Straits Echo, 1 July 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 992 1 if 70a require a Tonic and some 9 thing to nouriah yon, Drink Dog's Head Guinness's Stout, and look for this label to seo that you get it. TIANQ LEE k Co., Sole Agents. 7 r-v*. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. (BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia
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    • 32 1 Order it in Nip Bottles Dog's Head Guinness’s Stout. The Tonic that cheors and soothes and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANO LEE Co., Sole Agents,
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  • 3626 2 MH. ISM AY ON THE CONTROL OF THE VESSEL. Si»k*i> In The Ice Region. At the inquiry into the lots of the Titanic, which was resumed on June 6th by Lord Mersey and his a« sensors after the Whitesnntide recess, Mr. Bruce Ismay was called. His evidence occupied
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 37 2 Prof. Sclimidt prefers (jonnsan Kawa Riedel's) to any other preparation of SautulwooJ oil. Although he used the in more than 20 eases, lie has never observed any signs of nausea, flatulency, nephritic j>a:no, pruritus nor skin eruptions.
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    • 151 2 (Ionos i:i brings about satisfactory results without the aid of any local treatment and is the latest and most scientific Remedy and far superior to combinations of plain Sandalwood oil, Copaiba, etc. At all chemists and dealers SELF CURE NO FICTION I <4 TH IS' FRENCH R EMEU? THERAPION Wo.
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    • 519 2 A Working Housewife h. 9 -t. 3 6# dv»~ Nervous Depression, Neuralgia, Sleeplessness— A cheerful, bright way of looking at things, a brisk activity which easily enables her to do almost as much as two ordinary persons, are some of the immediate benefits Mrs. Parker derived from Phosferine. Like most
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  • 3322 3 Hm Opinions on Pinsons and CONTROVERSIES DUBINO XHB LAST TEAKS OF HIS life. Related foe the First Time. The story of King Edward VII, as told bv Sir Sidney I ash in the second supplement of the Dictionary of National Biography (Vol. I. of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 About Co'ls —Some Good Advice. Don’t trifle with a cold is good advice for prudent men and women* t D Vl in case of a child. There is nothing than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy or coughs and colds in children. It is sa and sure. For sale by all Dispeneai les
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    • 74 3 How i Great Reputation Waa Won. You are not experimenting on yourself when you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a cold as that preparation has won its groat reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds, and can always be depended upon. It is equally valuable for adults
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    • 56 3 Curt for Biliousness Bilicuof»? is due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Chamberlain s Tablets are essentially a stomach medicine, intended especially to act on that organ to cleanse it, strengthen it, tone and invigorate it, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectually. For 6ale
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    • 55 3 We Have Received Another CONSIGNMENT OP Tough White Manilla Envelopes. Cheap and strong Quality. Price $l-50 per 1,000. CASH, NETT. The CHEAPEST Envelopes id the market. Noue to equal. Samples ox Application. The last consignment of 500,000 have been sold out like hot cakes. CRITERION TRESS, LID. 226—232 n aek
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    • 296 3 rl iffl NOTICE THIS. BROADWODD PIANOS. Chippendale Design. Specially Built for the East. Price $350. AGENTS: MESSRS. MACBETH A BARRETT, PENANG. f r i' THE LIGHT OF THE DAY. THE Only Light that Never Fails. WIKTORIN LIGHT! WIK T ORIN LIGHT!! rooms Please give us an inspection an«l lie certain
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    • 226 4 Syria. Hr. f.s., 6,660, Peters, 29th June, Yokohama, 6th June, Geu. —A. G. A Co. Aiika, Br. e.s., 149, Redfern, 29th June. Calcutta, 21st June, Gen. —A. A. A. A Co. Dajny, Nor. s.s., 833, SoWesen, 29th June, HoDgay, 19th June, Coal. —B. A Co. Sembilan, M S. I>ut.,
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    • 48 4 Ist July. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. C. Apcar, for Calcutta. Avagyec, for Dindings, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. Zira, for Calcutta. Lai Sang, for Calcutta. Un Peng, for Pulau Perlis and Setul. Sree Hangka, for Pulau Langkawi. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping
