Straits Echo, 30 October 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1235 1 Touic ami some t* jou, I>nnk W Head Guinness’s I i L. Stout, and look for thi > v a i il jofl label l A •''T to «oe that ,oy> you tfet it. Snl>- Agent* M Urew Ushcr S Co.’s special reserve. OVG. Whisky. SUMUUM. bhtery 8 Co.. A<l
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    • 39 1 t Order it in Nip flotlles. I Dog’s Heed Cuirress’s Stout. The Tonic that clwjers and soot bos and doesu’t harm Observe this label, j it is on every genu* tue Nip. "nA TIANG LEE A Co.. Sol? Agent*.
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  • 3906 2 NvJTABLB I WCIDEJtTB 1 A StKESUOU* < Like We *ive below a f-w of the good things to t*/fouud in Mr. II. MHynd.nau.j Record of an Adventurous Life Tkiokoy or a l)B»»rpr.D Catch. The onlv two men I ever siw who played .1... -t»"? 11 1,1,1 c ood
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 283 2 The Lealing Hair Oil of rin Hay JiL/'-'A Is our KUNTAT BRISHYA which stood the wav* of eompetitioi «luring last 4< years of its exis fence. It is highls scented ami profusely medicated hair oil which ha* pleased evervl>od\ and anyl ody in India, Ceylon and the Straits. It increases
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    • 642 2 A Clergyman 'i *1 k. Nervous Collapse, Brain Fag, Neuralgia For getting things done, making things go, the invigorating n»m, Phosferine cannot be equalled, says the Rev. A. II. Field. aware that as a clergyman he is bound to make sun ot the aixuu his estimation of Phosferine, this gentleman
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  • 329 3 2tftb Oct oner. u, |»,.tri<-l OIB«r. Uppo«H “''Vh.. on m _i tin* duties of bis V H Woolff. who had ,l,e Ft j pre S*" u n, t > 1 M* O Acting British g.O w’feon the 15th Decern--1 *T J-ris the Secretary to KeIT*^ o U i! over
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  • 470 3 27tii Qctober. K- M«d, Deputy Conservator of Purest», fol, n nos in Kiuta on a tour of *p-t,..a of the various offices, etc. |f K, C. X. Andereou, State Engineer, hatiibov in lp»h on a visit of inspection, fna the Ist of January, 1912, very afurUiit changes Hill
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  • 944 3 Dkamvtic Suiciob or Two Fiftb*!* r Yeak-Oi,d Mill Girls. Tired of life at fifteen, two mill girls h drowned themselves in a reservoir at Ing--1 birch worth, near Huddersfield. Before they sought death they bound themselves together and tied large sprig* of purple i heather iu their
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  • 447 3 Famous Scottish Suboeon Who Inspired Conan Doyle. Dr. Joseph Bell, the Scottish surgeon, w 'ho died at his residence, Maurice Wood, Midlothian, enjoyed a fame extending far l**voud medical circles, for he was the original of Sherlock Holmes.” The gentle art of discovering a murderer by
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  • 205 3 Circulars dated Lou lon, Septeml>er 28, have been received iu Singapore (offering the shares qf the new issq) iq the proportion of one iu teq to present holders of the com» j pany’u sto k. At 28th September the market prhe of the shares was .£3-8-9, buyers,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 285 3 For all intertill complaints, dysentery •oughs, colds. take Wood-*’ Great Peppermint Cure, To-night J To-night!! Japanese Bioscope, Penang Road. NEW TENT I NEW FILMS!! NEW MANAGEMENT IN Fr.CT EVERYTHING NEW. We Study the Comfort of Our Patrons. The public of Penaug should not fail to pay frequent visits to our
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    • 504 3 KESHRANJAN Oil. SP wm* gand'dNUiL FOKTHEl(ftm| A ghod fumble is set by tl ose who regularly use. KAVJRAJ N. N, 8EN S Rcshranj&ft Oil. The Groat Hair Restorer of Indian Renown. Keshrvn4an— Liked by Ladies Keshranjan— Liked by Gents Keshranjan —Gents like Krthranjan Keshranj^n— Praised by all Kisshranman— the Best
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    • 219 3 APOLUNARIS The Queen of Table Waters, Per case of 24/1 bottles Per ease of bottles Per case of 100 2 bottles Per case of 100'4 bottles Per ease of 50 2 stone bottles 5-25. 5-25. 11-00. 0-00. 7 50. G. H. SLOT Co., AGENTS FOR SALE. JUST UNPACKED ex s.s.
