Straits Echo, 4 December 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1058 1 f von rojuire a Tonic Jand some thing to nourish you, I>r:nk Dog’s Head Guinness's Stout, V and look for tfiis label to see that you get it. LKK A Co., Sole Agents. £5 2 v y A hikM Andrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDIUNDS. BUTTERY S
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    • 34 1 Order it in Nip Pottles. Dog's Feed Cuirr iss's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothe* and doesn’t harm. Observe this label, j it is on every genuine Nip. TIANO LKK Co.. Sole Agentt.
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  • 1560 2 The heartless a<Tvice to 44 tell your troubles to a policeman is being bettered in CliHRigo, where the city has instituted a special court to listen to domestic complaints 44 A great many people have had to tell their troubles to a policeman who
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  • 635 2 The reinaius of a village of lake-dweliers iu Sweden near Alvastui, in Ea-t Gothland, are being explored with interesting results I bv the Swedish Academy of Sciences. Dr O to Frddiu, who lias charge ot t i* w«i r k. Punks the xplorations will throw
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  • 691 2 Italy couldn’t wait until Thanksgiving for a s-lice of Turkey.— New York Herald. i Soon there will be nothing of Tu'key loft but the wish-bone.— Wall Street Journal. Tbeoider the Young Turks liecotne the i more trouble they seeui t«> get into. BuUe Inter Mountain We imagine the
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  • 88 2 Decembek, 1911. Date. H W LW- HW. L. W. AM. A.M. P.M. PM. 4th 10.04, 4 09. 10 15, 421 sth 10.33, 4.49. il.oo, 5.11 oth 11 22, 5 3«, Nil. 5.58 7th 12.10, 0.21. 12.33, 044 Bth 12 50. 7 03, 1.21. 733 9th 1
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  • 1112 2 Mr T Louoh, m p.. Explains the Nature or Oppressive Trust. All Free Trade members were gratified to bear the Prime Minister say iu reply to a question by Mr. Thomas Lough, that the I Foreign Secretary hoped, in f he course of a 1 few
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  • 869 2 A crop, to get the best results, must have tie* G41 to itself. We recognize this easily l in the ia-e of visible weeds, which we do o*ir lt* t to keep down. But the vegetation j n **t h irmful to crops is not always
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 38 2 Moscuhr Rheumatism. It is worse than useless to take anv rneliciues internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that is needed is a free aj p ioatiou of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. For sale by all Dispensaries ar.d I>ealers.
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    • 102 2 SELF CURE NO FICTION) THE NEW F RINCH°REV^Y THERAPION „0 1 in a remarkably short time, often a few d.vs o n tjires disrharge>< either sex/supersodiag injections THERAPION N 0.2 u e< y|ood po son, bad legs, ul. ers, sores, painful kwjl.-d io:n:s.&c. when m«-r< u-iai treatment fat's THERAPION N
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    • 726 2 JUST RECEIVED. Sagir Tracing Cloth 41 in 24 yards ...§2O-00 per roll Excelsior Tracing Cloth 40 in 24 yards ...§24-00 Tracing piper 40 in 21 yards ...$4-50 Continuous Drawing Paper 54 in. 12 yards 9-00 CRITERION PRESS LTD. THE" Loni«io>i Directory (Published Annually.) IZ' NABLES traders throughout the World to
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  • 1416 3 OrriciaL Minutes. Minutes of a special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Thursday the pth November, 1911. Present. W. Peel, Esq., President. Quah Beng Kee, Esq. G. N. Save, Esq. Lim Eu Toh, Esq. Yeoh Guan Seok, Esq. Absent. W. T. Chapman, Esq. 1 The minutes of
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  • 1265 3 Professor Stephen Leacock's Nonsense Novels are deliberate nonsense, and make fine fun of the fashion of modern novels. And we get most of this in the chapter on The Man in Asbestos All Allegory of the Future." “I always bad been, I still
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  • 552 3 Expected Arrivals. The Companies do not guarantee the dates of arrival of the steamer*, but will endeavour as Jar as possible to ensure punctuality. j From Alor Star, (Kedah). —Kedah, Dec. 2,4, 6, 8, 10,12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22,24, 20. 28 30 and Tong Chuan, Doc.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 751 3 fi *=>—* D#C >*C >#C ♦C TriE BERNESE ALI'S MILK CO.'s Products were awarded the GRAND PRIX (The highest award obtainable) At the Universal and Colonial Exhibition, Brussels, 1910. SLEDGE MILK is supplied to all the GOVERNMENT MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES. Local Aye at* SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO.
