Straits Echo, 24 February 1912

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1001 1 Lf you require a Tonic and soma* thing to nourish you, Drink Dog’s Head Guinness's Stout, .i ;_y au, l vl '«VVB&* for this is- label to soe that you get it. TIANQ LEE <fe Co., Sols A.(jentt^ v V; V v 1 Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G.
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    • 34 1 Order it in Nip Bottles Dog's Head C uinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn’t harm. Observe this lai«l. it is on every genuine Nip. TIANQ LEE A Co., Sole Agents.
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  • 1247 2 A Glasgow gentleman, who is, l doubt ofc, at once dour, pawkv. and leal, informs me that this 25 Jan is Burn» Day and he invites mo to improve the occasiou To that end he sends a pamphlet entitled, A Nu-lit wi’ Burns,” together with a p<»em The
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  • 460 2 Rheumatism to Be The Cause of Senhor Romero's Pains. But All Remedies Failed To Eliminate The Trouble Until It Was Dispelled By Dr. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. To the experienced eve of the skilful physician a drop of blood reveals secrets of the utmost value; in the case
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 106 2 Croup. If your children are subject to attacks of croup, watch for the first symptom, hoarseness. Give Cbaml*erlain’s Cough Iteiuedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse and the attack may lm warded oft'. For s tie by all Gispensarieii and Dealers. o 1 I te.-wy* i I 1 i
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    • 1781 2 PIXOAP A superfine tar preparation for washing the hair* The b’st method of imparting vigour to the scalp and vitality to the hair. Use it I/ m while taking your bath PIXOAP ■w: BANDOENGSCHE KININEFABPIEK JAVA QUININE. Largely used by HOSPITALS and ESTATES. Picked in 1 Kilo Tine at $12-50
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  • 29 3 Vessels i rom Agents Due DerffUnqer P. Alice Deva itha Assaye Singapore B.M.ACo. 27th FhI>. Colombo B.M.&Co. Colombo A..G.&C0. 7th M ir. Singapore A.G.&Co. 9th j 1
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  • 26 3 Vessels For Agents Leo,oet Pr~flliiuier 'Colo m bo B.M.&Co. Feb. P. Alice Singapore B M.&Jo. Devanha Singapore A-G.&Co. Mar. Assa ye Colombo i i A.G.&Co.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 347 3 PAO. xti S.N.C (Hi»<fclwl Arrivals and Depart urn*. Mail Service Outward. Mar. 7 Devanlia connecting with Mologa 21 Delta Mongolia Homeward. J )ute. Stamer. J> V® with S.S. London. Mar. Apr. ff May S.S.HDU. rill rn thrjuih fram China to Marseilles ami Lon Jon without transhipment. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS.
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    • 309 3 (SHIPPING.* BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. as KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAAT3CK APPIJ, (ROYAI. DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) For Intended to Sail. Steamer. Deli, Asahan, Paneh and Singapore. (Weekly). Deli and Batu Bahra. (Fortnightly). Deli and Langsa. Fri 1st Mar., 2 p.m. Fri 8th Mar., 2 p in. Valent ijn Van Iiogandorp
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    • 968 3 MDMTSCM LL07D i IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE TIIE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa). Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau or Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama and
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  • 420 4 A Journal or Thought. Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226 —232 Beach Street, Pounug. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo 586 Printing Department 343 Studio,
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  • 944 4 We received this mo Tiing the following letter To the Editor Straits Echo. Sir, As stage-manager of the recent “production of “Facing the Music”. I object most strongly to the purient *ic comments thereon which appeared i:i your issue of yesterday. These corn- ments l>eiug neither witty nor
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  • 391 4 At tbe meeting of the Legislative Couucil yesterday the following votes were passed Public Works Department.—Lahuau.— Barracks, additional block for married police constables $1,422.51, Kuraman Island lighthouse and lautern $26,083.90, re-survey of Labuan 1,476 71. Merchant Shipping Bill. The Attorney General withdrew the rules under the Merchant Shipping
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  • 28 4 A telegram from Los Angeles states that Johnnj Kilbane defeated Abe Attell in a twenty-rounds contest for the feather weight championship of the world. Telegraphed.
