Straits Echo, 13 March 1912

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 40 1 Straits Echo ;AI LY ChRONICL 01- EVENTS. CtRtULAT »Mi I'HROII 'jiUAT THE STRAITS, THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES ANO THE FAR EAST NERALLI VOL. 10. $24 Per Annum. PEN A Mi. whiUiMifiDAY, lath MARCH, 1912.* Single Copy. 10 cents. No. 59
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1067 1 If you rajuiw a i’onio .nud I*ooo' thing to nourish you, Drink Dog's Head Guinness’s Stout, Sfc and look for this label to see that you get it. TIANGSLEE A Co., Sole Agente. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SAND1LANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS FOR PENANG &> F.
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    • 34 1 Order it in Nip Bottles^ Dog's Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn’t barm. I Observe this label. it is on every fronni ine Nip. TIANG_LKE A Co., Sole Agent».
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  • 2483 2 (Continued from yettenlay'* issue.) 12. Considerable inconvenience is sometimes caused to big shipping firms by the lack of disinfecting facilities in Penang. A ship that is infected, has to come on to Singapore for disinfecting; and then, if there is cargo for Port Swettenham, she
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 62 2 THIS IS IT i WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compou n d TASTELESS ODORLESS «•••V U 1.... O' The latest scientific preparation of COD LTVFK OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. 1 i lyhly recommended by the medical
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    • 340 2 Should be Pleasant to Take. When a medicine must be given to young children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is made from loaf sugar, and the roots used in its preparation gives it a flavor similar to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has
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    • 2005 2 TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT Another Grand Programme. WHICH COMPRISES SEVEN NEW ART FILMS WILL BE SCREENED AT Raffles by-the-Sea. The Straits Cinematograph Coy. Situated in the best part of PENANG. Overlooking the Sea and Hills. Penang Auction Mart. Soap Making at Home fn r Profit or Pleasure." »upexcelient which is recognized as
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  • 26 3 Venaeis Iron Agents Due L ll(t ZOIC 1 Colombo BM l4tliMar. Delta Colombo AG.&Co. 21st India Singapore A.G &Co. 22nd Yorck Singapore BM.&Oo. 26th
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  • 21 3 1 Vessels For Agenis Leaves Luetzow Singapore Delta Singapore India Colombo Yorck Colombo 1 B M.&Jo. A.G.&Co. A. B. Mar.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 325 3 »A0. kL rrivMiH and Departure*. Wall Service Outward. M I-It* ronuecting with Mongolia l 4 t|<i| > «1 S.S.HJiA, will run through from China to Marseilles and London without transhipment. FANES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class Vo London by Sea $565-72 »377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar »528-00 »358-29
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    • 353 3 iS H I P P I N G.i I la BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO.. LID. m T^»v> 9? i£ ■y <CONiNK?.!JKE PAKETYAART HA ATSCH APPIJ, (BOY VI DL'TUi PACKET CniKPANY.j Foe Intended to Sail. MEAMBS. Deli, Asahan, Paneb and Singapore. J Weekly). Deli and Batu Bahra. (Fortnightly). Deli and
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    • 954 3 imOBES LLO7U N. Y. K •'UCPBBJAI. fflßßMadT WAIL LIK3 j fTIHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen j I .1. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa j j Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa), I’ort Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore,
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  • 419 4 A Journal of Thought. Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local 824 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 815 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 Sfudia hilarifate
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  • 594 4 We are once more in touch with Peking and Tokyo, two of our well-informed correspondents having remembered us this week. There is, however, little to tell, except that the scramble for appointments under the new Republican Government has begun agaiu since the setting of Sun Yatsen. Elsewhere we print
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  • 392 4 What’s the benefit to man of Amundsen’s feat This puzzle has been more than once submitted to us this week. We suppose the chief benefit is that the exploring fraternity will now cease their public fussing over their intentions, and that touting for contributions will be less
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  • 131 4 Speaking to the Army Estimate-?. Mr. Auaery declared that our position was the same now as it was in 1899. Col. Seely said it was then impossible to send a small reinforcement to Natal without withdrawing troops from India, Ceylon or the eastern garrisons. He tendered Mr.
