Straits Echo, 4 July 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 982 1 It jot require a Toma and aome' thing to nourish you, Drink Dog's Head guinness's Stout and look v i for this i iws/'um 3 A i»m vA to see that you get it. TLA.NQ LEE A Co., ffote Agents. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip Bottles Dog’s Head Guinness’s Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. Observe this label, it is on every genu* ine Nip. TIA.NO LEE Co.. 80U Agents
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  • 2832 2  -  Br St. Johx G. Ebvihe. The simpler politicians assert with ai regularity of utterance and a lack of proof which are tiresome that the concession of Home Rule to Ireland will be the preliminary to a great religious war between the Catholics and the Protestants. They
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  • 324 2 Yus,” said the old woman with whom I had scraped an acquaintance in a certain village, yus, I’ve spoken to a real, live prince. I ’eard as ’ow ’e was a great man, and, to l)e sure, ’is size was tremend’us. And mighty queer
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  • 253 2 A long discussion on the subject of mixed marriages took place at the general meeting of the German Colonial Society at Hamburg oa sth June. The Society ultimately passed a motion requesting the Government not to give effect to the recent resolution of the Reichstag
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  • 178 2 Unlucky Malta, for 268 years under the perpetual sovereignty (so runs the grant of Charles V.) of the Knights Hospitallers, for ninety years the key of the British position in the Mediterranean writes T. Balston in T.P.'e Magazine. Who goes there now A few years ago the ships
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 107 2 To Advertisers Have You a Customer in nearly every town and village of I the F.M.S.? our customers, write or ’phone to our WE HAVE. would like introductions to BUSINESS MANAGER. He will do the rest. <?) If you are anxious to reduce your Tyre Bill, and we know you
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    • 74 2 How Great Reputation Was Won. dou are not experimenting on yourself when tou take Chamlierlain’s Cough Remedy for a cold as that preparation has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its rennrkable cures of colds, and can always be depended upon. It is equally valuable for xdults and
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    • 61 2 Coed for We.k Digestion. Chamljerlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and mar be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion and
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    • 54 2 Cure for Biliousness Biliousness is due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Chamberlain’s Tablets are essentially a stomach medicine, intended especially to act on that organ to cleanse it, strengthen it, tone and invigorate it, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectually. For sale by
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    • 44 2 According to all accounts we have the assurance that (jonosan is one of the most valuable discoveries of modem pharma* cology and is far ahead of all preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs, etc. It is the safest and most successful. At all Chemists and Dealers.
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  • 1770 3 Bt Spencer Leigh Hughes in Reynold’». I saw something in the papers the other > day to the effect that whatever may be done by general medical practitioners, the eminent Harley-street specialists do mean to strike. This may be good or bad news according to the
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  • 1686 3 Bt Gustave Le Bos. [With the object of summarising many of the vi -W8 expressed in his works (particularly T/Evolution ties Peuples,” "La Psychologic Politique,” Les Opinions et les Croyances,” and “La Physiologic des j Foules,”), M. Gustave Le Bon wrote a scries of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 254 3 REX MOTOR CYCLES, SPEED-RELIABILITY-COMFORT. 6 H.P. Twin Cylinder, two Speed $550 H.P. Single Cylinder, Tourist 425 Full Particulars from PATERSON, SIMONS k CO., LTD., PENANG. POKTYPIVC ASKED. Forty-five mothers asked for and received a free sample can of Fussell’s cows Milk (Green Butterfly Brand) That’s not all—twenty-one of them ordered
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    • 56 3 Ab:ut Co ds Sons: Good Advice. Don’t tiille with a cold is good advice for jjrudout men and women. It may be vital in case of a child. There is nothing letter than Chamberlain’s Cough Ren»“dy for coughs and colds in cl ildren. It is safe and sure. For sale
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    • 37 3 The Bnl Plaster. A piec-3 of flannel dampened Chamberlain’s rain Daltn and bound on over the affected parts is superior to a plaster and costs'only one tenth as much. Tor sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 10 3 For Children’s Having Cough at Night, Woods’ Great Fepjouaiat Cura,
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    • 116 3 SELF CURE NO FICTION I a THĕ u ff&r* F gif?cirz£PZtf: THERAPION No. 1 IQ a remarkably *bort time, often a few days only Curesdi» karifey cither vra *snperscdinr tniections THERAPION N 0.2 Cures blood po ton. bad lejc«, u!< rrs, torn, painful ■welled joints,&e. *boi nim u'ul treatment fails.