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  • 1239 4 There it* likely to be wine little commotion 1 iu the imvr circle* of one of the largest of Went End clubs. It appears that a meuil«r j C rf some years’ standing, who had had un- j satisfactory financial transactions with a fallow ineudier, was
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  • 276 4 Expected Akkivals. 77/" Co '» do not guarantee the date of a rival of the steamer», but will endeavour an far a* possible to ensure punctuality. Fro n Alor 8 .v. (Kedah) —Kedah, 23, 25, 27, 29 and 31, and Tong Chuan, 22, 24, 26, 28. and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 57 4 THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liyer Oil Compound X~; TASTELESS ODORLESS J 1 he latent scientific preparation of COI) LIVER OIL Does alt that is claimed for it and super* sedes the old fashioned emulsions uhich upset J ihe stomach. Highly re commended by th; mtdi cal profession. CHtz
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    • 59 4 Offerers Ta\c Notia. There is no necessity of your being constantly annoyed by a tickling in the throat, which keeps you coughing and disturbs vour sleep and rest. A dose or two of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cut the phlegm which is the cause ol the trouble and clear the
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    • 1514 4 Separate Tender* will be received up to noon on Monday, the 6th November, 1911 for the following supplies for a period of one year commencing from 1st Januarv 1912:— (a Rations and Sundiies for Penang and Balik Pulau Hospitals. BY The (b) Rations and Sundries for Province Wellesley Hospitals (c)
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  • 26 5 Vessels hrom Agent* Due Delta Devanha Prim Eiiet Friedrich Root1 Colombo A.G ACo. Singapore A.G.ACo. Singapore B.M.&Co.. Colombo B.M.ACo. 2nd Nov. 4th 7th 9th
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  • 26 5 Vessel* For Agent t Leave* Delia Devanha Prinz Fitel Frietlrich Rovn '1 > Singapore A.G ACo. Nov. Colombo A.G.&Co. 1 Colombo B.AL&Co. Singapore B M.& Jo.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 265 5 «rrlr»!" »"<l DvpwUn*. Mall Service Outward. A „d*o„»» »ith h.di^ M0ngOlia tfumeward *t I!' 1 Connecting; Pue Steamer. wlt ij s.s. London. ClllUH jillii Macedonia pec. 3 Marmora H /itelta M'* > SailMlVl u Maut«m Mar. J*' H Maowioaia i p Delhi If. India u- «IVTfclll -HI I tvtti* (Wj
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    • 324 5 CON I d d I HIS) 'm. PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPP1J. (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY.* For DeH Asahan, Paneh and Singapore. (Weekly). Deli and Batu Bahra. (Fortnightly). Deli and Langsa. (Fortnightly). Singapore (direct) Connecting with Pafavia and other Java etc. ports. (Fortnightly.) Sabang (direct), Olehleh, Tjalang, Meulaboh, Tapa Tuan, Sinabang, Singkel, Gunong
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    • 1041 5 UMBEB LLOYD, MM. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE r \H E fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice vena). Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau or Nagasaki, Yokohama
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  • 430 6 A Journal roR Educatrd Foi*k. Publislied daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Peuang. Price. Daily Local s2t per annum Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 315 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Departmant 343 Studio
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  • 1509 6 That is agool letter which we reproduce to-day, from Thursday’s Straits Times, referring to the Pulau Jerejak criticisms and lie edito ill answer t > it, in the footnote, is not adequate. Indeed, it is a distinctly disingenuous leply. One purport of
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  • 1126 6 Amateur Entertainment Performer Injured. The Town Hall on Saturday night was welt tilled, when Messrs. Holmes, Hogan, J allies. Cunningham, Jarvis, Davidson, and Norman gave their humorous show. Bandmaster Andres, proud of his new instruments, forgot that too lavish tiors d’ceuvres spoil the feast, and played classical I
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  • 463 6 (Before Mr. Jmlice Thor Chinese Administration Case IPU ntif*. -Oon Te>o* T*t, Oon Tm Tti L R Onoh, <Hmi twiu L > .fi G**CW Defendant. Oan N*oh Bo.\ n Coensrl K<>» th pUintiffs M »»r, w u O. N.Sajre. n r *ws, For th* drfmdart. VC ~r o
