Straits Echo, 19 October 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1257 1 TIQER BRAND OEMENT. 258 N *ri £y A. < <*> ‘T* »-a ?5* IN fl£S7 fOR ALL PURPOSES. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hbad Office—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. ♦2OO 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for our policy holders. The ONLY company that has
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    • 18 1 GUINNESS’S muui. T ANQ LEE A Co e\ > -5 L JI' 1$ <2 a SOLE AOEN1S KASS’S ALE.
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  • 440 2 Echo" Parables. (I) Lire’s Gambit. What alntut the Divine Right protested the Kiug, as lie Mored behind his Castle. All Rubbish said the Pawn, as he inured up and gave Check. Socialism,’’ remarked the Bishop, as he Intervened, is the Curse of the Board." The Pawn took him. and laughed.
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  • 597 2 New System of RubberTapping. Fullt Preserving the Tree. It is the opinion of several leading men iu the Ceylon Rubber-growing world —including, we (CVy/oii Observer) believe, Mr. Joseph Fraser—that though the Straits are far ahead of Ceylon in the mature acreage of rubier, aud therefore in output, they have not
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 hut to l>o 'k™ u« o|,nwvouH*H M*ttl«nl in tin* iTitem, it will take several dava* tMtamt to cure it. aial tin- U*t remedy to u«> i* CliuinU*rUtu'a Cough Rentedv.* It will cute quicker than am other. and also heaves the svatem in a natural and health' condition.' For tale by
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    • 364 2 Don’t ever play with dynamite. In ease it should explode. Beware of robbers late at night. And take the safest road. Don’t laugh at any little ill. But health at once secure Bad coughs and colds arise from chill. Take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. APIOLINE (CHAPOTEAUT) For Ladies only. Is
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    • 2472 2 bis eslie It is rpljp JVOTICE, I lie UI.M'hNMKI. LIMIILU. rpHE Annual General Meeting of the 1. Penang Wanderers (Mill* will be held in the Club House, Argyle Hoad, on Sunday, 23rd October, 1910, at 8 p.m. sharp. j I (1) To confirm the minutes of last meeting. TT7E hare
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  • 14 3 "7"“ ...20th Oct. English Arcadia 22nd Friedri*)...China (Prine ...27th m German (I/uitov.')
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  • 33 3 Vessel From Ayenl* 4 Jjue Arcadia Assaye Prim Eitel Friedrich Latzoir Colombo A.G. Co.20th Oct. Singapore A.G. Co. 22nd I Singapore B.M. <fc Co. 2oth Colombo B.M. Co. 27th 1 i
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  • 26 3 VetaeU For Ayeutb Leaves Arcadia Singapore A.G. Co. Oct Attaye Prim Eitel Colombo A.G.&Oo. Friedrirh Colombo i B. M. <fc€o. Lutzotr Singapore |B.M.&Co. 1 J
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    • 78 3 Cornel hi, Br. s.s., 194, Baker, 18th Oct. Malacca, 16th Oct., Gen. —E. S, Co., Ltd. Sea»'i Per, Br. s.s., 3,784, Travis, 19th Oct., Rangoon, 1 t>th Oct.,Gen. —Chin Tseng. Tony Hong, Br. s.s., 1,314, Hannah, 19th Oct., Rangoon, loth ttet., Gen. —E. S. Co Ltd. Thong tea. Br.
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    • 35 3 19th October. Thongmm, for Negapatatn and Madras. Deli, for Pang Nga and Trang. Atagyce, for Teluk Anson. Pryn, for Laugsa, Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, < Uehleh and Sabang. Flying Dragon,, for Port Weld and Taiping.