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  • 141 4 The bold bad burglar is getting bolder every day. At Singapore last Sunday night they gave the Police a rare t.ime of it They were preparing to attack a house wht n the Police got wind of the affair and raided a brothel in Hokkien Street where
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  • 71 4 Following are the Agenda for to-morrow’s meeting of the Municipal Commission 1 Minutes of the last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2 Any Special business the President may bring forward. 3 Questions. 4 Applications to join Provident Fund. 5 Some bills te be passed. 6 Tenders for
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  • 1397 4 (Before the Chief Justice Sir W. Hyadman Jones and Justices Fisher and Ebden.J Chinese Administration Case. [SUMMARY. Ill the original suit Gan Teong Tat, (Jan Tet ng Teik, Gan Chooi Gnoh, Gan Tiling Liu.ig and l,.*e Seek Kim brought an action against Gan Gnoh Bee as
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  • 90 4 The Naval Estimates total £44,085,40») a decrease of only £807,100. Winston’ Churchill explains that the estimates were frao ed on the assumption that the existing programmes of other Powers will not be increased. If these should be, it will be necessary to present supplementary estimates and to undertake
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  • 51 4 Following were the results of the ties played off yesterday Single Handicap— A Davidson beat Sells B—6, 4—B, 6—l. Double Handicap —A Forrest and Godwin beat Waugh and Goldie fi—4. 4—6, 6—2. Ties for to-morrow —Double Handicap— A Neubronner and Procter vs. Tuesday’» winners (4). Echo
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  • 154 4 Following are the entries for the Negri Serabilan Sporting Club’s skye meeting to be held at Seremban on Saturday next. Race I: Planters’ Cup.” Tommy Dod, Sauce, The Wreck, Mrs. Wiggs. Face II: “Oriental Cup.” The *****, Lassie, Silvia, Kestor, Mockfield. Race III Merchants’ Cup.” Tommy Dod,
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  • 51 4 Hongkong reports that fighting took place at Canton between recruits under an eipirate chief and regulars owing to the proposed disbanding of the recruits. The casualties were 200. The ex-pirate chief holds the Admiralty buildings. A British warship is taking on board the mission girls and refugees.
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  • 61 4 The reason given by Mrs. Asijuitb for abandoning a reception at No. 10 Downing street was owing to the recent death of the Duke of Fife.” We suggest that owing to my husband’s failure to appreciate the gravity of the sufferings of the poor due to the coal
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 44 4 Croup Can be Prevented. When iriven as soon as the eroupv coup'll appears Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy wUI ward off an attack of croup and prevent, all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it successfully.* For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 48 4 Cough—there’s no harm in coughing Sneeze—if you wish to sneeze, Die—if you’re bent on «lying. But do it decently please. Coughs, colds, and chilis are fatal vet. But still I make this little bet— If Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure you You will not turn your toes up yet
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    • 12 4 Woods’ Great Peppernvnt Cure for inter nal comoiaints, dysentry, coughs, cow*> etc.
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  • 298 5 A meeting of the subscriber* of the St. George's Ball wan held at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday when the following were present: —Hon. A. K Adams (Chairman), Mr. B. E. Mitchell Secretary, l)r. R. Daue, Mossrs C. G. May, H. A. Neubronner, C. M. Phillips. C.
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  • 58 5 The Times slates it is understood that in the final settlement of the Navy Estimates it will be found impossible to make the reductions so strongly desired by Ministerialists us the delays in shipbuilding have thrown an unduly heavy expenditure on the ensuing year. There will be
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  • 75 5 Result of Operations during the mouth of February, 1912. Pin. |ct». cts. Mine»' Output Sale 13 2 111.12 „60 SO 6,773.87 Do. 13 2 100.81 61.33 «,1*2.67 »12,956-54 Do. 27 2 210.32 61.13 12,856.86 Do. 4 3 (81. ore) 84.48 61.15 5,165.95 Pis. 506.73 *30.979.35 Working Expenses
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  • 26 5 Oxford row n d from Barnes Bridge to Chiswick Steps m 3 in in. 52 sees. The previous record was 4 min. Telegraphed..
