Straits Echo, 30 March 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 805 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. I V»i fc-v A v NO •31V S.SSVB THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office— Shanghai, Chios. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. 1200.000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection tor our policy holders. The ONLY company that has this deposit. Till Company for the Chinese. Every
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    • 10 1 f: 8 11= v> TIANO L-«T Go. t Sole Agent».
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  • 600 2 Directors’ Deport nntl Accounts for t Last Year. The thirteenth ordinary general meeting i of Fraser and Neave. Ltd., was held yeater- day. The directors’ report and account* for the year unded December 31 were a* follow Printing Depart mint. —There ha* been a satisfactory increase
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  • 317 2 Tho following unclaimed letters e'e- are lying at the General Post Office, Pousug Letter». Allwrtz, K. Jackson, Mrs. A Arthur, Mrs. King, Dr. J. Bacon, S. W. Klun, V. Baldwin, Mr. Kunick, G. Bay, C. Moncricff, L. M. Beuvis. Dr. Noyes, A. 11. Bihhy, Mbs S. Ohihaui, It
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 41 2 Stands Unrivalled. Cbarobmlaiu'* Cougli Remedy never disappou's those wha ii*« it tor obstinate touch*, co ..nd of the throit him} lungs. U siaids uutivalled a- a remeiy lot aM tbtoit and Inn rliseanee. For sale by all Dtspens me* and Dc.tleis.
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    • 463 2 A Remedy Which Never Fails. If troubled with indigestion. constipation, no appetite or fpel bilious, give Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial and you will be pleased with the result. These C tablets invigorate the stoirach and liver and strengthen tho digestion. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 2234 2 k Copy of tbit* Prospectus has been filed "with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies Tbe Subscription List will open on Tuesday, the 29th day of Mareb. 1910, and close on or before Saturday, tbe 2nd April, 1910, at noou. The Perak River Valley Rubber Company, Limited. (Incorporated under tho
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  • 35 3 Venelt From A'junti Dm Goeben Colombo B.M ACo. 30tb Mar Beuavon Loudon 3 B ACo. 2nd Apr Delta Colombo A G ACo. 7ih Deranha Singapore G ACo. mb Benmohr London 3 B.ACo. 15th
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  • 33 3 VeueU ft A smnr* H Go** ben Singapore B.M.ACo. Mar. Benaron Singapore S B ACu. Apr. £>elta Siugapo -e G .ACo Devanha Colombo G.A 'o Benmobr Si: gapoie S B AC j.
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  • Shipping.
    • 61 3 Sore, Br. a.*., 4,179. Q. Phillips, 28tb Mar, London, 26th Feb., Gen.—A G. A On. hchia, It- t-a„ 2.481, BeUito, 28tb Mar., Bombay, loth Mar., Gen-—B. MA Co. Prime** Alice, Gar. a.*., 6,720. Grouch, 29tb Mar., Yokohama, 12lb Mai-, Gen.—B. M. A Co. Tong Hong, Br. a.a 1,314. Williams,
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    • 52 3 30th March Jin Ho, for Langkat. liotorua, for Tongkab. Deli, for Trang and Pang Ng*. Pangkor, for Teluk Anson. TonqChay Un, for Diudmgs. Bre* Bangka, for Pulau Langkawi and Pnrlia. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping. Primes* Alice, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Adeu, Egypt and via Naples, for
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    • 256 3 For Singapore—Per Ayuthia, to-morrow, S a in Kedah—Per Kedah, to-morrow, 9 a.m. Trang—Per Tong Chuan, to-morrow, 1 p.ui. Port Sweitenhnm, Poit Dickson and Malacca—Per Cornelia, tomorrow, 1 pin Asahan—Per Petrel, t< -morrow. 1 Port Swettenbam and Singapore—Per Thongtoa, to morrow. 8 pm Deli--Per Malaya, to-morrow, 3
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  • 177 3 Per P. and O. as. Mooltan, from London, Mir. 11, connecting with the Della at Colombo, due at Penang on 7th April To Singapore Rev. P. Graham Gore. Mr. E. H Derrick, Mr. A. Evan*. Per P. and 0 Palawan, from Hindoo, Mar. 12, due at
