Straits Echo, 15 November 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1321 1 fTfoa r6ju' rrt Tonic and some* 11 thing to nourish jou, Drink s Head Guinness's Dog Stout. and look for this v A m label a YjL#> M to see that .'cz ism® jou get it LRB Co., 8ole Agentt. DAVID CORSAR 8 SON’S Well-Known Extra fovy Canvas, No. 0,
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    • 32 1 Order it in Nip BottlesDog’s Head Guinness’s Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn’t harm Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANG LEE A Co., SoU AgenU
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  • 311 2 Consulerable surprise and disappoint meet hare been expressed in Colonial circles at the retirement of Sir Charles Lucas from the Colonial Office. The official explanation of failing eyesight is generally considered to be a mere facon de parler. Sir Jol n Anderson succeeded to
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  • 354 2 (From Our Correspondent) Taiping, November 12. A Conference of Residents was arranged to take place in Kuala Lumpur on the 13th iniit. The Bishop of Singapore left for Kiuta on Saturday and was seen off by the Rev. Canon Barton-Parkes and Mr. Oliver Marks. The Soc al gathering which
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  • 293 2 Expected Arrivals. The ComfHiMtes do not guarantee the date» of arrival of the steamer», but will endeavour a* tiir as possible to ensure punctuality. From Alor Star, (Kedah).—Kedah, 2,4,6,8,10. 12.14,16,18, 20, 22, 24,26, 28 A 30 Nov. and Tong Chuan, 1,9, 5, 7,9, 11. 13, 15, 17,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 fT THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS 1 he I:*test scientific pre parationof COD LIVER OIL Docs all that is claimed for H and supersedes the old fashioned emulsious which upset he stomach. Highly re commeuded by tb;medi cal profession. AL L CHt-Misrs Price $1-23
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    • 371 2 RAFFLES-BY-THE-SEA. PENANG. A SELECT UP-TO-DATE FAMILY HOTEL. Under the direct, management of the English Proprietor and Proprietress, situated in the best part of Penang with an unequalled view of Hills and tea A suitable establishment for Ladies visiting PenaDg alone. A Speciality is made of the wholesouieuess of the food
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    • 2757 2 REMEMBER!!! PERHAPS YOU QUITE REMEMBER THAT OUR Dr. B. GHOSE, i*the only oldest and Genuine expert in these diseases throughout India and abroad. Hydrode, Varicocele, Hernia and Elephantiasis. DR. OHOSE S WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. P»tro»ii«4 fcy Dr. CkMiScrt. Civil far——, nmd ~v«ral olker E«rop«»« Civil Smrgeon*. Calcutta and Mofvss.l BEWARE or
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  • 30 3 Vessel» hrom Agents Due A ssa ye jColombo Arcadia Colombo Yorck Singapore Kleist Colombo Atholl Glasgow 1 A.G.ACo. A. B. B.M.AC0. S.B.ACo. 16th Nov. 18th 21st 23rd 24th
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  • 27 3 Vessels For Agents Leaves Assay? Arcadia Yorek Klcist AtholI Singapore Singapore OolomU* Singapore Singapore A-G.&Co. A.G.&Co. B M.&Co. B M A Jo. S B .&Co. Nov.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 264 3 f.10. S.N.0 Arrivals And Departure*. Mail Service Outward. loth A ssaye connecting with Mongolia Homeward. S.S.IND1A. will run through from China to Mindies »nd London without transhipment. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class To London by Sea $505-72 $377-14 To Marseilles or Gibraltar $528-00 $358-29 EXTRA STEAMERS, Intermediate
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    • 340 3 ’SHIPPING.) BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD, HUTTENBACH, HEBERT 81 Co., Penang, Agents. KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYtl DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.! For Intended to Sail. Steamer. Dell Asahan, Paueh and Singapore. (Weekly). Deli and Batu Bahra. (Fortnightly). Fri. 17th Nov., 2 p.m. Fri. 24th Nov., 2 Fri. 1st Deo., 2
