Straits Echo, 18 March 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 38 1 Straits Echo <2- PAGE EDITiOu. aILY !YIC'x or EVENTS. ClttCliUTINW TisROU-’tiuUr THE STRAITS, THE FEiffcRATEO «ALAI STATES ANO (HE EAR EAST GENERALLY VOL. 10. $24 Per Annum. PiiiN/viSo, iHOiMOAi, lttth MARCH, 1912.« Single Copy, 10 cents. No. 03
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1054 1 ft jo u require a Tonic and aome~ thing to nourish you, Drink Dog’s Head Guinness’s Stout A and look Y:‘< for this label to see that you get it. TTANG LEE A Co., Sole Aqentt. ?<* i Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY 8 Co..
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    • 32 1 Order Nip Bottles^ Dog's Head Guinness's* Stout. The Tonic that j cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. Observe this label, it is on evury genuine Nip. 1 TIANG LEE Co., Sole Agent*.
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  • 1852 2 Of all the influences which have been brought to bear upou Frauce since the beginning of the century for the puipose of drawing her into harmony with the international movement, inaugurated iu Germany, to detach her from Hiwsia and Britain, that of the ex-Premier, M.
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  • 766 2 Instances of window-smashing at the; establishments of West-end tiaders are so i numerous that special interest attaches to a ea.-e that came before Mr. Curtis-Beunett, i at Bow-siroet, during the hearing of which 1 remarkable statements were made. Arthur i Leary, a youth of the pap
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 70 2 Real Licri! Wins. Then! never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy more than now. This is shown by the increase m sales and voluntary testimonials from persons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a cough
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    • 61 2 Best Liniment. For cuts and bruises, there is nothing e«jual to Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It not only relieves the pain almost instantly, but it is an antiseptic liniment and when applied promptly causes the wound to heal without any danger of blood poison. You can nob afford to be without
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    • 153 2 Prof. Schmidt prefers GoilOSan (Santal, Kawa Riedel’s) to any other preparation of Santalwood oil. Although he used the drug in more than 20 cases, he has never observed any signs of nausea, flatulency, nephritic pains, pruritus nor skin eruptions. SENSATIONAL DISCOVERY. OF AMERICA ELECTRIC SOLUTION. U... tSpecific for: GONORRHOEA AND
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    • 759 2 Can do anything and everything for you. BY APPOINTMENT TO Their Highnesses the Nizam of Hyderabad the Maharaja of My»ore, Travancore, m, m n JUST PUBLISHED OUR BIG CATALOGUE, an indispensible Reference Book for Daily Requirements. OK A ORIGINAL Guide for anything you want purchase. The following short headings will
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  • 1133 3 Distinguished Surgeon who Saved Countless Liver. Humanity ha» lost one of its greatest benefactors by the death of Ixjrd lii»ter, the distinguished surgeon, who will ever be remembered a» the discoverer of antiseptic surpery. Lord Lister, who had l>een ailinp for Home time. fmsK»>d away quietly at
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  • 1011 3 Everyone in Europe knows the an dent race of £H>iuis. They ure princes and counts, mediatized sovereigns of Germany, rein kinsmen of tiie Hohenzollerns. They are to be found in the second part, of the Gotha Almanack, which means that they are even-birthy with Kaise s and
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  • 300 3 The Companiea do not guarantee the do tt of arrival of steamerbut will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. Fro *1 Alor .Star, (Kedah) —Tong Chuan, Mar. 14. 16, IH. 20, 22. 24. 26. 28 aud 30, and Pangkor, Mar. 15, 17, 19, 21, 23,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 191 3 EYE-SIGHT NOTICE. For a few days only! For a few days only!! A. E. BRAHAM, Opthcdmic Optician Singapore. Mv Representative is uow bore and may be consulted for all sorts of Eye Complaints at The Save-U-Trouble Firm, 120, Pitt Street. Hours of Consultation 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Don't