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  • 33 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Serv.ce. OCTWAIDS. HOMIWAAOS. De'ta 7 Apl. I Detanht 9 Ail. Delhi 111 Aesayt HJ Eitra Service Oitoiiui llbairiiii, Palawan 4 Apr I fianda l Avi Borneo 26 Manila /5
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 813 3 P.40. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrival* and Departure*. Mail Sarvloa. Apr. 7 Delta 21 Delhi M»V 5 Devanha 19 Attayr Jnne 2 Arcadia 16 Delta Oatward. connecting with Mooltan China Pertia Mahra n Macedonia Moldavia Homeward. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. !•< oimm lad 01 an r«i 1 .nndon by 8m
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    • 356 3 (S HIPPIN O.) NORDDEUTSCHER _LLOYD, BREMEN. tmpbmai. GESMAM MAIL LIME. r THE funt aud well-known ui i 1 uhcimii t nsCompany aail fortnightly from Bremen, Hambu'geta Rotterdam, Antwerp,Southampton,Gibraltar, Algiers,Genoa, Naples, (connection MarseHics, Naples, Alexandria and vice vena) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki and Kobe to
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  • 94 4 Justice natisfle* everybody and justice alone— Emerson. Published dally (except Sundays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LTD., No. 226 232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL $3« per annum. OtJTSTATIONB Po»ta«o Extra. KAIL EDITION (Post Free) »15 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343. tf.».— All busing».- communications should
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  • 1046 4 The Ipoli chess champion gives best to the chosen of the Penang Chess Club. He must advertise less in future. By the way, we noticed that the recent bachelors’ ball at Ipob, like some rubber flotations, wus over-subscribed. Mr. J. McC. Reay announced or caused to be announced in
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  • 80 4 'J'tn following IniHinexH in tin linn been done tn-ilay Punaug Penang Tin Excbatige 50 ton* at #75 30 Eastern Smelting Co, 75 75 75 Straits Trading Co., 5J 75 85 S "(iHp<>re S'raits trading Co, 110 75 82} Total 285 tous Tin la quoted in
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  • 347 4 Apologies to our rodders to-day, because the share-list has L°on printod without alteration, owing to a dilatory and thricecondemned tamby. Alor P.mgus should roid 35i to 40a Ayer Kuniogs $2 to $2 00- Balg.rwnie* $250 sellers. B*tu Tigas 05« to 100 a Bikarn Contrihe.Gs Gd.to7s. prem. Chersonese s*.
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  • 978 4 THE ASSIZES. (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) Simpang Am pat Harder Mystery. Thu adjourned assizes were resumed before Mr. Justice Thornton in the Supreme Court this morning when the hearing wag begun of the Simpang Ampat Murder mastery. Five 1 persons were placed m the cock in connect:on
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    • 59 4 (Echo Special.) Expected on April 9. Kuala Lumpur, 29th March -Tl new General Manager of the R- t is now en route and will arrive 9. His name is Anthony and L*-’" 1 son of Dr. Anthony, Con greet»; Minister of Plymouth. Formerly u
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    • 30 4 (Echo Special.) Copra and Pepper. Singapore, 30th March.—Sundried Copra is quoted §11,25. Mixed i„ §lO.BO. 1! Black Pepper is quoted $14.75. Whit* Pepper unchanged. No buyers for any.
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    • 36 4 (Supplied by Renter Active Again Yenterday, London, 29th March—There was g fresh eruption of Etna yesterday. Three streams of lav* devaatated the orchards and vineyards and reached the extreme limit of the eruption of 1886
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    • 28 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) 400 Killed. London, 29th March —Four hundred weie killed and oue hundred injured by the fire at the village ball at Oekoerito
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    • 47 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Turco-Bulgarian Conference. Loudon, 29th March.—A telegram from Constantinople states that the Conference of the Turkish and Bulgarian Ministers discussed the questions of a commeicia! treaty, delimitation of frontier aud the linking up of railways Ihe Tsar Ferdinand of Bulgaria left yesterday evening.
