Straits Echo, 13 December 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1225 1 FROM IOUATOR TO POLAR REGIONS DOG’S HEAD GUJNNESS STOUT THE YOU'RE USEO TO OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE IN QUARTS, PINTS AND NIPS. IANG LEE Col, 8 ole Agent"""* THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hbad Officii—Shanghai, ;China. CAPITAL TAELS 1,000,000. *****00 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for oar
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    • 5 1 Tung Lee Co, Sole Agents.
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  • 1242 2 ACCOUNT OF THH DUTCH ATTACK t ON THE OLD FORT. s Johore Joins Forces. 1 In the account of his journey the Cape of Good Hope to Japan, which lasted from 1688 to 1723, Captain Alexander c Hamilton thus describes the capture of f Malacca bv
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  • 126 2 December, 1910. H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M 13th 8.45, 3.00, 9.15, 3.30 14th 9.44, 3.51, 9 57, 4.03 15th 10.11, 4.24, 10.36, 4.49 16th 11.02, 5.15, 11.28, 5.41 17th 11.54, 6.06, 12.19, 632 18th 12.45, 6.57, 1.10, 7.23 19th 1.36, 7.48, 201. 8.12
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 43 2 According to all a*vomits we have the assurance that <aio.UH*i> is oue of the most valuable discoveries of modern pharmaoology and is far ahead of all preparations of Cojsiiba, Cubebs, etc. It is the safest and most su<vessful. At all Chemists and Dealers.
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    • 211 2 CHAPOTEAUT’S HUOi NO TRATIVE TASTK PRINCIPLE NO OF SMELL COD NO LIVER NAUSEA. OIL MORRHUOL Is superior to Emulsions or Oil, it cures Incipient Consumption, Coughs, Bronchitis and Scrofula Each tiny Morrhuol capsule is extracted from a tea'spoonful of cod liver oil. Recommended at the Paris Academy of Medicine, for
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    • 1203 2 NEW GOODS For the Comind Festive Season. TRONOH MINES, LTD. DIVIDEND NO. 27. Cracker», Toys, Picture Books, Story Books, Garlands, Flower Stands, Xmas Cards, New Year Cards, Postcards, Balloons. Artificial Flowers, Od. Novels, Electro-plated W are, Hats, Singlets. Socks, Handkerchiefs, Perfumery, Toilet Waters, Lumps, Boots, Leather Goods, Safety Razors, Paper
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  • 17 3 ,14th Dec. i English (Devon**) *..17th China (Hmuilaya „.‘20th r China ...2nd w Oermaw (Brtdotr)
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  • 29 3 Vessels From Ayents Due Benvorlieh Londou S.B.&Co. 14th I»ee Dev a aha Colombo A.G.&Co. 14th Himalaya Singapore A.G.AC0. 17th Kleist Singapore B.M.<fcCo. 20th Bneloir Colombo B.M.ACo. 22nd
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  • 24 3 Vessels For Agents Leaves Benvorlich Devan ha Himalaya Kleist Buelotr Singapore Singapore Colombo Colombo Singapore S.B.&Co. S.B.ACo. A. B. A Co. B.M. Co.
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    • 77 3 fhnnpere, Hr. k.s., CsnipWl, 12th Dw.i Siuga[mre, 10th IV<\, Gen.—E. 8. Co., Ltd. A. A/rar, Ur s.s., 2.971. Thomas, 13th Dec. Calcutta, 7th Dec, Gen. A. A A. Co. Ran Whatt {mow, Br. s.s, 199. Milne, 13th Dec., Deli, 12th Dec, Ueu EB. Co.. Ltd. Avoyyee, Hr. s.s, 217,
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    • 65 3 13th December. Tong Chuan, for Alor Star (Kedah). Rotorua, for Tongkah. Petrel. forAsahan. T<»u) Chay JJn, for Trans?. Merlemh, for I>eli. Jin Ho. for Pangkalan Brandan. Ran Whatt Soon, for Langkat. Omapere, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Carlyle, for Teluk Anson. GlrufaVoch, for Singapore. Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow. A.
