Straits Echo, 5 March 1910

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 834 1 BASS’S ALE. &0N 'N '-5 Gt cc. I o a •inois the shanghai life INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkad Omen—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. *2OOOOO deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection tor onr policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company fcr the Chinese. Every
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    • 28 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. T, I bTLuM, m ii t fh L o>: *ts 1& r e 0 TQKyZ riANO LEE A Co., Soto AfatM.
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  • 1036 2 Wbile it frequently happens that one girl baa a boat of admirer», it happens nearly as often that another girl is cordially disliked by a number of men Qualities which make for male appreciation bare oflen been chronicled, but the reasons shy some girls
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  • 493 2 Anglo-Johore Rubber Estates. The Anglo-Johore Rubber Estate*, Limit ed, has been formed with a capital of £165.003, divided into jC 1 abates, of which 90 000 shares are now offered for public subscript ions, payable as to 2s. on application aud 3< on allotment, and tbe balance
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 82 2 Internal Treatment Not Necessary for Rheumatism. Fully nine out of every leo cases of rheumatism is simply ibtumatiam of tie inuscle* due to c >ld or damp, or chronic i beutnatisin, ueilher of which irquire any internal treatment. All that is needed to off >rd te I.ef ih the fire
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    • 180 2 RIGAUD’S KaNANGA OF JAPAfI TOILET WATER JcBeioart of Imitationt. -V RIGAUD C 9 PERFUMERS 8. rue Vivienne, 8 Ptnt-Frtnct FOR RANGOON. r |lHEe, Hong Wan I, C-i| 1 1 in J. H. 1 IliioHworih, is eippctcd *o anire here on Monday, the 7 1 b instant, and will leave for
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    • 604 2 XPOH WAH.BT.Tf. WORKS. IPOH-PERAK. Thin business is now under the management of Mr. Ravensway, who has made a great redaction in all price» and who will be glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Washhand Stands, Cemetery Memorials of Jail kinds etc., etc., on application. A large stock
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    • 975 2 NOTICE. attention of the public is invited to S-ction 10 of the Smnp Ordinance, 1907. and items 280 (i) and (ii) of tbe First Schedule thereto, which run as follows Section 10 Ail tbe (seta and circumstances aff-ciiog tbe liability of any instrument to duty or tbe amount of tbe
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  • 44 3 V*n*h tri-m Ag*«ti Du* Devanhi Colombo A 0 ACo 10th MarDella Singapore A.Q ACo. lli'U Kr roll Ql&jgow S R ACo. 14* h Luts') IT Singapore B M ACo 15th 1*. Ludwig Colombo B.M ACo. 16th Beualder I.oudou S B ACo 19th
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  • 35 3 F tttth For Ke-tr DoTjuka Siogafo <> AC M .r. Malta t'olomb > K <) A !o. Brroll S'Ogapv'u S B A( Jo Lutsow Coluuibo B AI ACo. 1’ Ludwig SiugdpOIM B.M.AO. Beualder Singapore 3 B ACo
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  • Shipping.
    • 150 3 Keilah, Hr. ai, 134, Morris. 3rd Mar., Kedah, 3rd Mar, Geu—E. 8 Co, Ltd. Nyanza, Br as, 4 179, Bradshaw, Hi Mar, Port Swetteubam, 3rd Mar., Gen.— A. G Co. Perak Br. ss, 258, Milan, 4'b Mar., Deli, 3rd Mar Gen.—E. S Co„ Ltd. Mm, B'. ns. 307. Griffin,
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    • 91 3 sth March Lian Choi, for Kedah. Teesta, for M idras taking mails for Europe, etc-, via Bombay. Dunera for Rangoon and Calcutta. Leant Ho, for Trang. Perak, for Deli. Avagyee. for Teluk Ausou A Apcar, for Singapore, China and Japan. Kittna, for Port Swettenbani and Singapore. Coen for Lungs»,
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    • 248 3 Fob Lingsa. T. Seinawe, Segli. Olehleh and Sibaug-Per Hok Canton, 7ib instant, 3 pm. Calcutta—Per Japan, 7tb instant, 4 p m. I’ulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul—Per On Peng 7tb inalaut, 4 p in. Deli—Per Malaya, 7tb initant, 4 p in. Laugkat—Per jin Ho. Btb instant, 1 p.m. Asalian—Per
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  • 178 3 Per P. and 0 8 8. Marmora, from Loudon, Fob 11, connecting with iha Devanha at Colombo, due at Penang on 10th Mar. T> Penang Mr. 0 Paul, Mr. O H. Stephens, Mr. D.T. S Pirie, Mr. E. Brickdale, Mr. it M. RichardsTo Singapore Mr F.