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  • 85 6 ij Billiard Tournament. 1 Following wore the winners in the Mliani Tournament held at the Parish Hal! 1 recently: Champion*!) ip. VVinner —A. A. Jeremiah. Runuer up —T. J. William i. Siiujle Handicap. Winner—T. J. Williams, i Runner up —A. A. Jeremiah. Double Hu ml imp. I Winners—Father
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  • 170 6 Quoits Tournament. The following ties have leen Hi«l A* Wednesday, Ist November. Championship. Mercer c*. Davidson. Double HandicapHenderson and Sl w c*. Messrs. Wright-M'ltion <T BORORTOWN Cl N E»1 ATO<. BAPB. was a bumper house at the hua Road, Theatre Hall, on Saturday mg tine films were
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    • 378 7 sh f n that the 4 iii-rmi», *ud American Mt 4 i,. rapresuitation. to tbe i h* Tf m ftt l ,h a view to pre,l,«,pit»tion <>f Sb«>K IS* «be P 0 10 I'* 1 HaKKOW IjINE. P,fcl r»ic« t*tween Pek,n 8 au<i to-a»y. will
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    • 35 7 Seventeen to be Created. Hu Holines*the Poi»e will, on November emte wventeei* Cardinals, including lrhbiihop Bourne of Westminster, Archp Idrley of New York, Archbishop Wowril of Boston, and Archbishop Falweioof Wanliingtoii. R>‘ liter.
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    • 40 7 1 dsn* To Be Lord Chancellor. L tarns that L»r«l Haldane «bonlv l* appointed Lord Chancellor, Mu*» haa< Lord Chief Justice, Lord JrtwW Lud i.f Ap|ieal, Bir A. Simon Tr y.Genera!, ;iu j r Buck master "•inTtor-Oeneixl. Reuter.
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    • 63 7 I ***** 000 Roubles To Relieve I TV R D'slress. r,,,M r ;hP ,llsi&j St*T U a Ul eBf 111 lst Russia A,sr ~N ,F MiNK S||: kvs ’■ii! t',to M IV,, r l, "r-' -t it. < H mp u n 111 **»cl.t.-,-u tinvoni- «W.
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    • 45 7 M.-min® p!l t E f ern Squadrons. that the old •W. XI,, b ‘l Ui ‘lr'»n will be J Waning of a re- fous, itutmg t Heel innoured craiser, aHotilla of M S Minotaur r# P*»c*d by a Dreadnought i': K li. wt
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    • 265 7 Decision Probably Delayed For Three Years. According to a telegram from Washington it is unoffi 'idly stated that a decision of the Steel Trust cannot be given for three years as a vast volume of evidence must !*e taken in many,cities. President Gary in a ■taieroent believes that
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    • 35 7 Abandoned. The tight between Wells and Moir has be m abandoned owing to tin impossibility of securing a Hall in London, the result of the agitation of the aband med JobusonWells fight. Reuter.
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    • 17 7 Lord Rector Carnegie. Mr. Andrew. Carnegie has been appointed Lord R' ctor of'Aberdeen University. Reuter.
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    • 36 7 British Legation Guards. A telegram from Bush ire states that the reinforcements from ludia to strengthen the guard at the Persian Legation are disembarking. No active opposition was offer ;d. The towu is quiet. Reuter.
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    • 37 7 Three Passengers Injure 1. An American bjat train crow led with prominent people collided near Sta Tor 1 with a local train. Three passengers in the local train were injured two se iously. Reut-ir.
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    • 22 7 Birrell Becomes Lord Rector. Mr. tine Birroll lias been appoint'd Lord Rector of Glisgow University defeating Lord Charles Beresford. Reuter.
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    • 34 7 Unveiled At Winchester Cathedral. A memorial to the late Geueral Sir Rodvars Buller wa* unveiled at Winchester CatheilraL Distinguished memliers of the triKips forming the army in Natal were largely represented. Reuter.
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    • 27 7 To Resign. Mr J. H. M. Kirkwood. Conservative Member for Essex, S.E., has iutim ited that he will resign owing to ill-health. Reuter.
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    • 24 7 Minto Defeats Crewe. 1 Lord Miuto has lieen elected Lord Rector of Edinburgh University, defeating the Earl of Crewe. Ri uter.
