Straits Echo, 23 January 1912

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1136 1 if you require a Tonic and Dome' thing to nourish you, Drink Dog's Head Guinness's stouti and look for this label to see that you get it. TIANO LEE A, Co., Sole Agent». (< m V Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia
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    • 30 1 Order it in Ntp BottlesDog’s Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soctboo and doesn't harm. Observe this la it is on every gen me Nip. TIANGILEE Co, SoU
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  • 2549 2 The extraordinary midnight marriage case, in which Mr. William Ussher petition» fora dissolution of his marriage with Mary Caulfield ou the grouud that the ceremony was invalid and not in accordance with the marriage laws of the Homan Catholic Church, has reached its final 6tage in the Dublin
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 58 2 THIS IS IT Waterbury's Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound i .4 r# m TASTELESS ODORLESS 1 he latest scientific pre paration of COD LIVER OIL. Decs all that is claimed for it and >uper sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach Highly re commended by the modi cat
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    • 381 2 cm The Worlds DenHFrice \v.\ s&ii* SB mrnwm WBBM i Odol possesses the threi essential chara te.ists of a good deut trice un.utii.».iMi 1. It is genuinely autisep ic, and juvviuts decay of the teeth. 2. It is uuiuk'Uous to the most sensitive m nth 8. It i* ngi\
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    • 1287 2 SEAMLESS SIEEL LOTOSES -d BOATS ST CAM OR OIL /O NO LEAKING JOINTS Gatalogusa on application t J GUTHRIE GO., LTD., SOLE AGENTS PENANG, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. 'CDSC :OC RUBBER and COCONUTS. o A o Managers of Estates can Aid nature in stimulating growth a;id vigour by su r
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  • 30 3 Vessel» h rom Agents Due i Himalaya Colombo A.G.&Co. *25th Jan. Delta Singapore A.G.&Co. 27th Bveloy' Singapore B.M.&Co. 30t h Prinz Kitel 1 Friedrich Colombo BM.ACo. 1st Feb.
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  • 23 3 Vessel* For Aijents Leaveg Himalaya Singapore A.G.&Co. Jan. Delia Colombo A.G.dtCo. Buelow Colombo It M.&Co. Print Eitel Friedrich Singapore B M.&Jo. Feb.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 375 3 kL S.N.G rvi***!**! Arrival* and Depart ur«in. Mall Service Outward. Jan 25 Himalaya connecting with More* Feb. 9 A suave Marmora 22 India Moldavia Homeward S.S.INDIV. will run through from China to Marseilles and London without transhipment. FAKES BY «1 AIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class To London by Sea
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    • 317 3 <SIH I P P N G.y BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD, Steamer. Intended to Sail. For Singapore. (Three times a week) Fort Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Rangoon Calcutta. (Weekly). Negapataw, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karikal. (Weekly). HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co., Penang, Agents,
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    • 952 3 MDDEUTSCM LLOYD i GERMAN MAIL LINZ fTlHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen JL Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice vend). Port Said, Suer, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau or Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama and
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  • 421 4 A Journal of Thought Published dailyS(except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 22b —232 Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local $24 per auuum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO —PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 Studio,
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  • 260 4 We would sooner have free speech than a new suit, and it isn’t any lack of appreciation of the sanctity of that hardly won privilege of Englishmen that makes us want to snarl at those who seem to have been shouting for it in conrecti n with the
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  • 27 4 A telegram received at. Constantinople from Jaffa st ites that an Italian warship, /S IDst bomb arded Klmnvunas (Syria) close to the Egyptian frontier/ Telegraphed.
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  • 80 4 Following were the results of the ties played off yesterday—Single Handicap B Pledger bead Onraet 8-6, 6-1. Double Handicap J R. Brown and Whitlock Hallifax and Anderson, 2—6, 6-2 vv 4 r‘ Uhle Hanf l»cap-B: Bochow and \N nght-Motion beat Adams and Hogan 1 1 l
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  • 38 4 A telegram from Buenos Aires states that the railwavmen seem disposed to resume immediately on condition that the entire personnel ,s reinstated. Government has decided to revest the companies to settle the cris:s without delay. Telegraphed.
