Straits Echo, 1 August 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1086 1 If you require a Tonic and some* thing to no Uriah you. Drink Dog's Head guinness's Stout, and look (7*' <2 for toil lalMil to nee that •AS kS you get it TIANG LEE A Co., Sole Agent» Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co..
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    • 33 1 Order it io Nip Bottles Dog’s Head Guinness’s Stout. The Tonic that cheer* and soothes and doesn't harm. Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANQ LEE A Co., Sole Agentt
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  • 2740 2 Bt Rev. John Ewbn in “United Empire.” It is alreadj Men that the memorable visit of the King and Queen to India will be an epoch-making event in the history of that great Dependency. From it, for instance, will date a new era in the
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  • 1160 2 Chesterton, one of England’s insurgent men of letters has produced a masterpiece in satire, publisher] in The Eye Witness which is ostensibly an inquiry into the death of Hamlets father. Fortinbras, the man upon whom the succession falls after the clean 6weep of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 195 2 TIANG JOO CO., PENANG. ARRIVED!! “NEW HOWE BICYCLES. *r NE W HOWE BICYCLES. '’’tin Best and Cheapest Machine on the Market. High-Grade Workmanship and Finish Light and Easy running. Good Quality Tyres Guaranteed for 12 Months. S: y V Complete with Lamp 8i Bell $37-50 only. Sole Agents for the
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  • 1927 3 m* 1 of the mighty problems which vexed nnnd of antiquity, and provoked eudless mis of discussion in the squares and Athens, was whether everything ?1 IV or nothing moves. It was, doubtless, T, -tved by simple-minded Athenians, who e n ot philosopher», that the fate of
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  • 889 3 An Indian correspondent propounds the following questions How conies -iV that Omar Khayyam has created such a furore among the best of people when the praises of wine are the ever-recurring refrain of his verses, to sav nothing of their more than merely Agnostic spirit
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 74 3 Haw t Great Reputation Was Won. You are not experimenting on yourself "lien vou take Chamberlain’s Cough Kem* *ly for a cold as that preparation has won great reputation anil extensive sale by its cures of colds, and can always I•• depended upon. It is equally valuable b r adults
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    • 38 3 The Bnt PUster. A piece of flannel dampened berlain’s Pain Baltn and bound affected part* is superior to a costs only one tenth as much, all Dispensaries and Dealers. with Chamon over the plaster and For sale by
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    • 62 3 Coed for We k Digestion. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may lie taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also tind them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion
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    • 742 3 ORFEVRERIE 8 CUIVRERIE D’ART. JENNY CO., LTD, RAFFLES SQUARE. SINGAPORE. RAFFLES SQUARE. Sjteciality :—Every Description of Electro-Plated Nickel-Silver »nd Electro-Plated Britannia-Metal Goods Nickelplated Goods, Spoors, Forks, Cutlery, etc.' Artistic Articles of Bras* and Copper in newest designs. Everything for House-keeping. Hotels. Clubs, etc. Handsome and suitable Presents for all Occasions.
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  • 1302 4 An Important Question for Plantation Companies. A Correspondent of the Globe writes:— The commonly Accepted fallacy that the coconut palm, now one of the chief revenue yielding treea of the tropics, must be planted near the sea to thrive has resulted in greatly restricting the planting
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 76 4 iMii.iinnii.nuiinimim.imni, nmr i main umi:: imn tmnii ii:,f r- i:i’!Ui mmuft THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS I The latest scientific pre- E paration of COD LI VFR Ĕ OIL. Does all that is f claimed for it and super- sedes the old fashioned E
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    • 222 4 The first violent inflammatory symptoms r quickly disappear after treatment with Riej del’s («onosaii Capsules. No better prepa- paration now on the n -rket. Certified by the leading Specialists. If YOU feel that deserves A Leg Up It’ll cost you only $2 month to show it. SUBSCRIBE NOW. You get
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    • 1772 4 m M W g| m* M m. €> ■'M 1 wH n im v/m The date at which you first become acquainted with Odol marks a new era in your existence. Because from the time when you begin to cleanse your mouth regularly with Odol a new era begins for
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  • 25 5 Vt-wel* trom AyerUt Due ArruJia Drlta P. Alite P. Ludirig Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo AG.ACo. A. B. BM.ACo. 8th Aug. 10th 13th 15th
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  • 22 5 V(4ltU For Agent* Leave* Arcadia Singapore I jLG.&Co. Aug. Leila Colombo A.G.ACo. 1 P. Alice Colombo B.MACo.* P. Ludmg Singapore B.MACo.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 240 5 S.N.C fctwlwl Arrivals and Depart urea Mail Service Outward. Aii#. 8 Arcadia connecting with Malwa 22 Assaye Mooltan Homeward. 1st class 2nd clans r<) London by Sea 8565-72 1377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar 8528-00 8358-29 EXTRA STEAMERS. Intermediate Service. nrriTH excellent accommodation for a W limited number of passengers. Outward.