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  • 865 4 There is feeling against the Man control of the Foreign Office and the secrecy of that Man and his refusal to 1 itform the House of Commons, whose serrfcfet lie is, of what is going on behind the flfifrei gn Office doors. We are not taken
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 THIS IS IT WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS t The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Hlyhlv recommended by the medical profession. OE ALL CME>tfSTS Price *l-25 And 2-00
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    • 434 4 Serious Side of a Cold. Do you know that of all the minor ailments folds are by far the most dangerous r It is not the cold" itself that you need to fear, but the serious diseases that it often leads to. Most of these are known as germ diseases.
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    • 1709 4 PENANG SALES BOOM, BEACH STREET, PENANG. ESTABLISHED 1892. I'NDEK THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OP THE HON'BLE t. N. BLAND. C. M. LATE RESIDENT COUNCILLOR. PENANC. Auctioneer*. Brokers, Appraisers House ssi Lend Agents, Skipping and General Commission Agents. Import Merchants, l)ealerB in British, Continental, an<! Oiiental Curios, Wholesale ami Retail. Cabinet, Furniture
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  • 30 5 Vessels j Irorn Agents Due P. Alice Singapore P. Liulioiy Colombo Devctnha Colombo Assay e Singapore I B.M.ACo.. B.M.&Co. A.O.&Co. A.C.&Co. 5th Dee. 7 th it 14th 16th
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  • 24 5 Vessels For 1 Agents Leave* P Alice Colombo BM.&Co. Dec. P. Ludwig B M.&Co Devanha Singapore A.G.&C0. Assay? Colombo A.(j <tCo. I 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 302 5 am S.N.C Arrivals and Departure*. Mall Service Outward. I Mo. 14 Himalaya connecting with Malwa D*<\ IP Delta Mantua 1913 Jan. 11 Assay» Macedonia Homeward. S.S INDIA, will run through from China to lUrcilles and London without transhipment. FAKES RY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class To London by Sea
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    • 336 5 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Fob Singapore (Three times a week). Tort Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Intended to Sail. 1 Thur. 7th Dec., 4 p.m. Sat. 9th Dec., 4 p.m. Sun. 10th Dec., 4 p.m. Thur. 14th Dec 4 p.m. Thur 7th Dec., 4 p.m. Sat 9th
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    • 1095 5 (SHIPPING.) MDMTSCM LL07U, BREMEN. GERMAN MAIL LINE rilHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen X. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and rice verm). Port Said, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau or Nagasaki, Yokohama and hack.
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  • 428 6 A JoCRJTAL VOE EnrCATBD Fole. Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226 —232 Beach Street, Penaug. Price. Daily Local $2l per annum Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 515 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343
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  • 1053 6 Iu the sense that ev *ry picture attempts to convey the artist’s impression of the 1 subject treated, all pictures are 41 ,'inpres siomst.” The word, however, has a technical significance which we think has not alwav* been understood by all the members of the PenaDg Impressionists’ Club, whose
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  • 525 6 The distribution of prizes to the several winners at the recent Billiard Tournament of the Penang Musical Union, Pulo Tikus, was held on Saturday night at the Club 1 preur’ses. Mrs. Andres, wife of the President, i gave away the prizes. This was followed by > a
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  • 500 6 Veterans n*. The Hist. This match was played ou th« Esplanade on Saturday aftern.K>n Tlu Veterans hatted first. May aud Rrid being the first two sent to the wicket to face the liowling of Dr. Khong and Bruce. May was out after scoring 12 runs: Reid scored 42 runs.
