Straits Echo, 14 October 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1240 1 M'. °"“s»S 1 look u for this <• i lalwl r-> to sw that vou get it. lELi 3^£-i^ 00 Wrew Usher 8 Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE. oVCl Whisky. UW1URDS. BUTTERY 8 Co.. agents fob PESASG F. M. S. M V10 CORSAR 8 SON'S Well-Known Extra; Kjvy Canvas, No. 0. tllMUNDS.
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip BottlesDog's Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. Observe this label, it is on every genu* ine Nip. TIANG LEE A Co., Sole Ageiut.
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  • 1236 2 CKtCtrt —Two or. three enthusiasts turn out occasionally at the net* hut they all have nl*out tlk* condition of the It tit nobody’s fault but the fact that the «round is bad The M 0. C. team wi.l open th ir Australian tour in South Australia on
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  • 282 2 Expected Arrivals The Companies <1» not guarantee the dates of arrival of the *rs, but will eiulto cour as far as possible t > ensure punctuality. Alor Star, (Kedih).—kdih.13, 15. 1/, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 md 29, and Tong Chuan! 14, 10, IS, 2J. 2i, 21.
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  • 1219 2 Hosts and Hostesses. C. Bolins. W. BjcHow, P. l»esebrock (Hon. Secretary), A. Frohlich, K. Groth, H. Golden bierg, Mr. and 51 rs. J. Hug, F. Hunaeus, Mr. aud Mrs H. JesseD, Mr. and Mrs. U. Jalass, R- Kober. A. Kossak, E. Nirrnbeim, H. Pickeupack t'retulcnt Capt. and
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  • 349 2 Out Of The System Because The Cause Is Poison ei* Blood. Dispel The Poison Cure The Pains, As Mr. Opitz did, with Dr. William s Pink Pills. The cause of Mr. Opi’z's Rheumatism lav in his blood—the wettings of which he speaks only aggravated it. Now
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 63 2 1 fIE is. THIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Ilctabolized Coi Liver 01 Codp o u n d TASFELES3 ODORLESS Tbc Litcsl scientific pre pant ion of t'OD LIVIiR OIL. l>oes nil IS it is claimed for it and sup*.r cedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re comr.'cnded
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    • 58 2 Offerers Tike Notice. There its no uecewitj of jour being constantly amoved by a tickling in the throat, which* keope voucoughingaud disturbs jour sleep aLd rest. A dose or two of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will cut the phlegm which is the cause of the trouble and clear tlit; puluiouary tul>es.
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    • 77 2 Rheumatism. Chronic rheumatism often attacks the larger joints. Internal treatment of anv kind would be worse than useless, but by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely and massaging the affected parts time times a day, a cure may be effected. It wdl afford some relief at once and by continuing the
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    • 108 2 The Straits Cinematograph Coy. To-night! To-night! Napole n Bonaparte AT St. Helena OR The last days of Napoleon. (From 1815 to 1821) THE NEW GRAND PROGRAMME 1 The Cuirassi-rs of the French Arinv (New) 2 Trick iu the Egg Trade (N'w Urban* r a) 3 The Professor’s Dream of Youtli
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    • 610 2 municipal notice. The Municipal Commissioners of George j Town, Penang, invite separate tender» tor for the renting of the following for one year from the 1st day of January 1. Noodin Street Uhu&t Market. 2. Jelutong Market. 3. Pulo Tikus Market. 4. Market Street Bath. 5. Chowrasta Bath. 6. Pitt
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    • 584 2 Well known Traveller vis, tin* the V u is open to represent any Penan* Km 8 good selling lines. Commi^o n Highest References. <**J. Apply TRAVELLER.’’ 13-10-1 704. Vrn,/ TENDER. Tenders will be received hv flu, signed for the lease of a Cocr,, nilf potion situated at Ayer Etan, consisting
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  • 31 3 Vessels 1 roin Agents Due Bcmirty Arcadia Delhi DerfHitujer P. Alice 1 London S.B.&Co. Colombo A.G &Co. Singapore A.CL&Co. Singapore B.M.&Co.. Colombo B.M.&Co 13th Oct. 19th 21st 24th 26th
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  • 25 3 Vessels 1 For Ageni» :Leaves Benarty Arcadia Belh i Derjfli inter P. Alice Singapore jS.B.&Co. Singapore A.G &Co. Colombo A.O.&Co. Colombo iB.M.&Co. “"T“l Oct.