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    • 80 4 Hong Bee, Br. 2.057. Kinghorn, Brd July, Amoy, Gen. —Koe Guan. Rotorua, Br. 556, Bell, 3rd July, Tongk&h, 2nd July, Gen.—E. 8. Co., Ltd. Van Stroll, Dut. 1.152, Caaser. 3rd July, Padaog, 23rd June, Gen. —H. L. Co. Speelman, Dut. 639, Kar.ten. 3rd July, Langsa, 2nd July, Gen. H.
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    • 50 4 4th Jclt. Petrel, for Asahan. Pegu, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Malaya, for Deli. Tara, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Aviujyc* t, for Diodiogs, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. Hong Bee, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Faxilka, for China and Japan. Mambang, for Setul. Kalmoa, for Langsa.
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    • 314 4 FOK Deli and Asahan—Per Van Hogendorp, to-morrow, 3 p m. Langsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Sabang and Olehleh—Per Speelman, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Anson —Per Hebe to-morrow. 4 p.m. Madras taking mails for Europe, etc., ria Bombay—Per Teesta, 6th instant. Port Swettenham and Singapore Ter 1 Lanka, 6th instant,
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  • 121 4 Pbxaxo, 4th July. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank ”/4,** 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3 T 3 Credit 2/4\\ 3 Documentary.. 2/4$ Calcutta, Demsnd Bank R«. 1744 n 3 days’ sight Private 1754 Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ lionlmein, Demand Bank 1734 8 days* sight Private
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  • 221 4 Gold Leaf 564.60 Black Pepper stork White Pepper 34 50 buyers Trang Pepper 23 75 sales Cloves M Ml 35. —nominal Mace 120 —sellers Pickings 110— sales Nutmegs 110 s. 24. buyers No. 1 8.20 ecu* Sugar < 2 8.10 sal s (.Basket 5.15 stty<»r* Copra (mixed) 10 25
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  • 181 4 Prnano. 4th July, 1912. Beek cts. Soup per catty 2) Roast 26 Steaks 26 Stew or Curry Meat... 20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 40 Tongue... 60 Fbdt 20 Heart 40 Liver per catty 60 Pork Pork fer catty 32 Pig’s Head... 20 Feet 24 Tongue Mtrrrox
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  • 1910 4 1 10 g 3 It CpiUi. N ĕ«ndf. I I I ai 1 1 u. c-, 1907 1908 1909 *****911 1912 RUBBER—HOLLA It SHARES. p.c. p.c. |p.c. p. e. nr*. Uft/mn ioa/uam 1 1 Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate. Ltd. ,5 cts. M.Il 1 75*000 *> o 45 100
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 57 4 MARTIN’S P for Ladies. fl Pranch Ramodjr for all IrrofularUias. Tnousandio# keep a hui of Martin's 1*1.1«. in the %o that on the first sign ot any lrraularity of the System a timely dose may b« ■dmmistarrd. TW who iw ti.em recommend them, hen e the* amotmoMi «ala. At all
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    • 133 4 This is the bottle that cured the cough. That nearly carried my husband off. The bottle that all of you know, I’m sure. And the remedy, Wood Peppermint Cure, Take it for every cough and cold, It’s equally good for young and old. And don’t forget what the Yankee said,
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  • 337 5 An official circular issued to shareholders gives in substance the following:—Negotiations have been proceeding between the Board and the High Commissioner aud the British Adviser to the Sultan of Kelantau with a view to an arrangement under which the Government of Kelantan shall resume the powers held by
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  • 106 5 Penaiut, 4th July, 1012. 4 in s Bank drafts on London 2/4^ D/D 2/4* T/T 2/4** 3 m/i Credits 2/4, 7 00 d/s y. 2/4§ 30 d/s 2/4/, D/D Bank buying,, 2/4 j New York 56* Paris n 204 J Hamburg 238£ Java, Bank demand 140! 1 living
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1158 5 The Insular Life Assurance Co., LIMITED. CAPITAL Ps 500,000. Head Office: 25, Market Street, Manilla P.l.* LEON MOOS Eli Esv»., Managing Director. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. Special Features, “Disability,” and Ileturn Premium CL-uses.” NO OTHER COMPANY OFFER THESE ADVANTAGES." "STRICT GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION." For further information applv to: TIANG LEE V
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    • 75 5 IiMMiUMiHyUiUUUUUUUIIiyiiyiiMMMIIMU^|iUUMUUUUUIUI THIS IS IT i WATERBURV’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS <?- cw t.T., c.i Jzirl.. W-i-~ The latc.-t scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes t’.ic old fashioned emulsions which i:p-rt the stomach. Highly recommended by t lie medical
