Straits Echo, 17 October 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1120 1 Prink Hea d Guinness s Dog s w Stout, ,UP &n<l look for this s V label i k to «ee that you got it. M I A ...ltl/tf Andrew s Co s SPSCIU reserve. oV G. Whisky. %UNDS. BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS fob PENANG V F. M. s. piVU
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    • 38 1 Order il in Nip Bottles I Dog's Head C tirress’s •w» —y«». Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. Observe this latel it is on every genu* ine Nip. TIANG LEE A Co., Sol Agwt».
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  • 2639 2 lecture on pkevention. Bt I>b Malcolm Watsok was a crowded audience at tbe Victoria Theatre, Singapore, on Friday eren- < j nß to hear I)r. Malcolm Watson, of Klang. Irct'iie on tbe Previntum of Malaria. All part» of the house were filled with all of the coinmunitr. including manv
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  • 19 2 r English Arcadia ...19lh Oct l biua Uflhi ...21ft Cliiuii DerJUinger) 24tb v i’ Alice) ...2€tb
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 66 2 THIS 13 IT V. aterbury's Metabolized Cod Liver Oil ij «Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre p jraiicn ofCt>l) LIVER OIL. Dcrs all that is claimed Li it and super seJe-* the old i.ishuncd emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the modi cal profession. ALL CIC
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    • 458 2 Sprain» I Sprains require careful treatment. Keep qu:et and apply Chamberlain’s Pain Ba m freelv. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the pirts to a healthy condition* For sale by all Dispensa.ies and Dealers. The Straits Cinematograph Coy. To-night! To-night!! Napolem Bonaparte AT St. Helena R 1 The
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    • 1378 2 DUTCH CIGARS We supply the following brands: 1 Gladiator 2 Princess .Yuliana 3 Aquila Blanca 4 Carmen 5 Togo 6 Princessas 7 La Imperial 8 La Vista 9 Flor Marquesa 10 Falliers 11 Blanca J2 Flor de Cambas G. H. SLOT Co., 35E, Beach Street Penang, 1 Government Notification. Tenders
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    • 1247 2 NOTICE. TAMIL IMMIGRATION FOND ENACTMENT. 19CS Employers of Tamil labour are herebv reminded that returns under the above Enactment for the preceding quarter must be sent to the office of the Superintendent of Immigrants, Penang, during the months of April, July, October and January. Forms for the return will be
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  • 30 3 1 Vessels 1 t row Agent Dne A rcadia Colombo Delhi Singapore Derfflinger Singapore P. Alice Colombo 2 1 A.G&Co. A. B. B.M.&Co. 19th Oct. 21st 24th 26th
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  • 23 3 Vessel* For Agent* Leave* A read la Delhi Derfiling er P. Alice Singapore Colo ml>o Colombo Singapore A.G.&Co. A. B. B.M.&Jo. Oct.
