Straits Echo, 26 February 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
  • 38 1 Straits Echo 12- pAte eDtrsOw. DAILY CHRONICLE OF EVENTS. CIRCULATING THROUGHOUT 31 RAITS. ftOcRATEO MALAj| STATES AND THE FAR EAST GENERALLY VOL. 10. $24 Per Annum. PEMAN(i. MOAdT, 20fi «EEBEUaRY, 1012.. Single Copy. 10 cents. ♦.Wo* 4 6
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 950 1 U you require a Tonic anl some* thing to nourish you, Drink Dog's Head Guinness's Stout, and look for this label to see that you get it. ;>v'w mNGLEEA Cq., Sole Agent». Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS FOE PENANG F. M. S.
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    • 31 1 Order it in Dog’s Head St The Tonic th cheers and soothes and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is onevery genuine Nip, TTANG LEE A Settles v** nnoss’s ole Agenta.
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  • 1255 2 “The Foolishness of Preaching Many people to-day have tacitly agreed jj that the sermou is the least effective part of tin* church sirvice,” that “the sermon ,j ‘period is little more than a period of uncomfortable waiting” and that the con- ventioual sermon is a tradition which f has survived
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  • 1257 2 Peking, February 12.—The long struggle lietween the various reform elements and the dynasty terminated to-day with the practical abdication of the Emperor. Although the Imperial Edict announcing this nomentous change glosses the retirement of the dynasty from political activity with euphemisms, in order to save face as
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  • 448 2 Some very interesting., things on rhythm m 1 trmSuV’in Ilfo w**re l.y l>r Arthur S j. lit rveilv t.s *the Conference Mu§lt al Education. Dr Somervell said that about the time of Elizabeth we were the most musical nation in Europe, and from that proud position
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 83 2 Mothers Should Remember This. We wish to call your attention to the fact that most infectious diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria and scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamlierlain’s Cough Remedy will quietly cure a cold and greatly lessen the danger of contracting th°se diseases.
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    • 479 2 Can do an? aui everything for you. APPOINTMENT TO Their Hi*hfr sses the Nizam of Hyderabad the iflLraja of Mysore, Travancore, m m m i :<?/ jm V J t hpur, Kashmir, Indore Ac. C. K. SEN Co., o<j*Aolootola Street, CALCUTTA, OurA admittedly the best, biggest, richest and Tie most
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    • 292 2 JUST PUBLISHED OUR BIG CATALOGUE, an indispensible Reference Book for Daily Requirements. UK A ORIGINAL Guide for anything you want purchase. The following short headings will show the vastness and comprehensiveness of the Catalogue. 1. Essence, Atar, Hair oil, Ac., Perfumery. 2. Rubber stamp. Brass seal, and all sorts of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 958 3 r ♦c =>4C D#C >#C THE BERNESE ALPS MILK 10. s PioductB were awarded the GRAND PRIX '•=B (The highest award btamable) At the Universal and Colonial Exhibition Brussels 191«) SLEDGE MILK L. is supplied to all the GOVERNMENT MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES. Local Agent SANDILANDS, BUTTERY
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    • 519 3 ONVN3d SQN3IHJ 8 N3A NOO9 uiojj pduivjqo rai/A\ Afjvioadsd ‘9jsvj ay/ o/ sou/ si puv ss9j no A sjsoo ■a/y*/ >y; joj u/vfj Y JO A t scu tJ *VJ IH no P noi/jiM si pvxuq j/y; osnvzofj <%r vftO %<9 A* V r?i mm m M z "wo°o l§
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    • 61 3 V+t+vt+ THIS ♦++++++*+t++^H IS IT V/ATERBUBY’S METABOLIZED f Cod Liver Oil Compound hr JrjjTASTELESS ODORLESS 4 The blest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL Does all that k 4 claimed for it and super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset ibe stomach. Highly ic commended by th; nudi
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 37 4 Dr. Boss of Strassburg intr<*]usetl (i in the treatment of the roost, painful i« diseases to which mankind k liable. It of bstter, safer ajn] more effective Dmn other preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs or plain Sandalwood oil
