Straits Echo, 23 March 1912

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 35 1 Straits Echo ‘>aJLV CtlkoNJCi v 01- EVENTS. URSULA WU THROUGHOUT THE STRAITS, THE FEDERATED MALAY STATP> THE FAR EAST GENERALLY. VOL. 10. $24 Per Annum. Pli>AMj, SAILKDAY, MARCH, 1912.* Single Copy, 10 cents. No. 6«
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 991 1 Tf you require Tonic and dome* thing to nouriah you, Drink Dog's Head Guinness's Stout, and look for thia label to ho» that you get it. TIANOjLEE A Co., Hoi* Aiente. V Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS FOR PENANG F. M. S.
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    • 34 1 Order it in Nip Bottles Dog's Mead Guinness's Stout. TV Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn’t harm. Observe this latiel, it is on everv ino Nip. TIANO LEE A Co., Sole Agent m
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  • 1334 2 Bark Stripped From Trees by the Starving Chinese. Merchants Corner Food Supplies. Stirring descriptions of the actual conditions of the starving half million Chinese in the nearby famine-stricken district and accounts of the work being carried on in their relief, were given
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  • 417 2 Is This Man Gifted With Strange Power P. ominent People Spy He Reads Their Lives as an Open Hook. Do You Want to Know About Your Business, Marriage, Changes, Occupation, Friends, Enemies, or what to do to Achieve Success TEST READINGS FREE TO ALL M STRAITS ECHO" READERS WHO WRITE
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 53 2 THIS IS IT Waterbury's Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTLLLSS ODORLESS .St ll 1 he latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Dees all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly rc commended by the medi cal profession. ALL CHEMISTS Price
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    • 1898 2 V/ ■iff'/ ii k m 5^ m 1® >'V, liiUstP m illllliii m II ij’lllit m m ih 4 uMj i jb ill| ffflln c A small furnished Bungalow. State rent, situation, etc. to ACCOUNTANT, c/o Straits Echo. ’2l-3-12 WANTED. An indescribably delightful sensation is procured by those who accustom
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  • 29 3 Ve»»eU hrom Ayentt Due Yorck Singapore BM.&Co. 26thMar. Kleiet Colombo BM 88th A ma ye Colombo AC. A Co. 5th Apr. Devan ha Singapore A.G.&C o. 6th
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  • 21 3 Vessels For 1 Ayenis Leaves Yorck Colombo B-M.&Co. Mar. Kleist Singapore B M.&Jo Ansa ye Devanha Singapore A-O.ACo. A.G.&Co. Apr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 361 3 r.\ V* Xti itmIh mimI |K****«f mu*. iv>uil Service Outward. Apr. 5 A connecting with Malwa Homeward >ate. Steamer. Connecting I no with S.S. London. Apr. 6 I >« van ha 20 Delta Mav 4Assaye 18 A steamer Moldavia Maloja Mongolia Malwa Mav Juno 4 18 15 FAKES BY
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    • 344 3 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD IFor Singapore (Throe times a week). Port Swettenham and Sln**nnrr. (Twice a week). Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Singapore, China and Japan. Rangoon Calcutta. (Weekly). Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karikal. (Weekly). HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co., Penang, Agents. KONINKLIJKL PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPM. (ROYAI IH r
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    • 1014 3 SHIPPING.) MBUISCm LLOYD. BREMEN. N. Y. K IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIME THE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen A Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice vena). Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau
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  • 429 4 A Journal of Thought. Published daily (eicept Sundays ami public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street., Penang Price. Daily Local §24 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) §l5 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PEN ANG." Telephone No*. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 Studia
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  • 1718 4 Yesterday, when we wrote about “the scared Tory picaroons gaping mumchance at what is happening we had n<it received Reuter’s message about Balfour’s leap into the imminent deadly breach. Balfour was quite right to call the Minimum Wages Bill revolutionary. It is. If passed, it will be the first
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  • 57 4 Berlin reports that the additional naval and military expenditure involved by the new Defence Bill is 4*4.850,000 in 1912 and .40,350,000 in 1913 The Army Bill provides for two additional army corpß and the attachment of a machine gun company to every infantry regiment. The increase in
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  • 202 4 Following were the results of yesterday’s racing at Ipoh: 1. Poky Handicap. Th** Irish Cup. —Value 850. Presented bv the Irishmen of Kiuta. Handicap for ponies 14 hands and under. Distance 5 furlongs. Entrance fee $5. Donner 11. 7 1 The Countess 9.12 2 2. Miners’ Cup.