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  • 37 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outward. Homeward. Arcadia 19 Oct. I Delhi 21 Oct. Delt i 2 Nov. I Devanha 4 Nov. Extra Service. Outward Homeward. Palawan 21 Oct. I Sumatra 8 Nov Poona 31 Malta 22
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 259 3 ArriTHlH and I*pnrt«n>i. Mail Service Outward. on $<* 1?(h Aittdi» connecting 2nd 1*“* |«h A*»7 e Homeward with India Moldavia Mongolia JOAkw'*' 23 Hnual.iVii jllVlhi 22 India iMvanli-i 20l»**lta |A«e* Te |k1)**IIii Mar. fkUi»iHM s uo Mantera Macedonia Morea Apr. Thogli. Str. Moldavia May Maloja ii Mongolia June Malwa 1
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    • 362 3 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. iFo* Intended to Sail.' Singapore (Three times a week). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Rangoon Calcutta. (Weekly). Thur. 19th Oct., 4 p.m. Sat. 21st Oct., 4 p.m. Sun. 22nd Oct., 4 p.m. Steamer. Taroba Lama A
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    • 161 3 ASIHJ P P I N G.) I Austraian Lloyd Steamer Navigation Company. HE Company’s Steam- A ers may be expected m to arrive outwards and -v>3?5£' leave homewards on the following dates: Outward. (For Singapore, China Japan.) s.s. E. F. Ferdinand due here 5th Nov., 1911. s.s. Persia due here
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    • 913 3 IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. K Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau or Nagasaki, Yokohama and back. They are due in Penang on or about the undermentioned dates 1911. OUTWARDS s.s. Primes» Alice (20,300) 26 Oct. Roon (17.300) „9 Nov. KleUt (17,000) 23 .1 Prim Ludwig (18,300)* 7 Dec. Buelow
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  • 433 4 A Journal for Educatbd Folk. Published daily (except SuuJays aud public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226 —232 Beach Street, Penaug. Price. Daily Local $24 per auuam. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343
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  • 1007 4 A dozen men were grouped al>out the E. O. bar ju't before dinner night. Some were in evening dress; some in white tunics; Sarkies himself looked handsome in a white coat cut on D.nuer Jacket lines. A smart shower mode a noise like dry
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  • 413 4 The following business in tin has been done to-day:— Penang Penang Tin Exchange. 100 tons at $94 05 Leong Fee Co., 75 9k50 Eastern Smelting Co., 125 94.60 Straits Trading Co., 22 > 94.50 Singapore Straits Trading Co, 400 94.75 Total 925 tons Tin is quoted
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  • 252 4 Rahman Hydraulic Tin Ltd. An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of this company was held at the Hongkong and Shanghai Bauk Buildings yesterday afternoon, Mr. J. Mitchell presiding. On the proposal of Mr. H. R Bell, seconded by Mr. Kboo It Ghee, the following resolution, passed at
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  • 221 4 Chin Seng Co. Free Advt. and Unsolicited Testimonial. Thi-i is the story that the Echo-man told Brother Sarkies last night. Bro. Sarkies is a Director of Chin Seng A Co., carriage builders and repairers. Sent my Saiee yesterday to Clrn Seng’s, with front wheel of victoria. Rubber tyre had come
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  • 47 4 Scores made at Kainpong Bahru. W Tti 99 rs r 3 S fc. u s- sS 3 c 3 >h >- >h E-i 100 150 200 Mrs. Mitchell 20 30 27 83 Miss Starr 29 30 24 83 Miss Maciutyre 22 23 23 08
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  • 350 4 Quoits Tournament. The following ties have been fixed for 1 Thursday, 19th inst. Champio nsh ij>. Rilev vs. F. Daniel. Ezechiel vs. Hamilton. Ward vs. Jarvis. The Deportation or Mr. Cole —The Law Journal, referring to the deportation of Mr. Cole from British East Africa says In
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    • 14 4 Th. Mr. Alfred Hitching who &*<* home from Singapore. on hi* f ho *v<
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    • 10 4 attend the Delhi Durbar m 1 s l'#ial
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    • 52 4 Being Floated At Sinian* A motor car company is u“* PJrcatnpipore. with a capital 0 f |£?SJ dollar shares, to tak e over the to Tau Tek puan. The von? t.*es a dividend of 20 per rent f Uf 4 .v r a..J!. p«rc,n..rSi?"* ;:,r profita «t*®