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    • 811 4 SKIN DISEASES Overcome by the Wonderful Blood Purifying Properties of Dr. MORSE’S INDIAN ROOT PILLS. A person suffering from eruptions of the skin has much to endure. It is merely the discomfiture and irritation and painful sensation, but life is made miserable by depression of spirits. The liver is torpid
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    • 370 4 EUROPEAN CAPITAL. Furnished for attractive enterprises in all I substantial lines of business. Railroads, Tractions, Water and Electric Powers, Irrigations, Timber, Mining Agricultural and Industrial. Bond, Del euture and Stock Issues Underwritten, Purchased or Sold. Properties purchased for European exploitation and investment.' Financial Undertakings of all sorts handled. Miscellaneous commissions
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  • 1021 4 A Very spirited defence of the inventor and investigator as agaiust the soldier and the statesman was made by Mr. A A. Campbell Swinton as President of lhe Kontegen Society. To-day, when a coal famine is feared, his praise of that unknown prehistoric genius who kindled
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  • 1052 4 Democracy Forcing The Pace To the “Revue des Deux Monde-*,” M. Pierre Leroy-Beau lieu has contributed an article treating of the organisation of the British Empire. It is of special interest and importance, liecause it considers one of the gravest problems of our race
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  • 429 4 B i Tbe:e is an interesting article in the new 1 number of the Edinburgh tlecitw on ihe s prospects of what is generally called The 1 Socialistic Tendency It is an error to assume that Colleoti(visin will grow in strength until the aspiraI tioas of
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  • 120 4 Mr. W'l Ohso (Jhij, soij of Hr. Wu Ting--1 »»>/. arrived in Shanghai from Eng'aud on Feb 1 l for an extended visit, with his pa- n f s. Mr Wn accompanied his fatln-r 1,1 Europe and la-tor w-lit, with him to America when he was
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  • 89 4 The Daily Mi if sa vs Mr VV Pcoudlock, who came to Britain from the Federated Malay States iu an effort to obtain a reopening of the case of his wife who was tried for murder at Singapore iu June laat, his been informe' by the Colouiri
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  • 72 4 A six-year-old boy named Giddings has been badly burned at Kingscliffe, Northamptonshire, through bis clothes becoming ignited from a fire. The child was left in the cottage with two younger-children while the mother went shopping. On returning she found him lying ou two chairs which he had pulled dose
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  • 25 4 Faith, said the policeman* examining the hr..ken window, this is more sayrious thought it was! It’s broke on both 6oidj?s !”—Ckfristian Keyieter.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1717 5 —(SHIPPING.) T BRITISH INDI.I. STEAM NAVIGATION O., LTD iFor Intended to Sail.' §teamkr. S’ngap'we (Three times a week). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. Singapore, China and Japan. (Fortnightly). Rangoon ft Calcutta. (Weekly). Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karikal. (Weekly). Thur. 29th Feb., 4
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  • 29 5 Vessels brorn Agents Due DerjfUtujer P. Alice Devanha A s8a ye Singapore Colombo Colombo Singapore B.M.&Co. B.M.&Co. A.G.&Co. A.Gr.&Co. 27th Feb. 29th 7th Mar j 9th 1
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  • 23 5 Vessels For Agents Lea css Derfflinqer l>. slice Devanha Assay? Colom bo Singapore Singapore Colombo B.M.&Co. M.&Jo. A.G. ACo. A.G.&Co. Feb. Mar.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 428 6 Yum* “Stay at the Grand Hotel, IPOH A Homelike Hotelr•? i p/i y /jo? fusO -Residential Guests, affording every T P *1 J tf for IfiUWMlt<or> known <'* 1 I rmnfort and Vontenienoe, and appealing to those seeking tfce Tit) As' c J Best Accommodations at. Reasonable Kates. Tll.KußiMfi:’; V
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    • 29 6 Tiie curative action of Dunoon*» is attributed to its antiseptic and anaesthetic. Manufactured by J. D. Riedal Ltd., Berlin, and sold in form of capsules, 40 in a bottle.
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  • 449 6 A Journal of Thought. Published daily (exoepfc S»mJ*ys andjpublic 4 holidays) 1 h<! C. t I .<< AT THK CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, P&nang. Price. Daily Local 524 per annum Outstation... Postage Extra. I Mail Edition (Poat Free) $l5 I 1 nf. 1 rtnvl.
