Straits Echo, 27 October 1910

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1349 1 tiqer brand cement. 258 N <ri n «S» >-4 X- "e IN I «fiST /Off ALL PURPOSES. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hcad OrriCK—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. 9200.000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for our policy holders. The ONLY company that has this deposit.
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    • 5 1 Tiang Lee Co., Sole Importers.
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  • 1010 2 A new Chine»** paper called the Mm Li- ,i ww (meaning “paper «hbhlW by the people made its appearance in Snanghai I,n the 11th instant. A suitable alia» for the Echo. A Scottish newspajier record», with evident surprise, that a pole-eman and a reporter have lieen a*lded
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  • 58 2 Ocloher, ItllO. f^4 H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. a.m. a.m. pm p M. 27th 7.11, 1.35, 7.59, 1.23 28th 8.39, 2.57, 9.16, 3.33 29th 9.46, 3.52, 9.59, 4.05 30th 10.12, 4.23, 10.33, 4.44 Times of Sunset and Sunrise for Septeinl er. Date. Sunrise. Sunset. A.M. PM. 20th
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 47 2 OliOHaii like other pivjiaratiomi ofa Copil,,i and Sandalwood oil «1« not affwt tV kiduevs or diaturl* tin* stomach and is well tolerated l*v tin* |«a»*eut even after Icn-nheued treatment. Trials bj the Medical Pi ofeasioji solicited Samples fne on appli•ction to anv of the chief mug Chemists.
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    • 197 2 Sick Headache. This distressing ailment results from a disordered condition of the stomach. All that is needed to effect a cure is a dose or two of Chaud>erlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. In fact, the attack may be warded off, or greatly lessened in severity, by taking a dose of
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    • 2278 2 1810 Wm. SIMONS Co., Ltd. ENGINEERS, SHIPBUILDERS and DREDGE CONSTRUwTORS. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE of sale. A’ OTICE is hereby* given that the books Um]er instructions from the Representatives j\ containing the Annua! Valuations of of the -Estate of the r ,n.s ini Dosed on all build.ngs and Late R. H.
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  • 13 3 Emsltth (D,Ua) 3rd No*. China (OManKa) China Ydrck) Ciermao (KU\*t) ...10th
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  • 36 3 Vessel» Fruit, Agents Due ht It a Deran ha Yorck Kleist L Colombo Singajxtre Singapore} Colombo L A.G. A Co. A. A Co. B. A Co. B.M. A Co. tfr<l Nov. it!» 8th loth
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  • 21 3 Vestel* For Ajent* Leave* Delta Singapore A.G. Co. Nov. Deean It a Colombo A.G.&Co. Torek Colombo B.M.&Co. Keeiat Singapore B.M.&Co.
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    • 56 3 Lutzou\ Ger. 8.8., 5,134, Wilhelmi, 26th Oct., Bremen, 21st Sept., Gen.—B. M. A Co. Capri, Ita. s.s., 2,717, Moresco, 26th Oct., Boiubav, 16th Oft, Gen.—B. M. Co. Thalang, Siamese Gunboat, 120, Crichton, 27th Oct., Singora, 26tli Oct., Nil.— Siamese Consul. Taroba, Br. s.s., 3,657, Jacobs, 27th Oct., Madras, 22nd
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    • 43 3 27th October. Kedah, for Alor Star (Kedah). Jin Ho, for Langkat. Cornelia, for Port Swettenham, Port Dickson and Malacca. Petrel, for Asahan. Merhus, for Deli. Canton, for Bindings and Teluk Anson. Taroba, for Port -Swettenham A Singapore. Nore, for Colomlio and Tuticorin.
