Straits Echo, 2 January 1912

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1078 1 If you require a Tonic and some* thing to nourish you, Drink Dog’s Head Guinness’s Stout, and look <Q for this label to see that you get it. TIANG LEE A Co., Sole Agents i A 5 i M\ r Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip BottlesDog's Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic thet cheers and soothes and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, it is on every genu iue Nip. TIANG LEE A CoT, Sole Ag<nis.
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  • 882 2 COMMITTEE ImrUEN CaREFUI, ESTIMATE and Maker Earnest Appial f<»k Hei.p The Central China Famine Relief Committee has, during the pant weeks boon making a careful investigation of the situation m the famine regions of Central China, and is convinced that during the coming winter
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  • 884 2 Peking, December 8. —Considerable feqj- iug has been stirred up here by the dissemi- natiou through a foreign news agency of a i statement that Freuchand American interests i have l>een backing the so-called Baron Cottu > loan, while British and
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  • 259 2 OrnciAi. Minutes. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Thursday, the 14th December, >9ll. Present. W. Peel, Esq resident. W. T. Chapman, Esq. G. N Save, E*q Liin Eu Toh, Esq. Absent. Quah Beng Kee. Esq. Yeoh Guan Seok, Esq. 1. The minutes of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 101 2 The Wise Mother. Tlit* most prominent physician in flu* country i an not produce Utter results in the i rout ineut of eoliths, colds, croup ami whooping cough tiian the wise mother with a a liottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. She always keeps it in a handy place and knows
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    • 345 2 ESTD. 7330 Wonderful Discovery. M'Uiey returned in case of failure. I>r. G hose’s renowned Specific for Hydrocele Varicocele and Elephantiasis is guaranteed to cure any nature radically hv using externally. It is harmless and’free from any injurious ingredients. Price Rs. 5/0 p»*r phial of 2 oz, 1 II). Itottles Ks.
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    • 456 2 I Can do anything and everything for you. BY APPOINTMENT TO Their Highnesses the Nizam of Hyderabad, the Maharaja of Mysore, Travaneore, Jodhpur, Kashmir, Indore &e. C. K. SEN Co., Hi), Coloot ol a Street, CALCUTTA, Ours is admittedly the l»est, biggest, richest and the most respectable Hindu Medical Establishment.
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    • 320 2 Ml, JUST PUBLISHED OUR BIG CATALOGUE, an indispensible Reference Book for Daily Requirements lie lie uJ UK A GENERAL Guide for anything you want to purchase. The following short headings will show the vastness ami comprehensiveness of the Catalogue. Essence, Atar, Hair oil, Ac, Perfumery. 2. Rubber stamp. Brass seal,
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  • 1036 3 UNDER REVISED S. R. A. RULES OF RACING. (The new Rules come into force on the 1st January, 1912,) RACE DAYSFIRST DAY Tuesday, 23rd January, 1912. SECOND DAY Thursday, 25th January, 1912. THIRD DAY Saturday, 27th January, 1912. FIRST DAY. Tnetday, Urd January, lull.