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  • 1175 6 T HEATRES ORDINANCE. A subject discussed at Friday's meetirg J of the Legislative Council was the new Theatres Ordinance. It comes patly with the germane topic mooted by us this weekend concerning the production of Facing the Music,” which piece, while morally one within tb* mischief of that Ordinance, would
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  • 59 6 A telegram from Berlin states that the Rheinisch Westfaelisch Zeitung reports that Lieutenant Brandon, who was convicted of espionage, attempted an escape from the fortress of Wesel on the night of February 22. He filed the window bars and descended into the courtyard by a rope. The
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  • 118 6 Phew! A correspondent at Singapore would soon have us ip Big Trouble. He read with interest our editorial on the 14th inst., and asks us why we confined our illustration to hypothetical cases He sends us a list of people, in the Civil Service, who are not, as
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  • 68 6 A telegram from Washington states that President T.ut, addressing the Navy League, said that they wanted two battleships in 1912. He favoured a strong Navy to enable the United tales to maintain h*oposition and make her reasonable demands rei'p-'oted He einphisLed that until war was al*o i»hed
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  • 198 6 A telsgnuu from Cardiff states that the Admiralty has made heavy purchases of coal in order’ that the Navy may be sufficiently i supplied for several months. I Possibility or Agreement. 1 It is stated that the question of the postponement of the strike notices was not dis--1
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  • 89 6 H Md. Powe ful, with the Duchess of, Fife and daughters on board, a-rivpd at Portsmouth Their Majesties the Kin and Queen and Queen Alexandra met the Princess Royal and her daughters. The me nbe»s of the royal family the ivin ins of the late Duke of
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  • 21 6 ’(be French Senate has voted for the reducing of th? old age pension limit to sixty. Telegraphed.
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  • 311 6 Now that the Rev/ Barton-Parkes is back in Taiping, we may ask him a few questions. Here they are Have you seen what the Echo said about your connection with King Edward VII School and its teaching staff If so, were they warranted Did you see Jackson’s
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  • 116 6 Mr. H. A. Neubronner writes this morning as follows The manner in which you announced mv correction that Facing the Music” was not produced by the P.A.D.C. would seem to imply that I igreed with vour critique appearing in your paper of the 23rd inst. and that I was
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  • 35 6 The Po>-te has circularised the Powers 'rsrrri'j ♦hem of its determination to close ♦he Dardanelles and to evpel all Italians from Tmk°v in the event of Italian operations in the Aegean Archipelago. Telegraphed.
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  • 23 6 A t*de r ran> from St. Petersburg states that the Budget of 1912 will show a surplus of oO.OuthOOO roubles. Telnjraphed.
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  • 346 6 A telegram from Beyrout states that the Italian cruisers Volturno. and Garibaldi demanded the immediate surrender of the Turkish gunboats at Beyrout. Before the Governor was able to negotiate the Italians sank the gunboats in the harbour. The buildings were damaged.and people were killed. The.populace fted in a
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  • 138 6 The case against Mr. Gustav Wessels who was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of §lO,BOO on the lfith pf October, 11)11, apd $3,000 on the 4th qf November, 1911, was called this morning before Mr. E. E. Colman in the Second Court. The Hon.
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  • 47 6 A semi-official statement from St. Petersburg declares that in spite of the readiness of Russia to make every sacrifice, even those which injure the Russian sugar producer, Germany persists in her irreconcilable position. Consequently Russia disclaims responsibility in the eventual breakdown of the Conference. Telegraphed.
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  • 38 6 A telegram from Potsdam states that JB7 meu belonging to the Training Schoql qif non-Commissioned Officers were suddenly seized with poisoning symptoms. No deaths took place. Isolated cases are still continuing. The cause is unknown. Telegraphed.
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  • 99 6 Only standing room was available at the Georgetown Cinematograph on Saturdav night, when an excellent programme was screened. The show lasted fully three hours. The coloured film depicting the different dances out here was much appreciated. The Straits and the Japanese Bioscope both deserved lietter houses considering the
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  • 104 6 At the meeting of the shareholders of the Lunas Estate,which was held at Singapore, Mr Robinson criticised at length Mr. .Nambvar’s letters to the press and reviewed the situation. The directors were not warranted to proceed with the debenture issue, they were therefore forced back on a loan.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 58 7 Core Your Cold Now. Do y u know that more real danger lurks i i a common coldthan in any other of the minor ailments?- The safe way .is to take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable preparation, and rid vourself of the cold as quickly ns possible. This remedy
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    • 60 7 —T- 5. i Have you ever Mxtn a scarecrow ’Tis utjed wbeu seeds are sows, To keep the brnL# from picking out The seeds winch shyrtlv ought to sprout. £ut if you wjsb to scare away Coughs, colds, ami chills for many, a day„ Just keep a bottle oi» your
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    • 327 7 MOfHOlPAt NOVKSE.— 1 a An [Office at 4 p«n *> »ti*g <& i APS &T b*\& n. on Thursday, the i i I' JU‘ A*.-Cpui% THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Orrici: SINGAPORE. Lir«! Assurance End Endowment In All Forma. IJRKKAK nPOMCIKN. LOW KATKN Pinano'al Agent» for Penang.