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    • 1017 3 MIMTSCm LLOYD, BEDOV. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINS. rilHE fast and,well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen JL Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Alexandra and vice verva). Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau or Nagasaki, Yokohama and back. They dre dye
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  • 428 4 A Journal row- Edwortw Folk. Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—2:12 Beach Street, Penang. Prick. Daily Local 824 per annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 815 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 543 Stud
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  • 1573 4 YY’e bare now raad Mr Roland St. John Bi addeli’s “Commentary on the Colfcmou Gaming' Houses Ordinance,” published by Kelly A YY'alsb Ltd. at Singapore, aud our illegal though not entirely inexpert opinion is that it should be a great help to botn Bar aud Police. This
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  • 1234 4 The word “science" in the mouth of some people is like the word culture in the mouth of a half-educated prig. To be j able to make merely foolish remarks in au extra language is not culture,” neither is it “education." Language is a means to:
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  • 398 4 (Before Sir. Justice Thornton.) Chinese Administration Case. [Plaintiff».— Gan Teong Tat. Oan Teong Teik, Gan Cho.ii Gnoh. Oan Teong Liang and Lee S-ok Ki n Defendant. Gan Ngoh Bee. Counsel. For the plaintiffs, Messrs. W» H. Thorne and G. N. Saye. For the defendant, Messrs. S. C. Ambrw
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  • 222 4 1 Quoits Tournament. Following were the results of the tie* played off yesterday Champlough ip. -Neubronner beat Rilev, 1*-?. Arnold mj o. fpjm VyardThe following ties have been fixed for Friday, 17th instant; Single Handicap. Southani v«. Sharpe or Neubronner. Houston vt. Arnold or Wright-Motioa. Nibong Tebal
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 438 4 NOTICE. rr- Municipal Infirmary for AnimaU. Until fcnther notice the maiknum charge far treatment of animals in the above Infirmary will lie as follows J ttornei $1.00 a day. Pouies 75 h Cattle 40 (Mas and Cats 20 L. A. Coutikk BIGGS, Secretary ft* the Municipal Cotniniseioneri. T. W. W.
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    • 52 4 On the rink where men and maiden», Learn the art of roller skating, To fall with grace, on a nice smooth pla' fl Need* a lot of imitating The pastime has its risks we know. In the change of temperature. But all ends well, as many can tell**Taking Woods’ Great
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    • 55 5 |0O. S’ 110 Yards' Course. dseraui from Melbourne says that in Sprint Championship Postle MDa Idson over SOyards in 7 J secs and J#oll H >.it Post le over 100 yards in 9* j Kma |Json also l>eat Postle over 110 in j,i* *«V8. The last race
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    • 36 5 Hwtinst Military and Naval g Expansion. froiu Tokio states that the a ihas rejected the proposal* S f War ;m< 1 Marine to raise I'r th'* r p“'o "f naval and military H Reuter.
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    • 32 5 He Doesn't Go Below. -t-ir,„v weather Mr. Winston H,{], First bord of the Admiralty, is ■anvini: the Home Fleet in its exer- tile Chan lie' 3 Reuter.
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    • 97 5 uan Shi Kai s Command. from Peking states that an Hppiiuts Vnan Shi Kai in command troops i l the vicinity of Peking. Maxchikia Autonomous. H'legnim from St. Petersburg states Binditirhi li»h declared itself an auto* ■administration actually in the hands ■iwrative committees at Mukden, ■ad Tsitsih ir.
