Straits Echo, 7 March 1912

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
  • 35 1 Straits Echo DAILY CHRONICLE OF EVENTS», CIRCULATING THROUGKOUf THE STRAITS, THE FEDERATt" MAU* STiTES AND THE FAR EAST GENERALLY VOL. 10. $24 Per Annum. PENANG, Thursday:, 7th march, 4012.« Single Copy, 10 cents. No. 8*
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1029 1 f( you require a Toaic and some* thine to nourish you Drink Dog’s Head Guinness's Stout, 1 and look \V T for this V label > to see that you get it. TIANG LEE A Co., Sole Ayente. Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. BANKS. > O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip Bottles. Dog's Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheer* and soothes and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANQ LEE A Co., Sole Jgents.
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  • 1497 2 (Continued from yesterday's issue.). In Penang. —One hundred and sixfyeight thousand two hundred and sixteen passengers and 49,751 crew were examiutd on arrival. The number of passengers detained for observation or treatment was the largest* for the last ten /ears. The new (Quarantine Station, Pulau
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 59 2 TIII3 IS IT! Waterbary’s Cod Liver Oil Compound TA3TELES3 ODORLESS I: f7i 1 he latest scientific pre pollution of C OI) LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and super Sedes tlie old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the tnedi cal prolcssion. cr
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    • 56 2 Relief at thru 1 Mu"v hiiflV’ers from rheuma i.-m h„.c I» e*i su. pri>edan«l deli*>h <*«l i ii i! e rnmpt re i-f afforded by app yit-t* < ha ml ei lain’s ‘aiii Balm Not one e i>e of rheumatism in t* 11 itqiihes m v internal tna' whatever. For
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    • 1950 2 PIXOAP A superfine tar preparation for washing the hair. The best method of im* parting vigour to the scalp and vitality to the hair. Use it while taking your bath l l. < d m PIXOAP The Chinese Steamship Co Ltd. For Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy 8 Swatow. The Straits Cinematograph
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  • 28 3 Vessels trom Agents hue i I Assaye Siugapore A.G.&Co. 9th Mar. Prim Eitel Friedrich Singapore B.M.&Co. 12th Luetzow Colombo BJ>1 &Co 14th Dsltv Colombo A.G.&Co. ,21st
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  • 23 3 Vessels For Agents Leave* I 1 Asm ye Colombo A.G.&Co. Mar. Prim Eitel Friedrich Colombo B.M.&Co. Luetzow Singapore BM.&Jo. Delta Singapore A.G.V3.>.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 369 3 3 Aft S.N.C MO. Arrivals and Depart vires. Mail Service Outward. Mar. 7 Devanha connecting with Maloja u m Mongolia 21 Delta Homeward. S.S.! OH, will m through from China to Marseilles and Londoa without transhipment. by mail steamers. 1st class 2nd class Vo London by Sea $505-72 $377-14 To
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    • 281 3 ha 0 >0 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., L r -—AhS; KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPP (»!>Y.U. OUTiH PACKET COMPANY.) Intended to Sail. Steamer. DsH, Asahan, P;meli and Singapore- Weekly). Deli and Batu Bahra. (Fortnightly). Deli and Langsa. (direct) Connecting with Batavia and other Java etc. ports. (Fortnightly.; Priainan and Padang. (Fortnightly),
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    • 930 3 PIN G.) V0B1M2HBEB LLOYD, DEEM. IMPERIAL GERMAN KAIL LINE fTlHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Com pan y sail fortnightly from Bremen X. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp,- Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa). Port Said, Suez, Aden, Coloin*:», Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau
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  • 424 4 A Journal ok Thought Published daily (except Sundays and public a holidays) AT THE 1 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. j No. 226 —232 Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. t Out station... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $15 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo,
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  • 931 4 Although we are in a backwater here, away from the main stream of English life and worries, something of the utproar comes through to us. We are not without vivid glimpses of the boat-race, though we are here among the lotus blooms and the swans. Those echoes those
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  • 46 4 Peking reports that the mutineers, after commandeering the carts and mules telonging to Bishop Scott, who was on tour, shot and killed the Revd. Day who was accompanving him. Reuter’s comment on this is bgingnow”, which we don’t quite understand. Ed.] Telegraphed.