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  • 1088 3 During the voyage to Bombay there was lot of fun on board the Medina at the expense of the distinguished occupant of Suite No. 13. It appears that before the suites were finally allotted. No. 13 was given i to Sir Frederick Ponsonby; but Lord Aui naly, whose luck
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  • 888 3 The statement that a numlwr of “Conservative in Shanghai will appear iu foreigu clothes” in about two weeks amused n e, says C. P. Medhwist. There is something Oriental and Occult in the association of such a tremendous sartorial change us this with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1443 3 Telegram -ad res: ..INTERNATIONALE” TEMANGQOENO NEDERLANDSCHE INDIESCHE INTERNATION ALE” APOTHEEK en COMMISSIEKANTOOR STRAAT KRANGGAN NO. TEMANGGOENG. Selamanja kita p>euja t*)Lo ada sedia dan djoeal roepa-rospa. ol«at-obat. jang soeda kasoeboer paling baek, maud jeer dau moestadjab, dari itoe pembeli tida oesak kwatir dan tida nauti jieinlieli dari kita poenja toko wangnja
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    • 497 3 tinggi binatang jang paling djahat dan bilcin kita or&ng tida bisa tidoer ennk, dan itoe binatang tinggi bikin kwatir dan berbabaja bagi koearaaan badan manoesiakrana itoe binatang tinggi bisa bawa roe pa-roe pa penjakit djahat, maka kaloe orang. or&ng goenal-en dengen ini obat saja tanggoeng dalem 3 hah moeati ilang
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  • 326 4 The Comjtanies do not guarantee the dale» of arrival of these steamer», but will endeavour a» far a possible to ensure punctuality. From Alor Shir, (Kedah) —Tong Chu&n, Pec. 29 A 31. Jan. 2,4, 6,8, 10, 12. 14, 16, 18. ‘2O. 22, *24, 26, 28 30 and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 131 4 >'Tl ~l I 111 II r THIS 13 I' y 4 Watcfbory’u notarized Cod Liver CJ Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS 1 lie latest scientific pre juuat ion of COD LIVER OIL. Dues all that is claimed foi it and scdcs the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended
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    • 1126 4 You do not clean plate with a fclar* in" bru'l*. tv r jour teith with a saw. Hi t a regard-' the teeth you want to tied oi.t the really good c.leansin" medium and n:c it. li\er\thing else ha i s special medium nowaday', from bicycles to bath-rooms. Odol is
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  • 28 5 Vessels Irom Agents Due 1 1 Kleist Singapore B.M.&Co. Goebeii Colombo jB.M.&Co. Assay e Colombo A.G.ACo. Devanha Singapore A.G.ACo. i i ‘ind Jan. 4th 11th 13th
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  • 22 5 Vessel* 1 For Agents Leaves Kleist Goeben Assaye Devanha Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo B.M.&Co. B M.& Jo. A-G.&Co. A.G&Co. Jan. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 270 5 8.N.C >.40. Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service Outward. Jan 11 Assay* connecting with Macedonia Jan 25 Himalaya Morea Homeward S.S.INDIA, will ran through from China to Marseilles and London without transhipment. FAKES BY NAIL STEANERS. 1st class 2nd clans To London by Sea $565-72 $377-14 l To Marseilles or Qibraltar
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    • 275 5 <SIH I P PI NG BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co., Penang, Agents, KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROY4I. DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.) For Dili, Asahan, Paneb and Singapore. (Weekly). Deli and Batu Bahra. (Fortnightly). Deli and Langsa. (Fortnightly). Singapore (direct) Connecting with Batavia and other Java etc. ports. (Fortnightly.)
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    • 969 5 MDDE7TSCM LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAH fTTHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen JL Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice verm). Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau or Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama and
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  • 421 6 A Journal for Educated Folk. Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local 324 per anuum. j Outstatiou... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) SIS CABLE ADDREBB ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343
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  • 180 6 Zangwill said that. This is the 2nd, but the numerical order of to-day’s great thoughts is hopelessly tangled up. And again there is heavy pressure on our space. we arc doubling np our shirt "sFePYes,’so to speak, for the business of 1918. Motto No darned
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  • 95 6 E. O. There was a very large attendance at the E. A 0. Hotel New Year’s Five special dinner. The baud played, and there was an atmosphere of thorough enjoyment and good fellowship. As is his custom, Mr. .'arkies spoke a few words conveying seasonable wishes, and his friends and
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  • 72 6 Miss Isabella Frandini is a real artist. Singing Denza, Verdi. Gounod, Thorua®, Halevv, Ac. at Raffles, Saturday night, in all eleven items, she finished up with the Jewel Song fresh as a daisy. Marvellous performance, worthy large audience. She has gone to Deli. Mr. E. Monthery (fine bass
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  • 36 6 Mr. J. C. Sugars. Collector of Land Revenue, Land Office, Penang, will act as Solicitor-General from the Bth instant vice Mr. P. J. Sproule who goes to the Federated Malav State* as Judicial Commissioner.
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  • 28 6 The January Meeting of the Church W orkers’ Association is postponed until the third week, Thursday, the 18th inat., when the Annual Meeting will be held.
