Straits Echo, 27 February 1912

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 969 1 If you require a Tonio .and some* thing to nourish you, Drink Dog’s Head Guinness's Stout, an<^ •v TIANG LEE Co., Sole Agent». Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY 8 Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F. Ni. S. BANKS. DAVID CORSAR 8 SON’S Well-Known Extra Navy Canvas,
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip Bottles. Dog's Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANQ LEE A Co., Sole AgmU.
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  • 1187 2 Estimates tor the Current Year.. Mr. A. D. Allan presided at the third ordinary general meeting of (he Glenealy Plantations, Ltd., held at Singapore on Wednesdav, when there were also pre**nt Messrs. H.A E. Thomson, W. L SUdermann, H. R. Llewellyn, R. Connell, G. A. Derrick and W.
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  • 254 2 Not to be Followed. Old habits are often better than new oDes, but not always. For instance, the old-fashion-' d method of cleaning the teeth and mouth with tooth-powders and toothpastes is a complete mistake. Brushing the teeth with «-noth-powders and tooth-pastes can never safeguard them from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 THIS IS IT WATERBURV'S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compou nd TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific preparation ofCOI) LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly recommended by the inedi cal profession. Oi all CEE Ml -7 UtITJ Price
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    • 141 2 Wools’ GrHrt,i Peppermint Cure for all int rnal ••o»«»nl>4i >iis, ilvsuin, «iv'h*. c« l<' rk The Most Popular Fashion ib!e Resort DURING THE EVENINGS 1« THE TEK SOON THEATRE C L WHERE 1HE (PZFA IS PLAYING NIGHTLY TO A Fashionah e and Distinguished Audience, EVERYBODY who is ANYBODY IS TO
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    • 2010 2 BANDOENGSCHS KININEFABRIEK JAVA QUININE. Largely used by HOSPITALS and ESTATES. Packed in 1 Eilo Tins at $l2-50 per tinSPECIAL PRICE FOR LARGE QUANTITIES. G. H. SLOT CO., AGENTS. MUNICIPAL NOTICE, j An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioner* w:ll l»e held at Municipal Office at 4 pm. on Thursday, the
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  • 32 3 Vessels hroni Agents 1 Ih*e 1 1 Derfflinger Singapore B.M.&Co. -7tli Feb. P. Alice Colombo B M.ACo 29th Devanha Colombo A.G.&Co. 7th Mar. Assaye Singapore A.G.ACo. 9th I i i
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  • 22 3 < I Vessels For Agent» Leaves Derfflinger ’Colombo B-M.&Co. Feb. P. Alice Singapore 1BM.&J0. l)evai>ha Singapore A-G.&Co. Mar. Assay e Colombo A.G.&Co.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 356 3 AAO. 1A L $ilX f, xed Arrival* him! Depart ure*. Mail Service Outward. Mar. 7 Dev ail ha connecting with Mologa 21 i>elta n Mongolia Date. Mar. Apr. May S.S.IOIV, will run through from China to Marseilles and London without transhipment. LAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class T
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    • 202 3 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD.' KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART M A ATSCH APPIJ BOVil dutch PAI.KEr COMPAKV.A v" Fou Intkxdbd to Sail. STEAMER. ELRPtKtfE HUTTENBAC.H, LI So. 5*21. Ttjlfttrrnf ts: 12 :SEST Si Co., Penang, CTTLIEB.’’ Agm? S. EmpText Austraian Lloyd Steamer Kavi(aiion Company. J'H E Compvny’a Steam- JL era may
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    • 952 3 NG.> MMUTSCEER LLOYD. BREffl. N. Y. K. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE Mail Steamship Company. Ltd. fTYHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen j A Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa). Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo,
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  • 424 4 A Journal or Thought. Published daily (except Sundays andjpnblic holidays) AT THS CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 220 —232 Beach Street, Penang. Pi: ice. Daily L >cal 524 |>er annu n OutslaHon... Postage Extra. Mail Elition (Post Free) 515 CVU* ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 556 Printing Department
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  • 457 4 There is in The Euglish Review for February a cl« ver tale by John Galsworthy, entitled “The Black Godmother It is about ihe mi>a<lventures of a dog. Numerous people, ijuite without malice, illtreated it. ami subsequent analysis showed that they were all cruel betaugn they were all afraid
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  • 69 4 J. O. Davies, a broker, was amvt d at Singapore on the charge of cheating in respect of siBo the property of Pechapo, a chettv. The defence was that the cheque was paid against lodgments which wpre not cleared. The case was adjourned. The evidence against J. O
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  • 18 4 The issue of the Tokyo loan closed in London to-day, at par. Underwriters have taken half. Telegraphed.