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  • 225 6 La.wn Tennis TqURNAAJENT. Following are the results of the ties played ou Saturday; Single* Handicap, C/a** A. Ho Oon Tat beat Dr. Liiu Guan Cheng, 6—B 6 2. Double* Hami i cap, Clae* li. Ewe Cheng Khay and Oh Joo Choe beat Yeo Boon Swee and Lini
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  • 443 6 Beno Kee to he No*m ATr A public .«taj b„ld tb, UuL* Town Hall on Saturday afternoon to n «m nate a candidate as Municipal Comnm,, for tlm term 19 2 -4. Mr. Q„ah iJT Kee is the retiring Commissioner. The following gentlemen were i>res,.nt Messrs. OngHon Chong
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  • 145 6 The following notification appears iu the current issue of the Government Gazette. The Government has for some tune had under consideration the question of the recruitment of Chinese labourers and the signing by them of contracts to labour for specified periods in the Colony and the Mjilay States.
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  • 41 6 Bowls Tournament. Following are the fixtures for next Wednesday Single Handicap. S. C. Ambrose (Scr.) v*. W. J. Turnbull (Scr.). R. Wallace (Scr.) ve. V. G Back (Scr.). Double Handicap. Southam and Riley (—5) Hertz and Henderson (Scr.).
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  • 175 6 Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $98.10 buyers. no sellers in Singapore (refined at $98.75 buyers, no sellers. Rangoon rice is quoted to-day at *2lB per coyan. Outside. —The following articles will he found ou our outside pages Page 2.—A Court to Quiet Family -hr*.'
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 170 6 Xmas Trips by B. 1. Steamers. RETURN TICKETS AT 2 3RDS OF RETURN FARE. are iaaued on aU linen of the Company available between 15th December and 15th January next. For Time table», fares, etc., apply to: Huttenbach, Liebert Co if 22 11-11 #O3 AGENTS, B. iS. N. Co. Ltd.
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    • 40 6 IVof. Schmidt prefers Untim »11 (Santal. Kiiwa Riedel’s) to any other preparation of Santaiwood oil. Although he used the in more than 20 cases, he ha* never observed any signs of nausea, flatulency nephritic pains, pruritus nor skin ori; ♦Jons!
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    • 27 7 Adamson, Gilfillan Co. New Director. Mr. M. E. Plumpton has l>een appointed a director of Messrs. Adamson. Gilfillan an*l Co according to a Singapore wire. Echo Special.
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    • 30 7 Going Home on Leave. Dr. J. Gray, of the Tnn Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore, is going home by the (fermau mail on six months’ leave. Echo Special.
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    • 106 7 A telegram from Shanghai states that after the bombardment on Saturday morning a parley wa* held. A telegram from Nanking states that the Manchus have surrendered the city General Cbanghsun escaped to Pukow. He took train for the North. The Manchu Chili Army fought the rel«ela at Pukow
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    • 41 7 The PethickLawrence Case. Mrs. Pet hick Lawrence, who was sentenced to a mouths imprisonment on November 24 for lieing concerned in the r«tent Suffragette raid, has l*>eti released on bail pending a trial as t<> the legality of the conviction. Reuter.
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    • 69 7 'l’he Ij.tily Telegraph understands that the House of Loras will pass the Insurance Bill unamended, thus <}ecliniqg the responsibility of the details while accepting tip» principle. |t will reject the Naval Prize Hill embodying the principles of the Iteelaration of London on the ground that the measure is
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    • 49 7 Lord Charles Beresford, speaking at Portsmouth, said that he was glad the new Admiralty Board was going to have a war staff When it was created he would sit still about the Navy. The drastic changes m tlr Admiralty were all due to the AngloUmuaii crisis. Reuter.
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    • 24 7 Mr. Bonar Law has invited Mr. F. E. Smith to a seat on the front Opposition Bench. Renter.
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    • 73 7 A telegram from Brussels says that tin- Socialist leader Vaulervelde has intrwlm-H,! a Bill in tlje Ohunjlier providintr for a Parliamentary enquiry into •I» 1 «nforcement of reforms ip the Congo. Wmlervelde has published a statement formidably indicting the manner of '•«Trying out reforms. Ife declares that -•c
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    • 46 7 A telegram from Kansas City says that a Mutch for the world's wrestling ohampioq- ip in the catch as catch can style has been jrranged for December 27 between Alec nro °f Kugland and Frank Goteli of America. The purse will lie SIO.OOO. Reuter.
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    • 71 7 telegram from Berlin state- that the Mai paper Norddeutsch* Zeitung, which t; r> 11 silent about eir Edward s r. r reat sjieech on Moroccan uiat■r* sa Vs Bat it prefers to wait fpr explanations at the next ta a *e on the agreement Irefore to in f
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    • 34 7 *.™i Jol,n R L r Liberal, M.P. fc.r Po t»V lrown f PO, n bis horse and f 1 ‘he hunting held. He is suffering Jtn "light ooneugsion. Reuter.