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    • 301 4 Fob Teluk Anson—P. r Hebe, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore —Per Klang, to-morrow, 4-’5 p in. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples, for Europe etc. Per Derfflinger, to-morrow, 6 p.m. On Wkbk Days. Taiping, Ipoh and Batu Gajah, 7-15 a.m. and 1.45 p.m. daily,
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  • 120 4 Pbnaho, Ist July. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) Lc ndon, Demand Bank 2/4/« 4 months' sight Bank 2/4/., 3 Credit 2/4/ s 3 Documentary.. 2/44 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1744 H 3 days' sight Private 175$ Bombay, Demand Bins 174$ tfonlmein, Demand Bank 1734 3 days' sight Private
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  • 222 4 Gold Leaf 464.60 Black Pepper ..V* no stork White Pepper 33} buyers Trang Pepper 22.87} buyers Cloves 35. —nominal Mace 12') —sellers Pickings 110 —sales Nutmegs 110 s. 24.—« tiers No. 1 820 sale* Sugar j 2 810 sal*-» (.Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (m xei) 10 25 buyers /'Tahtun
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  • 172 4 PknanO, Ist July, 1912. B<rk cts. Soup per catty 2 > Roast 26 Steaks 1 26 Stew or Curry Meat... 20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 40 Tongue... 60 Feet 20 Heart 40 Liver per catty 60 POR K Pork por catty 32 Pat’s Heal... 20 Feet
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  • 2168 4 7» 1 1 T Number of A f 4= g Capital. Shares > Dividends. Name. S S t it sue 1. p p* s q c2 'a l 1907 1903 1909 **********12 RUBBER —HOLLAR SHARE**, p.c. p.o. |p.c. p. a I .pO}»* 150 0001 130,000 1 l Ayer Kuning
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 38 4 The B?st Piaster. A piece of flannel damj>ened berlain’s Pain Halm and bound affected paits is superior to a costs only one tenth as much, all Dispensaries and Dealers. with Chamon over the plaster and For sale by
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    • 49 4 Oh Woods’ Great Pepi>erinint Cure is great, If you’re inclined to doubt it. Just buy a bottle—eighteen penc?. You’ll never be without it. The larger size is two and six, If I were you I’d get it, ’Twill quickly cure all coughs and colds, You never will regret it.
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    • 9 4 For Chronic Chest Com plaints, Woods’ Groat Peppermint Curo
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  • 1305 5 It frill be remembered that Major Leonard Darwin rebutted the charge of impracticabi- j lity levelled against the Eugenists by nj- j ing: It U to be hoped that the introduction of a Bill into Parliament in the coming session, in which the segregation of the feeble-minded
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  • 125 5 In connection with the synthetic rublier scare at home, the Times of Ceylon, of June 20, has the following telegram Prof. Perkins’ synthetic rubber discovery is occasioning widespread interest and is commented upon iu the leading journals. Tho promoting company, it is understood, is in course of construction
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 912 5 The Insular Life Assurance Co., LIMITED. CAPITAL Ps. 500,000. Head, Office: 25, Market Street, Manilla P.I. LEON MOOSE R Esq., Managing Director. Policies Unconditional and Incontestable. Special features, “Disability,” and “Return Premium Cl"uses.” NO OTHER COMPANY OFFER THESE ADVANTAGES." STRICT GOVERN lENT SUPERVISION." For further information apply to:— TIANG LEE
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    • 70 5 iDllilUlJiiilUiiiUlUiliiliUUiULUuiiil UUiu. iiUiiUkUlliill.'lUiillliUUitI 1 UmU CGUJJ llUUii UlliUii r A THIS 15 IT WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVMR OIL. Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which up-et the stomach. 11 ijjhly recommended by
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    • 162 5 i I 4» < HINDRANCES TO HEALTH •uch as dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite, torpid liver, constipation, sick-headache, aid other evidences of a derangement of the organs of digestion and secretion, may be easily and successfully REMOVED by means of the far famed family medicine Beecham’s Pills. hor three generations
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  • 94 6 Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT TIIK CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Prick. Daily Local 52i per annum Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $17.50 CABI.It ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printins Departnent 343 ff.B- —All l>u»ln*!»» wr .aunication* «hould
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  • 616 6 Hear you the Siga<f Ah, Ad, Ag, and the rest of that phratrv. It dropped as a ray from the Beyond, and f-lione upon the mind of the writer as it lay, quiescent, and receptive, like the First Mother in the Indian Story of Genesis. Whatever you take it
