Straits Echo, 20 October 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1276 1 tiqer brand oenient. N 258 *■> T S* c e BES 7 FOR ALL PURPOSES. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office— Shanghai, China. CAPITAL TAELS 1,000,000. 9200.000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for our policy holders. The ONLY company that has this deposit. The
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    • 20 1 GUINNESS’S ilOi/f. Tf ANQ LEE A Oo o. •As O I 2: U a <> is tADW SOLE AGEMS BASS’S ALE.
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  • 580 2 Mart Childbkr Mcrokbd. The Col<*)tir (iaaetie gives detail* of a ghastlv affair in Haiti, in the course of a janjfthy report, dated from Barahona, July 18, according to which a Haitian woman named E*tei* Lilieris. aged 24, has murdered and eaten five children. The woman in question is
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  • 585 2 [The following article was recently contributed to the Madras Times, and should prove enjoyable reading for many here The Mem Sahib sat down at her writing table with a firm resolve to write her mail letters. It was 11 o’clock. The Sahib had gone to office.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 45 2 Jim Jolwou hail a nagging wife; A terina>raut «iu she; A jierfeet ■■old who made hi* life Continuous miseree Wlien Jotmon eouhl uo more endure He liought (»o we are told) A U»ttle of \N ootU' Unwt Peppermint Cure, Aud <|U»» kW i-ured his cold.
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    • 341 2 Rheumatism the Most Common Cause of Suffering. Rheumatism causes more pain and suffering than any other disease, for the reason that it is the most common of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain’s Pain Balm will afford relief, and make rest and sleep
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    • 2174 2 In Great Britain, MARTELL’S BRANDY is to be found throughout the Clubs, Hotels, and in almost every gentleman’s house, and is prescribed by the Great Majority of English Doctors. It is The Favourite. You know it by the MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE books is hereby given that the containing the Annual
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  • 14 3 M AILS DUE 22nd Oct China O'?» **7/ ...27th German (Lirimnr) 3r4 English (Wte)
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  • 33 3 VeeseLs 1 From AjeiUs 1 Due Asmye Singapore Prim Eitd Friedrich Singapore L»t zoic Colombo Lelta Colombo A. Co.'22nd Oct. B. Co. 2oth B.M.ACo. 27tli A.G. A Co.l 3rd Nov. 1
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  • 24 3 Vessel* For Ayents Leaves Assaye Colombo A.G.ACo. Oct. Prim EH>4 Friedrich Colombo B.M. ACo. Lutzoic Smi^npore B.M.ACo. Delta Singapore A.G. Co. 1 Nov.
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    • 71 3 Carlyle, Hr. 8.8., 234, Treweeke, 20th Oct., Teluk Auson, 19th Oct., Gen.—Kwoug On. JuHet Niroll, Br. 5.8., 475, Bell, 20th Oct., Tavoy, 15th Oct., Gen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. Arcadia, Br. s.s 3,513, Brrcham, 20th (Jet., Bombay, 12th Oct Gen.—A. G. Co. Pin Stay, Br. 5.8., 374, Davidson, 20th
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    • 42 3 20th October. Cornelia, for Port Swettenhain, Port Dickson and Malacca. Canton for Dindings and Teluk Anson. Teexta, for Port Swettenhain and Singapore. Seang Bee, for Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow. (llenmjlc, for Rangoon. Perak, for Deli. Sreti Bangka, for Batu Bahru.
