Straits Echo, 16 October 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 966 1 Tonic and nomb‘ f 1* Thmc to iun,,h fOU I>nnk Guinness’s D°f! 5 Stout, and look for thin :t label to see that you get it. Andrew s Co s SPECIAL RESERVE. OV.G. Whisky. moiums, BUTTERY 8 Co.. AGENTS for PIXAHC 6> F. M. S. BANKS > DAVID CORSAR S
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    • 35 1 I Order it in Mip Buttles Dog’s Head C i.?natss’s Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothe* and doesu’t harm. Observe this label it is on every genuine Nip. T1ANG LEE A Co., Nok Agents.
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  • 6040 2 rCoNTKlHUTICD TO THK Echo BY I Mat Kazak] He was n voung wi lower, having lost his wife ju't before the reaping season. He was decently educated and was chosen and -jHde the Village teacher. H.s neat little <v, Huge was iu the well wooded Lamponj
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 446 2 KESHRANJAN OIL. v 36 Va 2 6^ NdftH !Li FORJHETlftl A good example is s>t by those who r*. gularly use. KAVI RAJ N. N. SEN’S Keshranjan Oil. The Groat Hair Restorer of Indian Renown. Keshrynjan— I,ike«l hv Ladies Keshranjan—Ladies like Kethranjiin Keshranjan—Liked bv Geuts Keshranjan —Geuts like Kethranjm Kisshran^n
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  • 968 3 QUINCENTENARY CELEBRATIONS AT ST. ANDREW’S. Eari.y Days oe Learning. Lord Rosebery was on September 14 in- stalled Lord Rector of St. Andrew’s University, aud in his rectorial address, which was heard by 3.500 persons in the hall special!v constructed for the celebration of the university’s quincentenary, spoke
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  • 1102 3 I There is a portly individual in front of our school, who is the possessor of a four wheeled cart with all s >rts of nice things in it. Some of the things are nice to plav with others are good to eat, and indeed wo would have been
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  • 211 3 Shimmkkivc; Pool or Watkk Across THK KoADWAt. The unusual spectacle of a mirage, generally associated with an African desert, was seen in tin blazing weather of ri *|>tember 2 from one of the very busie.-t of L uidon's Street crossings—the junct ion of the Strand Northuiulierland-avenu*'.,
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  • 319 3 Channel Record Disputed »y French Newspapers. The French newspapers are casting doubts upon the success of Burgess in swimming the Channel. The Paris Journal publishes a telegram from Calais in which the correspondent states that the news of Burge*»’ success had been received with surprise aud amusement. i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 242 3 Runnymede Hotel. yORTHAM ROAD-SEA-SIDE. RICE TABLE postponed to 22nd inst. PKHAHO. TELEPHONE NO. 543 A. KERDYK, Proprietor. it AMSTEL” beer Rciowned for Excellence of quality. Price per case of 48 qts. 96 pts. $11-50. 14-25. fOlSTS G. H. SLOT Co., PENANG S H > f. £q&3 V ■<:3 2» fc*
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    • 195 3 THE London Directory (Published Annually.) l/'NABLES traders throughout the mjJ World to communicate direct with English M <*nufacturera Dcslirs ia each class of goods. Besides being a complete commercial guide to London and its suburbs the Directory contains lists of Export Merchants rith the Goods they ship, and the Colonial
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    • 58 3 Cofferers Take Notice. is no necessity of your being constantly annoyed by a tickling in the throat, which keeps you coughin* and disturbs vour sleep and rest. A dose or two of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cut the phlegm which is the cause of the trouble an<l clear the pulmonary
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    • 65 3 Worth Twenty Times Its Cost. One bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes a long wav toward relieving suffering humanity. It is better than anv doctor’s prescription, and worth twenty times its cost incases of diarrln>ea, cramp colic or dysentery, which are l able to come on suddenly
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    • 337 3 WAKTTED. 'A COMPOSITOR Apply in person to THE MANAGER, Straif# Echo. FOH SALE. The Tamil-Anglo-Latin Pocket Medical Dictionary. OPINIONS. “It is a work truly original and highly instruct (Dr. M. Sinnatamby, M. D. (Brussels). F. It C 8 Superintendent, Lying-in Home, Colombo.) A work far reaching interest to all
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  • 921 4 Frenzied finance is not conducted alone < on WaJl Street, if we may judge from reve- i 1st ions made in the tpikane County Superior Court of Washington, where Mr. L. E- Collier, recover for the Naomi Gold Mining Company, has recently filed his report. This company
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  • 748 4 The great Pageant of London at the Festival of Empire, Crystal Palace has ended in a blaze of glory after a run of fifueu weeks and Mr. Frank laiscelles, pageant maker to the Empire, has hul the chief triumph of his brilliaut career. To sav that
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  • 373 4 Expected Arrivals. Th>‘ Comj> mini do vot guarantee the dat t of a> rival of the steamers, but trill eiuleaco r as far as possible to ensure punctuality. From Alor Star, (Kedah). —Kedah,13, 15. 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27and 29, and Tong Chu.ui, 14, 16, 18,
