Straits Echo, 2 August 1912

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1097 1 If roa require a Tonic >nd tome* 3 thing to nourish you, Drink' pog's Head ,Guinness's Stout, and look for this label to see that you get it. >TI x VG LEE A Co.. Sole Agent». igV OX iSjt Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8
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    • 32 1 Order it in Nip BottlesDog’s Head Guinness’s Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is on every genu* ine Nip. TIANQ LEE A Co., Sole
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  • 1308 2 Mr. Hilaire Belloc has written what he calls a farrago about Sussex—such a eulogy as a man writes who loves his native county. It is called The Four Men and purports to tell what four men did and said as they walked through Sussex from end
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 62 2 1' "’liiuiii linin' uiiiiiiiiiUih' l 'W' trr:>“ ui;a.i imut ,*a THIS IS IT WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESi ODORLESS d».t: The latest scientific prepat at ionofCOD LIVER OIL. l)ocs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly recommended by
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    • 385 2 TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT". The Straits Cinematograph Coy. PENANG ROAI). To-night's specialities are Life on board the Swedish Cursor End of the earth A fatal resemblance Violet Drew Max Linder’s debut as a Cinematograph Artiste GRAND PROGRAMME. 1 The Straits of Bonifacio I (Imperial film) 400 ft 1 2 The Turkish lady
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    • 1713 2 Hq o \S c m'' Beware n rrS7 Capsule **o bears imitation.* TA the Name aud RIOT Cm 'erfeiti. I \cXP Qte Relief r without W PARIS. R rue Vivienne. Sold hv nil PUBLIC HOLIDAYS The Exchange Banks will be closed on Saturday and Monday, the 3rd and sth
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  • 29 3 Vestel» irom Agent* Due I A read ia Colombo Delta Singapore i’. Alise Singapore i*. Ludirig Colombo AG.ACo. ;8th Aug. A,G.ACo. JlOth BM.AJo. Jl 3th BM.ACo. 15th
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  • 23 3 Vtttels For Agent* Leave* Arcadia Sintra pore 1 A-G.ACo. Aug. Pella Colombo A.G.&Co. P. Alice Colombo B.M&Co.. P- Ludwig Singapore B.M ACo.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 374 3 miwUmI Arrivals and Departures Mall Sarvica Outward. Aug- 8 Assaye connecting with Malwa 22 India Mooltan Sept. 5 Devanha Macedonii If* China Morea Homeward Date. Steamer. L D “e with S.8. London. Aug. 10 Delta 23 Arcadia Feb. Mar. Maloja Mongolia 1913 Apr. May 21 Himalaya 8 Devanha 22 Delta
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    • 1526 3 <S H I P PI N G BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO. t LTD. MMTTSCHER LL07D. BREMEN N. Y. K. 1 nCZBZAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. mil E fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen -X. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa I Naples
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  • 96 4 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THK CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Prick. Daily Local $24 per annum Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 N.B. —All business crmmunicationa should be
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  • 762 4 Announcement from our Pulpit: Owing to Saturday being a holiday, when most of D my parishioners will be at Telok Anson, D or on the way to Kedah or Singapore, it is I deemed advisable to let this week’s Saturday Sermon be preached on aFi iday. l)
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  • 458 4 y It is in more than one quarter considerf ed advisable to bring to the notice of t the Municipal authorities the bad system s adopted when metalling certain roads, f and the speed at which the tramcars are being driven, especially between the junction of Love Lane
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  • 149 4 Mr. Roland St. John Braddell, of Singapore, author of the excellent Commentary on the Common Qaming Houses Ordinance, has been retained to argue the appeal against the recent Echo conviction. The hearing is expected during the current month. The appeal, it must be distinctly understood, has not
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  • 711 4 Ku Ki Cheng appeared in the dock at the Assizes yettnday before Justice L. P. Ebden and a common jury to answer the charge of house-breaking at Ayer Etam with intent to commit theft. According to the prosecution, early on the morning of the 15th of last month
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  • 88 4 Mr. Peter de Olivei o. We regret to havo to announce the death, at his residence in Aboo Sittee Lane, of Mr. Peter Guildford de Oliveiro, one of the oldest members of the Eurasian community in Penang. The deceased, who was 69 years of age, had been ailing for
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  • 34 4 The output of the Tbngkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company for July was Dredge No. hours piculs 2 working 3i9 obtained 147 a 445 299 4 617 372 5 623 661 2,034 1,479
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  • 16 4 lbs. Rubber Estates of Krian, Ltd. 12,420 Karan Rubber Estate Co., Ltd. 2,500
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  • 13 4 Menglembu Lode Syndicate, Ltd. was 366 piculs valued at $21,80J.