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    • 305 3 For Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Kahili, tomorrow, ba.m. Tongkah—-Per Rotorua, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham aud Singapore—Per Rut Song, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Anson Per Carlyle, to-iuorrow, 3 p.m. Pulau Langkawi, Perils and Setul —Per Un Peng, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Bindings—Per Pangkor, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Singapore ami Hongkong—Per
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  • 307 3 i er l. O'. M. 8.8. Luetzotc, from Euroj*;, due at Penang on 271 h Oct. To S'cnang Mr. Biegmund, Mr. M. Weguiann, Mr. C. Reideineister, Mr. and Mrs. VV. H. M. Bchadee, Baron and Mr», de Bethuue, Mrs. C. C. Wilkinson and family, Mr. Max
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 289 3 P.&0. S3 S.N.C Kx|WM*ted Arrivals and Departures, Mail Service Outward. Oct. 20 Arcadia connecting with Moldavia Nov. 3 Delta 10 Dtlh i 80 Ansa ye I>ec. 14 Devanha 28 Delta 1911 Jan. 12 Delhi do. do. do. do. do. do. Mongolia Morea Mooltan China Maniva Malwa Homeward. THROUGH 8.8. Marmora
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    • 326 3 (SHIPPING.) v ■X BRITISH INDIA +<’-J I STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co., Penang, Agents. X v. KONINKLUKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (IJOVU DliLti 1’M.KEr COMPANY.) Fob Intended to Sail. Deli (Twice a week). Sat. 22ud Oct., 3 p.m. Tliu.\ 27th Oct., 3 p.m. Fri. 2Slh Oct., 2 p.m. Deli Batu
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    • 405 3 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. nrriBTM. oeemah kail like. -t: *~iV -i~'£t W» THE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail foi tnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples’ (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandra and vice versa), Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • 103 4 jHtire Mtivflm everybody »»d j net ice alone. Kmertcn Published daily (except Kondaye.) AT TH» CRITERION PRESS, LTD., No. 226 232 Rench St root. Peming rI ICE: DAILY I/X’AL fT4 p*r*»i,‘ m CMTTBTATIONB Po*Uk« Extra. MAIL KDITIOK (Puet Prep) i OAKI.K ADDKKKH Echo —Penang.” f leplione N
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  • 625 4 Australia is a biggish island, with plenty of elbow room, but even there they have recognised the nuisance that land monopolists are. Those who have gazed across the spaces of the swelling uplands of the Scottish Highlands might think there was room for folk there, but the
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  • 182 4 The price of three months’ tin jumped up ill 15s. tc-day, a most unusual rise. The quotation cn Tuesday was =£ls9 15s. per ton, -yesterday it rose to =£l6l 55., to-day it stands at £166. A prominent broker who was asked this morning whether tin* price would stand
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  • 81 4 The following prices were obtained at the share auctions held yesterday and this morning. At Messrs. Cunningham and Clarke’s yesterday 200 RublierEstatesof Krian. 3 9 500 Nellmay 50.79 300 New Tambun *2.00 400 Kedah Rublier $1.65 200 The Dispensary Shares. $1.20 At Koh Eng Hin’s this morning 500
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  • 72 4 The following business iu tin lias lieen done to-day Penang: Penang Tin Exchange, 50 tons at *82.45 Straits Trading Co., 75 82.80 Eastern Smelting Co., 100 82.87 i Leong Fee Co., 25 83.10 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 250 82.95 Total 500 tons. Tin is quoted in
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  • 348 4 The latest alterations to Messrs. Anthony and Anderson’s share list are Chersonese 4s. —4s. 9d. Consolidated Malay 255. 3d.—265. 9d. Highlands £5-2-6—=£s-10-0. Linggi 445. 6d. 475. Merlimau 6s. —6s. 9d. Padang Jawa 4s. 6d. —ss. 3d. Sungei Way 100 s. —llos. Valla in brosa 40s. —425. 6d. Col.