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    • 56 4 (Supplied by Renter 'Vide on Tliuriulay. London, 3Hb Mar—ln the House of Commons Mr. Asquith moved that the House eo into Committee to consider the lelationa of the two Houses and the duration of Parliaments The Division is expected to occur on Thursday, after which the resolutions dealing with
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    • 56 4 Sup/ lied by Reuter tollow Murder Last December. London, 30th March —The mau who shot dead, in a theatre last December, Mr. Jaok son. a Collector in the Nasik district of Bombay, has been sentenced to death, togetber with two others who abetted the murder. Three other accomplices
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    • 71 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Troops Drowned. London. 30th March —A telegram from .V et ,ir lzburi{ Bla, that WO soldiers of the Wiltshire Regiment, who were accompanying maiueuvres under Methuen, were caught by a storm while crossing a spruit, ihe water rose suddenly and 150 of the men
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    • 77 4 (Supplied by Reuter Another Manila Yarn. London 30 th M.reh.-Manila report, that a soldier of the American Engineer Corps w 1.,» was caught photographing the fort ihcations at Cnregidor. revealed a plot to supply plans to two Japanese. Two Japanese ™l; rr r d a V he
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 360 4 THE CRAG HOTEL. t SANATORIUM. PENANG HILLS. j As gooa an Hotel as any in the Straits.” I P- M-. .nl. i —Singapore Free Pren, 27th March. SABZIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. 1 MOTOR OWNERS. FINE AMERICAN OILS. W« are siting special attention to the matter of CYLINDER AND GEAR OILS, and
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  • 18 4 Obituary. (Echo Special.) Robert McClelUnd. Kuala Lumpur, 29th i Robert McClelland died on the 22nd inst. at Horn,
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  • 368 5 Monday at Kampoag Bahru. Following were the result* of the P. V, K. C. competition* which took plaoe at Kampong Bahru on Monday last: 500 Yard*—Bulet Taeort 1910. A lighter and 7 counting abot*. Prite—Cup Presented by A M. Stewart, Esq. A. M Btewart 33 Sgt. Msjor Sayer*
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  • 346 5 Yesterday afternoon at tbe Rifle Range, tbe member* of the P. L. R C. abot at 100 yard* range (Deliberate Firm.’) for prise given by Mr*. Alma Baker- 1 won by Mra. Mitchell with tbe excellent score of 34 82. Handicap total A Q iick Firing
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  • 802 5 (From 0*r Oxen Correspondent Kuala Kangsar, 29tb March. Mr. A. J. Slater waa, on the eve of Ins departure on long leave to Europe, the recipient of a farewell address from the subordinate officer* of the P. W. lepart tnent stationed at Kuala Kangsar
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  • 779 5 i The following circular has been iatued to the abarebolderi of LiDggt* Plantations. Limited:—Fo^some time past tbe directors have been considering tbe advisability, aa a matter of prudence, of reserve for the LiDggi Plantations, Limited, addition 'I to that accumulated from premia on tbe issues of shares and
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  • 180 5 Following are the Agenda for to morrow's meeting of the Municipal Commission 1 Minutes of last Meeting to he read and confirmed. 2 Any special business the President may bring forward. 8 Questions. 4 Petroleum By Liws, as amended, to bo approved. 5 Et'e'sion of Tramways. 6 Electric
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  • 361 5 Distressful Perak.” Tbe following clipping from the 8. F. P gives further detail* of the Btr*it* Bteßtn*h-p Co steamer PeraJc, who»e recent experience when within sight of Singapore make* a very intereiting »tory of tbe *ea The Strait* Steamchip Co.’a. Perak was three hour* late on arriving at Singapore on
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  • 419 5 Arrived. Per 11 s Qlenogle, 26th Mnrch, from Rangoon Messrs. Ong Teow Klieng, Law Chew H'ye Tan Kway, Ah Main, Ah Him, Ah Hock, Loke Shew and Toon Fu. Madam Ab lug and Madam Ah YeePar s.s Un Peng, 27th Match, fiotn Perli* Messrs Lim Eow Uoug and Lo
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  • 21 5 To-dat. 20th Day of 2nd Moon. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p in. l'n-MOIlOW 21st Day of 2nd Moon.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 22 5 According to all “““'V,^JhTJS assurance that (ionosao 1 ern pjjarroaraluable discoveries preparations «•»<*, "S *5, ths “c It if Z safe»* 2?2£msw:- 4
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    • 31 5 Kaviraj N. N. Sen’s KESHRANJAN OIL, BEST INDIAN HAIR-OIL, Most Cooling and Fragrant, Medicated for All Diseases of the Hair and the head. Sole Agents: Straits Supply Agency, 49, BISHOP STREET.
