Straits Echo, 28 October 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1208 1 "onw SSfcs* T0 rc° pru^ Hc»d Guinness’s Dof 5 n Stout, an.l look for this labt'l J to see t hat you ifc> Urew Us^ r Co,s SPECIAL RESERVE. nVG. Whisky. SAWILANDS. BUTTERY 8 Co., A <JENTS FOR fgSANC 6’ F. M S. <BANKS.) Chartered Bank of India, Australia and
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    • 32 1 Order it in Nip Bottles. Dog’s Head Cuinrcss's Stout. j Touie that cheers and soothes and doesu’t harm. Obsorve this label it is on every genuine Nip. TIANG LEE Co.. Sole Ac,e«ts.
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  • 1180 2 Th« annual meeting held last night' The Report of the Committee read Gentlemen, Your Committee have the pleasure of submitting to you their Report and the Accounts for the year ended dint August, 1911. The result of the year’s working shows the satisfactory profit of $4,703 '>7.
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  • 386 2 Dtspepsia and Nerve Debility are The Most Frequent Cause* or Insomnia. Thousands Who Hove Been Cured Affirm That The Remedy Is Dr. William's Pink Pills. Here Is One Of Them. For the first two years after taking up residence here I enjoyed very good health,” «aid Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 70 2 QWTWIU mm »iriITTHH r THIS IS IT WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELeSS ODORLESS t*i i r.v* The latest scientific preparation of CO l> LIV’FR OIL. Does all that is claimed for it a:id supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. 11ighlv recommended l»y the medi cal
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    • 783 2 FREE SAMPLE a Do vou like to test our I KAMALKUSUM I, The ideal bniiu tonic which grows riant hair and has a delicious atoina. Send one anna stamp for sample. Ample protit to Agents. Apply for agency to-day. K. M. BANERJI, Perfumer, 24, Main Road, Beliaghatta, Calcutta. ‘236c i
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    • 1131 2 notice. Separate Tenders will be received up to noon on Monday, the 6th November, 1911 for the following supplies for a period of one vear commencing from 1st January 1912:— (a Rations and Sundries for Penang and Balik Pulau Hospitals. (b) Rations and Sundries for Province Wellesley Hospitals (c) Rations
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  • 29 3 Vessels h ram Agent» Due Delta Colombo A.Gr ACo. 2nd Nov. Devan lux Singapore A.G.&Co. 4th H Prim Eitet Friedrich Singapore B.M.&Co.. 7th Roun Colombo B.M.&Co. 9th
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  • 24 3 Vessels For Agents Leaves 1 Delta Singapore A.G.&Co. Devanha Colombo A.G.&Co. Priitz Eitel 1 Friedrich Colombo B.M.&Co. Boon Singapore B M.&Jo. Nov. 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 269 3 (rr |,.l. >:■<! ‘Xf* r r Mall Service Outward. i iiilt with ludiii Arr*due ff Moldavia “nd l*l ,a Mongolia tb A» Homeward CoEnectmgl Due Stumer. with S.S. London. P' 1* •j] [lelhi 1 |N»vanba J» Are*!'* 2 IJelta China Macedonia VI .4 rm< >ra. lu<li.i 18 2 16 30
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    • 451 3 For BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAYICATION CO., LTD. Intended to Saii.. Steamer. Singapore (Three times a week). Sat. 28th Oct., 4 p.m. Sun. 29th (Jet., 4 p.m. Thur. 2nd Nov., 4 p in. Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Thur. 2(>th (>ct., 4 p.m. Sat. 18th Oct., 4 p in.
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    • 944 3 'SJH I P P I N G.) MDDEtTTSCHER LL07D, BREMEN IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE THE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa). Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • 441 4 A JOURNAL FOR EDUCATED FoLE. Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penaug. Price. Daily Local ?2t per annum Outstation Postal Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 315 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Dep&rtmint 343 Studio
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  • 478 4 Oub of the most Hy spots we know is Rome, but Douglas I Isle of Man) and Marseilles run it close. Perhaps we had •tetter explain. Being a lit of a Jew, the Editor generally gets the Echo-man to wr te Saturday’s editorial, and that person this mouiing.
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  • 63 4 The following business in tiu ha* Iww-n done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange. 2” tons at s°3 15 Leong Fee A Co., 25 93 70 Singapore Straits Tneling Co, 175 93 60 Total 225 tons Tin is quoted in Ijondon to-dav at .£lB7 ash and £lB7
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  • 50 4 Quoits Tournament. The following ties have been fixed for Monday, 30th inst. Double Handicap. Southam and Davidson vs. Ward and Cunningham. Arnold and Riley vs. Goodwin and T. Wright. The following ties have leen fixed for Tuesday, 31st in>t. Championship. Dunn vs. Cuseaden. Neubrotiner vs. Rib y.
