Straits Echo, 18 March 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 880 1 TIANQ LEE 00. B m T. /X SOLB AOEHTS. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. >200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government ss a special protection lor our policy holders. The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company for till Chinese. Every Kind
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    • 20 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. >7h D BS SM?» 3S a Wj r\ TIANO LEE Co., Soto Agent*.
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  • 583 2 Baron tod SteDgel, Professor of State aud Ecclesiastical Law at tbe University of Munich, who was one of the German delegates at the International Peace Congress at Tbe Hague in 1899, contributes an article to tbe DtuUche Revue on the idea of eternal peace and
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  • 587 2 Three notable inventions with far-reaching possibilities have just been put on iecord A puncture proof motor tyre. A simplification of electiic lighting. A new method of electro plating. A Puncture Proof Tyre. An iuvu tion which, it is claimed, will do away with tbe tyre troubles of
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  • 240 2 Prof. Metchuikoff, of Pat is, is described in the London as The Man who Prolongs Life.” Mr- C J. Rrandretb describes Prof Metchuikoff s style of delivery Even at a great scientific congress, such was the force of 'bis gesture aud tbe vivacity of his whole mauner
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  • 119 2 Murcli, 11)10. Da(e H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. A. M. A M. P. M. P. M. 18lh 4.40, 10.54, 5 07, 1121 10th 5,:i8, Nil. 6 10, 12.25 20th 700, 1.2«, 7.63, 219 21st 8.43, 3.04, 9.26, 3.07 22nd 9.31, 3.23, 9.36, 3.38 23rd 10.37, 4.51, 11.04,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 76 2 An Excellent l iniment. Every family and e'jeria’ly ibose nbo re aid iu ihe count y should he povi led at all tiui a W'U bottle of Cham far la ill’s Pain I Balm 1 be e M an telbm; e.biu it u.av be wa I'f l tu cme of
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    • 109 2 I ntcrnal Treatment Not Necessary for Rheumatism. Fully nine out of ereiy leu cases of rheumtlism is simply ibeuuiaOsm of the rnus clou due to cold or damp, or chronic ibeumalisin, neither of which require auy internaI real meat. A'l Ih at is needed to nffird le lief is the
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    • 1108 2 Isle of Skye Whisky. This fine Old Highland Whisky is Blended and Matured in Sherry Wood. NOTICE. For prices, apply to G. H. SLOT Co., AGENTS. RINGS, PINS, BRACELETS, LOCKETS CHARMS SET WITH REAL 10:0 £1 Only n»mim««ni «maw GEIV8 RINGS. OUR SPECIALITY, 10 i to £60 .J&N'o. it i8-ct
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    • 338 2 ■w-a-imtehd. CHINESE or Eutatiin Clerk f Worke. mum wife good hand 1°®* good knowledge of book-keep, J d b ‘l Apply in writing to 15 8 10 177 *K. el Strait, No. 17*. Northam Road—nnf From let March, 1910. Unfu niiib*l 7-1 10 38 A PP>y to ALLEN DENNYS4 0o
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  • 36 3 Vetiel* hum Agent» Due lieu alder i.ondou S.BACo 19th Mar. A «save Colombo A G ACo. 24 h Macedonia Singapore A.G ACo. 2o.b Pnuze«g AlicelSmgapore B M ACo 23ib Goeben Jcolombo B.M ACo. 3'Jtb
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  • 33 3 i’eiieli For A (ft Ms j Cterve» Benalder iSiugapore SBACV M.r. Atcaye [Singapore U *0.'. Macedonia iCJolorobo V.G Jo. 1 Priczees AlictjColombo B M 4 Jo. j Cioebcn Singapore 1 B.M.ACo. 1
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  • spipping
    • 90 3 iVtn* Ludwig. Qer. a 5703, Uiuzer, 16th Mar, Colombo, 12 b Mar.Geu—ii. M. A Co. Paehumba, Br. 544 Carte, 17tb Mar., Mouliuein, 13th Mar., Gen.—H. L A Co. Johanne G«r. 952, Jebaeo, 18 ii Mar, Deli. 17th Mar.. Gen —E 8- Co Ltd. Kiilna, Br «.n 524, Le.umont. 18:b
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    • 74 3 I‘th March Valenlijn, fo* I)eli, Bitu Baliri, Aaahan nod Panel) Ilotorua. for Tongkah. Tong Hong, for lvtngoon. Pin feng, for Port Swettenbmn nod Singapore Car'yle, for Teluk Auaou. Java, for Colombo and Tut corin. Un Peng, for Pulau Laugkawt, Peril» and Setul. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiptng.