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    • 235 3 For Negapatam and Madras—Per Taroha, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Kedah, tomorrow, noon. Pang Nga&Trang—Per Deli, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Avayyee, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Batu Bahra—Per Lion Choo, to-morrow, 3 Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Thongwa, 15th instant, 3 p.m. Singapore, China Japan—Per Devanha, 15th
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  • 284 3 Per P. and s.s. China, from London Nov. 10, connecting with the Devanha at Colombo, due at Penang on 15 h Dec To I'eriang Mr. and Mrs. W. P. J. Hume and family, Messrs. Laughland J p Osborne, E. Jackson- Miller, 8. C. Ambrose C. Baxendale,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 258 3 P.&0. nV S.N.G Expected Anirals and Departure* Mail Service Outward. Connectin J? with China 1MU-.12WM r £gr Feh J d Macedonia eb s Auaye do. Homeward. THROUGH MAIL STEAMER 8.8. Marmora Mar. 24. (Calling at Bombay.) FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st class 2nd class To London by Sea £66 £44
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    • 319 3 V\ BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAYICATION CO., LTD.T Port S wet ten ham and Si: gaporr. (Twice a week). Thur. lot’» I -ec., 4 p m. Sat. 17t!>. Dec.,-* p.m. Thur. 22nd Dec., 4 p.m. Sat. 241 h _>. 4 p.m. Mergui, Tavov, Yeh and Moulmein. (Fortnightly). Rangoon Calcutta. (Weekly). Negapatain,
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    • 427 3 a r> x I» x n o.>— NORDDbUTSCHER_LLOYD, BRfcMiiN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. a i &}J Xif XJSfc%2**~: M< &)*>. WT 1 a V' “i' ft .tmijei'* 4fk t 'J v V THE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton,
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  • 102 4 rveryiMily and in«ri<v *lo»**. a Puhlialirwl Hally (except snnHHyO AT TM* CWITI PION PRG r c LTD.. N'* 226 232. Bvec iS' J't> nv Pl.l'iß: DAILY IjOI’AL f per annum OUTSTATIONS Pof*:t|fe Kxtra. »1 »11. EDITION (P.*t Kree> $5 CA KM? ADDKKSS Echo—Penang.” Ti lopliai'p ff ?43
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  • 880 4 The flabbergasting insolence of the Municipal Commissioners of Singapore is akin to the behaviour of the Artful Dodger in the Dock. Instead of being bowed with shame, or meek with repentance, they are covered with effrontery as with a garment. Callous impudence and a sophistic brazenness dwell in
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  • 79 4 The following business in tin has lieen j done to-day Singapore j Straits Trading Co., nc I buyers, no sellers j Penang Penang Tin Exchange, buyers, no sellers Eastern Smelting Co., 175 tons at 88.05 Leong Fee Co., 100 88.20 Total 275 tons. Tin is
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  • 127 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Entries for the P. C. C. Tennis Tournament close on Saturday, January 7, at 7 p.m., and play commences on Monday, January 16. The entry fee is 51 for each event, except in the Ladies’ Double Handicap in which entries will be free. There
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  • 363 4 The latest alterations to Messrs. Anthony and Anderson’s share list are:— Anglo-Malav 225. 9d. —245. 3d. Bukit Mertajam 3s. 5d. —4s. Highlands «£5-2-6 «£5-7-6. Linggi 455.—475. 6d. Merlimau ss. 3d.—6s. Selangor 61s. 9d. 645. 6d. Mr. V. C. Brown will succeed Mr. J. R. Brown as Secretary of
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  • 1275 4 Bishop of Singapore at the Town Hall. Theßt. Eev.C. J. Ferguson Dayie, Bishopof Singapore, addressed a meeting in the Lower Town Hall yesterday afternoon on the aims and objects of the Singapore Diocesan 1 Association. There were present the Hon. Mr. J. O. Anthonisz and Mrs. Anthonisz,