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  • 20 6 lb*. Rubber Est. of KMan 10,44* Padang R E 3,Ogu Padang Jawa 4.57^ Karan R. E 1,447
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  • 235 6 Some months ago, say six—we can’t get it nearer —poor Owen, the late hotel manager, was talking with the Echo-man. Suicide came up as a subject. Echo-roan said he felt like it once. Owen confided that in Rangoon he had gone so far as to write a letter
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  • 145 6 Friend at Ipoh writes asking Echo to please our oldest. S. R. A. sportsmen by referring to the late James Tait, one of our keenest sportsmen in years gone by.” The Field of Nov lHth says Mr. Tait died in London, but was buried at Kelso. He
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  • 115 6 Messrs. Powell A Co’s annual real estate report has turned up. They call 1911 another slack year, but prices satisfactory for Chinese and 6hop-house lots. No buyers for Eurojiean residences They explain that so much capital is locked up in rubber now. Municipal requirements have scared off
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  • 111 6 Supt. J. Kennedy Gibson says Deferred Telegrams in plain language will be accepted at this station, at half the ordinary rate, for all places in British Territory throughout the world, except Northern Rhodesia, Egypt, and Soudan, and for the United States of America, F’rance (including Algeria and Tunis),
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  • 94 6 The Malay Mail publishes a marching ■ong for the M S.V.R., and regrets that it cannot give the vocal score. Here are two sample stanzas Talk about disarmament, we have not got it yet ’Till the world gets sensible, a good long time, you bet! So be
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  • 72 6 T an Jiak Kim. The Echo has telegraphed congratulations to the Hon. Tan Jiak Kim in the following terms Tan Jiak Kirn, Singapore.—Echo sends vou respectful hcar'v congratulations on hour ur bestowed af'er your honourable 1 igis'a’ive service md r three monarchs and fee's proud that it* recommendation of such
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  • 92 6 The European Police of Penang dined af Raffles New Year’s Eve. Annual beano. Large attendance. Much enjoyment. After a seventeen coin*'* menu, and some toasts, there was a siuoling concert. Mr. Brunei Norman contributed some of his clever humorous items. Mr*. Brunei Norman was the accompanist for all
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  • 627 6 The Penang Police held their annual Sports on the Esplanade last Saturday and despite the bad weather in the morning the loDg programme containing no less than tweuty-five items was succesfully got J through. There were several extra items. The JBand was in attendance. The Police were as
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  • 90 6 H E Tuan Fang, about whom Reuter sends us the quaint tale to-day,was the President of the International Opium Commission at Shanghai in 1908. As Viceroy of Chihli he was impeached and sacked for allowing photos to be taken of the Imperial funeral Lately fie t»« been Director
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  • 279 6 Annual General Meeting. At the annual general meeting of the Chinese Recreation Club which was held i n the Clubhouse on New Year’s Eve the follow ing gentlemen have been elected office, bearers for this year:—' President, Loke Chow Thye Vice-Presi-dent, Lam Hor Choong; Hon. Secretary Yap
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  • 89 6 Bowls Tournament. The following ties have l>een fixed for to-inorrow Fours. 2 Mr. Justice Thornton, H. Starr, J. C. Sugars, S. C. Ambrose vs. 3 A. M. Stewart, J. S. Kirk, W. J. Turnbull, Hon. A. R. Adams. Mixed Double Handicap. Miss Thornton and Goldie (—5) Mrs.
