Straits Echo, 29 March 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 844 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT, TIANO Lit A 00. 'S' B m <x SOLE AOBNTS. BASS’S ALE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office— Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. $200,000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection tor our policy holders. The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company
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    • 19 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR BAST. NUddW /s?< ,/fr ~>(ils Vis Jl* TIAWQ LEE a Co., Sofa /tgmto.
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  • 335 2 Uirl’Mother to Lrare Aylesbury Prison and Enter a Home. A liceoce baa been granted to Daisy Lord, discharging her from Aylesbury Convict Prison < n condition that abe enter» a home. Tbe story of Daisy Lord, tbe young Thornton Heath laundress who was sentenced to death eighteen
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  • 695 2 Of the many intervaraity competitions which take place during the year there is probibly not one which excites tbe public interest to anything like the extent of thst occisioned by tbe annual boat race from Putney to Mortlake, and which this year was won by Oxford on
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  • 184 2 'J b3 Echo ge's quaint letters sometimes. The following, beaded "Increase of Crimes," reached us last week. Dear Sir —It is a notorious fact that notwithstanding tbeifficient machinery which the Government possesses for the detection of crimes, criminality appears to be ram* pant in localities almost in
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  • 581 2 Are we Losing the use of our Hands That great suigeou, Sir Frederick Treves, has a very suggestive article in tbe Nine t-eith Century ou Are we losing the use of our bands Looking back to tbe dawu o' tbe human race,” be says, oue can only view with iucredulous
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 31 2 The curative action of (tonosan it attri)nite«l to its lieing antiseptic anil anesthetic Manufactured by J D Uiedal Ltd., Lerlm, aod sol 1 m form <*f capsule*. 40 in a bottle
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    • 78 2 CHAPOTEAUT’S ftORRH U0( H 0 CURATIVE PRINCIPLE TASTI H 0 SMELL COD H 0 LIVER NAUSEA "II. MORRHUOL Is superior to Emulsions or Oil, it cures Incipient Consumption, Coughs, Bronchitis ami Scrofula Each tiny Morrhuol capsule is extracted from a teaspoonful of cod liver oil. Recommended at the Paris Academy
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    • 1648 2 THE ENJOYMENT of your BATH will be greatly increased if you will always use "IDODERMENE” OTTO ROSE SOAP. Special Price, 75 cents per Box of 3 Large Tablets. PURE, SWEET and RbiRESHINti We guarantee this soap of highest standard quality and made from EDIBLE FAT, Also New Stock of Patent
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  • 31 3 Veneli From Agent» D%« Piinzaes Alice Goeben l>elta Divaulia Singapore Colombo Colombo Singapore B M ACo B.M ACo. A ACo. A.O ACo 2MM r 3Jtb 7ib Ajr 9 li
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  • 23 3 Vfttn For Priczess AlieeColombo b y. aj MarGoebtn Sinjapon» B.M.AC.i Della O V 0 ACo. Apr. Derail 'ia Colombo v.O A v.
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  • Shipping.
    • 81 3 Jontt Nicoll, Br. a.a, 475, Lyon*, 28th Mar., Singapore, 26th Mar., Gen —E. S. Co„ Lid. Hebe. Br. a a., 346, Iokster, 29th Mar, Singapore, 2 th Mar., Oen—W. M. 4 Co. R&ul, Pul. b a., 825, Elem, 29th Mar., i'adang, 20th Mar., Gan —-i. L. A Co. Andalusia,
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    • 66 3 29th March Mu ry Auetin, for Pangkalan Brandan. Perak, for Deli Leona Ho. for Trang Padanj, for Batu Bahra. Hebe, for Dali. Reael, for Singapore. Janet Nicoll, for Port Swo' and Singapore. Carlyle, for Teluk Anson. Ipok, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Japan, for Singapore, Cbim and Japan. Hambang,
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    • 277 3 Fen Ceylon, Auatralasiu, India, Aden, Kgrpt and via Naples, for Europe eic. Per Prin tree Alice, to-.norrow, "am. Kedah—Per Lian Cho tr-m irrow, 9 Lingkat—Per Jin Ho, tc-aiorrow, I p m. Tongkah— Per Rotorua, ti morrow. 1 p.m Trang and Paug Nga—Per Deli, loin rrrow, Ipm. Teluk