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  • 496 4 Magistrate’s Appeals. In the Supreme Court, yesterday, before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, two criminal appeals were heard. One was an appeal bv Murugayen, a Hindoo, who was a fortnight ago convicted by Mr. A. W. Bailey, Second Magistrate, and sentenced to pay a fine of 8100 for intending
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 328 4 ttTTf—-~"-~TT t*****^*^^*^** 4^- >A## ****f (THE CRAG HOTEL. SANATORIUM. PENANG HI LS; t As g.wd an Hold a*, any i i ihe Srail* t —Singapore Free Prem, 27th March. SARKIS 3 BROTHERS, I’roprifitir*. < t »««r »«ec *AA/ •««< in»**THE GRAND HOTEL, IPOH, PERAK. The Only l*t. in Perak. Mont
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    • 12 4 For all internal complaint*, dysentery, •"Ugli*. cold*, etc., take Wood*’ Great Cure
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    • 44 4 If be "rows two blades of grass Where only one had place Deserves the thanks of every clasv And lienefits the race T hen worthier stid of honoured name hile cough, and colds endure Fmblazonedon the scroll of fame’ fs Woods Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 69 4 s Prained Ankle. ini'ur^ r l n Wl a r’' ;,e »u»Hy disable the is due to h, S .V" f° r <,|ree or fo,,r 'feels- Tbi» Oliamlx».l P r rer When mav be off V' rt,M s applied a cur* liniment f eCted or four duv*. Thi* able nrei
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    • 30 5 {hrlut Special j Appeal Upheld. Singapore, 13th December. —The •>t the Oriental Tobacco Company aguitist the British America Coinjiany lias been upheld with coats in both Courts.
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    • 52 5 (Me ha Sftr.ciil.) Judgment Appealed Against. Singapore, 13th December.—Mr. Justice Fisher delivered judgment for the plaintiffs with costs in the suit brought by Mr. Kong Chen Hoe against Mr. J. A. Meyer to recover 11,000 and interest in a transaction in Lunas rublier shares. An appeal has
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    • 26 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Leaves Ceylon. liondon, 12th Dec.—The German Crown I‘riuce and Crown Princess have left Ceylon. They were enchanted with their visit.
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    • 120 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Cabinet on Japanese Links. London, 12th Dec.—A telegram from Peking states that inspired reports are published in the Chinese Press to the effect that the Anglo-Japanese Alliance was weakening, but it was not likely to make a serious impression on the Government who were
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    • 55 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) State or Parties. London, 13th December. —So far the state of the parties is as follows Liberals... 187 Labour 83 f Redmondites 57 i Obrienites 6y Unionists 227 Lloyd Georoe Re-elected. Mr. Lloyd George has I teen re-elected for Carnarvon District. A Liberal Gain.
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    • 65 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) W. Baii.ey’s Bequest to the Poor. London. 13th Dec.—The Daily Mail announces that Mr. William Bailey, formerly a rubber planter in the Malay Peninsula and owner of Bachelor’s Double other horses, who recently died leaving A 368.582, orders in his will that all his
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  • 203 5 The steady increase of Chinese foreign debts, and the popular movements in connection with the establishment of Parliament will have important effects on China future. China’s foreign loans exceeded 13b million pounds, according to recent repo Meanwhile, China’s deficit is about 30 million taels everv year. She has
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  • 598 5 There were altout a dozen in attendant* at the course to view this morning's exercise it was a good training morning especially after the little rain we had although it looked gloomy in the commencement the weather muted tine ami a lot of useful work was got through.
