Straits Echo, 7 February 1912

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1057 1 [t you require a Tonic and some* thin# to nourish you, Drink Dog’s Head Guinness's Stout, and look for this label to see that you get it. TfAMD LEE Co., Sole Agents. \o C* Hf Andrew Usher 8 .Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS FOR PENANG
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    • 33 1 m er it in Nip Bottle§. Dog's Head Guinness’s Stout. The Tonic that choen, and soothes and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is on every fjenuiue Nip. TIANG LEE A Co.. Sole
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  • 328 2 The Com pa un d do not guarantee the do e§ of a > rinal of the*e steamer but will endeavour o' far as possible to ensure punctuality. I*'rom j Al .r S*ar, (Kedah) —Tong Chuan, Feb. r>. 7. 9, 11. 13, 15, 17, 19. 21. 23,
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  • 249 2 IW Rhoda Hkko Dcwn. So little time he took to glimpse the rose To us whose summers are an endless tale F icii year retold in beauties red and pale. It s»s'ins he scarcely could have watched unclose < >ac pet.iled spray, liefore the tender wos Of his own
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 83 2 Knr I internal complaint*, dysentery, coMs. etc., take W<*od*’ Great I’oppw mint Cure. •«a: THIS 13 IT! Waterbary’s Cod Liver Oil Compound j u I] 1 1 lr s h hr--: TASTELESS ODORLESS l’he latest scientific pro paration of Ci >l> LIVER 011.. Does all that is claimed for it
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    • 417 2 Mothers Should Remember This. We wish to call your attention to the fact that most infectious diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria and scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold and greatly lessen the dauger ot contracting these diseases.
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    • 1481 2 XD# C D4<= 34C '•=B THE BERNESE ALPS MILK CO. s Products were awarded the GRAND PRIX (The highest award < htainable) At the Universal and Colonial Exhibition Brussels. 1810 SLEDGE MILK L, is supplied to all the GOVERNMENT MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES. Local Agents: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY
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  • 33 3 1 Vessels Irani Agents I>:;w 1 Attsaye Ooloml*) A.G.&Co. 9th Feb. A read ia Singapore A.G.&Co. 10th Goeben Singapore li.M.&Co. 13th Yorck 1 i. Colombo KM. A Co. 15th 1 j
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  • 26 3 Vessels j For Agents i Leaves Assayc A rcail in Singapore A-O.&Oo. Cojoiubo A-G.&Co. Feb. Goehen Colombo It M.&Co. Yorek ISingapare 15 M.&Jo. 1 i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 390 3 kl S.N.G axpwM ArriTalfl and Impartnr«*x. Mail Service Outward. Feb. 8 Assaye connecting with Marmora 22 India Moldavia Homeward S.S.! it) V. w;JI rjn through from China to Marseilles and London without transhipment. I A*E> BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ist class 2nd class To London by Sea $565-72 $677-14 To Marseilles
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    • 408 3 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. HUTTENBACH, LJEBERT Co., Peacvnt», Agents >V KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (Ri»V«.l. DUTiH PACKET CIWCVV.i For I) Asahan, Paneh and Singapore. (Weekly). Intended to Sail. Fri. 9Mi Feb., 2 p.m. Fii. 16th Feb., 2 p.m. STRAMKii. I Van llugandorp Van d*»r Parra Deli and Batu Balira.