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    • 265 3 For Alor Star (Kedah) Per Tong Chttan, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Carlyle, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Singapore, China and Japan—Per Japan, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul —Per Un Peny, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Bindings—Per Pangkor, to-morrow, 4
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  • 295 3 I >er P. and 0. s.s. Mongolia, from London Oct. 7, connecting with the Delta at Colombo, due at Penang on 3 Nov.: To Penang Mrs. Tate, Miss G.’ Bird», Messrs. E. G. alker, H. C. Robinson and E. H. Bratt. To S'ngaporc Mrs. G. F.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 294 3 P.AO. S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departure*, Mail Service Outward. Nov. 3 Delta connecting with n H) Delhi do. m 30 A*#aye do. Dec. 14 Devanha do. (l 28 Delta do. 1911 Jan. 12 Delhi do. Mongolia Morea Mooli an China Mantua if Una Homeward. THROUGH MAIL STEAMER. s.8. Marmora Mar.
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    • 211 3 •M •r BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co., Penang, Agents KONINKLUKE PAKETYAART M A ATSGHAPPIJ. (R'IYai. OUT* II I’UKET COMPANY.) For Dell (Twice a week). I)ew Batu Bahra, Asahan, Paneh and Singapore, (Fortnightly). Singapore (direct) Connecting with Batavia and other Java, etc. ports, (Fortnightly.) Sabang (direct), Olehleh,
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    • 413 3 («HIPPING.) NORDDLUTSCHLR LLOYD, BREMEN IMPERIAL QERMA2T MAIL LIVE. w m r <fc |-r ~-r i «-S£--r 7 j rTUl~f*»t and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen A Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandra and vice versa), Port Said, Sue/,
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  • 97 4 Jurtire aati.fle* «erybody and jnrti» alo ic.--*»—*- n Published daily (except Sunday*.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, LTD., No 226—232, Beach Street.. Penang. Pr ICE: DAILY LOCAL PI prraan m OUTBTATIOM* I’o-tajce Pxtra MAIL KDITIOK (Ptet ri.e) >3 f'ABI.K ADDRKXrt Tcho—°ena: g Telephone M >-43 b.B. -All liosine*.*
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  • 507 4 Internal evidence in his writings persuades us that the new editor of the Perak Pioneer has been in India, that he is a European, and that he must have been rather scared by the sedition mongers there. In welcoming him to this country, and wishing him
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  • 49 4 The latest alterations to Messrs, Anthonv and Anderson’s share list are;— Allagar 4s. 9d.— 5«. 3d. Highlands JC 4-17-6—A’o*s. Kuala Lumjnir JC 7-15 Linggi 425. 44*. 3d, Selangor 615.—635. 6d. S. S. (Bertam) 7s 3d.— 7s. 6d. Sumatra Para 9s. 9d.—los. 6d. Valla inbrosa 375. 9d.—4os. 3d.
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  • 46 4 Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-dav at BI.VI. 1 Hiyers no sellers ;at Singaftore (refined) at 581.95, buyers no sellers, and in Ixindoa at 4‘l*’4 •*>«. cash and 4164 ss. three months' sight. Rangoon rice is quoted to>day at 9144 per covan.
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  • 1816 4 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. 1 i Tlit* annual general meetiug of the Pen- j ang Cricket Club was held at the Pavilion yesterday afternoon. About forty members were present, Mr. J. W. Hallifax (President) occupying the Chair. After the notice calling the meeting had i lieen read by
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  • 133 4 Distribution of Prizes. The distribution of prizes to the winners 111 the July tennis tournament of the Pemuur Cricket Club took pla<-e at the p (< n pavilion vesterdav afternoon, just More t'u* annual general meeting was held Mrs. Thornton, wife of Mr i Thornton, kimlly di
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  • 874 4 C. R- C. re. Crescents. Owinu to the threatening weather before the start only a fair number of spectators journeyed down to Pangkor Road, yesterday afternoon, to witness tbe C. R. C. fight out their last League fi ture with the Crescents on Victoria Green. There was a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 268 4 MASSEY-HARRIS MOTOR CYCLES. Some particulars of the 1910 Lightweight: Total Weight Tank capacity (180 miles) (Pain 105 lbe. Gallon I*. 26 x 1 f $3OO-00 400-00 andlelwr controL A machine Tvrca (Palmer) Price (Lightweight) (3* H P.) IV jtiMta. brakes to both wheels, magneto ignition and 1 built for good
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    • 52 4 n iere «a# worthy Ural*», win* A «*ousjh could not endure. He cured, we're told, hoth vouiu; and old With Wood*' (Jrwt Pepfenuißt Cui«. Tl>e slw > rt the tall! the roung! the l<ald The poor wlio («id no pew-rate. He ured them all! And so was called The Woods’
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    • 33 4 (imuw’ti Win*.nlwut »ati»fa,.t„ rv without the aid of any teal and n 1 mo *™ntifc Bemedr and far superior to combination* of plain Sa„<W»oo.l oil, Copallia, etc. A t all chemist. an<l «l^alers.
