Straits Echo, 9 October 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1315 1 Tonic *n‘l >JW |i 7 1 Jhlnc to nourish tou, Prink Lu Head Guinness’s Stout, anl look '(y 'V t £Jk for this label to see that you get it. Andrew Usher 8 Co. s SPECIAL RESERVE. O.V.G. Whisky. iANBILASDS. BUTTERY S Co.. agents fok PENANG F. M. S. BANKS.
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    • 33 1 Order it in Nip-Bottles I Dog's Head Guinness's Stout. The Tonic that cheers and soothes and doesn’t harm Observe this label, it is on every genuine Nip. TIANQ LEE A Co.. Sole Agent».
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  • 3954 2  -  [By ARMIGER BARCLAT] The empty motor-’bus came down the hill at a cautious pace, holding its breath, to speak, as if anticipating internal troubles at any moment of its passage \t the foot, the driver coaxed it into a side road, preparatory to turning and ranging up in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 57 2 Raffles-by-the-Sea. PEN A JVC'S MOST SELT CT HOTEL. EUROPEAN PROPRIETORSHIP. Elect.»ic Light. Fiin<i INivate Bathrooms and V**ml.g. PRIVATE DINING ROOMS. COMPARIS O*N INVITED. as to Cleanliness Cuisine, Apartments and Terms. The Public Bar and Billiard Room are apart from tie Hotel. Motor* Can for Hire. Spaciou* Garage Repair*. Telephone No
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    • 731 2 HEADACHES. The Cause and Remedy. Sick and Nervous Headaches are hut the symptoms of o *hc r ments to which they are merely sympathetic, such as Indigestio Biliousness, Constipation, or some other larity of the system. Many women habitual suffer from Headaches, which make life a dai' purgatory. Indeed this
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  • 1047 3 Jj. ll'roni Saturday's t’.KWARi»’» Motto. T \'b.t .»1- «tie!* f nt',* l I n’av in which he «poke jjrf.m: or ar (f ’*< of the nature TLtjio lint |hone who ever t h Hedlev himself at his ito <» DtaDd n ,„i to sav that he is about
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  • 278 3 Tlie Bishop of Singapore makes an appeal for contributions to a fund for the work of the Church in connection with the rubber estates. Many of these estates are at a considerable distance from the headquarters of the various chaplains in the Malty Peninsula. I wish
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  • 220 3 Although it was expected that the new standard doll ir to be coined at the Tientsin Mint wis to lie put into circulation in May last, it has not yet been issued. It was originally arranged that these dollars were to be struck at the Tientsin Mint
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  • 164 3 The Gompagnie de Commerce et de Navigation d’Extreme Orient in its rice circular dated September 21 says On account of the rise iu prices aud scaicity of pad ly aud because the uew crop will be late owing to the scarcity of raiu our Government in
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  • 757 3 r A meeting of shareholders in the above Company was held at Nos. 7-8 Prince Street, Singapore, at which the following were present:—Messrs. Seymour Buckingham (Chairman), W. D. Fisher and Loke Chow Kit (Directors), T. M. Welsh (on behalf of the Secretaries) also Messrs. A
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  • 275 3 Expected Arrivals. The Companies do not guarantee the dates of arrical of the steamers, but will etuleavour as far as possible to ensure punctualilg. From Alor Star, (Kedah). —Kedah, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29, and Tong
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 Offerers Tike Notice. 1 a re is no necessity of your being constantly annoyed by a tickling in the throat, w lii«-h keeps you coughing and disturbs your r P A dose or two of Chamber•*iiu s Cough Remedy will cut the phlegm nich is the cause of the trouble
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    • 299 3 ALL THAT A PIN WHY NOT GET A If you carry a Sw.m Fouutpoa you are alwijn reidy t<j jot it down.” The "Swan has no iufrioate or delicate p-trts—con-sequently it never gel, out of order, aud is always revly to writ without adjusting or coaxing. Good for a lifetime.