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  • 37 4 A telegram from Constantinople states that the Cabinet has decided to expel all Italians except ecclesiastics from the villavets of Beyrout, Damascus, Jerusalem and Aleppo allowing them fifteen days in which to leave. Telegr tphed
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  • 58 4 Our Sin ir>*pO'e correspondent wires that the Colouy’< in-ports for the la.»t quirter of 1911 totalled 5102.917,716, whereof Singi-po-e’s share nr is 565,000,658 and Penang’s 532.94*,279. The exports amounted to 91.284 090, Singapore’s share being 558,153.051 and Penang’s 530,912,793 Para rub'ier was exp »rted to the quantity of
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  • 93 4 r* Monthly Mvd.d February Result 11. C Sells 44 34= 88-14= 74. A Smith 46 +45 91- 8= 83 S. F. B. Martin 44 44=88 5=83 C. G. May 45 +47 92- B=B4 Messrs. T. B Peterkin, W R. Armstrorg, C. C. Rogers, R. T Reid, Geo
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  • 28 4 Brussels reports that the Sugar Commission did not meet yesterday, owing tp the absence of a Russo-German agreement. It is probable it will meet next week. Telegraphed.
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  • 50 4 A Norwegian seaman from the steamer Asiatic has gone to prison for eight weeks at Singapore for assaulting Captain Bolton aud Police Sergeant Phillips on Sunday. Some of the crew were drunk, fighting, and mutinous. Accused kicked and struck the complainants when they intervened to restore order. Telegraphed
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  • 230 4 The moon last, night was but a watery lamp aud to atone to the Swimming Club’s guests, tooting and carolling their ways to Flowery Point, the Queen of the Fireflies mobilized her ainazonian inapi*. and gemmed every tree and bush with a thousand fragments of imitation moonlight. At
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  • 38 4 Two readers have already sent in the solution of the chess problem in the last night’s Echo. The move is Queen to Rook’s third, and according to what Black replies, White mates with Queen, Rook, or Knight.
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  • 182 4 The full Court of Appeal opened this morning before the Chief Justice, Sir W. Hyndnian Jones, and JuG'ees Thornton and Fisher. Suit No. 447 was called first. The Hong' ong and Shanghai Hanking Corporation, ihe plaintiffs in the original suit, sued Yeoh B>k T 1 ong
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  • 48 4 According to a telegram from Buenos Ayres the M. 0. C. team scored 266 and 250 runs in the seooud test match with Argentine. The Argentine team scored 206 runs in the first iuuings and lost 3 wickets for 18 runs in the second. Telegraphed.
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  • 31 4 A telegram from Wellington says that the defence authorities report great enthusiasm and keenness among the Territorials at the annual camp. Excellent work was done bv the senior cadets. Telegraphed.
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  • 255 4 Dr. Smsom, Principal Medical Odie*r. F. M. 8., accompanied by Dr. 8. C G. Fox. °euior Medical Officer, Perak, paid a visit of inspection to the local Ho-pital during the week. Mr. J P. Harper, Supermteudent ■>f Revenue Su-veys, Perak, piid a visit of inspection to the Survey Office
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  • 55 4 A telegram from Beyrout states that over 200 spectators on the quays were killed and wounded by the fire of the Italians on Saturday. Some business premises were damaged. The Vali at Beyiout telegraphing on Sunday said the list of casualties was vet incomplete. About fifty of the
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  • 320 4 A Deal in Di amonds. The case against N. Wilham de Silva, charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of §25.000, and that against Gustav Wessels for abetting in the offence was resumed yesterday before Mr. E. E Coiman. The Hon. A R Adams appeared for the prosecution and
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  • 41 4 The Daily Telegraph’s man at St. Petersburg reports that the new government of Mongolia has asked the Russian Government for the loan of a million roubles. It has also asked for Rus-ian instructors to organize a national Mongolian armv. Telegraphed.
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  • 461 4 The latest report from the coal states that the resolutions adontSt miners meetings and the interval? h tween the owners and the leaders" miners are almost wholly nessimi., the it is understood that Mr. H H c but and Mr. Lloyd-George will l*. ed to address the Miners’
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  • 34 4 The Naudin Ten Cate Co. have sent us a useful mauual giving details of rubUr properties on the Sumatra East Coast. Tt is in English, is well got up, and strongly bound.
