Straits Echo, 12 October 1911

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1220 1 O'* S'o: t0 ri h T0U He»d Guinness’s Do£ s Stout, 'X an l look for thiB lalntl to nee that vou K»t it. Andrew Usher 8 Co. s SPICIH .«ESERVE. nVG. Whisky. CHUNKS. BUTTERY 8 Co.. agents for p E SANC F. M. S. C BANKS. DAVID CORSAR 8
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    • 40 1 Order it in Nip Bodies Dog's Head Guin Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn't harm. Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANQ LEE Co., Sole Agent* A NIP *y zf *1 W «if aO
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  • 159 2 “Truth putB forward the following itn- 1 portao* m*’*’: At the Kwalo* meeting M*. Holf.i ami, who Iwceutly returned from tl>e ca t, «lejUt w.lli < lie point which I mail** 1 i-t wf*fk aa to lhe comparative value* oi od H ri<] vount» niblier; and
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  • 1118 2 Directors Satisfied with the Progress Made. i The first annual general meeting of shareholders of Rubber Ventures, Limited, was held on September 4, at the Loudon Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, E. C. Mr. G. L. Stephenson (the. Chairman of the company) presided. The Chairman
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 55 2 c'Jirr.xTHIS IS IT! Waterbury’s Metabolized Cod Liver Oil Conpound TASTELES3 ODORLESS 1 he latest scientific pro paration of COD LIVER OIL. Docs all '.bat i» claimed for it and su|X:r sedes tlic old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly re Cotiuucudc d l*y the medi cal profession. OF ALL
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    • 315 2 A Good Rule. Make it a rule of your home to keep Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera aud l>iarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel complaints. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, invite separate tenders for for the renting of the following
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    • 1753 2 TENDER. Tenders will l*e rwiveJ l*y the undernigned for the lease of a Coin anut Plantation a.tuated at Aver Etam consisting of 41 acres h't 53 T S 5 Tenders will Ite received up to the *2Bth Oct«‘l*-r, 1911. The undersigned does not bind himself to iceept highest or any
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  • 25 3 Vessels irom Agents Due Yorck Benar ty Delhi Derjlinger Colombo Londou Singapore Singapore B.M.&Co. S B.&Co. A. B. 12th Oct. 13th 21st 24th
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  • 18 3 \e»*els For Agent» Leaves Yorck Benarty Delhi Derfflinjer Singapore Singapore ColointK> Colombo BJJ.&Jo. S.B.&Co. A. B. Oct.
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  • 19 3 Last Quarter 0°*- 150‘ O New Moon *2 ud (First Quarter k O Full Moon Nov. 6th
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  • 34 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outward. Hum k ward. I Delhi 21 Oct. j Deranha 4 Nov. Ex:ra Service. Outward Homeward. Palate in 24 Oct. StintUi 13 Oct. Poona 31 j Sumatra 8 Nov.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 263 3 Mr *l*l Arrir.1" »'■<! I^P-rtur^. Mail Service Outward. Homeward brpt I 1 ikt Jiut. f< Area'll» 23l*lU 7 A**».'® 21 Itellii 4 Itpvauha Keb. lM»r Apr. M»v 10 A««y H 23 Himalaya (>I)elhi 22 India 0 Devanhii 2(>ltelU 4 Assart* 1» Delhi r «ill run through from China to nulieund
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    • 417 3 iSiH'.l P P N G.) BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. iFom Intended to Sail. Steamer. Singapore (Three times a week). Port Swettenhain and SI gapore. (Twice a week). Mergui, Tavov, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Tliur. 12th Oct., 4 p.m. Tliur. 12th Oct, 4 p.m. Sat. 14th Oct., 4 p.m.