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    • 948 3 (SHI P PI NG.i raDEUTSCm LLO7C, BEE MEN. I N. Y. K IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE THE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa), Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang,
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  • 420 4 A. Journal of Thought. Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local 824 per annum Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 815 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo, 586 Printing Department 343 StxuJia hilaritate
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  • 1894 4 The other day we had a Dote referring to the proposed Ordinance for the regulation of Kinematograpk shows. Our point was that it should not be left to one man in any place to decide, arbitrarily, according to h;s individual predilections, prejudices, or taste, what pictures are improper
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  • 60 4 A telegram from Brussels states th it the German delegates have comnaun'ca f ed to the Sugar Conference the favourable reply of tlieir Government to the proposal to allow Russia to increase her export but it must be limited to 150,00) tons. This is not acceptable to the
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  • 137 4 Round and about Ipoli gang robliers hav been very busy of late. Chines? New Yea r is fast approaching and the Chinese thieves, like their honester brethren, want money with which to celebrate the festival. They are n»t particular as to how they get it A Malay contractor
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  • 110 4 In warm weather the match between the M. C. C and Victoria was continued yesterday. The wicket was not worn. There was but a small attendance. Following •:>, Victoria scored 314 in the second inning-, towards which tofil Mackenzie snored 78 without giving a chance
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  • 86 4 Like another famous man Jack Johnson cries fop more worlds to conquer. He is indisputably the champion pugilist- no other boxer, white, black or indigo, is within a street of him. Consequently Jack wants to wrestle Gotch who recently made shoit work of Hackenrehmidfc. Johnson will receive
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  • 49 4 Tr<*>n* have l*«gun to arrive at Belfast. Resolutions were pieced bv the Unionist Council and the Grand Oranere Lodge ureing non interference w ith the Nationalist. ineetiug of to-morrow. It is exneeted that the result will be that Mr. Winston Churchill will have a quiet hearing. Telegraphed
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  • 49 4 A telegram from Ferrol (a Spanish naval Arsenal 12m from Corunna) states that the bfuoen of Spam launched the Dreadnought E*pana. Decorations w°r conferred on the representatives of the Vk-kers Maxim. Armstrong Whitworth and John Brewn companies who were associated in the construction of the warship. Telegraphed.
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  • 68 4 The S. R A. have fixed the followiug dates of Race Meetings for 1912. and 1913. Singapore: Mav 7th, 9th, and 12th. 1912, October Bth 10th and 12th 1912. Penang: July 1 nth, 18th. and 20th 1912. January ”th. 9th. and 11th, 1913. Selangor: June •JVh. 27fh- and
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  • 31 4 A telegram from Sydney states fh*» Arnst has accepted Barry’s terms to the latter on the Thames. Arnst will for England at the end of March. 831 Telegraphed.
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  • 30 4 Intense cold aud snowstorms are report I from Germany and Austria Hungary r n thermometer registered 27° below Bohemia. Railways are interrupted UU( villages are cut off. Telegraphed.
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  • 265 4 A correspondent suggests that we m av have been unjust to the School Committee at Taiping. We are quite prepared to admit it, and to make honourable amends if our correspondent’s further suggestion I*. admitted, that the improper condition that the Assistant-Master of King Edward VII School
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  • 38 4 A telegram from Munich says that in the election to the Bavarian Diet the Catholics lost eleven seats and the Conservatives ten The Liberals gained eleven seats, the Socialists nine and the Peasants Union one. Telegraphed.
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  • 29 4 The Ipoh office lias wired to the Penang Secretaries of Mengletnbu Lode Syndicate Ltd. that the January output was 36) pi oil*, estimated value 320,3 8. 'Tel “graphed.
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  • 60 4 1« ollowing are the Agon la for to-morrow’s m seting of the .Municipal Commission 1. Minutes of last meeting to he read atul continued. Aik special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Some bills to be passed. 5. Plans of drains on the South side
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  • 27 4 The Turks captured by the Italians on board the Manouba and afterwards released at the instance of the French Government have arrived at Sfax Telegraphed.
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  • 37 4 Ihe Frankfurter Zeitung, in a friendly article by its naval expert, reviews the British and German naval manoeuvres in August with a view to proving that neither was planning an attack on the other. Telpgrgpheil.
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  • 55 4 The following were the outputs of the Caledonia group of Companies for January. lb. dry. The Penang Sugar Estates Co., Ltd. 3!»,G70 Straits Rubber Co Ltd 118,000 Rubana Rubber Estates, Ltd. 31,600 Tali Aver Rubber Estates, Ltd. 22,100 Batak Rabit Rubber Estate, Ltd.... 6,074 Bagan Serai Co,
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  • 29 4 The papers continue to criticise the excessive harshness of the sentence passed on Stewart, the Gentleman spy. They comment on the mediaeval methods of German justice. Telegraphed.
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  • 46 4 What is It A telegram from Berlin states that the Vossische Zeitung learns from a trust, worthy source that negotiations are proceeding lietween London aud Berlin, the result of which will be published in a few weeks, which will amount to a first-class political event. 'telegraphed.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 42 4 Croup. It' vour children are subject to attacks *»f croup, watch for the first symptom, hoarseness. Give Chamberlain’s Goueh Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse and the attack may be warded off. For sale by all Dispensarips and 1 Valero.