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  • 47 4 The deat h has taken place at the age of 78 of the Rfc. Hon. Sir Gainsford Bruce, Judge under the Benefices Act. since 1899. The death has taken place of the Grand Duke of Luxemburg. He is succeeded hy his eldest daughter, aged 17. Telegraphed.
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  • 61 4 Messrs. Sarkies Brothers have issued the following intimation; “It is with deep regret that wre have to iqforui voq qf the death of our partner and brother, Air. Tigran Sarkies, which took place at St. Leonards (England) on the 11th instant We beg to intimate that pur business
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  • 89 4 A telegram from Sydney states that Ma.vne, Kollo way, Emery, Matthews, Jen nitigs aud Whitty have been selected to piaj in the triangular matches. The South Australian Association h;u> cabled to the Board of Control contending that the Chairman of the Board exceeded his powers in cancelling the
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  • 38 4 Following were the results of the ties played off yesterday —Single HaudicipJ 5, Ma-ckav beat Holmes b—3, 6 —3. l >r0 tession Pairs t Goldie aud Waugh ic o. from de Paula and Hallifax.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 322 4 MOTOR OILS Notwithstanding the few cents extra it is best to use Cylinder Oil of a known and reputable make. PRICE’S MOTORINE and L’HUILE de LUXE are now obtainable liH-ally and in English car and aviation trials it is understood that Price’s oils have no equal. When it is noted
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    • 62 4 Tlie Press tc-day is a pow<>- in th*» laud. This fact I aiu-sure you will understand But I 11 press you to take for your cold. The finest cure that ever was sold Tip AVoods’ Great Peppermint Cure J praise, Twill lf-olpen and sweeten all vonr davs Couchs, cold, and
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    • 32 4 Ur. Friedlaender testifies that eyerts a, favourable influence iu removing complications an 4 haemorrhatje also mow rapid and satisfactory result's are obtainsby it than by any other preparation of Sandalwood pil etc.
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  • 1940 5 At Mie annual meeting of the Malava Branch of the British Medica* Association, held in the Medical School, Singapore, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President I)r. G. A. Finlayson Piesi-dent-elect. Dr. E A. O. Travers, Kuala Lumpur. Vice- Presidents, Singapore, Dr. Gilmore Kllis
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  • 193 5 Messrs. S. Riley and J. S. Cunningham write: Herewith w> l*eg to hand Vou a statement of accouuts of the above Concert duly audited by Mr. Sandemann which shews a net balance of $326.00. This sum is being handed over to the care of the Reverend
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  • 42 5 Mr T McKinnon YY r ood, whose appointment as .Secretary of State for Scotland a fortnight ago required that lie again submit to the ballot, has been re-elected with 8,530 votes. The Unionist (MacQi.isteuJ. wlo opposed him got 469 le'-s. 'telegraphed.
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  • 72 5 Practice Shoot. 26th Feb., 1912 X x r .1-? 5 3 2 H Mrs Hamilton 29 33 Mrs Wright-Motion 32 29 61 Miss YV. Gawthorne 28 28 56 Miss Jones 27 29 56 Mrs. Oxenham 28 27 5a Miss Birch 24 28 53Miss Gawthorne 26 23
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  • 66 5 A telegram from Rome states that a Bill will lx* submitted to the Cbamlier sanctioning au extraordinary credit, of 1 70,000,000 lire, which has already b«e».i opened, for;war expenses and authorising further t reditsg The bill also provides a sum of 10, 500,000 lire for harbour
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  • 105 5 The ease against Mr. Gustav YYVsselswas resumed yesterday at 2-15 p.m. when the lion. A. R. Adams argued that the deciMon of .Justice Woodward, regarding the p >iut of law that any person holding a power of attorney could not be criminally liable, was based
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  • 22 5 A telegram from Sydney states. that owing to a downpour there was no play vi this match yesterday. Telegraphed
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  • 13 5 The Civil Service Estimates show a surplus of £1,484,663. Telegraphed
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  • 56 5 Y\ r e regret to announce the death of Rosa Maria, wife of the late Mr. YY r illiam Vorbert Woodford, which took place at 330 p.m yesterday at 180 a Burma!) Road. The deceased lady who had been ailing for some time was 55 years of age. Tbe
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  • 65 5 A Eurasian named Angus shot and killed Ho En Siang, a Chinese Krani employed at the Bukit Timah Rubber Estate, Singapore. He mistook the deceased for r roblier. Later. —Angus, tile Eurasian who shot a Chinese krani. at Bukit Timah, has been changed with causing death by
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  • 285 5 Arrivals. Per s.s. Klang, 26th Feb., from Port Swettenliain Mr. H P. Hardingham. Mrs. Soon Kuan Hin, Mr and'Mrs. Tan Kheam Oon Mr. and Mrs Myring, Mr. Law YewBee, Mr. Tibbs, Mr Sel'ar and Dr. C. E. Durrant. From Singapore Mr. Harducr, Mr. a d Mrs. J. Huese
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  • 44 5 Router’s New York correspondent wfres that in reply to an enquiry Theodore Roosevelt nays lie will accept nomination for the Presidency if it be tendered and that he will adhere to this decision until the Party Convention has expressed its preference. Telegraphed.