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  • 22 3 Last Quarter Oct. 15th O Npw Moon 22 u .l First Quarter 3 t i. O Full Moon XoV. Cth
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 237 3 > IK*pHrtur„. Mail Service Outward. ,-dia connecting w'tli ludia /w ]9fH A f Moldavia So* MoD K olia Homeward IWr. Connecting 8trau** r wit jj y.y. London. 2l IVlhi |lev w j* Arriba ;#> Delta China Macedonia Dec. 2 Marmora 16 ludia *>0 F«b U Apr. 0 Hi' 10Awwv« jjHitcalaja
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    • 293 3 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO. t LTD, iFoe Singapore (Three times a week). Port Swettenham and Singapore. (Twice a week). Mergui, Tavoy, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly). Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karikal. (Weekly). KONINKLIJKE > PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (RrtVO. DUT H PACKET COMPANY.) HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co., Penang,
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    • 517 3 S1H.7 P P NG.} MEUTSCEEE LL07C, SEEM, I IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. riVHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremm 1 Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Gene» Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice versa). Port Said, Suez Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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    • 443 3 N. Y. K. Japan Mail Steamship .ltd EUROPEAN LINE. I A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-Screw steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and > constructed, and are fitted with
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  • 424 4 A Journal rom Edccatrd Folk. Published daily (except Bundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226—232 Beach Street, Penang. Price. Daily Local 924 per annum. Out station... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 915 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO—PENANG.” Telephone Not. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343
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  • 811 4 INTRODUCTION, EXPLANATION, AND JUSTIFICATION. Confucius Name of grandeur If right, teaching be the greatest, noblest, worthiest work of man, how proul mav n->t we Chinese be, that our country and our race should have produced the greatest, noblest, worthiest Teacher that h story can name. The four
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  • 58 4 Quoits Tournament. Following were the results of yesterday’s ties Cha inpio nsh ip Sharpe lieat xeuharn. (15-4) E R. Hei derson tr. o. from B. Muoton. E. Ainild ic o. from F Hawkins. The folio .ving ties have been fixed for Tuesday, 17th iust. Championship. Muir vs.
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  • 349 4 The following business in tin has been done to-day Singapore Straits Trading Co buyers, no sellers j 2 Penang PenaugTiu Exchange, tons at 92. Straits Trading Co., 50 92.55 Total 621 tons. Tin is quoted in Tjondon to-day at «£lB3 15s. cash and .£lB3 15s. three
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  • 339 4 Mr. Chow Kwo Hsien, Ph. 8., talked about Chinese Reform itiou at the Anglo* t ihinese School yesterday. He talked well With Kang Yu Wei, the celebrated reformer, he did the graud tour of Europe and America. He had many interesting experiences to relate of those y,ara of
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  • 448 4 Last Night’s Dance. The «lance given by the German community at the Town Ha’l last night was an undoubted success. It could not well be otherwise with Mr. H. Pickenpack as President of the Dance Committee. The decora tions were strikingly effective, the floor was in perfect condition,
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  • 508 4 A Christmas tree for the chili King Edward VII BcbooUfc f Treacher Girl’s School and UtaTT** Seboola is to he hHd this are being procured from' Kn«hii donut ions are invited to expenses. The H oa y IvL Oliver Marks and Mr/ Tate i 9t h7 T of the
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  • 189 4 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTEB TRINITY. ST. GEORGES CHURCH 8 a m. —Matins (Choral). 8-30 a.m.—Holy Communion (Plain). 10 a m.—Matins (Chinese). 5 p m. —Sunday School. 6 p.m. —Evensong and Serinou. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Divine service will be held in the Preabyterian Church, Northam Road, at aud 6 p.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 262 4 rt T, MOTOR-CYCLES Pr.ICES FROM j-300. Lightweights, MJians mJ I?«aTics. Kasscy-uarris, Fremicr and Simplex. MASSEY-HARRIS BICYCLE WORKS. 23. BEACH STREET. PENANQ. n tt GOOD VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. A new shipment of the Latest and most Up-to date designs of Privatj Bubber-Tvred Kickshaws from Messrs. D. AKIHA A Co. has
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    • 12 4 Woods* Great Peppermint Cure for «11 internal complaints, d vsentry, coughs, cold.'.
