Straits Echo, 11 October 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1283 1 TIQER brand dement. N 25 S fy T »-3 'b «£S7 fOtf ,4Lt PURPOSES. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. $200,000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a spec.a! protection for our policy holders. The ONLY company that has this deposit. B A N
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    • 22 1 GUINNESS’S TIANQ LEE A 00. [Htkj 5V -s/J* a 'JS// o -V /r Ml «if//; a Clf SOLb AGEM IS BASS’S ALE.
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  • 3518 2 Bi Jkftbet SilaktJ Tlio nmii with the white hair said his name was Smith. Having so far enlightened me, he proceeded to collajise. Thereafter I remedied him with the local poisou (myself a teetotaler, thank you), so that he slept undisturlied in mv palm-leaf hut until next day. When
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  • 147 2 October, 1910. T H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. Date. AM AM PM PM 11th 4.07, 10.19, 4.32, 10 44 12th 5.03, 11.21, 5.40, Nil. 13th 6.23, 12.48, 7.12, 1.37 14th 8.00, 2.22, 8 44. 3.06 15th 9.21, 3.26, 9.51, 4.06 16th 10.03, 4.09, 10.16, 4.22 17th 10.38,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 47 2 Whv From a small banning tin* sale ami use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has extended to all tarts of the United States and to mauv foreigu countries. Whv r Hera use it has proved «epeciallj valuable for coughs and colds. For sale bv all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 400 2 For all internal complaints, dysentery, coughs, colds, etc., take Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure CHAPOTEAUT’B HUo/ NO «TTRATIVE TASTE PRINCIPLE NO OF SMELL run NO LI Vl' lt NAUSEA nil morrhuol Is superior to Emulsions or Oil, it cures Incipient CxisiiinptioD, Coughs, Bronchitis ami Scrofula Each tiny Morrhuol capsule is extracted
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    • 890 2 In Great Britain, MARTELL’S BRANDY is to be found throughout the Clubs, Hotels, and in almost every gentleman’s house, and is prescribed by the Great Majority of English Doctors. It is The Favourite. You know it by the Blue and Silver Label. PRICE LIST Mailed Free to aojr Address In
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    • 415 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE lyrOTICE is hereby given that the books containing the Annual Valuations of and rates imposed on all buildings and lands situated within the Municipality of George Town, Penang, for the year 1911, are opened to the inspection of Ratej>avers at the Municipal Office, daily on week days between
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    • 650 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. ’VTOTICE is hereby given that the porX v tion of Noii ham Road lietwecn Larut Road and Transfer Koad, will l* elosed for remetalling from Thursday, tlie 6th instant. Traffic can proceed via Argyll Road. Bv Order, L. A. Coctikk BIGGS, Municipal Secretary. Municipal Office, George Town, Penang,
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  • 18 3 T ...11th Oct. China (Derjfiiryjen ...13th German (Prime»» AM t ...19th English (Arcadia) .22nd China (Aumye)
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  • 33 3 Vesselg From Agent g Due DerJfUnger P. Alice Arcadia Aggaye Singapore Colombo Colombo Singapore B.M. A Co. B.M. A Co. A.Gr. A Co. A.G. A Co. 11th Oct. 13th mh 22nd
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  • 24 3 Vessels For Agents Leaves Derfflinqer Colombo B.M. &Co. Oct. P. Alice Arcadia Assaye Singapore B.M.&Co. Singapore A.G. Co. Colombo JLG.&Co. i 1 I
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    • 102 3 Omapere, Hr. s.s., 340, Lyons, 10th Oct., Singapore, Btli Oct., Gen. —E. S. Co., Ltd. JJiltmra Hr. s.s., 3,460, Hodgson, 10th Oct., Rangoon, 7th Oct., Gen.—H. L. A Co. Nord, Nor. s.s., 730, Haraldsen, 11th Oct., Ran 6th Oct., Gen. —Straits Petroleum Co. Hony Moh, Hr. s.s., 2,558, 'Bainbridge,
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    • 60 3 1 Ith October. Malacca, for Tongkah. Perak, for Deli. Otnaptre, for Port Swetteuham and Singapore. Carlyle, for Teluk Anson. Hony Lion, for Bindings. Coen, for Singapore. Atjeh, for Langsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Well and Olehleh. Ipoh, for Port Swetteuham and Singapore. Panykor, for Bindings. Mambany, for Pulau Langkawi
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    • 334 3 For Alor Star (Kedah) —Per Tony Chnan, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egvpt and via Naples, for Europe etc.—Per DerfiUnyer, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Trang A Pang Nga—Per Tom, Chay Uu. to-morrow, 1 p.m. L’rang—Per Mary Amt in, to-morrow, 1 p.m. leluk Anson Per A cayyee, to-morrow,
