion of it. It is nearly as embarrassing rs being asked to say what we think of the i new baby. The Malay Daily Chronicle is so very young yet, so
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  • 291 4 Mr. S. Steinmitz, Assistant Superintendent of Immigrants at Klang, proceeds shortly on long furlough.— Klang corr. Mr. Francis J. Heherr, head-assistant of the Sablas North Borneo Rubber, Ltd has been appointed manager of the Brunie Estates, Ltd. Mr. H. Ashworth Hope, who leaves Penang for Ceylon on
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  • 305 4 The Hon. W. C. Micheli, Resident Councillor, paid his initial visit to St Xavier’s Institution this morning. On his arrival he was received by the Rev. Bro. James at the Eastern Gate. There was a Guard of Honour of fifty cadets under Lieut. R. Owen
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  • 185 4 The structural alterations at Pritchard’s store will be delayed a little. The Police inarched off eleven of the Chinese labourers this morning, in consequence of a row on the works. The story is that about half after e.even this afternoon, a squabble arose between a Cantonese and
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  • 748 4 $13,000 Damage. Klumpjr’s long immunity from w broken n Saturday when a which did considerable damage broke out St. John’s (Roman Catholic) Church D The fire was first noticed at about 1 an p.m. by one of the schoolboys. He at one* gave the alarm to
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  • 121 4 The F. M. S. Government Gazette J u issued contains the financial statement the Federated Malay States showing the cash receipts and payments from 1st January to 3 'st May, 1912. The total receipts were $21,887,752.52, and when to these 0 added the opening ba’ances a total o
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 134 4 FRED LANDER, TURF ACCOUNTANT. HEAD OFFICE: 23, Beach Street, Penang. Telegrams: “LANDER,” Penang. m co> m (©> fe) (€/> (•y re m m e THE GREATEST RESTORATIVE FOR MALARIA :0: Containing all the food principles necessary for life and health. -:o:9YGIAMA m m m m m m m m m
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    • 30 4 t T contain only the purest oil and K awa 5\ 6 fi r Bt d Se removes violent inflammatory symptoms, bots of 40 capsules, at all dealers and chemists.
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    • 49 4 W hat in the world’s tho use of fretting O’er life’s troubles every dav All our blessings thus forgettin YVe’ve some blessings an?war. One great blessing all may fi ger. YVoods’ Great Pepper.i infc Cure, to Drives off colds inclined to liDger, Makes us well and keeps us ft.
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    • 62 5 London, August 21. (Bv Courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co.) Plantation Para, 1st Latex Crepe 4s. 10d. Para to arrive os. Market firm. (By Courtesy of Messrs. The East Asiatic Co., through their agents Slot Co.) Fine Para Spot... 5s. Id. Fine Para Forward... 4s. lid. First Latex
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    • 74 5 (Echo Special.') Singapore, August 20. The triul of the thirty-nine Javan-se coolies charged with the murder of Mr. J. P Markav on Tumnng Estate, Joliore Rubber Lands, has concluded in the High Court, Johore, before the Hon J. C. Sugars, and two assessors. Mr. G P. Cuscadew,
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    • 53 5 Echo Special.} Singapore, August 21. At the rubber auction at Singapore 16,034 lbs. of rubber were offered for sale and 15,01*6 lbs. were sold. The followiug prices wore obtained: Smoked Sheet *237—1215 per pikuP Unsmoked $228 39 Crepe No. 1 »243—4253 2 $225—$237 Scrap, Virgin $196 —T200
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    • 32 5 Reuter. London, August 20. The C.nadian Minister of Marine has sailed for Canada. Mr. R. L. Borden, the Canadian Premier, will return to Canada in a few d iys.
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    • 59 5 (Reuter.) London, August 20. President Taft, in his message to Congress, urges the amendment of the Panama Canal Bill in order to permit foreign nations to test the validity of free tolls provision He suggests the insertion of a declaration that nothing in the Bill will impair
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    • 46 5 (Reuter Warsaw, August 20. A soldier of the Engineers Corps, sentenced to arrest, entered the flat of Colonel Prince Nicolai Tmnanoff and shot him in the lungs. He shattered the leg of the Princess. The Officers rushed in and killed the assailant with revolvers.
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    • 57 5 (Reuter.) Pttiirt Resis'anee. London, August 20. The first passive resistance case under the Insurance Act is that of a prominent Walworth Liberal, Hurlock. He was fined $5 on each of three summonses. The Magistrate ordered the contributions to be paid, and consented to hear an application of defendant’s
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    • 80 5 (Reuter.) tut CirmarlkiA. London, August 20. Mr I.loyd George has w ired to Mr. Jones, ,I|H liberal Candidate for East Carmarthen, ♦"iliurtiiig the electors to disregard person- ami sectional reasons and to march forward un’il the flag, handed to then by tlieir fathers, waves iu tiiumph over our bills.”