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  • 854 4 Apropos the undoubtedly libellous statement that Mr. Charles Jackson obtained a situation at King Edward VII School, Taiping, bv false pretences we extract from our dossier the following, which was written by Mr. Jackson i The following statement of fact is made to contradict emphatically the declaration
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  • 64 4 The House of Lords has concluded a tw days’ debate on the motion of Lord Cur/ criticising the administrative changes i* India. Lord Lansdowne, in winding u the debate for the Opposition, said that he would do nothing to interfere with the success of the new policy.
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  • 34 4 Mr. H. H. Asquith, when leaving the coal conference yesterday evening, slipned and fell heavily .on his hands ”He w ag assisted to lise and walked off apparently unhurt. Telegraphed.
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  • 114 4 Under this caption the Straits Times is prettv plain-spoken about the methods of Tattersall’syClub, Calcutta, which is cadging for Singapore purchasers of its Derby Sweep tickets. It says: There is nothing’ to prevent Tattersall’s Club, Calcutta, doing pretty much as it pleases with money sent on to
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  • 44 4 A telegram from Paris states that the Strikers placed sulphuric ether bombs in the taxicabs which did not go out on strike. A series of explosions took place all night long and ten cabs were burned despite the promptest assistance. Telegraphed.
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  • 39 4 Mr. Augustine Birrell, Irish Secretary, speaking at Bristol, said that Mr. H. H. Asquith would introduce the Horae Rule Bill which he is confident will lie supported from one end of Great Britain to the other. Telegraphed.
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  • 19 4 Lieutenant Barrington Kennett Hew 2491 miles over Salisbury Plain, carrying a passenger. This is a record. Telegraphed.
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  • 80 4 The Pinang Gazette Press hit upon a good idea in the Straits Sheet Almanac and they have worked out that idea splendidly. This year’s Sheet—February, 19'2 to February, 1913, —is almost as indispensable to the business man as a directory and much easier to consult. Much of
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  • 20 4 Sir George Barclay, British Minister at Teheran, and Sir Walter Townley, Britiih Minister at Bukharest, are exchanging posts. Telegraphed.
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  • 22 4 The House of Commons has rejected the Tariff Reform Amendment to the address by 258 votes to 193. Telegraphed.
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  • 19 4 The Waterloo Cup has been won by Tide Time which beat Adversary in the final round. Telegraphed.
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  • 92 4 Following were the results of the tie* played off vesterday Championship Waugh head Forrest 6—2, 6—3 Godwin heat Davidson 6 —4, 6 —2 Haslam beat Hallifax 6— o, 6 —3. Mixed Double Handicap Miss Skye and Save heat Mrs. Anderson and J. R. Brown 6—3, 7-5.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 336 4 MOTOR OILS* Notwithstanding the few «rat* extra it is best to use Cylinder Oil of a known and reputable make PKICE’3 MOTORINE and 1/HUILE de LUXE are now obtainable locally and in English car.and aviation t.ials it is understood that, Price s oils have no e.jual. When it is noted
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    • 35 4 I*olloB*ll provokes neither discomfort, complications, nor nausea. It is the happi- 1 est scientific combination of best East Indian l Sandalwood oil and Kawa Kawa. Bottles of 40 capsule* at all chemists and dealers. I
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    • 13 4 I Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints, dysentry. coughs, ccld*, !«tc.
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    • 57 4 Care Your Cold Now. Do r u know that more real danger lurks in a common cold than in an* other of the minor ailments The safe war u to take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, thoroughly reliable preparation, and nd yourself of the cold as quickly as possible. This remedy is
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  • 27 5 A telegram from Washington says that Mr. P.C. Knox, the U. 8. Secretary of State, lias started on a political mission to Central America. Telegraphed.
