Straits Echo, 28 March 1910

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 997 1 bUINNESS’S STOUT TIANQ LEE A 00. —S' <5 O r" A B SOLE AO ENTS. BASS’S ALE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL. TAELS 1,000,000. *2OOOOO deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection (or our policy holders. The ONLY company that has this deposit.
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    • 23 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. NWo* !V 1 F S? K 31 t//h A »Mli TIAMQ LEE A Co., Sole Ag*att,
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  • 337 2 The Chinchow-Fu Aigun Railway. iu the House of Common* on Feb. 28 Sir W. Hull asked the Secretary for Foreign Affairs wi.ether lII* Majesty'* Government were uwaro that the proposed construction by Cliina of an important railway in Western M iuchu r ia and Eastern Mongolia could not be proceeded
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  • 427 2 Judged by tho first few sittings, the ovidonee to be Itid before tbe Royal Commission of the Divorce I»iw, over which Lord Gorell presides, will bn of greit public mterest. Air. Alfied Musgrave, Ibe Registrar of tbe Divorce Court, gave some of the results if Ins experience as
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  • 274 2 lliircli, 1910, H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. 1 A. M. A M. P. M. P. M. 2811| 1.30, 7 37, 1 t.’i, 7.52 >ii(h 1 59. 8 06. 2.14. 8 22 doth 2.28, 8.34. 2.41, 8 49 31st 2.55, 9 02, 3.09, 9 16 Times of Sunrise
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 408 2 These tiny Capsules superior to Copaiba. Cubebs. and Injections CURE (he same diseases as these drugs in FORTY-EIGHT HOURS without inconvenience. Each Capsule hears the name, \rUojJ Paris, 8. rue Vivienne Sold by all Chemlsti. NOTICE. MY WIFE, <’h 'ih Geok Kim. having left my protection. I shall not be
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    • 2080 2 A Copy tf this Prospfctus has been filed with ibe Registrar of Joint Seek Companies Tbe Subscription List will open on Tuesday, the 29 h dsjr of M neb. 1910, au.l close on or btfore Saturday, the 2nd April, 1910, at noon. The Perak River Valley Robber Company, Limited. (Incorporated
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  • 34 3 Vetieli From Agentt r«t Prinzess Alice Goebeu Delta Devanba Singapore Coloin b<> Colombo Singapore U M ACo K M ACo. A G ACo. K 0 ACo 2.bbM tr aoih 7ib Apr y.b
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  • 30 3 Yrtt*U For A v«m Pricifi* AlieeColombo B M A Co Mar. Goeben Singapore B.M.ACo Della Singtf o e A G ACo A pr. Duval) ba Colombo \.U A Jo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 345 3 Hong Bee, Br. s.a, 2.056, Home, 24th Mar, Amor, 13th Mar., Geo.— K. G. Co. Calypto, Br. ■a, 339, Bannatyne, 25th Mar., -ingapore, 23rd Mar., Gen.—W. M. A Co. Pangkor, Br. s.s., 134. Duke, 25th Mar., Teluk Anson, 24th Mar, Gen—E. S Co. Ltd. .Macedonia, Br. <■ 5.245, Andrews,
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    • 36 3 28th March. Nore, for F\>rt Swetteuham, Singapuie, China and Japan. Canton, fur Diudmga and Teluk Ana on link Canton, for Lmgaa, T- Semawn, Segli Olebleh and Sabaug. Un Peng, for Pultu Lmgkiwi, Parlis and Setul.