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  • 15 5 Peking reports that Tang Sbao \i has beeu appointed Premier. Telegraphed.
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  • 86 5 Mr. Liang Chih-Cbao, who refused to take up the post of Vice-President of the Board of Justice under the Chinese Imperial Govt. a few months ago, has now been asked by President Yuan Shih-kai to proceed to Peking for the purpose of writing the Chinese Constitution. Mr Liang
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  • 96 5 The Koval Geographical Society has cabled its congratulations to Amundsen. The Daily Chronicle publishes a continuation of the article by Captain Amundsen describing his expedition to the South Pole Alcohol was barred on the journey te the Pole but the provisions were the best and most satisfying. The
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  • 55 5 Mr. H. H. Abdul Cader, son of Mr. H. A. Cader of Penaug, who recently passed his Bar examinations, was presented to the King on Mondav, his proud father informs us. He is cotniug out to Penaug on the Prim Ludwig. We congratulate Mr. Cader on so
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  • 19 5 It is anticipated that the Home Rule Bill will be introduced on the lltli of April. Telegraphed.
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  • 251 5 Under this title the February Stranu gives ai interesting account of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and of its official habitat. The wiiter savs: If you would seek the inner shrine of Empire you must climb a pair of stairs iu a nanow
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  • 17 5 The A d has Is-en towed into Portsmouth with her Hags at half mast. Telegraphed.
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  • 45 5 At the instance of Mr. B. P. Pereira, Inspector of Weights and Measures, Mobained Mydiu was charged before Mr. E. E. Colman with having in his possession a false dachiug. He was found guilty and fined s*2s. The line was paid. Ech Reporter.
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  • 42 5 The Singapore rubber auction yesterday had big parcels forward. Prict s fetched were S First smoked sheet 275—280 unsmoked 276 286 Second 269—274 First crepe 285—288 Second 269 —276 Third 246—265 Fourth 211 o virgin 233 Uiiii. tod 199-218 Telegraphed.
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  • 266 5 The weather is not so hot as rain makes its appearance intermit, antly. The crops have be;u gathered in .it most places and pernio in the Noriii appear to have a bad ar’s yield. All the bendangs on the coast j have yielded copiously aud thus the reduction in
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  • 76 5 Chan Tinng Chuue is a real friend. He types two pages of foolscap, recommending our Editor, for his brain’s sake,” to take a month’s holiday He adds that when Utopia is established, we shall have less of your Adversaria’ aud critique, and no more of your dubbing. W
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  • 27 5 Rome reports that the Italian Chamber has p-is«ed all the clauses of a Bill authorizing an expenditure of .£8,200,000 on the Tripoli campaign. Telegraphed.
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  • 338 5 A telegram from Essen states that absentees from the afternoon shifts swelled the ranks of the strikers to 60%. The Police who attempted to disperse the Strikers from the pit heads were stoned. They charged in batches wounding many. Numerous arrests were made. It is understood th
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  • 55 5 Sir A. B. Markham, Liberal Member for Maustield, who is a large coalowner. d<xdaied i i a forcible -peeoh at Mansfield before a large an lienee of miuers that the profits of the trade had been understated by many millions He contended that owners c.-uld pay a minimum
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  • 197 5 The Colonial Ojfi' Journal states that: The Orange Free, State Census returns show that the whites have increased by 22. 96 per cent, and the blacks 43.67. The disproportion is t!-* more significant as the Free State was i.<*’ originally a black man's c untry. When JV*
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  • 20 5 Turkey has commenced mine-laying in the Dai-lanelles. Pilotsbips will meet friendly vessels and take them through. Telegraphed.