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  • 30 4 Following were the results of the ties played off yesterday .nTTi ,n K? f F OUr Houst Riley, Southam t D c Unn Muir i>»niel and
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  • 230 4 The Daily Chronicle correspondent Paris states that France intends makin M naval demonstration on the Italian m».? 4 the event of the Italian reply in regard Q the Turks captured on board the JJano U proving unsatisfactory. Orders have U* given to hold the squadron in reading? Whether
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  • 62 4 The long-expected contract lietween the French Government and the Messaged Maritime» Co. has been approved by the French Parliament. It runs up to 1 937 The details are not yet known. The importance of the news lies in the fact that the completion of the negotiations enables
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  • 63 4 A telegram from New York states that the Duke and Duchess of Connaught are coming to stay a few days with Ambassador Whitelaw Reid. The visit is private but the papers are full of conjectures as regard» the people who will be asked to meet Their Highnesses.
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  • 93 4 To-day we publish a prospectus relating to a supplementary Tronoh enterprise in which l)r. Edgar of Ipoh, Messrs. Foo Choo Choon, Lim Eow Hong, Lo Renj Quang and A. M. Sellar are interested as directors. The vendor, Mr. Lim Eow Hong, takes his consideration entirely in shares, and
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  • 36 4 Meetings of Unionists and Liberals are being held at Belfast. The Lord Mavorof Belfast intimates that he is jiersonallj opposed to the cancellation of the Police. He is enquiring into the situation. Telegraphed.
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  • 82 4 Hoad hogs are giving trouble in Sourabava where within the last few months five people were killed in motor accidents. During this month alone three of fatality are down for hearing in the Court. The motorist says that the accidents are due entirely to the stupidity of the
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  • 27 4 bir Thomas David Gibson-Carmichael, o\ernor of Madras, has been appointed Governor of the presidency of Bengal. Hu appointment has caused a great stir. Telegraphed.
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  • 47 4 Mr. Frank Heginbothom to l>e District Superintendent, F. M. S. Railways. m r I Robinson to be Insi»ector of Mines, F. M. S. Messrs. M. L. Wynne and L. H. L. Kirbv to be Police Probationers.. Mr. Braddon to be Second Claw Magistrate, Jelubu. Redaction.
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  • 27 4 The Thames and the Trent have overflo*' od their banks owing to the heavy rains and the melting snow. The water is steadily rising. j Telegraphed.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1572 4 i The Subscription List will close on Wednesday, th; 24th of January, 1912. This Prospectus Aas been filed with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies Penang TRONOH EXTENDED, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED UNDER THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE 1889.) CAPITAL $200,000. Divided into 154,000 Ordinary Shares of SI each (of which 45,000 will be
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    • 757 4 hute wt $112,920 00 Lf’fK eust nf overburdtti $20,328 00 $92,592 00 Thin would show a protit of $92,592.00 per acre, hut, iu addition to the $20,328. 00 he provided for removing overburden,-a further $12,000.00 would be required for water supply This can lie easily secured bv using an adjoining
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    • 43 4 Something to Remember. AN hen buyiug a cough medicine for chil* dren bear in mind that Chamberlains Cough Remedy is most effectual for colds, up croand whooping- eough and that it ‘-’o®* tains no harmful! drug. For sale by »U Dispensaries and Dealers..
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  • 42 5 There it> not a word confirming the Daily Chronicle rumour that France intend!* to ma ke a demount rat ion on the Italian coast. Ttalv proposes that the question of the seizure* la* submitted for arbitration at the Hague. Telegraphed.