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    • 433 5 (Reuter.) London, August 20. There is increased anxiety over General William Booth, chief of the Salvation Armr, whose strength is failing daily. Later—General Booth died at 10.20 in the evening. He was 83 years of age. t An old friend of the Editor writes It is not
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    • 51 5 Reuter.) Agreement Peached. Constantinople, August 20. An agreement has been reached between representatives of the Government and the Albanians who have beguu to return to their bome3. Turkish Divisi:ns Concentrating. Salonika, August 20 Three Turkish divisions are concentrating at Kiuprili tj attack the Albanians should they fail to
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    • 38 5 (Reuter.) Loudon, August 20. Daily disturbances take place at the Tilbury docks. The Unionists are attacking the frex labourers. A mysterious fire took plaee yesterday at a jute warehouse. Tliousauds’of bales of jute were destroyed.
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    • 55 5 (Reuter.) Hongkong, August 20. Forty pirates commandeered a steam launch, proceeded to Dumb Bell Island, and attacked and looted a British Police Station, taking a number of rifles and bayonets They killed three Indian Police and kidnapped a raonev lender. The pirates escaped. A large police
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    • 171 5 (Reuter.) London. August 20. It appears that the woman murdered at Eastbourne ia Captain Murray’s wife, and the woman wounded, her sister. One child was his, the other two were his sister’s The relatives state that Murray, whose antecedents are obscure, had attacks of insanity. Tho War Office
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    • 90 5 (Reuter.) REPORTED ASS AS INATION. London, August 20. A telegram from San Francisco states that the son and daughters of Sun Vat Sen allege that their father has been assassinated at Peking by the troops under orders from Yuan Shib Kai. The report is unconfirmed. Utfo«:dtd Rumours.
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    • 56 5 (Reuter.) London. August 20 The London correspondent of the Birmirgham Post says that the Government is contemplating the proclaiming of four Unionist counties in Ulster* on the eve of the demonstrations in September. It is cot impossible that Government’s hand have been previously forced by the ominous rumours circulating,
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    • 39 5 (Reuter.) London, August 20. A rainy August culminated yesterday in violent thunderstorms and cloudbursts throughout the country, thus completing the ruin of harvests. The damage to potatoes in two districts in Lincolnshire alone is estimated at £100,030.
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    • 79 5 (Reuter.) Peking, August 20. The Assembly declares that the explanation of Yuan Sbih Kai, regarding the summary decapitation of two Hankow generals, is unsatisfactory. It demands the attendance of the Premirr and War Minister to-morrow. Government is remarkably unconcerned in the face of the violent hostility and is
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    • 61 5 Last Test Match. (Reuter.) England vs. Australia. London, August 20. The last test match at the Oval lx tween England and Australia was continued yesterday in showery weather. The wicket was very 6oft 14,000 people were present England scored 245 in the first innings, Minnett taking 4 wickets for
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    • 840 5 C. R. C. r*. P S A A. The League match between the-e chib* wliich was played ou th Free School ground yesterday will 1 >ng Is* renvMnVred as one of the most excifiug in t dies of the season, the result berg in doubt up to the
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    • 157 5 Following were the results of the ties played yesterday: Double Handicap A. Haslam A Reid bea‘ Neubrouuer A Procter 4 6, 11—9, w.o. Double Handicap B. Millington A Damn s b?at Kelcey Laidlaw 6* 0, 6—2 Hepworth A MeD-iwall beat Ba u er Sbirras 7—5, 8
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    • 49 5 r he s s Johanne, a German lx>a f chartered by the Eastern Shipping Company, arrived from Deli this morning with 158 packages of tobacco leaves. Inward Shipments. s». Fix ing Dr gon 15 bags copra ss. Avagyee 231 slabs tin s.a 31 cop-a s s Padang 71
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    • 212 5 There have l>een rumours current in Bangkok that th“ health of His Royal Hishn®** the Minister for War was causing anxietv. Tt miv Ire as w-dl therefi're to state tha* operation at J mi was entire lv succe«s r n! and th° w< ind now quite
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  • 259 5 f [Echo Correspon dence.'] Her Majesty the Qupen Mother of Siam who is paving a visit to Trang and other Provinces to recuperate her health after her recent illness arrived at Trang on the 16th instant accompanied by H. R H. Prince Damrong, Minister of the Interior,
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  • 149 5 The following business in tin has l ee done to-day:— Penang Penang Tin Exchange. 37 J tons at $lO4 DO Straits Trading Co., 100 105.40 Sintrapore Straits Trading Co., 150 105 40 Total tons. Tin is quoted in Loudon to-day at X'2 1 10s. cash anti
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  • 62 5 TO-DAT 9th Day of 7th Moon. League Football G. S. R. C. vs. C. U. A. C Victoiia Green. Volunteer Recruits, A and B Cos. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Knal;< Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Penang Road. To-morrow. 10th Day of 7th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 57 5 The Up-tO'Datc Woman. 1 he woman of to-day who has good health f 0 teuij>er, good tense, bright eyes and a |J ,> y complexion, the result of correct liv>ii 1 good digestion, wins the admira1 cf the world. If y< ur digestion is jy Chambeikin's Btouiach and Liver »dl