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  • 38 4 The Directors have declared a final dividend for the year of 20 per cent, which together with the interim dividends makes a total of 35 per cent, for the vear ended 31st March, 1912.
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  • 119 4 The Rangoon Gazette, of July 22, says among the passengers of the Dunera which lft Rangoon on Friday for Penang, the F.M.S and Singapore, w'ere the Hon Mr. Sung Main Yeun, manager of the Sein Chun Bank of Shanghai and special commissioner of industries depute! by the
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  • 401 4 We take the following from the Straits Times report of the Sabatier trial. On 1 Wednesday morning when Mr. Dent again entered the box to testify to the resglt of hjs f examination of the exhibits, he spoke in particular to the forged $lO, $5 and SI
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 127 4 FRED LANDER, TURF ACCOUNTANT, HAS OPENED HIS BOOKS ON THE TAIPING RACES. FIRST DAY, 13TH AUGUST, 1912. I Trebles, Doubles Straight Out. •PRICES A PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. All communications Must Be addressed to i 23 Beach Street, PENANG. Telegrams: LANDER,” Prnnt ’Phone No. 5*7, Fenang. I m m THE GREATEST
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    • 54 4 Care for Bilioasneu Biliousness is due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Chamberlain’s Tablets «re essentially a stomach medicine, intended especially to act on that organ to cleanse it, strengthen it, tone and invigorate it, to Jugulate the liver and to banish b'lh'iisness positively and effectually. For sale bv
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    • 75 4 How a Great Reputation Was Won. You are not experimenting on yourself when you take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for a cold as that preparat'on has won its great reputation and extensive rale by its remarkable cures of colds, and cm alwavs be depended upon. It is equally valuable for adults
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    • 8 4 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods* Great Peppormint Cure.
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    • 27 5 London, August 2. (By Courtesy of Messrs. Boustoad A Co.) Plantation Para, Ist Latex crepe... 4s. lOd Para to arrive 4s. 9^l Market steady.
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    • 25 5 Reuter.) Loudon, August 1. The death has taken place of Sir Thomas Borthwick, Chairman and Senior partner of Thomas Borthwick A Sons, Colonial Merchants.
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    • 31 5 Ren'er.) London, August 1. Tiie Times states that the Divorce eom-iiii-ision will probab'y present the majo ity and minority reports, the majority report n* Mini mendingconsiderable alterations in the law.
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    • 30 5 {Reuter.) London, August 1. The Times correspondent at Wellington states that Mr. It. McKenzie, the ex-Premier, has lieeu appointed High Commissioner for New Zealand in London.
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    • 34 5 {Reuter.) Homeward Bound. London, August. 1. The Prince of Wales has left Paris for home. There is much friendly comment iu the French papers on his four months’ s*ay iu France.
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    • 18 5 {Reuter.) Lon ’on, August 2. Count Luxburg, German Ambissador at Peking, has been appointed Consul-General at Calcutta.
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    • 49 5 (Reuter.) New York, August 2. A protracted battle took place at Mexico. T||e reliels were heavily repulsedIt is reported that two Americans were found hanged at Cananea. The Governor lias ordered an investigation. He believes it to be the work of rebels desiring to precipitate American intervention.
