Straits Echo, 31 October 1910

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1292 1 tiger brand CEMENT., 38 w, *>• vp® «£57 /07? ALL PURPOSES. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkad Omen— Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. 1200.000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for our policy holders. The ONLY company that has this deposit. Ihe Company hr the Chinese.
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    • 8 1 w a O: Thng Lee Co, Sole Importers.
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  • 352 2 An eye witneafi of the first landing in Singai*>re, in the early part of 1871, of the Ute Kin# of Siam, write* to tl»e Strait* Timrt: I hare a vivid recollection of the visit of the late King while yet in his teens the rear
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  • 267 2 Divkkoent Opinions. According to a Loudon telegram of Octol>er 18, the Daily Newt says the disorders in Southern Persia are undeniable, but they do not explain Great Britain's sudden step of such gravity which rather appears to l>e a counterpart of Russia's action in Northern Persia. Sir Edward
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  • 314 2 A further stage in connection with the reported difference* between the Royal Dutch Shell group and the Standard Oil Company, reports the Financier, is mentioned by the Amsterdam correspondent of the Frankfurter Zeituny, who states that the relations lietween the two groups have become aggravated by the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 70 2 >Uk IliaJashr. This distressing ailment results from a disordered condition of tlie stomach. All that is needed to effect a cure is a dose or two of Chamlierlaiu’s Stomach and Liver I'ablets. In hut, the attack may be warded off, or tpvatlv lessened in severity, by taking a dose of
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    • 316 2 Whv From a small beginning the sale and u e of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has ex- tended to all parts of the United States acd to manr foreign Why Be aui it has proved especially valuable for coughs and colds. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. Those tiny
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    • 2024 2 JUST UNPACKED. Straw, Felt, Tweed and Terai HATS. All the Latest Shapes. Very Smart in Appearance Early Inspection Solicited. GOON YEN FRIENDS PENANG. SIEMENS BROTHERS’ DYNAMO WORKS, LIMITED. ELECTRIC LIGHT, POWER AND TRACTION, ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. SIEMENS TANTALUM LAMPS. Subslanlial Reduction in Prices. Continue to be the BEST. Prices A
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  • 12 3 English (Delta) China Devanha China (Yorek) 10th Borman (Kleiet) —10th
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  • 1646 3 m w ■l' a 4 mtmmm ■i j- THE STRAITS ECHO, MONDAY, f i 3tst OCTOBER, 1010. H I P P T M O.)— p BRITISH INDIA NOKDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. p.&i 1 4^5 1 THPgftlAL GERMAN XCUL LINE. 9 '«psJ r Mr STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. K
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  • 24 3 Vessel» For 1 Agent» Leaves 1 Delta Singapore Decanha Colombo Yorck Colombo Keeist Singapore A G. A Co. A. B. ACo. B.M.ACo. Not.
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    • 105 3 Hong Wad 1, Br. As., 2,060, Hams worth, 29th Oct., Amov, 18th Oct., Gen. E. S. 0«.. Ltd. Westphalia, tier. s.s., 1,916, Buch, 30th Oct., Hamburg, 16th Sept., Gen. -B. M. A Cp. Ih nmnhr, Br. s.s., 1,936, Hastie, 30th Oct., London, 24th Sept., Gen.—B. B. Co. Purnta, Br.
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    • 45 3 31st October. Canton for Dindings and Teluk Anson. Hony Wan 1, for Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow. Un Peng, for Pulau Ijangkawi, Perils and Setul. Van Stroll, for Olehleh, Pulo Well dbc., Padang. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and T&ipiug. C. Ajamr, for Calcutta.
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    • 279 3 For Alor Star (Kedah)—Per To ruj Chuan, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-inorrow, 1 A.saltan—Per Petrel, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Tongkah—Per Rotorua, to-morrow, 1 p.m. I'rang—Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy A Swatow Per Glenogle, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Otnapere, to-morrow,
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  • 285 3 Per J 5. and O. s.s. Mongolia, from London Oct. connecting with the Delta at. Golomljo, due at Penang on 3.1 N» v To I'enanjJ.: Mrs. Tate, Miss G. Birch, Messrs. E. G. Walker, H. C. Robinson and E. H. Bratt. To Vngapore Mrs. G. F.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 286 3 P.&0. nV S.N.C Expected Arrival* and Depart urea, Mall Servlca Outward. Nov. 8 Delta connecting with 16 Delhi do. 30 Assays do. Dec. 14- Devanha do. M 28 Delta do. 1911 Jan. 12 Delhi do. Mongolia Morea Moolta h China Mantua Malwa Homeward. THROUGH MAIL STEAMER 8.8. Marmora Mar. 25.