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    • 394 5 I I STEWARTS TOURISTS GUIDE V I TO THE FAR EAST. A Complete Handbook with Notei on Burmah and the Malay States and detailed information and description of th« vovago FROM SOUT il A M PTON TO TOKYO. $1 per copy 2 6] each. Pritchaid A Co, “Straits Echo’ Ciiterion
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    • 61 6 Pegu, Br. s.s., 294, Ferguson, V th Aug., Malacca, 17th Aug., Gen.—E. S. Co., Ltd. Avagyee, Br. b.b., 247, Harvey, 21st Aug., Teluk Anson, 20th Aug., Gen.—E.‘ S. Co., Ltd. Tara, Br. s.s., 3,651, Sy miners, 21st Aug Singapore, 19th Aug, Gen. —H. L. A Co. Johanne, Ger. b.b.,
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    • 36 6 21 ST August. Tara, for Negapatain and Madras. Speelman, for Langsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Sabang and Olebleb. Hok Canton, for Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping. India, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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    • 339 6 For Deli—Per Malaya, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Isabella, tomorrow, 10 a.m. Rangoon and Calcutta —Per Hiroshima Maru, to-morrow, 2 pin. Port Swettenham and Singapore —Per Taroba, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Yen—Per Jit tSeng, 23rd instant, 7 a.m. Deli and Asahan—Per Van der Parra, 23rd instant, 3
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  • 122 6 Psnang, 21st August. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 (T 4 months* sight Bank 2/4^ 3 Credit 2/4, 7 C 3 Documentary.. 2/4) Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174) 3 days* sight Private 1/5) Bombay, Demand Bans 174) Moulrnem, Demand Bank 173 4 S days* sight
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  • 230 6 Gold Loaf 564.60 Black Pepper no stock White Pepper 32| sales Trang Pepper 23 7 o nominal Cloves 35. —nominal Mace 12«) —sellers Pickings 113—severs Nutmegs 110s. 2 7* sales 1 No. 1 8.20 safe* sugar j 2 8.10 sal s C Basket 5.15 buyers Cofra (mixel) 10.15 buyers
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  • 170 6 Pin an o, 21sr August. 1912. Bkef— cts. Soup pe- cattv 14 Boast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork por catty 3 Pisa’s Head... reau ,m ni
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  • 2026 6 Number of TS i 2 I Capital. Shares P Dividends. Name. S q issued. >> a o M r s 2 b ”S s ft CQ G? I I j I 1907 1908 1909 *****911 1912 RUBBER-HOLLAR SHARES. p.c. p.c. [p.c. p. e1909 450,000 130,000 1 l Ayer Kuning
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 38 6 How to Cure Muscular Rheumatism. It is worse than useless to take any medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain’s Liniment. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 50 6 Digestion and Assimilation. It is not the quantity of food taken hut the amount digested and assimilated that gives strength and vitality to the system. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach and liver aud enable them to perform their functions naturally. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 83 6 The first violent inflammatory symptoms quickly disappear after treatment with Riedel's (lOiiosau Capsules. No better prepapa ration now on the n ,rket. Certified by t'lO loading Specialists. THIS IS IT! Waterbary’s Metabolized God Liver Oil Compound WY.f r -c.TASTELES3 ODORLESS The latent scientific pre paration of COD LI VlStt OIL.
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  • 936 7 That steady-going old top the Earth wobbles slightly like a peg top that is running ■down. It is runuing down very slowly, at the rate of one- two-hundredth of a second in a century. But at that rate a good many ages must elapse before tho Earth
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  • 480 7 A Simple Arrangement op the Diet Scheme. One of the most difficult problems confronting the nervous sufferer or his physician is what to eat. Tlo reason is that people with nerves constantly suffer from nervous dyspep-ia, a condition which is generally very difficult to cure.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1004 7 The Insular Life Assurance Co.. LIMITED. CAPITAL PsT5OO,OOO. Had Office: 25, Market Street, ManillalP.l. LEON MOOBER Esq., Managing Director. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. Sjecial ]•'<*»( ures, Disability,” and Return Premium Clauses.” NO OTHER COMPANY OFFER THESE ADVANTAGES." “STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION.” For further information apply to: TIANG LEE Co.. General Agent
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    • 63 7 M H I .«I Ttl. mil THIS IS IT r Waterbary’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODOaLESS •s I f-jsi: The latest scientific preparation of COO LIVER OIL. Dees all that is claimed fer it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsian-j which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by
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    • 154 7 Be t Treatm nth* W!m?ia g Cough. Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It has been used iu many epidemics of this t isease with perfect success For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealeis. Egg Julep Shampoo.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 904 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Utc of Or. Allen 8 Co.. Pka, 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT So. 21 a, Penang Road. 4 lew loots from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. TECK COMPANY, Shanghai [Carpenters] S’ Furnishers, 4, PENANG ROAD. High-class Household Furniture kept in stock and
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