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  • 55 6 The following changes will take place, owing to the departure on leave of Inspector O’Neill: Sgt. Laws from Marine Station to Pitt Street Sgt. O’Neill from Pitt Street to Marine Station Insp. Joyce from Pitt Stieet to Putterworth In?p. McNamara from Sungei Dal ap to Dindings Sgt. Guin&n
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  • 211 6 No 1 1 rike Likely. [Echo not extra Special] So long ago as June 14th, the Echo printed this news Mario* Engineer*. Want More Pat. We understand that marine engineers in the Straits are putting in claim for increased pay. The dollar grade will be adopted instead of
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  • 157 6 Hom cide took place last night in Campbell Street. It appears that Seng Fong, an elderly Chinaman, wrote a love letter to a Chinese woman. The lady did not like receiving letters from the man. Yesterday evening this woman waswalkiug along Campbell Street with a friend
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  • 95 6 In our advertising columns it will be seen that Raffles Hotel is making a most sporting offer in proof of its assertion that the food and service there is the best obtainable.” All customers from to-day’s date until 15th inst. will be charged only half the usual first-clas6
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  • 51 6 At about midnight on Friday a motor car ran over a man in Cintra Strpet. The car did not. stop. The man, a Hindu, died in Hospital yesteiday from the injuries received iu the accident. What the Police want to know is the number of the
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  • 27 6 On June 28 the Secretary of the Serendah Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. reports the returns for May as 87.29 piculs, estimated profit 13,696 91.
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  • 20 6 The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company for the weok ended June 29 was 17 tons.
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  • 220 6 The ’redding of Mr. G. A. Lunglev, of B c rtam Estate, to Miss VVel>er, daughter of the late Captain Weber, will take place on July 12th. Mgr. Barillon, Bishop of Malacca, leaves Singapore on Thursday on his annual pastoral visit to the Federated Malay States, Penang
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  • 1254 6 A New Shear. In the House of Commons on June sth Mr. MacCallum Scott asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether British subjects of Chinese descent have been excluded by the Colonial Office from the Civil and Police Services of the Straits Settlements and the
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  • 182 6 The M. S. Sembilau is the second motor ship to touch at Penang. She arrived here on Saturday from Cheribon, a port on the east coast of Java. Built last year by the Nederlandsche Frabrick vau Werkturgen en SpoorwegMaterieel, Amsterdam, the Sembilan was registered in liatavia.
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  • 108 6 [Echo Correeporulence June 30. Page in bis heart and parang in his hand made a Klang Malay a widower and a prisoner. Hoh Kan, said to be a recruiting agent for a Secret Society, used as one of his persuasive arguments a knife. He will take his trial at
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  • 42 6 The following business in tin lias been done to-day Singapore Straits Trading Co., 7 buyers no sellers j $102.6-§ Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 6J tons at $lO2 30 Rangoon rice is quoted here to-day at $226 per coyan.
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  • 186 6 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pago 2.—Titanic Inquiry. t> 3.—The Real King Edward VII. Revealed. c.—A Wrong Bill. Synthetic Rubber. 8. Cricket Tournament. P. V. Rifle Meeting. The Government Gazette. Chinese Commercial Bank. The Tuan Muda of Sarawak. The Ideal Judge. I» 10.—The Victoria
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 176 6 WHY BUY. when you can obtain on HIRE, almost ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you want, from THE SAVE-V-T ROUBLE FIRM, 120, Pitt Street:— Frock Suit* ami Top Hat», Pictures, Plants, Lamps, Tables, Table-clotba, Chairs, Knires, Forks and Spoons, Decanters, Glasses, JII2S, Flower Vases, Motor-cars, Victorias, Bridal Wroatl]» and Veils, Decoration Cloth,
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    • 55 7 (Echo Special.) Singapore, July 1. The Full Court of Appeal opened 10-day. The commission of Mr. P. J. Sproule was read. He was sworn in and took his seat on the Bench. The first case heard was the de Bosock case. The Attorney-General prosecuted and Mr. Bailee
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    • 26 7 (Echo Sjtccial.) Singapore, July 1. The wedding of Miss Follett to Mr. Percy Yearwood will take place at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on July 20.