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  • 54 4 The betting for the Lincolnshire Handicap is as follows 9 to 2 agst. Hornet’s Beauty sto 1 Warfare 9to 1 Uncle Pat and Lone Set 100 to 8 Sobieski. For the Grand National Rathnally is favourite at sto 1 agt>t. Vv hile Jen v M. stands at 7
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  • 27 4 The services to-morrow will l*e. 8 am. Matins (Choral). 8-30 a.m.—Holy Communion (Plain). 10 a.m.—Matins (Chinese). 5 p.m.—Sunday School. 0p m. Evensong and Sermon.
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  • 65 4 Guy Bowman, a journalist, and Hen, Buck and Charles Buck, printers, have found guilty of endeavouring to > n soldiers to mutiny by publishing in Realist newspaper an open letter u r Jt, the soldiers not to fire on the striked S ordered to do so. Bowman
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  • 494 4 A terrible murder occurred on P u i atl Bulang on Monday evening, when a Dirt*! assistant planter named J. C. van B Ba t anse, was done to death by a gan coolies. The facts are as follL. On Mon,laj- afternoon the launch that runs between
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  • 43 4 Mr. Thomas Mackenzie, the New Zealand Minister of Industries and Commerce, has been elected Premier of New Zealand by 22 votes to 9. Sir Joseph Ward, the Premier, will defer his resignation until Mr. Mackenzie has formed his Cabinet. Telegraph'd.
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  • 75 4 Following is the comparative statement •f cultivated rublier exported Exported during Jan. lbs. P«rak 823,243 Selangor 1,352,473* Negri Sembilan 551,029 Pahang 3,831 Total 2,730,576 Export during similar period Increase. of previous year. lbs. lbs. P*rak 322,976 500,267 Selangor 706,274 646,199 Negri Sembilan 291,472 251,657 Pahang 448 3,383
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 166 4 D«C 34 the crag hotel: SANATORIUM. PENANG HILLS. AS GOOD AN HOTEL AS ANY IN THE STRAITS." —Singapore Free Pres», 27th March. SARKXES BROTHERS, Proprietors. DC Visiting- “Stay at the Grand Hotel, IFOH Homelike Hotel »9 for Transient or Residential Quests, affording every known comfort and convenience, and appealing to
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    • 71 4 Real Merit Wins. There never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain’. Cough Remedy more than now. This Is shown by the increase in sales and voluntary testimonials from persons who have been cured by it. If y OU or your children are troubled with a
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    • 42 4 Relief st Hand. f jMany sufferers froui rheumatism have been surprisedand delighted with the prompt relief afforded by applying Chamberlain s Pain Balm. Not one case of rheumatism in ten requires anv internal treatment whatever. For sale by all nispensarieo and Dealers.
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  • 59 5 The M.F.A. competition match between the Young Muslim Uniou and the Majlisal Inthikhad F.C., which was played on the M F.A. Ground yesterday, resulted in a win for the former team by 4 goals to 3. The game was a -plend'd oue, the feature l«ing the alieence of f<ul*
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  • 766 5 Tbe Minimum Wage Hill has passed its MiroDd reading by 248 votes to 225, a majority of 125 V Mr J Ktng, Lilmral Member for Somerset, N., moved an amendment that the minimum wage To 0/ for men and 2 for lioys. Mr. Asquith refused to allow
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  • 31 5 ’J here will lie a cricket match on the Esplanade this afternoon between teams picked out from the P. C. C., P. R. C. and C. R. C. Staffi Script.
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  • 20 5 The death has taken place of Mr. Willie James wbo was a friend of the late King Edward. Telegraphed.
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  • 139 5 Following are the fiual figures of the export of block tin aud tin ore from Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang, res|»eetively, during the months of January and February, 1912, as compared with the corresponding period of 1911 1912 1911 Increase or 1 1 asp
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  • 47 5 Mr. J. Terril Nicol will take over charge of Messrs. Guthrie Co.’s local office when Mr. C. M. Henderson leaves for home on 20th April. Mr. F. C Greysou, of Messrs. Guthrie A Co., has l>een t ransferred from Singapore to Penang Office. Staffi < Script
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  • 44 5 A telegram from Oklahama states that twenty-six people were rescued alive from the Sanbois eoal-tniue where 105 people were entombed owing to an explosion of coal dust. And this despite the abandonment of hope. Eightv-one l>odies were also taken cut. Telegraphed.
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  • 202 5 A RRIVAI.S Per ss. Indi 22nd M<f from Singapore: Mr M. E Pluinpton, Mr. Groves, Mr. and Mrs Gough. Departures Per s s India. 22ml Mar., tor Bombay Mrs. Robinson F<»- Brindisi Mr. FT W. Adams F<*r M :Mr E W. Tyler, Mr. P K Paul. Mrs. FT
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  • 35 5 Cambridge rowed the full tourse in a trial in 21 min. 1 sec. The Oxford Crew did better Under fairly favourable conditions they did the course in 20 min. 53 secs. Telegraphed.