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  • 178 3 Per I. G. M. s.s. Prinstw Alice, from Europe, due at Penang on 13th Oct. To Penang Mr. and Mrs. Hagen, Mr. H. Pickenpaek, Mrs. J. Case, Miss O. Case Mr. J. I)e Maas. To Singapore Miss E. Gauthier, Mr. ami Mrs. E. Bock, Mr. W.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 317 3 P.&0. S.N.C Expected Arrivals and Departures, Mail Sarvica Outward. Oct. 1 9 A readia connect ing with Moldavia Nov. 3 Delia do. Mongolia «t Delhi do. Morea m 30 Assaye do. Mooltan Dec. 14- Devanha do. China 28 Delta do. Mantua Homeward. THROUGH MAIL STEAMER 8.8. Marmora Mar. 25. (Calling
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    • 265 3 »>.l T (»><. IPPIN O.) BRITISH INDIA >: ;xr fi STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT 8i Co., Penang, Agents. m> x KONINKLIJKE PAKETYAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (I:(IWI. DUTCH I'WkET COMPANY.) For Intended to Sail. Steamer. Deli. (Twice a week). Dell. Batu Balira, Asahan. Paneh and Singapore, (Fortnightly). Singapore (direct) Thur. 13th
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    • 540 3 NORDDEUTSCHER JXOYD, BREMEN. OtPEBIAL aSBKAK KAO. um. -L..T—w*f>===i v THE fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples’ (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandra and vice versa), Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tsingtau or Nagasaki,
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  • 91 4 Jaatice mti.n~ everybody ■*< Published <Uily (except Snnday*.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, LTD., No. 226 232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAll.Y I/OCAI. p-ra-mw OCT8TATION8 Portage Kxtra. HAIL EDITION (Pi«t Prve> I CARI.K ADDRESS I cho— Penang.” Telephone No 343. A.B. All bntiine*» communication. should be uddreeeed to
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  • 562 4 Wasn't that a lovely letter, particularly the apt quotation about it being time for Caesar to lie buried instead of praised. Our former confrere is full of most excellent ginger. He is only humbugging when he says that he considers racial prejudice a positive virtue. He is too good
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  • 160 4 Oflici-Iwarerß and Committees. President —Murdoch Morrison. Hon. Treasurer —J. F. Duncan. Hon. Secretary —R. Henderson. General Committee :—Rev. E. Lawson, Dr. T. Hill Jamieson, J. G. Allan, D. A. M. Brown, J. Craig, J. S. Cunningham, J. T. Dobbie, W. Duncan, J. D. Fettes, W. S.
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  • 70 4 The following business in tin lias been done to-day Penang: Eastern Smelting Co., 1 buyers, no sellers j Penang Tin Exchange, 125 tons at 79/ 0 Straits Trading Co., 350 79.80 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 100 „80 Total 575 tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day
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  • 305 4 The latest alterations to Messrs. Anthony and Anderson’s share list are:— Nellmay 85cts. Allagar 6s. 3d.—6s. 9d. Anglo-Malay 265. Od.—27s. Bakap 155.—175. 6d. B. Mertajam 4*». 3d.—4s. 6d. B. Rajah £lB. Chersonese 4s. 3d. —ss. Cicely 50s. Damansara £7-12-6 —£7-18-9. Highlands £5-12-6 —£5-18-9. Juru 178. 6d.—l9s. 6d. K.
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  • 1516 4 (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) The Tin Case. Plaintiffs. —Messrs. Behr A Co. (lenang) and Messrs. A. Strauss A Co. (London). Messrs. Behr Co. are suing (a) Khoo Ghuat Cheng for (b) Eng Soon Chan Co. *>13,5/4-17 (c) Lini Soo Chee, Liin (d) Ong Hun Chong (e) Kean Leong
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  • 184 4 r\ Crai «EN-Mason. the wed.lim"r S at noonio-dav f Mr Albert Alexand Mis* \i 1 ia ?er °f Byrain Estate, here from W Mason, who arrived er V« Home by the extra P. O steamer -*o««r yesterday. The brido a Ues officiated. Mr. H F l> ei awa
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 553 4 mm I THE crag hotel. SANATORIUM. PENANG HILL». II As good an Hotel as any in the Straits.” —Singapore Free Preee, 27th March SARKIES BROTHERS 2 Vrtyrielor The First Consignment has arrived, and consists of 2 1 and H. P. Machines. 3H. P. Models are following and shortly due to
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    • 76 4 Rheumatism the Moat Common Cause of Suffering. Rheumatism causes mure pain and suffering than any other disease, for the reason that it is the «uo,t common of all ills, and it i< certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain s Pain Balm will *ff or j relief, and make
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    • 21 5 (Echo Special.) Batu Caves. Kuala Lumpur, 11th Octolier.—The September output of Batu Caves Estate was 14,728 lbs. drv rubber.