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    • 61 7 (AV ho td!)' Singapore, July 1. The Bishop of Macao consecrated St. Joseph’s Church (the new Roman Catholic Church) yesterday. There was a crowded congregation. Pontifical High Mass was »aid by Father Braganza, who, in an eloquent sermon, described the Church as the best ornament of
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    • 91 7 (Reuter.) Rome, Juno 30. The victory at Sidi Said was hailed with immense elight. There were scenes of patriotic fervour in Parliament. Sibi Said Fight. London, July 1. It is officially announced that fighting was renewed at Sibi Said on Juue 28. Masses of Turks and Arabs, heavily
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    • 138 7 (Reuter.) London, June 30. Mr. Lloyd George addressed a demonstration of 5,000 poople at Woodford. A dozen mab Suffragists were violently ejected and 1 al to be tended by the ambulance bearers. Mr. L’oyd Geqfge denounced the cowardice of those engineering the opposition to the Insurance Bill. He
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    • 16 7 (Renter.) London, July 1. Rear-Admiral S. 11. Carden lias been appointed Superintendent of Malta.
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    • 17 7 (Rcxder Muelhausen, June HO. The aviator Scbadt fell 800 ft. and was killed.
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    • 35 7 (Reuter.) London, June 29. Opinion in France is perturbed over the explosions on board the French warship Michelet. The concensus is that it is due to defective powder. A stringent enquiry is ordered.
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    • 151 7 (Reuter.) London, June At the funeral service to the late Sir George White at the Royal Hospital, Chei*ea. Lord Roberts represented the K in while Queen Alexandra, the Kaiser, aud other members of royalty were also represented. The pall bearers included Lord Dundonald, Lieut-Gen. Sir Archibald
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    • 381 7 (Reuter.) DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Baltimore, June 29. The tenth ballot resulted as follows Clark 556 Woodrow Wilson 350 Ninety votes from the New Yorkers went to Clark, resulting in a half-hour demonstration. The Clarkites marched round the hall with banners and bands. Democratic Platform. The Democratic platform
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    • 24 7 (Renter.) London, June 30. A Suffragette was sentenced to two months’ hard labour for smashing the windows of Mr. Reginald McKenna’s residence.
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    • 55 7 (Reuter.) London, June 29. The Kaiser and the Tsar will spend a day and a half tog tber at the Finnish Skerries next week. Herr von llethinaun Hollweg, tho German Imperial Chancellor, will accompany the Kaiser. Ho afterwards goes to St. Petersburg to see M. Sar.onoff the
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    • 87 7 (Reuter.) London, June 29. Speaking at a presentation to Mr. J. Hughes, ex-Chief Conservative Agent, Mr. B. Law said that the Unionists were anxious for a general election which was certain to rid thecountrv of the Government of which everv one was tired. Lord Lansdowne
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    • 80 7 (Reuter.) London, June 29. Lord Haldane, speaking at the German Hospital Banquet at the Savoy Hotel, paid a fervent eulogy to the Kaiser who was a great man and had preserved unbrokeu peace for a quarter of a century, while giving his people a splendid fleet
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    • 48 7 (Reuter.) JAPANESE ACTION. Tokio, June 30. Ihe Japanese Government has taken measures comprising the arrest of a dozen brokers who failed to prevent a cornering of rice. The exchanges at Tokio, Nagasaki, and Osaka have been closed. There is very severe distress among the poor.
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    • 22 7 Reuter London, June 30. Tho Synthetic Rubber Products Company will issuo on Monday preference shares to the value of <£450,000.
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    • 37 7 Reuter.) Leaders Killed. Paris, June 30. The civilian Rossi aud the official Lieutenant La Lorrain, while leading an expedition in North Timbuctoo, were surprised and killed bv raiders near Elgattara. This is considered serious politically.