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  • 591 4 Highest corrected reading f Barometer 3C*013 Maximum temperature in Shade 8->°F Minimum 7l°F Rainfall Ni*. Prevailing direction of Wind... N.W. Selangor Gaming Farm. —A number of Penang capitalists have arrived in Klutupur to tender for next year’s gaming bouses. Messrs F. D. C.
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  • 1681 4 c ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Annual General Meeting of the i Penang Cricket Club was held at the club i premises yesterday evening, when a large i numlier of members was present. i In the absence of Mr. J. W. Hallifax 1 (President), Mr. 11. Muir (Vice-President)
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  • 186 4 Loss OK $7,000 Last «a* The rej»ort and balance sheet uf Turf Club will be considered on m It i« a depressing document. A $7,169.80 is shown on the year s wi. the report, signed !>v the Vice-Pwdat. G A. Hereford, state* This disastrous** of affairs has
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 377 4 3«C THE CRAG HOTEL. SANATORIUM. PENANG HILLS. AS GOOD AN HOTEL AS ANY IN THE STRAITS." —Singapore Free Freer, 27th March. BROTHER?, I'ropriptnr*. ymrr-T >♦0 “GOOD VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. A now shipment of the Latent and most Up-to-date designs of Private fcublter-Tvred Rickshaws from Messrs. D. AKIHA Co. has
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    • 45 4 Sprains. It has l*jen satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of persons have to thank (jonoftatl for restoration to health and happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail. At all dealers in Patent Medicines and Chemicals in bottles of 40 capsules.
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    • 59 4 Offerers T»ke Notia. There is no necessity of your l#»ing constantly annoyed by a tickling in the throat, which keeps you coughing and disturbs vour sleep and rest. A dose or two of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cut the phlegm which is the cause of the trouble and clear the
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    • 43 5 «10 000 Damage3£uT« n.i««-»»"“ 1 ru,,l J l lSaD<' > 1 f j,„ Kuit, aun of The fire Brigade j, tlu* tteeneof the fire, «s > bk t Jd‘ that the damage is $30,000. uot insured. jy ruW' er w Echo Special.
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    • 10 5 <U4 990. ,0 th- Km.' Edward Memo-
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    • 32 5 Will Not Return to Singapore. u Tbranis the Singapore horse Mr r U wbj in England will not return l(, Su»fc r *P f,re a il D Echo Sjieciul.
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    • 25 5 r Prevent 111-treatment. Bill publwhod T u-lr.mieut Gazette. It provides T Anting iH-treatuient of w rJ different classes are .«per*®r Echo Special.
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    • 29 5 Ai Tennis Pl.yer. Arthur Voeutf a.J 1 1» Hurl t. I «(«t uWrenci* Mill rap in tin Tenuis T«gf«aß*ntit Singapore beating Mr- Claud jjmni .ud Mr. Hooper.
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    • 306 5 D »miml of Sheng Run* Pao. Tb, diitni*»l of 8heng Rung, j! inter of Communications, who is identic»! with Cheng Shuau Hai, constitutes utter jurrender of the Government. TV foreigueri regard Shqng 4 4 11 e H‘ an t 4 capable orfjcial sip> r Tang
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    • 30 5 Atife""'" 1 k the Premier. <W„i,lT| l "i' bIU,u stitesllmt oB t i V nUle Mm,ster iu a MtW,U J!! Lo,Bulon Wealth budget, S-tt hl The Imperial Reuter.
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    • 17 5 In!*,™**' tn cs B>rr>. 1? «Sm» jf IWr. offering **r«& ,r ii m t t Reuter.
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    • 11 5 M «< i »pST ru i s ,OM •MO'Ull* Jt-'-v >.....
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    • 348 5 Advance Into Interior of Tripoli. A telegram from Milan states that General Caneva has completed his pious for au advance into the interior. Thev include the elaboration of the South African block house system of a ch tin of forts which will l*e constructed from Tripoli to Gharian.