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    • 85 5 H Debate in Reichstag. cram from Berlin states that iu Hli.t.j the Minister of the Interior that the Joveruinent, after furwas i.t l ll convinced 11 wit agreement did not rePR'idlative assent. On the other hand expansion had assumed such seoj>e lojjisl.iti\•* lunlies should co-operate l to
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    • 79 5 Amendments Carried. |HitiMK ,11 Mill aiicMidmmits of the ■l. w.-re ;imr 1 !>\ 171 votes to sy. I" t! o- jiiote>ts of s** ver.M Scot--1.11 -_T tile I.iUmm Is, M e>srs M inr I v „Mis>oii ,Ul<| t lie L.ihoiit'WM l>iri.-s ,\Jr M,,v.l (Ljorgc said n o n
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    • 86 5 H Unioni t Joy. for I in,ousts epitomises it the rmonist papers on the ||B the I »I, Hum l*y-election, and Mr. JB haw's election as leader of the party Both are descriUwl as a gB I tor the party. They attribute H 1 Mdh.on to tie* Insurance Bill.
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    • 32 5 iment of Indian Immigrants HHH Recommended. •'-’"•tii < tft.iwa states that M m>ter of Militia, has inspection of West 1 oiiii,lends S*»r Frederick > of Indian ;i mam Sikh s-tMers aud “r> Pettier
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    • 32 5 Appointed, H hau erv Court has appointed a for the Thames Ironworks and •‘i 's "Uipany. Counsel niention- thr»,< or four thousand workmen l* 11 on Saturday. B 1 Renter.
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    • 19 5 Suspends Payment. A r^r* 4111 Poni savs that the tfank of Burma has suspended j>ayment. Reuter.
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    • 74 5 Committee s Strong Comments. A telegram from Pans states that the Committee which was appointed to investigate the quality of the gunpowder supplied to the French Army and Navy has sent in a report strongly in disfavour of a certain factory where powder for the army and navyhad
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    • 85 5 Victory for the English Team. The weather was hot wheu the match between the M. <J. and South Australia was resumed at Adelaide. The attendance was small. The wicket was good South Australia, following on, made 288 runs in their second innings towards which total
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  • 280 5 Exciting Affair on Blktam. On the 7th Octol>er at mid-day. two Chinese Contractors’ houses on Bertam I Estate wen* visited by tive Chinese armed with revolvers. They demanded 930 and afterwards 9(50 at the same time showing their weapons. The contractors were afraid and said they would get
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  • 341 5 Arrived. Per ss. Perak, 14th Nov., from I)eli Mrs. Lam Ah Cah, Messrs. Aug Pah, Daniel aud V- Kantykv. Departures. Per ss. Tony Chu,an 1 th Nov., for Kedah Messrs. S. Each, K Dickinson, Sadiah, Sapiah and Inspector Adams. Per s.s. Omapere 14th Nov., for Singapore Mr. Naison.
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  • 792 5 GENERAL MEETING. B j The first ordinary general meeting of this Company was held at of Conti tnerce yesterday. Mr. H. Waugh took the Chair. The others present were Messrs. O. Jalaas, T. B. Peterkin, J: Hug, W. S' Goldie. H Pickenpaek, W: HufsoR, W. B.