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  • 173 6 The Echo has elsewhere a wire with particulars of the Lunas meeting at Singapore. Mr. P. D. Narahyar went down from Penang, and op>jx).sed (unsuccessfully) the adoption of the report. He wanted to know who was responsible for the report issued with the prospectus. He asked if
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  • 86 6 A Meeting of the Subscribers to this r und was held in the Governor’s Office at noon to-day. It was proposed br Mr. Peterkm and seconded by Mr. Bicknell and earned unanimously that the Resident Councillor, Penaug, ex-Officio, and the President of the Bluuicipal Commissionera, Georgetown, ex-Officio,
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  • 41 6 The engagement was announced in social circles yesterday, notably at Mrs. Anthonv’s monster reception, of Miss Audrey Thornton to Lawyer Ambrose. Miss is the accomplished and charming daughter of Mr. Justice ThorutoA«one of our most successful and popular practitioners. F
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 351 6 Visiting-“ Stay at the Grand Hotel, IPOH--^> A Homclikc Hotcl for Transient or Residential Guests, affording every known comfort an<l convenience, and appealing to those seeking the Best Accommodations at Reasonable Rates. Tbljlobams GREET, Ijm>li P. Z. CREET, Sole Proprietor. High Class Tabic Butter. SUPPLIED TO LONDON MARKET. BRITISH TESTIMONY.
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    • 66 7 At the St. Helena meeting, at Singapore Chairman Diehn said a communication had been received from the Federal Government requesting that action 1« taken in the matter of the sanitation of their coolie lines. With a view to the amalg&niation scheme ahead of them, the directors were
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    • 245 7 The Lunas meeting at Singapore lasted two hours. Chairman Robinson outlined the manner of the flotation and read Welsh’s report of his investigation covering the period from the inception to Nov. 31st. No account books were kept excepting the share ledger and the register of transfers. Both of
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    • 15 7 The land and sea sports at Singapore went off most successfully. Echo Special.
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    • 15 7 China’s new national flag is flying prominently in Singapore streets. Echo Special.
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    • 63 7 An Italian column advanced up the Derna river ou Dec. 26th to protect the engineers repairing the aqueduct that supplies the town with water. It encountered a large force of Turks who had quickfiring guDs. The Italians (according to Rome) foiled a turning movement and after a
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    • 75 7 The King, replying to an address fiom the Calcutta Corporation, remarked that the status of Bengal was enhanced by the creation of the Presidency. He felt confident that under the wise ad mi nipt, rat ion of the Governor in Council and of the Presidency it would enjoy increased
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    • 16 7 The Conference at Shaughai voted >200,000 towards the relief of the famine stricken. Reuter.
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    • 93 7 P. O. The deferred stock of the P. O. has risen 29 points in the last fortnight. This ir l»elieved to be due to negotiations pending or concluded with competitors in the Australian trade, also to an increase in the traffic with South Africa and Australia. It i« rumoured likewise
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    • 31 7 Mr. Redmond was driving in a waggonette, somewhere in Ireland, when the vehicle overturned. Reuter says he suffered contusions and shock, and must rest for some days. V. ifur
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    • 73 7 Penang learns from Durban that Ot. Petersburg learns from Hankow that the armistice having expired the Chinese opened fire from Wuchang upon the Manchus in Hanvang. Peking adds that four thousand Chinese attacked Hankow last evening, and that fighting is still going on. The Manchus are delighted
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    • 27 7 The Suffolkg are moving from Malta to Egypt under sealed orders. It is guessed that they go to preserve the neutrality of Egypt. Rev ter. •A
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    • 42 7 The Turkish Cabinet has resigned owing to obstruction by the Opposition preventing the Chamber from discussing a modification of the constitution proposed by the Grand Vizier. Later. —Said Pasha haslieen reapppointed Grand Vizier, and will endeavour to reconstitute tbe Cabinet. Reuter.
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    • 12 7 There are now four thousand Russian troops at Tabriz. Reuter.
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    • 53 7 Reuter’s man at Shanghai tells this jTuan Fang on Dec. 19th arrived in Peking disguised as a coolie. He bribed the soldiers to announce that they had murdered him. They killed a pig and exhibited their bloody swords as proof, vowing- that it was the blood of
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    • 79 7 The Lisbon Archbishop has ordered expulsion from all the dioceses for two years of the Patriarch of Lisbon, the Archbishop of Guards, and the administrator of the Bishopric of Oporto for refusal to comply with the separation law and for inciting the clergy against anti-clericalism in the
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    • 113 7 The Foreign Office announces that Smart’s wound is of the slightest. The Fox arrived at Bushire on Dec. 30th and landed 169 Carnatic infantry against possible contingencies. The details of the Consul Smart incident show that in the second attack the British casualties were five killed and ten
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    • 55 7 Weather cool and showery. Australia won toss and batted first, scoring 184. Ransford contributed 43 and Hordern 49, Barnes took five for 44. England 381. Continuing the match in cool and pleasant weather, England scored 265, Hearne’s share being 114 and Rhodes’ 61. Hordern took four for 66, and
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    • 33 7 Chicago reports that Johnson has agreed to fight McVea at Sydney, probably on Easter Monday. Johnson is to receive a purse of thirty thousand dollars with five thousand as training expenses. Renter.