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  • 125 5 Departures. Per s.s. Pangkor, 12th M r., for Kedah M rs. A. 11. Dragon and Mrs. C. Sanderson. Per s.s. Kedah. 12th Mar., for Dindings Messrs, llobilliard, Guruan and S. Subramanian. The ss. Vadala from Rangoon is discharging 500 cases of candles, 6,170 bags of rice, 1,000 bags
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  • 230 5 The Singapore Art Club bad a most t successful exhibition. The first prize for > oil painting was awarded to Mrs. W. Nutt, the second to Mrs. W. L. Watkins. Oil pointings by Mr. A. W. Money, Low Kwav-song, and Mrs. Goldie were highly Commended. The first prize
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  • 61 5 The following business in tin been doue to-day Su rapore Straits Trading Cn., buyers, no sellers j Penang PenangTin Exchange. 0] tons at !*i. 10 Straits Trading Co., 50 94.60 Total... tou*. Tin is «{tinted in London to-day at £l9l 15s. cash aud 4J187 10s. three
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  • 41 5 Messrs. Powell, the Singapore auctioneers, fold the corner block at the junction of Malacca aud IVAlmeida Streets for SI6O 000 dhe Banque de 1’ Indo-Chine was the purchaser. It is going to erect new premises on the site. Telegraphed.
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  • 57 5 Detective Sergeant Sahat having beard tliat false coins were being circulated by some of the money changers went about getting change from them. Every man from whom he obtained false coins was summoned. Eight Kiiugs and a Chinaman were charged before Mr. McLean this morning with circulating false
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  • 89 5 To-day 25th Day of Ist Moou. Golf Club Ladies’ Presgrave Cup Singapore Art Club’s Exhibition (Open). P. C. O. Tennis Ties. Baud, Esplanade, 6 p m. The Straits Opera Co., Tek Soon’s Theatre Hall, Campbell Street, Shaherban Zanggi”, 9 p in. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road, 9 p.m.
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  • 14 5 (rorutan (L net bow ...I4tli Mar. <’ki*a (India) ...22nd (’kina 'Yorck) ...2Gth
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  • 35 5 Mail Service. OWTWA.B». n<>MfcWA.l~n Delta 21 Mar. I Italia 22 Mar. Devanha 6 Apr. Extra Service. On H»«iw;km. Palawan 2*5 Mar. I Nile 14 Mar Penhau'ur 2 Apr. J Peru 29
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  • 16 5 Moou Mar. 19th (First Quarter 26th O Full Muon Apr. 2nd Last Quarter 9th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 UflniMtii provokes neither discomfort. Complications, nor nausea. It is the happiest scientific combination of best East Indian Sandalwood oil and Kawa Kawa. Bottles •f 40 capsules at all chemist* and dealer*.
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    • 14 5 For all internal complaints, dysentery, coughs, co'^ a ofp take Woods Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 63 5 Best L aiaient. For cuts and bruises, there is nothing equal to Chamberlain’s Pain Ealui. It not only relieves the jvi 1 almost instan'ly, but it is an antiseptic liniment and when applied promptly causes the wound to heal without any danger of bloo.l poison. You can not afford to
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    • 93 5 Dr. Boss of Strassburg introdnsed (1 t:iiMin in the treatment of the most painful is diseases to which mankind is liable. It of lietter, safer and more effective than other preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs or plain Sandalwood oil A list of applications for public house licences to be considered at
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    • 978 5 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. IIkah n kick: —.''•iNGAB* MtK. Li'** Aasuruuce and Fiiuow incut »n All Form». LIBERAL POLICIES. LOM RATES •n<»nc *n A\ MACBETH AND BARRETT. E. C. BOYCE, District Manager. Local Office —No. 7, Union .'Vi NOTICE. notice of sale. BY ORDER OF MRS. R.