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    • 874 3 The Great Channel Swim r m w NOTICES. TAMIL 1HHICXAT10N FOND ENACTMENT, mi it. •it. r w xs Vv o M^i K 7« > Employees op Tamil labour are hereby reminded that returns under the above Enactment for the preceding quarter must be sent to the office of the Superintendent
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  • 1059 4 Experiments With Fii/tering Media., i Some useful data that will be applied to the evolution of Singapore’s new sewage i scheme have been acquired from a series of experiments in progress at the site of the proposed sewage tilter-beds, off Alexandra Road. These experiments, as a matter
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  • 101 4 A commercial man was rash enough to make a telephone trunk call when exceedingly short of time, and found, when he spoke, that he had been put on to the wrong number. This was the more exasperating and inexcusable as the number he wanted was the simplest possible
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 65 4 'HIS IS IT Y, aterbury's Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound >3 TASTELtSS ODORLES*' WiirWr 1 t -?n. a t pM aj 1 he latest scientific pro parauca of COD LIVKK OIL. Does all that is claimed fer it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re
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    • 317 4 If vou’d o’d\ go and get it Take a dos". md lairly let it, Ease your t hroat and thoroughly wet it— Then j> u’d be secure For it it» a -piendid tonic If your cold i>e bad or chronic It acts with f>poed quite telephonic Woods’ G eat Peppermint
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    • 1788 4 GRIN, BUT DON’T DEAR IT la by farthe wlwnt p'lin. To «nffrrpnin nnnernwri:.» I» not heroic, bat foolish rnotigh. Of cott<u*. If thr trouble be of tb« kin«I for wbtrb there Is no remedy, t'len, doubtless, tb*- Krln-»’Hl-i»**nr*lt phM"i<i<(i r bits its nses, but such cases are fortunately not In
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  • 31 5 Vessels t b ram Agents 1 t Due Delta Colombo AGKACo. 21st Mar. India Siugapore A. Co. 22 ml Yorck Singapore iiM.&Uo. 2t>th Kleist Colombo I3M.&Co. 1 28th
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  • 19 5 VeaaeU For Agent» Leave» Delta Singapore A.Gr.&Co. Mar. India Colombo A.G.&Co. Yorck Colombo B.M.&Co. Kleitt Singapore B M.&Jo
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 364 5 hi NX \rn»al* h»i<! It*? h* Mail Service Outward. M ir. 21 Delta connecting with Mongolia Apr. 5 Assay e do Malwa urn S.S. INDIA, through nuil steamer leaves Ptnani on Friday, 22nd March. l„„. «turner. with S.S. London. Mar. Apr. MaV 22 *India 6 I >evauha 20 Delta 4
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    • 281 5 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LTD IFoe Intended to Sail. Steamer. S'ngapnr» (Three times a week). Dorr Swettenham and Slufw 'e. (Twice a week Thur. 21st Mar., 4 pm. Teesta Mereui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmeiu Singapore, China and Japan. (Fortnightly). Rangoon Calcutta. (Weekly). Sat. 16th Mar., 4 p.m. I Zaida
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    • 976 5 NG.y imsCHEfi LLO7B. BUSMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN HAIL LISTS mHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen j A Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naplos (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa). Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau or Nagasaki,
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  • 421 6 A Journal of Thought. Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) A.T THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Prick. Daily Local ?24 per annum. Outstatiou... Postage Extra.» Mail Edition (Post Free) $l »5 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 Studia
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  • 1569 6 That Taiping Scanda* rnix. Charles Jackson has heard it s.»i I id Taiping that since Padre Barton ote to us, we had practically “thrown him [Jackson’ over,” and he wants to know (being young and impressionabj» if this is true. Tuttut! The more wo p Ih'/* centre of
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  • 32 6 Italy has replied to the Powers in regard to the inquiry as to what were the terms on which she would accept the friendly mediation of the Powers. Telegraphed.