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  • 149 5 A rice miller, hiding under the pen-name of Pro Bono Publico,” write*: The paddy grower* of the Malay Peninsula may now |m‘ seen busily at work reaping the new crop, and consumers generally imagine that they will noon I* able to buy their rice at a reduced
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  • 104 5 P. O. Rubber. In order to meet the demand for speedy delivery in Ixrndou of Rubber shipj*ed from Penang, the P. O. 8. N. Company have arranged to reserve space for Rqbber in each homeward Mail Steamer via Colombo, commencing with the s. s. Delta, sailing on 27th January, 1912
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  • 63 5 A telegram from Illinois states that a Central express dashed lull speed into the rear of a passenger train at Ceutralia, Illinois, and smashed to atoms a private car in the rear. The car contained the railway magnates Harahan, Meleher, Pierce and Wright who were all asleep
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  • 248 5 Although it happened nearly a dozen years ago we feel annoyed. We feel like the voung hooligan win* left his Jewish pal outside while he went into a mission hall to see if there were pockets worth picking. He heard the speaker tell the story of the crucifixion,
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  • 138 5 The annual (general meeting of the Singapore Chess Club was held at i>iugapore on the 19th inst. The Hon. J B Elcum was ill the chair an«l explained briefly how and whv the club, as it now stands, came into' existence. He reviewed the year's work and
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  • 54 5 A telegram from New York states that the Duke and Duchess of Connaught have arrived at that citv on their visit to Mr. Whitelaw Keid. Fifty invitations for dinner to-night were issued. The DuVw and Duchess of Connaught and the I riucess Patricia drove iu separate motors to
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  • 1044 5 To-day’s Programme. 1. The Mixed Handicap.—3 pm. Value >5OO. A Handicap for horses which have not won a race of the advertised value of more thau *6OO since the Ist January, 1910. Entrance, *25. Distance, one mile. Mr. “J. Sylvan’s” hr 9 g 8al« no .10. 7
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  • 30 5 The Daily Mail Correspondent at. Bflrfin si lies that Dr. Soil, the Gorman Colonial Minister, left for London yesterday to discuss, it is understood, Anglo-German coloLial questions. Telegraphed.
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  • 361 5 I Thu Centaur, by Algernon Blackwood. Macmillan's Colonial Library This is a singularly arresting book. There is no love interest iu it, not one woman it is not so much a novel as a human document. It embodies an urgent protest against the feverish hurry aud unrest of
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  • 12 5 Herr von Kiderlen-Waeehter, the Oemim Foreign Minister has left Rome. Telegraphed.
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  • 88 5 Haji Wan iM&ail, the District Officer here, left last Satuojay for Perils to take up the post of District ifflkvr. .Tit He will Ik* very much missed by the Langkawi jieople among whom he has established a reputation for impartiality and ability Wan Aid. the Second Magistrate at
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  • 53 5 I The Italians reocenpied Gargaresh on the 21st inst. They found no traces of the enemy within a radius of five mile». This is rogarded as confirming the seriousness irf the enemy’» fn*»es during the fight ou the 19th inst. The enemy admit that they lo»t over 150 in
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  • 220 5 Yesterday “S. D. I.” addressed to us a queer complaint. He went to St. George’s Church Sunday evening with his friend L. B. B. and they sat, as they usually do, 44 in the front seat on the left hand side,” that the injunction concerning lights under
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  • 109 5 Practice Shoot. 22uJJanuary, 1912. f 4 4 zr f* 1 <M H Miss Jt>an*Smitb j. 31 32 32 95 Huxlev 82 34 29 95 v Thornton 32 38 29 94 Mrs. Gorir Anderson 80 30 3*2 92 Oxenhaiu 33 31 24 88 Miss Wemyss 26 26
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  • 87 5 The Honorary Secretary for thg Straits Settlements asks us to mention that he will \>e glad to hoar at any time from members or intending members of the Rationalistic Press Ask x-iation resident in the Colony or R.M.S. The new memliers last year were surprLed ;*t the
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  • 51 5 4 l Oi| tV. The Parcel Post to Chinese Post OlhVJSfin 'the Provinces of Hupeh, Hunao, Kweichow and. S»*‘hwau is sus[»ended. It. cannot be stated when the service is likely to be resumed, and until further notice pa)cels cannot lie accepted except at the risk of the sender. Contributed*
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  • 67 5 The s. s. Kedah came into port from Pangkor yesterday morning Hying "the Police flag. It apjiears that during the voyage from- Pangkor a Chinese saloon passenger lost> diamond ring, a gold watch and chain, a set of gold buttons and SIOO in notes. The loss was discovered
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  • 44 5 Rarmond, “4he Master Magician of the M age, opened a six nights’ season, at the Savoy Theatre last night and had an appreciative audiejice. The Theatre has lately been renovated throughout and comfortable accommodation for European patPms has been arranged. T Redaction.