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    • 15 4 int" °°f Great Pt ‘PP er »iint internal complaints, dvaeutrv Cure for all CAUirtiii. mldn
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    • 42 5 [Echo iSi'C.riol.) Latest Quotations. Singapore, 27th Oct. Bukit Kajang 45s. buyers Lin tang 80s. Da man sura 140s. Goleonda 102s. 6d. Golden Hope... 105s. Highlands 97s. 6*1. Inch Kenneth 250s. Lana dron 97». Malacca 127». Tremelbve 97». 6d.
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    • 16 5 (Echo Special.) Pepper. Singapore, 27th Oct.—The market price to-day of white pepper is 825-75, buyers.
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    • 109 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Briand Attacked. London, 26th October.—There was a scene in the French Chamber, the Socialists attacking the action of M. Briaud, the Premier, with regard to the strike. The Chamber adjourned amid an uproar. Roak ani> Uproar. M. Briand was denoun<*ed as a coward and a
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    • 36 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Liberal Decree. London, 26th October. —A telegram from Lisbon states that amnesties have l*eon granted to the military offenders who fought in the revolution which it descrilies as a heroic act.
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    • 29 5 (Supplied by Renter.) WONDERFUL SPEED. London. 2fith Oct.— The Berlin Dreadnought Vondertanu iu her trials averaged 28 knots an hour, which is superior to any iu the world.
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    • 35 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Assembly Dissolves. London, 2fith Oct,—A telegram from Athens states that the Assembly has disHol V tM 1 The elections for a new revisionist Chamber will take place on November 28.
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    • 31 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Banqueted at Brussels. Loudon, 2fith Oct,—The Kaiser has arrived at Brussels. A State Banquet was given in his honour and the most cordial toasts were exchanged.
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    • 35 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Increase ok Personnel. London, 2fith Oct,— According to a telegram from Vienna Admiral Montecuecoli stated that the construction of Dreadnoughts would involve an increase in the personnel by 20,000 men.
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    • 45 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Explosion on Haitian Gunboat London, 27th Oct.-A telegram from ort an Prince states that the Haitian gunboat Liberte was lost off Port *le foll 111: an explosion. It is estimated that about seventy were killed and drowned. Twenty were rescued.
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    • 33 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) To Meet. London. 27th Oet.-It has been settled that the Tsar will visit the Kaiser at Potsdam on November 4 and will return Darmstadt the next day.
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    • 46 5 (Suppled by Reuter.) The People SurpoKT Notion. Ijoiulon, 27th Ot.—A meeting <»t d l>eople which was held at Glasgow su l'P^ r the twelve members of the House o 1 mons and enthusiastically approved tl* formation of the Scottish National U,ue Buie Committee.