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  • 274 6 I hear that H. H. Raja Abdul Rashid, A. D. C. to H. H. the Sultan will be commissioned to represent the Sultan in banding over the Sultan of Perak’s silver cup to the winning tea in the Polo contest to be held on the 30th inst at
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  • 69 6 New York reports that at a luncheon in honour of the new Japanese Ambassador Mr. Jacob Schiff declared that the American and European bankers bad consented to invite Japan to help to finance China. Japan was the greatest peace guarantee of the East she stood sentinel over
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  • 51 6 'I ho M ireii result of the competition for Ladies iu the Presgrave Cup was as follows Mrs. Kinder 4up S F B. Martin 2up Ma' 1 1 down Ebden i do. Samuel I do. Evens 1 do Miss M Brown and Miss Save made no return
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  • 38 6 A message from Berlin states that Herr Wezmuth, Secretary to the Imperial Treasury, has resigned owing to his not being able to agree to the new Defence Bills. Herr Kuehn, the Under-Secretary, succeeds him. Telegraphed.
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  • 33 6 The contract for the building of the Refreshment room to be attached to the railway station at Klang has been given to Mr. Lim Ah Hee of Klumpur. Echo corr.
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  • 51 6 The new Chinese Republican flag was flown for the first time on February 18 in London at the Chinese Legation in celebration of the Chinese New Year. No ceremony took place, and the streets were almost empty when the flag was hoisted at five minutes past eight.
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  • 117 6 A telegram from Poanokes (Virginia) states that a posse of Police stormed Sydney Allen’s house in the Bhie Mountains. Allen was seriously wounded. Several others were captured. [On Saturday Reuter wired. A message from Roanokes. Virginia, says five were killed and 23 wounded in a fight
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  • 806 6 The Miners’ Federation state that tU executive has been authorised t tb lr the minimum wage Bill which will ZT"** duced immediately with a view t guarding the miners’ interest But tk I** not recommend a resumption of do they see its final shape. r Unt >l
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  • 75 6 a si'ft»• w®txvsv»Mr. A. M. Pountnev, who was for time Protector of Chinese here, is I°°** upon in the F.M.S. as one of our w® 10 men who may one day figure as in some part of the Empire”. Those knew him in Penang are just as
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 139 6 ORIENT MAGALIESBERG TOBACCO. TRANSVAAL PURE LEAF- THE ONLY ORIGINAL IN lb. BAGS $1. PER BAG NETT. “GENUINE CALABASH PIPES” Mounted with Vulcanite Mouth Piece. PORCELAIN TOBACCO JARS WITH PATENT AIR TIGHT! STOFPIRSThe George Town Dispensary, Ltd., Nos. 37a and 4, Beach Street Penang. «.PERFUMERY.# A Special Cash Sale in Scents
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    • 12 6 Woods Groat Peppermint Cure for all internal comnlaints, dreentry, coughs, colds ets.
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    • 45 6 Relief at Many sufferers from Hand. rheumatism h*” .Many sufferers from rheumatism been surprisedand delighted with the pij I®* 1 relief afforded by applying Chamber' 411 Pain Balm. Not one case of ten requires any internal treatment wb ever. For tale by all Dispensaries Dealers.
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  • 769 7 P. C. c r* C. R. C. A friendly game between these teams was played on the Esplanade on Saturday. The match was booked to commence at 2.15 p.m. but it was 3 pm. when the players went on t he field. The C R. C. won the tos«
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  • 17 7 Fifty were killed at an explosion at the Itahauaka coal mine in South Russia. Telegraphed.
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  • 19 7 “j Oxford rowed the full course under unfavourable conditions in 22 min. 5 secs. Telegraphed
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  • 222 7 (Before CUieS Justice. Sir W. Hyndman Jon and Justices Fisher and Ebden.) The appeal of Poo Eng Seau against the judgment of Mr. Justice Thornton in regard to the Y'ictoria Estate litigation was begun this morning. Foo Eng Sean was the plaintiff in the original action, the defendants
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  • 23 7 Sir liarles Eliott, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sheffield, has accepted the appointment of head of the University of Hongkong. Telegraphed.
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  • 83 7 Manager Peterkin received this morning a telegram from the Head Office in London to sav that the Directors of this Bank at the forthcoming yearly meeting of the shareholders will recommend a dividend of 3j% for the Half Year free of Income Tax ou both
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  • 23 7 Washington reports that the House of Representatives has passed the Free Sugar Bill by 20 votes to 2. Telegraphed.