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    • 30 7 I St. Petersburg learns by wire from Urga that the head of the Buddhist priesthood has taken over the government of Mongolia as 1 an autocratic ruler. Reuter.
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    • 53 7 With the King’s approval, the title of “Honourable Chief Justice” is gazetted as tbe right of the Judges of Supreme Courts in Australia and the Colonies, New Zealand, South Africa, and Newfoundland, during their tenure of office, and after retirement they are to be permitted to retain the title
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    • 46 7 An Irish team played a French team. Paris reports Ireland scored eleven to France’s six, in a game excellent throughout. The Irish forwards dribbled superbly. The French defence was splendid. There was no score in the second halt, though Ir .»md pressed hard. Reuter.
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    • 27 7 1 Reuter’s man at Christ Church wiring about the Davis Cup says simply A ustralia I America Brookes Wright 6426 6363 Heath Larned 2661 7562.” Reuter.
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    • 45 7 The import duty paid on tea in 1911 was j for Great Briton. The .miount imported wus 296,000.000 pounds, the highest amount, exceeding the 1910 figures bv nine millions. The average wholesale price was 8.91 pence per lb, the highest in the decade. Reuter.
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    • 21 7 Franz Joseph, reported ill en the 20th inst.. is now rmrorted. by Vienna to be completely recovered. V i Reuter.
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    • 179 7 Concerning that Thames contract for cruisers, it is understood the Government s offer was contingent on the men working Northern hours, 53 hours a week instead of 48. A demonstration of Thames workers previously arranged took place in Trafalgar Square to-dav, to demand Fairplay for the Thames.” It is
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    • 89 7 Honorary K.C.M.G. —H. H. the Sultan of Selangor. C.M.G.—Hon. Tan Jiak Kim, M.L.C., Singapore. Knighthood—John Auderson, unofficial M L.C, Singapore. C.M.G.—Hon. Mr. Hewitt, M.L.C., Hongkong P. O. Supt. Altogether there are three new peerages, ten baronetcies, and 27 knighthoods, mostly for Home notables. An Honorary G. C.
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    • 86 7 The ranks of the Civil Service were swollen at midnight on Sunday by the addition of 18,000 persons. The Government then took over the business of the National Telephone Company. The staff had arranged concerts and dinners and dances in celebration. Later. —The transfer was effected at midnight
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    • 184 7 On the eve of a great Peace dinner, with President Taft as the guest of honour, Mr. Roosevelt publishes in The Outlook an article denouncing the arbitration treaties as likely to tell against peace. He says thev put America “as a nation in an attitude of unctuous and
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    • 125 7 Alarm is spreading at Berlin owing to the failure to solve the poison mystery. The cases at the Municipal shelter have reached the total of 132, with siit.y deaths. The Kaiser has demanded a report from the Minister for Home Affairs Similar cases have occurred in other parts
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    • 43 7 The Queen nut the King at Bankipurand returned to Calcutta. Their Majesties received a remarkably fervid welcome when they reached Calcutta. The decorations were superb. The King’s remark that Calcutta m ist always remain the premier city was loudly cheered. Reuter.
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    • 18 7 The British revenue for the quarter ending I>ec 31st was <£‘40,888,863, an increase of £1,872,226. Reuter.
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    • 33 7 Tbe White Star Company has ordered at Belfast- a 47,000 ton steamer, to be 882 feet long, “with 93i feet beam, and to cost one and a half millions. Reuter.