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  • 213 5 The following forecast of the new Cabinet has been published at Shanghai:— I)r. Wu Ting-sang, Minister of Foreign Affairs Cbeug Pi Kuang, Minister of the Navy General Li Yuan Hung, Minister of War; Wong Chun Wei, Minister of Law; Cheng Chin Tao, Minister of Finance; Geuend Cheng,
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  • 17 5 A grand change of programme is announced for to-night. Several new vaudeville turns are promised..
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  • 37 5 A Seaman who is a naturalised Englishman l»orn in Germany was arrested at Christiania on l>oard H. M. S. Foxhound and charged with espionage. He has arrived at Chatham where he will be tried Telegraphed.
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  • 28 5 On Sunday divine service, will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Northam Iload, to-morrow evening at six o'clock, when the Rev. G. F. Pykett, will preach.
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  • 104 5 A meeting of the Rublier Growers' Association was held at London on the 12th inst. Mr. Magor presided, and suggested the amalgamation of the research scheme controlled by the association with the similar scheme worked by the Planters' Association of Ceylon, the expenditure to be provided by
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  • 74 5 The Board of Trade enquiry into the wreck of the P. &O. Steamer Delhi has concluded. The Court found that the vessel was not navigated with proper and seamenlike care. The loss was caused by default of the master but considering his unblemished character, the trying circumstances
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  • 44 5 The Celestial Club on the 19th inst. gave Mr. Khoo Soo Ee a warm reception on the occasion of the presentation of a gold medal to him in recognition of his creditable services to the Club as Honorary Treasurer for eight vears.
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  • 85 5 Captain Whitmore, I. M. S., -Pathologist to the Rangoon General Hospital is on the track of a new disease, some 35 cases of which came under his observation. At first the disease would appear to be simple brouchitis or broncho-pneumonia but neither of these diseases is followed by
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  • 348 5 Mr. A. Birrell, Irish Secretary, speaking at Bristol, said that neither the miners nor the owners will lie allowed to act in disregard of the consequences to the nation. Troops Applied For. The Rhondda magistrates have applied for 1,500 troops. Special constables are being enrolled throughout the country.
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  • 68 5 Mr. Frederick Alexander Poulier, bookkeeper of Messrs. Harrison *fe Crosfiekl, died at Klumpur last Monday. He arrived iu the F. M. S. three years ago, having served as book-keeper to Messrs. Bosanquet A Co of Colomlx) for many years. The deceased was 67 years of age. A cable has
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  • 165 5 The fifth tost match was begun at Sydney yesterday in warm and muggy weather The attendance was good and the wicket perfect. England batted first and at the time of wiring had scored 204 run- for 6 wickets. Towards this total Gunn contributed 52 and Woolev 62.
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  • 28 5 A telegram from Berlin states that it is officially announced that the greater part of the fresh German defence requirement is devoted to the army. Telegraphed.
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  • 13 5 The House of Common* has >M{resd_to the address. Teiegmpkert. .1
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  • 339 5 Arrivals.' Per s.s. Himalaya, 23rd Feb., froih Hongkong: Mr. W. H. Millard. From Singapore Mr. Bowen. Departures. Per s s. Himalaya, 23rd Feb, for Colombo: Dr. H. S. Sugars and Captain Boldero. For Marseilles Mrs. Budd, Mr, G. Larnarsande, -Rev. Mother St. Andrew. Sister Josephine, Mr R. Shaw,
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  • 263 5 Writing on the 21st, our Klumpur correspondent advises us > Serious trouble was experienced in all parts of the towu. The majority of the Chinese shops are closed aud busipess is practically at, a standstill all over Kuala Lumpur as far as Chinese are concerned. Bafcu Road last
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  • 81 5 Mr. W. F. Nutt presided at the extraordinary geueral meeting of the Cheras Rubber Elates which was Iwld at Klumpur on Tuesday v (jl C_>tt decided to sell the property |to a“~ toddon* 1 (Company for 4*27,000, < rf which £20,000 was to be satisfied in fulfy paid
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  • 57 5 Mr. H. A. Neubronner, writing -a« the Hon. Sec. of the Penang i.D.C., denies that Facing thfe Music was produced by that soeiojtj. He personally had nothing to do with it, and adds that none of the players is a member of the P A.D.C. All right.