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  • 15 4 English Arcadia) ...19th Oct China tDelhi ...21st China ...24th German {P Alice) ...26th
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  • 16 4 oeL I •O New Moon First Quarter T O Full Muon 1 Last Quarter
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 55 4 THIS IS IT Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODOKLESS *4 l.rf. Thc latest scientific pre paration of COD L1VKK OIL. Dees all that is claimed for it and super sedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re commended by the medi cal profession. c:- ALL
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    • 403 4 George Town Sales Room NOTICE OE SALK, BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE Tbe undersigned will put up for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, On Wednesday, IBth October, 1911, i t Macho tig Buboh Police Station, Commencing at 11-30 A.M, Descript on of property. All that piece of land situated in the
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    • 633 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICE The Municipal Commissioners of George Town. Penang, invite separate tenders for for the reutiug of the following for one year from the Ist day of January 1. Noodin Street Ghuat Market. Jelutoug Market. Pu'o Trkus Market. Market -Street Bath. Cbowrasta Bath. Pitt Street Bath. Prangin Bath. Campbell Street
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    • 807 4 Government Notification. 1 Tenders will 1« received at the Hon’ble Resident Councillor’s Office, Penang, up to noon of the 30th October, 1911, for the 1 following works: To supply, deliver and pile on the road* sides 2* granite road metal, 2" Pulo Kra metal, 4* granite spawl®, 5’ Pulo Kra
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    • 471 4 The Straits Cine ma ‘«graph Coy. To-night! Napoleon Boo»^ St. Helena OR The l,ji of Kjjl0|nt (rrotji 1815 to 1h*Mi THE NEW GRAND PrSiVawr 1 The Cuirassiers of the Frra h 2 Trick iu the Egg Trade S l^> 3 The Professor s Drvaio l'**?*" 4 Restored (op 4 lathe
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  • 23 5 Vessels hronrn Agents Due Arcadia A.G.&Co. Delhi Singapore A.G.&Co. Derjflinyer Singapore B.M.&Co.. P. Alice Colombo B.M.&Co. 1 19th Oct. 24th 26th
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  • 37 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Serviced Outward. Homeward. Arcadia 19 Oct. i Delhi 21 Oct. Delta 2 Nov. Devanka 4 Nov. Extra Service. Outward Homeward. PaLunan 24 Oct. I Sumatra 8 Nov Poona 31 »i I Malta 2-
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  • 20 5 Vessels For Agents Leaves Area ilia Delhi Derjfliit'jer V. Alice Singapore Colombo Colombo Singapore A.G.&Co. A. B. B-M.&Jo. Oct.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 237 5 1A L S.N.f 4* Arrival* *nd l*p»rtiir**. Mail Service Outward. ibtkWy® Mongolii Homeward. M l a l,W L U l r,,,on IS jO Mu M Connecting I>ue Stainer. wlt h y.S. London. China Seaton. I L, Mantera Mar. .tjHiiiialava Macedonia 9 Delhi M->rea Apr.. fhogh. otr. ji Moldavia May If
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    • 368 5 <S1H 7 P PI NG.> BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD, !For Intended to Sail. 1 Steamer. Singapore (Three times a week). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a'week). Thur. 19th Oct., 4 p.m. Sat. 21st Oct., 4 p.m. Thur. 19th Oct., 4 p.m. Sat. 21st Oct., 4 pm. Mergui, Tavoy,
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    • 944 5 MDDEUTSCHEB LLQ7D, BREMEN IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE fTlHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen N. Y. K Japan Mail Steamship Company Ltd JL Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa), Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang,
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  • 451 6 A Journal for Educated Folk. Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local 324 jer annum. Outstation... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 315 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343 Studio
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  • 1373 6 There i« no reison why we shouldn't admit. that the situation in Chiuu been sprung on us that we have been caught natping. We do not pay very much attention to any of the China newspapers exc"pt one, the North China Daily News, and that usually alert paper
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  • 210 6 Quoits Tournament. The following ties have been fixed for Wednesday, 18th inst. Choir JtLnnsh ip. Ho i*t<»ii Mile hell. Slow»* v< Meicer. Davi Ison e* G *odwin. Siamese Coroxati >n —The Siam Observer learns that there is every probability of a British cruiser, possih'y the flasship of
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  • 310 6 A very successful Field I)ay was held yesterday morning by the inemliers of the Penang Volunteer and Cadet Corps, the scene of the skirmish beiqg in the vicinity of Ayer Etam Village The general idea was that a body of the enemy (lied Force) had landed at
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  • 267 6 PRESENTATION OF IMPERIAL SERVICE Medal. In the presence of several heads of depot meats and practically the whole staff of the Survey Office, Mr. P. W. Richards, retired Senior Surveyor, Penaug, was presented with the Imperial Service Molal at the Govern >r’s Offi at noon to-day.