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    • 72 5 Dissolution. telegram from Washington says that the Government has filed a suit at Trenton aud New .lei s y for the dissolution of the Steel Trust 011 the ground that it is a monopoly. Ihe witnesses subpreaaed include Pierpout Morgan, the Rockfellcr.s, Schwab, and G«rv, most of whom
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    • 78 5 Some Details, Reuter leaiiis that the Ring will app»n at the Durbar wearing it Crown specially made for the occasion- The will wear her Coronation Crown with the Kohiuoor diamond. The King will deliver a speech to the people of In lia to be distributed in the vernacular
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    • 64 5 Selborne At Peterborough. The Earl of Selßorne, speaking at Peterborough, said that the resistance of the Ulstermen to Home' Rule could only be put down. It had lieeu slid that Home Rule must be good because it was successful in South Africa but the very reverse happened in
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    • 46 5 Franco—German Agreements. Reuter learns that the Franco-German agreements will lie comprised in two separate treaties of which only the Morocco one wi’l Ih* formally communicated to the Powers Both will he signed before November 8, w hen the French and German parliaments will meet. Renter.
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    • 78 5 Lower-Grade Men’s Wages To Be Raised. The railway companies decided to increise the rates of pav to lower-grade men. This is evidently a counter-stroke to the railway men's agitation for a strike against the Commission’s finding. Doubtless it will mean higher passenger freights and rates which the Government
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    • 26 5 Another Death. The military aviator 1 lesparmet, while mnnoplamug at Kheims, fell from a height of 609 ft. and was killed on the spot. Renter.
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  • 1160 5 (Before Mr. J notice Thornton.) Chinese Administration Case. I 11‘Urn tiff». G*n Teong Tat, (liti T<*on« Teik, li»n Choo Omih, Oan Teong Liang ami Lee Seok Kim. I Defendant. Oan Ngoh Bee. Counsel. For the plaintiffs. Mssri. W. H. Thorne ami O. N. Saye. For the defendant. M
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  • 112 5 Tin Ore. —The s.s. Avagyee brought 375 piculs of tin ore. Pilgrims.— r The s.s. Rhesus will come alongside the wharf to-morrow to embark about 200 pilgrims. Tin Shipment. s.s. Rhesus, Messrs. Guthrie Co 0 tons to London Behr A Co., 125 General Cargo. s.s. Benledi 4-66 tons
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  • 93 5 To-d«t 7th Day of 9th Moon. St. Simon and St. Jude. Ipoh Sky Race Meeting. Singapore Race Entries Close. Golf Club Men’s Monthly Medal. Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kaugsar Road, 9 p.m. The Bachelors,” Town Hall, 9-15 pm. Japanese Bioscope, Penang Road. Straits Cinematograph,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 22 5 rr.~ ft' uter. w n0N is attnmi£** by J i> p 1 i a V'l UUi#st betic*, rw 40 in a bottle.
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    • 17 5 For ail internal con p a nts, dysentery, '*°uirhH, colds, etc. take W-wif' Grea f Peppermint Curo.
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    • 317 5 TRONOH SOUTH LIMITED. I The subscription list for shares in the above Company will close early in November. Applications should therefor l>e forj warded to Messrs. Anthony Anderson, 9, Beach Street, Penang, immediately. 28* 10’11 737 DIABETES A" interesting treatise dialing with the causes, symptoms and the most effective treatment
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    • 227 5 Visiting- "Stay at the Grand Hotel,” IPOH- Homelike Hotel for Transient or Residential Guests, affording every known comfort and convenience, and appealing to those seeking the Best Accommodations at Reasonable Rates. Temu.rams CREĔT, Ipoli. P. Z. CREET, Sole Projyrietor. ORIENT MAGALIESBERG TOBACCO. TRANSVA&L PUR'S LEAF- THE ONLY ORIGINAL. in iii.
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    • 94 6 Han Whalt Soon, Br. s.s., 199, Milne, 27th < P. Brandan, 26th Out., Gen. E. 8. Co., Ltd. Tarob I. Hr. m h., 3,657, Symmers, 28th Out, Singapore, 26th ()ct., Gen. —H. L. A Co. Hiitijala, Br mb, 1,936, Alexander, 28tb Oct., Singapore, 26th Oct., Gen. H. L A
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    • 78 6 28th October Kedah, for Alor Star (Kedah). Tarotm, for Madras taking mails for Europe, etc via Boml*ay. Hanjala, for Uaugoou and Calcutta. Ban Whalt Soon, for Pangkalan Brandan. Holt Canton, for Teluk Anson. Betel, for Langsa. T. Semawe. Segli, Olehleh Sibang, Padang Ac, B tavia CaJyysj, for Deli. fjama,
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    • 280 6 Ven —Per Jit Seng, 30th instant, 7 a.m. Dindinir*. itiawin and Teluk Anson Per Canton, 30th instant, 2 pm. Port Swettenham and Singapore —Per Kbing, 31st instant, 4 p.m. Oh W bkk Days. Taiping, Ipoh and Batu Gajah, 7-15 a.m. vnd 1.45 p.m. daily, Sundays excepted also it
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  • 221 6 Gold Leaf $61.60 Black Pepper no stork White Pepper 2®. —bvyert Trang Pepper 20.— nom. Cloves 42. nominal Mace I*B —a nninal Pickings ...107 —buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 28. —sales (No. 1 8 2 >**/<• Sugar < 2 810 *al s (.Basket 5.10 nun. Copra (mixed) 11.30*-*/». (Tahbun 190.—
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  • 1678 6 1 'I :j 1 I f I 1 cpiu.. n I j i 2 issued. "2 I s 3 a j I I J J *> i i j 190*15**7 U*0P 15*09 15******1 KRBBF.R—1>'< LI.AR *11 tUKS. I p.r.! p j p.c. p.c. Ip- ft e i m m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 50 6 lief the learned o’er planets puzzle, |*.t th** p'iice the bow-wows muzzle. And the thirst people «u/./.le Iu the wavs that suit ’em b?at. Hut every l*en>(ar, |*eer or laird. Should keep this Cure that can’t be ►pared. With Woods’ Great Pep, ermint Cure prepared. For ailments of the chest.