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    • 1125 3 NOMUrSOHEE LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. fTYHE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen A Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexanora and vice versa). Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau or Nagasaki, Yokohama and
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  • 481 4 A Journal for Educated Fork. Published daily (except Sundays and public holidays) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 220 —232 Beach Struct, Penaug. Price. Daily Local $24 per annum. Outetition... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO-PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing Department 343
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  • 1521 4 Tlte nb.-erv itiom of ac insiJerable nu nlor if h ive ieided ut an item ol «mpuiu*! knowledge wh.cb we l>eg leave to present as a reputable fact. It is that the number of men who, on patting a strange log, remark All dogs take to me,” is greater
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  • 64 4 The following husin»ws in tin has been done to-day:— Penal g Penaug Tin Exchange. 6] tons a t §93.05 Eastern Smelting Co., 25 93.60 Singapore Straits Trading Co, 150 91.50 Total 181] tons. 'ISn is quoted in Ixuidon to-day at .£lB7 7s. 6d. cash and .£lB6
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  • 928 4 French Perfumes and Japanese Imitations. Yesterday at 430 Judge Hall gave his decision in the case which has been going on from day to day. the case in which Oh Jin of Chop Ban Ho Seng was charged on two counts with having for sale goods bearing
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    • 45 4 Mergui Report. rbe ivport on Mergm r period ending April 30 «how, th* ll* profit was Xm. The area tb b.OOJtre* s were tapped up to J uU is estimated that nearly lgoen R tappable in May, 19,2 W, U 1« v— Erko Social
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    • 120 4 Presentation Ce emonv H. E. Sir Arthur Youug who Trengganu to present the Sultan w?h,|L° insignia of the K C MG„ which th-K conferred upon him on the o»va,i oo coronation, lias returned to Singapon* Kuala Trengganu was reached on U (10 day. The Sea mew
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    • 39 4 8 I Piculs Sold. At the rublier auction at Singapore tie highest prices fetched were: Smoked bheet 52D per picul Sheet 2+7 Scrap Crepe 227 Scrap 216 Eighty-eight piculs of plantation rubber were sold. Echo Special.
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    • 151 4 Result. Following was the result of the race the Cesarewitch Stakes (2} miles) wbi- b was run at Newmarket yesterday Willouyx :>st. .11». (Ij Martingale II fst. 41b. (Sj Papavoro fist. Hlb. (:j) Mirudor 7st. 111 b. (4, to 2 agst. Willonvx, fi to 1 »#>t. Martingale 11,
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    • 58 4 To Settle Trade Disputes It 18 officially announced that the ({own in *nt lias established an Industrial CV>uM'. representative of employers and workman, to supplement the Board of Trade t if settling trade disputes. The Coum il hw 0" compulsory powers. Sir G. R Ask with the Chairman,
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    • 162 4 Campaign in Full Swing The Home Rule Campaign 1» IU swing. There were demonstrations again Dublin and Glasgow addressed respedi’C by Sir E. Carson and Mr. F. I demonstration in favour of Horn** White Chapel was addressed by MrRed mond. Sir Edward Carson said that Hom in 1886
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    • 74 4 Haldane. Lord Haldane, *P eak,n w nld* said :We have passed a <*rwi* 1 Ayo foreign affairs. Weahoul juy towards nations like iterman- fur j who hive not had our opp> #at territorial acquisition but time we had to consider of our own interests and a afe G»kV-
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    • 220 5 1 ivtunntiK <» In H‘ i.r »,.h Trip'*» 1 m< states that the m Tripoli T7 *urvmk f t L’lKbDWoHKH. 15- -vr r thH Italian 8«W*»rk. on warship* with tbe.r j u .<•»; Tur k, wbo fought TZ re repulse*! bv the hear, 'U tb“ trenches wb .in
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    • 48 5 Fivjured by the Labour Party. M Ktuisitv Macdonald, in a letter to a sai.l that it was a mistake lithink tlie Uhour party was opposed to ,U Iniunnee Bill. There were two or lhf w diMßtiMUi but the party generally wtyuld rote for its adoption. Reuter.
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    • 26 5 Henry Broadhurst. lit* iltwth has taken place at the age of n<tf.Mr. Henry Broadhurst who was M. 1’ k hfKruter from 1 Hi*4 1906. Reuter.
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    • 28 5 Validity To Be Tested. Tiff* II in. Uall'niitli Cole is instituting praasdinen in order to test the validity of bisdeport.iti<m from South Afri a. Reuter.