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  • 337 6 Ntj'V T|n Proposition. A.bout a year aud a half ago, Mr. Langford, backed by Messrs. Anthony and Anderson, obtained a concession of 230 aeres about a couple of miles from Tronoh Railway Station. This land was prospected and bored, and Mr. Heurv Griffiths has made a very
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    • 334 6 Sir. '’-«-..mi., I shall I*, very thankful if m spare me a space in your v .l,,o, to give publicity to the article contributed hv Mr. H p 1 01 Kuala Lumpur under the title of ernmant of Sel*,,-or ft,,*"»*». gees which appeared in the
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  • 166 6 PRESGRAVK Cui> AND I K'KKKR.s CtT OcroBER, 1911. He unit. C G. May 9 hVap) nil siiiutim E S. Haslam (—20 do. Dr. Park 10 2 down C. C. Rogers 3 do. C. L. Saudes 12 4 do. G. A. Carmichael (—4 4 do. Dr Dine, Messrs.
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  • 253 6 The following lcisiiiHrt* m tin In»* I** done to-dav 1 Singapore i Straits Tramline Co, buyers, no sellers i Penang Penang Tin Exchange. gy# 1 buyers, no sellers > Eastern Smelting Co., 2'» tons at Straits Trading Co., .'0 l0 Total 75 tons. Rangoon rice is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 229 6 IN AID OF THE Confucius Temple and School Fund. The members of the Penang Mutual Improvement Association Amateur Dramatic Co. will perform at the Drury Lane Theatre on the evening of the 18th, 19th, 20th October. Booking at the Penang Mutual Improvement Association, Market Lane. ORIENT MAGALIESBERG TOBACCO. TRANSVAAL I
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    • 35 6 brink's about satisfactory results without the aid of any local treatment and is the latest and most scientific Remedy and far superior to combinations of plain Sandalwood oil. Copaiba, etc. At all chemists and dealers
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    • 253 7 TV Gra p**!l?burg states i tfK 1 1 ,r tlie Porte to the Russian J I* regard to tfrain intimates Z****T n Z* l-,nd f*.r neuTil port. but cargoes consigned to military authorities 11*1«*» >rf will be stop^d. t ph at Kantaba. T 1 port Said says that
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    • 20 7 Two Launched. t from Genoa states that the third and fourth Italian Dreadnoughts havs !«m buui bed. Reuter.
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    • 72 7 Taft on the Loan Agreements. A telegram from Sacramento says that IWkt Taft, iu defending the proposed tan agreement* with Honduras and Nicarim, that the consummation of the i.«ni would str uglv influence the peace of Centra! America. The enormous interests of tb? United States
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    • 262 7 Friendly Societies' Action. A Contemn 1 of the Friendly Societies at K resolved l»y 43 votes to 38 to to assist in administering the Gov*nuwtt Insurance scheme uuless GovernriKnt concede* the ininimum demands of the tvintiei fur an aiQjndinent of the Bill. Lloyd ()eom ik's Decision, Mr. Llovd
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    • 19 7 TW With m P ro v«mer,t. ,bo flatting Nav V duril, r the year u- Reuter.
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    • 494 7 Troow ‘or Paoting. s A ♦“legram from Peking states that eight i train loads ot tro ips hive left for Paoling. Revolutionist Statement. The revolutionists have informed the Con- sols at Hankow that they will resp?ct all the treaties aud loan agreements. Guarding the Concessions. Foreign bluejackets, under
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    • 42 7 British Makers' Concessions. At a meeting of the priucipil English and Scotch steelmakers it was agreed to grant a rebate of five shillings per toi for certain classes of material provided the consumers purchase exclusively from certain British steelmakers. Reuter.