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    • 260 3 Fob Kedah—Per Kedah, to-morrow, 9 Pangkalan Hraudan—Per Jfary AasUa, tc-.norrow, 1 p in Deli.— Per Perak, to-morrow, 1p m Trang —Per Leong Ho, to-morrow. 1 pin. Batu Babra--Per Padsnj, tc-morrow, 1 p m. Doli—Per Hebe, l< -morrow,2 p in. Port Swe tenbam and Singapoie— Pei Janet Nicoll,
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  • 40 3 Per P. anl O as J loo’tan from London Mar. 11, connecting with the Pella at Colombo, due at Poouig oa 7th April To Singapore Key. P Graham (Jure Mr. E. U. Derrick, Mr. A. Erana.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 539 3 P.&O.Stearo Navigation Coy. ArriT»h and Depart area. Mall Sarvlea. Apr. 7 Della 21 Delhi M»y 5 Devanha n 114 Ana ye June 2 Arcadia n 16 Delta Ootward. (oddmUdi with Mooltan China ,1 Pcnia Malwa 1. Macedonia 11 Moldavia Hone ward. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. M UIM M UIM l„
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    • 441 3 (SHIPPING.) NORDDEUTSCHER_LLOYD, BREMEN. QCFE&XAL GEEKAN HAIL LINE. i-z- 7..;THE ftist and well-known ui.. 1 .< eatmrsoi i his Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice vcrta) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki and
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  • 93 4 j until* WM« iwiMi H< »lnn« ■OihlUhMl Sally (•«OOP* ««»4»» «T TOP CRITERION PRESS, UU., No. 226—282, Beech Blrs*i. Penan* PRICE o*ll.l PODAI |M P<* OPTBTATION» Port»»» ««tra «411. ■IIITION (Tost frool (I* UA HI N AIHIKKSH Echo—Penang.' r.l.phon* No 843 All bastnaw nwmmlrttlon. Ahoald bo artdior'
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  • 1128 4 Will some respectable person in Kampar send us authenticated particulars of a petty tradesmnn there called Foo Kong i> He says that certain things happened in the presence of an Inspector of Police, a senior detective named My* Siew, a detective named Ah Seng, and others, and we want
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  • 684 4 The C liinese stuff of Messrs Pritchard Co. presented a valedic'orv address to Mr. G. H. Lees at his residence rtolrodena," in Scotland Road, yesterday forenoon, on the occasion of his approaching departure for England. The address, which was accompanied by a piece of
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  • 83 4 Howls Tournament Following wore the results of the ties played oil Thursday laet Single Handicap Wright heat Darnel 21—20; O.von h at flouslor, 21—lit The following lies hive Iren fix'd To-mcmitv. Single Handicap E. K Hen leison vs Wrigbt-Molion. Weil nesday. Mixed Doubl Mr. anil Mrs. Jarvis
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  • 102 4 Our Team Doing Well. Our team did very well on the first dav <f the Cricket match at Taiping and unless a rot sets in there is every likelihood of Penang winning. Perak, who went in first, were all out for 78. Dean taking t wickets for
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  • 398 4 At Kntnpong lialiru. Three competitions were shot <ff g pong Bahru yesterday—The p 0 H cap. the Brick Competition and the Vanish.. Target. Below w„ give the conditions anil results of the various competitions The Police Handicap. luspt. Mann F. 3'J scr 30 C I Evans 28 4-2
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  • 501 4 Dramatic and Pianoforte llecilal. there was a gi ol attendauce at tbs Engineers' Institute last Thursday night to hear the dramatic and pianoforte recital by Messrs. John T. Wenyon and Linton David, two artists who are not unknownto Penang. I tie peiformaDce was under the pitnmuge of Major
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 893 4 rfH'E’CRAG^HOTELr* SANATORIUM. I PENANG HILLS.! “As good an Hotel as any in the Straits.” —Singapore Free Press, 27th March, i SARKIES BROTHERS, j t Proprietors. MOTOR OWNERS. FISTS! AMERICAN OILS. Wo are giving special attention to the matter of CYLINDER AND GEAR OILS, anil can now supply these in whatever
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    • 46 5 (Echo Special.) Championship Won by Mngliston. Singapore, 28th March.—G. Mugliston won the Straits Golf Championship. Miles is the runner-up. In the inter-team competition Singapore scored 248, Sepoy Lines 252, the Garrison 258, and Penang 266. In the inter-port competition Singapore scored 9 and Penang 8.