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  • 93 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THK CRITERION PRESS. Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Str«*t. Penang. Prick. Daily Local $24 j*r annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 545 N.B. —All business communication:' should be addressed
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  • 1271 6 This d.tte means mo-e than Yankee fileworks to me It. is a day on which to re-dream an olden dream of the men of mv race. From a letter recently published in the Echo I gather that I am classified as a Socialist who rides Socialism as a hobby
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  • 96 6 Exclusives are cheap when you, biing out a late edition. For instance, our information about the buying-up of the Eastern Shipping Company by the 8.1.5. N Co. was exclusive news until the late edition of the Pinang Gazette was published. And then it became conclusive to us how the
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  • 222 6 lbs. Taiping Rubber Plantations, Ltd. 9,083 Sungei Siput Rubber Plantations, Ltd. 1,837 Sumatra Consolidated Rubber Estates, Ltd. 9,265 Rukit Mertajam Rubber Co., Ltd 7,416 Iv. M. S. (Malay States) Rubber and Coconut Plantations, Ltd. 1,953 In consequence of the resignation of the Premier, Tans Shao-yi, several other
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    • 129 6 Echo Sjteeia/.) Governor Shot At. Hongkong, July 4. Sir Francis Henry May, Governor of Hongkong, while making his formal entry into the city this morning was shot at by a Chinaman. The shot missed Sir Francis. No one was injured. The would-bc assassin is a young man. He
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    • 26 6 Reuter London, July 3. Mr. Harry Augustus Frederick Currie, C M.G., the General Manager of the Uganda Railway, died at a Nursing Home at Leeds.
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    • 31 6 (Reuter.) London, July 3. The Titanic Enquiry closed after ex haustive speeches by counsel for all parties Lord Mersey promised to give judgment at the earliest possible opportunity.
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    • 44 6 Reuter.) Melbourne, July 3. At the opening of the State Parliament the Premier announced a conference. The State Premiers had agreed to surrender to the Commonwealth Parliament specific powers for the control of monopolies and for the regulation of industrial disputes.
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    • 61 6 (R cuter.) London, July 3. The first clause of the Home Rule Bill was adopted by 316 votes to 224. Mr. H. H. Asquith moved the closure which led to vigorous protests and a heated scene between the chairman, Mr. Whitley, and Captain Craig, the intervention of
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    • 179 6 {Reuter.) London, July 3. A remarkable Parliamentary crisis has taken place owing to the Liberals preparing to contest the constituency of Hanley-! vacated by the death of the Labour inembe’r, Mr. Edwards. The Labourites threaten that unless the Liberal candidates are withdrawn from Hanley they will fight Crewe
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    • 91 6 {Reuter.) Dunkirk, July 3. The dockers struck work in support of the seamen. Prominent, London TradeUnionists predict that the London Strike Committee will order a general resumption of work by the London dockers at the weekend. Strikers Told To Persist. Mr. G. H. Roberts, Labour M. P. for
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    • 28 6 (Reuter.) m -Sr x- London, July 3. Ihe Nationalists hare been arrested and charged with conspiracy against the Khedive, Lord Kitchener, and the Egyptian Premier
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    • 178 6 (Reuter.) ROOSEVELT’S CONVENTION. New York, July 3. The National Convention of Mr. Roosevelt’s Progressive party has been fixed to take place at Chicago on August 1. C ark Congratulates His Opponent. London, July 3. Mr. Clark was among the first who congratulated Mr. Woodrow Wilson. He
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    • 32 6 (Reuter London, July 3. The Welsh Parliamentary party has appointed a special committee to investigate land conditions in Wales with a view to special legislation in the near future.