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    • 25 4 Jggp The most rapid and satisfy are obtained hy treatment *dh (Kawa Santa!). Booklet and medical men free on application to the chief Penang Chemists.
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    • 23 5 Tol» 1 was It Ben* "I*» thf> ,ht *11<»** hf W crHW WH re picked up n .t r jfdk© Special.
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    • 11 5 w«i cmutioo*l and dia- laJm? f Echo Special.
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    • 35 5 Motor Bill- if tlu* Council At ,1, the Motor «ill was HSX!u to taring Chauffeur* under the •rilti dome-tu- or menial nervanta. ltJ °r moil till Noveinlier -1. t’ooaeil *lj<* irn Echo fecial
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    • 16 5 33 Cases. u»»n*tbirtr-thre© cine* of cholera *J,T£S, «.*'l and«i Goto. b« Echo Special.
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    • 75 5 Dr. Wilson's Lecture. |,r yttunu* Mure on nulana at bm n 'aM« Ur>jelr atteuded. sir Arthur Youoir, in introducing the wr *„1 that 1 >r. Watson practically *n*l out the prevention of malaria in the tlmr DUtrict. The lecturer traced the history of the r Too much time, he
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    • 50 5 Official Warning. A tde.rain from Bombay states that the LmL Ooiernor of the Punjab has issued a amt warning that any }»aper indulging in ■fewnttory and indecent language and in mlifioM controversy contrary to law will he n*nfT*nlj prosecuted. The situation is Mroming very serious. Reuter.
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    • 52 5 To be Formed. At a meet ing in London, which included kfd HaUbury, tlie Karl of Kelbourue, the I*nkeofNorthuiulierlaii<l, liord Roberts, Mr. Au»teo Uhatulierlaii), Lord Willoughby de BftU, Lord Hugh Cecil and Sir E. Canuo, it wan decided to form a Halsbury Cot*f«*rthe purpose of “restoring a free
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    • 31 5 A Denial. Tiw solicitors of the Standard < )il Company tqullt and pwitirely denv that there is apwmeot betweeii the* Standard Oil Upaov aud the Dutch Shell Company. Reuter.
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    • 146 5 Aim of the Movement. ,f yr*m from Peking states that the movement in Hankow aims '•'talilishweut of a Republic under "Wr Sun Yat Sen. His brother i t*> President of the Provincial j*™' *nd the noted scholar Tang Hua X KW v f Hu H>- The whole assem'«'WßuXt
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    • 503 5 Contraband. A telegrim from Conitantiaople says t that the Government has issued an additional list of contraband articles, comprising cereals, preserver! food stuffs, banknotes, cheques, aud hi I s of Exchange. Russian Corn. A telegram from St. Petersburg states that owing to apprehensions that the Porte will treat
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    • 64 5 Result. Following was the result of the race for the Middle Park Plate (6 furlongs) which was run at Newmarket yesterday Absurd (1) Sweeper II (2) White Star (3) Teu ran. Won by three lengths; lengths between second and third. S. P. 7 to 1 agst. Absurd.
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    • 46 5 J. W. Mellor. The death has taken place, at the age of 78, <f the Rt. Hon Johu William Mellor, p e., d.l k c. E. H Pick eksgill. Mr. E. H. Pickersgilf, ex-member of the House of Commons for Bjthnall Green, is dead. Reuter.
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    • 65 5 In British Columbia. Attention is aroused by the prospect of a valuable development of immense authracite coalfields at the headwaters of the Stikine River in British Columbia about 150 miles from the seaboard. The coalfields are capable of commanding the markets of Sil>eria, China and Japan aud supplying
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    • 108 5 Canada’s GovernorGeneral. Arrival. A telegram from Quebec states that the Duke and Duchess of Connaught arrived on Thursday evening. They will land on Friday morniug. i -Welcome. t<v, A telegram from Quebec state» thaW.the j Duke of Connaught was swoer in as Gover-! nor-General at the Provincial Parliament. Uepljing to
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    • 30 5 Dissolution Ordered. The United states District Court has ordered the dissolution of the National Electric L imp Company and thiity-five dubaid ia r y companies. lteuter.