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    • 65 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Accident to Nation's Airship. Loudon, 27th Oct. The airship which was presented to the nation by the Morning Poet and journeyed from Moissons to Aidershot in 315 minutes and crossed the Channel from St. Valcrv to Brighton in 2J hours has met with an accident. It
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  • 807 5 (From Our Otrn Corresjxnulent.) 26th October. No Rei.ap. Owing to the rising of the water in the Perak river, the event Relap has l>een cancelled from the Programme for the Federal Council festivities. This method of catching fish is only employed successfully when there is very little water
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  • 443 5 The following is the report of the directors and statement of accounts for the year to 30th April, to lie presented at the third annual general meeting of the Company held in the Lecture Room of the London Chamber of Commerce, on Oct. 30. “The Director» have
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  • 181 5 Few people know that the coconuts of t’.e Malay Peninsula sometimes produce p *arls 1 hat arc highly prized bv the natives (says th** Aineri(*an Consul at Singapore iu a report to headquarters). The stones are not unlike the jiearls of the molluscs, and are similar in
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  • 141 5 An Enactment to be Drafted. The committee of the Selangor Chamber jf Commerce have recently had under consideiation the need for a rivision of the laws regarding debtors in this State. Under the present regulations the utmost difficulty is sometimes experienc'd in recovering debts, as then* is no
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  • 107 5 To Be Fed at Raffles. We are requested to announce that Bundmatm’s Beauties w ill Beautify Brunei (Norman’s) Bounteous Bacchanalian Board” on Saturday, both at tiffin and at the guest night Dinner. In which case it is possible that Men May Munch Mingled limit'> a Made Much More
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  • 607 5 Important Appointment Under Chinese Government. Says last Monday’s S. F. P. YVe were aware privately when Dr. Lim Boon Keng left Singapore recently—our last letter was from Hongkong that he had left Singapore for good, with the intention of accepting an offer of employment in the
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  • 145 5 The following prices were obtained at Messrs. Koli Eng Hin’s auction sale to-dav. 1,600 Nellmays 5K).65 400 Rublier Estates of Krian. 81.50 300 Perak River Valley $0.25 300 Lunas Estate 82.50 200 Tanjong Pinang Ice 82.65 The s. s. Taroba came into port from Negapatam this morning with
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  • 168 5 Arrived. Per s.s. Luetzotc 26th Oct., from Colombo Mr. Lielie, Mr. F. L. Dougherty, Mr. 0. C. Nickelson, Mr. R. Ross Clunies, Mr. J. F. Giffening. From Genoa Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Schadee, Mr. C. Sigismund, Mr. E. Wilard. Mr. F. W. Teschner, Mr. E. von Ceeren, Mr.
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  • 22 5 TO- DAT. 25th Day of 9tb Moon. Municipal Commission, 3-30 p.m. Lodge Scotia, 9-15 p.m. To-moreow. 26th Day of 9th Moon.
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  • 37 5 P. O. SAILINGS. M I Serv c-. Outward Homeward Delta 6 Nov. Dn'mJut 5 Nov Delhi 16 Arcadia 19 Fi m Service Outward Homeward Palermo 2 Nov. I Nore 27 < k-t Somali 8 Palo iron 11 Nov
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  • 17 5 O New Moon Nov. 2nd First Quarter 10th O Full Moon 17th Last Quarter 24th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 For all internal complaints, d\ aentery, coughs, colds, etc., take Wo-xL»’ Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 380 5 NOTICE. A PYFIiTISFK, a Straits Chinese resident in Ipuli, is prepared to art as a pent for persons who have interests in the F. X. S, oil most favourable terms. First elnss references. Apply to ACTOt XTAST,” 11 -10-10 t>B3 c/o Straits Echo F>r S ngapo e. il .mghong Suaioe
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    • 277 5 Great Patronage Night. The Internatirml Dramatic Coy k King direct theatrical Hal Under the Patronage of I Messrs. GOH SOON CHENG A KHOO IT GHEE. Thursd ly. the 27th Oct 1910, “EDWARD WILLIAM.” THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office: SINGAPORE. Ufr Assurance and Endowment in All Forms.