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    • 51 6 (Reuter.) London, July 3. With the arrival by Mr. R. L. Borden (Canadian Premier), who is expected to-day, there will be eight Canadian Cabinet Ministers in London. They will be accompanied by several heads of departments. The chief subjects for discussion will be Imperial and Naval
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    • 28 6 Reuter.) London, July 3. The Tsar and his family have arrived at the Baltic Port. The Kaiser sailed for the Baltic on board the Hohenzollcrn.
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    • 326 6 M. Sabatier, his assistant Muller, and his Japanese wife, re-appeared in the second police court, at Singapore on Tuesday before Mr- David in connection with the preliminaryenquiry into the allegations of forging currency notes and possessing false notes and instruments against them. The proceedmgs, formal us
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    • 17 6 Ton-hah Hartmur Tin [““S f 3, 600 ,394 4.470 395 5 571 587 WO 1,503
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    • 91 7 {Reuter.) Winston at Cork. London, July 3. Mr. Winston Churchill and the Admiralty official* are inspecting Cork. Replying to a deputation he said that one of the reasons of the inspection was to ascertain the facilities of Haullx>wliue Island (in Cork harbour) and to enable Cork harbour
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    • 31 7 {Reuter.) Regina, July 4. Preparations are being made to rebuild the town. 1,000,000 will lie raised by special civic assessment. Contributions are pouring in from every city in Canada.
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    • 48 7 {Reuter.) London, July 4. The Times states that the Salonika troops sent to suppress the military revolt at Mouastir are encamped outside the town. It is stated that they have resolvod not to fire on their comrades. Eight more battalions are en route from the Dardinelles.
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    • 434 7 Wr.KCK OF THE QUINTA. Hongkong papers of June 25 bring details of tho wreck of the Quinta, which Reuter wired out to us. The Hongkong Daily Press of that date states The steamer Quinta, owned by a German company for which Messrs. Sieinssen and Compauy are agents,
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    • 141 7 The Federated Engineering Company ltavo decided to replace all the Chinese strikers with Sikhs. In the words of Mr. Sampson, the manager, they have done with Chinamen.” Last week three or four Sikhs were started at work, and two or three more cauio in on Saturday. A few
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    • 71 7 English Cricket. {Reuter.) London, July 3. The match l>etween Yorkshire and the Australians was drawn. Oxford University beat Mr. H. D. G. Leveson Gower’s XI by an innings and 38 runs. Sussex beat Leicester by an innings and 258 runs. Owing to rain there was no play between Gloucester
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    • 55 7 {Reuter.) London. July 3. Following are the probables for the Princess of \V ales’ Stakes miles) which will bo run at Newmarket to-morrow Prince Palatine, F. Wootton L’Enseigne, Clark Balblair, Sax by Lance Chest, Walter Griggs Cylba, Whalley St. Edgar, Martin Lorenzo, Trigg F.mtasio, Wheatley King
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    • 585 7 Reuter.) Stockholm, July 3. In the football soini-finals in the Stockholm Olympic Games Great Britain beat Finland by 4 goals to 1. Denmark beat Holland by 4 goals to 1. Stockholm, July 4. Great Britain won the team miniature rifle competition. America was third. Sweden won tho team
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 248 6 LX3 THE GREATEST RESTORATIVE FOR m m m m m m MALARIA. m m -:0: m m Containing all the food principles necessary for \\\z and health. :o:m HYGIAMA m m m m m #1 Price per 2 lb. tin 11-00 nett. Sole Agents: The George Town Dispensary, Ltd., PENANG
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  • 896 7 The following letter has been sent to the Financial News Sir, —The able and vigorous letter from Sir Ernest Birch, in your issue of April 16, leaves the impression that it is mere superfluity of naughtiness for anyone connected with the Federated Malay States to criticise
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  • 66 7 The following articles will 1« foand on our outside pages Page 2. —The Orangeman in Politics. Another View of G. K. Chesterton. Mixed Marriage in German Colonies. t 3. —Some More Threatened Strikes. Aphorisms on Politic*, Law, and Faith. c. —Democracy and the Wage S_ stem. Luff Do* elopmeut.