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  • 1482 7 Ordinary Minting, Fridat, Fkb. 23rd Pretrnt. H. E. The Got., Sir Arthur Young. K. C M G. The Hon (M. (hr., R J. Wilkinson. A Vturiir x .General, T. 4e M. L. Brsddetl. •i In. Col. Trmurrr W C. Mich. ll th. Col. Kngmwr, K. J. Pigott. V
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  • 53 7 The Daily Telegraph correspondent at Poking states that a federation, of Mongol prrnces has elected Yuan Shi Eai Pres dent of the Federated Empire. The Times correspondent at Peking states that Yuan Shi Kai informed a deputation of Protestant Christians that, he is determined to remove all
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  • 95 7 The members of the Klang Chinese Merchant Club an* having a new building constructed at Kampong Java.—A lecture in English was delivered for the Tamils, on Sat u'day night in the Anglo-Chineso School, by Mr. Saravanainuthu, Secretary of the Klang Tamil Association, the subject being Natural Philosophy.” In the
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  • 40 7 The violent Radicalism in the Roosevelt political campaign has alarmed the Conservative Republicans who are frantically appealing to President Taft to save the country from the greatest peril since the W ar of tlje Secession. Teleg raj died.
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  • 169 7 If only the Penang Library had a general catalogue as sensibly arranged as Mr. 1 Bickneli’s new catalogue of the Logan Collection, how useful it would be. This catalogue has been p-inted and bound at the Criterion Press offi *e, cheaply and well, and the Government, which presented
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  • 33 7 r The actress Miss (>lf\V WiV.f.the Gaietv Theatre, is engaged toH>W'lefor' Paget.’I j Later—Miss Olive Mav 1 tetrEdiets the I engagement. -> v l; r !4n*nr9 A .—.Jo l I
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  • 96 7 The following have l»een gran?d Lmenoes under The Auctioneers 7>ceaing r-Ordi-nances 1908 for 1912. *1 *<.V* r L Town Licence—Mahomed E’hihim; MdNina Mericnn, Mah-.mM 'Eosofu, A*. M. Joseph, fto h Erfg" Hi o'* f( -Appraiser ami House Agent), B C.eBelingv A. Dennys false Apprawer JvR. McParlane (also Appraiser
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  • 73 7 T* jt w i w 1 from Rome- state* tint at [the J ?di»penvng ot the' -l'ivrlHitk'Ut f whs delirioii .-c etithuajasm in wljicb,’liy 423 votes toS 9; cattfi.ei iiajohjeree.1 affirming Ibdiau sovereignty 1 Tl>e dcpuiie: cii<*ired an<htht?r -p>p*ilalaon| todk a holiday; 1’rtKvsfaons'iyivryiug thiga| dehaonigrated before the
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  • 66 7 Mr. *R.* L; J jv Brad dell,; go -Melijkiiuwu jn| Hi» comiecfion--.with-T Oxford Univ.eijsitv 1 cricket ini England, has joiuedrtbe legal] firm of Bradilell Brothers iu Every lovw ;of crickeb will (trust j-bat ‘‘R: fiL; v will hive Dine- La devote s »ii| liis talentt«( the tuit!iciaux.y
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  • 37 7 r A I X J A telegram from Vienna states that the Emperor hVaneis Joseph; received the Japa** J j nose Officers who are memliers of- aA*<niiiuj8j siou aj)pointe<l to study military t. Telegraphed. 1«:
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  • 21 7 output-of the Tongkah HaHxtbV Tin .Dredging ‘Company fof* the week 'ended' February 2 4, was fourteen 'ton*. /-1 Redaction.