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  • 57 5 The friendly game of soccer which was played on Victoria Green yesterday between the Ittihadol Khariih'F C. and the Crescent Star Sports. Club resulted iu a win for the former team by two goals to The game was a bit strenuous, both sides sinning in this respect. Mr.
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  • 67 5 The following business in tin has been done to-dar— Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 1 y 5 0 buyers, no sellers Eastern Smelting Co., 25 tons at 96.30 Singapore y !Straits Trading Co., 100 96.30 Total... 125 tons. Tin is quoted ita London to-day at <£l9s cash
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  • 116 5 To-day 7th Day of Ist Moou. St. Matthias. -Mahommedan Football Crescent v». v Everlasting Athletic Club, Victoria Green. Local Amateur Comedy, Town Hall. Kuala Lumpur Flower Show Golf Club Men’s Monthly Medal. > Band, -Golf. Club, 6 p.m. The Straits Opera Co., Tek' Soon’s Theatre Hall, Ctfirtipbell Street,Faithful John”,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 UonOMM capsules contain only the purest hast Indian Sandalwood oil and Kawa h'awa. The first dose quickly removes violent inflammatory symptoms, hots of 40 capsnlts, at all dealers and chemists.
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    • 60 5 Rheumatism. It is now well known that not more than one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment winterer. All that is needed is a free application ef Chamberlain s Pain Balm and massa**ini£ the part6 at each application. Try it and see how quickly it will relieve
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    • 49 5 Stabbed eried the smart detectjve Of crime he’d been a great correetfve^— Stabbed in the lungs he said again; l 7: Stabbed by a murderous racking Why didn’t he take to drive it off Woods’ Great Peppermint Pnre Y All I «in say ’Tii a case of felo-de-te to-dar.”
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    • 96 5 Central Sales Room. AUCTION SALE OF High Class Household Furniture On Tuesday, 27 th February, AT 11-30 AM., ALSO Rubber-tyred Victoria, Horse and Harness Complete, AT 64, LARUT ROAD, The Residence of l F. W GREENFIELD, Es^. Terms —Cash before delivery. CUNNINGHAM. CLARK Co.; Licensed Auctioneers. Penang, 24th Feb, 1912.
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    • 537 5 To-Night! To-Night!! (Sat., 24th Fab.) Another MOST ENJOYABLE Piny. Merer before rtxted in Penut FAITHFUL JOHN.’’ WITH MAT NOOR IN THE TITLE ROLE. A Piece to make your tidet Split wit A L&ughtĕr/ Don’t miss this play you will never get another ghance of seeing it! EXTRA TURN3! EXTRA TURN8!!
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    • 75 6 Himalaya, Br. s.s., 3,706, Jenkinn, 23rd Feb, Shanghai, 13th Feb., Gen. A. Q.AOo. Faok Sony, Br. 1,987, Mitchell, 23rd Feb., Calcutta, 17th Feb., Gen B. A Co. Van Hogendorp, Dut. 393, Knegtroaus, 23 k 1 Feb.. Singapore, 18th Feb, Gen. H. L. Co. > Calypso Br. s.B„ 339, Bannantyne.