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    • 63 6 Worth Twenty Times Its Cost. One l»ottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy goes a long way toward relieving suffering humanity. It is better than any doctor’s prescription, aud worth twenty times its cost in cases of diarrhoea, cramp colic or dysentery, which tre liable to coiue on suddenly
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    • 95 6 Wood*’ Grerst Peppennut Cnr** for a 1 internal complaint*, dr-»entrj. omigh*. ooI<1n, e CHAPOTEAUT’8 HUoi N 0 IRATTVE TASTI UIMIPi.E KO OF SMELL COD NO LIVER NAUSEA OIL MORRHUOL Is superior to Emulsions or Oil,it cure* icipiciit Consumption, Coughs, Brouutis ami Scrofula Each tiny M >rrhuol capsule is extracted nun
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    • 39 6 JEFFREY'S CASTLE BBANJ BEER An Absolutely <3 <8L \l?7i 3 TRADC e> o N B\)^ Pure Beer. T’Ae o/i /Ac Market. Obtainable it ill the Leading Stores Hotels. ADAMSON. GILFILLAN 8 CO., LTD., SOLE AGENTS Penang, Singapore and Malacca.
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  • 2447 7 [All Rights Reserved.] Curious Points from my Thousand Games. 11T J. J. Bentley. President of the English League). It was only in the later seventies that we in the north knew anything about referees, except from hearsay, and when I saw one for the first time, 1 wondered
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  • 226 7 Local Steamer Service. Expected Arrivals. The Companies do not guarantee the dates of arrival of the steamers but will endeavour us far as possible to ensure punctuality. From A lor Star, (Kedah). —Kedah, 23, 2">, 27, 2H and 31, and Tong Chuau, 22, 24, 2d, 28, and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 72 7 'm w\ I m eyesight. MR. H. LAZARUS, Son of fate Mr. N. LAZARUS, OPHTHALMIC optician CALCUTTA. IS NOW HERE anD can be consulted for SPECTACLES AT Messrs. GOH TAIK CHEE SON, Church Street, Penang. LAST PEW DATS. Sight-Testing and Advice Free. HOURS OF CONSULTATION From 9 a.m. to 12
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    • 640 7 Penang Sales Room. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE, The undersigned is instructed to sell by PUBLIC aXJCTION, At ;J8, If each Street On Thursday, 2nd November, 1911, AT 11 AM., Thk Following Propkbtt All that piece of laud and hereditaments situate in the District of Tanjong Penaigrej in Peuang, being
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    • 77 7 Rheumatism. Chronic rheumatism often attacks the iarger joints. Internal treatment of any kiu<i would be worse than useless, but by applying Chamberlains Pain Balm freely and massaging the affected parts three times a dav, a cure may be effected. It will afford some relief at once and by continuing the
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    • 31 7 A Good Rule. Make it a rule of your boine to keep Chamlierlaio’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. F<*r sale bv all Dispensaries and Dealer*
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    • 62 7 I I THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized God Liver Oil Compound VlltiWyt I 'text c«< 'ral it: TASTELES3 ODORLEBB I he latest scientific pre parationof COI) LIVER OIL. l)ocs all that is claimed for it and super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1131 8 W. MANSON, A m erica n Den fiat, Lite of Df. Allen 8 Co.. Pka. 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free KKMIOINa AT A o. 21 a, Penang Road. A few doo.i from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. Khoo Buan Phuan CHOP Gim Seng Mob, 203. Main Road, Taiping.
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