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    • 1469 5 SHIPPING.) BRITISH INDIA -j** STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. MDDElJTSCm LL07D. BREMEN IISFERIAL QS3.MA17 MAIL LINE. rilHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen X Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa). Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang,
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  • 96 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang Prick. Daily Local 924 per annum Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 543 ft. B. —All busineM crmnuinications should
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  • 1751 6 Chesterton was a true prophet.. He said the result of the British Inquiry touching the loss of the “Titanic” would be white, wash, and Reuter’s brief telegraphic summary published in yesterday’s Echo indicates a splashing slop-over of that respectable liquid disinfectant. Englishmen had a lot to say about the
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  • 600 6 Alleged Forgery end Breech of Treat. Before Justice L.P. Ebden and a common jury yesterday was heard the case against Hu Hong Seng who was charged with (1) forgery and (2) criminal breach of trust in respect of $1.20. The Hon. A. R. Adams prosecuted. The accused was
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  • 29 6 An express issued with our issue to-day notifies the public that they can take a cheap holiday from the 2nd to 4th August on the s.s. Heb\
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  • 112 6 The new train service was inaugurated to-day. Amine those travelling were Messrs. J M. Wilson, the mining magnate, Foo Choo Choon, J. A. S. Jennings, of the Times of Malava, Cbeong Ah Fee, Chan Heang Thoy. a'nd J. N Lock of Pritchards. Mr Reay.
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  • 40 6 lbs. The Straits Rubber Co., Ltd. J 47 000 Rubana Rubber Estates, Ltd. 37 000 Tali Ayer Rubber Estates, Ltd. 24.000 Bagan Serai Co.. Ltd. 8 000 Batak Rabit Rubber Estate, Ltd... 7,500 Padang Rubber Estate 5^700
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  • 90 6 Messrs. Kennedy A Co the local Agents, inform us that the Directors of Ulu Piab Ltd. have decided to pay a Seventh Interim Dividend of 20% on the 2nd August. The Government Wharves launch Alert which was despatched on Monday last to render assistance to the s.
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    • 795 6 (Echo Sjtccui/.) Singapore, August 1. The Court sat for nearly seven hours yesterday hearing the Sabatier case. Mrs. Sabatier was unanimously found not guilty. Sabatier and his assistant, Muller, were unanimously found guilty on all counts. Mr. Gaunt desired to give evidence as to the character of the
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    • 138 7 (Echo Special.') Klumpur, August 1. Before Magistrate Donaldson to-day two planters, one from Mount Estate and the other from Kent Estate, and another European employed at a local engineering firm were prosecuted by the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. Noel Walker, for disconduct at the cinematograph show on July
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    • 236 7 (Reuter.) Fierce Encounters. London, July 31. Crowds of strikers applied for work at London yesterday. There were exciting wenes at the docks. The free labourers were panic-stricken and rushed to the nhips leaving their coats, waist coats, and breakfasts. Others defended themselves with sticks, rivets and bottles but
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    • 55 7 South Africa Wireless. (Renter.) London, July 31. Reuter loarns that South Africa has notified the Imperial Government of its readiness to participate in the Empire Wireless System. It is establishing a high power station at Pretoria at the cost of The Union Government regard it as very important from the
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    • 107 7 (Reuter.) London, July 31. Luring the Indian Budget debate in the House of Common®, referring to opium, the Hon. E. S. Montagu, umler-Secretary of State for India, said that the government of ludii did not intend to reduce the area sti 1 under cultivation. They believed that
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    • 49 7 (Reuter.) Constantinople, July 81. In the Turkish Chamber the Graud Vizier read the programme. It was resolved to contiuue the war till Turkey has obtained all the conditions compatible with her lights. The Chamber passed a vote of confidence in the Government by 113 votes to 45.