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  • 36 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall S:rvlcr Outwards. II.mkwaki,, Devanha 10 Mai I I Oita 12 Mar. A «ia;/r !4 Macedonia '26 fcxira Service Uomiln floMRWARI) Sardim i 14 Mar, I Syania -i Mai Nore 2b Java lb
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1158 3 (SHIPPING.) P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Exported Arrlvnls and Dopartnren. Mail 8arvlca. Mar 10 Devanha 24 Attage Apr. 7 Delta 21 Delhi Outward. connecting with Marmora i. Morea Mooltan China Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. M ui>h m uu« I'o London by Sen
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  • 93 4 JMM otnaw IWIMI ud tesUc* »K>n« nhll.hort talli ( SnixU? XT TUI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 926—882, Beach Btraat. P mum, PRICK: lUII,I LOOAI |M ..per s-him. OUTHTATIOHS PoatAga extra «All. ■ItITION (Poet Preel 111 UAHI.It A11..H1 BH Cell!—Penang.” telephone No. <AX A.A, All baalneaa roouamilratlooa xlioald
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  • 490 4 There has been a suspicion of a tendency to reproach China for her recent activity in Tibet. It will not do. We must not attach too much importance to the stories of sacrilegious excesses by Chinese troops. Similar tales were told when the British troops went to
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  • 751 4 The following business in tin has been done to-dsy Penang: Penang Tin Exchange, 12£ tons at $7190 Eastern Smelting Co., 25 75.40 Singapore; Straits Trading Co, 110 75 45 Total 147j tons. Tin is quoted in London to-day at 4119 ss. cash and 4150 15s.
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  • 96 4 Owing to the shoot'ng competitions st the K fli It inge the Penitug Volunteers are uuible to raise a team to play tbe P. C. 0. in the Cricket Tournament match this after noon aud have accordingly scratched. The e will, thertfore, be only one tournament match this
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  • 864 4 Kedah Officials Victimized. The confidence trick is still prac'ised in tlusi parts with apparent success. Two Arabs a few days ago managed it beautifully. They cilled on some of tbe retinue of the Sultan of Kedah in Penang and induced them to part with some $6'H) worth of
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    • 116 4 To tbs Editor ot ras Straii, K tio Dear Sir, The Direc ors regret to inform the „h., holders that it has now been c0uch,,,.1? proved that the mine cannot be w 0 ked profit st the present prioe of tin, and ,t k
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    • 202 4 To rus Editor ot Tni «triu, Kcio Dear Sir,—While taking a walk the quiet village of Pulo Tikus I across some wondeiful notices Dosiad W the walls of certain residence, j JL? such things have frequently occurrJ through malice. These I un lerstaud mischievous work
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  • 344 4 FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT. Bt. George’s Church. 8 am.—Matins (No organ). 8-30 am.—Holy Commuuiou (Plain: ?-15aJB do (Tamili 10-30 am.—Matins (Chinese), 5 p.m.— Children's Service. 6 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. St. Mark'd Uhnreh. Bctterwobth. 9 a.m.— Divine Service with Holv Communion. Presbyterian Uhnreh. Divine service will Ire held
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 267 4 TEE GRAND HOTEL, IPOH. 7 The ONLY First Class Hotel in Perak, An Ideal Place for Families Spending Week Ends. Single and Double Bedroom* with Private Bathrooms. Electric) Bells. Tennis. Excellent Cuisine. Cold Storage Supplies Weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter Meets All Trains. TERMS MODERATE. THE HIGH PRICE OF RUBBER
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    • 118 5 (Echo Special.) Arrangements for Singapore Show. Singapore, 4th March.—At the Agri-Horti-ciiltural Show Meeting it waa agreed that exhibits and exhibi’ors should travel free of charge to Singapore by the Government Railway. The estimate for buildings similar to 1906 waa $B.OOO. The charge for trade eihibits will be 5 cts.