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  • 74 7 m Owing to the heavy ram overnight the weather was muggy, aud the wicket, slow wh»*n this match Was continued on Saturday. Occasionally the Ixil! bumped* The attendance was large. England scored #24 in the first tunings. Woollen* contributing.& resolute iuuings of Id 3, not out, in
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  • 61 7 The Rev. Edwin P. Lee, <B. Sc (Northwestern University, Chicago) is tlm .u.-*wly appointed pastor of the i EpreC'uwd Church,. Klumpur. He has -.served paste.ates at Elgin and Bristol, Illinois, U. S A., and at New Hampton, lowa. For the jKist year the Rev. and Mrs. Lee
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  • 50 7 A telegram from- -New York states that the Mexican rebels, wore induced to. enterthe town of Torreou by the pretended evacuation of the town by the adherents of President Madero. The Maderista j then mowed down the rebels with quick-firers, killing and wounding 237 of them. Telegraphed.
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  • 206 7 The Bishop of Stepney |sreside4 Ite Church House, Westminster,’af a* meeting in aid of the building funff for the Cathedral at Grahawstowu, South Africa, and read the following communication from Lord Nelson I have l»eeu so hard hit by the taxation of the preseut Government that I
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  • 108 7 'f wM the chief I at t ne aemonst ration Altfert |tlic National Omen of the Women’s Suf-1 Jfrage Societies. He said that the denial of Tthe suffrage to; barbarous I anachronism, the Mr. H. Asquith, Mceaikir, I M ending session.! Referring interruptions lje warned j^»litant>: thj*t if
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  • 261 7 f We nt fiave l»een “facing the tttli 1 iweek-end. cjrjfejcisip qf tjiq.fawp has brought something like a nest of hornets 'vabout otir ears ’«we -ntc rfike an Ishmael, q pariah. On the whole, j we are led to conclude that lfie mnjority of 4dur Ejjrupean. reader*
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  • 14 7 -dwethentugby juateb which was 4>ls,j^d. at. IrelaiK| beat Scotland by 10 points Telegraphed.
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  • 310 7 a| o* TacBXBfrsDi Ro<>k.-—Notice is given to. mariners of- an uncharted rock off Hainan Head. Ther; s'. Shantung «truck it roceatlyi It is estimated that the depth of 1 water over the «Jck l« 18 ft at low water, spring tidei From the rock Hainan Bluff (highest, part)
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  • 11 7 r Tte ■olicadogrJickj'Was run o/% by a fjMwra^CbLs
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  • 57 7 j The'Tnquiry into the loss of the s.s.'Canton, w with tlie.fs. Stephan in the Perak'River recently, has been fixed for next Wednesday. Messrs. Adams Jt Allan will appear for the s.s. itfanton Presgrave Matthews for the s s Stephan. The crew of the latter Tessel arrived in Pedang
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  • 52 7 Who-bnftr.n better .right to.-change I oalandiMf Sun i—Richmond Jonti i looks.good now, but .after ha 1 held office for a tin e the people will bej jto see spots. —Toledo blade. I ,,'Smo Xnt-sen should nunember that Ch is Ui 4t* M h*udled with car &—Pitttbt
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  • 50 7 f r W T I 3fi^hH--VWlu^|day,28tb.iaRta*t:— Mixed I Double Handicitp Miss Pntchard and AVelhatjj lindj (2).j Hd*esi»«|bi4 jMf** 1 oT Mi<*| &>? (unfinishedL. Profession Pairs: r#. "Winner* of Tuesday r, A' Championship -YVirogh m 'Winnef of Tuesday (4). Single Handicap—Cj 1 Bocbow vs. Sardes (FinaJ) v
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  • 76 7 I'be following -articles•“•ilD be found on our puttdde page*': *■*•>•- Page 2 The Foolishness of Preacht 1 Y T These From Sinitn U The Rhythm of E*&~ \J- > tz-Tr&i J j VVrrSawAk. 4 4.—Htf unknown Prehistoric Gen1 ms.- -French-View «OL-44*». British Empire. 'After Discontent is Ended. Dr. Wu
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  • 48 7 The fo]lowini^b* i Lite»*«ryiii fOf. H heei done to-day iPenang j Penang Tin Ex<*H»ing*\ f buyers, no sellers #95.60 j Straits Trading Co,) buyers, no sellers j Singapore Straits Trading Co 35 tons’at 93.30 Rangoon rice is quoted here to-day at 51-85 per coyam
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  • 116 7 I'o-im y ,9th Day of 1st. P.C. C Tenuis Ti v Band, TTrfpTstrfn 3o,‘6 pm .Moonlight Fete, Tanjong Bungah, 9 p.m The Straits Opera Co.. Tek Bonn’» Theatri Hall, Campl>e]| Street, Stkuntala” j9 pm. George T<«wu. C’nomxtogniph, < Kangsar Road* 9 p.m. Japanese Bioseupe, .I’ATimi' Straits dineinat<>gr* pi,. t*>
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  • 38 7 P. O. SAILINGS. L 1*1; y*t VhCC. Jfc r" OnwAiD.’*' tfeiinvYA*», DerarJta 7 Mar. I Assay# 9 Mar w Ifwli*,. 22„„j' Bura .service. Outward H»»iwa**. Sumatra 27 Feb. I Socotra .29 Feb Namur 12 Mar. Nu* 14 Mar.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 35 8 These tiny Capsules superior to Copaiba, Cubebs and Injections CURE Iho same diseases as these drugs in FORTY-EIGHT HOURB without inconvenience. Each Capsule bears the name \eu Paris, 8, rue Vivienne Sold by all Chemists.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 40 8 Black (seren pieces). m W. '/MA A W/. Wn. SP UZfr 4. '//M ft H vm i W, I 5% lUl Z6M ft *ML. pgg M ft*5l w i Whit* (nine pieces). White to play and mate in two mores.