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  • 187 3 I “or I’ aud O. a Moo' lnn. from London, Mir. 11, connecting with tlm Della at Coloiub >, due at Penang on 7th April To Singapore Hot. P. Grab mi Goie, Mr. E. H Derrick, Mr. A. 10vain. Per P. and O. Palawan, from L
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  • 34 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Serv’ce OOTWABDS. HoMBWAEDS De'la 7 Apl. I De anha f) Apl Delhi 21 I Ateaye 23 Extra Service OCTWAEDI HomKVABDPalawan 4 Apr j Sumln Ap Borneo 2d j Manila /6
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 679 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Sarvlea. Outward. connecting with Apr. 7 Della 21 Delhi May 5 Dtvanka 19 Attoyc Jane 2 Arcadia 1« Della Mooltan China Pereia Malica Macedonia Moldavia Homeward. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st Clin tad Glut |'ii liondnn by Sea £66 £44
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    • 382 3 (S HIPPIN G.) NORDDEUTSCHER _LLOYD, BREMEN. IKPESIAL GEBMAN KAIL LINE. sse^s i '---f&ssiisis;. TUP. fast and well-known in- 1 4 earner »01 tins Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hanibutg «in Kotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples-, Alexandria and vice vena) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang,
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  • 105 4 J'Htin ■fttUfle* tvirybodv anl Instl'* iIo m ••nh!t«hi'rt dally lei -rt Honi CKITEUION PWESS, I id.. No. ‘226—23*2, Beach Street, P PRIOR DAILY MM’A I M« l>«r lt|iT«mi"N« I’oetsai* Mill» mil. aiHTION (Kott free) Hi OAKI.K AIHMIKH* Echo Penan)!.’ T.l.ptionn No .i4H A.- All btulnfw rommutiiratlon** oti-niH
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  • 669 4 Some five or six years ago there was a Viceroy lit Canton who was a special favourite of the late Empress-Dowager. He hud distinguished himself dining the flight from Peking in 11HR) by loudvoiced devotion to the Imperial person, and by truculent
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    • 85 4 (Echo Special.) Both Matches Brawn. Kuala Lumpur, 29th March.—I n the cricket match between Selangor and Singapore which was played at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday and Monday, Selan-L>«-r scored 160, the top scorer’s being McKenzie :JO, Oorbetta :lt and Jalleh Cameron took 7 wickets for 67 runs
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    • 30 4 (Echo Special) Scott to Relieve (’onlay. Kuala Lumpur, 29th March.—lt is understood that Mr. W. D. Scott will g 0 to Triuggunu to relieve Mr. W. Conlay as Adviser.
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    • 34 4 (Echo Special.) Garden Party In Ilia Honour at the Japanese Consulate. Singapore, 29th Mar.—Mr. E.Sudzuki, Japanese Consul at Singapore, gave a garden party yesterday to meet Captain Shoji of the cruiser iicoma.
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    • 45 4 (Echo Special.) Fine Shooting. Singapore, 29th March.—At the Biff., meeting yesterday very fine shooting was made in t!io Governor’s Cup which was won by Chater. Phillips was second and Elliot third. Of the first seven men five are representing Singapore at Bisley.
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    • 59 4 (Echo Special.) Huge Rubber Estate. Singapore, 29th Mar.—The ex-Raj di of Patani is considering an offer for the purchase of 200 sq. miles of his rubber land, at Batu Mangkebang, Kelantan, and the Rajah Muda’s concession at Ninggiri, Kelantan. Besides tin petroleum has now been discovered
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    • 25 4 (Echo Special.) Proposed Mills at Kliola Hharu. Singapore,29th March.—Messrs. Woe Bin and Co. propose opening rice and oil ipills at Khota Hharu.
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    • 24 4 (Echo Special.) Coming Marriage. Singapore, 29th March.—lt is reported that the Kev. Frank Swindell, Colonial Chaplain, Malacca, is marrying shortly.
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    • 44 4 (Echo Special.) Municipality’* Successful I’rosecu t ion. Singapore, 29th March.—The Municipality has succeeded in its prosecution against Ho Yang Pong, Tan Cheng lee, Lee Siew Jim and Lini Jim Siew Neo for non-compliance with a.notice to close their wells at Teluk Ayer.
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    • 11 4 (Echo Special.) *270. Singapore, 29th March.-Balgownies are quoted at §270.