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    • 31 7 (Reuter.) Tangier, Juno 30. Serious disturbances havo broken out at Marrakesh owing to tho appointment of an unpopular Governor. Several Europeans were stoned. Looting was suppressed by the Shcreefian troops.
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    • 84 7 (Reuter.) London, June 30. Mr. Ell is Griffiths, s caking at a dinner, said that tho Government would shortly submit, to the country the frame work of the proposals for housing and land reform. The papers state that a huge guarantee fund had been accumulated for
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    • 43 7 Reuter.) Palzer Beats Wells. New York, June 30, Palzer knocked out Bombardier Wells'in the third round. Middle Weight Championship. Paris, June 30. Billy Papke, of America, knocked out Marcel Moreau iu the fifteenth round for the Middle Weight Championship of the world.
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    • 58 7 (Reuter.) Duesseidorf, June 30. A squall struck the airship Schwaben at her moorings. The gas exploded and the airship was destroyed. Thirty people were injured, seven seriously. The injured were soldiers who were endeavouring to secure the airship which is one of the big Zeppe’ins, which had lately
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    • 39 7 (Renter.) London, June 29. After prolonged opposition and obstruction the Austro-Hungarian parliaments have passed a comprehensive Army Reform Bill, fixing tho war-strength at 2,00<*,000 men. and reducing the period of military service from three to two years.
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    • 171 7 Rice. —The ss. Egra brought 4.3L1 bags of rice, the s.s. lvlang 550 bags aud the s.s. Kum Sang 247 bag». Coal. —The s.s. Dagny is discharging 1,800 tons of coal at Frye and the s.s. Thornbeck is also discharging 5,000 tons of coal. TheN-D. L. mail steamer Prinzess
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    • 464 7 Selangor Races. (Krhu Special.) Saturday’s Retails. Klumpur, June 30. Heavy rain fell on Friday afternoon and again in the night. The course was somewhat on the heavy side and the going was fine but threatening. The attendance was moderate. Following were the results 1. The Importer's Stakes. Value $300.
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    • 37 7 (Echo Sttccial.) Singapore, July 1. The anniversary dinner of the Singapore Golf Club was largely attended. Tbo Governor eulogised the work of the earlv golfers in starting the Club which had bceu very successful.
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    • 27 7 (Reuter.) London, June 30. In tho Football competition at the Olympic Sports Finland l>cat Italy by 3 to 2 and Austria beat German▼ by sto
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    • 55 7 (R>:nter.) London, June 30. At the Stockholm Olympic Games in the International Rifle Shooting competition a six of America scored 1,683 and Fecured the first place. They attributed their superiority to the aperture sights. Great Britain scored 1,0 0, aud Sweden 1,575. Russia caused some amazement by
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    • 37 7 (Renter.) London, July 1. Following was the result of the race for the Grand Prix de Paris (1 mile 7 furlongs) which was run at Longcbamps Yesterday Houli I Wag rasa 2 Devins 3
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    • 92 7 (Reuter.) London, June 30. The South Africans beat Scotland by an innings and 97 runs. Hants boat Middlesex by 9 wickets. Surrey beat Sussex by 78 runs. Kent beat Worcester bv an innings and 55 runs. The following matches were drawn 11. D. G. Leveson-Gower’s XI vs. Cambridge
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    • 588 7 As telegraphed to the Echo last week, a sensation such as has not been felt in Singapore for some time was created by the arrest, in rather dramatic circumstances, of G. Sabatier, proprietor of the Royal Hairdressing Saloon, Raffles Square, nod an assistant named J. Muller. The aspect