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  • 87 5 Baccy. —The s.s. Calypso is discharging 1,8«0 bale 5 of tobacco J e- Genfral Cargo. —The s.s. Tenshin Mam from Calcutta brought 545 to«* of general cargo. c* -i Rice and Tea. —The s. Tenshiu Maru is discharging 3,500 bags of rice, 504 bags bran »u i 40
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  • 91 5 The following tips have heen given to our reporter for to-day i Race I l Chanticleer 2 Satia a n t ft Tom Lees Race IT 1 Cbarvbdis 2 Pip 3 Mentor Race III 1 Brown Comet 2 St. Brendan 3 Olga Race IV' I
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  • 22 5 Mr. Yeoh Cheang Chye died this morning; aged 68 years. He leaves 8 sons, H daughters, and many grandchildren. Redaction.
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  • 71 5 The hearing was l>eguu before Mr. Justice Thornton this morning of an action brought l»y A. H. L. Andree against'the bookmaker A. W. Tully. Andreeis suing Tully to recover the sum of $723 which ho alleges is the bilanee of the salary due to him as clerk
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  • 49 5 Teh Seang Oak was charged with criminal breach of trust of a diamond ring valued at $ll5 on the sth instant. He was found guilty and sentenced to one day’s R. I. He was ordered to pay the $ll5 or in default 6 weeks R. I.
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  • 87 5 After hearing the evidence against Kadersah charged with falsifying the accounts of Kadersah <fc Co. Ilis Loidship directed an acquittal of the accuse!. An alternative charge of abetting the offence of a clerk in making false entries as a partner was then made. Hon. A. R. Adams,counsel for
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  • 59 5 TO- OA Y sth Ltiiy >*t I2H: Moon. Penang Iboes, U p.m. j Special Ha**» Dinners, E. A O Hotel and Until s Hotel Entertainment, Town Hall. The Straits Opera Co., Tele Soon's Theat e llaH, Campbell Street, Panji Asmara”, 1* pm tr Oeorgĕ Town Cinematograph, Kuala Road, 9
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 MuscuUf Rheumatism Tt‘is worse th:m useless to take any medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism 'All that in lieoded ia*a tree application of ChamtWlains Paul Balm. For sale bv all Di*peu*arie«, aud Dealers.
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    • 42 5 According to all accounts wĕ have the assurance that is on? 1 of the"tnost valuable discoveries of modern pharmacology and is far ahead of all preparations of Copaiba. Cubebs, etc. It is the safest and most successful. -V all Chemists u»d Dealers.
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    • 34 5 Riedel’s fiomwan is not unpleasant to take, and is not by those distressing by♦'fleets which so often accompany the use of balsams and Sautal oils. It has secured uu'qualified praise from the leading Specialists
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    • 163 5 NIPPON DISPENSARY. 160, PENANG ROAD, Injection of No. 606. (SAL VARSAN) '*4 KM DR. R. U. ISHII, Phygician and Surgeon. CONSULTING HOURS. W**k Days Frmn if a.m. to Vp m Sundays:* ft a.m. to 1 p ni. 10-1-12 27a 1 1 Central Sales Room. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE l- tfn •j
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    • 313 5 municipal Notice. An. ordinary meeting of the /Municipal Com in ia tinner 11 will beheld at the M unicipal UfifO at 3-30 p. in. on Friday, the 26tlr inataoU L. A. COUtIEK BIGGS. Secretary to tie Municyal Cvoimietiom rt. TIDE TABLES For the Port of Penang for the rear 1912
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    • 89 6 Klang, Br. u, 732, OUeu, 22nd Singapore, 20th Jan., *4en. A. G. A Co. Omayere, Hr. s.s 340, Lyons, 22nd Jan., Singaj>ore, 20th Jan., Gen. E S- Co., litd. Tenshin Marn, Jap. 2,974, Hori, 23rd Jan Calcutta, 12th Jan., Gen.— P. 8. A Co. Celypso, Br. 8.8., 339, Bannantyue,