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    • 468 7 A telegram from Bombay states that the j Medina, conveying the King and Queen to I India, approached the anchorage in brilliant Isunshine. The harbour was elaborately I decorated, and the euthusiastn of the specI tat ore was very yreat. It was a memorable I
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    • 49 7 The retirement of th*; Hoetzendorff, chief of tfie Austrian German Staff, has caused a sensation in Vienna. It is ascribed tq differences with Count Alois you Austrian Foreign Minister. Hoetzeiidorff iusisted on extensive military measures ou the Italian frontier in view of the war with Tripoli. Reuter.
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    • 100 7 The Marquis of Waterford was found drowned in the River Clodigh near his residence Curraghmore. The inquest into his death returned a verdict of accidental death His father and great grandfather both died violent deaths as the result of accidents in the hunting field. Moke Details.
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    • 100 7 It is rum lured iu Berlin tha f the Reichstag will lie asked to vot Q for the Navy, to be spread over six years. A Question.* A tchgratn from Berlin says that the infl’ienti.d Conservative paper, The Post, is of opinion that Great Britaiu aud not German
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    • 68 7 Lord Lausdowue ami Air. Austen Chamberlain were the chief speakers at the Unionist demonstration *t D»rby. Lord Lausdowue said that with the constitution broken up and public money scattered lavishly, with the m >st numerous and arrogant bureaucracy ever known, the Government was starting a frenzied career
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    • 42 7 The Italians at Tripoli drove off a considerable force of Turkish regulars aud Arabs at the point of the bayonet. The artillery shelled the fugitives. The Italian casualties were tight killed and seventeen wounded. The Turkish loss was heavy. Reuter.
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    • 48 7 A telegram from Teheran states that Masir-ed-dowleh, a former opponent of the Constitutional movement has been assassinated. I A telegram from Teheran states that Hadji Mahomed Tagi, the reactionary, was murdered on Sunday morning. It is reported that Prince Firman Firma has been assassinated at Kasvin. Router.
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    • 70 7 Fate of Nanking. 1 A from Peking states that the Chines** hive capture*! the bills cottimand* iug Nanking. The Government fears that if Naukjug falls the rebels will march to Tientsin aud Peking. Authorise!» Austrian Lari»!***. The oommauder of the Austrian cruiser Kaiser Franz Joseph his bc*u
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    • 100 7 A telegram from Los Angeles states'tliaf James McNamara has pleaded guilty to murdering one of the twenty-one victims of the dynamiting outrage at the Los Angeles Timas Office in October, 1910. Bis brother John M -Nainara pteaded j g lilty to destroying the Llewellyn Ironworfcs. Sentences
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    • 128 7 The match betwem the M.C.C. jk’ebm aud (Queensland at B is bane was continue! on Saturday. The weather was hot-tem-pered by light breezes. 7.0J0 p ople wewj, present. The M C. C Team scored 27-3 in their first inuings towards which total 1 Mead contributed 79 and
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  • 456 7 Tea. —The amount of tea from China bv the s. s Hong Wan 1 was 307 cases Candles About 1,300 cases of candles were by the ss Edivana: Tin. —Thes.s Hebe brought 4-, 11 '&bags of tiu ore and 83b slabs of tin. The s s. Avagyee brought
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  • 160 7 Town ay Attacked in a Gharry. While riding to Ampang the other evening in a gharry, Towkay Quah Seng, of the Ampang. (Gambling Farm, was attacked and roblied by fellow-passengers. He had readied the 4th mile without adventure when one of the two Chinamen sitting opposite him
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  • 138 7 i, Mr. Lew Boon Liong writes thus to a I Singapore contenqtorary ij After reading your issues, dated November 28 and 29, 1911, resulting the fan jof Hank gw, Hanyang, and Wuchang, the revolutionists liere at once wired to II iqteh fnr information in order to find