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    • 81 5 (Reuter.) Loudon, August 2. Mr. R. L. Borden has returned from Paris. He was presented with the freedom of the company of leather sellers yesterday evening. Inaspeeeh he said that Canada was uot inclined to l>eoome a silent partaker of the work of carrying on the
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    • 39 5 (Reuter London, August 1. The Times states that the conviction is gaining ground that some sort of a detiuite understanding or even an alliance has been effected between Bulgaria and Servia and Bulgaria and Greece.
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    • 51 5 (iteu'er.) Washington, August 2. President Taft has formally accepted the h«*pubhean nomination to the Piesidency. He dwelt on the necessity of preserving the constitution and favoured the regulation of trusts. He attacked the attitude of the Democrats towards the tariffs ai 'd vigorously ciiticised Mr. Roosevelt’s H
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    • 99 5 (Reuter.) London, August 1. In the House of Lords the Earl of Crewe find Lord Lansdowne condoled with the Japanese Imperial family and people in the same terms as the House of Commons. mi p, Tokyo, August 1. ihe Emperor issued a rescript on Julv 31
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    • 47 5 (Reuter.) Winston May Accept. London, August 1. It is believed that the Canadian Ministers have invited Mr. Asquith and Mr. Winston Churchill to visit Canada in the Autumn while the Dominion Cabinet iv discussing naval plans. Mr. Winston Churchill will probably accept the invitation.
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    • 51 5 {Reuter.) Amnesties Granted. Constantinople, August 1. An irade grants amnesties to 130 exiles including all dignitaries of the old regime. Constitution Modified. Government has submitted to the Chamber a resolution modifying the constitution in order to enable the Sultan to dissolve the Chamber without the assent .of the
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    • 28 5 Reuter.) London, August 1. Mr. Asquith presided at an important meeting ot the Imperial Defence Committee. The Canadian Ministers and members of the Cabinet were present.
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    • 45 5 {Reuter.) Gre t Britain Withdraws. London, August 1. At question time Mr. Sydney Buxton, President of the Board of Trade, said that Gieat Britain bad withdrawn from the Sugar Convention as the terms of the protocol in regard to Russia were not satisfactory.
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    • 113 5 {Reuter.) B. Law Gets it in the Neck. London, August 1. In the House of Commons Mr. J. Devlin, Nationalist Member for Belfast, opened the debate calling attention to the qttacks on the Catholic workmen at Belfast. Mr. A. Birrell, Irish Secretary, said that tbe Government was determined
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    • 157 5 Albert Eric Bechervaise, leader of the United Christian Endeavour Brigade, was summoned at the instance of Charles Solno for singing in a thoroughfare after being requested to desist It was stated that the Brigade was accustomed to meet every Suuday outside Mr. Soluo s house, and that
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    • 66 5 The following business in tin has lee i done to-day Penang: Penang Tin Exchange 50 tons at sloo.* o Leong Fee Co., 50 Straits Trading Co., 50 101.623 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 75 101.20 Total 225 tons. Till is quoted in London to-day at »£2Ol cash
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    • 66 5 Goodwood Cup Result. (Reuter.) t: London, August 1. Following was the result of the race for the Goodwood Cup (2g miles) Tullibardine 8.12 Wootton King William 9. 3 Maher Tootles 8. 9 Piper. Tbrea ran. Won by half a length, a ength between second and third. S. P. 2
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    • 24 5 Renter.) London, August I. Wheatley and Frank Wootton were suspended for a month for reckless riding in the Atlantic Stakes at Liverpool.
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    • 252 5 Jubilee Sports. In order to give greater facility for the public to attend, as Monday the 12tb inst. is not a public holidav,-tbe Diamond Jubilee Sports will be held early in September. Due notica will be given of the date fixed. Entries of Old Boys will close
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  • 110 5 The s s Malaya will sail for Deli at 3 p m. to-morrow. By tbe s s Perak this morning Tungku Mobamed, Tungku Kalmoli aud Tqngku Kiah arrived from D |i. Inward Shipment. s.s. Hok Canton 3,524 bags tin ore ss. 181 slabs t.u ss.„ .03 bags copra s.s.