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    • 111 7 Reuter.) London, July 31 In the House of Commons during the debate on the Irish estimates reference was nude by Mr. B. Law to Ulster, Mr. Law declared in a passage carefully weighed that if he thought a considerable nuinlier of his followers disapproved (of his action) he
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    • 527 7 (Reuter.) ROYAL CONDOLENCES. London, July 31. The King has cabled hjs condolences to the Crown Prince. The Japanese Ambassador informed Reuter that he was deeply touched by the gracious condolences of Their Majesties, and Queen Alexandra and the genuine sympathy of the people who, despite a
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    • 60 7 (Renter.) Johannesburg, July 31. Dr Solf, the German Colonial Secretary, who was interviewed in Johannesburg denied saving that the importation of Asiatics in South West Africa was imminent. He thought that the Home government would not object if it was absolutely necessary, hut anyhow it was uncertain whether
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    • 54 7 (Reuter.) London, July 31. Messrs. Harland, sVolff A Co s works have restarted, the foremost workmen promising to do their utmost to prevent intimidation and a«saults on Catholics. Additional troops and Police have arrived at Belfast to protect the workers. 157 people have so far been arrested in
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    • 42 7 (Reuter.) London, July 31. The King Edvard’s Horse regiment has been remove.! from the Territorials and made a special reseive regiment of cavahy in order to enable the colonials to undergo the compulsory training required by the Home government.
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    • 46 7 (Uniter.) More Disclosures. New York, July 31. The u'.ai who was arrested in the Ros»nthal c :sa has sworn an affidavit that three police officials of the city divid. d a graft of $2,500,000 during the past year from gambling and other illegal resorts.
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    • 59 7 Test Match Abandoned. (Reuter.) London, August 1. The Test match between England and Australia has been abandoned owing to rain. a f 4 Goodwood Cup Probables. (Reuter.) London, July 31. The probables for the Goodwood Cup (2\ miles) which will be run at Goodwood to-morrow are: William 111 9.
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    • 43 7 (Reuter.) London, July 31. Following was the result of the race for the Goodwood Plate: Trish Marine (1) Winthorpe (2) Warlingbam (3) Nine ran. Won by three lengths; half a length between second and third. The winner was the favourite.
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    • 50 7 (Reuter.) LondoD, August 1. The match between Yorkshire and Sussex ended in a pointless draw. The match between Surrey and Leicester also ended ia a draw. The match between Hampshire and Gloucestershire was abandoned, pointless. Owing to rain the match, South Africans vs. Minor Counties XT, was abandoned.
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    • 474 7 C. R. C. vs. Crescent. The League match on Victoria Green yesterday evening ended in an easy win for the C. R. C. by 5 goals to »7 The Crescent played with two men short, up to the finish. The game was a one-sided one the C. R.
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    • 27 7 London, August 1. (By Courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Si Co.) Plantation Para, Ist Latex crepe... 4s. lOd. Para to arrive 4s. B|d. Market steady.
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    • 78 7 A meeting of the Legislative Council will be held on Friday, August 9. Th 6 orders of the day are the first reading of the Straits and lederated Malay States Government Medical School Ordinance Amendment Bill; the second reading of the Final Supply Bill; the third reading of
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    • 207 7 The report of Mr. Llewellyn Preece on the F.M.S- telegraph and telephone system was laid on the table at the Federal Council at Kuala Kaugsar. He 6ays that neither the telegraph nor the telephone system in the Malay Peninsula can at present be considered wholly satisfactory,
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    • 238 7 The following business in tin has lee done to-day Singapore Straits Trading Co., 75 tons at $101.62! Penang Straits Trading Co., 75 101.85 Total 150 tons. Tin is quoted in London to day at <£2os cash and .£202 Ifs. three months’ sight. Rangoon rice is quoted
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 FRED LANDER, TURF ACCOUf TANT, HAS OPENED HIS BOOKS ON THE TAIPING RACES FIRST DAY, 13TH AUGUST, 1912. Trebles, Doubles Straight Out. •PRICES A PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. All communications Must Be addressed to 23 Beach Street, PENANG. Telegrams LANDER,” Penang. ’Phone No. 5S7, Penang. TOWN HALL, Thursday, August St A.