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  • 949 4 Wlten I was in Arneri. a I was much struck by the general excr-Peme of the play of the first-class amateurs, and, at the same time, by the relative indifference of their putting' Indifference strikes the note, for it was just as if they did
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  • 20 4 I «tst Quartei Get. Ith t) New Moon 22n«l First Quartei »3' tth O Full Moon Nov. Itb
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  • 11 4 China '...10th Oct German Yorck) ...12th China Delhi ...21st
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 56 4 THI3 IZ IT! Waterbnrj’s Metabolized God Liver Cd Compound TASTELES'» CDOSLESt? «it: !C*4 m The latest scientific pre pautionoU ODLIVLK OIL. .11 Y;i 1., claimed foi it am! fujvi •tide. t!ic < !il fashioned enmlsio::s «Inch upset the stomach. I ie cumii'.ci.iliu I-;,- the iicdi cai prole.', ion. of Art
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    • 488 4 Oft I hear of people groaniug With a cold they cannot cure. Ami I think what unless moaning Hapless mortals do eudur*. If they’d inly think one minute (Jet Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure straight off: Tien they would know what virtue's in it. Soon they have no cold nor cough.
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    • 636 4 PROVINCEWELLESLEY CORONATION FUND. A meeting of the subecribers to the above fund will be held at the Lutterworth Recreation Club at 5-30 p na. on Tuesday, October 10th. (1) To pass the accounts (2) To decide how the liala"ce in hand is to be expended E. W. F. GILMAN. si
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    • 2087 4 NOTICE. Notice in hereby given that th« paituership heretofore subsisting between Woo Seng Woon (ansi®) alias lloh Seng Woon and Foo Choru Khin dece;vseil under the name of Woo Luug Sung aud the present continuing aud remaining partners of Chop Mee Heong earn ing on business in premises No 87
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  • 25 5 Vessels h rom Aijenls 1 Due Gneiseuan Yorrk Beiuirty Delhi Singapore B.M.&Co.. Colombo jB.M.&Co. London S.B.&Co. Singapore A.G.ACo. 10th Oct. 12th 13th 21st
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  • 24 5 Vessels For Agent* Leaves One i Ken i« orrk Bennrhj Bell (I Colombo Singapore Singapore Colombo B.M.&Co. BM A Jo. S.B.ACo. A.G.fcCo. Oct.
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  • 30 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Wail Service. Outward. Homeward. Delhi 21 Oct. j Devanha 4 Nov. Extra Service. Outward Ho«wa» d Namur 10 Oct. Snnda 13 Oct. i <J.lawan 24 Sumatra Not.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 245 5 trri»»lN »"<l Ih-P-rlurw. Mail Service Outward. Homeward ftk. |)Ur Apr. Dfaj lOAaMvc 23 Himalaya 9 I>elln 22 India tfltevanha 201 tel ta 4 A Mare ]M IK*lliI JA.IUU. will r-n tkroufh from China to yillo »nd Union without transhipment. fames by mail steamers. 1st class 2nd class London bv Sea
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    • 444 5 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Steamer. «4 Thongwa Rangoon A Calcutta. (Weekly). Sat. 14th Oct., noon. Xsegapatain, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore and Karikal. (Weekly). Sar. 14th Oct., noon. Thongwa Lama Bhadra (subject to alteration) A steamer Teesta Wed. 18th Oct, noon. Thongwa HUTTENBACH, HEBERT Si Co., Penang, Agents, V/ KONINKLIJKE
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    • 536 5 <‘0 N d <d I HIS) OTBDDEUTSCBES LLOYD, BBEM IMPERIAL GERMAN MATT. LINE, and well-known^ mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton! Gibraltar, 0 Algiers, Genoa Naples (connection Marseilles, Alexandra and vice reran), Port Said!, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau
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    • 647 5 N. Y. K, Japan Mail Steamship Company. Ltd. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained be- > tween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-Screw steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and I constructed, and are
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  • 443 6 A Journal for Educated Folk. Published daily Sun lavs and public holidays) AT THK CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. No. 226 —232 Beach Street, Pen ing. Price Daily Local $24 per aunatu. Out station... Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS ECHO-PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586 Printing
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  • 973 6 He is an ag.eea.bli and charming fellow, the Prophet of the East, aud he gives his address vaguely as Singapore. He writes to the Medan journal, De Sumatra Post of Oct. 4th, and he cheers us up immensely. Our contempirary was cheered also. He gave
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  • 42 6 Quoits Tournament. The following ties have beeu fixed lor Tuesday, 10th inst. Championship. Pentney vs. Gordon Back. Wright-Motion Jr. vs. Syer. The following ties have beeu fixed for Weduesday, 11th inst. Championship. Muir vs. Mouriu. Cuscadeu vs. Capt. Anderson.