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  • 96 5 Penang, 2ni August, IUI2 4ms Bank drafts on London 2/4/.D'D T/r 2/4j t 3 m/s Credits 2/4’J bOds 2/4}‘i 30 d/s 2/4} D/D Bank buying 2 4 y New York r «6§ Paris 294} II mburg 23°1 Java, Bank demand 1 lO} buying DI) 142 Calcutta,, T.T. 174}
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  • 868 5 j Says the writer of Sporting Notes in the S. F. P.; Most members of the Sporting Club will probably have noticed that an advertisement has been inserted for an official handicapper for the S R A. thus foresbadowj ing the retirement of that very genuine i sportsman
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  • 28 5 To-oat 20th Day of 6th Moon. Volunteer Go in pin 13. ill. Band, Esplanade, 6 pm. Georg 1 Town Cinematograph, Kuab hangstr Hoad. ■'traits Cineinitograph, Penang Road.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 63 5 Good for We k Di jest ion. f Uiamherlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets nut sicken or gripe, and may l*e taken 'li perfect safety bv the most delicate "Im nr the youngest child. The old and will also *tiud them a most suitable um' ly for aiding and strom*theniug their
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    • 53 5 A teacher said We’ll work a sum, Suppose you to >k a chill: Of course you know, to b'd you’d go, And there lie very still. For half a week you’d sealcely speak Now tell me when you re sure How many davs Not one,” said Grace, We d take
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    • 30 5 l(OiiON:tn capsules contain only the purest East Indian Sandalwood oil and Kawu Kawa. The first dose quickly removes violent inflammatory symptoms, bots of 40 capsules, at all dealers and chemists.
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    • 74 5 notice An ordinary men!in...* of the Munici|al Com hi is iocera will In* In Id at the Muuicijal Office at 4 p ui. on Thursday, the Bth iust. L. A. Coutikk BIGGS, t i Secretary. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LTD. Head Office:— SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in
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    • 571 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tbe Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, hereby invite separate tenders for the follcwing works: I. Construction of concrete abutments for Pat&ni Road Bridge. 11. Knacker Shed at Sungei Pinang. 111. Back Lane drains behind Bridge Street. 6 IV. Coolies’ Quarters at Patani Road. I ull particulars can
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    • 80 6 MaHsuijcker, Dot. 1,836, Tansent, l»t Aug., Batavia, 21« t July, Gen. —H. L. A Co. Lunka Br. 966. Sinclair. 2nd Aug., Singapore, 31 et July, Gen. —H. L. A Co. Jin Ho, Br. s.s., 111, Lingard, 2nd Aug Trang, let Aug., Gen. E. 8. Co., Ltd. Hole Canton, Br.