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    • 37 5 (Echo Special.) Last Batch Homeward Bound. Singapore, 28th Mnrch.—The Helipolu from Durban for Chefoo carries the last of the Chinese labourers in South Africa. She put in and landed 19 Chinese conricts.
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    • 29 5 (Echo Special.) Attendant Killed. Singapore, 28th March.—As the result of an explosion at the Seali Leang Seah Theatre in Victoria Street an attendant was killed.
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    • 36 5 (Echo Special.) Burned Deck Furniture to get into Singapore. Singapore, 28th March.—The s.s. Perak was three hours overdue on Saturday. She ran short of coal and burned the woodwork, deck furniture, and cargo skids.
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    • 23 5 (Echo Special.) General’s Cup Won by Charter. Singapore, 28th March.—Charter won the General's Cup at the meeting of the Rifle Association.
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    • 27 5 (Echo Special.) Pepper. Singapore, 24th March. —Following are to-day’s prices s White Pepper, buyers, 926.75 The prices of copra and black pepper remain unchanged.
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    • 37 5 (Echo Special.) Extension of Appointment. Singapore, 24th March.—His Majesty the King has approved of the reappointment of Sir John Anderson as Governor of the Straits Settlements for another term of three years.
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    • 27 5 (Echo Special.) Crew Saved. Singapore, 24th March.-Tlie «teaiuer Tax Sanq struck on u reef off Swatow and sank. The crew were rescued.
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    • 30 5 (Echo Special.) Proceeding Home. Singapore, 24th March. r ray Robertson is going home at the eaVliest opportunity .n consequence of the news of his wife s liealth.
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    • 72 5 (Supplied by Renter S. S. Granted Minimum Tarif. r tH March. —President I*ft has London» -hto M a minimum issued a p r °cl»in»tion Nopl)U Bhutan, tariff to China, Afgh» Straits Hongkong, and Kowloon. Repnhlican London. 24th Boston crat ha. been elected a. a member ol: U
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    • 150 5 (Supplied by Reuter Labour Amendment to Veto Resolutions. London, 20 h Match.— Mr G, N Barnes. Chairman of the Labour Party, will move an amend meut. on I be veto lenolulinua, declaring that the Lords are an irreaponsihle body opposed to the geueial well-being and a hindrance
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    • 34 5 (Supplied by Reuter Settlement in Sight. London, 26th March —The South Wales coal owners have offered an impoitant modification to their previous proposals and a speedy settlement is most probable
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    • 82 5 (Supplied by Renter■) Very Active. London, 20 h Mar—Mount Etna is most active. The lava is constantly advatcing and devastating the cultivated land. Vineyards Buried. London, 25th March —A number of craters on Ena aie ill eruption. The main lava stream is 12ft drep and 1 200 ft wide
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    • 42 5 (Supplied by Reuter Destroyer» Collide. London, 2th March—'The destroyers Stag mid Milliard collided at night while ntanejviing. Their hows wire damaged. They sent wireltsa messages for help and H. M- S Bacchante \ad A'oukir artived and brought them in
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    • 43 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Close Season Ordered. London, 25tb March —The United S'a'e. Seuate has passed a bill suthonon.» a clcs» reason at the seal fishery in 'lie Pribvl ff Islauds on the expiry of the lease iu April.
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    • 103 5 (Supplied by lit liter) Agreement Readied. London. 25'h March.—An agreement lias been reached wi'h reward to the railway dispute on the Iti'h March on all points except wages, which it was arranged to submit to arbitration. [On March It’. Reuter wired A strike of firemen on
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    • 95 5 (Supplied by Reuter Passed by the Senate. London. 26’h March —The French Senate passed tbe Tariff entirely by 281 votes lo 5, a majority of 276. Tax on British Machinery. London, 25th Maich.—The Paris Senate bas adopted incieises of from 2 > to 3) pecent on British tfxtile
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    • 20 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Executed. London, 26th March.—A telegram from Harbin states that Prince Ito’s murderer his been executed.