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    • 94 5 (Echo Special.) February Output. Kuala Lumpur, sth March.—The February crops of the undermentioned estates were as follows F. M.S. Rubber.—22,l7o lbs., against 10,990 lbs., Inst year. During the 9 months the crop was 184,029 lbs. against 88,307 lbs. Kuala Luinpur.—42,l7s lbs. against 16,301 lbs. last year. During the 8
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    • 27 5 (Echo Special.) Fopra and Pepper. Singapore, sth March.—Following are to-day’s prices for copra and white pepper: Copra—No change from yesterday. White Pepper, buyers $28.50.
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    • 96 5 (Echo Special.) New Appointment a. Singapore, sth March.—The (Janette announces the following appointments Mr. C. J. Saunders succeeds Mr. W. 1). Barnes in the Legislative Council. Mr. F. Robinson is appointed Third Magistrate, Penang, and Mr. J. L. Humphreys, Deputy Registrar and Coroner, Penang. Proposed Laws. It is
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    • 35 5 (Supplied by Renter.) National Assembly to be Convoked. London, 4'h March.-The Greek Chamber by 1 0 votes to 11, a majority of 139, agreed to couvoke the National Assembly and to revise the Constitution.
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    • 70 5 (Supplied by Renter.) delations with India linalTectad. London, 4th March—lo the House of Commons yesterday Sir Kdward Grey, Foreign Secretary, aaid that there waa ao reason to suppose that the relations lietween China and Tibet would be sff-cted by a change in the Tibetan administration. The general policy of
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    • 25 5 (Supplied by Renter.) 6 to 4 on Oxford. Loodoa. 4th Mstqb —The betting on tbe boat race is 6 to 4 on Oxford.
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    • 68 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Russian Communique. London, 4th March,—Tbe King and Queen of Bulgaria left St. Peteraburg after a week’s visit to tbe Tsar. A semi-official communique published at Bt. Petersburg emphasises tbe Russian sympathy with Bulgarian development, tbe necessity to consolidate Rnsso-Bulgarian relations, and to maintain
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    • 45 5 Sup) lied by Reuter Young Rockefeller to Resign His Directorates. London, .V.b March.—A telegram from New York states that Rockefeller junior is retiring from the Directorates of tbe Steel Trust and the Standard Oil Compaoy to organise the Rockefeller foundation for philanthropic work.