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    • 48 5 Several Injured, A strike at the British Waggon Works at Swansea caused prolonged rioting. The mob fried to prevent an engine from being shunted into the works. After much stonethrowing they attacked and wrecked the buildings. The Police used their batons. Several .vere injured. Reuter.
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    • 21 5 Completely Off. .1 irk Johnson has declined to box. Wells at I*.iris. Consequently the match is completely off Reut$(\
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  • 366 5 Arrived. Per s.s. Malaya, 14th Oct., from Deli Mr. and Mrs. Said Abass and Mr. B. Roskott. The s.s. Malaya, will rail for Deli on Tmsday, 17th instant at 4 p.rn. General Cargo.—The s.s Sunda is discharging 85 tons of general cargo. Tin Shipment. s.s. Theseus Messrs. Boustead
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  • 29 5 Highest corrected reading of Pa*x>meter 29 901 Maximum temperature iu Shade 92*5*F Minimum 72°F Rainfall Nil. Prevailing direction of Wind... N. W.
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  • 72 5 TO-PAT 123rd Day of Bth Moon. Golf Club Men’s Presgrave and Duffers Cups. George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road, 9 p.m. j Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road, j Japanese Bioscope, Penang Road. To-morrow. j 24th Day of Bth Moon. I Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. i Volunteer Field liar. Golf Club;
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  • 16 5 English Arcadia) ...19th Oct China (Delhit ...21st China Derffliuyer) ...24th German (P Alice) ...2fc‘th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 w Kie £*°J M <* i kat No W r iwpa W sp**li,w Urt bj
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    • 34 5 Sprains. Sprains require eareful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain’s Pain Balm freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 31 5 A Good Rule. Make it a rule of your home to keep Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 290 5 DIABETES. An interesting treatise dealing causes, symptoms and the most effective treatment of Diabetes, Hydrocele and Skin diseases will he given sway free to the readers i f the "Straits Echo," on application to A. Chatterjee Co.. Dept. (90 108 2, Machua Bazar Street, Calcutta (India). hydrocele. E. O. HOTEL.
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    • 188 5 8 D«C Wolff s Eau de Cologne Ice Water is O JUST THE m r. ft W« Eau COLOGHt hS W&r'trM, So o' K"f<LSf?UNF i ic THING for that racking Headache in yon. Most Refreshing ad Coolinng. Sold Everywhere. F. WOLFF U SOHN. Karlsruhe ttaden), London 8‘d, Hatton Garden, K.
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    • 96 6 gio.lra. Br. 2«. S h .°l‘ Moultmrin, Bth H. Ii- A Co, Motor»*. Hr. 556, Eades, 16th Oct, Tongkab, I2tb Oct., (ieu. E. S. Co, Ltd. Vlenfallock, Br. s. 1,4’4. Hwnsworth, 14-tb Oct, Amoy, Gen.—Heng Moh A Co. tannan, Siamese s.s., 2.263, Gabe, 14th Oct., Singapore, 12th Oct., Gen.
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    • 86 6 14th Octohbr. Kedah, for Alor Star (Kedah). Wfl, for Madras, taking mails for Europe, etc., via Bombay. Perak, for I>eli. Ban Whatt Soon, for Pangkalau Braudan. Hok Canton, for Tel uk Anson. Bnnda, for Colombo and Tutieorio. Maeteuijcker, for Langsa. T. ?emawe. Segli, Olehleh, Pulo Weh. Padapg Ac.lbtavi*. Then***,
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  • 43 6 Fob Bindings, Sitiiwm an 1 Tolu* Anson— Per Canton, 16th instant, 2 p m. Calcutta—Per Lai S mj, 16th instant, Ipm. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy—Per GlenfaUoch, 16th instant 4 p m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Pei Klantj, 17th instant, 4-15 p.m.