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  • 89 5 On the 20th of last month a fire took plaee at No. 149, Beach Street, which is within a hundred yards of the Central Fire Station. Certain discoveries were made by the r ire Brigade people and at the instHiice of Mr. A. YV. B Hamilton, Chia
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  • 17 5 Our Singapore correspondent wires that the Sepong Est .te factory lias been destroyed by tireTelegraphed.
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  • 59 5 I’c o*y 10th Day of ’at Mom. Court of Appeal Fifth Test Match. Sydney. George Town Dispensary, Ltd. Special Meeting, 3-45 p m. Penang Libruyv. Annual Meeting, 4.30 p.m St. George’s Church Rev. J. R Lee’s Lecture, 5-30 p m The .Straits Opera Co., Tek Soon’s Theatre ifali, .Campbell
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 82 5 Mothers Should Remember This. We wish to call your attention to the tact that most infectious diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria and scarlet fever are «untraojpd w)ipn thp ct)il(} h(v s PpMCliamlterluin's QoUgb Remedy will quickly cure a cold and greatly lessen the dauger of contracting these diseases. This
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    • 59 5 Cure Your Cold Now. fio j i know that more real danger lurk* in a eoimnon cold than in any other of the minor ailments F The safe way is to take Chamberlain’s Cough Kernedy, a thoroughly reliab’e preparation, and rid yourself of th“ cold as quickly as possible. This
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    • 56 5 Sate Cough Meiici&e. Mother*» everywhere object to giving their children medicines that contain opiates and for this reason Chamberlain’s Cough Kemedv has become a general favorite. This remedy contains abs< lutely nothing injurious and for tl»e prompt relief of coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, it has no equal. For
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    • 65 5 PENANG TURF CLUB. GRIFFINS AUTUMN 1912. MEETINC. The Committee of the Penang Turf Club have ordejred from Mr. P. P. Tennant, a batch of thoroughbred Horse Griffins for the Autumn, 1912 Meeting. Price delivered in Penang J|4l2sWh. Any Members wishing to subscribe will please communicate as Soon as possible with
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    • 242 5 MORTGAGE. i Available for investment, in one or I more sums, on mortgage on first class town property $60,000 or $65,000. Apply with full particulars to INVESTMENT.” co Strait* Echo 7-2-12 150 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkad Orrica:—SINGAPORE. Life Aaaurance anil Endowment In All Forma. LIBERAL POLICIES.