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  • 192 7 The s s. Erinpura is the latest addition to tLie I’» I. fleet. She has been put on the Rangoon- Q ingapore run and arrived here yesterday ou her maiden trip. Her dimensions are as follows: —Length, 426 ft; Breadth, 52‘5 ft.; Depth of Hold 28
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  • 36 7 In the international Rugby match which was played at Edinburgh Scotland beat England by 8 points to 3. In the international .soccer match at Belfast Scotland beat Ireland by 4 goals to 1. Telegraphed.
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  • 83 7 The Singapore Y.M.C.A. will soon start technical education classes. Eight months ago the nucleus of them was formed by the starting of classes in steam mechanics, machine construction and mathematics This year building construction and architecture hare been added. It is probable that sanitation and surveying mav also
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  • 57 7 Berlin reports that the Government had decided to obtain increased revenue for the army and navy by cancelling the rebate in excise hitherto enjoyed by thp rural distilleries and appropriating the surpluses from existing taxation. Herr Wermuth strongly favoured the inheritance tax and opposed the utilisation of
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  • 14 7 Mr. Rupert Guinness has been returned unopposed for Essex S W. Telegraphed.
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  • 308 7 A few weeks ago the Secretary of the Penang Cricket Club received a letter from Mr. L. M. Heemskerk (Medan) inviting, on liehalf of the Medan Sports Club. Members of the P. C C. to visit Medan at Chinese New Year and meet the Medanites in friendly games
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  • 307 7 The p-ob’em of the removal of street refuse in Singapore has had the serious consideration of the Municipal Board for some time. Two alternative schemes for motor t ransport were put before the Board In the case of one sehome it was sugge.tetl that a steam tractor,
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  • 61 7 Two M. F. A. matches were played off at the Dato Kramat Ground on Saturday and Sunday. The Cresent F. C. beat the Eastern Mohamedan Club bv 6 goals to one and the Jamathol Horrah lteat the Sri Pinang F. C. by three goals to one. The Ithihadol
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  • 53 7 Ru**r.*< Ayres reports that the second official »\stiinate of *h“ crops is as follows Corn 4.610,iK)0 ton*. Hax 595.00 Q tons, oats 877,300 tons. Although the crop is not so heavy *s was at first estimated it will be larger th in last vear. The maize crop constitutes
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  • 47 7 Havana re|K*rf« i n imposing ceremony on board the IT. battleship Maine which was sunk off the Cuban coast. The deck was strewn wi‘h flowers and the warships fired salvoes. The bodies of the crew will be taken to the United States for interment. Telegraphed.
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  • 523 7 Another P. O. Disaster. The four-masted barque Pisagua struck the P. AOt steamer Oceana which sailed on Saturday for Bombay. The barque struck the steamer broadside four miles west of Beachv Head. The passengers and crew were landed at Newhaven and Eastbourne. The Oceana sank two miles from the shore
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  • 210 7 The <!••• urture of the s s. Malaya is deferred to 3 [> hi. to-morrow. O'Ium The s.s. Jinsen Maru arrived from CaVutta yesterday with 50 chests of Benares Opium for Kobe. •i -,j: (tENEi; Cargo.—The s.s. Sachsen, alongside t!ie wharf, is di'chareing 350 tons of gorera* argo,
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  • 21 7 The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company for the week ended March 16 was 36 tons. Communicated.
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  • 142 7 Malacca will soon have her streets electrically lit. The Malacca Electric Lighting Company has acquired a thirty years’ licence from the Municipal Commissioners and the installation will be proceeded with at once. Mr. C. E. F. Sanderson, of Messrs. Riley, Hargreaves Co., (the contractors) is on the
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  • 12 7 Rangoon rice is quoted here to-day at 1178 per covan.
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  • 21 7 Ties for to-morrow :—Mixed Double Handicap: Miss Saye and Saye v*. Miss Pritchard and Goldie (4) (Final.)