      52 words
    • 129 4 rrn c »ll\me. I lie following pr(*granmie of H V a Governor s trip to Penang and the F M t has been issued Oct. 21. Leaves Singai>orc For Pa* 0« 23. Am,« At V, Addresses from the Chamber of c„ meree. Mudicml Chinese Chamber of Comment,
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    • 87 4 Business in the States. At the meeting of the Cold Storage Co®, pany at Singapore, Mr. Heron presiding, it was announced that the business in the States was far short of expectations owing to the heavy expenses. And in Penang. It is lielieved that it will take
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    • 73 4 General Meeting. At the meeting at Singapore of the sliareholders of the Pegoh Rubber Company, Mr J. M. Sime presiding, it was devilled to transfer the company to London. The Chairman said that the estmatoi dividend of 12£ j>er cent, was verv conservative. A 7', f>er cent, dividend
      73 words
    • 32 4 Canada’s New Gov-ernor-General. Unprecedented Welcome. The Duke and Duchess of Connaueh were welcomed at Ottawa with unprawW* ed enthusiasm. The crowd at several poirti got beyond the control of the Police. Renter
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    • 90 4 Unionist Indignation. The Unionist papers are verv at Mr. Lloyd George’s description cf Unionist efforts to improve upon the In--ance Bill as obstruction. They assum'*’- 1 the object of the speech is to make the !>■ purely party measure in view of justify the use of the clomre
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    • 70 4 General Ordenez Dead. The Spanish General Ordenez. wounded in the attack bv the tnl* the Spanish position, has died aM of the wound. Furious Moorish TTAl ml |d Ferocious Moorish attacks on tinpositions at the Kert River Spaniards bv surprise The M ’rs the river in the face of
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    • 219 5 Ch °,nlilt Malt* that th A *W£iLu is slow If spreading. Ho a*. taken pliM'e. Kor Tripoli. A rT h |.',,000 troop** of *l*o T* for Tripoli secretly t.Jao esp* 1 f automobito* specially U -JS heaw weights over the ,pj#J I iff! “J' 1 Coast Tow»». Tripoli
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    • 210 5 Money Stringency. Tbe Chinese Minister of Finance his a million taels to relieve the money RMMBCr. Da* price of rice has risen per cent. Itiuin Cruisers in Readiness. Thrw of the fastest Italian cruisers have feu offered to lie ill readiuess for China. I’ekixo Press Opinion. TV
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    • 81 5 Birrcll To Retire. TIh* Daily Chronicle foreshadows the fohowing Cabinet changes: Winston Churchill (Home Secretary) fphe Mr. Augustine Mirrell (Irish j* >t*rjr) whois retiring owing to ill health Churchill will assist the Premier in the Home Rule Hill. I J- h. h Seely (Under Secretary of r ,e
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    • 18 5 Twenty Killed. «Van fnm, Catachia states that it kilknl and twenty-four injured at Umacchia on the Reuter.
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    • 48 5 K tj Surplus. rom 81 Petersburg states fnifan J> Man HI 'L r 't the revenue and NbJ, balance at 28.252.552.100 ?*f‘ mat s sllowa surplus of ,,o »«itnikr U L?'- Tl K is put as an off U A fint m ,l 'e extraordinary Reuter.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 243 4 MOTORCYCLES PRiCESFROM 300. Liihuciibts, Media is sat Heavies. Missey-Karris, Fremizr and Simplex. MASSEY-HARRIS BICYCLE WORKS. 23. BEAC:t STREET. PENANa. IN AID OF THE Confucius Temple U School Fund. The members of the Penang Mutual Improvement Association Amateur Dramatic Co. will perform at the Drury Lane Theatre on the evening of
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    • 34 4 Dr. Friedlaender testified that (*<wir>B in exerts a favourable influence in removin'' complications and haemorrhage; also more rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by it than by any other preparation of Sandalwood oil etc.
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    • 12 4 Woodu’ Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaint», dy-wntrv. coughs. cold* etc
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    • 12 4 For »11 internal r< mp'aint*. nousrhu. roMh. etr.. take Woud* Peppermint Cure.