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    • 68 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Comment Hnperfltious. London, stb March —At Dallaa iu Texas fifty men in tbe court bouse overpowered tbe officers and tore from tbe dock a negro charged with assaulting a gul. He was hurled from the second storey window and his neck was broken in the
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    • 88 5 (Snpplied ly Reuter.) Meeting at. Cambridge. London, stb March—A meeting was held at tbe Senate Hou«e, Cambridge, on behalf of the University of China. Tbe Vice-Chancellor warmly supported the scheme. Sir Ernest Satow outlined the scheme and trusted that the conflict between China and the Powers in
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    • 49 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Counter Scheme. London, s'h Mairh—The Russian no'e to China objects to the Chinchau Aigun railway and proposes a counter scheme railway through Kaljan, Urga and Knachta connecting with the Trans-Siberian railway in tbe building of wh ch Russia was ready to oo operate
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    • 334 5 (Sup/lied by Reuter Passed. Lo. don, 6tb March —Reuters correspondent at Calcutta states that, the Indian Budget was warmly discussed in Council A number of members declared ill it the silver tax was especially injurious to the Bombay cotton tiade with Chins Government deuied that the du'y
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  • 1644 5 [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.] SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE GAME BT Cut-Cavendish.” [Echo Special.] How is it that bo many Bridge players take bo little trouble to improve their game They play ofteu euough in all conscience, perhaps tco often in tbee8timation of their numerous acquaintauces, who doubtless regard them as
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  • 322 5 The Hon, Mr. Robert Young, M.L. C. Following is part of an article in the Strait I Timer Mr Young vies *it.h the IL in Mr A K Adams iu earning the reputation of I mug one of the bus'exl men in ibis settlement; he has steaddy woikod his way
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  • 155 5 Aaaivtn. Per i s. Kedah, 3 d March, from Kedtb Mr- J. Lamb. Per ss, Perak, 4th March, from Dali: Mr P. 11. Schneider and Mr. and Mrs. Van Yreeu. Per s.s. Nyanza, 4 b Mar from Port Swettenham Mr. Westwood, M'. J F Browuaud Mr T. C. Nock
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  • 75 5 TO-DAT. 24*h Day of l»t MoonPenang Font In 11 Cup Kiitne-i olom-. Volunteer KHj Competition». 3 p/v. Cricket P. O. C. rg Vole Esplanade Cricket Butteiworh re P. R. C, Bulleiworth. Wayang Incho'i Puteh, 1 R. //mi and Ka'horliua." Kiua Street Thoatie St p in '1 11-UUKBOW 25th !)av
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  • 20 5 English Detanhii ...It'tli Mir. China DeHat 12 1 h Ohms (Liittowi 15• li German (Prim Ludwi/) ...1(5 li
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 414 5 ALEMBIC Chemical Works, BOMBAY AND BARODA, AWARDED IS GOLD MEDALS. H I G H -CL ASS Chemicals Perfumery Essences Attars Syrups Inks Patent Medicines. WA NTED SUB-A (JE NTS r k Y. M. S.. JOHOKK. SINGAPORE. Sole Agents for S S. and t'.M.S., Straits Supply Agency, BISHOP STREET. PEN 4
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  • 1236 6 (From Our Own Correipondent Loudon, 11th Febiuaty. Reliefs. Tbe cruiser Andromeda bis just left Portsmouth with a new crew for I be cruiser Monmouth. China Squadron, wlncb will he recommissioned at Colombo, and some de tails for tbe squadron Tbe 3rd Battalion Middlesex Revimeut will move from
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  • 120 6 Psnano, 5th Makch (By courteiy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4 6 S 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4} 3 Credit 2/4}; 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174} 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombay, Demand Bank 174} Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’sight Private 175} Madras.