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    • 85 7 And Russia's Application. A te'egram from Brussels says that the Committee of the Sugar Convention have decided in favour of acceding to the application of Russia to be allowed to export 400,(XX) ton* annually insteid of 200,000 tons in the event of shortage iu the world’s markets.
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    • 259 7 Holy War in Tripoli. The Outlook learns from Egypt that Enver Bey has crossed Egypt in dis*‘guise. He met Sheikh Senussi and has succeeded in uuiting the hinterland in a holy war against the Italians. 6J,000 Turks and Arabs. A telegram from Malta states that it is estimated
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    • 27 7 Keighley By-Elec-tion. Liberal Returned. The re- ult of the by-election at Keighley was as f. illows Bockinas*e Liberal) 4,6‘J7 Ack worth (Unionist.) 3,842 Anderson (Labour) 3,452 Reuter.
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    • 12 7 The Aboukir Bought. Canada has brought the cruiser Aboukir. Reuter.
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  • 332 7 Arrived. ,j Per s. s. Bantjila 28:h Oct., from Siuga? pore: Mr. aud Mrs. Boumrjee and Miss Johnson. Per s s. Taroba, 28th Oct., from Singapore Messrs. W. N. Dunn, R. Menasche, J. Graciane and R. 11. Scott. Per s. s. hUlor 3oth Oct, from Rangoon: Mes rs.
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  • 48 7 Highest correctel reading of Barometer 20*081 Maximum temperature iu Shade Minimum Rainfall 215 mdi. Prevailing direction of Wind... Ni Lkagijs Football. —The postponed match between the C. R. C. and the Govt Wharves will be played off to-morrow on Victoria Green.
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  • 1329 7 Is the word “Eurasian” to be a Millstone Jekejak Camp. Our, pditornd to-day has for text the fol t lowing letter to the Editor of the Straiti Time* j Sir your isaue of the 18th instant i your Penang special correspondent, aftei detailing the many unfortunate incidents in the
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  • 195 7 The following is the round #f the Mixed Foursome M it -h ed under handicap (Ladies l3 holes (fth of the difference in handicap ta£en) CO CM CO =3 Qri Qrf m. CL CL 3* 3=33 3 3 9 3 '»o so 5 3 51 1 I
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  • 50 7 The following business in tin has been done to-day:— S ngapore Straits Trading Co., 1 buyers, no sellers j Peuang Penang Tin Exchange, 0J tons at 93 20 Straits Trading Co, 50 '93.67-i Total stj{ tons Rangoon rice is quoted here to-day at $221 per coyan.
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  • 305 7 Wednesday Ist Noveml>er, All Saints Day. 8 Holv Communion. 5-30 p m. Evensong and Serm m. Friday, Litany 10 a m. The Bishop of the Diocese will administer the Solemn rite of Continuation at 5-30 The Anthem on Sunday Eveusong will l>e What are these
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  • 76 7 To-day O h Day of 9th Moon. r. C C. Quoits Tournament. Ladies’ RiHe Shooting. Hand, Esplanade, t> p in. tJeorge Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road, 9 p.m. Japanese Bioscope, Penang Road. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Roal. To-morrow. lOtli Day of 9th Moon. Hallowmas Eve. League Football C. R. C.
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  • 18 7 EuglisL {Delia) ,)< 2nd Nov. China Deranha) -.t. -Ith China Prim Eitel Friedrich)... 7th German lltcon) Oth
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 47 7 0 mmmhii like other preparations of Copail»Ji ami Sandalwood oil does uot affect the kidneys or disturb the stomach aud is well tolerated by the patient even after lengthened treatment. Trials by the Medical Profession solicited. Samples free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemists
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    • 12 7 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure for all internal oom plaints dfsentrj. coughs. cold»,
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    • 331 7 DIABETES A i int rusting treatise dialiuK with the causes, »y uiptomtum! the most effective treatment of Diabetes, Hydrucele ami Skin diseases will In* given away free to the readers <*f the "Straits Echo,” on application to A. Chatterjee Co., Dept. lt#t 2. Machua Baza. Street, Calcutta tlndi i). HYDROCELE.