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    • 31 5 (Supplied by Reuter) Exchange Visit». Loudon 26:h March. Ex-President Roosevelt and the Khedive exchanged visits at Cairo. The ex President was mobbed by hundreds ql enthusiastic Americans.
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    • 84 5 (Supplied by Reuter Large Sum for New Construction. London, 26 h March —A telegram from St. Petersburg says that the Corn cil of the Empire has reinserted into the Navy Estimates the sum of 14,674,000 roubles originally intended for new construction which the Duma reduced by 11,000,000
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    • 42 5 Sup/ lied by Reuter) Two Battalion» Mutiny. London, 28 li March —According to a telegram from Shanghai, two battulions ol modern infantiy mu turned at the Tsing KiAngpu grand cinal and troops nave been despatched to punish the mutmeets.
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    • 40 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Mediterranean Cruise. London, 28 h Match—A telegram from Washington slates that the U 8 Government li n decided to send tie Atlantic battleship iliet on a cuise to the Mediterranean in November.
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    • 68 5 (Supplied by Reuter Policy of (lie Triple Alliamle. London, 25th March—Herr von Bellini ttiulloMweg, the German Imperial Chancellor. Inis been visiting R ime A communique issued at Rime says that the c uiveiHitUKis between Imn and the Italian Ministers have shown that the policy of the Triple
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    • 213 5 (Supplied by Reuter Record Year Anticipated. London, 28‘h March —There has been a tematkable increase in emigrants from Groat Itiitain 3 500 sailed from Glasgow day mostly from Canada. The forthcoming sailings are very heavy and a record year is anticipated Mr. J W Hallifax is
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  • 213 5 A member of our staff hi a inspected the Tuah Pek Kong Temple in King Street, which was recently renovated and in connection with which the Chingay' procession was held. The temple belongs to the Keh community, which is composed of five sections, all of
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  • 426 5 Anniversary of the Prophet’s Birthday. The annual festival of the Prophet’s birthday was celebrated at the Kapitau Kling Motque on Friday, after the “Khutba” praters. The venerable High Priest of the Muslim Society, assisted by other well known Quran readers, recited the birth, life and work of
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  • 214 5 Si in pit* Home Treatment Kevolutio nUt'N Method of Treating Heafness FULL DESCRIPTION SENT FREE A marvellous discovery bis just been given to the world wb ch add* one more victory to the many tiiumpbs of science over disease The Deaf c»n hear! No longer need deaf
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  • 180 5 Aikitid Her s.s. Pin Beng, 24h Ma'ch, from Port Swettenham M »Brs Oon Eng Swee. Gau Boh Boon sod Ng Tek Hio. From Sine»pore: Mr. and Mrs Ng Saab Foon and family Per s.s. Pangkor, 25 b Match, from Telok Anson: Dr. Graham. Messrs VV. N- Corgi a*e. W
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  • 46 5 To-i>*i. 18th Day of 2ad Moou. Easter Monday. Public Holiday. P. V. Rflr Club Competitions. Cricket I’erak vs. Penang, Taipiug To-morrow. 19ib Dav of 2ad Moon Easter Tuesday. Perak R.ver Valley Rubber Co Subscription list opens. Town Band, Golf Club, t) to 7 p m.