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    • 54 6 23r0 January. Bsnou, for Deli and Batu Bahra. Kedah, for Trang. Petrel, for A kalian. Linn Choo, for Batu Bahra. Omapcre, for Port Swettanhara and Singapore. Jin Hu, for Dindiuga and Sitiawan. Mambang, for Setul. Xiang, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Tenth in Maru, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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    • 365 6 ron Ten—Per Jit Send, to-morrow, 7 a m. I Alor Star (Kedah)—Per Pungkor, to- 1 morrow, 9 a.m. Negapatam and Madras —Per Teeata, to-morrow, 11 a.m. 1 Langsa, T. Semawe, Segli, c abang and Olehleh—Per Kaltnoa .to-morrow, I p.m. Batu Bahra—Per Leong Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson
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  • 122 6 Pin AH o, 23rd Jahuary. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) Loodnu, Demand Bank 2/4^ 4 months* sight Bank 2/4$ 3 Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary.. 2/4/, Calcutta, Demand Bank R* 174 3 days* sight Privet# I*. 5* Bombay, Demand Batik 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 1~3 8 days* sight Private
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  • 222 6 Gold Leaf 564.60 Black Pepper no storl White Pepper 29 sellers Trang Pepper 22.50 buyers Cloves 29.50 sellers Mace 108 —nominal Pickings 100 —buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 26. —sellers No. 1 8 20 sale Sugar 2 BJO sal s C Basket 5.10 non. Copra (mixed) 9.95 sales 190.— se
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  • 188 6 Penang, 23rd January, 1912 Beef eta. Soup P5 r 14 Roast 24 Steaks 34 Stew o Curry It} Rump Steak 24Os Tail Oiioh 10 Tongue... m 55 Feet 1, 15 Heart SO Liver per catty 55 Pork-~ Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Iload... h 2^ Tonjfufl *m
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  • 1499 6 a H- O w p O I e CP :.909 150,000 1005 S 200,000 I 1910 I 750,000 1909 i oCO.OOO j 1010 000,000 I 1006 |1U1,200,000 1910 500,000 101') 81,000,000 1010 1 8 390, JOO 1010 8 205,000 .004 8 100,000 19(>3 8 450, (»00 1900 8 200,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 76 6 Serious Side of i Cold. Do you know that of all the minor ailments cold* are by far the most dangerous It is not the cold itself that you need to fear, but the serious diseases that it often leads to. Most of these are known as germ diseases. Pneumonia
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    • 90 6 For all internal complaints, dysentery, aougbs, oolds, etc., take Woods' Gres* Peppermint Onm. CHAPOTEAUT’S NO xrative TAST* PRINCIPLE NO f OF SMELL COD NO LIVER NAUSEA OIL MORRHUOL I Is superior to Emulsions or Oil, it cure* Incipient Consumption, Coughs, Bronchitis ami ScrofulaKadi tiny Morrhuol capsule is extracted from a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 881 7 “AMSTEL” BEER. Runnymede Hotel. Renowned for Excellence of Quality. Price per Case of 48 qts. 96 pts. 99 9 9 $11.50. 14.25 Agents Q. H. SLOT CO. PENANG. Singapore Cold Storage Co., NORTHAM ROAD—SEASIDE. Ik Most Comfortable Hotel in Penang. The Best Food in Penang. Under Special European Supervision. The
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    • 52 7 a o.i ei THIS 13 IT! Waterbnry’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre parationol COD LIVER OIL. all that is claimed fur it and super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the medical proicssiun. or ALL CHEMISTS Price
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    • 140 7 Wkocping Cjvgh. Whooping cough is rot dangerou* whe*> thorough iw kept loom and e.:ff c.or itio. easy by giving Chaaberl m’» Cough lioniodj. It has been use] in in a y epidemics if this dit-ease with jjeriect, si mK. For »al<> by !»ll Thgpennanoe and ]>rsler«. W?.rm D iys their
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1034 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Utc of Dr. Alien 8 Co., Pha, l). S. A. Charges Moderate, Consul tat ion" Free. ItKSIDING AT /Vo. 2/a, Penang Road. A few loot* from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. TECK COMPANY, Shanghai Carpenters 4* Furnishers, 4, PENANG ROAD. High-class Household Furniture kept in stock
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