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  • 40 6 'Phe following hiinPiivM* iu f.iu has lieeu done to-day S ugapore Straits Trading Co, «^i buyers, no sellers Penang Penang Tin Exchange. 10» pis. at. 91.30 Rangoon nee is quoted heie to-day at $212 per coyan.
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  • 445 6 Highest corrected reading of Ba r ometer 29 889 Maximum temperature in Shade 91°F Minimum 71“5°F Rainfall “04 inch. Prevailing direction of Win 1... N. W. The llon. R J. Wilkinson acts as the Governor’s deputy during tLe latter’s absence in Tringgauu. Chinese
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  • 997 6 And the Echo-man. Dr. Perin, the Professor of Palmistry, is here. To him the future is as opeu as the palm of one’s hand. He foretold the assas- sination of President McKinley, and of the Empress of Austria. These achievements are leeorded in the greater newspapers. 1 This
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    • 93 6 Alarm Not Warranted. The *Uria over the cholera klumpur uaueecesar, L ,h* are stdl uncertain what the dire*** is The M M of last Saturda/s!^*^ Two more deaths froui cholera h occurred at Kuala Luinpur and tw 0 u cases are being treated. This brings the number
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    • 31 6 Appointed Matron of Europe** Hospital. Miss Reeve, Matron of the General Ho pital, Klumpur, has beeu promoted Matr of the European Hospital Z, i Houghton, retired. MlSi Echo Special
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    • 49 6 Adventures By The Way The football team from Klumpur’ on the way to Klang on Saturday in a motor-hu* got stuck at the Puchang Swamp. A relwf bus sent from Klumpur also got stuck The team got through and returned at 3* m Echo Social.
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    • 66 6 Large Attendance of Officials. At the banquet given by the Sultan of Johore in honour of his birthday there w&, a la*ge attendance of officials. I The Datoh Muntri proposed the toast to the Sultan who replied regretting that he was unable to be present at the
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    • 73 6 Transfer Scheme. The Pegoh transfer scheme to London u as follows: The nominal capital will be £250,000 in pound shares of which £lll,OOO will be issued for the present, £99,000 in shares will be paid to Pegoh Ltd., and the remainder offered in London at ten shillings a share.
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    • 26 6 Dreadnought Launched. A telegram from St. Petersburg states that the Russian Dreadnought Gamjjut has been launched. She is a vessel of 25,000 tons. Reuter.
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    • 19 6 Labour Ministry Formed. A telegram from Perth states that a I Labour Ministry has been formed. Reuter.
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    • 37 6 Presented With A Testimonial. A telegram from Nairobi states that the Hon. Galbraith Cole, who was deported, has left British Fast Africa. A large crowd bade him farewell and gave him a testimonial. Keuter.
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    • 42 6 September Returns. The exports for September show a decrea* of <£145,007. Wool decreased by i‘l4U>*>* cotton increased £615,919. The imports show an increase of £2,153,501, of which the cotton increase was £67,368 wool £26,839 and the silt increase £59,726. Renter.
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    • 20 6 Result. The bv-eleetiou at North Tyrone as follows Russell (Litieral) hlO4 Herdman (Unionist) 3,08t* Liberal Majority Reuter.
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    • 57 6 Result. Following was the result of the race the Duke of York Stakes Trepida Mustapha... Knight of Honour Eleven ran. Won by one and a half lengths w lengths between second and third. 1 S.P. Bto 1 agst. Trepida, 7to 2 agst. jl u tapha, 20
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    • 33 6 Spanish Losses At MelillaA telegram from Madrid states tha newspapers contain confused accounts heavy fighting in the Melilla hinterland serious Spanish losses. The Moorish Jlintf” of War is personally directing operation* Rmter.