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    • 102 7 Penang, lit July, 1912. 4ms Bank drafts on London 2/4* D/D 2/4* T/T 2/4* 3m s Credits 2/4* GO d/s 2/4} 30 d/s 2/4,V D D Bank buying,, 2/4 New York 56* Paris ,k 294} Hamburg 238} Java, Bank demand 1401 ff buying D/D... 142' Calcutta T. T
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    • 52 7 To-day. 17th Day of sth Moon. Dominian Day. St. Xavier's Diamond Jubilee. Ladies' Rifle Shooting, 4-30 p.m. Penang Races, entries close, 5 p.m. Band, Esplanade, 6 pm. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, |l’enang Road. To-morrow. 18th Day of sth Moon. July
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 442 7 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatov 8 Amoy. Tbo steamship Ilong Bee, Captain G. Kinghorn, is expected to arrive here on Wednesday, the 3rd inst.., and will leave for the above ports on Thursday, the 4th inst., at 3 p.rn. For Freight or Passage, apply to CHIN HiN Co., Agents for Ifo
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  • 259 8 C. K. C. M. P. It C. This match, which was played at Butterworth ended in a win for the home team. The l*. K. C. played two men abort. Appended are the scores B. R. C. C. H. O. Clarke b Scully 5 8. Douglas c Almeida
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  • 195 8 Ladies’ Competition. The Ladies Competition was shot for on Saturday last at Ka m pong Bliaru. It was won by Miss Joan Smith, who also won the Sjiecial Shoot from scratch. Appended are the scores Ladies’ Competition. 100 yds. 150 yds. Total. Miss Joan Smith 29
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  • 150 8 The following notifications appear in the Government Gazette of June 28:—His Excellency the Governor has appointed Mr. P. J. Fproule, banister-at-law, to act temporarily as a Judge of the Supreme Court, with efTect from July 1, 1912; the Hon. A. 11 A lams, advocate and solicitor of
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  • 121 8 A Shanghai telegram to the Cbuwo, as translated by the Japan Mail, reports that a Chinese Commercial Bank has Ireen inaugurated in Shanghai with a capital of 10,000,000 dollars. Tbe promoters are Cantonese and the Bank has Dr. Sun Yatsen for President, amongst tbe principal promoters being
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  • 147 8 The Tuan Muda of Sarawak was due to arrive at Kuching on the 27th June, accompanied by Mrs. Bertram Brooke. Tn connection with the Tuan Muda’s visit, the Rajah has issued the following Proclamation :—I, Charles Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, do hereby decree that my
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  • 275 8 Pure from the faintest drop of human spleen. With noble stature and majestic mien, He sat upon the Bench by Justice sent To act as her august embodiment. His dignity would never find it spcrt To bandy words and sling the cheap retort, (Launching haphazard some interpolation
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 55 8 »«-»»4*+l| [j. 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre p.irntioncf COI> LIVER OIL !>ocs all that S claimed for it and super* sedti t lie old fashioned emulsions which upset (he stomach. Highly re commended by til nudi cal profession. At
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    • 83 8 If YOU feel that the ECHO deserves A Leg Up It’ll cost vou only $2 a mouth to show it. SUBSCRIBE NOW. You get the IJEST Lo al Paper You get something to Head W orth Reading You join the Intellectuals. You are iu the Swim. A High Ijcgal Personage
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    • 442 8 SKBKS 1 To Advertisers •x«) Have You a Customer in nearly every town and village of the F.M.S.? 1 WE HAVE. If you would like introductions to our customers, write or phone to our BUSINESS MANAGER. <s <s <8 <§ <§ <8 (a <S <s <s <s <§ (a <S
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    • 1128 8 !> t> i> i> i> 5> S> i) i) S) t> D t> > »> i) > s> ►> D t REMEMBER TO-NIGHT. GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME AT THE Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, PENANG ROAD. Proved to the boat Kinema Show in Town. Latest pictures from different makers will be screened.