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  • 54 7 To-t)a.t 30th Day of I st M«w*n Ladies’ Rifle Shooting, 4-30 p.m. P. C. C. Tennis Ties. Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. The Straits' Opera Co., Tek Soon’s Theatre Hall, Campbell Street, Bunga Cl.empaka Warna”, 9 p.m. Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kanesar Road. 9 p.m. Savoy Theatre, King Street, 9 p.m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 362 7 WANTED. J Rooms with a European family near town 9 Reply LET, ejo Straits Echo. I mmm^mmmmmm i ORFtYRERIE f CUIVRERIE D ART. JENNY CO., LTD., Raffles Square, SINGAPORE. Speciality Every description of F’ee'ro-Plated Nickel-Silver and Eleetro-Plated Brita mil Metal (ioodsPrize Cups, Trophies, Communion Services, Spoons, Forks, Cutlery, etc. Artistic
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  • 75 7 Obituary. We regret to announce the death of Mrs Khoo Ewe Youg, nee Nouia Yeoh Pliaik Thoe, which took place at her country residence, No. 20, Bagan Jermal Road at 3 p.m. yesterday. The deceased was forty-six years of age. The funeral will take place on Saturday, the 23rd instant
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    • 181 8 Jinsen Marti, Jap. s.s., 2,347, Machida, lt'th Mar., Calcutta, Bth Mar., Gen. P. S. A Co. Rotorua, Br. 8.8., 556, Bell, 17th Mar., Tougkah, 16th Mar., Gen.—E. S. Co., Ltd. Petrel, Br. s.s., 124, Case, 17th Mar., Asahau, I6tli Mar., Gen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. Hebe, Br. 5.8., 346,
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    • 71 8 18th Mabch. Malaga, for Deli. Lightning, for Singapore and Hongkong. Hong Ho, for Trang. Tong Chay Un, for Trang. Erinpura, for Singapore. 0 Van SufU, for Olehleh, Sabang Ac., Padang. Avagyee, for Teluk Anson. Olenfalloch, for Singapore. Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perhs and Setul.
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    • 270 8 For Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 8 Teluk Anson —Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Port Swettenbam and Singapore —Per Klang, to-morrow, 4-15 p.m. Ten —Per Jit Seng, 20th instant, 7 a m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt and via Brindisi, for Europe etc.—Per India,
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  • 125 8 Pbnano, 18th Mabch. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) uondon, Demand Bank 2/4£ 4 mouths’ sight Bank 2/4$ 3 Credit 2/41 Documentary.. 2/4 6 Calf*™".». ui aml Bank R«- 174 i days’ sight Private 175$ Br» Demand Ban r 174 M u <-m, Demand Bank 173 3 days* sight
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  • 215 8 Gold Leaf 66*.G'J Black Pepper stock White Pepper 30 50 buyers Trang Pepper 23. —buyers Cloves 35. —sellers Mace 1 8 —nominal Pickings 105 —buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 23. :0 sales i No. 1 8 20 sale Sugai 2 810 sal (.Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.60 buyers
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  • 165 8 Pn-cv-.. 18th March 1912 Bbkk Soup (we catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew o (Jurrv 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 I,iver pereii 55 Fork Fork ***<' catt 32 Pig’s Head... f*-nt *0 Tongue Mutton por"lb -«I. S Feet
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  • 2035 8 j i i X O Nu uh-r ot d, x ’XS Capiiai. Suarn. > kJ Dividends Name. -J f- issued. I p a g, Wo I S c c V Z? J r— i r— i 'll 1907 1908 1909 *****911 1912 KUBItKit «»oLLA K 4 |cn/u h 130
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 32 8 (■oiiosaii (in capsules) is well tolerated by the digestive apparatus no complication of any sort occurs, and its action is most favourable in Cystitis. Approved by the reading specialists of the day.
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    • 35 8 3 Those tiny Capsules superior to Copaiba, Cubebs and Injections GURE the same disea>es as these drugs in FORTY-EIGHT HOURS without inconvenience. Each bears the namt UJUUIV Paris, 8, rue Vivienne Sold by all Chemists.