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  • 111 5 The following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Penaug Tiu Exchange. I buyers, no sellers Straits Trading Co 97 buyers, no sellers j Leong Fee Co., 100 tons at 97, S ngapore Straits Trading Co., H») 97.12| Total 200 tons. Tin is quoted in
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  • 345 5 Tn« Bazaar. The members of the Ministering Children!* held a bazaar f*i the ground Hall yesterday. There >at*n>k s;Oti of articles which fetched g'jod pkicea.. The Town Hall was very prettily decorated. The following is a list of the helpers:— -v v Jdrs. Bay ley, Mrs. Waiter
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  • 124 5 Following was the result of the drawing for ibe Peiiaug Tuif Club Griflins Colour aud Bex- Drawn bv Brown A G- d:i 5 yrs. Messrs. Strode 1 Milne Bay A. G. ,:'.6<)r 7’,, Mr. ifearch- light. Chest. A- Geld w. 15' \Vn*t, to »1 au»l Th»»'
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  • 184 5 October Output. The output of thWmme for October was: 476.94 pi ills realising $28,435.7«. t Working Expenses $9,712.45 Provision for out- 4 f standing accounts... 2,000.00 12% Tribute to Lessors .'j'. 3,412.-29 15,124.74 4 Estimated Profit $13,311.01 > 1 Necia Badlt its report of tlie last day*
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  • 62 5 Highest corrected reading of > Barometer ***** I Maximum temperature in Shade t>i 93 C F Minimum t>9°F Rainfall u Prevailing direction of Wind... N. Outside.— The following articles will be found on our outside pages n. —The Case, of Sir Charles Lucas,
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  • 58 5 To-day iioth Lhv of 9th Moon. I St. Mii^hutus. Rugbv Football, Esplanade. 5-15 p.m. P. 0. C. (quoits Toucnaju^nt-. •P. Cf Tournament Entries Close, liana. Esplanade. 6 pm. Victoiii Jubilee R. A. Chapter. 9 p.m. Moonlight 'TTTneuiafograxih, Kjug Street Theatre; 9 p w. > TownCinematograph, Kuala Katigsar Road, 9
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 35 5 Good Advice. time to bu_v Chamberlain's Couj»h u r ‘-ht now. put it off unlit but keep it at hand. A cold wtoi.>r cured. when'first contracted ai settled in the system. For *ll and Dealers.
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    • 37 5 (t most brings about satisfactory results without the aid of any local treatment and is the latest and most scientific Remedy and far superior to combinations of plain Sandalwood uiL Copaiba, etc. At all chemists and dealers
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    • 447 5 CATTLE. v 4 pairs Splendid Indian Bullocks, with Carts, for i&tle, newly arrived, excellent Condition. $250 per pair and Cart. VAi.CE.” .T' f c/o Strait* Echo. 15-1 Ml 779 A COUPLE TUPNOUT (Victoria) Grey Galloway. Apply to CHIN SENG il Co., Ltd .1- truant/ Hand Penang, 15th Noveuil»er, 1911.’ 780
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  • 238 6 The following letters, etc., are» lying at the GeMfel Poet Office, Penang Letter». Bank*». E. H. Laurie, E. Black, J. S. Lee Frank Bruce, John Mariani Mdme Butler, A. E. May, F. T. Clemens, A. Milton, R. D. Couzin. M. Oakley, E. H. DeCoeta. R. Ott, E. Engelke,
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    • 75 6 Janet Nicoll, Br. a.*., 475, Crichton, 14th Not., Taroy, 10th Not., Gen. —E. 8. Co., Ltd. Cornelia, Br. a.a., 194, Eadea, 14th Not., Malacca, 13th Not., Gen.—E. 8. Co., Ltd. Glenogle, Br. a.a., 2,309, Travis, 14th Not., Am >y, Ist Not., Gen.—Ban Eng Joo Sin Kee. Taroba, Br. a.a.,
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    • 49 6 15th November. Kedah, for Alor Star (Kedah). Taroba, for Negapatam and Madras. Glenogle for Rangoon. Valentijn, for Langaa, T. Semawe, Segli, Sabang and Olehleh. Padartg, for Batu Bahra. Hok Canton, for Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taipiug. Deli, for Pang Nga. A. Apcar, for Calcutta.
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    • 255 6 Fob Singapore Ghiaa and Japan—Per Astaye, to-morrow, 9 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Langkat Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenhmm, Port Dickaon and Malacca—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Trang —Per Kian Ann, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Bindings, Sitiawan and Teluk Anson Per
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  • 124 6 Pbhang, 15th November. By courtesy of Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank I/ 4,‘* 4 months' sight Bank 2/4s-J 3 Credit 2/4s- 3 Documentary.. 2/4's Calcutta, Demand Bank R-*. 174 3 days* sight Private 1/ 5J lombay, Demand Bank 174 doulinein, Demand Bank 1 8 days* sight Private 176 ■ladras.