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  • 1964 4 Acquisition of Lanus. Yesterday afternoon Mr. C. W. Barnett, Civil Engineer and Architect, was called. He had known the property fora good many years. No. 208 had a splendid site it had a good view of the harbour and right across to Kedah. He had made the following
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 364 4 MASSEYHARRIS MOTOR-CYCLES. Tlm* First O >nHignm«nt has arrived, and consists of 2, and 3| H. P. Machines. 3H. P. Model* are following and shortly due to arrive, all with Palmer Tyre*. Regarding their QUALITY, it is only necessarv to point to the SPLENDID REPUTATION of Massey-Harris Pedal Cvicles. The onlv
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    • 41 4 Dr. Boss of Strassburo introduced (Jnnn n m the treatment of the most painful of diseases to which mankind is liable It is better, safer and more effective than other preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs or plain nrlul «vs m 1 <nt
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    • 62 4 nie »»ack ?V QQn Von 1 Wk bathe th P p ll,ls lameness in the *am Balm twice a <l b Chamberlain's palm of the hand masa «M?ing with the application. Then a hve lilmute at each shghtly with this P*** nf flannel over the seat of pLiJ "T" 1
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    • 41 5 H'ho S fieri it I Exfort I)utt. Kuala Lumpur, 20th Oct. The Rubber export dutv pri«*e* froiuOctober 21 to Noveinlier 3 are: Sheet and Biecu it 9905 Crepe 320 Beat Scrap 300 Bark Scrap 270 Rough Scrap 250 Rambong 255
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    • 61 5 (Kcho Special.) Liquor at Hale Prick. Kuala Lumpur, 20th Oct.—The Police have discovered a large illicit still with a large quantity of liquor inside the Leper Ahvluiii. ft, is alleged that the liquor ia sold at 14 eta. per catty agaiuat the Farmer’s price of 30 eta. The
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    • 90 5 (Supplied by Renter.) An Apfeal roR 4 1 00,000. London, 20th October.—At a meeting of the China Emergency Appeal Committee at the Manaion Houae it waa announced that the meeting sought 4*100,000 of which 440,000 waa for the purpose of establishing Union Medical Colleges, 4*40,000 for education and schools
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    • 55 5 (,Supplied by Reuter.) Settlement Rejected. Ijoudon, 20th Oct. —By liallot the boilermakers rejected by 10,079 votes to 8,760 the terms of the settlement of the 12th inst. [On Oct. 12, Reuter wired A conference of the employers and men have unanimonaly come to an agreement thus ending lie
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    • 42 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Puts Back to Malta. lioudon, 19th Oct. —A telegram from Malta states that the cruiser Newcastle, which sailed for China on Octolier 15, has returned to port owing to internal defects which require 8 days to remedy.
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    • 126 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Double Record. London, 19th Oct,—Mr. Wellman was rescued 350 miles off Cape Hatteras. He had covered 850 miles in 69 hours, which is a record lx»th for distance aud time. Lucky Rescue. The rescue was very lucky as the mishap took place in
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    • 67 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) i Discount. Loudon, 20th October.—The underwriters have lieeu saddled with 93 per cent, of the Straits Loan. It is {xmited out that this result is less ominous than appears ..wing to the increasing extent such loans are now underwritten by a class of firms and
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  • 124 5 An influential committee of of «hid, Ladv Florence N Pr 'h\ has been formed to assist Chinese wh desire to complete their education in Bngland. The committee has hied a of schools which are willing to accept Chinese girls as pupils, and lists of fann
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  • 417 5 The following programme has l>een approved of by the Committee of the Hunt Club for the Gymkhana to be held on Saturday, Novemlier 19th, 1910. Event No. I. —Distance Handicap. G|*en to horses, lama fide property of memliers of the Hunt Club; weight to be declared at