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  • 554 4 (Before Chief Justice Sir W. HyndmanJones, and Justices Thornton and Fisher). Wakoff Estate Dispute. In Ju\v last year an application was made in chambeis on behalf of the Official Assignee, as receiver of the Estate of Mr. Farrer-Bavnes in bankruptcy, and Mr. W. R. Armstrong, administrator
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  • 16 4 Rear Admiral Cradock has been made a Knight Commander of the Victorian Order. Telegraphed.
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  • 217 4 Mr. Z. T. Lee, a young Chinese aviator, who is now* arranging for an exhibition at the Kiangwan Race Course, about the first of March, has arrived in Shanghai. Mr Lee left China for London about six years ago. He entered Northampton Institute of Technology for instruction in
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  • 52 4 At the rubber auction which was held at Singapore 29,619 lbs. were offered for sale and 22,981 lbs. were sold. The following prices were obtained S J Smoked Sheet 260—275 per picul Unsmoked 262—268 First Crepe 269—275 Second 264 —265 Third 233—247 Scrap (Virgin) 236—240 (Untreated) 190
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  • 429 4 1 he Singapore correspondent of the Echo wired the other day that the Duff Development Co. had acquired the Provident Rubber Estate. The following account of a meeting at Shanghai gives further details The Chairman said At the last informal meeting, you were informed that on account
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  • 21 4 Rome reports that the Italians lost 60 killed and 172 wounded in the Derna affair on the 4th inst. Telegraphed.
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  • 27 4 The eleven Malays who were brought up before Mr. E. E‘. Colman charge*! with unlawful assembly were all discharged. Inspector T. A. Leonard prosecuted. Staff Script.
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  • 767 4 Chin Seng Co. Ltd. General Meeting. The set ond ordinary general meeting 0 f the shareholders of Chin Seng A Co Tm was held at the F.M S. Railway building at noon to-day. Dr. T. C. Avetoom presided The others present were Messrs Cheah L&mg Keab, Lim Cheng Law, M.
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  • 63 4 The following ties were decided yesterday :—Mixed Double Handicap: Miss Pritchard and Goldie beat Miss Evans and Hon. W. Evans 4—6, 6—4, 6—2. Single Handicap—B (Final): Mackay beat Save 4—6, 6—l, 6—2. Ties for to-morrow .—Profession Pairs. Goldie and Waugh vs. Craigen and Mason (4) (Final).
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 375 4 Tek Soon Theatre. No Performance to-night. TO-MORROW NIGHT! A MUST LAUGHABLE PLAY CNTITLBD “ABU HASSAN F BAGDAD.” jiIVBK BEFORE STAGED IN PENANG Mat Noor, our incomparable mirth maker, will play the Title Part. Please don’t confuse this play with what we staged last week. IT IS A MUCH BETTER PIECE.
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    • 42 4 Prof. Schmidt prefers (ionnsan (Santal Kawa Riedel s) to any other preparation of Santa! wood oil. Although he used the •Irug in more than 20 cases, he has never observe.! any signs of nausea, flatulency, nephritic pains, pruritus nor skin erupt ions.