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    • 449 3 (SJH1 PPIHO *5 IV For BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. Stogapo *e. (Three times a week). Port Swettenham and Si. gaporr (Twice a week). Intended to Sail. Thur. 3rd Nov., 4 p.m. Sat. 5th Nvo., 4 p.m. Sun. 6th Nov., 4 p.m. Thur. 10th Nov., 4 p.m. Steambk. Thongwa
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    • 410 3 NORDDEUTSCHERJLLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MUL LINE. a -v »S?S?sb4|( < Z: t HE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail foitnightly from Bremen JL Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandra and vice vena Port Said, Suez, Aden,’ Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • 91 4 Mtlrflf» *TKTf body and Huhtiuhrd dally (**«r*pt Sunday».) AT TUI CKITHRION PRESS, LTD., No 226 232. Beach Btr*et. Penang. P! ICE: DAILY MM7AI. 9t* Po*la«® ««11, KDITIOK (IVit fm) OAAIK AIIIIRNHB T)*lp|'hniip N<* 543 A.#. All buninci*. coin mini lent ion» «h*wtld b* addr«*»ed to Th* Mattor
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  • 552 4 In continuation of our review of Mr. R. J. Wilkinson's [taper on the aboriginal tribes of this country, we may begin by regretting that although that student was careful to employ many enquirers working separately, he was forced to employ men some of whom had no more tit
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  • 51 4 I Tbe following <i»«iu*oi> m t«i ha« Iwen I iloni* UhI»» t—- Peiian^: r**iuuiir Tin GirlMii|p\ U Ilmjwi, no s*»llein j Strait»* Trihlinu' Co., 50 ton# at 82.75 Strait* Trading 00., 50 82.75 Total 100 tou*. R«ni(oon rice i* *]U *t*-l here to-d*r at 91-44 per
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  • 976 4 Bandmann's people did a vaudeville show Saturday night. Tliey called it 44 Pot Pourri," hut it wasn’t exactly yovrri (rotten). There were s*»ine 44 turns which went a long way towards l»eing money’s worth, and the gentlemen who «occeMfully if noisily resisted an attempt to make them pav three
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  • 2742 4 Following was the speech delivered by H. E. the High Commissioner At the opening of the 3rd Session of the Federal j Council at Kuala Kangsar to-day At this meeting of the Federal Council, the second annual Enactment to make Provision for the Public Services
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    • 287 4 (Kcho Special.) Governor’* Arrival at Kuala Kan osar. Kuala Kangsar, 30th October.—ll. E. Sir John Anderson and party arrived here on Friday. Yesterday afternoon, at the Astana Na<mra, the distinguished visitors and guests witnessed the dove fighting. Subsequently they inspected the state apartments and regalia. To-day a large
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    • 30 4 (Echo Sj eriul.) Ashore. Singapore, 81st. Oct. —A telegram from Caiman states that the steamer Hynaford, while entering Victoria, grounded on a shoal yesterday and is still fast.
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    • 15 4 (Rrlio IS/<ecial.) Pepper. Singapore. 81st Oct.—To-dav’s market 1 rice of white jiepper is «25.78.
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    • 33 4 {Supplied by Reuter.) Appeal for Funds. London, 29th October.— The Scottish National Committee, in a manifesto, appeals to Scotsmen all over the world for funds to achieve Scottish Home Rule.