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    • 31 4 The curative action of Ivmioftail is attn buted to its being antiseptic and anaesthetic Manufactured by J. I>. Riedal Ltd., Berlin, and sold in form <>f capsules, K* in a bottle.
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  • 45 5 A Jewish thanksgiving servi<« was held at the Great Synagogue. The National Anthem wan sung at. the coucluaion There was also a large Catholic gathering at the thanksgiving service at Westminster Cathedral. The Stock Exchange suspended work and King the National Authem. Telegraphed.
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  • 25 5 A telegram from Brussels says that the International Conference of Liquor Traffic in Africa has adjourned without having reached an agreement. Telegraphed..
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  • 90 5 Following were the results of the ties played off yesterday:—Profession Pairs: Uoldie and Waugh w.o. from Pitt and Ward. Championship: Sells w.o. from Hodge. Double Handicap —B Oxeuham and Durward beat Riley and McKirdy 6—3, 4--0, ♦l—4. Single Handicap-C Wright Motion Jr. w.o. from H. R.
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  • 63 5 3,500 troops are at present, in Belfast The Police will ine and patrol the streets. The Unionists have agreed to-day to give up Ulster Hall on Wednesday on the Police guaranteeing that the Liberals will not obtain the Hall on Thursday. The lunch to Mr. Churchill, proposed
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  • 72 5 There was a unique gathering at the Mansion House where the Lord Mayor gave a banquet to the provincial mayors and provosts who had welcomed the King. The Lord Mayor, in toasting the Kiug and (Juoen in one toast, said that he did so because the King
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  • 23 5 'I lie Final tie for the Championship was decided yesterday when W. Houston beat F. Daniel bv ‘2l lB.
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  • 58 5 A telegram from Vienna savh that, the Russian Grand Duke Andrew has arrived as the guest of the Emperor Francis Joseph. The Vienna correspondent of the Times sivs that considerable importance is attached tot lie visit ns it is a sign of improvement in Austro-Russian relations which have
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  • 251 5 tin the Ist inst., Mr. T. P. Coe, A.D.O. (Courts, Kuala Kangsar, went to Kuala Lumpur to take up the appointment of Second Asst Under Secretary, F. M. S Nothing hits Imen heard as yet as to who is to l>e his successor here. If the current year
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  • 48 5 A crowd assembled in the afternoon at Buckingham Palace. They sang the National Anthem and other patriotic songs. The King and Queen, the Prince of Wales and other members of the royal family who atne to the balcony were received with prolonged and enthusiastic cheering. Tefegrgvl^ed
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  • 49 5 A telegram from Ottawa states that the Luke of Connaught has telegraphed to the King that the Government and people of Canada tender their heart felt congratulations on his safe return and rejoice in the m uufestations of loyalty of their fel|ow buhjecte in distant lands. Telegraphed.
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  • 58 5 The War Office has issued the regulations for commissions in the overseas British army. Commissions will be allotted every six months. Canada and Australia will each have four. New Zealan l two. South Africa three, and tie* Crown Colonies three. Oue commission in the artillery will Ik? awarded
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  • 497 5 Before District Judge A. V. Brown this morning Yeoh Hong Kean of chops Joo Guan and Joo Wan was charged with breach of Section 1 (J 1 of the Bankruptcy Ordinance. The Hou. A. R. Adams, with a fiat from the Solicitor General, appeared for the prosecution
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  • 275 5 It, was thawing and misty when then Majesties drove to St. Paul’s in an op in carriage. They received a splendid ovati >n all along the route. The thanksgiving service was conducted with impressive ceremonial ami lliere was a greit assemblage present. The clergy healed by
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  • 97 5 Dr Gow, headmaster of Westminster School, proposing The Guests” at the annual dinuer of the Incorporated Association of Headmasters at the Trocadero Restaurant. suggested that Sir Robert Morant, who was present, should lie made an honorary member of the association. He understood that he had the necessary qualifications,
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  • 99 5 An Extraordinary General Meeting of the George Town Dispensary Ltd., yas held yesterdav afternoon at No. 33a Beach Street. The following gentlemen were present :—Dr. T. C. Avetoom (Chairman) Messrs. A. S. Anthony A. F. Goodrich, A. D. Neubronner, H. Pickeupack, Litn Cheng Teik, Goh Taik Chee,
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  • 23 5 Dr. Lim Boon Keng has been summoned to Nanking to assist iu the organisation of the now Government. Telegraphed.