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    • 11 4 Woodi’ Great Peppermint Cure for internal ooi«claint.s ilvß*nlrj, oou^hl f Oold*«
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  • 2426 5 The enquiry into the wreck of the Canton in the Perak Hirer was resumed at 2.30 pm. yesterday. Hussein, one of the crew of the Stephan, said that he was a lascar hut in the article of agreement it was ascertained he was quarter-master. To make
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  • 159 5 A by-election at South Manchester, made necessary by the appointment «of Sir A. A. Haworth as Junior Lord of the •Tteksury, resulte«l in the rejection of Haworth, who polled *‘»,472 votes. His Tory opponents Glazabrook, had 7.051. This result has caused a big sensation. If? is compared with
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  • 118 5 lbs. Rantau Puujang 6,309 Batang Malaka 1,02 b Chiinpul 91/ Selangor River 0 204 Balgowuie 15,800 Kajang 1,592 Glenshiel 11,6'6 Inch Kenneth 18,487 Aver Mo’ek 5.003 Tebrau 10,014 S.S. (Bertain) 10 000 G »lang Besar 15,157 Port Dickson-Lukut 8,407 Cbangkat Salak 2,640 Changkat Serdang 4.400 St Helena
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  • 79 5 Mr. E. G. Culliu, who has beeu for seven year* on the staff of the Pinang Gazette left for lp<»h by the mail train this mo-hiog to join the Times uf Malaya” a« chief reporter. He has a very wide knowledge of local history in which
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  • 53 5 The following business ’n tm ha.' heer done to-day:— Penang Penang Tin Exchange. buyers, po seller Singapore Straits Trading Oo 110 tons at 9’* 30 Tin in quoted in London to-dav at A'l94 cash and *,'189 three months' sight Rangoon rice is quoted here to-dav at
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  • 711 5 I Secretary of the miners' executive <*otnpAfi it tee states that the men are still unwilling .j to compromise. The e is no truth in the i rumours that many in the federated area are wishful t»> resume work. Despite that, the newspapers general! v > write a;*
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  • 132 5 A Tpwkay says any amount of corroborative evidence can be produced for his statement that Beach Street, Esplanade Road, Light Street, Parqqhar Street, and Leith Street were ho* watered for the Chap Goh Meh. They were liberally sprinkled yn Maiulny afternuon, but not for the Chap Goh Meb.
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  • 276 5 In the House of Commons, Col. Seelv referred to a speech by Wyndham yesterday ?,and said the Government were keeping a i j watchful eye on the strategic necessities of cavalry with regard to our overseas garri- sons, but would not base their military policy on the assumption that
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  • 15 5 The strike at Brisbane is officially declared off. Work resumes to-day. Telegraphed.
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  • 114 5 A tire took place at the corner of King and Light Streets yesterday afternoon in a room belonging to Jitts Bros., immediately over a stable. At 6-25 p.m. smoke was seen issuing from the room, and five minutes later the call, which was given by Mr. Buckle from the
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  • 25 5 France is a challenger for the Davis Cup. The draw resulted this way. that England play* France aud the winner plays America. Telegraphed-
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  • 157 5 The police have seized the headquarters of the Women’s Social aud Political Uuiou in London They have arrested Mrs. Pethick Lawrence and her husband. It is understood that Miss Christabel Pankhurst is to lie arrested ia connection with the rai of the sth inst I At Bow Street,
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  • 28 5 Singapore tires for the Interport match b* tween loth May and 15th June next. The annual prize meeting will be held on Mav 25. Telegraphed.
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  • 60 5 A marriage was solemnised at St. George’s Church to-day the contracting parties being Mr. Herbert Griffith Bracken, of Highlands Estate, Klang, aud Miss Florence Mary Dowden of Melbourne. The bride who arrived this inoruiug by the P. and 0/ steamer Devanha was given away by Mr. W: Parry'
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  • 24 5 At the meeting of the legislative Council to-morrow a vote of ?25.0QC will l»e asked for a telephone cable for Penang. Telegraphed.