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    • 332 7 at Rome tr f.-i-i in he expeditionary force fJi/.-l enthusiasm »c’ 1 i, f ri win has arnveil at lunn ’u.lit.Mlengiu.-ment, was met by t fu16 vlaun*sl him as a “second ,td» T,air Italian LaNUINO. r „*l that the Italian bluejackets (Tripoli). f„r Itaiian Transports. iionlete silence from
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    • 256 7 Al Vinhaes. It i« rumoured tint a Royalist column 8 Vmluv* was surrounded by Republican Royalist Pefkat. Acv«rrding to a telegram from Lisbon (hritiiY-rnnieut dt* lares that 8,0 0 troops *tM frontier would be sufficient to restore 'fk A lu«.l of Royalists was repulsed There were
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    • 36 7 ,r John Charles Hoad. sUte that Charle. Hoad. 6,UtT ,f ,h Common“Ur) »<»«*« since l-.i y Seakield. mother of *Kl. f 8eilh ,J died in 1884, > ittewronue. Hdsa-l the 11« was K rn j u R*uter.
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    • 39 7 Burden to Form a Cabinet. A telegram from Ottawa states that Karl G>ev, Governor Genera! of Ctnadu, has summoned Sir F. W. Itordeu aud that the lit er hi» accepted the task of forming a Cabinet. Reuter.
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    • 37 7 6,000 Seceded. A telegram from Southampton states that 6,000 members seceded from the Southampton branch of the Sailors’ and Fireuiou’s Union. They allege unsatisfactory management and hare formed a British Seafarer»’ Union. Reuter.
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    • 29 7 One Month's Imprisonment, A telegram from Bo nbay states that Chandra Pal who pleaded guilty to publishiu seditions literature lias Ireeu imprisoned for a mouth. Re iter.
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    • 83 7 Juristic Zeal Delays Negotiations. A telegram from Berlin states that the few remaining |>oiuts of difference as regards Morocco are Ireiug keenly contested. I The papers say that the prospect of a speedy settlement are receding. The delay is mainly due to the zeal of the juristic specialists. NEOOTIATIONS
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    • 36 7 Staaf Declines Office. A telegram from Stockholm state; tba* the Liberal, Staaf, who formed a Mini dry ol Socia'ists on the Ist inst. lias declined to Is represented on the Government. Re (ter.
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    • 33 7 Another Accident to Beaumont. A telegram from Rheirns states that M Beaumont, who broke his leg on July 26, was internally injured owing to premature descent while testing a military aeroplane. Reuter.
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    • 139 7 Ministerial Pronouncement. Mr. Herliert Samuel, Postmaster General, speiking at Belfast said that the Government will not Hindi from their resolution to carry Home RuD. The rights of the Ulster protestaruB will be amply safeguarded. Balfour At Haddington. Mr. A. J Balfour, speaking at Haddington, said that the Unionists
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    • 47 7 And Masters Reply. Owing to the refusal qf two non-Uni mists to join the Union all the workers at the Yatefield Mill, Burnlev, went on strike on Wednesday. T».e Spinners’ Association in Nortli and North-East Lancashire, rep-lied threatening a lock out involving 150.000 Reuter.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 401 6 The “S-U-T” Burmah Cheroots. Tbe best and cheapest cigar on the market, in packets of 100 at i I*so per packet, made of picked leaves and well matured. Every c'gar guaranteed. Obtainab'e only at THE SAVE-l-TROUBLE FIRM. 120. Pitt Street. Penang. DIABETES. An intrrrstin* treat iar drai n* cauara, symptonia
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    • 44 6 It has been satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of persons have to thank tjnnoHsn for restoration to health and "happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail. At all dealers in Patent Medicines and Chemicals in Itotllos of K) capsules.