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  • 58 5 The portraits of Sir Stamford Ruffles and Sir Janies Brooke painted by Mr. John Adamson, son of Sir William Adamson aid defrayed out of the balance of the Agnhorticultural So nv will be handed over by the Hon. UJ. Wilkins m to day, ou bĕh tlf of the
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  • 24 5 Mr. L. E. Gaunt, of Singapore, has already three wins to his credit in the tennis matches at the Manila Carnival. Telegraphed.
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  • 62 5 The following business in t.m has l>een done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, *25 tons at $96. Straits Trading Co, 75 90.50 SfU japore Straits Trading Co., 75 96.45 Total 175 tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at ,£194 cash and 4.'! 91 10s. three
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  • 24 5 "he township of I>el it was wiped out by a fire ou the 31st January. A thousand people are homeless. Telegraphed.
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  • 120 5 Pice and bkan —Tee ss. Tong Hong f- n Rangoon i> disc!: urging 17,094 bags of vice and 1,700 bags of bran. Inwakd Ttn Shipment. s Canton 403 slabs tiu. s.s Janet NL-.dl. 433 s.s. 858 bags tin ore. ss Cornelia 2361 ss. 430 slabs tin. Ikwaud Shi
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  • 34 5 Since the adjournment of the trial into the 1 asir Panjang (Singapore) murder case oue of the crown witnesses has died. The Police are effecting a third arrest in Java. Telegraphed.
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  • 57 5 ‘20,421 lbs of rubl>er were offered for sale at the Rubber auction at Singapore and 19,671 lbs were sold. The prices obtained were: First Smoked Sheet $269 $270 per picul. Uusmoked $261 »271 Second $250 $258 First Crepe $262 $272 Second $241 $261 Third $2ll $247 \irgin
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  • 67 5 To-day 20th Day of 12th Moon. P. C. C. Bowls and Tennis Ties. Golf Club L*d ies’ Piesgrave Cup Baud, Esplanade, 6 p.m. Volunteer Compauy Drill Lodge Royal Prince* of Wales, 9 p.m. Th.* Straits Opera Co., Tok Soon’s Theatre Hall, Campbell Street, “Aladdin, and the Wonderful Lamp” 9
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 Woods’ O r oy>t Pwp2ruiLnt Cure f«*r all intaT.-O dv«ATit.rv. oonehs, colds, lUi
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    • 163 5 The yachtsman stood upon the yacht, Now everything, said he, we’ve gaeht; For seasons cold and seasons hacht, AM roiiud the world in any spacht. For oughs and colds of course we’ve gacht. Woods’ Peppermiut Cure—laid in a lacht, For Scandinavian, Celt and Sca-dit. Caucasian, Turk and Hottentach CCD: ICDCDCDCD!»
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    • 132 5 for sale A 25 H. P. 4 Cylinder Clement Talbot Landaulette Motor Car, Model 1910 (Rudge Y\ hitworth wheels) with all accessories, spares and lamps, complete. Apply THORNLIEBANK, Western Road, Penang. 7 2-12 109 Premier Pocket Diary, 1912. Used in Government Offices, Mercantile and Lawyers' firms, bv Planters, Miners, ih
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    • 401 5 THE CRAG HOTEL. f SANATORIUM. PENANG HILLS. AS GOOD AN HOTEL AS ANY IN THE STRAITS." —Singapore Free Pre**, 27th March SA.RE.IES BROTHERS, Proprietors. Visiting-“ Stay at the Grand Hotel, ipoh —*>A Homelike Hotel 1 ILKoKAMS CREET. Ipoh. Transient or Residential Guests, affording every known comfort and convenience, and appealing
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    • 109 6 Lai Sony, Hr. ss., 2,225, Tadd, 6lh Feb., Calcutta, 31st Jan., Gen. —B. A; Co. Janet Nir.oll, Br. a s., 475, Crichton, 6tb Feb, Tavov, 31st Jan., Gen.— K. S. Co., Ltd. Ar.aujyee J>r. 8 8., 247, Harvey, Oth Feb., Brandan, sth Feb., (Jen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. Cornelia,
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    • 43 6 7th February. Taroba, for Negapatara and Madras. Leung Ho, for Langkat. Padang, for Batu Bahra. Mary A ns! in, for Trang. Hok Canton, for Teluk Anson. Calypso for Deli. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping Lai Nang, for Singapore and Hongkong.