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    • 181 8 Yam S>r.,ll. hut. 1,131, Brug.m., 30th llrt Hinitapore, 2*th Oct, Gen. —H. LA C<*. KfUfru. Br. h ■>. 2.567. Lowe, **tb Oct, Rangoon. 27th Ort, Gen. —H. L. A Co. Sam Bang. Br. 1W 29th Ort < akutt*. 23rd Oct., Geo.—B. ACo HUeem, Br. 4,294. Pulford. 28tb Oct Port
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    • 56 8 31*™ Ocrosh*. Kodak. for Alor Star (Kedah). for Tongkah. To-g Chav Un, for Trang. Aragyee, for Port Swettenhain, Port Dickson and Malacca. Canton, for Dindiugs. itbrwan and Teluk Aneon. Van Stooll. for Olebleb, Pulo Weh Ac. Padaag. Urn Peng, for Pulau LangUwi, Perli. and Settil. EHorn, for Singapore. Flying
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    • 273 8 Alor Star (Kedah)—Per Tong Chuan to-morrow, 11 aui. Deli and Batu Bahra— Per Benoa, tomorrow, 11 am. Asahan -Per Petrel, to-morrow, 1 p m. Singapore, China and Japan—Per Jins n ifaru, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Port Bwettenham and Singapore -Ter Omajj -re, to-morrow. 3 pm. Teluk Auiod Per Hebe,
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  • 131 8 Pbnako, 30r* CXrroB«R. (By eourtety of the Chartered Bank Condon, Dmund Bank 2/4 S T w 4 months* sight Bank 2/4^J, S Credit 2/4 j; 3 Documentary.. 2^4 Calcutta, Demand Bank K* 174 M 3 days* eight Private 175} Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 f 8
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  • 225 8 Gold Leaf $64.60 Black Pepper no *to'-' White Pepper 2P.— layer» Trang Pepper 20.— n0.a Cloves 42. nominal Mace I<>B —nominal Picking. 107 buyer* Nutmeg. 1106. 28.—»alet No. 1 8 20 *al' Sugar < 2 810 sal (.Basket 5.10 nom. Copra (mixed) 11 30»»m. fTahbun 190. I Soonde 245.
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  • 158 8 Pbnan<>, 30m October. 1911. Bbbk ctt. Soup pur ca'ty 14 Roast -4 Steaks n 24 Stew o Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak ‘*’4 Ox Tail each ?0 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Lrver per c vtty 55 Pobk pj£ Head f Tongue »4 Head 'T h U
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  • 1880 8 SHARES. V i I I *c S Number ol 3 i Name S i) I CpiUl. 8h»rw* > IW«*U N 1 I I 1 imv*. 5 I <S sa J fl S I90f5l»*7 1908 190» *****911 RUBBER—1>^LLAK SRtWK I'tniMNi 1 1 Pr j Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate L»d. «•'> ote.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 60 8 I oU of folk» who re very simple Would call a «loctor to cure a pimple, And faddv folk rav Daren’t eat tripe For fear I’d havj a touch of gripe A tin v c >ld will eiuse them terror. And in curing this they make no *iror, Woods’ Great
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    • 35 8 Those tiny Capsules superior to Copaiba, Cubeb* and Injections OL#WE the same disc;» >es as these drugs in FORTY-EIGHT HOURS without inconvenience. Each Capsule heart the name Paris. 8, rue Vivienne Said t/ all Chamistt.
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  • 460 9 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Minutes of a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Thursday. the 12th Octolier, 1911. Present. W. Peel, Esq., President. VV. T. Chapman, Esq. Quah Beng Kee, Esq. r G. N. Save, Esq. Lim Eu Toh, Esq. Absent. Yeoh (ruan Seok, Esq. 1. The minutes of
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  • 176 9 The Y okohama Specie Bank, Limited. 1 lit* <53 d rep >' I t t’-e '■'ll i *«h dders s i Tie Dr-ctn's submit t you t lie* annexe 1 Statement ol the Labilities an 1 Assets <>f the Bank, and of (he Profit aud Loss A-* count for the
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  • 2223 9 German Officiai. Methods. V" A legal action, showing the extent to which fussy officialism can l>3 pursued by the German police in the safeguarding of public morals, has just been heard at Mainz. The case in question was an action for libel I brought by the Second
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 85 9 HORTHAM ROAD-SEA-SIDE. fhe Most Comfortable Hotel in Penang. The Best Food in Penang. The Best Attendance in Penang. A Trial will convince you. moderate terms. PENANG. TELEPHONE NO. 543 A. KERDYK, Proprietor JHIOTS CASTLE mVJ BUB. An 4 ’■s-7 •as nu 0 Absolutely Pure Beer. The Best on the Market.