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  • 114 5 Before Mr. E. E. Colmau this morning Tana Meriean was charged with cheating in respect of $22.50, the property of one Alagapa Chetty. The hearing was adjourned to the 28th instant, bail being allowed in the sum of $250. Before the same magistrate Pusy Symon was charged
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  • 87 5 Sir Thomas Sutherland, Chairman of the P. A O. Company, has made a statement that he has absolutely no knowledge of the negotiations between the P. O. Company and other Far Eastern lines with a view to combination. The Shipping Gazette, referring to the rise in Shipping Stock,
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  • 128 5 The British and Foreign Insurance Company, Ltd, judging from the fortyuinth annual report which has been sent us by Messrs. Hutteubach, Liebert and Co., the local agents, is in a very satisfactory position. The Underwriting Account for 1910 resulted in a profit of J657,06l
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  • 42 5 Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 394.25 buyers, no sellers in Singapore (refined) at 394.70 and in London to-dav at £5191 ss. cash and +lB < three months sight Rangoon rice is quoted to-day at 3178 per coyan.
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  • 270 5 In the House of Commons on F’eb. 29 Mr. MacCallum Scott asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the changes in the regulations whereby all persons wbo are not of pure European descent on both sides are excluded from the civil and police
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  • 80 5 To-imt sth Day of 2nd Moon. Tpoh R vcen. League Footl*»ll C. K 0. vs. Oort Wharves, Victoria Green. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. The Straits Opera Co., Tek Soon’s Theatre Hall, Campbell Street. Hawai-E-Mujlis”, 9 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road, 9 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road.
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  • 16 5 China < Yorck) ...26th Mar. German (Kleiet) ...28th English (Aseaye) sth Apr. China (Devanha) ...6th
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  • 18 5 (First Quarter Mar. 26th O Full Moon Apr. 2nd l ast Quarter 9th New Moon 17th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 The curative action of (ionorn»» is attriLuted to its being antiseptic and amesthetic, MAnufact ured bv J. D. Riedal Tjtd.., Berlin, ajid told in fonu of capsule», in a bottle.
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    • 54 5 If with cold your throat is bitten. If with hacking cough you’re •mitten, In plain Enelish it is written, You muit get it off your chest.” Do not let the trouble stick. Cure it now and cure it quick To make quite sure you’ll do the trick Take Woods’ Great
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    • 10 5 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure for all internal lv«jnntr\ ''•'TitrVio. etr
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    • 342 5 I P. P. C THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Hiau office: —SINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment. in All Forms. LI BE UAL POLICIES. LOW KATES it F>n‘tti •<<il Agents (nr Penang. MACBETU AND BARRETT. E. C. BOYCE. District Manager. 1/ttcnJ Ojlirt'; —No. 7, Union Street. TA WFP5IT SATURDAY,
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    • 311 5 IGNITION AND LICHT. Good results cannot be expected from Accumulators when they are charted hy MAKESHIFT and EXPERIMENTAL METHODS. We have the only local plant imported specially for this work. New accumulators always ready for immediate use. MASSEY-HARRIS MOTOR WORKS. 23, BEACH STREET, PENANG. wmmmwamrmmnm urn i D. AKIHA Co.’s
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    • 140 6 India* Br. s.s., 4,198. Gordon. 22nd Mar., Singapore, 21 at Mar., Gen. —A. G. A Co. Lord Derby, Br. as., 2,401, Fellons, 22nd Mar., Calcutta, 13th Mar., Gen.— A. G. A Co. Erinpura, Br. as., 2,759, Brooka 23rd Mar, Singapore, 21st Mar., Gen. —H. L. A Co. Avagyee, Br.
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    • 51 6 23bd March. Petrel, for Asaban. Ban Whatt Soon, for langkat. Erxnpura, for Rangoon and Calcutta Hok Canton, tor Tekik Anson. Jin H»4 iar Pangkalan Brand**. Lunka, for Port Swettenham and Binga- j pore. Jit Beng, for Ten. Kedah, for Alor Star (Kedah). Kut Sang, for Calcutta. Hong Ho, for
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    • 258 6 Won Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Lion Choo. 25th instant, 9 a m. Colombo and Tuticorin —Per Africa, 26th instant, 4 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore —Per Klang. 26th instant, 4*15 pan. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples for Europe etc. —Per Torek, 26th instant, 6 p.m.