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  • 189 7 The N- D. L. s.s. Prinzes* Alice was 'alongside the wharf yesterday discharging 424 tons of general cargo. Owtward Til Shipment. ss. Derfflinger. Huttenb«ach Bros. .50 tons I Eastern Smelting Co, Ltd. 75 j McAlister Co. 25 The P. and O. extra steamer Nore having left Singapore at 7
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  • 277 7 Rubber Reports, Dividends Pataling. —lnt. div. 50 per cent, (actual). Carey United. —Int. div. 7} per cent, per annum. Bukit Sembawano.—Credit balance for 1911 *£2,' 08, which is carried forward. East Java. —Proposed to issue <£ 10,000 7 per cent, first mortgage debentures, convertible. Simo. —Including I ,G&4 forward, credit
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  • 56 7 The following business in tin has been done to-day Singapore Straits Trading Co., $lOl buyers, no sellers j Penang Penang Tin Exchange,so tons at 100.75 Tin is quoted in London to-day at £204 I os. cash and £2OO 15s. throe months’ sight. Rangoon rice is quoted
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  • 64 7 To-dat. 20th Day of o»h Moon. Prince of Wales* Stakes. Independence Pa U. S. A. Hand, Golf Club, 0 p.ui. Qonrge Town Oim matognpb, Kuala Kangsar Rond. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Matsuo's Japiucse Cinematograph, Penang Road. To-.wonnow. 21st Day of sth Moon. Band, Esplanade, C p m. George Town
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 31 7 UonoHAii capsules contain only the purest East Indian Sandalwood oil and Kawa Kawa. Tho first dose quickly removes violent infLuuiuatoi v symptoms, bot» of 40 capsules, at all dealers and chemists.
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    • 30 7 Amongst the companr present at the dinner to His Majesty’s Judges at the Mansion House on 12th June «ere Mr Justice Thornton (Straits Settlements), and Mr. F. A. Hazelaud (Hongkong)
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    • 644 7 THE GREAT EASTERI 1 LIFE ASSURANCE CO.^LTD. Hun Orricu—SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment ii All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Financial Agent» for Penang. MACBETH AND BARREIT. E. C. BOYCE, District Manager, ftoruil Office: —No. 7. Union Strkht. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Refund of Assessment. CLAIMS TO BE MADE THIS MONTH. All
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  • 2509 8 It wa«, wo think, Abraham Lincoln who defined democracy as government of the people by the people for the people. This is the conception of democracy common to all republicans and radicals throughout the world. Gladstone differentiated Liberalism by his famous aphorism: Toryism is mistrust
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 66 8 t 4 ♦♦>+♦■»♦♦♦+■»+♦♦♦ Mil ||444tf4 44tm? THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound C«4 t J -^Yr TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre para t ion of COI) LIVER OIL Docs all that !s claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly
      66 words
    • 117 8 THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION Active Principle of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote 55 L-v mm m ft 6’ M Vf D^ViSißtai ..ta(Chnpoteaut) reliable agent in TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS OR PULMONARY PHTHISIS Sold by all Chemists. JH If YOU feel that the ECHO ieserves A Leg Up It’ll cost you only
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    • 1745 8 READ BELOW AWAY. from this Book. First Cost. Your Address on a ]£loo GIVEN Select your Goods Buy Direct. British made. BS Years' Reputation. 1912 Ideal Home Decoration* Catalogue. 144 P»*«* 7*coVui«*ds’u'ide to ali and illustration*. the nr«r»t ol the new. Don t mi*» »t* l,e rec °K ca S
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  • 29 9 Vessels Prom Agents Due P. Atice Colombo BM.&Co. 4tli July. Delta Colombo AG.ACo. 11th Assaye Singapore A.G.ACo. 13th Prim Eitel Friedrich gingapore B.M.A Jo. 2nd I I
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  • 23 9 Vessels For Agents Leaves P. Alice Singapore B.M.&Co. July. Delta Singapore A-G.ACo. Ana ye Colombo A.G.&Co. Print Eitel Friedrich' Colombo B.M.&Co. 1
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 297 9 Atr*ct®d Arrivals and Departures Mail Service Outward. July 11 l>elta connecting with Mongolia 25 Egypt Medina Homeward. FADES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class r.i Iiondon by Sea $565-72 $377-14 Tj Marsoilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $358-29 EXTRA STEAMERS. Intermediate Service. W r ITH excellent accommodation for a limited number