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    • 320 3 For Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 8 Singapore, China A Japan Per Arcadia to-morrow, 3 Tougkali—Per Rotorua, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swettenham. Port Dickson and Malacca —Per Coni;fin, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Trang—Per Sree Bangka, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu
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  • 255 3 Per P. and 0. 8.8. Moldavia from London Sept. 23, connecting with the Arcadia at Colombo, due at Penang on 20fh Ocr. To Penang Messrs. E. Edmont and I, H. Clayton. To Si. gipore Mr. and Mrs. K. R B Glover, Mrs. W R. A. Haltree,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 277 3 P.&0. S.N.G hxpwtwi Arrivals and Departures, Mall Service Outward. 2U Arcadia connecting with Moldaviu Nov. 3 Delta <Jo. 10 Delhi do. m *<0 Antaye do. Dec. 14 Devanha do. 28 Delta do. 1911 Jan. 12 Delhi do. Homeward. Mongol ia Morea Mooltan China Mantua Malwa 8.8. Marmora Mar. 25. (Calling
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    • 313 3 (UHIPPIN O.) BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. HUTTENBACH, UEBERT Co., Penang, Agents, K. •Vv KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYU. DUTCH 1’U.KET COMPANY.) For Deli (Twice a week). Ueii. Batu Bahra, Asalian. Paneli and Singapore, (Fortnightly). Singapore (direct) Connecting with Batavia and other Java, etc. ports, (Fortnightly.) Sabang (direct), Olehleh, Tjalang,
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    • 523 3 NORDDEUTSCHBR JLLOYD, BREMEN, IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIKE. a ■gfH J s. w *r*. Pi. THE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples 1 (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandra and vice versa), Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang,
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  • 102 4 Jas tire aatii>fle* everybody end j net ice Alone.—**er» Piihlinlieri dAily (except Sunday*.) AT TNI CRITERION PRESS, LTD., No. 226 232 Rmcli Sbeei, Pcntng P. ICE: DIII.Y I/O» LAI, $24 per annum ODTKT.ITIONS PoetAtte MAlla KIMTION iP.*t Kree) 3 CAKI.K AIUIKKSS I cho —Penang.” T*»lephtioe No
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  • 417 4 We have hut. little hesitation in announcing that our method of pronouncing the above headline, in connection with the story of the alleged attempt to fly over the Atlantic, consists of the simple expedient of omitting the sound of “f” in the thin! word. If Dr. Coow
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  • 80 4 The following business in tin has lxx*n done to-day Penang: Penang Tin Exchange, 50 tons at- *80.60 Leong Fee A Co., 25 Hi. 12A Eastern Smelting Co., 50 81.05 Straits Trading Co., 200 80 90 Singapore Straits Tr.iding Co., 100 „81. Total 425 tons. Tin
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  • 776 4 The latest alterations to Messrs. Anthony and Anderson’s share list are: Anglo-Malar 245.—255. tkl. Chersonese 3s. 9d.—4s. 6d. Consolidated Malay 255.—265. 6d. Highlands =£s-1-3—=£s-8-9. London Asiatic 13s. -13 s. 9d. Merlimau ss. 9d.—tis. 6d. Perak Rubber Plant. 7s. 9-1. —Hs. 9d. Sumatra Para 10s. 6d. —11s. 9d. Val
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  • 901 4 1911 Estimates. i An ordinary meeting of the Bukit Mertajam Rural Board was held at the office of the Senior District Officer, yesterday, when the chief business doue was the consideration of the 1911 estimates. The members present were —Messrs. W. Laiigham-Carter (Chairman), B. Nunn, M.
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  • 775 4 Statutory Meeting. i Tlit* statutory meeting; of the Penik Rive- Valley .Rubber Company Ltd. vas held at the Chamber of Commerce this morning, the following shareholders being present: The Hon. R. Young (Chairman >, Dr. Avetoom. Mr. A. Suhl, Mr. Lira Cheng Law', Mrs. Herbert and Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 264 4 MASStV-HARRIS MOTOR-CYCLES. The First Consignment has arrived, and con’sistK of 2 4 and H. P. Machines. 3H. P. Model» are following and shortly due to j arrive, all with Palmer Tyres. Reganling their QUALITY, it is only I necessary to point to the BPLENDID J REPUTATION of Massey-Harris Pedal Cycles.
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    • 15 4 Fo r all internal < h «olds. etc.. epperuuiit Cure. Complaints, '.ljsen tery. *-ike Woods' Great
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    • 18 5 (Kdta Sfterinl.) Pepper $>ingaj>ore, 19tli Ortolier. The market pric e to-dav of white )iep|ier is $20, huvers.
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    • 108 5 (Echo St metal.) Latest Prices. Kuala Lumpur, 14th Oct. —The Planters Stores London Agency wire the following prices Sheet and Biscuit ss. lOd. Fine Crej>e 6s. Id. Best Scrap (Crepe form) sh. 9d. Bark Scrap ss. 3d. Scrap, untreated ss. Hard Para 6s. 2d. Harper and Co.’s Loudon Agency
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    • 27 5 (Echo Special.) Committed to the Assizes. Singapore, 19th Oct.—Wee Theam Tew has been committed for trial at the Assizes on a charge of perjury.
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    • 28 5 (Echo Special.) Forged Transfers. Singapore, 19th Octolier.—A London broker cables that forged transfer leceipts of shares of the Duff Development Company are arriving home and recommends caution.