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    • 152 5 Revolutionaries Hold the City. A telegram from Hankow states that the fHolutwnariea tilled the coumiauder of the trotp» with a Limit, burned the Viceroy’s uvl the Treasurer s Yameus, aud now hold Wuchang. Fohkkinbhs Safe. They have issued a proclamat ion exhort®K their followers not to harm foreigners.
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    • 24 5 Governor-General. Jmi from Ottawa states that U' sat the Mat,,", t .h, rn ,,j p; ar |orey 01 departure f or England. Reuter.
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    • 80 5 uU, r rM f of Nc &oliatioi\s. fruui R r rlm s,ates that au L^ n Franw il f«e hand iu BHcard tn ,n 'tiateil. Negotiations to compensation to Germany con- Reuter. >*ikw pnJL^ 11 taking some long senI'V «h» 9 Mk \v p T fhugkok a* i kNI
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 134 4 THE H I PPODROM E Circus Menagerie. AT DATO KRAMAT CARDENS. LAST NIGHT Your Last LAST NIGHT 40} Chance (40 40) CLOWNS (40 In the Circus Ring »1 One Time. A Sigl.. of n Life Time. L A ef >i:it Never Seen Before in Penang. CHANCE r~.. Time V Prices
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    • 31 4 The curative action of (>nnosiM is attn buted to its being antiseptic and anesthetic. Manufactured by J. D. Kiedal Ltd., JJerliu, and sold in form <*f capsules, 10 in a l**»tt!e.
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    • 30 4 (fOnosan capsules contain only the purest East Indian Sandalwood oil and Kawa Kawa. The first dose quickly removes violent inflammatory symptoms. lx»ts of 10 capsule*, at all dealers and chemists.
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  • 642 5 Bioor. Int. div. ft percent., less tax 8ei.anoor. Second int.dir. Is. 3rd., less tax. Patalino. —Secoud int. div. 50 per c?nt, less tax. Batu Caves —Second int. div. ift per cent less tax Kalidjerokk —Offer of further capital to shareholders of ft.OJO £l shares at par.
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  • 270 5 Arrived. Per ss. Hebe, 12th Oct., from Teluk Anson Mr. V. C. Upton, Mr. T. E AV ilson aud l>r. Chrystall Departures. Per s.s. Toni Chuan 11th Oct., for Kedah Messrs. R. G. Laws, Yeo Seang Wan, Tan Kong Cheug and Wo Ah Hai. Tin Ore. —The s.s.
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  • 268 5 Fouaranr Deaths. Says the Malay Mail of last Tuesday The figures we bav published so far relating to the cholera outbreak have only embraced Klumpur aud have not included cases occurring inside the District Hospital. To-day we are able to state that the total number of cases
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  • 117 5 SerrEMBER Output. -*> <N I 00 co *o •-c Ol CO ‘3 C Oi o* ■'f< 12 i CO <-» I y> I -u n X o*o 0 CO o o c. i oi *o -oox X m »o o o o-t co t- oo O co
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  • 187 5 A meeting of the subsc:il>ers to the Province Wellesley Coronation Fund called was hell on Tuesday, at the Butterworth Recreatiou C’u’>. The ae-cou us were presented by the Hon: Treasurer and oa his p-oposal, seconded by Mr. Nunn, were pas-ed It, was decided that the wire
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  • 222 5 With reference to Reuter’s telegram of Sept. 22nd that a Mr. Lamont, of the Liberian Government service, had b3en engage 1 for the Si;* in m e Customs Service, on making inquiries we are unable to contirm the statement, savs the Batujlcok Daily Mail of Sept. 25.