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    • 12 6 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints, dysentry, roughs, cold», e*«
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  • 167 7 The Commissioner, Trade and Oust mi?, FM S, intimates that the prices for the period from October 6 to 19, inclusive, of cultivated rubl»er on which export duty is leviable in the F.M S. on an ad valorem basis are as uuder Sheet and biscuit
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  • 388 7 7th October. An additional appointment has been made to Class I of the Civil Service and it ha* beeu conferred on Mr. J. K C. Aldwortb, who will lie known as the Protector of Labour, F.M.S. I understand that legislation is in contemplation to dehue the duties and
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  • 195 7 COMPLAINANT ATTEMPTS TO COMMIT SUICIDE. On Thursday afternoon a sensation was caused in the Supreme Court when the jury acquitted four men charged with gang robbery. Four Chinese were charged with having committed gang roblrery, stealing from a coolie from Sarawak, on his way to
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  • 120 7 Progress in Kelantan. The Kelantan corespondent of the Mai iy Mail writing from Kota Bharu, says On Sept. 25th the British Adviser, Director. Works and Surveys, the General Manager and Traffic Manager, aud Construction Engineer, left Tumpat to take steamer to Singapore on the following dav. The
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  • 165 7 Rembia: 2,100 lbs. Krubong:— 769 Haytor: —Sept. 1,612 lbs.; 10,492 ll s. for the year. Pelepab Valley:— 1,650 llts. Kola Tiuggi— 1,135 A ;euts Guthrie and Co. Por Dickson:— 2,610 Kanaboi: —nine 20 pkls Tribute 282 79 pkls Total 302 79 pkls. Pegoh Ld.: 12,050 lbs.
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  • 497 7 IA rkivbd Per s. 8. 7th (X*t, from Hongkonjg Messrs. Cbow Kwo listen, Lye Pack Min and George liatcliffe. Per s. 8. Tara, 8th Oct, from Singapore i Mrs. Ma'ensky, Cant. R. M. Skinner and Mr. G. Hardie. I Per s. s. Dun t-ra, 8th Oct., from Rangoon
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  • 108 7 To-» T 18th Day of Bth Moon. St. Denys. Ulu Piah, Ltd. Special Meeting, noon. St. Andrew’s Ball:—General Committee, 4 p m.. Chartered Bank. Lidie.»’ liifie Shooting. Hockey, Fls kinodo. P. C 0 Q'V»its Tourn mient. Voluutem Maxim Gun and Bearer Section Drill Lodge Scotia: Emergency Meeting, 9 p.m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 35 7 l>r. Friedlaender testifies that exerts a favoumhle iuiluence in removing eomplii at ions and lue worrhage; also more rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by it than bv any other preparation of Sandalwood oil etc
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    • 58 7 FOR SALE. Two Motor Cars for sale iu nearly new condition $1,600 and SI,BOJ respectively. A PP!J RAFFLES TIOTEL, 9-10-11 688 Penang. I WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Competent Ledu'er Clerk and Typist (Eurasian preferred!. Must l*e hard and reliable worker and l»e able o produce good references. Apply to L C. T,
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    • 186 7 Central Sales Room. Central Sales Room. Special Announcement. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Household Furniture At Mentmore, Logan Road, On Thursday, 19th October, 1911, The property of CAPTAIN VINCENT. AUCTION SALE OF High Class Household Furniture, See Later Advertisements. CUNNINGHAM. CLARK A Co., 9-10-11 092 Licensed Auctioneers. comprising Rattan Chairs, Iron
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    • 123 8 A*sa*e. Br *.s 7.376, Cookroan. 7th Oct, Singapore. 6th Oct., Gen.—A. G. &Co Sam San Br. 2,591. Lake. 9th Oct, Honpkong. 80th Sept,, Gen—B Jt Co HiU Nor. 719, SaWeneu. 7th Oct. B .mbav, 2Hth Sept.. Gen H Bros Sam ir, Br.Ve, 4.179, Andrew- 9th (Jet, London, 9th Sept.,
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    • 60 8 rn October. Acagyee, for Port Swettenham, fort Dicks »u and Malacca. Rotorna, for Tongkah. Sam nr, for Port Swettenham, Singapore, China and Japan. Canton, for Bindings, Sitiawau and Teluk A n son. Hong Won for Singapore, Hongkong, Swajow and Amoy. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis an<l Setul. \aw
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    • 349 8 For Yen—Per Jit Seng, to-morrow, 7 a m. A lor Star (Kedah) —Per Kedah, tomorrow, 8 am. Deli—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p in. Trang—Per Tong Chay Un, to-morrow, 1 pm. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Omapere, to-morrow, 8 p m. Singapore and Hongkong—Per Kum Bang, to-morrow 3 p m.