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    • 70 4 (Supplied htj Renter.) Price or “Clement Bayarp." London, 29th October.--The price paid bur the Clement Bavard airship was £lB.OOO. The owner asked £25,000 for it but came The war office offered i “ri tne remainder was subscrilied bv the Parliamentary Aerial Committee. Another Recorp. London 30th October.—At Etampe» (r
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    • 40 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Pitw\irTioi*H Auainht Anaechists. Um.lon, Sl.t A telegram from Ber- th f H* Crown Prince’s wish f th TT® *>f the Berlin detective fcnxe will travel W1 th him on his tour to the
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    • 136 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Low Flyer Smashed Up. fjondon, 31st Oct.—The New York aviation competition, got up by Gordon Bennett, distance a hundred kilometres, was a breezy and thrilling affair. Graham White was first, doing the distance in one hour, one minute and 43 J seconds. Moizant was second,
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    • 62 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Loan. London, 30th Octol>er. —Practically all the important German hanks represented in the Turkish Loan Syndicate are considering that its successful flotation is the patriotic duty of Germany. The Navy. 2 London, 31st Octolmr.—The Berlin correspondent of the Morning Poet sates that Turkey has paid
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    • 27 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Franco on Baii.. liondon, 31st Oct.—Senhor Franco, the ex-dictator of Portugal, has been indicted for abuse of power. He was allowed bail.
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  • 452 5 A New Perak Flotation. The memorandum and articles of association of the aliove Company have appeared in the Ceylon Gazette. The Company is formed to purchase the lease of 1,000 acres of laud situate on the road from Teluk Anson, Lower Perak, in the
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  • 1171 5 (From Our Otrn Conrerpoml^uf.) 28th Oct. The Acting Resident-General, F.M.S., H. H. the Sultan of Selangor with the British Resident and H. H. the Yamtuan of Negri Sembilau with his British Resident and the other members of the Federal Council from the two States have come today by
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  • 104 5 (From Our Correspondent.) 30th October. The Lurkino Death. A very tragical death occuired a few days ago at Klaug. A married Malay woman who went to the neighlsHiring shops to make purchases, returned at 7 p.m. She was about to mount their high wooden house steps when she was
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  • 757 5 Alleoed Criminal Breach of Trust. A preliminary enquiry into the charges of criminal breach of trust brought by A. W. Tullv against Michael S. Cowan was commenced in the third court, Singapore, on Friday morning lmfoie Mr. F. Robinson. The Hon. Hugh Fort and Mr. H. Cooke
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    • 288 5 To tub Rnm of thi smm Ecm. Dear Sir, Through the medium of your valuable paper, I shall be thankful to be allowed a space to bring the following lines to attention of the public concerned. It is rumoured The Maritime Club, which is at present situate
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  • 408 5 Referring to our recent article on alluvial mining, we understand that a small but powerful local syndicate has l»een formed to exploit certain mining lands in the immediate vicinity of the Kedah border, and consequently, within easy reach of Penang. The area held under option is some
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  • 431 5 Is it a Guarantee Fund? At the meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commission last Friday, Dr. Fowlie moved that Mrs. Tobin be paid Mr. Tobin’s contributions and interest to the Provident Fund up to date of his leaving the service. Iu bringing forward this matter Dr. Fowlie
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  • 174 5 Asbhid. Per s.s. Tee*{a, 29th Oct., from Siugupore Mr. Ahained Essa. Per s.s. Bharatn, 29th Oct., from Singapore Mr. C. C. Malet. Per s.s. Purnea 80th Oct., from Raugoou Messrs. D. Yates, M. Cowsaiee, W. H. Marks and Swei Leok. Per s.s. Ipoh, 81st Oct., from Singapore: Mrs. N.
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  • 28 5 To-day. 29th Day of 9th Moon, Hallow mils Eve, To-moerow. 30th Day of 9th Mo m. Racecourse Open for Training. Opening of E. A O. Hotel Annexe.
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  • 20 5 0 New Moon Nor. 2nd (l 1 irst Quarter 10th Q Full Moon 17th )l ut Quarter 24th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 42 5 Little Bill caught a chill. Could’ut get hi* breath. Tried in vain in great pain, Tossed and thought of death. Strange to tell, grew quite well. Hi* father did procure, The proper thing, the cold took wing. ’Twa* Wood*’ Great Peppermint Cure
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    • 30 5 s The first violent inflammatory symptoms t qir'ckly disapp *ar after treatment with Riee del’s lioioisaii Capsules. No letter prepas, now on the market. Certified by r the leading Specialists.