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  • 240 5 Perak expects to receive in revenue during 1911 nearly ten million dollars and to spend just over 4i millions. In each case the figures differ considerably from those of previous years owing to the elimination from the estimates of Federal Recei ts and Charges. Land rents show an
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  • 195 5 The Municipal Budgets for 191 1 of SingajKire, Penang, and Malacca are to hand It is interesting to compare the Receipts and Expenditure of each town. Singapore. Penang Malacca. Estimated Revenue, $3,090,250 51,141,1 it) $80,020 1911. Estimated Balance $410,892 $lOO.OOO $13,000 from 1910. 1 Estimated Expend!- $3.417,651 $1.224,682
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  • 372 5 (From Our Otrv Corr epondrut.) Taiping, 19th October. 1 am glad to lie able to report that thesinall- {xix epidemic is gradually dying out. Very few cases have been repo-ted since Sunday, and on Monday about twenty contacts, chiefly Tamils, were let off and there are about forty more
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  • 135 5 (From Our Otm Correspondent.) October 19. In this town next, year we shall see two Government buildings lieiug started. We hear that one of them will lie utilised as a Post Office, while the other’s use will lie as a Preparatory School—a feeder” to the Malay College. Raja
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  • 83 5 The report to Dec. 31 states the gross profit oh dredging account was 410,235. There was a credit balance for the year of 4*271. The sums exjiended on capital account were:—Rublier planting (including administration), 413,174 prosjieetiug, additions to buildings, plant, craft, Ac., 43,170. The area under cultivation of
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  • 107 5 The statutory refxirt of the Seaport (Selangor) Rubber Estate, Limited, states that the total numlier of shares allotted is 175.000 on each of which 41 has lieen called up. The total amount received by the conipauy in resjMH-t of shares issued for cash is 4168,833. The receipts
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  • 39 5 (For Fortnight Ended October 15.) United U 8. Tlie Kingdom. America (Yntinent. Tin 960 tons. 250 tons. 65 tons Fh>nr 200 Tapioca < Flake 50 Pearl I'tO 125 ('op h .55 Rhek Pepjier Id 140 Wldte 35 65
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    • 879 5 iu mt Kmioi: or tub Straits *cio Sir, I have read the short article Pity the Poor Traveller in your issue of the 23rd August, 1910, with much sympathy and interest. No one who knows, and has experience in travelling in F.M.S.. can doubt the truth
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  • 142 5 Arrived. I Per s 8. Thoiupra, 19th Oct, from Singapore Dr. Lirkc, The Hon. J. O. Anthoiusz, Messrs. A. Campbell, B. Stockdaie, Liw Low Hong. Shum Hin Chan, G. Craw ley, eri ier, Goldenberg, E. P. Holloway, J. C. Holmberg, J. B. Pestana, VV. J. Foley, Holley and Dr.
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  • 19 5 To-day, 18th Day of 9th Moon. To-morrow. 19th Day of 9th Moon. Ministering Children's League, Sale of Work.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 For all internal roughs. .rolls, etc.. take Wood. Peppermint Cure
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    • 70 5 Sick IleaJaihp. This distressing ailment results fnun a disordered condition of the stomach. All that is needed to effect a cure is a dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver [Tablets. In fact, the attach may Ik* warded 'off, or greatly lessened in severity, by taking a dose of
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    • 46 5 Why From a small beginning tin sale and use of Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy has extended to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries. Why r Because it has proved especially valuable for coughs and colds. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 480 5 To-day’s Advertisement». NEW TAMBUN MINES, Limited. Notic i of Second Annual General Meeting “VTOTICE is hereby given that the second Ordinary Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Compam will l»e held at the Chamber of Comiueive, Downing Street, Penang, on the l!Dth instant at. 12 noon. The