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    • 302 3 Fob Mere hi, Tavov ai,d Moulnv in—Pol Paehumba, to morrow, 9a m. Kedah—Per Kedah, to-morrow, 9 a.m. Langktt and Asabau—Per AgutKa, to-morrow, 10 a.m M idra» fai mg mail» for Euiope. etc via Bombay—Per Thongwa, to morrow, 10a m. Itmgonn and Calcutta—Per Dunera, to morrow, 11 a m.
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  • 209 3 Per P and O. ns. Murea, fiom Loudon, Feb. 25, connecting with ib« Astai/n at Colombo due at Peuang ou 241 h Mar.— To Singapore Mr* J. D. Murray and child. Mr. M. Brown. Mr. I. Mabkota, Mr. O. J iffrr, Mr. C Anderaon, Mr. and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 936 3 (SHIPPING,) NORDDEUTSCHER _LLOYD, BREMEN. XMPE&IAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. H' THE fast and well-known rna 1 *,earners 01 this Company Bail fortnightly from Bremen, HaniOui g via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Geuoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice vena) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki
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  • 85 4 J n«rip# «iliflw mrybody aad Jutlw alon« 4«Hy IflWpf **n»wt»T it ni CRITERION TRESS, Lid., No. 226—*82, Beach Street P-nmiit PIUOB IMIl.t LOiIAI per OtITHTATIONH PwUgf ailra. KAII. «DITION IFmt PrM) 111 UAHI.N AII.IRISH t'cho—Penang.' ('•(•phone No. 343 All trailiimMaMMHMlahoald I» «rt.liwill 10 Ta■ MiiisEi. Matter Intended
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  • 812 4 We have pleasure in reprinting here copious extracts from the annual report of the committee of tbe Butterwortli Chamber of Trade, exclusively supplied to the Echo by Mr. C. U. S. Black, the j Secretary, who happens luckily to be one of our own Directors. It is
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  • 55 4 Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to day at 872.40 buyers no sellers at Singapore (refined) at $72.80 buyers r.o sellers and in London at j£l43 Isi. cash and .£145 17s. «61. thiee months' sight Opium is quoted here to day at. $1 700 and Rangoon
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  • 215 4 The latest quotations from Messrs. Anthony and Anderson (1 pm) are:— Buvere. Sellers. Anglo-Malavs... 32s. 6d. Kuala Lumpurs 200 1. Rub P I. Trust 47s. 61. Sungei Kari 21s. preui. Sumatra Para... 13s. Lumuts 36s. 38s. (jj. Perak Rubbers 125s Yesterday we prred. through had manu script, aud
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  • 1058 4 C. R. C. v*. Crescents A meeting between the C. R C. end tbe 1 Crescent» i» alway» productive of good fojt- ball. Tiieae t«ro non-European team» possess some of the finest exponent» of soccer iu J Penang. Moreover, they are keen rival» each jealous of the other'»
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  • 260 4 Naturally we have some feeling „f dsli, cy about referring to tbe rumoured ment of Mr H. C. Ridges. Protector""'; Chinese, lpoh as it is not so long k 1 the Straits Echo was asking the Govern» to retire him. Tbe rumour iia a t Wn
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  • 137 4 Theie will be two Tournament matches to. morrow, the C. R C. playing Butterworth on the latter ground, aud tbe P. C C th« P. R C ou the Esplanade. F«1 owiug me the probaWes: P C. C —Reid (Capt), D. A M. Brown J. R Brown, V
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  • 554 4 The Orders of the Day for Friday’s meeting of Legislative Council include resolutions re the Registration of Deeds in Singapore; third readings of Land Improvement and Portuguese Miasious Bills, six second readings and two in committee. On Sunday next divine service will be held in the Preabyteiian Church,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 383 4 XPOE MARBLE 'WORKS. 1FOH-FBRAK. This business is now under the management of Mr. Ravensway, who has made a great reduction in all prices and who will be glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Washhand Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large stock
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    • 46 4 GonOHitii like other preparations of Copaiba and Sandalwood oil does not affect the kidneys or disturb the stomach and is well tolerated by the patient even after lengthened treatment Trials by the Medical, Profession solicited. Samples free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemists,
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    • 32 5 {Echo Special.) Secretary of State Petitioned. Singapore, 17th March.—The Malacca Chinese and Europeans hare sent petitions to the Secretary of State regarding the proposed abolition of the Resident Councillorship.