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    • 321 6 Fob Singapore, China and Japan —Per Assaye, to-morrow, 9 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Lian Choo, to-morrow, 9 a.m. Deli—Per Perak, to-morrow, noon. Pangkalan Brandan Per Aragyee, tomoi row, 1 pm. Port Swettenliam, Port Dickson and Malacca—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Bindings, Sit t iwan and Teluk Anson
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  • 117 6 Pkkako, 7th February. (By courtesy of the Chartered Batik.) London, Demand Bank 2/4* 4 months* sight Bank 2/4| 3 Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank 174 3 days* sight Privat *ss Bombay, Demand Bans 7i Moulmein, Demand Bank I 3 8 days* sight 6 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 230 6 Gold Leaf 564.60 Black Pepper no stud White Pepper 29 —tellers Trang Pepper 22.50 buyers Cloves 29.50 sellers Mace io8 —nominal Pickings 100 —buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 26. —sellers No. 1 8 20 sale Sugar 2 810 sal s (.Basket 5.10 fiom. Copra (mixed; 9 95 sales C Tahbuu
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  • 174 6 Penang, 7th February, 1912. Bkek ds. Soup por cattv 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew o* Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each c 0 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart c o Liver per catty 55 Pork Pork for catty 32 Kifif’s Head... V ."<*• 20
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  • 1823 6 n G O a, ri a i w c Capital. Number of Shares issued. ft. I Dividends. .90}» 1905 1:»10 1909 1910 i 900 1910 i»J<> »910 ::>!(» !'■> >4 19«^ iUO9 150,0*)0 200,000 I 750,000 1.00,000 "00,000 II A ,200,000 500,0t»0 $1,000,000 390, joo 5 205,000 j> 100,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 37 6 (aODON iM brings aliout satisfactory results without the aid of any local treatment and js the latest and most scientific Keinedy and far superior to combinations of plain Sandalwood oil, Copaiba, etc. At all chemists and dealers
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    • 59 6 Rheumatism. It is now well known that not more than one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. All that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and massaging the parts at each application. Try it and see how quickly it will relieve the
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    • 61 6 APIOLINE 1 (CHAPOTEAUT) I For Ladies Si only. 'A I<C 7, Is superior to so-called apiol, steel drops, tansy or pennyroyal and is a safe remedy for ladies when about to be unwell”. Recommended by the leading French specialists, to remove pain, cramps and irregularities peculiar to the sex. Bold
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  • 1570 7 The directors’ report of the Pulau Bulang Rubber and Produce Co. contains the following Finance. —The Company was registered on 22nd June, 1910, with a nominal Capital of $5,000,000 divided into 500,000 shares of $lO each, of which /,500 fully paid shares were allottel to the Vendor and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 862 7 Bandoengsche Kininefabriek JAVA QUININE. Largely used by Hospitals and Estates. Packed in I Kilo Tins at $l2-50 per tin Special price for large quantities. G. H. SLOT 8? CO., PENANG. SIEMENS BROTHERS’ DYNAMO WORKS LIMITED. electric light, power and traction ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. SIEMENS TANTALUM LAMPS. Substantial Reduction in Prices.
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    • 58 7 THIS IS IT Waterburys Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound rSYSfiC, t n TASTELESS UDQkLEsS The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Dees all that is claimed for it and super I sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset f the stomach. Highly re p commended by the inedi cal
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    • 147 7 Safe Cough Medicine. Mothers everywhere object to giving their children medicines that contain opiates and for this reason Chamberlain's CoU"h rnedy lias become a general favorite llns reintdy contains absolutely nothing iujurious and for the prompt relief of coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, it has no equal. For sale
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 996 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist Late of Dr. Allen 8 Co., Pha, D. S. A. Charges Free. 1 E8IDING AT A o.\2Ia, m Penang Rond. A few 4ooii from tbe Eastern and Oriental Hotel. TECK A COMPANY, Shanghai Carpenters 4* Furnishers, 4, PENANG ROAD. High-class Household Furniture kept in stock and
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