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    • 256 5 NOTICE. AUVBKTIKCIt, a Slralta hinfix' mi(lent in I puli, i> prepared tit «1 as arent for person» who have interests in the F. M. N. »n most favourable terms. First rliiss refer* once*. Apply t» M'l Ol >TAST,” 11-10-10 683 f o Straita Echo 3STOTICFI. ■fTTi;, <lie undersigned, herebv give
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  • 1578 6 The following letter appears in the Perak Pioneer Sir, —Last Christmas Sir John French, after much earnest conversation with Colonel Walker, impressed upon me the great desirability of establishing an efficient Volunteer Force in Perak. Colonel Walker discussed the idea with me on several occasions, but he
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  • 120 6 Penang, 20th October. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank. Loudon, Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 3 Credit 2/4 jf 3 Documentary.. Calcutta, Demand Bank K>. 174 3 days’sight Private K 5 Bombay, Demand Ba»' Moulmem, Demand Bant 1~4 3 days’ sight Pnva I Madras, Demand Bant
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  • 193 6 Gold Leaf 564.80 Black Pepper stock White Pepper 25.75 seller» Trang Pepper 18.— Cloves 66.— Horn. Mace 95. —sellers Pickings 77— nom. Nutmegs 110 s. 20. —sellers !No. 1 6.50 sales 2 6.40 sales Basket 5. nom. Tapioca Flour 1.75 nom. Copra (mixed) 10.50 buyers I Tahbun 190.—
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  • 181 6 Penang, 20th October, 1910. Beef r^B- P'f catty 14 Itoast tt 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head... 26 Feet 24 Tongue 32
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  • 920 6 Name. U* BRER—DOLLAR SHARES. vedah Rubber o Ll<l. do preminmshares dalakoff Rubber Co., Ltd. Wllmay Rubber Co. Ltd., ’erak River Valley Rubber Co Ltd. Anson Rubber Estate Limited shares. a C f do ontributory •‘akap Rubber Plantations Limited Itikam Unblter Estate, Ltd. do Contributory do f Contributory ber
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure for all interna) complaint*, dysentery, coughs, colds •tc.
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    • 29 6 The curative action of Gononan is attributed to its antiseptic and anaesthetic, Manufactured by J. D. Riedal Ltd., Berlin, and sold in form of capsules, 40 in a bottle.
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    • 55 6 V' hat to Do Wben a cold settled in the system, it will take several days’ treatment to cure it, and the best remedy to use is Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It will cure quicker tliau any other, and also leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition. For sale
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  • 72 7 October. 11)10. J)aUi H.VV. L.W. H.W. L.W. A.M. A.M. P.M. PM. 20th 12.30, 6.45, 12.56, 7.0? 21st 1.17, 7.28, 1.38, 7 41* 22 ml 1.59, 8.10, 2.21, 8.31 23rd 2.44, 8.56, 3.07, ‘Ul* 24th 3.31, 0.44, 3.57, 10.10 25th 4.25, 10.41, 4.58, H.H 26th 5.38, Nil.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1650 7 IKTSXJRAJXrCBS, Commercial Union Assurance Company, Lin. GUAHAMh! .>-U KIM ENT. The Bonds of thin Company are accepted Uomjmir by the Board of Trade, Colonial Offioe, I*x*al iFOK SAL.EJ EXPRESS. (I Government Board, Post Office, Customs, Commissioners of Inland Revenue, National Debt, and the various divisions of the High Court of
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    • 40 7 i tiny Capsules superior t<» Copaiba, Cnbebs, and Injections CURE the same diS as e$ as these drugs in FORTY-EIGHT HOURS without inconvenience; bwli Cajxuie hears the name. \MiDl \J Paris. 8, rue Vivienne Sold by all Che mitt a.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 745 8 W. MANSON. American Oentlsi, tjite Dr. P****» UJS.A C :wybs MmUt»u>, Consultation Free. •■mum* at ,\a 2 la. Penang Road TIE STRAITS GUANO 007., LTD. A e» door* fr««m the Eastern Ml Oriemal Hotel. 6 mtki HUKKEi.L Co.’s BOILED A. RAW LINSEED OILS, SNOW WHITE ZINC, PAINTB TURPENTINE. TO HP.
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    • 159 8 Khoo r-nu»» Cm »F Glim Seaij/. Woh, /*l«7/J Kuati. f anting. Tin Miners, Advancers and Gen. al Goods Store. 200 HONG BEE Go., 88 94, Main Road, Taiping, (Established ’877.) General Store* keepers ano Commission Agents. WINES AND[SPIRITS. PROVISIONS OF THE BEST QUALITY. i r Jn FOR SALE. "LIM CHEE
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