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    • 29 5 (Echo Special.) Fixed for March 21). Singapore, 17th March.—The trial of Mr. Wee Theam Tew for perjury, will take place on the 29th March.
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    • 29 5 (Echo Special.) Pepper. Singapore, 17th March.—Following are to-day’s prices Block Pepper, no buyers $14,621. Later. Sundried Copra, no buyers $10.75 Black Pepper $14.50 White Pepper $26.50
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    • 202 5 (Echo Special.) SandycroH Pay» 150 Per Cent. Singapore, 17tli March.—The Sandycroft report for the year ending 31st January states that a final dividend of 90 per cent, will be paid, making 150 per cent, for the year. A sum of $7,079 was set aside towards the sinking fund, a
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    • 25 5 Echo Special.) Ntephen tie Souza. Singapore, 17tli Mar. —Mr. Stephen de Souza, of St. Joseph’s Institution, has won the Queen’s Scholarship.
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    • 23 5 (Echo Special February Output. Singapore, 18th Mar.—The February output of the undermentioned mines yyas as follows: Belat 171 P»culs Kuantan 44 Sipiau
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    • 70 5 (Echo Special 11,500 Nnhacrlbcd. Singapore, 18th March.-The tiret subscriptions towards tbeAgn-Horti-cultural show amount to $1,500, of which the Kelantan Government subscribed |250, and the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Messrs. Behn Meyer and t 0., the Netherlands Trading Society, Me""Boustead and Co., the Straits Trading Company, the Borneo Company. Messrs.
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    • 41 5 (Echo Special.) HI» Successor Kuala Lumpur, 18th Mar.—Mr. Justice limes. Judicial Commissioner, F. M. 8., is ill and is going home at the end of the month. It is expected that Mr. Justice Braddell will replace him.
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    • 37 5 (Echo Special.) Owner ami Captain Fined. Singapore, 18th March.—Teo Teow Peng, owner, and Mr. Mayne, Skipper of the Banka, were fined $125 and $lO respectively for submerging Plimsoll’s mark by improperly stowing cargo.
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    • 93 5 (Echo Special.) Ridley Laments the Abolition. Singapore, 18th March.—Mr. H. N. Ridley, Director, Botanic Gardens, S.S., writes at some length in the Agricultural Bulletin on the abolition of the Penang Waterfall Gardens, lie traces the history since the foundation of the first one in 1800 and points
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    • 36 5 (Supplied by Reuter Destroyers Collide. London, 17th March —The destroyer. Raeehorte and Oitrich were badly damaged in a collision while going through some tactical exercises off Beachy Head. They were towed into Dtfvonport.
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    • 60 5 Suppli'd by Reuter) The Chief Justice of Hongkong's Suggest ion. London. 17th Match.—Sir F. T Pigott, Chief Justice of Hongkong, iu giving evi dence before the divorce commission dealt on the hardships of residents in the Crown Colonies in being compelled to bring actions in Great Britain. He
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    • 87 5 (Sup)lied by Reuter.) House In Favour of Heredity. Londou, 17(h March. —The House of Lords will to-day agree not to divide or go into Committee on Lord Rosebery’s inform resolutions. The first two resolutions declaring the necessity of a stroDg second Chamber which would be best
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    • 65 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The t’haiieellor I’nltt his Foot Down. London. 18th March.—Owing to persistent charge* of we<koe»s and complaisance of the German foreign poiicv sine* Piitce *on Buelow'a retirement, particularly in connection with the Mannesmann Mining concesaion* Herr von Bethinanr-Hohweg. the Imoerial Chancellor, emphatically refused in the
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    • 127 5 (Supplied by Renter Itumour Regarding (he l\ IS. and Japan. Lotidou, 18th March.—The New Y'ork World state* that Japan has proposed to lb« State Department an understanding by which the two countries may together dominate the Far East, maintain the open door, and guarantee the commercial equality
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    • 33 5 (Sup pi ini by Reuter Leaves for Darjeeling. Londou, 18th March—The Dtlai Lama leaves Calcutta to day for Darjeeling. where he will remain as the guest of the Govern mint.