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  • 119 6 Pknang, 23rd March. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, .Demand Bank 2/4* 4 months' sight Bank 2/4$ 8 Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary.. 2/4^ Calcutta, Demand Bank Bs. 174 8 days' sight Private 175* Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Monlmem, Demand Bank 173 3 days' sight Private 176 Madras, Demand
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  • 60 6 Gold soi.6 n Popj'*M idor'White Peppe* 30 50 buyer* Tn'.ng Pej 23. buyer* Cloven 35. —sellera 108 —nominal P:ckiLir& 105 —buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 23. TO sales Nr. 1 820 sal 6ug*r 810 sal (.Tasket 5.15 buyers Copra (unxeu) 10.60 buyer* f Tahi un 190. —se ie> s
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  • 1636 6 0 «M ••«g 21 pH Capital. L 909 150,000 1905 200,000 1910 I 750,000; 1909 MOO, OOO 1910 «00,000 1906 R-1,200,000 1910 500,000 1910 #1,000,000* 1910 390.J001 191 C 600,00 ,910 8 205,000 ,904 100,000 1903 «0,000 1909 200,000 130,000 75,600 7‘J.UOO 300,000 1 2 10, 1 i 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 61 6 Best Liniment. For cuts and bruises, there is nothing equal to Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It not only relieves the pain almost instantly, but. it is an antiseptic liniment and when applied promptly causes the wound to heal without any danger of blood poison. ou can not afford to be without
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    • 44 6 Croup Cm be Prevented. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it successfully. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 55 6 The most rapid and satisfactory results are obtained bv treatment with bit <ioHaii (Kawa Santal). Booklet and sample to men free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemists. I I i I i I 4 i i RIGAUD’S op jHPnn TOILET WATER Beware of imitations. RIGAUD C’ PERFUMERS
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    • 60 6 YOUNG MOTHERS can’t be too careful in selecting food for their child—especially milk. You take chances when you feed baby on Fussells Fresh Cow’s (Green Butterfly Brand) because it’s absolutely pure and will agree with the most delicate chdd. built yewr Grout getting it /#r you, or apply to PATERSON,;
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  • 615 7 I Wearing a hobble skirt caused the death of Mrs. Ethel Hawksley Lindley, thirty-two, wife of Mr. Francis Harold Lind ley, a retired cotton manufacturer, of Manchester, which was inquired into at Norwich, and a verdict of" Accidental death was returned. Deceased was the daughter of
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  • 486 7 The mysterious disappearance of a Scottish solicitor fjom the Fifeshire town of Markinch over a year ago had a sequel, when David Robertson, the man in question, arrived at Southampton on the Armadale Castle in custody of the JoLiunesburg police. Robertson is accused oi forgery and embezzlement, and
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  • 232 7 The Couipanies do not guarantee the ilo ‘es of arrival of these steamers, hut will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. From Alor Star, (Kedah) —Lian Choo, Mar. 2*2, 24, 26, 28 and 30, and Kedah, Mar 21. 23, 25,2 7. 29, and 31 Asahan
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  • 516 7 Regain Health by the same Means The Grandmother’s Story. The energy and vitality which I possess at the age of seventy-two is the marvel of our fneuds,” said Mrs Barnett, of 91 Reservoir Road, Colombo, Ceylon, whose portrait, with that of her little granddaughter
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 525 7 CRAVEN MIXTURE. ii, popular ipo wcbacco that has feu d favor in the P M.S. This famous mixture HAS THE LAROJST sale of any HIGH-CLASS tobacco in the world. ■kid ii l and J lb. and in cartridges (a pipej oad|in each cartridge). Sole Distributor* G. H. SLOT CO.. PENANG.
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    • 73 7 CJ. I THIS 13 I*? WatcrbOij’j 1 f 7 V *•1 J L U kj \J a 0li Cod tiYcrCI Comp; Hind Hi *«p—v» m .«sard P TAS. LI. JOBLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. lXxs ali .bat is claimed fm j and super .•ede the
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    • 155 7 Sh}j!i be Pleasant to Take. heu a medicine must be given to voung children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is made from loaf sugar, and tl»e roots used in its prepa»ation gives it a flavor similar to maple syiup, making it pleasant to take. It has
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    • 323 7 I=3 nrl nnauunr.:/, nnn u nnnr■ nnnunnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n a a a Y 'C-' iu’-* <j k a <u C-hina Ch vat, JRciiuiig. Telegraph!* Address U DTOR. PERANC." Telephone No. 372. L mlci Lake nil Repairs to Car-,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 946 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late o( Or. Alien 8 Co., Pha, 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RKSIUINO AT Ao. 21a, Penang Road, k lew loots from the Eastern sal Oriental Hotel. TECK COMPANY, SAa ghai—Carpenters S’ Furnishera. 4, PENANG BOA D. High-class Household Furniture kept in stock and
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