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  • 812 9 The story of a neat trap set by a Welsh I girl who was being worried by a writer of infamous letters, was disclosed at Barry Police Court, when John Walsh was charged 1 with criminal libel, the complainant being a tadoress, named Ethel Hale, of Penarth.
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  • 77 9 A correspondent who wrote to Lord Knolljs respecting the alleged offer of a knighthood to Mr. Warden, of the Theatre Royal, Belfast, has received the following reply Buckingham Palaee, Feb. 12, 1912. j Sir, —I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 7th inst.
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  • 317 9 Official Minutes. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Thursday, the 29th February, 1912. Present. W. Peel Esq, President. G. N. Saye Esq., Lim Eu Toll Esq., Yeoh Guan Seok Esq., Absent. W. T. Chapman Esq., Quah l'eng Kee Esq., 1. The minutes of the
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  • 812 9 Mail papers give the following story of the death of Mr. Graham Gilmour, one of the most daring flying men of the day, who fell from a height of 400 ft. at Richmond, and was killed instantaneously. Mr. Giluiour was testing a now monoplane by a flight
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  • 446 9 Debate on Insurance Act llowi.eo Down bt Birmingham Medicos. What Professor Gilbert Barling (Dean of rhe Faculty of Medicine) described as a disgraceful row, occurred at the Brimingham University. The trouble arose out of the intention of the Committee of the University Debating Society to discuss the proposition
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 995 9 CRAVEN^IIXTURE. A popular pipe tcbaoco that has f u d favor in the P M.S. This famous mixture HAS THE LARGEST sale of any HIGH-CLASS tobacco in the world. Sold in tins of J and lb. and in cartridges (a pipe load in each cartridge). Sole Distributors: G. H. SLOT
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    • 61 9 n isrrwr. A Ci K H»* THIS 13 IT! Waterbary's Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound »«=>• I TASTELESS CDOELESS The latent scientific pre par at ion of COD LIVER OIL. Does ail that is claimed for n and sedes the old fashioned emulsion-, which upset the Stan;ach. Highly re commended
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    • 45 9 Croup Can be Prevented. f When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward off au attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it successfully. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealeis.
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    • 65 9 Should he Pleasant to Take. When a medicine must be given to young children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is made from loaf sugar, and the roots used in its preparation gives it a flavor similar to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has
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  • 1863 10 Parliament, or, as it is known in this column, the Shop, was re-opened with the 1 same formalities and ceremonies that have marked its re-opeuings, not only for years and generations, but also for centuries. If vou were to go back to the days of the Stuarts,
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  • 277 10 It lias been my lot to spend the past autumn in a middle.-class boarding hou-e. and in the drawing-room ot that establishment to hear manv political qu *stions discussed, especially Old Age Pensions and the Insurance Bill as it relates to servants, and always in a spirit
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 For ail internal complaints, dysentery, coughs, colds, etc., tai;e Woods’ Great Peppenuiit
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    • 1004 10 D+C SI merits The Cause and Remedy. ck nnd Nervous Headaches are bu' symptoms of other ai to which they are merely symf nhstic, such as Indigestion Biliousness, Constip ation, or some other irregu larity of system. Many women habitually suffer from Headaches, which make life a daily purgatory. Indeed
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  • 1255 11 The name of Lord Esher is mentioned m connection with the post of Lord-Lieutenant of London, rendennl vacant by the death of the Duke of Fife His lordship’s connection with the Territorial forces no doubt gives him a strong claim; but it is understood that a
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  • 655 11 Lord Haldane was the principal guest at the annual dinuer of the Court of the Uni- versify of Leeds. The Duke of Devonshire presided. Lord Alierton, in proposing the toast of the Visitors referred to Lord Haldane’s visit. to Germany. I believe, Lord
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 919 12 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late Or. Allen 8 Co.. Pka. 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. KBSIDINO AT So. 21 a, Penang Road, k fen 4ooii from the Euters aid Oriental Hotel. Khoo Buan Phuan CHOP Gim Seng Moh, 203, Main Road, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advaneers and Genera Goods
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