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  • 205 6 Gold Leaf *61.60 Black Pepper w stock White Pepper 2 P —buyers Trang Pepper 20. —nom Cloves 42. nominal Mace 1 '8 —nominal Pickings 107 —buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 28. —sales No. 1 820 sale Sugar < 2 810 sal (.Basket 5.10 nom. Copra (mixed) 11.30 nom. Tabbuu 190
    205 words
  • 2125 6 I I I o fl 1 g *3 2 IN umber of j ‘J3 g CapiUl. Shares > 0 Dividends. Name. J S issued. !2 p 5 s w3 a a i 1 cc {2 cy 1 j J I gj 1 j *****1907 1908 1909 *****911 RUBBER—1*01.LAR SHARES,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 11 6 Wood*’ Great Peppermint Cure for all internal dy«entry, coughs, cold*, •to
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    • 57 6 APIOLINE (PHAPOTFAUT) For Lad us only. K I» superior to so-calletf apiol, steel drops, tansy or pennyroyal and is a safe remedy for ladies when about to be unwell Recommended by the leading French specialists, to remove pain, cramps and irregularities peculiar to the sex. fall by all Gbaaiste Sold
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    • 39 6 Prof. Schmidt prefers UotiOftßfl (Santal, Kawa Riedel’s) to any other preparation of Santalwood oil. Although he used the -Irug in more than 20 cases, he has never observed any signs of nausea, flatulency, nephritic pains, pruritus nor skin eruptions.
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    • 50 6 it Is Wonder. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is one of the most remarkable preparations yet produced for the relief of rheumatic pains and for lame back, sprains and bruise*. The (junk relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times it cost. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 63 6 NOTICE. TAMIL IMMIGRATION FUND ENACTMENT, m Employees op Tamil labour are hereby reminded that return, under the above Enactment for the precei ing quarter must be sent to the office of the Superintendent of Immigrants, during the months of April, July, (vtol w and January 7 Forms for the return
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  • 2000 7 In view of the great interest being taken in the doings of the M.C.C. team now tour- ing in Australia the following extracts from t an Australian paper may be of interest The following business was transacted at a Board of Control Meeting held in Melbourne. Board or Control.
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  • 552 7 Eulogistic Reference* at Hongkong Legislative Council. Speaking at a meeting of the Hongkong Legislative Council on November 3, the Governor, Sir Frederick Lugard, said: Gentlemen, since we last met at this table the tragic death of our late Colouial Secretary has removed from our couusels an
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 771 7 v Idodermene Inhalation Compound 1 ..,1 nf the f raff rant health ffivincr extracts of th« tutu. i,..u Best Specific for Catarrh, Influenza Colds, Bronchitis, of Voice 8 General Affections of the Throat 8 Chest. c y arc rapidly cured by using this valuable preparation. CURES WHILE YOU SLEEP. u
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    • 55 7 Follows Nature's Plan. a Vedicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chanljerlain’s Cough Remedy acts oh this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretioi s and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. For sale
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    • 93 7 Cause For Alarm. That hacking cough may appear to be of no consequence, but you may be certain that it indicates some derangement of the pulmonary system. This fact" in itself is enough to cause alarm. Do not wait until it causes you annoyance, it may be too late then,
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    • 56 7 THIS IS IT > VYatcrbury's Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS S u 'I he latest stierttific pre puruuon of COD L1VKR OIL. Does all .Lfiat is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by thy* inevk Val profession. C'-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1004 8 W. MANSON, America a Dentist, Uic rf Dr. Alta f$Co., Pka, 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT No. 21 a, Penang Road. A (or tots froa tic Utters at i Oriental Hotel. TECK A COMPANY, Shanghai Carpenters Furnishers, 4, PENANG ROAD. High-class Household Furniture kept in stock
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