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  • 133 7 10-'i Y 14th iKy. of t>-'h Mo. m Pi C C ..Bowls 'Tie. Bind, Esplan de, ti p.m I mpressmuists -Exhibition, Engincem” Institute; to Lolge Scotia.: Emergency Mee’ing. b p ui Volunteer Recruit Drill A” Co > George Towu Cineuiat >giapii, Kuala Kangsar Road, Si p.m. Japanese Bioscope, Penang
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  • 18 7 O Full. Moon v Dec. fth Last Quarter 13th O New Moon 20th First Quarter 29th
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  • 33 7 P. O. SAILINGS. Mad Service. ftuTwjinr; Homkwikd Devanh* 14 Dec. Aesaye 16 Dec beltu 19 I Himalaya .30 Fxira Service. <»VTWA«D HoMKWARD. Norĕ ?> Dev I Namur 6 Dee. Palermo 12 j Palawan 2»
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 49 7 a 1 5"“» l v l«»niti.»n>of ('opsiibrw' oil <loes not ttffwt the 1 url ie stomach ;m<l is well le&jrtU,, ,1' l ie l**tieut even after Prow!? 1 ir atlaeilt Trials by the Medical *tion ir 11 bl, Ka^- Samples free on appli--100 am of the chief Penang Chemists-
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    • 12 7 Woods’ Great Peppernvn'' Cure for all internal complaints, dvsnntrv. coughs, colds etc
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    • 94 7 Something to Remember I aWhen Kti Dug a wujh medicine ,<!£*/; Cor cbi*lnrar, in mind that Chamberlain's ’Cough IJeui »s must effectual for colds, j croup arid whooping cough ami that it contains no ba nifull drug. For sate hv all Dispensaries -ami Dealers. m MUNICIPAL NOTICE. i A Special
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    • 820 7 ong! P. C. C. Debentures. J >81 car The following Debentures trill be r(*4eem Premier Pocket ed on the 28th Feb., 1912, and will to bear Interest after that date Nos. 154, 148, 74, 147, 184, 28, 84, 192, 112, 10, 188, 197, 92, 132. 84. W. HAMILTON, Secretary, P.
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    • 123 8 Sappho, Br. 328, Staoh, 2nd Dec., Tongkah, Ist Da<u, G«n.—A. G. A Co. Aragvee, Br. s.s., 247, Harvey, 2nd Dec., Fort Bwottenham, Ist Dec., Oen.— K. 8. Co., Ltd. Delta, Br 4.780. Martin. 2nd Dec., Singapore, Ist Dec., Gen. —A. G. A Co. Perak,' Br. s s., 251, Lingard,
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    • 58 8 4th Decembee. for Port Bwcttenhain, Port Dickson and Malacca Ban Wkatt Soon, for Langkat A Pangkalan. Brandan. Persia, tor Singapore, China and Japan. Tong CKay Un, for Trang. Canton, (or Diadings, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson. A. Apear, for Singapore, China and Japan. Un Peng, tor Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and
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    • 303 8 Poa Yen —Per Jit Beng, to-morrow, 7 a.ra. Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Kodak, tomorrow, 7 a.m. Tongkah—Per Bappko, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swatteaham and Singapore—Per Omapere, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Dindings and Sitiawan —Per Pangkor, tomorrow, 4 p.m. Teluk Aneon—Per Hebe, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Port Swettenbam and Singapore—Per Klang,
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  • 128 8 Pnixo, 4th Dhcbmbbe. (By cowrtesy of tke Chartered Bank.) (jondon. Demand Bank 2/4^. 4 months* sight Rank 2/4^j 3 Credit 2/4 8 Documentor?.. 2/4*| ’alcutta, Demand Ban* l Rs. 174 3 day*’ sight Fri 1',54 dntnba?, Demand Ban* >74 Moulmem, Demand Bank I 3$ 3 days’ sight Priva-* 6
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  • 218 8 Gold Leaf 364.60 Black Pepper HO stock White Pepper 27.40 buyers Trang Pepper 20. nom. Cloves 42. nominal Mace log —nominal Pickings 105 —sellers Nutmegs 110 s. 26.50 sales (No. 1 8 29 sal' Sugar 2 810 sal s (.Basket 5.10 nom. Copra (mixed) 11.30 nom. Tahbun 190.—
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  • 176 8 Per a so, 4th I)kcsm3SS, 1911. Berk— rU Soup inr catty I 1 Roast 24 Steaks n 21 Stew o' Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 10 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 3u Liver per catty 55 Poke Fork per catty 32 Pig’» JO Tongue
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  • 1975 8 3 1 i o 3 N umber of "3 i .2 i Capital. Shares Dividend*. Name. u 4 kmL i i Jiil mm m, m Li I j j 1906*15)07 1908 1909 Il*****ll RUBBER—ImiLLAR SHAKEN, p.c. p.o. p.c. p.o. I p. c. .905' 150.000 130,000 l l Ayer Kuning