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    • 27 5 (Echo Special.) Klano Lodge. K uala Lumpur, 11th October. The Xiang lodge had its installation meeting last night and installed Mr. C. T. Hainerton as Master.
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    • 75 5 (Echo Special.) SCRATCHINOB. Singapore, 11th Oct.—Following are the scratchings for the first day (to-day) of the Singapore Autumn Meeting. Pavilion Stakes.—Qui va la. First Griffin Rack. —Coda, Autumn lieaves, Carlo, l>ark Ronald, Kenneth and Decima. Autumn Handicap.— Severity, Seddon and Mirage. Grand Stand Cup. —Grey Plume, A. 1.,
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    • 19 5 (Echo Special.) Kamuning Dividend. Singapore, 11th Oct.—The Kamuning Rubier Estate has paid a dividend of 15 per cent.
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    • 259 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Movements of the Royalties. London, 10th Ot.—Queen Maria Pia and the Infante Alfonso are guests of RearAdmiral Pelham. King Manuel and Queen Amelie, his mother, are expected to leave Gibraltar to-day for the Villa Manrique near Seville, which is the residence of Queen Amelie’B mother,
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    • 27 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Triumphant Tour. London. 10th 001 -Ex-Pr«Went Koo£ velt. who is continuing triumph Southern States, is repeating his P secured in the Western a
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    • 44 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Dissolved. london, 10th October.—The Finnish Diet, to which the President refused to submit certain Russian Ministerial proposals, has lieen dissolved. The Tsar has ordered the Bills which the Diet refused to have discussed to lie submitted to the Duma.
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  • 701 5 Mr. E. A. Hewett, the leader of the Unofficial members of the Hongkong Legislative Council, in connection with his observations upon the Colony’s estimates for 1911, made these remarks on the topic of Imperial compensation for dictated abandonment of excise revenue.- With regard to the Imperial
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  • 165 5 An interesting action arising out of the Tune Settlement was heard before Mr. Sun. Pliant magistrate, and Mr. C F. Oj-tn. British assessor, at the mixed court, hang hli The plaintiffs in the case were Messrs. Wingrove and Burrett the well-known stock -broking firm, and the
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  • 292 5 (From Our Oxen Correspondent.) October 10th. The festivities for the Celebration of the marriage between one of the sons of H.H. the Sultan of Pahang and a daughter of H.H. the Sultan of Perak, tjrill* commence on the 15th inst. The bride is Raja Badariah, a daughter of
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  • 429 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, 6th October. Small-pox is still in our midst and although the number of cases has now dwindled down to two or three a day the disease still remains to lie effectually stamped out. J>r. Denman, the State Health Officer, is still here, and
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  • 412 5 We hear a great deal at various times, about the value of Planters’ Associations; how they can advance and conserve the interests of those engaged on rubber estates t and how by their meetings they bring together the scattered estate owners and workers and convert them into a
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  • 565 5 Wormholed, infested with silverfish,” in a cobwebby corner of the Echo office we have discovered a book of considerable interest. It is the London and North Western Railway Co.’s Official Tourists’ Guide,” dated 1876. Snialpage and Son were then advertising J as Bond Street tailors, and as
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  • 107 5 The estimates of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Municipality of George Town are published in the current number of the Government Gaaette. A Revenue of $1,141,110 is expected, which together with an estimated balance of 8100,000 on Jan. 1, 1911, brings the total to $1,241,110. Rates
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  • 185 5 Dejected sends the following letter to the Perak Pioneer: The new issue for fresh capital in the Ayer Kuning Estates, Taiping, at $1 per share, has been in the first instance sent to shareholders for subscription in the pro|>ortion of one share in respect of each complete three
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  • 70 5 The Canton correspondent of the S. C. Morning Post, writing on September 23, states —Yesterday a telegram was received here to the effect that H. E. Chang Yin Tong, the Chinese Minister at Washington, had sent a telegraphic report to the Cent nil Government at Peking that
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  • 76 5 A meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya will l*e held at 11-30 a.m., on October 23rd, 1910, at the Masonic Hall, Kuala Lumpur, to transact the following business:—l. Minutes of Meeting of August 18th 2. Absconding Coolies 3. London Rublter Exhibition 4. Compulsory Grading of Agricultural
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  • 36 5 To-day. 9th Day of 9th Moon. League Football: Crescent r*. M. R. C., Esplanade. Town Rand, Golf Club, 6 to 7 p.m. To-morrow, 10th Day of 9th Moon. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 Woods’ Great Peppermint internal complaints, dysentery» etc Cure for all cough*» colds
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    • 46 5 (Jonosail like other preparations ofa CopiIki ami Sandalwood oil does not affect the kidneys or disturb the stomach and is well tolerated by the ]>atient eTen after lengthened treatment. Trials by the Medical Profession solicited. Samples free on appliaction to any of the chief Penang Chemists.