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  • 296 5 The following is the programme of H. E. Sir John Anderson’s visit to Negri Seuibilan, Selangor. Penang, aud Perak in December and January Sunday, 18th December, 7 pin., leave Singapore in Seameic. Monday, 19tli, 7 a.m., arrive Malacca: 8-30 leave by special train 9-15 a.m., arrive Tampiu
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    • 126 5 To ini Kw’w of ia« strait* Echo. Dear Sir,— If rumour is correct that Mr. L. H. Clayton will lie selected vice Mr. F. J. Hailifax. as Municipal President, in the event of tlie latter being promoted to Singapore, then Penang will he in a position
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    • 1300 5 To me Eoiiob of tub mbaits Echo. Sir, —When things have not been going well, there is a certain fascination in making what is called a clean sweep And it is delightfully simple for the Band Committee to sink informally into possibly well earned oblivion
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  • 93 5 I)r. A. K. Cosgrave has lieen appointed House Surgeon. European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Mr. C. H. C. Buchanan lias lieen appointed Secretary, Sanitary Board. Kuala Lumpur. Mr. E. Pratt, A. D. 0.. Lower Perak, goes to Larut. as'Second Asst. D. O. The Secretary of State lias
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  • 192 5 Members Discard Their Queues. A meeting of the above Society was held at Hongkong on Nov. 27. at the offices of the Sze Yip Chamber of- Commerce. Several hundreds bf members were present. The members’"were? -welcomed by the Reception Several speeches were delivered urging on the people
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  • 163 5 A C RIVED. Per a.*- Majuya, 11th Dec-., from Deli: Messrs. Che Dain and child, M. Goldenberg, Tjong Gaet Sung, Tjong Hock Long, Hum Ah Paid, Ngtoom, Taw Scab Horn, Ong Tiong Ho, Mrs. S. Robertson and child, Miss A, Brampton. Per h.b. Kedah, 11th Dec., from Kedah Messrs.
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  • 49 5 i To- DAT. 12th Day of TTTh Moon Wavan<; Kassiui, .JCinjr Street Theatre. ‘"“Sri Mendawan Khairnni” or “The Beautiful Prince.”! Town Band, froft Ctm», Kto? p.m. To-morkow. 13th l>*v of. 11 tii Moou. Kassiui. Street Theatre. Simla" .or The Crafty Son-in-law Town Baud. Esplanade, d to 7 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 36 5 Xry This for Influenza. The peculiar properties of Cl,tt Cough Remedv have been thorough during epidemics of it was taken in time we have not hea < f ft]] single case of pneumonia. For Dispensaries and Teenier».
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    • 11 5 Woods’ Omit Peppermint Cure for al| internal complaints, dvsentry. coughs, colds
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    • 41 5 Famous E* e» vw here Chamberlain's Remedv has becon** famous for its cures of coughs, colds, croup and influenza. Try it when in need. It contains no harmful substance and alwavs »{ives prompt relief. For sale bv all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 458 5 WAKTTBD. r\ O BUY A SECOND-HAND TRICY--1 CLE. Applv to H L. C., 13-12-10 810 eo I jtruitu Echo. WANTED. A YOUNG MAN as junior assistant on a Rubber Estate in Perak, apply by letter, to X. Y. Z„ c/p > trait* Echo. 13-12-10 821 NOTICE. .4OVEIMTSER, a Straits Chinese
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    • 304 5 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. SINGAPORE: llkai» iirrioK Life A*snr:iiire ;»n«l Kiiumviiii'ift In AH Forms. 1,1 ItKU \I. FOLK IKS I, MV HAT ft#. V.KHN. MEYER A CO., LTI>. L'otoV Itri'i'ic ul •fIW /V»r HORACE It. JOSEPH. Local Oiiii:* <-,u llr.u.N, M kyku A Co., l/rl». IS 14,I
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  • 342 6 The Prince Repent of China, by Imperial decree has made English the official language in all Chinese schools of modern learning.” The effect cannot but lie far reaching in making English more than ever a lingua franca, a world language, and the indirect help to missions,
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  • 276 6 The following unclaimed letters, etc., are Iving at the General Post Office, Penang Letter s. Barnabas, F. K. F. Nicholson, P. C. Bavin, Lieut. G. G. Nixon, W. G. Becker. P. Noronha, A. J. Bodrow, W. Pallet, G. B. Bolh nhageu, Jas. Parker, A. V. Boy, A. G.