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    • 82 5 (Supplied bo Reuter.) I mportant Announcement. London, 18th March.— Replying in the House of Commons to Mr. J. O'Grady, Labour member for Leeds, the Hon E- 8. Montagu stated that in view of the mortality of ludiau labourers iu the Malay States action was being
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  • 598 5 (From Our Own Correspondent Taiping, ltitti Ma r cl'. A scratch cricket match was arranged to take place on Satuiday last bttwrpn a team selected from the Planters and the Rest a number of whom are to take part in the match against Penang ut Easter, but unfortunately
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  • 1106 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, 24tb February. Cotton Culture. Speaking to an expert in the cotton business to-day he assured me that the British colomes and possessions, including Egypt, will never bo able to successfully copa with the Yankee growers until the British Government shows mote of
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  • 223 5 Government formerly dealt with insolvent public servants departmeutally. Oo the receipt of a report that a particular public servunt had hr come a Judgmeu'- debtor, he would lie called upon to explain the circumstances in which the debt was contracted and the cause of bis inability to
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  • 376 5 Yesterdav afternoon, two cases under the Deleterious Drugs Ordinance were heard, one before Mr. Nathan in the Third Magia trate's Court, aDd the other before Mr. Robinson, In the former, a Clmiam in who was the krani of the s s Sa)>j<ho was found
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  • 140 5 Aaatvan. Per s.s Tutta, 17th Mar from Madras: Mrs. Ford, Messrs. C. H. Ellig and W. C Thornton. Per ss. Pachumba, 17th Mar, from Moulmein Messrs Cheng Gab and lee Gaw From Yeh Mr, Mrs. and Miss Holiday. From Mergui Mr. and Mrs. F A. Tumor and Mr T
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  • 47 5 Bth Day of 2nd Moon. To MORROW 9ih Day of 2nd MoonSi George'* Ball: Meeting o f Kn. lshmen, Chamber of Commerce, 12 3). P V RtfD Shooting, Bpm Cricket C. K. C- t?*. Buttirwortl’, Butter worth. Cricket P. ft. C. vt P. C. C- E*|>louade.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 297 5 SIDED RECORDS $1-25. 12 FOR $13-50. LISTS FREE. ROBINSON PIANO i o 0 r ALEMBIC Chemical Works Co. AWARDED 20 G-OLD MEDALS. ‘ALEMBIC’ CHEMICAL FOOD Based on Or. Parrish's Formula. THE BEST TONIC FOOD For Weak Women, Bel irate Children. Orders by Post-Prompt Attention. Straits Supply Agency, 41». HI Mil
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  • 49 5 Obituary. (Supplied by lleuter.) Mr. Tom Browne. Loudon. 17 h Match—The well-known painter and Hack and white artist*. Mr Tom Browne, who »n on the Punch staff, ia dead. He *»< born at Nottingham in 1872, left school at the tine of 11 and commenced black-and wk'te work at 17.
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  • 942 6 Despite the pregent high price of the raw material in Mincing-lane, there are far more people who look for rubber over 10a. per lb before the fall takee place. Eathunaatic people, indeed, place a very much higher price before the turn come*, and they are exactly the quidnunc»
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  • 250 6 We are the nerves of the world, The threads of fate are we. Whether in coil and spiral curled, Or flung over land and sea From hoards of the ages brought, The great rocks yield our life With flime and force is our being wrought,
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  • 119 6 Pmaxs, 18th Makch (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4 s 4 months’ Bank 2/4} 3 Credit 2/4J» t, 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174 3 days’ sight Private 175 J Bombay, Demand Bank 174 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 3 days’sight Private 175$ Madras.