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    • 30 7 In consequence of getting native intelligence that the Moroccans are expecting 20,000 reinforcements, Spain has decided to despatch to Melilla all the forces necessary to quell the rising. Reuter.
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    • 43 7 In his New Year message the Archbishop of Canterbury alludes feelingly to their Majesties’ splendid errand of peace to the millions of India. He endorses the Insurance Bill as a wise and thoughtful provision for our weakest and poorest brethren. Reuter.
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    • 44 7 llie Les A ngeleB Federal grand jury investigating the Macnamara dynamite outrages has indicted the brothers Macnamara and three other labour leaders for conspiracy and tbe unlawful transport of dynamite. A inter arrest included Tvietmore, the president of the Asiatic Exclusion League. Reuter.
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    • 54 7 A great landslip has destroyed part of the historic white cliffs l>etween Dover and Folkestone. Tbe noise was heard for miles. The debris spread seawards for a quarter of a mile and caused a tidal wave. Vessels in Folkestone harbour broke their moorings. For a while there
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  • 425 7 Arrived. Per s.s. Klang, Ist Jan., from Singapore Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Bos, Mr. and Mrs. Tan Cheng Geok. From Port Swettenham Mrs. R. T. Olsen, Mr. Chew Kam Chuan, one Chinese Lady, Mr. C. A. Snow, Mr. Brown, Captain Neilsen, Mr. Coohraue, Mr. Goldie,
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  • 40 7 The following business in tin has been done to-day:— Penang Penang Tin Exchange, 40 buyers, no sellers W Singapore Straits Trading Co., 65 tons at 95.75 Rangoon rice is quoted here to-dav at $lBO per coyan.
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  • 38 7 Here are the December output figures as wired from the Tongkah Harbour Dredging Co. to Penang. Dredger. Working Pikuls. No. 1 309 144 2 593 442 3 553 989 4 474 195 5 493 4M--2,422 2.234
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  • 95 7 News has reached us of a sad drowning accident at Trengganu, of which Mr. V. Gulstad, in the service of the East Asiatic Company Ltd was the victim. Mr. Gulstad was only recently appointed manager of the Kretay Cocoa nut Estates at Trengganu and had lieen
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  • 101 7 Here is a tip for Tuans and lowkays. An official has asked the Echo to mentiou the matter, free of charge. We don’t mind, this time. The address of a telegram should be sufficient to enable it to l>e delivered without reference to the Directory or other
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  • 115 7 As fighting has restarted in China, according to Reuter, we may take it that the Peace Conference between Y uan and Tang Shaoyi has achieved nothing material. We read that Tang Shao-yi expressed willingness for a republic, but said he must consult Yuan in Peking. Evidently, as
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  • 94 7 Figuring as Kung Tien Cheng, 72nd collateral descendant of Confucius, our young fiie’id from Singapore (late India) has interviewed the China Press,” and told it he is at Shanghai to the conference. He savs Yuan Sjhih-kai is the only man to sarw Chi; a. It has lieen proposed
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  • 97 7 Mr. G. H. M. Robertson as a Sings pore Magistrate. Messrs. G. H. Sugdeu, H. R. Bull, W. S. Ebden, and W. S. Eames as cadets. [Penang gets Sugden. Postage on parcels to Australia 45 cents a pound now. Registration of Thung Yit Hai Nviap Hong, as a Singapore
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  • 34 7 To- DAT 14th Day of 11th Moon. P. C. C. Bowls Ties. Ravmond’s Magical Performance, Town Hall. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road, 9 p.m. Japanese Bioscope, Penang Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 11 7 Great Peppermint Cure for all internal oomplainU, dyaentry. copghi, oolda ate.
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    • 37 7 HonoS'Vi brings about satisfactory insults without the aid of any local treatment and is the latest and most scientific Remedy and far superior to combinations of t>lain Sandalwood oil, CopAifca, stc. At all chemists 1 and dealtr^
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    • 14 7 For all internal complaints, dysentery, ooughs colds. Me.., take 'Woods* GRfeat Peppermint On re.