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    • 50 7 Financial Scheme Approved. After prolonged negotiations between Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and France a scheme has been approved for the financial control of Liberia by America. It provides for au American Reeeiver-Geupral of Customs with the cooperation of receivers, oue from each of the remaining nationalities. Reuter.
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    • 41 7 Clem Hill To Captain The Australians. A telegram from Melbourne says that the Board of Control had appointed Mr. Clein Hill, Captain,and Messrs. Iredale, Hill, and i McAlister selectors of the Australian eleven to play against the Euglish team. Reuter.
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    • 51 7 Spanish Position Attacked. A Madrid telegram states that the tribesmen attacked the Spanish position at Izhafeu j yesterday. General Ordenez was wounded, receiving two bullets in his chest. A captain, a lieutenant, and sixteen men were also wounded. The enemy withdrew at nightfall, losing mnnv in killed and wounded
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    • 50 7 First Chinese viator. Lee, a Chinese Government pupil, ha§ obtained a pilot’s certificate from the Air School at Salisbury Plain. He is the first Chinaman to do so. Incinerated. A telegram from Berne states that the aviator Schmidt fell from a height of 150 It. He was incinerated. Reuter.
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    • 47 7 Anglo-German Negotiations. The Daily Chronicle correspondent at Vienua states that Anglo-Geruiau negotiations are proceeding with a view to finding a modi/ viveudi for the reduction of naval a ’lnaments. The negotiations are the outcome of the initiative of Germany in the Spring. Renter.
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    • 55 7 Dissolution Scheme. A telegram from New York states that the Vmerican T ibaoco-Company has publish *1 the plans for itsdiss duriou under the decision of August 1. The company divides into four companies none of which has a controlling interest in the tobacco business. All the agreements
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  • 348 7 Comprehensive— and —Necessary— Scheme. The health authorities, recognising how serious is the state of health in Selangor, have dei ided to eoimneuee a comprehensive town p'anmng scheme, for Klumpur. Recent malaria figures have produced a mala rial curve, which is nothing short of alarming, while the
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  • 300 7 Disease Making Headway in the Settlement. The Singapore medical authorities have, unhappily, matter for serious contemplation in the mortality returns of the Settlement for the week ended October 7. Of the 277 deaths recorded 33 were caused by cholera. Only five of these were imported which leaves
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  • 531 7 Ordinary Meeting, Friday, Oct. 13th. Present. His Rmlbnejp the Governor. Sir Arthur Young. His Excellency the Genl Officer Commanding r Troops, M»j Geu. Stephenson f The Hop. the Act. Col. Sec. Mr. R. J. Wiikin- SOU. the Attorney-General, T. M. Braddell the Col. Treasurer. W. C. Micliell. the
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  • 615 7 Arrived. Per s.s. H>’be, lfith Oct., from Te'uk Anson Mr. L. V. Lowe, Mr. F. G. Hubblee. Departures. IVr s.s. Per’k, 11-h -t, for I>< li :Mr h J. Van li *swi n. Per as Knl-th, 1 Ith Oct,, for FT»-G.*!« Dr. A. A. Woods, Master T. Woods,
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  • 31 7 Highest corrected reading of Barometer £9 918 Maximum temperature in Shade 93 F Minimum 73°F Rainfall »0 inch. Prevailing direction of Wind... N. VV.
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  • 29 7 Chersonese Syndicate, Ltd. The ore sales returns from this Syndicate’ B Mine at Taimuang, Siam, are as follows July Pkls. 244.84 August 167.11 September 217.59
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  • 78 7 J TO-DAT. £4 I 25Ni I>;tv of kfli Moon. Golf Club Entries Close for Mixed i Four**) urns. Volunteer Maxim Woo and Fearer Section Drill. Hockey. EtmLuiiulp. t .< v P. CJ.'C (QuoitsToum intent. Rahman Hydraulic Tin. Ltd. Spe-ial Meeting, 4 p in-. t Band. Esplanade, it p.m. George
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 5 7 wilier. "csrsrs tJ'mtTy, rough». coHp.
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    • 31 7 (ionos-in is a happv combination of Kawa Resins with Oleum Santali in the proportion of 1 part Kawa Kawa to 4 parts OleuniSantal cures easily, no complications. All chemists and dealers.