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    • 95 6 Omapere, Br. s.s., 340, Lyons, Feb., Singapore, 24th Feb., Gen —E. S. Co., Aus. .1, 2,306 ButuW. Feb., Shanghai, 16th Pel), Gen. SKA Co 6W W Br. 359 Bamwityne 27t1. Feb., Deli, 26th Feb., Gen. W. MMal£a%er. 5.».. 348, Peters, 27th Feb Deli. 26th Feb., Gen.—B. M. Co_ Ban
      95 words
    • 73 6 27th February. Pangkor, for Alor Star (Kedah). Leowj Ho, for Batu Bahra. Indragiri, for Deli and Langsa. Sappho, for Tongkah. Padang, for Batu Bahra. Deli for Pang Nga. Perak, for Deli. Omapere, for Port Swetteuhain and Singapore. Coen, for Singapore. Calypso, for Deli. Ilebe, for Teluk AnsoD. 7tn Ho,
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    • 239 6 For Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Tong Chnan, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Langs a, Edi, T. Semawe, Segli, Olebleh and Sahfl Tl g—Per Kalmoa, to-morrow, I‘ 1 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Ilok Canton tomoirow, 2 p.m. Trang—Per Hong Ho, to-morrow, 2 pm. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy—Per Hong Moh, to-morrow, 4
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  • 128 6 o- Pxhano. 27th February. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4$ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4$ 3 ft Credit 2/4* ft 3 ft Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 n 3 days’ sight Priv«t> 1 *s| Bombay, Demand Ban t f 74 Moulmein, Demand Bank
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  • 220 6 Gold Leal 464.60 Black Pepper no stork White Peppier 30 —buyers Trang Pepper 22.90 buyers Cloves 32. —sellers Mace 1 *B —nominal Pickings 105 —buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 24. —sellers No. 1 820 sal* Sugar 2 810 ml Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.40 sales Tahbnn 190.—se e s
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  • 173 6 Penano, 27th February, 1912. Beep— c^s Soup por catty 14 Roast Steaks 24 Stew o" Curry Meat... lt> Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each TO Tongue... »5 Feet 15 Heart 0 Liver per catty 55 Pork Pork I er cattv 32 Fig’» Head g Tongue “JET P»>b- U
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  • 916 6 Dividends. 1 2 10 1 10 5011 1 lipr 2 1 2 52 5 1009 '909 1905 >909 1910 1904 1906 1909 1909 1909 1909 1903 1910 1909 1909 1905 1905 19i)6 1909 1909 1907 1905 l! Id 1909 1906 |9lo 1910 1909 IHKt ".St m o; 1907 85,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 41 6 Croup. If your children are subject to attacks of croup, watch for the first symptom, hoarseness. Give Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse and the attack may be warded off. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 59 6 Rheumatism It is uow well known that not more than one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. All that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and massaging the parts at each application. Try it and see how quickly it will relieve the
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    • 110 6 Prof. Schmidt prefers Uanoft:iii (Santal Kawa Riedel’s) to any other preparation of Santalwood oil. Although he used the drug in more than 20 cases, he has never observed any signs of nausea, flatulency, nephritic pains, pruritus nor skin erup^ons. CHAPOTEAUT’S NO CURATIVE TASTE PRINCIPLE NO Of SMELL COD NO LIVER
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  • 806 7 Report op the Committee or Management, 1911. Member* of Committee :—The Hon’ble W. I Evans, (President), His Honour Mr. I Justice S. Leslie Thornton, Rev. F. W. I Haines, Dr. T. C. Avetoom, J. T. Dobbie, IR. H. Pinhorn, J. C. Sugars, W. A. Bioknell, (Librarian and Treasurer).
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  • 329 7 The following unclaimed letters, etc., are lying at the General Post Office, Penang:— Letters. Macneill, J Barnes, Miss D. Mariani, Mdmo. B.ut?)le, Mrs. E. Marridith, W. N. Beckingsalo Marlijn, H. Bella, Mis Martin, R. R. Berkeley, Col. McClelland, V. W. Berii Co. McNeil, Dr. D. Brett, E. Milton,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1181 7 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnjnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn n n 0 0 n a n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PENANG MOTOR GARAGE, China Street Ghuat, Penang. Telegraphic Address MOTOR, PENANG." Telephone No. 372. Undertake all Repairs to Cars, Boats, or anything connected with the Motor Trade. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL. Stocks
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    • 249 7 3 3 3 3 3 a 3 3 3 a i 3 3 3 3 3 3 I I I 1 POPULAH Safety Razor. GUARANTEE. All our Safety Razors and blades stamped with our brand POPULAH are guaranteed. Each one is carefully examined before it leaves our premises, but if
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    • 59 7 RF+444'4 IT! t+t++++*++++++t++t++?T?^ THIS t IS WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liyer Oil Compound C *4 X TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre J paration of COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it and super sedej the old fashioned emulsions v. hich up»et J ihestj-nch commended by th_ nudi
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    • 8 7 -u'niUAi m Dip .iintjs, H*o. Woou* Can». Qrent
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 873 8 W. MANSON, American \Dentist Late of Dr. Allen 8 Co.. Pha. 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. ftBSIDINO AT No.\2Ia,JPenang Road, k few loots from the Ewtern and Oriental Hotel. Khoo Buan Phuan CHOP [Gim Seng Moh, 203, Main Road, Taiping, Tin Miners, J Advancers[ and Genera Goods Store.
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