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  • 35 5 temperature i u Jauwnm 5°F JMfiU 72 5°P V 1... -55 inch, m j v 7'»^^ teJC orrow (Wednesfor the celebration 2 TWc? ar) fth t)irthdav lUe( -bmeseareob«ervinpit
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    • 1551 5 To the Editor or mi Straits Echo. Sir, Mv advent to Penang has roused a good deal of interest amongst the residents in Chiromancy, more easily recognized by the ordinary public as Palmistry. Now Palmistry as I will cill it is a science just as much as
      1,551 words
  • 522 5 j The Right Honourable the Secretary of I State for the Colonies has been pleased to j approve the promotion of the following Fir-t Grade Surveyors to be Assistant Superintendents (Field) in the Revenue Survey Branch, with effect from the Ist 11 April,' 1911 Mr. G. A. Hodges,
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  • 398 5 Arrived. 3 Per s.s. Klang, 16th Oct, from Singai pore Mrs. Felkin, Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. i Goldie, Miss Kerr, Mr. A. Schiefer, Mr. H i J. Roliertson, Dr. M. Cutcliison, Mr. K. 1 Thomas, Hon. A. T. Bryant and Mr. Cliee I Chu Tin. i Departures. Per sB.
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  • 63 5 To- rut 26th Dav of Bth Moon. P. C. C. Qubits Tournament. Ladies’ Bisley, Taiping. Golf Club Ladies’ Monthly Me 'al. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road, 9 p.m. Japanese Bioscop a, Penang Road. To-morrow. 27th Day of Bth Moon. St. Luke, Evangelist. P. C. C Quoits Tournament. j
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 259 5 The Premier Pocket Diary 1912. (Will be out Shortly.} Press Opinions (1911 Edition). Siag’v nr; Fre; P_*;ss. From the Strait» Supply Agency, Penang, comes a verv handy and Useful Diary, for 191 I This diary contains postal information, stamp duties, railway time tables, trade list for Singapore, Penang and Kuala
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    • 542 5 jPZNANG St. ANDREW’! SOCIETY. 1 Scotsmen in Penang and Province Wei lesley are reminded that the annual Ball <i the Society takes place on Thursday, 30tl November, litll. J Subscription $15 and an additional $5 foi each guest, married couples to couut as on? Guest. j All invitations are to
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    • 82 6 Omaper Br. t.s.. 340, Lyons, 16th Oct., Singapore, 14th Oct., G< n. —E. S. Co., lAd J4Br. 405. Such. 160* Tuu/iUti. 1 .'.III Oct., Otn— A. Q. *Co AV./. J, Br 2.480. Harn«. lAb <M., Oak utta, 7th Oct., Gen. —E. o. Co., ss..*258, Lingard, 1 th Oct, Deli,
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    • 62 6 17th October. Henna, for Deli and Batu Bahra. Vidar. for Batu Bahra. Tong Chuan, for Alor Star (Kedah). Jin Ho, for I*angkat. Petrel, for Asahan. Lian Choo, for Batu Bahra. Omopcre for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Malaya, for Deli. Panykor, for Bindings and Sitiawan. Hebe, for Teluk Ansou. Klang,
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  • 35 6 Fob Ydn —Per Jit Seny. to-morrow, 7 am. Negapatam and Madras —Per Thonywa, to-morrow, 11 Tongkah —Per Malacca, to morrow. 1 p m. Alor Star (Kedah)— Per Kedah, tomorrow, 1 p m.