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  • 144 5 A Comparison of DeathRates. The following paper by Dr. W. Marshall Philip, the Medical Officer of Health, Colombo, was laid on the table at a recent meeting of the Colombo Municipal Council Although the death-rates of the several large port towns in the Tropical East mav not tie strictly comparable,
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  • 85 5 To-DaY 21st Day of Bth Moon. Municipal Commission, 3-30 p.iu. League Football P. C. C. rs. M. R. C., Esplanade. P. C. C. Quoits Tournameut. George Towu Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road, 9 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Ro;id. Japanese Bioscope, Penang Road. l\ *-morkow. 22nd Day of Bth Moon. Legislative
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 11 5 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints, dysentry, coughs, colds,
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    • 162 5 DIABETES, A" interesting treatise dealing causes, ami the tuodt effective treatment of Diabcfes, aind Shut diseases will be given avyay free to the readers of the ‘‘Hitraita i. Echo," on application to A,. Cbatterjee Co., Dept, (961 lON S. Machua Ifazar Street, Calcutta (India), HYDROCELE. £3oc E. O. HOTEL. Special
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    • 452 5 WANTED. A COMPOSITOR Apply in person to THE MANAGER, Strait r Echo. NOTICE. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. l*2/14 H. P. Robey transportable SteamEngine in good condition. Also an almost new circular sawbench and different sizes of belting. Apply to SUNGEI ULAR ESTATE. Kulim-Kedah. Penang, 12th Oct, 1911. 699 a
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    • 57 6 OmiMMU. <*er ».W|. (X-t, Yokohama, i-JrJ Sept., Iren. r*»»j«a. Br. H«rriDgtoo. l*th Oct., Madras 6ih Oct., Gen H. L Co fltow/fs.'Br. 2,309, Grave* 12tb< Itangoun, 9th Oct Gen.- Ban Erg Jon Br. 316. Willi., 12th OcU Teluk Anion, lltli Oct, Gen.—A. G. VoioW IM. 0. m 1««. Oct., Singapore.
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    • 56 6 J2th October. A ynlhia, for A Milan. Petrel, for A*ahnn. Malacca, for Tongkali. Jjian Chon, for liatu Babra. Deli, for Pang Nga. Malaya, for l)eli. Canton, for Binding*, Sitiawau and leluk Anson. Thong wa, for Port Swettenhain and Singapore. Yorck, for Singapore, China and Japan. Cornelia for Port Swet
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    • 217 6 Fob Alor Star (Kedah)—Per Tang Chuan, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy A Swatow Per GUnogle, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Deli—Per Calypso, to-morrow, 2 p in. Port Bwettenham and Singapore—Per Pegu to-morrow, 3 pm. Palau L&ngkawi, Perlis aad Setul—Per Un Peng to-morrow, 4 p.m. Bindings and Sitiawan —Per Panglor,
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  • 127 6 1 Pbnano. 12» October. By courtesy of tke Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 4/ 4 months* sight Bank 2/*4} 3 Credit 2/*$ 3 Documentary.. 2 <A Calcutta, Demand Bank Rh. 174 j 3 days’sight Private 1.6 Bombay, Demand Bank 1741 Moulinein, Demand Bank 1 ~3a 8 days* sight Private
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  • 222 6 Gold Leaf *»>t.6<j Black Pepper *>• stocA White Pepper *Bs sales Trang Pepper 20.— noni. Cloves 42. nominal Mace 1 '8 nominal Pickings 105— sds Nutmegs 1108. 25 —tales No. 1 82) sal Sugar 2 8 10 sal s (.Basket t 5.10 a*/». Copra (mixed) 11.— buyers f Tahbuu
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  • 156 6, 12th Ootobku, 1911. Bkbk cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew o Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tiiil each s*o Tongue... 55 Feet 15 lleart 3o Liver per catty 5i Poi. k Pork PiK'. Haa-1... P» ««J Tongue s Mutton Head P
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  • 1624 6 C 4» c Capital. .POP 1905 lUUO 1910 1906 1910 1910 '»10 1910 #904 19q3 1909 15A0OC »XHI 000 8 750(MMi 1.0,000 600.000 8 500,000 $1,000,000 100.000 450,000 200,000 llividendr. Nam 19 >***** p.e. pc 12 1909 \909 1905 1907 '909 1910 1904 1906 1909 1909 1909 1909 1903
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 55 6 If with cchl >our thro it is bitten. If with hacking cough you’re smitten, In plain English it is written, You must get it off your chest. Do not let the trouble stick. Sure it now and cure it quick To make quite sure you'll do the trick Take Woods’
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    • 77 6 Rheumatism. Chronic rheumatism often attacks the larger joints. Internal treatment of any kind would be worse than useless, but by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm freely and massaging the affected parts three times a day, a cure may be effected. It will afford some relief at once and by continuing the