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  • 194 6 Gold Leaf $Bl.B Black Pepjer no slock White Popper 26j fellers Trang Pepper 19— sel'ers Cloves 68 —sales Mace 83. set!> re Picking» 7o. —soles Nutmeg» 110« 18,— sellers No. 1 7 J— sales Sugar < 2 no stock Basket 5 20 sales TiP'oca Flour 1.70 tellers. Copra 115
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  • 154 6 PaifAMu, 18th March, ipjq Bur— Soup 'U. Roust «'i> U Steaks *4 Stew or Curry Meat 24 Rump Steak B Ox Tail «4 Tor gue h 30 Feet 55 Heart U Liver 30 Pork- Pig's Head I 0411 32 Feet 20 Tongue 24 Muttoh 32 Tripe e e
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  • 1413 6 d 1 a. I o .5 Number of -5 ;j 2 .2 S Capital. Shares > i Dividends Name. J 2 issued. a I '3 1 sa t/J 1 1 c I cr_ 19< 6|I9<>< 1908 1 1909 !91( Rubber. 1£ki9 j x tom j 10 m B/J •905
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 48 6 A Remedy Which Never Fail*. If troubled with indigest’on. constipation, no appetite or feel bi'ious. give CbmnbeiU'n’» Stomach and Liver Tablet* a trial and you will ba pleased with tbeiesuU. These tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 60 6 The Same Old Story. Tbe old, old story, to'd timer without number, and repetted over and over again for tbe last 37 years, but it ia always a welcome story to those in search of health— There ia nothing in the world that cures coughs aod colds as quickly as
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    • 64 6 Dr. Friedlaender testifies tlmt. (Innosail exerts a favorable influence in removing complications and haemorrhage; also more rapid and satisfactory results are obtained bv it than by any other preparation of Sandalwood oil etc. MACKAY'S LIQUEUR WHISKY. The Aome of Quality. 168c HOGAN HOGAN, 66, BEACH STREET. AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS AN II
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  • 1328 7 By Lady Cook, ne« Tennessee Claflln. It is not often that we aie induced to prefer the canon to the common law, but we are bound to do an on the point of the leu it him tiou of uatural children. The horror* i constantly arising
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  • 480 7 Sir 11, H. Risley, Secretary of tLe Horn» Depaitmout, lias introduced a Press Bit into the Indian Legislative Council, mov ug tha' it be icferrrd to a sehet committen of twelve members, including Messrs. Siuha and Gok hale, the Mahatsj dhituj of Butdwan, end Mr. Malaviya.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1178 7 IHTSXJRA.N 0238. Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd. GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT. The Bond* of tbi* Company are accepted bj the Board of Trade, Colonial Office, Local Government Board, Po*t Office, Custom*, Commissioners of Inland Revenue, National Debt, and the various division* of the High Court of Justice. For particulars, apply to A.
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    • 46 7 Stand» Unrivalled Clidinbei lain’s K’me./y H[p'J D a ttlUfttt WrilJ Ue« It lui C(,U;iis. colds and mianon* of and lungs. It stands umifalltd s for all tfaroal and luu»; di.panes, all Lbspeusaiies and Dealers. nPTer (1 r eb-timle lie tb' t- a remedy For saie by
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    • 271 7 THE NEW FRENCH &EMEIH TRACE and highly p«p«l*r remedy, iwd is the C min. i.t d Hospital* by Kicord, Rostan, Jobert, V. ip ,M and otli«- romb>n sail the desiderata to be •ought ii a in. dicme of tl»c kind, and surpasses everything hitheito mpioyed. THERAPION,t. ally short t
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 930 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late o] Dr. Allen A Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. 1.SIDIX* AT /Vo. 21a, Penang Road. A lew doon from the Eastern sad Orients Hotel. 6 mtb« TEA V TEA SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co.. Ltd THU "India Rubber&6utta Percha AND ELECTRICAL
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