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    • 279 5 NOTICE ADVERTISER, a Straits Chinese resident in Ipoli, is prepared to aid as agent. for persons who have interests» in the F. M. S. on most favourable terms. First «•lass references. Apply to "ACCOUNTANT.” 11-10-10 083 do Straits Echo. —T-— vnm i■■!■■■■■■■■■■■—■— WANTED. BV a healthy voting man situation as
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  • 123 6 Penang, 11th October. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank. London, Demand Bank 2/4 6 4 months' sight Bank 2/4^l 3 Credit 2/4,^ 3 Documentary.. 2/4LijCalcutta, Demand Bank Bs. 17 4i 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 17 If Moulmein, Demand Bank 174$ 3 days’sight Private 176$ Madras,
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  • 172 6 Gold Leaf s<‘>4.Bo Black Pepper no stock White Pepper 26 setters Trang Pepper 16.75 sales Cloves 66.— nom. Mace 95.— sellers Pickings 77— buyers Nutmegs 110 s. 19.50 setters No. 1 6.50 sales Sugar < 2 6.40 sales (.Basket 5. noin. Tapioca Flour 1.75 nom. Copra (mixed) 10.60 buyers
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  • 180 6 Penang, 11th October, 1910. Rkkp cts. Soup p?r catty 14 Roast Steaks Stew or Curry Meat >• Rump Steak 24; Ox Tail each 00 j Tongue >. Feet lr> Heart s 0 Liver per catty Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head... 20 Feet 24 Tongue 32 Mutton
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  • 1868 6 I I s 1 1 i: o J d a c.i Number of o, .2 Capital. Shares P J Dividends. Name. 3 1 u d 1 1 s- <3 i i J 1 J I I 1906,1907 1908 1909 |1910 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES, p.c. p c. p.c. p.c. p. c.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 37 6 Dr. Boss of Strassburg introduced (JonoMil in the treatment of the most painful of diseases to which mankind is liable. It is letter, safer and more effective than other preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs or plain Sandalwood oil.
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    • 56 6 What to l)o When a cold becomes settled in the system, it will take several days’ treatment to cur* it, and the best remedy to use is Chamber-) lain’s Cough Remedy. It will cure quicker than any other, and also leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition. For
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    • 49 6 The doctor said his lungs were gone, And had no hope to offer none His liver, too, was petrified, And tougher than a lawyer’s hide We saw him yesterday once more Quite well again at Singapore I’m a lung-liver now,” said he, For Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure cured me!
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1083 7 IHJSTTJSL OBB EXPRESS, Commercial Union Assurance Messrs. CHOON HIN Co. beg to notify the public that they have just established a Company. Lid. GUARA.NTKI* DHHAK 1MENT. It The Bonds of this CoiujNtnv are accepted the Board of Trade, Colonial Office, Local Tailoring and Onffiuirg Department. They have secured a Cutter
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    • 69 7 Sick Headache. This distressing ailment results from a disordered condition of the stomach. All that is needed to effect a cure is a «lose or two of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. In fact, the attack may l>e warded off, or greatly lessened in severity, by taking a dose of
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    • 177 7 For a Fame H ck. When you have pains or lameness in the hark hathe th** parts with Ohaiulterlain’» .’ain Hal in twice a day, massaging with the palm oi' the hand for live minutes at eaeli application. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and hind
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 751 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, cate of Dp. Allen A Cv. t Pha, US,A, C iaf*es Modprtte, Ccnsultatiou Free. BMIDIF#' AT /Vo. 21a, Penang Road. lew doors from the Eastern and Oiien al Hotel. 6 noth» BURRELL Co.’s BOILED RAW LINSEED OILS, SNOW WHITE ZINC, PAINTS TURPENTINE. TO BE HAD RETAIL
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    • 151 8 *< hoc Euiin Phu H Qmi Mq|, /r/J, Ha/n Hoad, la<oh, tt Tm Miners, Advancers and Goods Store. 20c HONG BEE A Cg 88 84. Main Read. Taipinj (Established ’877.) General Store-keepers a fl( Commission Agents, WINES AN DISPIRITS, PROVISIONS OF TOE BEST QUALITY. FOR SALE. "UN! -CHtE SWING'S CASE"
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