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    • 11 7 For nil ntrinil c >nriT*;aints. vnch*». tele WjhxIb* Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 303 7 EYE-SICHT MR. H. LAZARUS. Son of late Mr. N. LAZARUS. OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN. CALCUTTA. CAN BE CONSULTED FOR SPECTACLES AT Messrs. GOH TAIX CMEE SON, Church Street, Penamj. From Oct. 15th, 1911. until further notice. Sight-Testing and Advice Free. HOURS OF CONSULTATION From 9 a. m. to 12 noou aud 2
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    • 67 7 *3 A Few y/\ Days. YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO CONSULT THE MAN. WHO KNOWS The Greatest Living PALMIST E. O. HOTEL. ROOM 25. The "S-11-T” Bur mat Cheroots. The best and cheapest cigar on the market, in packets of 100 at $l-50 per packet, made of picked leaves and well
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    • 154 8 Malaya, Ger. 348, Peter*. 14th Oct., Deli, 13th Oct.. Gen.—B. M. A Co. Canton, Br. 106, Bavasahib, 14th Oct, Teluk An*on, 13th OcL, Gen. —Kong a.*., 4,296. Barwiae. 14th Oct.. Hongkong, 3rd Oct., Gen.—W. M. Co. Ihlirara, Br. a.a., 3,460, Hodgaon, 15th (Jet., Hangoon, 12th Oct., Gen.—H. L. A
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    • 64 8 16th October. Ketlah, for Alor Star (Kedah). Tomg Chay Un, for Trang. Acagyee, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malarra. Canton, for Dindin *s, Sitiawan and Teluk An*on. Coen, for Olehleh, Pulo Weh Ac. Padang. Lai Sang, for Calcutta. Ql- nfalloch, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Vh Peng,
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    • 70 8 Fo* Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, noon. Langkat— Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. 1 Asahan —Per Petrel, to-morrow, 1pm. j Port Swettenham and Singapore— Per Omnpne, to-morrow, 3 p.m. I Deli—Per Malaya, to-roormw, 3p^m. Dmdings and Sitiawan—Per Panglcor, to-morrow, 4 pm. 1 Teluk Anson —Per
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  • 127 8 Pb*ano. 16tb October. (By ooutrimy of tkĕ Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank n 4 month** tight Bank 2 3 Credit H* 8 Docnnuwttry.. 2''.,», Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’sight PHrat> I oJ Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 1 3( n 8 days* sight Privare 1
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  • 225 8 Gold Leaf <6 4.60 Black Pepper n» *tork WTiite Pepper *8| gales Prang Pepper 20.— nom. Cloves 42. nominal 5iace 1**8 —nominal Pickings 105— edec Nutmegs 1108. 25 ale* No. 1 8 2 soli Sugar 2 8 10 sal s (.Basket 5.10 nom. Copra (mixed) 11. buyer* TTahbuo *90.—*«
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  • 167 8 Pbmwh, 16th October. 1911. Bkkk— et». Soup p-v catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew o Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 20 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 3u Liver per catty 55 Pork Pork Pi*. Hmd.. '"'“«J q F i'll ja Tongue U Muttow
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  • 1847 8 n t s j f I *o 4 Number i .2 Capital. Sbar*« Dividends. Name. g C a E iaaned. S 3 sS fc i *2 5 <* I j I J I I 1 1 j i 1 3 I906jl9t*: 1908 1999 *****911 RUBBER —IMILI AK SMARL’S, p.c.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 32 8 A Good Role. Make if a rule of your home to keep Chamlierlain s Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Rerae<lv as a safeguard against bowel complaints' For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 28 8 THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION Act;ve Principle of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote. M0.55WĔ (Chapoteaut) RELIABLE AGENT IN TREATMENT OF v TUBERCULOSIS > OR PULMONARY PHTHISIS Sold by all Chemists.