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    • 124 6 Cornelia, Br. s.s., 194, Eadei, 12th Mar., Malacca, 10th Mar., Gen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. Petrel Br. s.s., 124, Case, 12th Mar., ABaban, 11th Mar., Gen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. Bop Sang, Br. 8 8., 1,359, Landan, 12th Mar., Singapore, 7th Mar., Gen. B. Co. 0 Avagyee, Br. s.s.,
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    • 51 6 13th Maech. Tong Chuan, for Alor Star (Kedah). Hong Ho, for Trang. Rotorua, for Tougkab. Hok Canton, for Teluk Anson. Calyji8o, for Deli. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiprng. Tong Chay Un, for Trang. P. E. Friedrich for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples, for Europe
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    • 266 6 Fob Yen—Per Jit Seng, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah)— Per Pangkor, tomorrow, 11 a.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Taroba, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Asahan —Per Ayuthia, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Deli Per Malaga te-morro», 5 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan Per Lutzow, to-morrow, 5 p.m. Madras taking mails for
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  • 121 6 Pbnano, 13th March. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4£ 4 months* sight Bank 2/4£ 3 Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank R*. 174 3 days* sight Prv.D« VSJ Bombay, Demand Ban.- 1 74 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 3 days* sight Privau 176 Madras,
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  • 223 6 Gold Leat Black Pepoe» sfoWhite Pepne 3 0 —nominal Traug Pepi'3l 23 —hv-o-rtt Cloves .36 —sellers Mace l ,c < -nominal Pickings 105 —buyers Nutmegs il'V 23.;0 sales l No. 1 ..8 20 Ba. Sugar < 2 8 10 ted (.Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.40 sales Tahbun 190.
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  • 185 6 13th March, 1912 HhiKK 'ets. Soup par Cai,r.\ 14 Roast 24 Steaks 21 Stew or Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 21 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 ITeart 30 Liver per eattv 55 Poke— Pork per cattj 32 Pig’s Head... 5 Tongue M J* per
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  • 1685 6 M 5 2 Capital. Number ot Shares issued, i s* 2. rs Dividends. Name. )90'J '‘Hrj* 1905 909 1910 1904 190li 190 J 1909 1909 )909 1909 1910 1909 1909 1005 IWS 1909 1909 1907 1905 1910 1909 loot» 1910 1910 85,000 j 40.000 I 150,000 00,000 75,000 30,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 41 6 Relief at Hand. Many sufferers from rheumatism have been surprisedand delighted with the prompt relief afforded by applying Chamberlain s Pain Balm. Not one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 71 6 Real Merit Win?. There never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ni( re than now. This is shown by the increase m sales and voluntary testimonials from persons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a
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    • 56 6 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Coipnd 'IWX C*d TABTELEBS ODORLEBB The latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER 4 OIL Does all that !s claimed for it and super- h sedes the old-fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the medi cal profession. OF
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 948 7 THE DULCEPHONE. CRAVEN MIXTURE. THE GRAMOPHONE par excellence” SUPERB MODELS IN SOLID MAHOGANY. SHEARATON STYLE, ETC. Hornless anti Ordinary Pattern Silent Running Motors, Improved Soundbox, Reproduction lull and Clear and Iree from all Unpleasant Orating of the Needle. PRICES RANGE FROM $2O UPWARDS. The Robinson Piano Co.. Ltd. □nnnnnnnnn, iDnr
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    • 61 7 apioline (CHAPOTEAI T) 9 i r -i. !r K sup-rior to so-called apiol, si r«n tansy or rennyroyal ai.J -A a sale remedy fc»r iadies ■when about to be unwell Recommended by the leading 'r re"<ch specialists, to remove pain, cn ~f and :rs l**itie* peculiar to the sex. Sold
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 998 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, late of Dr. Allen 8 Co.. Pha, U. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT Ao. 2/a, Penang Road. A few doots from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. Khoo Buan Phuan CHOP Gim Seng Moh, 203, Main Road, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advancers and Genera Goods
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