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    • 34 5 Dr. Fn»;dla«>mier testifies that GonOMn ft)t*i*ts a favourable influence in removing complications and haemorrhage; also mor e rapid and satisfactory results are obtained hr it than bv anv other preparation of Sandalwood oil etc.
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    • 164 5 'I wo CHINESE CLERKS for Charted 1 Bank, Ipoh. Experienced men preferred. Apply Chartered Bank, Penang. 31-10-10 732 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. A special Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held at the Municipal Office, at 2-30 p.m. on Wednesday, the 2nd November. Business: To consider Budget for 1911. L. A.
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    • 189 5 notice. ADTERTISFK, n strait* fhine*r r**lWrn< in I jm'Ii, In act a** «irent W« person* «1»» have' rntereG* In (ho f. Jl. on ino<tt fn von raffle ttrmn I’fp'l fl»« refpr- \ppljtn A(’( OHTAST,” 11-10-10 0>>r> r'n Strait* Echo TiftMnrr^n UOit'i BREAK YOUR NECK l>v buying ch**np and liastv Bicycle
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  • 472 6 A Foekiow Ladt’s Vi*we. Tit* Koltumin fiNkimh»» has been lending wTnral of its column* during the pest few week*, for the discussion of the beauty and other qualification* of the geiaha. The views of several authorities on this subject have published to lend force and
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  • 484 6 J. Henry Caldwell of Spartanburg. N C., is the first man to utilise commercial dvnamite in plowing land. The method of planting the cartridges was simple. One man walked ahead with a crow liar and stuck it into the ground about three feet the man following
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  • 124 6 Penang, 31st October. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank. London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3 Credit 2/4-, ‘V, 3 Documentary.. 2/4 y f Calcutta, Demand Bank R-s. 174 3 days’sight Privat** 175? Bomt>ay, Demand B*n> 17 41 Moulmein. Demand Bwnk 174 3 days’ s>srht Priva»e
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  • 197 6 Gold Leaf $34.80 Black Pepper no stock White Pepper 25.50 selltrs Trang Pepper 18.— Cloves 66.— nom. Mace 95.— sellers Pickings 90— sellers Nutmegs 110 s. 21. —sellers JNo. 1 6.50 sales 2 6.40 sales Basket 5. nom. Tapioca Flour 1.55 sales Copra (mixed) 10.40 buyers Tahbun 190.— sellers
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  • 184 6 Penang, 31st October, 1910. Beef rfli Soup P- r catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head... 20 Feet 24 Tongu 32
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  • 1939 6 Tj *w g; I Number of *3 (j. XT g j Capital. Shares > P Dividends. Name. f 3 z I issued. 9 !H 9 s s s ca J: 1 <y t*. H4 0, j 1 j *****907 1908 1909 1910 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES, p.c. po. 1 P- c
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 270 7 j Nov that wo arc reminded of it, says the Olobf, we realise that the ijreat American people are seldom s»*en to possess a walking stick. It’s a small thing,*’ write* an essayist in a morning paper, the nbseuee of the walking stick, but it belong* to
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  • 231 7 Looking Fok Pow r Long, or” A dramatic and interesting ceremonial took place at a London Court liefore Mr. Horace Smith, the prosecutor in a case of larcenv, a young Chinaman from Weugchow, requiring the attendance of two interpreters, who were severally sworn by lighting
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  • 454 7 Mrs. G. H. Putnam contributed one of her charming studies to a recent Contentporary on the Lady of the Renaissance. She that the prevalent passion for beauty found the lady indispensable for her decorative value. She was transformed into a work of art, and had
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1600 7 INSURANCHS. lit LOPmOf» ASSURANCE 8 fT/XO Q A t t? C'ltM'ltßvriON. CvFkkJLiZj J S" TALES OFIMLAVA"! INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.I). 1720. f 'II F undersigned, having been appointed L Agent* for the above Corporation, are now prej>ared to aceept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rates. PATERSON. SIMONS A
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    • 13 7 I Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure for a/J internal complaints, dvsentry* coughs, .-old* etc.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 980 8 w. wiansot American Dentist, inti 1/ I* AUaa A /a... P*a. f\S’.4 t' Woowrute, Coisuiwuin »«4IOI>« AT /So. 21a. Penang Road. A c* dnnra Inn* the Eastern and Orient a! Hotel. 6 mtba BURRELL Co.’s BOILKO RAW LINSEED OILS, SNOW WHITE ZINC, PAINTS A TCRPENTINE. 10 BE HAD RETAIL FROM