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  • 57 5 Two thousand more troupe have revolted and started looting at Kiukiang on the Yangtsae. The United States is sending 7<X> troops from Manila to Peking Tientsin reports that 800 Japanese soldiers have arrived at C’hingwantao from Port Arthur. They were expected in Tientsin at midnight last night. Five hundred
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  • 72 5 Reuter’s Berlin man quotes an authoritative forecast of a new German Navy Bill, which is to provide for the formation of a third active squadron of eight battleships Five of these will provided by the altolition of the battleship reserve. The Bill will provide, for the building of the
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  • 72 5 At the approaching Annual General Meeting of shareholder*, the Directors will recommend that a dividend l>e declared for the past half year at the rate of 15% per annum, that *£25,000 be added to the Reserve Fund, (which will then stand at £1,650,000) that £lO,OOO be added
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  • 168 5 General. Cargo.—The N. Y. K. s. a. Kamo Maru is discharging 86 tons of general cargo. Rice and Onions —The B. I. ss. Thongwa is alongside the wharf unloading 2,042 bags of rice and 6,416 bags of onions. Mr. O V. Thomas. Municipal Electrical Engineer, arrived from leave
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  • 88 5 To-DAT 19th Day of Ist Moon. St.. Perpetua. P. C. H. Teunis Ties. Fancy Dress Dance, Ipoli. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road, 9 p.m. Japanese Bioscope, Penang Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road. To-morrow. 20. h Pj»v of ’«t Moon. Mil li.teiing Children’s League, Government. Girls’ Sc 001, 4-45
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  • 18 5 Laat Quarter Mar. 11th O Haw Moon T9th (Fir§t Quarter 26th O Full Moon Apr. 2nd
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  • 17 5 Eagliak (Devanha) 7th Mar. Ckiia Attaye 9th Ckiaa (P. Eitel Friedrich) ...12th Oarnaa Luetzow) ...14th
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  • 33 5 P. O. SAILINGS. flail Service. OVTWIM, loHIWin* Devan/ia 7 Mar. I Auat/e 9 Mar. Delta 21 I,ldia 22 Extra Service. Outward Homiwabb. Namur 12 Mar. I Nile 14 Mar. Palawan 26 Para 29
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 62 5 tat liniment. For cut» aud brut**?*, there is nothing ♦vjual to Chainl»erlaia*s Pain Balm. It not only relieves the p&iu almost instantly, but it i» an anti septit* liniment and when applied promptly causes the wound to heal without any danger of blood poison. You can not afford to 1)0
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    • 39 5 tlounmn brings about satisfactory result# without the aid of any local treatment and is tha latest and most scientific Remedy and far superior to combinations of plain Sandalwood oil. rinp.-üba. etc. At all chemist# and do. ile i s
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    • 50 5 You o-iu «t an 1 p ns ion it- u jou’r* seventy years < f age, \n<l are sitting by the fire «ide Far too oM to earn a wage But reuieuilier when you’re ailing, Be you peusioner of King For yjg- cough, cold or bronchitis Woods’ Peppermint Cure's the
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    • 32 5 Kor til internal complaints, dysentery, 00 h*. colds. etc., take Woods’ Great r ojn>‘ ,r inint Cure. The i Criterion by which whiskies are judged. v HILTON CO., PENANO. AGENTS. t w
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    • 78 6 Janet Nicoll, Br. s.s., 476, CrichtoD, 6th Mar., Tavov, Ist Mar., Gen —E. S Co., Ltd. Kamo Morn, Jap. b s., 5,285, Sommer, 7th Mar., Singapore, sth Mar., Gen. B. A Co. Vevanha, Kr. s.s., 4,785, Hickey, 7th Mar. Bombay, 28th Feb., Gen.—A. G. A Co. Thongwa, Br. h.s.,
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    • 37 6 7th March. Cornelia, for Port Swettenbam, Malacca and Port Dickson. Perak, for Deli. Jin Ho, for Pangkalan Brandan. Thongwa, for Port Swettenbam and Singapore. Rotorua, for Tongkah. Avagyee, for Teluk Anson. Tong Chay TJn, for Trang.
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    • 331 6 For Yon—Per Jit Seng, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah)— Per Pangkor, to morrow, 9 a.m. Trang— Per Hong Ho, to-morrow, 2 p..m. I Rangoon— Per Lunka, to-morro®, 4 p.m. i Calcutta —Per Hop Sang, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Teluk Anson —Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Calcutta— Per G.