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    • 44 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Wan Reis Murdered? larndon, 19th Ol. —A telegram from Lisbon states that live arrests have l*een made in connection with the death, during ♦he fighting, of Admiral Reis, the revolutionary leader. It is now l*elieved tlmt he was assassinated.
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    • 143 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) First Fears. Tjondon, 18th October. —A telegram from New York states that nothing has been heard of Wellman’s airship, which is trying to cross the Atlantic, for thirty hours. It is feared that the airship has l>een driven out of its course by adverse winds.
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    • 172 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Text or British Note. London, 18th October.—Reuter’s correspondent at Teheran states that a British note has Iweu sent to Persia that unless order is retored in the South within three mouths Great Britain will lie obliged to take certain measures consisting of the organisation of the
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  • 921 5 Acquisition or Lands. Sometime ago when the Government decided to take over the Hill Railwav, and the Municipality to construct an additional Reservoir, they approached the owners of the property which they required for the above purposes and offered their terms for the purchas** thereof. Some agreed, but
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  • 716 5 Police r*. Crescents. j The Police succeeded in snatching two jMiints from the Crescents after a well con1 tester! match on the Esplanade yesterday f afternoon. On the whole they had the, letter of the exchanges and attacked more often than their opponents, who have fallen sadly in
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  • 168 5 By the Syria on 15th October, the follow ing Penang shipments were made For Suez.—Adamson, Gilfillan A Co. Pis. 505.28 Clack Pepper. F< r Trieste. —Paterson. Simons A Co. Pis. 84.52 Black Pepper; Adamson, Gilfillan A Co. PL. 507.62 Pdack Pepper, Pis. 84.66 White P.*pj er. For Marseilles.—Adamson,
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  • 438 5 For the ttenefit of Griffin*." What is a Dhobt A criminal who says he will wash your clothes for an agreed sum. In reality, he takes your unoffending pyjamas and your best shirt, and venting all his pent-up vigour, tries how many buttons
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  • 410 5 Two Thousand Boys Create Disturbance. An extraordinary disturbance occurred in Middle Road, Singapore, on Sunday evening. The cause of the row was the reported presence of a Hylam woman in a house there, and, as Hylam women are never permitted to leave their native island of
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  • 320 5 We are indebted to the Strait Timer for the following record of the mo* ueetiug at Singapore. It will l»e seen that the Sultan of Jobore lieads the list of winning owners. tlie list of winning jockeys, and Turner the list of winning trainers. Owners' Prize Money. H.
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  • 248 5 The Anti-Opium Society and the members of the Chinese Churehes of Singapore are to meet on Monday, Octolter 24, at 8 p.m., at the Hall, 111 Middle Road, to take into consideration proposals to terminate the IndoChinese Opium Traffic* along the lines of the world-wide effort now being
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  • 13 5 To-dat. 17th Day of 9th Moon. To-morrow. 18th Day of 9th Moon.
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  • 21 5 I«Afct Quarter Jet. 25th O New Mono 0 v. 2nd First Quarter JOth O Full Moon I7 t h
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  • 46 5 IH«:I Service. Octivakii Homiwaid Arcadia 20th Oct. A**aye 22 CM. pelf a 3rd Nov D crank a 5 Nov. Fx i <i St rvue OUTWARD HoMKWAUD Ceylon 25 Oct. j Norc 27 )ct. Palermo 20 Palawan II T ov. 1 1 m *1«
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 71 5 Sick Headache. This distressing ailment results fr mi a disordered condition of the stomach. All that is needed to effect a cun* is a- dose or two of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. In fact, the attack mat Is* warded off, or greatly lessened in seventy, by taking a dose
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    • 45 5 Why From a small beginnim; the sale ami us© of Chamlw*rlain’s Coujjh Remedy has ©xt©nded to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries. Why Because it has prove<l especially valuable for coughs and colds. For sal© by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 46 5 Gonnwui like other preparations ofaCopil»a and Sandalwood oil does not affect the kidneys or disturb the stomac h and is well tolerated by the |>ati«*nt even after lengthened treatment. Trials l»v the Medic&l Profession solicited. Samples free on appliaction to any of the ehief Penain: Chemists.