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  • 20 5 I,am Qoariei Apr 3rd O New Uunu 10*li t First tjuartei It! h O Full Moon 24 h
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  • 20 5 China Prime Alice) ...21» h Mar German (Qoeben) ...30 h English t DeHa) 7'h Apl China (Deeanha) 9:h
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  • 34 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Service OuTWARIIK. IIoMKWAKIIa Delta 7 Api De anlii 9 Apl Delhi 21 I Aitaye 23 Extra Service OUTWARIM IfoNKWARO. Nore 28 Mar Sunda 1 Apl Palawan 4 Apr. Manila 16
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 35 5 Dr. Friedl tender testifies that (IOHOSan exerts a favorable influence in removing j complications ami haemorrhage; also morel rapid and satisfactory results arc pbtuined by it than by any other preparation of Sandalwood oil etc.
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    • 110 5 WANTED 8318 1' AN I’ ON RUBBER, entire il clta'ce 1 000 acre», parti* opuuct). Must be ateiily, experienced, apeakiup tome Malay. $l5O and yearly iucrenientH Cop e* italimouiale to ••SEGA I" f/o Strait Echo 28 8-10 217 THE 6REAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO LTD Hbau Orrica :—BINOAPOUR. Life AHNitriuicts
      110 words
    • 298 5 HE SIDED RECORDS $l-25. 12 FOR $l3-50. LISTS FREE. nOEINSON PIANO oOt0 Ot p ALEMBIC TONIC SYRUP, KING OF TONICS. AN UNRIVALLED SPECIFIC 1. For Vigorous Manhood. 2. For Funale’j Complaints. 3. For Dyspepsia, Constipation. Thousands or hollies sold in liidin. Many rases of (’mo in I'mang. Orders by Post-Prompt
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  • 1549 6 [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED] ’•Cut-CaVendish” (Author of “How to Win at Bridge,” “The Complete Bridge Player,” etc Defensive declarations do not as a rule come within the dealer’s province. In fact, it is a debatable point whether the dealer should ever declaie defensively at all. A black suit declare
    1,549 words
  • 369 6 Why is it that the points iu the sky from which shooting stars appear to radiate change places slowly iu some cises I rom day to day, while in others they remain stationary This is due, Professor Pick'ring,' f llaivard, has recently told us.
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  • 198 6 Gold lioaf s(>l.B I lack Pep| or no stock White Pepper 25J buyers Trang Pepper 17 50 buyers Claves 68 —sales Mi ce c.o. stll>rs riolr'ii.:» 70. nominal Nutmegs 110 s 18,— gales f No. 1 7) —sales Sugar J 2 n- stock (.Basket 535 nominal T ii-ioci; Flour
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  • 195 6 P>rano, 28th March, 1910. Bur—p° Uf) P* r catty Koaat Steaks 14 Stew or Curry Meat Rutnp Steak 5 lOlIfU* rr p«h r Heart I,,Ter pe> catty 35 «'oskp° r k P* r catty 32 Plff M Hhh.i1 t|A wt 24 ******116 t M Vf°; peril». 40 He
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  • 1412 6 A I IS a. I .15 o .2 I Number of p .2 e c« CtpUl. Shares > I Diridends Name ►> s < g issued. Si 5 <« I li -a 2_ *****1907! 1908 i 1909 1910 Rubber, p c p.c i p c. p.c. p c t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 41 6 Stands Unrivalled. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never disappoints those who use it for obstinate coughs, colds and irritations of the throat and lungs. It stands unrivalled as a remedy for all throat and lung diseases. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 25 6 Tbo first violent inflammatory symptoms quickly disappear after treatment with U.e(lei’s OoMOSatl Capsules No better preparation now ou the market. Certitiad by the leading Specialists.