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    • 244 8 Kgra, Br. s.s., 3,345, Muir, 24th Feb., Singapore, 22nd Feb., Gen.—H. L. A Go. Pegu, Br.. s.s, 294, Morris, tJ4th Feb., Port Swettenham, 23rd Feb., Gen. E. 8. Co Ltd. Petrel Br. a s., 124, Case, 24th Feb., Aaahan, 23rd Feb., Gen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. (Jlenturret Br. s.s.,
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    • 65 8 26th Fib ruart. Tang Chay Un, for Trang. Pegu, for Port Bwettenham, Port Dicksom and Malacca. Seang Bee, for Rangoon. Avagyee, for Teluk Anaon. Bohemia, for Colombo and Tuticorin. Lightning, for Calcutta. Sree Bangka, for Pulau Langkawi. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul. Flying Dragon, for Port
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    • 133 8 Fob Yen—Per Jit Seng, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah)—Per Pangkor, tomorrow, 10 a.m. Deli and Langsa—Per Indragiri, tomorrow, 11 am. Tongkah—Per Sappho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli —Per Perak, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore —Per Omapere, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Port
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  • 125 8 ’bhang, 26th February. (Byourteey or the Chartered Bank.) Londoc Demand Bank 2/e^ 4 months' sight Rank 2/4£ 3 Credit 2/4* 3 Document* 2/4^ lout», Demand Bans R*. 174 3 days'sight Pr v*r*- *omba, Demand Ban* ..174 Vloulmtn, Demand Bank 1 3 3 days’ sight Priv»*** 16 4aiinu Demand Bank
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  • 226 8 Gold Leaf 464.60 Black Pepper no stock White Pepper 30 —buyers Trang Pepper 22.90 buyers Cloves 32 —sellers Mace li>B —nominal Pickings 105— buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 24 —sellers No. 1 8 20 sale Sugar 1 2 810 sal s (Basket 5.15 buyers Copra (mixed) 10.40 sales Tahbun 190
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  • 1722 8 1910 1910 •904 190* 1909 »1,000,000 9 390.J00 9 205,000 9 100,000 9 450,000 9 200,000 500,000 390,000 172,600 ,50.000 417,300 33,000 1906* p.c, 1907 p.c 12 2 92 5 1909 '909 1905 1909 1910 1904 1906 1909 1909 1909 1909 1903 1910 1909 1909 1905 85,000 40,000 150,000
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  • 188 8 Penang, 26th February, 1912 Bicur cts. Soup por catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew o Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each ?Q Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 55 Pork— Pork per catty 31 Fite’s Head... M 20 >' t n
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 11 9 Woods’ Groat Peppermint tor a'l ini*>rLal :,)•'>olaintu, d gentry, coal-, •etc
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    • 58 9 Rheumatism. It is now well known that not more than one rase of rheumatism iu ten auv internal treatment whatever. All that is needed is a free application of Cbaoul>erlaiu’s l*aiu Balm auJ massaging the parts at each application. Try it and see how quickly it will relieve the pain
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    • 13 9 For -.1 c.j v 1*'«*.-, f oo.vl», t)U.., t i '>wt Pepj»**riiint C:iro
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    • 936 9 A Captain in Kitchener’s Scouts c m F X'v PtTlD^ i m '■r hi J VVvl4 iU/ -ttfVw 1 cVvVV^-‘v 0 “Vi N erveus a Breakdown, Paralysis—er fuice which conquered tl'a most periJc u< n i*.tb.c<i linn to oiHiiire amazing ii.'iiusliip.->, sa»js Cap am "Hcnilers >a u'cl cti: ircly trout
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  • 1050 9 Modern illustration has been revolutionized by the so-calledhalf-tone method of making from photographs blocks that mar l>e printed in an ordinary press, and that show not only blacks and whites, but all the gradations betweeu these—the half and other fractional tones —once thought to be