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    • 31 4 (Echo Special.) Copra and Pepper. Singapore, 29th March.—Following are the market prices for Copra and Pepper. Sundried Copra, no buyers, $ll.lO 10.70 «lack Pepper, buyers, 15. White 2(5.75
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    • 58 4 (Echo Special.) Before Justice Fisher. Singapore, 29th March.—Wee Tl.eam lew, the Chinese lawyer, was brought before Mr. Justice Fisher on two counts of perjury. He claimed to be tried. Mr. Crabb Watt prosecuted for the Crown ar.d Mr. Fairer Baynes was for tlie defence. The Court was
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    • 96 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Bhutan to be tiulded bj Britain. London, 29th March —An amended IndoBhutanese treaty baa been tinned whereby Bhutan receive* R 100.000 from January 1910 in consideration of which Bhutan agrees to be guided by Great Britain regirding her external relation* The British cant interfere in
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    • 42 5 (Supplied by Reuter Agreement on Important Question*!. London, 29th March —A telegram from Constantinople state* that the conferences between the Tutkiib and Bulgarian Ministers have resulted in a complete concordance of view* in a series of important questions, chiefly economic.
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    • 111 5 Roosevelt on SelfGovernment. (Supplied by Reuter IKmounees Methods of Anarchism. London, 29tb March.—A telegram from Cairo states that ex-President Roosevelt, iu an address at the University in the presence of an assemblage of Egyptian and European notables, declared that self-government wss not a matter of decades but generations. It was
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    • 45 5 (Suppled ly Reuter) Eight Killed. London, 29th Maroh A telegram from Manila states that 8 men were killed and several injured on the U S cruiser Charletlon by the explosion of a 3 in. breech block which blew off while target-praotising.
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    • 29 5 (Supplied by Reuter Daughter Born to the Crown Priuceax. London, 29 b March —A telegram from Stockholm state» that the Crown Prince»» ba« given birth to a daughter.
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    • 67 5 (Supplied by Reuter■) 250 Perish by Fire. London. 29th March —While the villager» of Oekoerito in Hungary were dancing in a coach hou»e fitted up a» a ball room a fire broke out. A ruab waa made to the exit, and man; wboae clothe» were burning
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1295 4 A Copy of lbi« Prospectus baa been filed with tho Registrar of Joint Stock Companies. an fa The Subtcnption List will opeu on Tuesday, tbe 29. b day of Mareh, 1910, and close on or before Saturday, tbe 2nd April, 1910, at noon. The Perak River Valley Rubber Company, Limited.
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    • 1048 4 and manner as the Directors immediately concerned by Agreement may determine, and in default of such determination equally. The Statements contained la the prospectus are based on the report of Mr. H E. Darby, the original of which may bo inspected at the < ffisea of the Secretaries at any
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    • 46 4 Stands Unrivalled. Chamberlain's Coin-h Remedy nerer di«. S“ N l'r a r 1 0 .'T for "b'tioate couzhs, colds and irritations of the throat and lung». It stands unrifJled as a remedy ,5 hro*t an 1 lung diaeases. For tale by •11 Dispensaries and Dealers. J
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  • 83 5 Mr. T. B. Peterkin. manager of the Mercantile Bank of India. L*d inform* ua that he haa received a telegram from hi» Head Offioe to the effect that the Director» of the Mercantile Bank at the forthcoming yearly meeting of shateholdei* will reoommeud that a 6%
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  • 49 5 Tan Cuylenburg—Fryer. A quiet wedding took place at St. George a Church at 330 o’clock yeaterday when Mr. Carl Wilhelm Frederick Van Cuylenburg, of Kampar wa. jotjedm marriage to Mi»a Nellie Fryer, of Maiden head, Berk», h upland The Rev. F. W. Uame* officiated at the ceremony.
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  • 32 5 The following bu.mea. in tin baa been done to day Penang: Penang Tin Exchange. < t $74 6b is Singapore: on Strait* Trading Co., 7b Total- 1W tons.
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  • 1815 5 (From Our Own Cot respond nt Taipiog 26th March. Ibis annual fixture played off dutiog thi Easter Holidays commenced ttiis morning at 11 3« a m an hour later than the tchedul- f* 1 t, >n very fine weathor, the ground being all that could be desired.