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  • 795 7 (From Our Own Correrpendent Loudon, March 4 b llritigli Cotton. L.ud Derby (the t resident) and Council of the British Cotton Growing Association were entertaiucd at a banquet on Wednes. day night by the Liverpool Cotton Assn, ciatiou. The Duke of Marlborough and the Loro M iyom
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1364 7 INSURANCBS. THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROVAL CHARTER A.D. 1720 fllHE undersigned having been appointed Agent* for the above Corporation, are no w prepared to accept MARINE and PIKE risks at current rate*. PATERSON. SIMONS Jk Co. Ltd. 12c Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd. GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT. The Bonds of
      1,364 words
    • 141 7 An Excellent Liniment. Kv> r\ family ami e»fe tally tbo>« who reside in ilin country mid I i<e provided at all times tviih a bottle of Cliaml>erlaiii's Pain Balm. Tbeie it no tolling when il may bo wonted in case <>f au actideut or emergency, it is moat excellent in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1077 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late oj Dr. Allen A Cv., Pha, US.A. barges Moderate, Consultation Free. KMIDIKC AT A'o. 2la, Penang Road. A lew door* from the Eastern and Orlenta Hotel. 6 mth« TEA >\ v 4 v TEA SOLN A.OENTB FOB PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd THE "Mia Rubber
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  • 1434 9 Well-known Nottingham Man Committed for Trial. Much sensation has been caused in the Midland* by the grave chargee which have been brought against Mr. Marcus Chorley. who is a well known man in Nottingham, and a partner in one of the largest firms of estate agents
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  • 438 9 The British Empire covers such a wide area, and its relations to the other countries of the world are so complex, that the relative importance of its vaiious parts is apt to be wrongly estimated, as position often couuts for more than size For instance,
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  • 1123 9 Judge’s Striking Views on Moral Lapses of Husbands and Wires. Some wholesome, unvarnished truth* were declared before the R ival Commission on tbe Divorce Law* by Sir John Hicham, Presi ent of the Admiralty, Divorce, and Probate Division Reiving to Lord Qoiell (tbe Cbairmao), Sir Jobu
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  • 804 9 Tbe introduction of bill into the American Congress, to license and regulate the use of wireless telegraphy, owing to the propea aity of amateur operators to break in when others are transacting serious business, is oausing tbe aforeeeid amateurs to see a great light. They deny that
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  • 356 9 Production and ooosumption are the two leading points in thn rubber position, and it does not seem likely that the former will overtake the latter for some year* to come Consequently tho upward movement would seem likely to continue in the share market We have asked the question
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  • 516 9 Dysentery Victim in Singapore Cured and Made Stromi bt l)r. Williams’ Pink Pills. Only those who have had personal expo nence of the torture* of Dysentery, and ol the utter nervous and physical prostration which attends it. can realise fu'ly bow truly thankful Mr. J
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 16 9 Not Necessary for Rheumatism* F r nine out of erery ten esses of rbeu"«r.“»U»d.a,p..rCb™iC. 1 ..u~.
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    • 64 9 The Same Old Story. The old. old .tory, fold times without number and repeated over ard over again for the last 37 yea a. but it ta always a welcome storv to iho>e in se.rchi of her I There ia nothin* in th* world that cure, cough, and cold. as
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    • 49 9 A Remedy Which Never Fails. If troubled with indigestion, constipation' do appetite or feel bi'ious, give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv<-r Tablets a trial and j.rn will be pleased with tbe result. '1 bese fablers invigorate tbe stomach and liver and strengthen tha For sale b/ all Dispensaries aad Dealers.
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    • 77 9 HOGAN HOGAN 54», REACH STREET. AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS AMD ESTATE AGENTS. Advancei made on Va’uation <C nett jiroceed guaranteed within 7 day after tale. Ml; w p ,W n i/X THE STANDARD QUAUIT Batura- Milch Lxportgesellschaft Bosch i Co m UL Waren m.Mecklenburg. MACHINE PRESSES TILES. MADE BY THE BASIL MISSION
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 531 10 The Early History of Penang, 1592—1827. BY E. (i. Collin and W. F. Zehnder. (Reprinted Imm the Straits Echo. Royal Quarto. 44 P..kc«. Price 91*00. SALE?! MAT 31 HAD AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., 226— 232, Reach Street, Penena NOW JREADY. “Ini Pantun Karang-Karangan.” CoNTKNffl Pantun Pagang. Kunda Din. Puji
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