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    • 1348 9 [SHIPPING. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD, HUTTENBACH, LIEBEHT 81 Co. Penang, Agents, o KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) Fob Deli, Asahau, Paneb and Singapore. (Weekly). Deli and Batu Bahra. (Fortnightly). Deli and Langsa. (Fortnightly). Singapore (direct) Connecting with Batavia and other Java etc. ports. (Fortnightly.) Sabang (direct),
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  • 945 10 The uae of the rbymiog dictionary has been general for many years, and bouts* rimes (or poems constructed after the rhymes hare been set down in order) hare been known erer since the Middle Ages. Both these methods are clumsy, in so far as they do
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  • 227 10 The Companies do not guarantee the date* of arrival of three vessels, but will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. From Alor Star, (Kedah) Kedah, June 25, 27 and 29. Asaban Petrel, June 23; Van Hogendorp, June 22. Bagan Serai Daily. Bagan Datoli Pangkor, every
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  • 175 10 July, 1912. D H. W. L. W. H. W. L. W. ATB A.M. AM. P.M. P.M. 4th 8.02, 8.57, 2.48, 9.50 sth 3.81, 9 21, 3.04, 9.59 Bth 4.02. 9.48, 3 34, 10.28 7th 4 44, 10 30, 4.15, 11.12 Bth 5.35, 11.40, 5 15, 11.58
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 170 10 For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. We Lead B others follow. We are leading the wayjduring last forty years of our existence. Many have come and gone, manv have imitated but never excelled. Our highly scented anu profusely medicated Hair ’Oil Kuntal Brishya is the best in even,-
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    • 419 10 I Yo*j do not clean plate with a blacking brush, nor your teeth with a saw. But as regards the teeth you want to find out the really good cleansing medium and use it. Everything else has its special medium nowadays, from bicycles to bath-rooms. Odol is the thing for
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    • 460 10 LIE SIEN BIE, BATAVIAN PHOTO6RAPHIC STUDIO, CHOP “BIE TONG KING," Dja'an Toko Median, Deli. Telephds* 270. Studio open daily from 7 a.m. to 5 pm. Photographs of all sires and descriptions taken. Best workmanship guaranteed. Enlargements made. Amateurs negatives developed. Estate Photos, Interiors, Groups, Landscapes, a speciality. Pictures Framed. A
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  • 1675 11 Tue Six Commandments or a Jealous Lover. The depth of a loving, if erring, woman’s soul is revealed in the letters of the unfortunate nnd beautiful Countess Giulia Trigona, once Lady-in- Waiting to the Queen of Italy, who fell into disgrace through her illicit passion for Lieutenant
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  • 334 11 The Bishop of London has been saying strange things—for a Bishop. His demand that Labour should be the first charge on industry has boon mado clerically familial bv another Bishop, the Bishop of Oxford but. the claim of God over all other claims has hitherto been advanced, practically alone,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 27 11 <JonOS:»n is a happv combination of Kawa Resins with Oleum Santali in the prop<*rtion of 1 part Kawa Kawato4parts Oleumcures easily, no complications. A chemists and dealers.
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    • 1434 11 EUROPEAN CAPITAL. Furnished for attractive enterprises in all substantial lines of business. Railroads, Tractions, Water and Electric Powers, Irrigations, Timber, Mining Agricultural and Industrial. Bond, Debenture and Stock Issues Underwritten, Purchased or Sold. Properties purchased for European exploibit ion and investment. Financial Undertakings of all sorts handled. Miscellaneous commissions and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 846 12 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Lite of Dr. Alien 8 Co., ft», 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. BBSIDINa^AT Ao, 2ls, Penang Rosd. A far Jons from the Eutcn itt OrUmtml Hotel. TECK COMPANY. Shanghai Carpenter»] V Furnishers. 4, PENANG ROAD. f i High-class Household Furniture kept in stock and
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