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  • 1241 9 Lineh Open ok Under Construction. Mr. VV. P. Ker, Commercial Attache at Peking, in the course of his annual report on the foreign trade of China refers to the progress made in railway construction, and summarises the present position bv giving the following list, corrected as* far
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  • 303 9 Minutes of a Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Thursday, the 13th October, 1910. Present. F. J. Hallifax, Es<|., President. J. W. Hallifax. Esq. W. T. Chapman, Esq. Abwiit. Quail Beng Kee, Esq. Dr. P. V. Locke. Lim Cheng Teik, Esq. 1. The Minutes of the last
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  • 754 9 A retired Indian Officer, “A-G. R.”, is telling some capital Mess-Rxnn Yarns in th»* We*Drn Morning New», Plymouth. The Indian officer who is acting as raconteur was stationed at Peshawur in the ’seventies. British political iuflucn.-e did not then ex--1 tend beyond Jamrud, and the Frontier -aids
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  • 292 9 Suggested Rope Manufactory for Singapore. Importing coir into the colony, writes a correspondent, is really tantamount to taking coals to Newcastle and yet Ceylon and other coconut-growing centres outside of Malaya, send large and regular shipments of the article for consumption in the Straits, Hundreds of
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  • 853 9 An Interesting Career. It appeare, writes the Peking correspondent of the N.-C. Daily New», that the report of Lord Li Ching-fong having again presented his credentials to the Court of St. .iaines’ gave rise in certain quarters to misconceptiou, w r hich a second thought
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  • 193 9 the geuer&l committee it will be submitted to tin* approval of the King. The appeal for public subscriptions will follow. The following are some of the suggestions for the memorial: Pteeervatinn and endowment of the Or fatal Palace, rebuilding Buckingham Palace, national Opera House in Hvde
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  • 986 9 PROPOSED PROGRAMME. (UNDER S. R A? RULES OF RACING).. To lie passed at a General Meeting to Ik» held on Friday, 11th Novemlier, 1910. NOTICE. —No amendments to this Programme will lie considered unless due notice is given in writing to the Secretary at
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 74 9 Rheumatism »he Most ommon Cause of Suffering. Rheumatism causes more pain and suffering than any other disease, for the reason t hat it is the most common of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain’s Pain Balm will afford relief, anti make reat and
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    • 54 9 What to Do When a cold becomes settled in the system, it will take several days’ treatment to cure it, and the best remedy to use is Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It will cure quicker than any other, and also leaves the system in a natural and condition. For sale by
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    • 63 9 For a l ame Back When you have pains or lameness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice a dev, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it
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    • 241 9 ENTRIES CLOSE at 5 p.m on Monday. 13th Dumber, 1910 Excep" for Riv*#' 8 on the Third Dav. Handicaps for the Fir*' Div will lie published on or before the 22nd December, 1910. A penalty of 7 lbs. is incurred in a handicap by the winner of anv race run
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 625 10 JUST ARRIVED. STEPHEN S ENDORSING INKS PADS. lEI ft VIOLET. These endorsing inks gire clear impressions which dye the paper quickly and do not smear. Puce Small bottle, with plain cork, 40cti. Big bottle, fitted with brush as above, 70cts. indorsing Ink Pads, Price, 50cts. THE CRITERION PRESS, LTD., 228
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    • 247 10 Er ft r P Sil I 7 1. 5» 0. rOii* N N e o ’fpli 4 m nft »~«Tvrr<—.’nw^.rritfrnrnwpiw» .ummmi-wi»»» •"iLTL._ WiSr- mst*£i KOil -I NOOP-' Jjy^Mffl^M^ iiAßD liTH IN AUSTRIA. N¥ss; Koh-i-noor Pencils, H. 8., 8.8.. 8.8.8., Price $2 per dozen. BPBII Mephisto” Copying Pencils, Prices #l-20 and
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