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  • 128 6 >» Pehano. 17th October. 1 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/M 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4$-$ 3 Credit 2/4^ f> 3 Documentary.. 2'4»| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’sight Private 175} Bombay, Demand Bank 174 ttoulmein, Demand Bank 1*3} 8 days* sight Private 176
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  • 220 6 Gold Leaf *.60 Black Pepper a*» *toe' White Pepper 28j tales Trang Pepper 20.— nom. Cloves 42. nominal Mace 1"8 —nominal Pickings 105— sil‘* Nutmegs 110s. 25 ale* (No. 1 8 2 JsofiSugar < ft 2 8 10 sal s U Basket 5. lOaom. Copra (mixed) 11 buyers C
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  • 158 6 Pknano, 17th Ootoukr. 1911. Bkbk c^Soup catty 1 4 Roast Steaks 21 Stew o Curry Meat,... Id Rump Steak Ox Tail each 10 Tongue... Feet t> Heart >• Liver per catty 55 Poke Pork Pig's Head... ***7 n Z m Tongue i* Murroif a h«<i b Feet ,."f
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  • 2075 6 z j i *o 2 Number of ”3 i '43 »3 Capital. Shares > Dividends. Nam, fe S g issued. §3 p =3 u i a uo <y 25 I i 1 i I I 1904 1«N »7 1908 |!409 *****911 RUBBER—DOI.I AU SHARKS. p.r. pc p.c. p.«. ip-®-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 32 6 A Good Rule. Make if a rule of your home to keep Chamlierlainn Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keinedv a* a safeguard against bowel com- For sale by all and plaints. I tealers
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    • 135 6 Offerers Ttkc Notia. Th re is no necessity of your being constant Iv annoyed by a tickling in the throat, which keeps you coughing and disturbs your sleep and rest. A dose or two of Chamberlain’s Cough Keuiedy will cut the phlegm which is the cause of the trouble and
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    • 234 6 Teluk Anson— Per Hole Canton, tomorrow, 2 p m. Singapore, China A Japan—Per Arcadia, 19th instant, 9 a m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Taroba, 19lh instant, 3 pm. Singapore, China and Japan—Per Japan, 19th instant. 4 p.m. I’ve heard folks say a coward can At times become a hero. And
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  • 315 7 Expected Arrivals. The Companies clo not guarantee the dates of arrival of the steamers, but will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. From Alor Star, (Kedah). Kedah,l3, 15. 17, 10, 21, 23, 25, 27and 20, and Tong Chuan, 14, 10, 18, 20. 22, 24, 20,
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  • 67 7 October, 1911. Date. 11 VV L W H.W. L. W. A M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 17th 7.28, 1 51, 8.15, 2.38 18th 8.58, 3.05, 9.35, 3.52 19th 9 50, 3.57, 10.05, 4.12 20th 10.29, 4.38. 10.49, 4.59 21st 11.10, 5.20, 11.30, 5.41 22nd 11.48, 5.56, 12.0-5,
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  • 12 7 O Vmw rf, oq First O.inrter n,v*;V: l-t Quarto is,].
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 815 7 SALE. Guide to Penang, TECK COMPANY, Shan&h&i Carpenters Furnishers, 4 P3NANQ BO ID I BY TH B LATB High .class Household Furniture kept in E F. Skertehly, 11 V stock and made to order. Inspection Cordially Invited. 282c nit ItfcRNLSE ALPS MILK CO.s Products were awarded the* GRAND PRIX (The
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    • 78 7 Rheumatism. Chronic rheumatism often attacks the larger joints. Internal treatment of any kind would be worse than useless, but by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm freely and massaging the affected parts three times a day, a cure may be effected. It will afford some relief at once and by continuing the
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    • 63 7 Worth Twenty Times Its Cost. Oue bottle of Chamber’ain’s Coli Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes a long wav toward relieving suffering bumaDilv. It i> better than any doctor’s prescription, and worth twenty times its cost in cases of diarthoea. cramp colic or dysentery, which are to come on sadd«
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    • 94 7 tr+ffi-+*t+++++++m+?^+fi THIS IS IT! WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED God Liver Oil Compound WnifWy'i f c.a !t •f-l TASTELESS ODORLESS I he latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes 1 lie old fashioned emulsions which upset ihe stomach. Highly re commended by the medi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1072 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Alien I Co., Fki, 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RRHIDINO AT A o. 21 a, Penang Road, k few loots from the Easters sal Oriental Bold. Khoo Buan Phuan CHOP Glm Seng Mob, 203. Main Road, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advancers and
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