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  • 131 8 Pcnano. 9th October. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank Loudon, Demand Bank t* 4 months’ sight Bank 2'* 3 Credit M 3 n Documentary.. 2'* Calcutta, Demrnd Bank R I7t| 3 days’ sight Private 6 Bombay, Demand Bmk 17*1 Moulmein, Demand Bank 8 days* sight Priv*»* ..16 Madras, Demand
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  • 214 8 Gold Leaf Black Pepper star' White Pepper 28j} sale* Trang Pepper 20. —nom Cloves 42. nominal Mace ..18 —a tminal Pickings 105— sdee Nutmegs 110 s. 25 ales C No. 1 6 10 sal Sugar < 2 6 —ial s (.Basket 5.10 Copra (mixed) 11 —buyers f Tahbun 190.—
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  • 152 8 Pksano, 9th Ootohkk. 1911. Bkk* r l*Soup per catty 11 Roast 24 Steaks 2t Stew o Curry Meat... 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail «*ch c 0 Tongue... 55 Feet 15 Heart 3o Liver per catty 55 Pork Pork 7 Pig'» Head... r** > Murroif i Head Pf‘.
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  • 1586 8 C a 0 5 »*< Cay>it*l. Nam**. e s CO 00 s O* AMl}' 19(15 1:']0 1909 1910 1906 jftlO 500 150»MH# -><*o 000 750 00!) 5 0,000 75,6« mi 7 \(K 0 300,0<X> 1 2 JO 1 1 2 10 1 HOT!**,,; 1908 p.c. r p.<*. i 00.000
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 34 8 A Good Rule. Make it a rule of your home to ke« p C'hamlwrlaiu'ri Colic, Cholera ami I diarrhoea Remedy as a safeguard against Iwwd complaints. For sale hy all Dispeuw-ries an<l 1 dealers
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    • 24 8 I N A t-C /S' i RIGAUD’S KahaNGA Of JBPRH TOILET WATER Beware of imitationt. RIGAUD C” PERFUMERS 8, rue Vivienn*. 8 Pa it-Franee
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  • 1506 9 O gm n c grliiiin in vallil on Haemi < Sist»l. el infiati rviiaruin p.-ol*eM umbra VKKUfL. “‘The hottest place I was ever in,’ said the Commodore, is Perim. Thev say Jibutil is hotter, hut I never had occasion to run in there. Pe-iiu is hot enough, but
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  • 969 9 A Colonial lady who, over her full name and address, published a letter uuder the above heading in the Morning Post on August 31st, pointed to a peculiar trick of the Newsvendor’s trade by which a large portion of the English natiou is gradually beguiled into
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  • 121 9 October, 1911. D»,e. H. W. L.W. H.W. 1,. IV. A.M. A.M. P.M. P..H. 9th 12.22. 12.39, 6.48 I Oth 12.57, 7.66. 1.15, 7.24 11th 1.32, 7.41, 1.50, 7.59 12th 2.09, 8.18, 2.28, 8.37 13th 2.48, 8.59, 3.10, 9.21 14th 3.34, 9.47, 4.01, 10.04 15th 4 32,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 250 9 Shanghai Carpenters Furnishers, 4, T3NANG E05D. High-class Household Furniture kept in stock and made to order. Inspection Cordially Invited. ‘232c DUTCHCIC A R S. We iupp'. v 1. o 8. H 9 10 n 12 tlie following hrnnld Gladiator Priiwe*» Juliana Aqtiila Blanca Carmen Topo Prinreswa I,a Inijierial* I,a Vista
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    • 279 9 AGENT A liin;e Butter exporting firm to c-all upun grueai'M, etc., for the Sale of Butter in tins, tnisfcion liberal. AppJ? by lette.* to re«iuireN handlers Cora-o-l 0-11 (»71* U. D. B. IV, c o Straits Echo. CONSULATE FOR THE NETHERLANDS. The follow in-» Government Farms of the of Kbio
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    • 212 9 lutumiuuuuauim. muu. muaiaiiuii: utiimmunn none imiiiuiiiiiii nn.nna THIS IS IT WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED Cod Liver Oil Compound TASTELESS ODORLESS ■JL y v* jcSrasti M *1 jgfei The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER Oil.. Docs all that is claimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions which upset the stomach.