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  • 2310 5 A Record Dsj. j The annual general meeting of Sandycroft Rubber Company was held at Singapore on 23rd tost. Mr- F. E Jago presided and n id: ie The report is unusually full of detail but I- there are a few points upou which I should e like
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  • 700 5 Our worthy contemporary, the Straits Echo, haa got a bit iff the rail* on the subject of our comment* anent the proposition to tefloat Ayer Kuning Estate in London, •ays the Perak Pioneer What we maintain ia that the proposition is a perfectly aound one as at present
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  • 43 5 To i.*v. 19th D-rv «f 2nd Moon I e r ak R ver Valley Rubber Co Subscription list opens. Town Band, Golf Club 6 to 7 p in. To-noi bow 20th Day of 2nd Moon. Town Baud, Esplanade, 6 to 7 pui.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 61 5 The Same Old Story. Tba old, old story, told times «sitbout number, an«l repertfd over and over again for the last 37 years. but it is always a welcome atory to those in search of health— There is nothing in that cures coughs and colds as qu cklv as
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    • 65 5 An Excellent Liniment. Every l ira I y and especially those who reside iu the country should In provided *t all times with a bottle of Chamberlain'* Pam Palin 'I he-e is nn tellir.g when il may be "anted in ci«e of an accident or emergency. 11 ia moat excellent
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  • 2420 6 Foundation for a Novel. Exhaustive inquiries by a Coroner and jury at Hunsworth into the circumstances attending tbe death of Mr. Joseph Scott, a 1 wealthy Bradford manufacturer, who succumbed to the effects of strychnine poison- 1 ing, have failed to prove whether he waa the victim of
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  • 123 6 PKNANa, 29th March. (II y courtesy of the Chartered Hank Loudon, Demand Bank 2/4 3 6 9 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4)} 3 Credit 2/4,» 3 Documentary.. 2/4) Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 174 1 3 days’ sight Private 175 J Bombay, Demand Bank 174) Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 3
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  • 202 6 Gold I «at Iti (.8 I 'lack l’ej)er no flock Wliii-e Peppjr 25| buyer* Tiaag 1’eppor 17 50 buyers Cl >ves 68— rales M icc r'O.—se/Lrs PirV-.v,». 7'h —nominal Nuitn«s* 110s 1*L— tale* No. I 7 1 —f lirt 8ugar < 2 it' 1 flock Basket 5 85 nominal
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  • 196 6 I'Miin. 29th Maich, 19io I i Bitr— I 1 f, oup P* catu u KomI ‘'ll Steaks H V Stew or Curry Meal f 1 Rump Steak I A lOTMJlH» T* F«* fl Heart j T,1VOT P" r catty 35 Fork— I I k™. s I Tomr-it, I
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  • 1816 6 ■g o Number of b 2 C .S *ls Cap tab Shares > Dividends Name. g issued. a '3 35 jj a o 8 P- Cf Ba 1 j— 19» '6 1908 1 1909 1910 Rubber, pc p.c p.c. p.c. p c j.inno 10,0 011 Alor Pongsu Rubber Estate
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 77 6 Internal Treatment Not Necessary for Rheumatism. Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism is simply rheumatism of the mus den due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, ueit her of which require any internatreatment. All that it needed to afford te lief ia the free application of
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    • 47 6 (ionosan like other preparations of Copaiba and Sandalwood oil doea not affect the kidneys or disturb the stomach and is well tolerated by the patient even after lengthened treatment Trials by the Medical, Profession solicited. Samples free on appli* cation to any of the chief Penang Chemists
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  • 273 7 March, *****. H.W. L.W. H.W, L.W. U A. M. A.M. P. M P. M. -".MI, 1..V1. 8 'Mi, J. 14. 8.22 IlOth ‘2.28, 8.34. 2.41, 8.41' 31st 2.55, ».02, 3.0», »1« Time» of Sunrise Mint Sunset during March, l»10. Date. Sunhimk. Sunhkt, 25th to 31st 5.59
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1808 7 INBURANOB18. Oomm*rcl»l Union Assurmnou Company, Ltd. guarantee department. Tbe Bond* of this Company are accepted by the Board of Trade, Colonial Office, Local Government Board, Poet Office, Custom*, Commiuioner* of Inland Revenue, National Debt, and the various division* of tbe High Court of Justioe. For particulars, apply to A. A.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 969 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, r aU of Dr. Allen A Cu., Pha, US.A. Moderate, CcisulUtke Free. MRDIM’if No. 21m, Penang Road. A lev Amts fr*a th« Easters ut Ortcnla 6 atfc* FOB SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. TEA 4 or Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8
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