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  • 123 6 Penang. 14th October. Hy co*rteey of ike Chartered Bank Low on. Demand Bank <. 7 4 months'sight Bank 2 I' 3 Oedit 2 i 3 Documentary. 2'4^ Calcutta, Demand Bank R> I 3 days' sight Privat* 16 Bombay, Dfmand Bank 174 Vfoulroein, Demand Bank 16 3 ('ays'sight Private I'6
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  • 221 6 Gold Leaf M s;m>o Black Pepper a» ntaei White Peppw 28| mien Tran Pepper 20.— nom. Cloves 42. nomind Mace l>>B nominal Pickings 105 —eale* Nutmegs 110 s. 25 alee No. 1 8 2 eatSugar < 2 810 x C Basket 5 10«»»«. Copra (mixed) 11. —bnyere f Tahbun
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  • 2095 6 I ao o 3 "o Number of i -J Capital. Shares > P Dividends. Name. C 1 1 g 3 I w i I e H i 1 j i 1 iww 19**9 *****911 RUKUKK—|)0|J*AK MUJU.*. p.c. |tc !».c. p.c. ip-*V 9**1' 150(HH> 130.*K)*i 11 1 I Ayer Knning
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 64 6 Worth Twenty Times Its Cost. One Ik>H 1h of Chamberlain's Coli<\ Cholera a n<l Diarrhoea Remedy «oes a way toward relieviuj; suffering humanity. It is better than any doctor’» prescription. and worth twenty times its coat in cases of diarrhoea, cramp colic or dysentery, which are liable to come on
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    • 72 6 It’* not the inau that Jrinks the mo»*, That has the reddest nose, N«*r v«t the man who talks the most, Who knows most, I suppose. Appearances can oft deceive. Of that I can assure you. But if you’ve got a cough or cold, Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure will cure
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    • 14 6 For all internal complaint*, dysentery, mop! a, colds, ere., take Wood*' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 202 6 Or the Eighth Wonder the World. of SWIFr, 8UR2, MAGICAL—-The only ca n f tious Diseises of thi Urinary Canal of either v with discharges. CONVINCES IN A DOSE. 800THE8 IN A luv CURES IN A WEEK. Equally good for both MEN and H’01f£v No more injections, and their after-eff«u
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  • 1573 7 [ALL RIGHS RESERVE D] BY H. G. BAG HE, (Captain of Cambridje University It may perhaps be well to make a few general remarks about the positions each individual forward should take up in regal’d to the line as a whole. In the first
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  • 880 7 How to Restore it Readily. With a good coastiiu'ion and an intelli- geut observance of the precautions whic i h ivj j to lie takeu to counteract the deleter oil action of the climate, there is no reas m wav life in a hot country should uot
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  • 113 7 October, 1911. Date H W L.W. H.W. L.W. AM. A.M. P.M. l’.M, 14th 3.34, 9.47, 4.01, 10.01. 15th 4 32, 10.49, 5.00, 1123 I (sth 5 48, Nil, <*.37, 1.02 17th 7.28, 1.51, 8 15, 2.18 18th 8 58, 3 05. 9.35, 352 19th 9 50,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1178 7 gjJlEB K. C. PA8'8 KA u£4LTH RESTORER- < .1 U*ok for young i laws youthful mA It .pproprUte for ribu,e 1 ,!m an rlHBMACT. '>'' C4M,TTA George Town Sales Room. NOTICE OF KALE. fob HIGH class dentistry •oJISl'l.T HITS BROTHERS, g l N STREET. THI ntt co „oderatf°charges. Arf» be
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    • 67 7 iiiiiiiiiiiiHnimiLiimnimiuiHiniih<.iiiiiiiuaniiniiimiiimiimHiiumi>imiiiimiwmliimUi& THIS IS IT WATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil j Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS rtarf-l co <— x The latest scientific pre- paration <>f COD Ll\ HR OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned fc emulsions which upset E the stomach. Highly re- E commended
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    • 447 7 he I” icb m. tie en in xr. ns »8. ‘•AMERICAN BTOGRAPH" To-night FIRST IN ITS PLACE George Town. Cinematograph, A Show Worth Paying a Visit To. At Kuala Kanosar Road Thbatbe Hall* High Standard Programme. PROGRAMME. ill irs “g le, ol bt id al re id in iu a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 711 8 GAELIC WHISKY. runt* ii WS f rwa i m >1*0 -> ~*69»TO BE HAD RETAIL FROM Kong Kook Cheong A Co., Hong »hye Kongsee. Joo Seang Co., Tong Joo Co., Goon Yen Friends, Chiat Seng Kongsee, Taib Ho Co., Taiping, Teik Chin Co. Ltd., Ipoh and ail (hr leading stmes
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