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 41 8 Wkoopint Coefk. Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and expectoration easy bv giving Clianberlain’s Cough Remedy. It has been used in many epidemics of this disease with perfect success. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 56 8 A. hundred bottles stood one day In a chemist’s shop just o’er the way He sold them all. see what they brought To the people who these bottles bought. Woods’ Peppermint Cure was in each one, They cured before that day was done Quite sixty colds and twenty chills, Twelve
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    • 37 8 D These tiny Capsules superior to Copaiba, Cubebs and Injections CURE ihe same diseases as these drugs in FORTY-EIGHT HOURS without inconvenience. Each Capxule heart the name (wUTJ Paris. 8, rue Vivienne Sold J>/ all Cheat Istt
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  • 1582 9 Saturday, Nov. 4. Letter to the British Consul. The following is a rough translation of the letter addressed yesterday by the revolutionary party to the British Consul General, before the taking over of the native city and Kiangnan dockyard. The Military Governn ent of the Chinese People Ninth
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 506 9 artificial flowers OF ALL KINDS A COLOURS The Largest and Best Assortment in the Trade. CAN BE OBTAINABLE At No. 52 B. Malay Street &00N YEN a FRIENDS. Or the Eighth Wonder of the World. A 1 SWIFT, SURE, MAGICAL—The ily cure for infectious Diseases of the Urinary Cim! of
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    • 64 9 tCD THIQ 13 I if/\nhn^ T i'Q '•»▼1 *jf '(1 Cod liver Oil Compound Bitssefa n TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre paration of COD LI YL R OIL. Does all that i„ claimed for it and sup* r sedcs the old fashioned emulsions hieh upset the stomach. Highly re
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    • 100 9 The Wise Mother. Tin- most prominent phvsician iu tin* o untry cannot produce better results in the tieatnient of coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough ihan the wise mother with a a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy e always keeps it in a handy place and knows where to lay
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  • 1927 10 Mr. H. G. Wells, the novelist, has a very attractive and arresting article on the future of the novel in the Noreml er Fortnightly Review. The gist of it is that the novel, like John Wesley, has got to take the whole
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  • 1054 10 Iu the search for distinguish*! trustworthy Chinese, who are suited .7 of filling the post of Premier 0 f\T New Government, a few names Uv j‘ e brought forward for the consideration of i? who are interested in the present nolir i situation of China.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 679 10 ESTO. IQOO Wonderful Discovery. Money returned in case of failure. < I flow Dr. (fli oae’s renowned Bperi tic for Varicocele and Elephantiasis is i. gu;irunt«w*<l to cure any nature radically by using externally. It is harmless and free ‘from any injurious ingredients. Price Rs. 5/0 per phial of 2
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    • 14 10 For all internal complaints, dTsentt* 1 coughs, colds, etc., take Woods rtUt Peppermint Cure.
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  • 2199 11 Its Refects: A Criticism. I the following article the Military rr „pon>l‘rtt of The Tim"* sum vj> the tihuh h > claim* to have formed C *\le refult of a et uly of the German 4 during the recent manoeuvre». Tie writer has not, formed
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1212 11 ■wr mi m i i A GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE PLEASE TRY ONCE OUR GENUINE Bijolee Elite Harmoniums. Registered No. 11G. Guarantee 3 Years. llw in ffvnuinr solid seasoned Teak wood made stroute• ly &nd durable, air tixht dun) and damp proof. Fitted with B. »t Engl i*h materi«ls. Sweet ai:-J
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 927 12 W. MANSON, American Dentist k tf If. Allei f Co., Ph*. 0. S. A. ChtifK Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT Ao. 21 a, Penang Road, k few loots from the Eostcn oil Oriental Hotel. CHOP Gim Seng Moh, 203, Main Rood, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advancers and Genera Goods Store. zuc
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