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    • 40 7 Hamburg Export firm which is thoroughly acquainted with the requirements of this market wants to start business with a first class European connection. One of the partners will visit Penang in 1912. XiuJlj star terms etc. Box 80. 2-1-12 2
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    • 363 7 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LTD. Hiad Ornci:—SINGAPORE. Life Aaanrancc and Endowment in All Forma. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW RATES Finimcial Ayent a jur I'many. MACBETH AND BARRETT. General Representative /or I’ enemy. HORACE B. JOSEPH. Local Office: —No. 7, Union Strict. Depositor* in the Savings Bank are reminded to
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    • 108 8 Himalaya, Br. s.s., 8,70*5, Gregor, 30th Th*c., Shanghai, 20th Dec., Gen. A G A Co. H*he, Br. 8.8., 340, Williu, 31st Dec., Teluk Auson. 30th Dec., Gen.—A. G. A Co. Renoa, Dut. 8.8., 330, Tweedj, 31st Dec., l>eli, SOth Dec., Gen.—H L. A Co. Omaprri Br. b.s., 340, Lyons,
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    • 58 8 2nd January. Leony Ho, for Batu Bahra. Tony Chay Un, for Trang. Omapere, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Kedah, for Bindings and Sitiawan. Hebe, for Teluk Ausod. Klany, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Kleisi, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples, for Europe etc. Perak, for Deli.
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    • 278 8 fW Alor 8tar (Kedah) —Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Deli —Per Ca!yp»o, to-morrow, 11 a.mPang Nga.—Per Deii, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Holt Canton, tomorrow, 2 p.m. Singapore. China Japan—Per Goeben, 4th instant, 1 p.m. Port Swettenhani and Singapore —Per Thnngwa, 4th instant, 3 p.m »’i» Wm
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  • 125 8 Pbnano, 2nd Jancabt. (By courtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4£ 3 Credit 2/4£ T 3 Documentary.. 2/4£f Calcutta, Demand Bank Ra. 174 3 days* sight Private l r /5J Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Monlmein, Deman cl Bank 173 3 days' sight
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  • 229 8 Gold Leaf *0 *.oo Black Pepper no stock White Pepper buyers Trang Pepper 20.—sow. Ctoves 34 —sellers li*B —nominal Pickings 100— buyers Nutmegs 110 s 26.50 sales n (No. 1 8.20 saleSugar I 2 8.10 sal Basket 5.10 nom. Copra (mixed) 9.95 sa i et Tahbuu 190. —se e
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  • 201 8 Prnano, 2nd Januau', 19?2 Bkkv cts. Soup por catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew 0• Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Ueart 3^ Liver per catty 55 PoKK Pork per caltv 32 Pig’s Head... .h n 20 fi*P( A
    201 words
  • 1067 8 Name. RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARKS. Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate. Ltd. Balgownie Rubber Estate Ltd.... Changkat Serdang Estate I td. Glenealy Plantations. Limited. Henrietta Estates Limited. Jebong (Pen v Rubber Co., Ltd. Kedah Rubuei o Ltd. do premiumshares Malakofl Rubber On., Ltd. Nellmay Rubber Co. Ltd., Perak Riv. r ilijy Rubber Co..
    1,067 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 33 8 Dr. Friedlaender testifies that tionoun exerts a favourable influence in removing complications and haemorrhage; also more rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by it than by any other preparation af Sandalwood oil etc.