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  • 3496 10 MR PATRICK HA DOW’S REPORTS ON THE ESTATES. Issue or Debentures. The ordinary general meeting of the London Sumatra Kublier and I’rodme Estate*, Limited, was held at tho London Chamber of O mmerce, Oxford Court, London, E. C on September 4, Mr. Keith F. Arbutbnot, Chairman of
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  • 400 10 Declare They’re Poor. A petition has appeared in the Chine e Press addressed to the Chamber of Commerce by a number of Chinese shop people. The petition is headed by Liu Pao-chang who is known for his persistent agitation for a general
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 78 10 Rheumatism. Chronic rheumatism often attacks the 1 joints. luternal treatment of ary kind wruM be worse than useless, but by applvim* Chamberlain's Pain Balui freely tuassaying the affected parts three times a day. a cure may be effected. It will afford some relief at once and by continuing the treatnamt,
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    • 36 10 Smin. Sprains require careful treatment. Kc3p quet aud apply Cbainlterlaiu’s Pain Balm freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy con For «ale by all Pisj en-uries and lHsakrs.
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    • 63 10 Worth Twenty Times Its Cost. One bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy goes a long wav towaid relieving suffering humanity. It i> better than any doctor’s prescription, and worth t weuty times its cost incases of diarrhoea, cramp colic or dysentery, which are h-ible to come on suddenly
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    • 237 10 George Town Sales Room. NOTICEOF SAI,K BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE, The undersigned will put up for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, On Thursday, I9th October, 1911, Under the Archtray of Logan's Buildiru/s, Ben’-h Btie t, Comm unci vo at 11-30 am. The following properly lielonging to MOON V M .A
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    • 836 10 Runnymede Hotel. NORTH AM ROAD—SEA-SIDE The Most Comfortable Hotel in Penang The Best Food in Penang. The Test Attendance in Penang. A Trial will convince you. MODERATE TERMS. Telegeams: RUNNYMEDE,” PENANG. telephone v A. KERDYK' P ro Priet 0r KESHRANJAN OIL. II PJANUIL FORJHEl(ftlfy A good xam le is set
      836 words

  • 1234 11 St»nbt SoKDiT Tims. ,f l Tenor- “What’s the matter, J .Tmin you look quite black ,n«i Comedian: Sod vou be IVN- nU g from yellow jaunders, '***'j£n ,r noW ami W IhmI Urk broWfl wte ,D I f ar ns> utb ‘.bo kieMa down U, r TV fn«nJ
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 212 11 The Leading Hair Oil of the Day Is our KUNTAL BRISH YA which stood the wave of competition during lrst 40 years of its existence. It is highly scented and profusely medicated hair oil which has pleased everyl>odv and anybody in India, Ceylon and the Straits. It increases the growth
      212 words
    • 242 11 BUNKING AND TRADING CORPORATION, NAUDIN TEN CATE CO., LTD. PENANG—MEDAN. Discount bills and advance loans for short periods on produoe, import goods, bonds, shares and other! negotiable securities. Advance money on goods consigned to Europe. Open documentary credits in Europe. Buy end sell shares for account of their clients Finance
      242 words
    • 277 11 GALLIC W H 1 b K m vs c h 1 0 The Dispensary, H« ir wash AND TONIC. The Best and Cheapest, 75 cents per battle. JUST ARRIVED. All the Newest American Patent Medicines AT SPECIAL PRICES. PERFUMERY.—New Creations. Heiko Scents. ROSE de CHIRAZ.—RoyaI Rose. MARCH VIOLETS.—Dew of Violets.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1132 12 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Lite of Dr. Allen ?|Co., Pha, 0. S. A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free RESIDING AT A o. 21 a, Penang Road, k lev loots from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. Khoo Buan Phuan cnop Ci i m Seng Moh, 203, Main Road, Taiping, Tin Miners, Advancers
      1,132 words