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    • 97 6 Wortk Twenty Times Its Cost. One bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes a lon# way toward relieving suffering humanity. It is better than any doctor’s prescription, and worth twenty times its cost in cases of diarrhoea cramp colic or dysentery, which are liable to come on suddenly
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  • 680 7 1 The AtJdtfsT StatisIics. According to the returns of Messrs. J’icard A Freiwald, the visible supply of tin on August 31, was 16.079 tons, iigaiust 16,815 tons on July 31. the Loud >u spot landing and afloats leiug 11,803 tons, aga nst 10,045 tons, and the United States spet
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  • 392 7 The Times, in a leader ou the Journal of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, has this Of the other papers, one by Messrs. Simpson and Edie on the relation of the organic phosphorus content of various diets to diseases of uitrition, and particularly to beri-beri, is of some
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  • 172 7 Demand fob the Abolition of Home Lessons. A Home paper gives details of the London school strike Reuter wired us. It appears the scholars cheered defiantly when the bell rang for afternoon school, danced in the roadway, and chalked on the pavement This School is on Strike. No
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  • 614 7 Ecclesiastics’ Hunt for the Moon. Cairo, August s.—To-day is the first day of the great Moslem fast of Ramadan, and from now onwards for the next twenty-nine days no true follower of the Prophet will eat, drink, or smoke between dawn and sunset. At this
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  • 302 7 Expected Arrivals. The Comjtanies do not guarantee the date s of arrival of the steamers, hut will endeavour as far as possible to ensure punctuality. From Alor Star, (Kedah).—Kedah, 1,3, 5, 7. 9, 11, 13. 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29, and Tong Chuan,
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  • 71 7 October, 1911. Date. HW L W VV AM. A.M. P.M. P.M.’ 2.09, 8.18, 2.28, 8.37 13th 2.48, 8.59, 3.10, 9.21 14th 3.34, 9.47, 4.0], 10.04 15th 4 32. 10 49, 5.06, 1123 16th 5 48, Nil, 6.37, 102 17th 7 28, 1 51, 8 15,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 214 7 Shanghai Carpenters Furnishers, ROiD H gh class Household Furniture kept in stock and made to order. Inspection Cordially Invited. 232c ftl AMSTEL” beer Renowned for Excellence of quality. Price per case of 48 cjts. 96 pts. $11-50. 14-25. ACEM ts G. H. SLOT Co., PENANG. Runnymede Hotel. NORTH AM ROAD—SEA-SI
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    • 359 7 The Straits Cinema tograph Coy. To-morrow To-morrow “>'apolcon Bonaparte AT St. Helena OR The last days of Napoleon. (From 1815 to 1821) Will be shown from To-morrow Night. The picture is of 4 parts aud it takes about 2 hours to show. EUROPEAN ASINCY, WHOLESALE Indents promptly executed at lowest
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    • 40 7 Strains. Sprains rrquire careful rreatinei t. Keep quiet aud aj.plv Cb; inber «iu’s Paiu Balm In elv. It wall rer ove the sort ness and quieklv restore tbe p;.rts t a healthy condition. For sale by all Oi'-jieusaries and I>ealer->.
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    • 60 7 £ufferm Tike Notice. Tnore is no necessity of your being constantly annoyed by a tickling in th=* throat, which keeps you cough inland disturbs your sV* p and rest. A dose or two of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cut the phlegm which is the cause of the trouble and clear
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    • 60 7 illMU 1 limit/1141*11) uiiiiu/ ra ii.iim.u:ii)i‘iii'»ii.iuniiiniiiiitiiiuiint./i.uiu.>. mmnimnn! THIS IS IT j V/ATERBURY’S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS c!‘;r£irJ The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach. Highly recommended by the medical
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1088 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Laic or Or. AllenJElCo., Pha, 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free RESIDING AT No. 21 a, Penang Road. A lei from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. Khoo Buan Phuan CHOP Gim Seng Moh, 203, Main Road, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advancers and Genera Goods Store. P
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