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    • 58 6 24th February. Hidvrua fur Tongkah. Hnk Canton, for Teluk Anson. Ctlypeo, for l>eli. Han Whatt Soon, for Langkat. Hong Bee, for Singapore, Hongkong. Swatow and Amoy. Fgra, for Rangoon and Calcutta. Lama, for Port Swettenbam and Singapore. Nam Sang, for Calcutta. Jit Seng, for Yen. Pangkor, for Alor Star
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    • 272 6 For Colombo and Tuticorin —Per Bohemia, 26th instant, 4 p.m. Calcutta —Per Lightning, 26th instant, 4 p.m. Port Bwettenbam and Singapore —Per Klang*, 27th instant, 4-15 pm. On Week Days. Taipmg, Ipob and Batu Gajab, 7-15 a.m. and 1.45 p.m. daily, Sundays excepted also at 5-30 p.m on
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  • 128 6 Penano, 24th February. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) Lo id«»n, Demand Bank 2/4* 4 months' sight Bank 2/4J 3 Credit 2/4$ 3 DocumHnwrv.. 2/4 Jalcutta, Demand Bank R-n. 174 3 days* sight Pr»v*r* *'5J o;o bay, Demand Bin 7i Demand Bank t 3 3 days* sght Pr vi
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  • 63 6 Gold Leaf $64.60 Black Pepper no stnri. White Pepper 30— buyers Trang Pepper 22 00 buyer* Cloves 32. —sellers Mace L>8 —naminal Pickings 105— buyer» Nutmegs 110s. 24..— teller* (No. 1 8 20 sale, Sugar j 2 8 10 sal (.Basket 5.15 buyer» Copra (mixed) 10.40 sale» C Tahbun
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  • 2071 6 1 9 *o \3 Number of i .2 5 S Capital. Shares P Dividends. Name. 7? Q o 188Ued I g 1 S* *3 pa DQ a? I 1 I 1 I *****907 1908 1909 *****1911 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES, p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. I p. c. .90' 150,000 130.000J! 11
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 55 6 Safe Cough Medicine. Mothers everywhere object to giving their children medicines that contain opiates and for this reason Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has become a general favorite. This remedy contains absolutely nothing injurious and for the prompt relief of coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, it has no equal. For sale
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    • 83 6 Mothers Should Remember This. We wish to call your attention to the fact that most infectious diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria and scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold and greatly lessen the danger of contracting these diseases.
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    • 33 6 J*’o kii %ul«iiu«ki coiuf>itUUb*, t« v»Ms die., tiik« Wco Gr*it. *e |«‘rmint (*n JT-C-i-RIGAUD’S OF JAPAN TOILET WATER i Beivart of imitations. RIGAUD C 9 PERFUMERS 8, rue Vivienne, 8 Pt' is-France i
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    • 70 6 V-'t .Ji > r THERE’S NO MILK that can equal Fuselis for babies. We have letters from famous Medical Men to prove that it is most satisfactoiy» Fusselfs Fresh Cows Milk (Green Butterfly Brand) if iot a skimmed milk, bat comes to you FRESH NATURAL just as it leaves the
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  • 326 7 1. Contrive to beat the church in good time. If you and the bridegroom both happen to be late, you may be mistaken for the latter. 2. Let The Voice that breathed o’er Eden severely alone. The choir will attend to all that: it is
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  • 667 7 Its Treatment and Cure. Exposure to heat may cause faintness or exhaustion, or may produce still more serious effects on the braiu and nervous system, including excitement, unconsciousness, and, if very severe, death from asphyxia. In the event of an attack, the sufferer should be removed to the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 2060 7 'JHO BE SURE—the Teeth are so important that it would be a pity to neglect them—especially when you can clean them so well and so easily with 3Sotft R>wder Your local dealer stocks and sells it. Maker» F. C. Calvert Co., Manchester, England. Singapore Cold Storage Co LIMITED. No. 255,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 919 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist Late of Or. Allen 8 Co.. Pha, 1). S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free, KKNIDING AT ho.\2Ia tm Penang Road. A tew loots from the Euttra and Oriental Hotel. Khoo Buan Phuan CHOP Gim Seng Moll., 203, Main Road, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advaneers and Genera Goods
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