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  • 808 9 The existing state of the evidence regardf ing the vexed question of the discovery of r America by the Northmen is summed' up t by Henri Vignaud in a paper published in 7'Ae Journal of the Society of Americanists (Paris) and abstracted in the Revue des
    808 words
  • 44 9 Fbbuuaet, 1912. Date. H W. L \V. 11. W. L. W. A M A M P.M P.M.: 26th 4 54, 11.06, Ml*. 11.31 27th 5.50, Nil, 6.28, 12.47 28th 7.15, 1.41, 6 07. 2.33 29th 8.59, 3 22, 1.45, 4.11
    44 words
  • 830 9 The China Press of Fell ftth ■■JP* f Among the New Year Tenors which p His Majesty the King pf Englaud and l Emperor of India bestowe<§ iron celebrated ft persons who have rendered ipntorious sert vices to the British Empire or otherwise won the approbation
    830 words
  • 113 9 ",Mv husband, fifteen years ago,” said Mrs Klan c. used to ki-ts ine every time we passed through atu me!. Bit now —She gave a bitter laugh N >w.” she j ‘■aid. “he takes a 1 >ng pull at his traveling! flask.” Salesman (recommending blue nockliej with large pink
    113 words

  • 1210 10 The Revolution and After. (By Sidney and Beatrice Webb). Hongkong, Dec. 2 We had not contemplated a “China in Revolution as part of our holiday experieuces; and though this has occasionally a,1,1ml to the excitement, it has a little detracted from the equanimity of our
    1,210 words
  • 827 10 How to Restore it Readilt. With a good constitution and an intelligent ub ervance of the precautions which have to be taken to counteract the deleterious action of the climate, there is no reason why life in a hot country should not run on the same healthy
    827 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 68 10 jiimiMMiiHiumiumiiUiK ium. m... m m; r. u uuks ...U.1.ia1.1.».ii1..U.. 1 MH 1 UU.-«IUIM THIS IS IT WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound tasteless W«M>W?\ 1.7..0 4r: ODORLESS The latest scientific pro- E paration of COO I-IVER 1 Oil-. Hues all that is E claimed for it and supersedes the old-fashioned
      68 words
    • 203 10 THE BAN OMAN N OPERA COMPANY who are passing through Penang on Friday, March Ist. en route to the Federated Malay States, etc will, provided sufficient reserved seats are booked in advance, perforin for one night, Maich Ist, AT THE TOWN HALL AND PRESENT “PEGGY New Musical Play ia 2
      203 words
    • 1784 10 KIiNEFABRIEK JAVA QUININE. Largely used by HOSPITALS and ESTATES. Packed ia 1 Eib Tine at «2-50 per tinSPECIAL PRICE FOR LARGE QUANTITIES. G. H. SLOT CO., AGENTS. P. C. C. Debentures. The following Debentures will be redeemed on the 28th Feb., 11*12, and will cease to bear Interest after that
      1,784 words

  • 978 11 The flat failure of the Reyes presidential campaign,” following as it did the ignominious surrender of the aged warrior and his little band on Christmas morning, has left many to wonder whether revolutions in Mexico are not at last actually going out of style. It was not
    978 words
  • 873 11 1 Telegrams to the Shanghai l'ess from Peking give the folloiring as to th terms of the so-called, Abdication Edict." Since the uprising in Wu-chang he throne "has complied with the peoples’ reiuest and promulgated nineteen articles of constituI tion, vesting in the Ministers of State all
    873 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 958 12 W. MANSON, American \Dentist Ut« of Or. Alien 8 Co.. Phi. 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RB8IDING AT So.\2Ia, m Penang Road, k few loots fro® the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. TECK COMPANY. i Shanghai Carpenters V Furnishers, 4, PENANG ROAD. High-class Household Furniture kept in stock and
      958 words