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    • 62 6 2nd August. Atjeh, for Langsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Sabang and Olebleh. Pin Seng, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. C. Aprar, for Calcutta. Tong Hong, for Rangoon. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perils and Setul. Pangkor, for Dindings and Sitiawan. Hebe, for Teluk Aneon. Sree Bangka, for Pulau Langkawi. Flying
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    • 230 6 Fob Yen—Per Jit Seng, to-morrow, 7 a.m Madras taking mails for Europe, etc., ▼ia Bombay— Per Tara, to-morrow, 10 am. Colombo and Tuticorin —Per Poona, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Trang Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 11 am. Deli—Per Perak, to-morrow, 11 am. Langkat —Per Ckantaboon, to-morrow, T. Bemawe, Segli, Olebleh,
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  • 125 6 Pbhaho, 2nd August. {By cowrie*y of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4,* H 4 months* sight Bank 3 Credit 2/4 8 Documentary.. 2/415 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1744 n 3 day** aight Private 176 J Bombay, Demand Bans 174$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 4 8 days* aight 176
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  • 228 6 Gold Leaf $64.60 Black Pepper no stock White Pepper 35 50 sales Trang Pepper 23 75 sales Cloves 35.— nominal Mace 120— sellert Pickings 110— sales Nutmegs 110 s. 26.— buyers No. 1 8.20 sale* Sugar S 2 8.10 sal ■s (.Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10. —buyers f
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  • 195 6 Psnang, 2nd August 1112. Bear cts. Soup pe: catty 14 Roast m 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 lleart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head... SO Feet 21 Tongas
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  • 1617 6 2 1 Capital. N amber of Shares issued. 1909 '909 1905 \<m 1910 1904 1906 1909 1909 1909 1909 1903 1910 1909 1909 1905 *905 1906 1909 1909 1907 1905 1910 1909 1906 1910 1910 1909 1905 1906 .907 1907 1908 1W 1907 1909 1906 1909 1910 1912 1910
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 38 6 The Best Piaster. A piece of Hannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bound on over the affected parts is superior to a plaster and costs only one tenth as much. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 52 6 About Co'ii—Some Good khiu. Don’t trifle with a cold is good advice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in case of a child. There is nothing better than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in children. It is safe and sure. For sale by all Dispensaries
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    • 206 6 Dr. Bom of StraMburg introduced Oitno Mtt in the treatment of the most painful is itinnssm to which mankind is liable. It of better, safer and more effective than other preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs or 'plain Sandalwood oil We Lead 8 others follow. We are leading the waylduring last forty
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  • 122 7 A* a result of the controrersj in regard to the interport shoot, it is learnt that the Secretary of the Shanghai Rifle Association has written to the other ports interested, withdrawing Shanghai’s scores. It may be remembered that on the first occasion Shanghai fired under wrong conditions,
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  • 192 7 There are other matters beside outrages cn women that leal to embittered feelings between the black and white races in South Africa. I have a letter, just received from Durban, dated May 4 of this year, from which I send the following extract: “The Indians are much
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  • 348 7 Rubber Reports, Dividends —lut. div. 10 p a r cent. Anglo-Malat. —lnt. div. 15 per cent btiug same rate as last year. Linogi.—lnt. div. 3:s percent, (actual). Last year it was 43| per cent. New Crocodile River (Selangor).— Offer 99,800 shares of 2s. each at a premium of 2s.
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  • 44 7 s s Hong Bee ...1,300 bags flour 8 8. 817 chests tea 8 s. 50 bags 6Ugar s.s Heb*i ...2/27 tin ore ss. 139 slabs tin 392 cases rubber s.s. Pangkor 6® 88. 37 bags pearl tapioca ss. Un Peng 168 guaco.
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  • 392 7 The Simplest and Most Effective Remedy. Of the conditions which demand most sympathy and receive least, there are few as depressing to the sufferer as brain-fag. The reason is not far to seek. It induces a sense of weariness, of depression, of utter inability to do the day’s work
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 820 7 The Insular Life Assurance Co., LIMITED. capital^ Head Office: 25, Market Street, Manilla P.l.’ LEON MOOSEB Es«., Managing Director. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. Special Features, “Disability,” and “Return Premium Clr.uses.” NO OTHER COMPANY OFFER THESE ADVANTAGES." STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION." For further information apply to: TIANG LEE S’ Co., General Agentt
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    • 55 7 ♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦++♦♦+++++♦++♦♦♦++♦< THIS IS IT! V WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS C#4 LJir The latest scientific pre para lion of COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it aud supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by th mtdi cal profession
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    • 370 7 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great I'eppenniut Cure. A new day dawns at last for the sick and suffering. Do not worry if you have rheumatism or other ailments. Buy an Oxypathor and it will cure you and restore you to health and vigour. The Oxypathor will last
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 885 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Ute of Dr. Alleo 8 Co., Pka, 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free KBSIDINO AT Ao. 21 a, Penang Road. A few ioois from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. < Khoo Buan Phuan 'CHOP Gfm Sen g Moll, 203, Main Rond, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advaneers
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