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  • 24 9 Vtttelt hrom Agent* Due DerjjUrujer Singapore P. Atice jColombo Ddta Colombo Attaye Singapore BM.AJo. BM.ACo. AG.ACo. A.G.ACo. 2nd July. 4th 11th 13th
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  • 22 9 Vest els For Agents Leaves Der filing er P Alire Delta Aesayt Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo B.M.&Co. B.M.&Co. A.G.&C0. A.G.&C0. July.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 295 9 P.&0. m S.N.C Yi Arrivals and Departures Mail Service Outward. July 11 Delta connecting with Mongolia J 25 Egypt 99 Medina Homeward. rt IVLJ a# a a1st class 2nd class To London by Sea $565-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $358-29 EXTRA STEAMERS. Intermediate Service. fTTiTll excellent accommodation for
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    • 1691 9 [SHIPPING BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL DUTCH RACKET COMPANY.) Foe Dill, Asanan, Paneb and Singapore. (Weekly). Deli and Batu Bahra'. (Fortnightly). Deli and Langsa. (Fortnightly). Singapore (direct) Connecting with Batavia and other Java etc. ports. (Fortnightly.) Langsa, Telok Serna we, Segli, Saban*. and Olehleh. Langsa,
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  • 1083 10 In tbo Kind’s Bouch Division, Mr. Justice Darling and a special jury had before them the can** of ih i Victoria (Malaya) Rubber j Estates, L m ted of Miociag-laße, agaaDst the I#ee 8; ndicate. Limited, and Df. Eld. E. Lehwiaa. Plaint iff claimed £2,494,
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  • 505 10 'Science’s Supremest Force Explained. I’d give, anything if 1 could feel, really well again Ouly a day or two ago a well-known man uttered those words at bis club to the writer. A little while after, one of the most charming and beautiful women of
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  • 198 10 July, 1912. Datb H. W. L. W. H. W. LW. A.M. A.M. PM. PM Ist 1.28, 7.34, 1.12, 8.18 2nd 2 10, 8.06, 1.41, 8.40 3rd 2.32. 8.32, 2.09, 9.10 4th 302, 8.57, 2.48, 9.50 I sth 3.31, 9 21, 3.04, 959 6th 4.02. 9.48, 3
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 61 10 Good for We k kifestion. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child. The old and fneble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion
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    • 266 10 f u IN *48 Each Cap*ale bean the Name I u/sc *o 0 m Beware of imitations and '***<* to" thout PARIS, 8. rue Vivienne. Sold by all Chemlata. TUNG J00 CO., PENANG. ARRIVED!! “NEW HOWE” BICYCLES. “NEW HOWE” BICYCL S, The Best and Cheapest Machine on the Market. High-Grade
      266 words
    • 830 10 LIE SIEN BIE, IATAVIAN PHOTO (RAFHIC STUMO. CHOP "DIE YOjo KINO,” Djaan Toko Ifedan, Deli. Telephone 270. Studio open daily from 7 a.m. to 5 pm. Photographs of all sizes and descriptions taken. Best workmanship guaranteed. Enlargements made. Amateurs negatives developed. Estate Photos, Interiors, Groups, Landscapes, a speciality. EUROPEAN A6ENCY.
      830 words

  • 2316 11 Idiom bogan to build the English language. Poetry established it. Journalism cannot slnke it. England only knows when the first man hade Good-day as an appropriate war of wishing a friend health and fortune but he that did so clearly had more national genius in him than whoever
    2,316 words
  • 317 11 Rubber Report Dividends. Semuilan. —lnt. div. 6 per cout., less tax. Hikpbkdxn.— Int. div. 25 per cent., \cs& tax. K*pong.v- Resolution passed splitting Til shares iuto shares of 2s. each. Gone Gauu Coconut Estate. —Registered with capital ,£7,500 in £1 shares. Scottish Tea and Rubble Tuust.— Final div. 8 per
    317 words
  • 231 11 The Companies do not guarantee the dates of arrival of these vessels. Ini will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. From Aior Star, (Kedah) Kedah, June 25, 27 and 29. Asahan Petrol, Juno 23; Van Hog mdorp, June 22. Pagan Serai Daily. Bagan Da,toll Pangkor,
    231 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 578 11 P” i ti GREEN OLD AGE Assured by the Occasional Use of Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills. To reach a green old age and enjoy good health can only be obtained by the care of the system. It is from the httle irregularities of the system that common ailments
      578 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 866 12 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Or. Alta I Co., Fki, 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. BMI DIN O|AT Ao. Dim, Penang Road. A ta tots from the Btiten ui Oricatel TCHOP GJtn Seng Moll, 203,* Main Road, Taiping, TECK A COMPANY. 'Shanghai Carpenters V Furnishers, 4, PENANG
      866 words