      33 words
    • 148 8 Tke Chinese Steamship Coy., Ltd. For Singapore, Hontkont, Amoy V Svatow. The s.B. Curtnia, (Stamg Guon 4,572 tons, Captain J. is expected to arrive Lore from Rangoon on Thursday, the 4th inst. and will leave for the a)x>ve ports on the following day at 5 p.m. For freight or passage,
      148 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 2025 9 A—JUST UNPACKED. APENTA APENTA STRAW HATS KLT HATS. SINGAPORE HELMETS. NATURAL APERIENT WATER THE BEST Bottled at the Syr.mis. Budafed. Hungary: rJ[ a J ufa Apefient WdtCf. GOLD MEDAL, PITH HATS. St. Louis 1904. A Course of Apenta taken before DOUBLE TERAI. TERAI HATS. TWEED CAPS. i k DOSE.—A Wineglattful
      2,025 words

  • 3848 10 The fifth annual ordinary general meeting of the Malacca Rublier Plantations Limited, was held on sth Doe.. 15*11. at, Winchester House, Old Broad-street, K.C., Mr. J. Malcolm Lyon presiding. The Secretary Mr. A. \V Copeland) h&viug read the notice convening the meeting and the auditors’ rejiort. The
    3,848 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 40 10 Whoopi»! Cough. Whooping cough is not dangerous when thec«iugh is kept loose an<i expectorati *n easy l»y giving CftanWlain’* Coin»!* R*n»«wlv. It has used in many epidemic* of this disease with perfect buccess. J’or sale bjr *11 Dispensaries and Dealer*.
      40 words
    • 44 10 Ye V ir'irls, re r’uV» and «.iris. Ye I’lirmiinn workiut? •’liaps. Ye Beets and Irislwnarv Turk»». Rn»va"« and Jape. Tf rnu are ill. w»tS ua<ty ehill Trv Weeds* Or at Peppermint Cure. Au<l *enJ the l ain a tear azain. It's needles to endure.
      44 words
    • 323 10 TO-NIGHT. 3©;r;e Town Cinema^rjjraiDhA Grand Op?oiturity Cfferel THE FESTIVE SEASON. A Happy and Prosperow New Year TO OUR VARIOUS PATROFs 7be Best of Programmes arranged with 2 AMERICAN BIOGRAPH FILMS. 2 ON THE REFF 1,500 fa t. SYNOPSIS: —Tiie Poor mother’s last request t’ a* h;•<1 iu future uaav l*>
      323 words
    • 788 10 €i+ m V/ Ah, This Is What I Need for My Nerves' exclaims the man who has read what physicians and their patients say about the wonderful achievements of Sanatogen—the food tonic with lasting effects. He has read the reports of physicians, ringing with praise of its value, the opinions
      788 words

  • 848 11 Says Lack or Sanitation Results in Survival of Only The Hardy. New York, Nov. 18.—Prof. A. E. Rom attempts to show iu au article on The Race Fibre of the Chinese,” contributed to The Popular Science Monthly, that the lowerclass Chinese display threat resistance to
    848 words
  • 1473 11 The Dowager Curbed. Peking, I)ec. 8. The unheralded edict I from the Empress Dowager, accepting the “resignation” of the Prince Regent, constitutes one of the most dramatic ol all happenings in this great political upheaval, and shows the tremeudou* extent to which the reform element
    1,473 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 78 11 Somethin* to Remember. When buviug a cough medicine for children War in min<l that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is most effectual for colds, up croand whooping cough and that it contains no harmfull drug. For sale by all 1 hspeusaries and Dealers. STEEL. jM J? 9 for I nrlies f French
      78 words
    • 37 11 Muscular Rheumatism It is worse than useless to take any medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that is n« is a free application of Chamberlain s Pain Baltn. For sale by all Dispensaries an<l Dealer*
      37 words
    • 274 11 THE WONDERFUL EXTERNAL APPLICATION. It speedily ;ind permanently cures iinpotency arising out of excessive habits intemperance, nocturnal emissions, old age weakness, &<*., Ac. Even where the jnjwer is I completely lost this oil with a verv short time j will restore the usual strength and vigour. Its curative power is
      274 words
    • 694 11 GREEN OLD AGE f a? Assured by the Occasional Use of Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills. To reach a green old age and enjoy good health can only be obtained by the care of the system. It is from the little irregularities of the system that the common ailments arise,
      694 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 899 12 W. MANSON, A meric* n Dentist Late of Dr. Alta f Co., Pha, D. S. A. Charges Moderate, ConsultationJFree. UNHIDING AT So. 21 a, Penang Road. A ta loots from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. TECK COMPANY, Shanghai Carpenters V Furnishers, 4, PENANG ROAD. High-class Household Furniture kept in stock
      899 words