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  • 1403 6 (Continued from yesterday's u w»«.) Tli«* number of patients treated in the hospitals was 30,266, of whom 1,398 were Eun»i»ean». In 1908 the corresponding numliers were 30,370 and 1,287 respectively. pVaths numbered 3,635 (70 being Europeans), as against 4,031 and 83 m 1908. The rate
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  • 125 6 Penang, 27th October. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank. London, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ night Bank 2/4j 3 Credit 2/4 3 Documentary.. 2/ Calcutta, Demand Bank Ft*. 174 3 days’sight Private I'.i» Bombay, Demand B»«n« 7 Moulmein, Demand Hank 14 3 days’ sight Priv».** •5J Madras. Deraard K*m
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  • 200 6 Gold Leaf $61.80 Black Pepipier re» stock White Peppier 25.50 sellers Trang Pepper 18.— Cloves 66.— nom. Mace 95. —sellers n Pickings 90 —sellers Nutmegs 110 s. 21. —sellers (No. 1 6.50 soles Sugar < 2 6.40 sales Basket 5. nom. Tapioca Flour 1.55 sales Copra (mixed) 10. 40
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  • 184 6 Penang, 27th October, 1916. Beek— ct I Soup p?r catty 14 Roast >1 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart Liver pier catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head... 20 Feet 24 Tongu
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  • 1707 6 1 I a 1 0 IS t.-S Number of a. g Capital. Shares P Dividends. Name. i 2 issued. s 3 >» i "c o S a s *S s 25 a. (S oo <y 190<;i9O7 1908 1909 1910* RUBBER— COLLAR SHARES, pc. pc p.c. p.c. p. c.| 19**9
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 76 6 Khe uniat ism the Most ommon Cause of Suffering* Rheumatism causes more {tain ami suffering than anv other disease, for the reason that it is the most common of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain's Pain Balm will afford relief, and make rest
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    • 46 6 Win From a small beginning the sale and use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has extended to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries. Why r Because it has proved especially valuable for coughs and colds. For sale by all Dispensaries and Daalers.
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    • 56 6 What to Do When a cold become» settled iu the system, i l will take several davs’ treatment to cure i‘, and the best remedy to use is Chaml>erlain’s Cough Remedy. It will cure quicker than any other, and also leaves the system in a natural and health? condition. For
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1548 7 I Kir s trn.-a. 3xr o El s. Commercial Union Assurance Company Ltd. GIJAKAMU iJhl'Ak rMEXT. The Bond» of this Company a.e a<?cepted bv tlu* Board of Trade, Colonial Office, Local Government hoard, Post Office, Customs, Commissioners of Inland Revenue, National Debt, and the various divisions of the High Court
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    • 64 7 For a 1 aiiie Hack When you have pains or lameness in the h;vk bathe the parts with Chambei Iain’s Pain Balm twit*** a day, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 776 8 W. M4NSON, American Dentist, t/lie >t l* r AiU/n Co. t Pk/i. U.S. 4 0 \cx*s VrtdßrUe, Ccnsult%noTi fw. tIIIOIM %T vo. Penang Rose 4 A r* <Wr* t«<ir ihe Eastern and Orlen al Hotel. 6 to^» BURRELL Co.’s BOILEO RAW LINSEED OILS, SNOW WHITE ZINC, PAINTS TURPENTINE. TO RE
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    • 154 8 Mo a, /Mj, nam Road, farpntg, X;n Miners, Advancers and Gen al Goods Store. 2a HONG BEE Gil, 88 94, Main Road, Taiping, (Established ’877.) Genera! Store-keepers 9id Commission Agents. WINES ANDfSPIRITS. PROVISIONS OF THE BEST QUALITY. dvo FOR SALE. “LIM CHLE SAING’S CASE." Full Repsi'l (t the Proceedings, Frice
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  • 15566 9 Full Text of Judgment. PLAINTIFFS WIN. Messrs. Behr A Co. sued: J Khoo Qhuat Cheng for »12.726-94 f?BSoonCban&C »13,574-17 V c Lim 800 Cliee, Lim Mali Seaiig ami Liin »10,290-03 V l n B Ilu Chong »22,877-68 y:l KeanLeong'A Co. 8,188-25 U) Clun Guan ACo »25,051-90 Messrs.
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