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  • 122 6 Penano, 18th December. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank. London. Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2j4f-$ 3 Credit 2/44 3 Documentary.. 2^4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 1744 3 days’ sight Private 175) Bombay, Demand Ban* 1 "I' Vloulmem, Demand Bank 1 4 3 days’sight Privare «/5 \ludrvs.
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  • 210 6 Gold Leaf $34.64 Black Pepper stock White Pepper 24— buyers Trang Pepper 17.50 sellers Cloves 45.— sellers Mace 95. —nominal Pickings 90. —nominal Nutmegs 110 s. 24. —sellers i No. 1 o. —sales Sugar < 2 5.90 sales G Basket 5. nom. Tapioca Flour 1.55 nominal Copra (mixed)
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  • 142 6 Penano, 13th December, 1910. Beef i:ts Soup P"r catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 10 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue J 5 Feet Heart Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head... Feet Tongu Mutton per lb. J
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  • 1778 6 I s a c (Number ot d. Kerne i ‘-5 .g Capital. Shares > Dividends. Name. j! 5 issued. s P 5. Q o i£ I ca ett >-* W 1 I i I 190<>jl907 1908 1909 1910 RUBBER—IMlLLAR SHARES. leniuA,. 1 P P P P Kuning Rubber Lrd.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 36 6 Riedel'» lionosan is not unpleasant to take, and is not attended by those distressing byeffects which so often accompany the use of balsams and Sautal oils. It has secured tin qualified praise from the leading Specialists.
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    • 42 6 WATEBBURV'S METABOLIZED COD LIVED OIL COMPOUND. TASTELESS. ODOURLESS. Aid* digestion. Does not upxet the stomach and i* ut.rivalled for C<*ugl>p, colds, bronchitis anil all pulmonary troubles, an«l is a general tonic for building up the system. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $1.25 AND $2.00
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  • 796 7 Vast Areas Still Unexplored. Mr. Grunt Watson. Secretary of the British Legation at Kio de Janeiro, in his report on tiie trade of Brasil for tl*»yaar 1909, deals specially with ruhlier interests, j Ho S.IVS The value of the ruhl>er exports in 1909 was <£18,920,001, as couqmred
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 980 7 INSURAN CBS. Commercial Union Atturance Company |_?P CIIAKA.V 11 I »1 I‘AKI MIiM. The Bonds of this Company a n accepts by the Board of Trade, Colonial Office, Government Board, I’ost Offieo, Customs, Commissioners of Inland Revenue, National' Debt, and the various divisions of the High Couil of Justice. For
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    • 127 7 Interesting to Mothers—How to Cure Cough and Colds. There is one subject which always interests the mothers of young children, and that is how to treat their coughs and colds, or to ward off a threatened attack of croup. For this purpose we can recommend Chamberlain's Cough Kemedv. It always
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    • 155 7 WATBRBORY’S Alctitbolized cod I ivcr Oil Compound lASTKLESS ODOURLESS Aids digestion. Does not upset the stomach and is unrivalled for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles, and is a general tonic for building up the system. OF ALL CHEMISTS. and $2-00. j FOR SALE s u TALES OF MALAYA,”
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 967 8 W. HANSON. American Dentist, C ite of Dr. Allen A Co., Ph i. U 4. Curves Moderate, CcnsultoUJit Fn*. lallDlM’Af /Vo. 2la t Penang Roac*. A 'c* Joots from (he Eastern and Orlen al Note!. BURRELL Co’s BOILED RAW LINSEED OILS, SNOW WHITE ZINC, PAINTB TURPENTINE. TO RE HAD RETAIL
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