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    • 287 5 WANTED. lAPk TYPIST for West Siam. Liberal j terms and free quartern. X. Y. 19-10-10 700 r u Strait* Echo. KTOTICE. AOV KIM I si;i;. a Straits C'liiiteac rrt|. dent in Ipeii, is prepared to art ns agent for persons who have interests in the F. .M. N, on most
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  • 421 6 Among the more remarkable insect inhabitants of these spots [in the Congo-Zam-besi watershed are the formidable driver ants f Dory la's)." writes a naturalist in the Oeoyraphical Journal. “These wonderful insect* occur everywhere, but are particularly common in the high plateau country and in the neighbourhood of
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  • 420 6 Some years l»ack a Christian Missionary went to a Brahmin gentleman, then a District Munsiff. along with a native Christian. After the preliminaries were over, the Munsiff addressed the Missionary thus:— Mav I know what, brought you here Mr.-? Missionary. Your Hindu religion is very bad.” Munsiff.
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  • 127 6 Penang, 19th October. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank. I London. Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight B«nk 2/4\| 3 2/4>j 3 Documentary.. 2/^4| Cahnitta, Demand Bank R->. 174. 3 days’sight Priv-r** 176 Bom nay, Demand 174 J Mouboein, Demand Bank 174 j 3 days’ sight Pnv* 1764 Madras.
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  • 182 6 Gold Leaf $64.80 Black Pepper stock White Pepper 25.75 sellers Trang Pepper 18.— Cloves 66.— nom. Mace 95. —sellers Pickings 77— nom. Nutmegs 110s. 20. —sellers !No. 1 6.50 sales 2 6.40 sales Basket 5.— nom. 1 1 Tapioca Flour 1.75 nom. j Copra (mixed) 10.40 buyers r
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  • 189 6 Penang, 19th October, 1910. Beef els. Soup p.'r catty 14 Roast n 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head... 20 Feet 24 Tongue
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  • 1400 6 S Eh Capital. Name. 9 X 19<»9 I 1905 1909 1910 19« Hi 1910 I 191 1910 1910 1904 190« 1909 1910 1 i 1 2 2 1 1 1 10 I 5 150 000 130.000 200.000 75,600 0,000 300,000 600.000 30.000 Li 1,200,000 ‘2«, 000 t 50R 50R
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 62 6 For a Lame Back. When vou have pains or lameness in the back bathe the parts with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm twice a «lav, massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it on
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    • 30 6 The most rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by treatment with tJniKMaii (Kawa Santal). Booklet and sample to medical men free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemists.
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    • 13 6 Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure for all internal c< mplaints, dysentery, coughs, colds etc.
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  • 669 7 A Correspondent writes from Vienna, Septemtier 15th In a Sanitarium near Vienna the greatest German actor is Wing in the agonies of death. Joseph Kainz was without apet'r in the histrionic world, because he combined originality with art, temper with technical routine, genius with assiduity, power with study.
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  • 103 7 Or'oVr. 1910. 11 W LW H.W. L.W A.M. A.M. PM p !OM. 11.58, 6.03, Nil. 6.25 20th 12.36, 6.45, 12 56, 707 21st 1.17, 7.28, 1.38, 7.4 9 22ml 1.59, 8.10, 2.21, 8.31 23rd 2.44, 8.56, 3.07, 9.19 24th 3.31, 9.44, 3.57, 10.10 25th 4.25, 10.41,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1053 7 INSURANCES. THE LONDON ASSUKANCI CM It PORATION. INOOUPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. HE undersigned, having boon appointed Agents for the alxtve Corporation, are NE now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rates. P \TERSO*. SIMONS A Co. Ltcf. I2C Commercial Union Assurance Company. Ltd. CilJ A
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    • 136 7 Rheumatism the Most Coanuo ('ause of Suffering. Rheumatism rallies more pain ami suffering than any other disease, for the reason that it is the most common of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain’s Pain Balm will afford relief, and make rest and sleep
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 744 8 W, MAN5M, American Dentist, cate of ALUn Co., Pka, US.A, TEE STRAITS GUANO COT., LTD. C arum Moderate Cc nsulUtkm Free. IM1DIM AT /Vo. 2 la. Penang Road A c* Jwor» Ircm iht Easters u4 Oriental H*tJ. 6 bUi BURRELL Co.’s BOILED RAW LINSEED OILS, SNOW WHITE ZINC, PAINTS TURPENTINE.
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    • 154 8 <hoo Buan Phuan ouor Cm iin Moh, Wain Hoad, fafolng. Tin Miners, Advancers and Gen al Goods Svore. 2<»e HONG BEE Co., r 88 94, Main Road, Taiping, (Established ’877.) General Store*keepers and Commission Agents. WINES ANDJSPIRITS. PROVISIONS OF THE BEST QUALITY. 3»n FOR SALE. “LIM CHEE SWING’S t CASE."
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