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    • 53 6 Cure for Biliousness Biliousness is due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Chamberlain’s Tablets essentially a stomach medicine, intended especially to act on that organ to cleanse it, strengthen it, tone and invigorate it, to reflate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectually. For sale by all
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  • 45 7 19th 1).. v• i 6M» M sm. Lammas I)av Band, Golf Club, 6 pm. lienrge Town Cim-matsigraph, Kuala Kaugsar Road. Straits Cinematograph. Penang Road. To-morrow.’ 20th Day of 6th Moon. Band, Esplanade, 6 pm. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 85 7 The man was henpecked— there’» no doubt. And when his spouse was iP, He had to fetch some medicine To cure that dreadful chill. Said she You’ve >;ot this awful stuff, A dose I’ll not endure I’ll break vour held man. if you don’t F f, *h Woods’ Great Peppermint
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    • 507 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. f LTD. Teik Kee Seng Co. Head Office: —SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agent* for Penang. MACBETH AND BARRETT. E. C. BOYCE, District Manager. Local Office: —No. 7, Union Street. NOTICE OF SALK. BY ORDER OF
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    • 93 8 Kleist, G«r. 5,127, M&ass, 81at July, Hamburg, 27th July, Gen. —B. M. A Co. Torch, Ger. >., 5,116, Behm, 31st July, Yokohama, 17th July, Gen. —B. M. A Co. Hong Bse, Br. 2,7 7, Kinghorn, .Slit July, Singapore, 29th July, Gen.— Eoe Guau A Co. Hebe, Br. s.s., 346,
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    • 58 8 Ist August. Malacca, for Tongkah. Malaya, for Deli. Pegu, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Petrel, for Asahan. Taroba, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Hong Bee, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Totomi Maru, for Rangoon and Calcutta. Avagyee, for Dindings, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. Mambang, for Setul.
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    • 381 8 For Langsa, T. Seraawe, Segli, Sabang and Olehleh —Per Atjeh, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenbam and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Deli and Asahan— Per Van Hogendorp, to-morrow, 3 p m. Calcutta —Per C. Apcar, to-morrow, Langkawi, Perli* and Setul Per Un Peng, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Dindings
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  • 126 8 Pknanq, Ist August. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 T 2 3 Credit 2/4 1 f 3 Documentary.. 2/4s| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay, Demand Pans 174$ Moalmein. Demand Bank 1734 8 days’ sight
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  • 213 8 Gold Leaf 564.60 Black Pepper no stock White Pepper 35.50 sales Trang Pepper 23 75 sales Cloves 35. —nominal Mace 120 —sellers Pickings 110 —sales Nutmegs 110 s. 26. —buyers No. 1 8.20 sales Sugar <„ 2 8.10 sales Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10. —buyers C Tahbun 190.
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  • 184 8 Penang, Ist August, 1912. Bkek cts. Soup pe: catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heait 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork I Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head... M 20 Feet 24
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  • 2018 8 «4 g S P Number of i j. 5 Capital. Shares P Dividends. Name. g 6 r 2 ip,ued |-i l* 3 u* 8 pj a .-■•t n eg 1907 1908 1909 Il**********2 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES, p.c. p.c. |p.c. p. e. 1909 450,000 130,000 1 l Ayer Kuniog Rubber Estate.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 CHAROTEAUT’B NO CURATIVE TASTE lUNCIPLE NO SMELL roD NO LIVER NAUSEA OIL MORRHUOL Is superior to Emulsions or Oil, it cures Incipient Consumption, Coughs, Bronchitis ami ScrofulaEach tiny Morrhuol capsule is extracted from a teaspoonful of cod lirer oil. Recommended at the Paris Academy of Medicine, for loss of appetite
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  • 730 9 An extraordinary sequel is happening to the famous case in the Law Courts which gave to the Free Church of Scotland the control of a million pounds. The Scotsman wants to know how that great trust is being administered. In the administration of property and
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  • 418 9 Mr. Cosmo Hamilton has a scatl ing article in the Daily Ma l upon Father an 1 Sod,” in which be punts out “the son problem” with which the middle-class tath* r is daily 1 ce to f ice. The day comes when the boys liegiu to be
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  • 363 9 Rare MS. ok 1120 A.D. The Trustees of the British Museum have acquired by purchase a valuable Chinese Ms of a kind comparatively rare. This MS was wiitten about 1120 A.D., is on silk, and is remarkable for the beauty of the wiiting. The book is in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 466 9 The Insular Life Assurance Co., LIMITED. C A PIT AL“PsT 500,000. Head, Office: 25, Market Street, Manilla P.I.' LEON MOOSE R Em,., Managing Director. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. Special Features, IMsabilitv,” and Return Preuiium druses.” "NO OTHER COMPANY OFFER THESE ADVANTAGES." “STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION.” For further information apply to: TIANG