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  • 127 6 Pknakg, 7th March. {Gy courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) jondon, Demand Bank 2/4£ 4 months* sight Bank 2/4$ 3 Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank ft-.. 174 3 days’ sight Pr«vxr>- J 754 Bombay, Demand Bin •Tt j Vloulinein, Demand Bank I 3; 3da vs* s’ght Priv»
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  • 211 6 Gold Loaf Black Pepper ru> stock White Pepper 30 —buyers Trang Pepper 22.90 buyers Cloves 32. —sellers Mace 108 —nominal Pickings 105— buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 24. —sellers No. 1 8 20 sale Sugar j 2 8.10 sal Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.40 sales fTahbun 190.— <*,.»*
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  • 152 6 Fenano, 7th March 1012 Beef cts. Soup por cattv 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat... lb Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 80 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart oO Liver per catty 55 Pork Pork per catty o2 Fig’s Head... «M Tongue M 2l “E
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  • 1054 6 «M o-3 J® «I Capital. 1909 '9<n) 1905 '>9o9 1910 1904 1906 1909 1909 1999 1909 1903 1910 1909 1909 1905 PM>5 1996; 1909 1909 19H>7 1905 1910 1909 1906 1910 1910 iyo9 191*5 .906 »907 1907 WOB 1895 1907 1969 1906 1909 .910 1916 1903 *306 1909 1910
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 44 6 Croup Cm be Prevented. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chainljerlain’s Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it successfully. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 71 6 Real Merit Wins. There never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy more than now. This is shown by the increase in sales and voluntary testimonials from persons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a
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    • 44 6 PH •**l A *tj ■i re--3 »»*£**> S^vST v ■:*.< These tiny Capsules superior to Copaiba, Cubebs and Injections CURE the same diseases as these drugs in FORTY-EIGHT HOURS without inconvenience. Each Capsule bears the name. Paris. 8, rue Vivienne Sold by all Che mists. mi)
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  • 996 7 1 Ik the Civil and Polios Services. (The following are the views of A. MacCall um Scott, M.P., who has brought the subject so prominently before the House of Commons of late: “An honest and an efficient Civil Service is one of the greatest boons which British
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  • 117 7 I find I like the Echo now I like its cheerful style I like its independent tone It often makes tne smile. It wastes no space on headlines It doesn’t puff its trade It’s quite a virile paper It’s l>eer to lemonade. It gives me any news
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  • 331 7 The following unclaimed letters, etc., are J lying at the General Post Office, Penang Letters. Algose Lemarchaud, W. Barnes, Miss D. Lewis, E. P. Beckiugsale. L. Looks, S. Bella, Mrs. Marridith, W. N. Berkeley, Col. Martijn, H. Berli Co., A. Martin, R. R. Brett, E. McClelland, V. W.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1071 7 n n nnnunnnnunnnnjnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn n a n a a n a n n D n a a n n a ■i PBMAFJS I£dTC8 GAHAGE. Chi.-.a S.'reet C hu At, i ctu.rg. Te,CKrMkie MOTOJ? P-NANO.» Tolv; l.on« No. 372. D U' «1 ri.ik* .i I Ib-paii* to Car*, J>"Hs. or anything connected
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    • 50 7 0J-3-, CS-|v :iNr> t~.v -,o •t:c!"rojrad j-j »po!’i r:;| Xq p."»pu3U.ii:<o s i r r 7 hr Fivt irijj |jir to. n TIO t r:iAncoDjo- n.d -'•ynt-MiDs oqx v 4q/ v ■> /7 < ssminvi p LI D C d Ul 0 3 i!0J3An p«o P07|!ccc;crj s XanqjaiBA\ j JLI
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    • 190 7 Should he Pleasant to Take. When a medicine must be given to youut; children it should be pleasant to take. Chamkerlain’s Cough Remedy is made from loaf sugar, and the roots used in its preparation gives it a flavor similar to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 938 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen 8 Co., Pha, U. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free RESIDING AT So. 21 a, Penang Road. K few loots from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. TECK COMPANY, Shanghai Carpenters S’ Furnishers. 4, PENANG ROAD. High-class Household Furniture kept in stock and
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