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    • 104 9 Sprains, Jt lias been satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of }>ersous have to thunk GSoiIOSiUI for restoration to liealth and happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail. At all dealers in Patent Medicines and Chemicals in bottles of 40 capsules. GUNS! GUNS!! GUNS!!! nigh tirade
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    • 393 9 THIS 13 IT! I Watcrbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound 1 f r T».C, -1 :iS? 3*5« ?tT^_ TASTtLfSS ODORLESS I ho latest scientific prep nation of COD LIVER OIL Dees all that is j claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned l emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly
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  • 1157 10 Tnr, Kmo Says Englishmen no wot Shins. \t bottom all our problem» are problems 0 personal behaviour. Behave properly, and the great revolution for which ihe age* ktrive i* ace* mplisbed. The Kino on Manners. An interesting contribution to this discussum of mannws haa been made
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  • 660 10 Tne revolt against the cost of living in the North of France, which has spread with great rapidity and been accompanied by considerable violence, is an event the true signifiemee of which neither the Government nor the majority of the newspapers seem to appreciate, perhaps because
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  • 960 10 “Creative evolution and Philosophic Doubt.” Among much that i* interesting iu the excellent new numl>er of the Hibbert Journal —which i«, it should be mentioned, the decennial number of that periodic*l -i® an article by Mr. Balfour ou C.eativ) Evolution and Philosophic Doubt.” As
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 79 10 Rhea autism. Chronic rheumatism often attacks the larger joints. Internal treatment of any kind wnulil l<e worse than useless, but by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely ami massaging the affected parts three times a day, a cure may be effected. It will afford some relief at once aud by continuing
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    • 63 10 Worth Twenty Times Its Cost. One bottle of Chainl**rlain’s Colic, Cholera ami Iharrhoea Remedy goes a long way toward relieving suffering humanity. It is better than any doctor’s prescription, and worth twenty times its cost in cases of diarrhoea, cramp colic or dysentery, which ire liable to come on suddenly
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    • 33 10 A Good Rule. Make it a rule of your home to k* ep Chamberlain’» Cube, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy a» a safeguard against bowel coinplaints. For sale by all Diepeot. j'ies and Dealers.
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    • 516 10 50« i D*C D+C >#C *CDO IHfc Bl R.NLSE ALPS MILK CO.’s Product* were awarded the GRAND PRIX (The highest award obtainable) At the Universal and Colonial Exhibition, Brussels, 1910. SLEDGE MILK is supplied to all the GOVERNMENT MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES. Local Aij<:nts: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY CO.
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  • 2648 11 t K«‘ TE Lt in .te.T.aao.-e of I*r B»n»r«l mooting k J*o* e .Vubl»rK»t»w. !<"'• wb ,ch SthOf*" „Hi« of the «touno» > »n,IOo. [Mr.O-.nde J Li tliroogb ou Ih 7Y jttit P 4h r 1 m C. Hunter presided, tb* ,1 |it Messrs.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 182 11 }-.vf 48L4 Jodhpur, Kashmir, Indore Ac. C. K. SEN S' Co., :>U, Colootola street CALCUTTA Ours is admittedly the best, biggest, richest and the most respectable Hindu Medical Establishment in India. All sorts of Ayurvedic, Medicines can be had here at a cheap rate. JABAKUSUM TAILA. The Standard Hair On.
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    • 368 11 mi ?C 0?/ 'J x/ >y y/?y YYXY. W\ Gpsr,M&t 'S'ranre. stc»*vx/^m€tny.*&>////r>/ n */ra//<r,</ s^fty/C Yuy YY*ley«Aj/l/irt //a n <•/■/*/■ -Yrrjjut/ V C/ /lOC>' ?tss 1 j Y’i.. Z yyjyyZrf V€Zj6 ytdcrm ZjQr&nxZy ?y //S Z?yZu^Z yitaZc/y emit /Y<y r uY/*t/<Yn?,,arYc/ /ssYyy?sy r?YY>> st'cac/cY /./‘t/Z yCVYryy(Xtc*i/rys yew YZyy ZZs/cZ, y
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1079 12 \*lmanson, A merica n Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen 9 Co., Pha, U. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free RESIDING AT A o. 21 a, Penang Road. A few dooit fnm the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. A ym no* JUST ARRIVED, All the Newest American Patent Medicines AT SPECIAL PRICES.
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