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    • 397 5 NOTICE. IT is hereby to notify that tboso who bold shares in Kledang Tiu Mining e Co.. Ltd., (in liquidation) in my name, are r requested to apply for an allotment of their shares in the new Company as per Company's t Circular received on the 24’h March, 1910. 9
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  • 1492 6 Why Not Have Joy in Life Cheerful Writer) Wanted. It is a strange fact that in modern liters- lure, sod indeed in nearly all modern art. t lie joie de vivre is tbe rarest of all qualities," says tbe Timet, expressing at tbe same time tbe hope that Mr. Frohman
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    • 364 6 To run Kditor op nt Snutu Kcuo. Dear Sir, The Chinese, I think, must have spent thousands of dollara on the Chingay Procession, and if the money is spent on some kind of charitable purposes 1 dare say it will be more thankful and beneficial. 1 wonder that
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  • 120 6 Pbnano, 3 tu March. (By courtesy of the Chartered Hank j London, Demand Bank 2/4 g 4 months' sight Bank 2/4* S 3 Credit 2/4,» 3 Documentary.. 2/4j* Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 174 s 3 days' sight Private 175 J Bombay, Demand Bank 174 j Moulmein, Demand Bank 173
    120 words
  • 184 6 Gnld Leaf 1HI k > I Hack Pepter K (V hue Pepper ut j r-. uvg Poprr>r {yt.fc* *0*-. S-:**!* I Sutmv- 110» ig n9 l '»ii r No. 1 71 [nuto,; sS I T.ttv.oc» Flour I I T r. ir*>| feusu 2il I 1. li iiniid», 12(j l>du
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  • 1715 6 a I I i a. 5 o 2 Number of -5 1 U S I 2 5 Capital. Shares > y Dividends Name. >, 3 f issued. 1 I 03 ou 1 3 1 *****1907 1908 1909 1910 Rubber, p.c p.c p.c. p.c. pc. 1 o<1 r in mill
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 60 6 The Same Old Story. Tbe old, old story, told times without number, and repeited o»er and over again for tbe last 37 years, but it ia always a welcome story to those in search of health— There ia nothing in the world that cures coughs and colds as quickly as
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    • 61 6 An Excellent Liniment. Every family and especially those who reside in (be country should be provided at all times wiih a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. There is no telling when it may be wauted in case of an accident or emergency. It is moat excellent in all cases of
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    • 140 6 MACK AY’ S LIQUEUR WHISKY. The Acme of Quality. 168c NEW MODEL ENGLISH GUNS TB--. ■-.mBBtaat Direct from the maker» at lowest prices Superior far-killintr Double Breechloader-from£2-10-0 each; latest model Rifles, Revolt! vera, eic. Illustrated price list post free. C. JAMES REYNOLDS, 9 Leantler Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey, England COK
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  • 248 7 Every mao, like Habakkuk, s capable de tout but the fact remaina that every man doea not do all that be 1a capable of. If we are appalled at aome poaaibilitiea latent in ua, we may exult in otbera. If we aee our likeneaa to
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  • 196 7 The March issue of the Author, the organ of the lucoipoiated Society of Authors, contains the following Huhcuucement, uuder the holding "Committee Notes”; —“The chairman reported that the Koyal Society of Literature had decided to form an academy of l.tera'ure consisting of 40 meniLeia. Fourteen
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  • 394 7 Mardi, *****. H.W. L.W. 11. W. L.W. ÜBte A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. ,90 th 2 28, 8.34. 2.41, 8 4!) 31st 2.55, 9.02, 3.09, 9.1« Times of Snnrise and Sunset during March, 1910. I)atk. Sun risk. Sunhkt, 25th to 31st 5.59 am. «.01
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1982 7 INSURANCES. THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720 THE undersigned haring been appointed Agents for the above Corporation, are no w prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rate*. PATERSON. SIMONS 4k Oo. Ltd. 12o Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd. guarantee department. The Bonds of
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    • 82 7 Internal Treatment Not Necessary for Rheumatism. Fully nino out of o»ery ten cist’» of rfioumttinm i« toinply ihcumatmm of tho mu a e'ea dun to eilil or, or ehroDie ibeumaturn, neither of w! ich Hquun any intftrn*trealinPt.t. AH i* n.e.led to i ff til f i« lbe free
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 944 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late o] Dr. Allen A Co., Pha, US.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. No. 21a, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Orienta Hotel. 6 mthi TEA V TEA SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co.. Ltd THE “India Rubber GuttaPercha AND ELECTRICAL TRADES JOURNAL;"
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