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    • 147 9 WHITE PORT WINE N0.1. :0: RENOWNED FOR EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY. Packed in cases of 12 qts. 24 pts. Obtainable at all Retail Stores. AGENTS, G. H. SLOT CO., PENANG. JEFFREY'S CASTLE (SAND BEER. An <\*rr r>ijL MAR o 'M Absolutely Pure Beer. The Best on the Markets Obtainable at all
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    • 53 9 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound .1 TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which up-ct the stomach. Highly te commended by th nudi cal profession. Ob ALL CHEMISTS Priee
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    • 177 9 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night, Woods’ Great l eppermiut Cure. Recommended by Medical Authorities for the immediate relief of Asthma and Bronchial trouble, Hay Fever, Laryngitis and Irritation of the air passages. GRIMAULT’S CIGARETTES ease the feeling of tightness across the chest and give k relief from gasping for
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  • 1650 10 He Differed with President Yuan over Appointments and Power of the Mi? itart. A correspondent of the Central China Post, writing from Tientsin under date of Julv 10. gives the following details of an interview with Tang Shao yi: I ventured to
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  • 313 10 Scholarship has l°ng ago dismissed as mythical Pilate’s letter to his wife and the letter of Jesus to Abgirusof Edessa, though they still reappear in the popular press with the periodicity of the sea-serpent. A correspondent has just been explaining in Notes and Queries the fictitious character of that
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  • 855 10 The Witnesses to the Historicity of Jesns. Isy Arthur Drews. Trans. Joseph MeCalie. (Watts.) 319 pp.; Gs. net. In fifty years* time civilisation will womler why the early twentieth century excited itself over the question. Did the Gospel Jesus exist? Thanks to Dupuis, Strauss, Renan,
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  • 613 10 In his preface to a rather original attempt to base the thtory of public speaking on psychological princip’es, The Art of the Orator,” by Mr. E<lgar It. Jones, M.P. (Black), Mr. Lloyd George reminds us of Mr. Gladstone's opinion. I once heard Mr. Gladstone say,” he
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  • 245 10 The Companies do not guarantee the dotes of arrival of these vessels, hut will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. From Alor Star, (Kedah) Kedah, July 27, 29 and 31 and Tong Chuan, 26, 28 and 30. Asahan Petrel, July 26. Bagan Serai Daily/ Remain
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 423 10 'O BE SURE—the Teeth are so important that it would be a pity to neglect them—especially when you can clean them so well and so easily with ColverUt «ssa fi Your local dealer stocks and sells it. Makers F. C. Calvert Co., Manchester, England. Or the Eighth Wonder of the
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    • 8 10 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Greet Peppermint Cure.
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    • 53 10 About Co’ds Some Good Advice. Don’t triHe with a cold is good advice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in case of a child. There is nothing better than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in children. It is safe and Bure. For sale by all
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  • 1803 11 Canadian Advice to Australia on How to Use A Navt. striking advice to Australia on bow tooTtaWi* offered by the Montreal Stir and the article gives a luminous account of the main points at issue. ••Tlie Australian Government is reluctant tn follow the patriotic
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 31 11 GUNS! GUNS!! GUNS! High Grade with all the latest improvements, At Very Low Prieesleft choke. It. 16 or tO BORE Price, £5-8-0 Delivered Free. C. JAMES REYNOLDS. Ua*d.r Roai Tkor* u
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    • 901 11 8,000,000 Rubber Stumps. Nurseries lOD acres fully Planted References MR. A. B. MILNE. Apply— L. HEINTZE, Tanjong Ramijctax Estatb, reral-, F. if. .S’. Telegrams i 44 Heintze,” Tanjong lUinbuiaa. 15-7-12 257 c EUROPEAN AGENCY. YY7HOLESALE Indents promptly ext>- YY cuted at lowest cash prices for all kinds of British and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 893 12 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Utc of Or. AUca f Co.. Pkt. 0. S. A. TECK COMPANY. Shanghai Carpenters', V Furnishers. 4, PENANG ROAD. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free BMIDINO AT A to. 2ln, Penang Rond. 4 few Into fro* the Eutcra aid Orimtal Hold. High-class Household Furniture kept in stock and
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