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    • 138 8 Warm Days brk{ wit|l their pleasures some discomforts. Then it is really refreshing to remove every trace of dust and perspiration by using CALVERTS Carbolic T oilet Soap and any day it is a good soap to choose for ordinary toilet use. Pure and cleansing, pleasantly perfumed and antiseptic—for 10
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  • 4581 9 He happened to be passing down a long, almost deserted road not very far away from I the hotel, when a motor-car whizzed up, stopped abruptly, two men sprang out, a cloth was thrown over Decantelle’s head, his arms were pinioned, and he was bundled into the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 339 9 COMPANY, Shanghai Carpenters Furnishers, 4, P2NANQ PO 'D. ujgh-class Household Furniture kept i stock and made to order. J a 11 T«% v-J in Inspection Cordially Invited. 202( ♦oc fhy Waste Your Money on Lottery Tickets, it in Government Premium Bonds without risking your outlay. tbn n m ;i position
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    • 267 9 FOR SALE. Guide to Penang, BT THK LATH E. F. Skertchly, f. e. s. Price 50 cents. Worth a Dollar a copy.”) SOLD AT STRAITS MO" (MUAND AT THE SAVE-U-TFOUBLE FIRM. FOR SALE JOHN MARTIN, MIN3R A ROVI NCE OF MJD' RN MAL\Y\. by OLIVER ASM WELL Airnto't. o "Tales
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    • 215 9 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n innnnnnnnnnnnnnnjnnnnnnnnnnnnn DUTCH CIGARS. JUSTUS VAN MAURIK'S Pateutes box of 50*6 “Alvas” Coach itas” $l-50 2“BURMAH LORD. This well ka>wn CHE HOOT commands a largo sale and GUARANTEE to stand tho t st
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    • 64 9 Tide Table for Penang. t++++V+f+'t*++++++i.+( i t t TFITCi THIS IS IT! WATERBUm METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound JUr&t is TASTELESS ODORLESS The latest scientific pre parationofCOl) LIVER OIL Does all that is claimed for it and super- sedes the old fashioned emulsions which the stomach. upset J Highly re
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 84 10 Rheunutism. Chronic rheumatism often attacks the larger joints. luteical treatment of a«>\ kiml wouhl lie worse than useless hut bt applying ChamU-rlaiu’s Pain Balm freelx ami in «saving the affected part.s three times a ua», a cuie tuay be effected. It will ufT »#«j ►ome relief at ouce and bv
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    • 40 10 a grains. oprams requi e careful treatment. Keei quiet and «pply Chamberlain’s Pain Palir liecly. It will remove the soreness and qoicklj Ditore he Dirts t» a healthy <*oii.’ dit ion. For s. le by all Diopensariĕs and Dealer i.
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    • 423 10 Can do anything an! < verything for you. BT APPOINTMENT TO Their Highmsses the Nizaui of Hyderabad, the Maha aja of Mysore, Travancore, Jodhpur, Kashmir, Indore Ac. C. K. SEN Co., 29, Colootola Street, CALCUTTA, e' Ours is admittedly the best, biggest, ricliI est and the most respectable Hindu Medical
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  • 1030 11 Tgs Estates Some ScGOEsrtvE i'*" 0 c^ c T a. KluU ,u|,ur .';;,„i!. rt .»kin i>uin of im 1 estate, is 30 miles *%Tunder Mount Ophir. in t he country. The where three bound*, Johore and 0* t" k i 4r ,fe part of Division I. AWu, P'
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  • 743 11 Scheme for Transfer of Company to London. An outlin of the sc.heine for placing Pegoh, Limited on a sterling basis by transfer to a L union company together witq noti of lesolutions to lie submitted at au extraordinary meeting on the in>t. at. Singapore-for carrying tlie scheme
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  • 58 11 The following famous epigram—said to oue the most admirable ever composed —was pe petrated by a brilliant pupil. J. K j upon the ce'ebrated professor. 1 'si-ar Browning, who was somewhat inclined to corpulency B-, oh, Ihj obedient To nature’s ?teru decrees tor though vou le but
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 756 11 I A Clergyman »_f i tn *'S 'V IT J V Nervous Collapse, Brain Fag, Neuralgia—l or getting things done making things go, the invigorating stimulus of Phosferine cannot be equalled, says the Rev. A. H. Field. 1 u ly aware that as a clergyman he is bound to make
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    • 345 11 m ai ■vOr the Eighth Wonder the of World. 511 SWIFT, SURE, MAGICAL—The only cure for infec- tious Diseases of the Urinary Canal of either sex, attended with discharges. CONVINCES IN A 1X)SE, SOOTHES IN A DAY, CURES IN A WEEK. Equally good for both MEN and WOMEN. No more
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1055 12 W. MANSON, American Dentist Lite of Dr. Allen 8 Co.. PHa. 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. f-.KRIDINO AT A o. 21 a, Penang Road. A few 4 mis from the Eutern and Oriental Hotel. Khoo Buan Phuan CHOP dm Seng Moll, 293, Main Road, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advareers
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