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  • 209 6 Gold I .eat »64.8) 8. Pf| er(W Coast Slbs.5 oz.) no flock Wiiile Pepp-u *25 -buyers IYsbk Peppe: 16 25 buyers Cl >70» 70 —tellert Muse 83.— teller» Vlacc Pick'***'» 70. to let Nutmegi 110» I s tellert f No. 1 7 )—inlet Sugar J 2 no stock Basket
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  • 131 6 Puu**, sth Mi«ch, |9lij. Bair— ZZ. sfk. z Stew or Owrry Meat Rump Steak Ox Tail Tongue J eJ£2. per c*n, Pig’a Head Feet Tongue Head m J -He fou, t Tnp. tl Liver Fowl (full growu) Smaller F0w1... J* Chicken 5* Duce (full grown) Smaller Duck Eoos
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  • 1529 6 d I u. j a *5 2 Number ot I 7; 1 D j E B s Cip tal. Shares Dividend» Name 5 1 iaaued. X I ill 111 I 2_ 19« 6 1935 19'18 1909 191« Rubber, pc p.c p.c. p.c. p c 1 v A,, ihh 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 41 6 Stands Unrivalled. Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy new disappoint* those who uae it (or obetinate coughs, colds and irritations of the throat and luoga. It atands unrivalled as a remedy (or all throat and lung diseases. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 61 6 The Same Old Story. Tbe old, old story, told times without Dumber, sod tepeited over sod over again for tbe last 37 years, but it is always a welcome story to those io search of health— There is nothing iu tbe world that cures coug'ua aod colds ss quickly as
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    • 46 6 UonOMD like other preparation! of Copaiba and Sandalwood oil doee not affect tbe kidneys or diaturb tbe atomach and ia well tolerated by tbe patient even after lengthened treatment Triala by tbe Medical, Profeuion solicited. Samples free on application to an» of the chief Penang Chemists
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    • 44 6 It has been satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of persona have to thank flonotuin for restoration to health and happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail. At all dealers in Patent Medicines and Chemical in bottles of 40 capsules.
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  • 912 7 llow 11« Treats Foreigner*. 1 berc b.. 8 peihgps bieu no more popular oltcliou reproach than that of having a foreign name. One candidate, iudeed. admitted the «oft impeachment, reumikiog cimilly. however, that bra family had usually been reckoned English, having lived in Euglaud for the la»t
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 865 7 INSURANCES. THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORF ORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. rnHE undesigned having been appointed A ‘•AM a m fAW tUa A a Agent* for the above Corporation, are MARINE and now prepared to accept FIRE risk* at current rate*. PATERSON, SIMONS Jk Co. Ltd, ]2o Guardian Assurance
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    • 67 7 Ail Excellent Liniment. Ferry f.>niily aud expe'ially tboie who rehide iu I bf*. count ly should be provided at all times wiih a bottle of Chamberlain’* l’atu Balm. Them H no telling when it mey bo wanted m case of an accid -nt or emergency. It ia moat ric'sllent in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1032 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen <ft Co., Pha. U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. fcfeftUUXtf AT /So. 2ln, Penang Road. A tew doori from the Eastern end Oricnta Hotel. 6 mtbi TEA v FOR SALE. USEFUL TU PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check 801 l Books of 200 leaves.
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  • 898 9 Great Nnrrena Attends Opening of Labour Exchanges. No more practical effort haa been made to cope with the evil* of unemployment than the inauguration of the National Labour Exchanges, twenty-one of which hare be°n opened in London and sixty four in the province#. Fraught with infinite possibilities
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  • 158 9 A great sensation was caused at the Queen’s Hall when Lady Constance Lytton gave an uccount of her imprisonment at Walton Gaol, Liverpool. At Newcastle, when she was known to be Lady Constance, her heart was carefully examined by an expert, and then she was discharged.
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  • 204 9 It’s blitherin' cold outside, And blowin’ to beat the band, And snow and sleet is a flyin' wide Over the whole broad land. The icicles hang from the eaves, And the pond and the brooks is friz*; The frost has withered the autuinu leaves.
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  • 482 9 The sixth report of the Directors to the Shareholders to be presented at the meeting on March 8 states that the net profit for the year, af'er making due proviaiou for depredation and writing off the whole of the expenses incidental to the formation of
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  • 1246 9 Preoccupied by the bs'.oric stiuggle from which we are just emerging, we have scarcely realised that Pans in particular, hut many parts also of the provinces of France have been stricken bv a great national disaster,” writes the Daily Tele graph “Nothing worse in the way of natural
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  • 205 9 .March, 1910. D H.W. L.W. H.W. LAV. A. St. A.M. r. M. I’.M. sth 5 23, 11.38, 5.52, Nil 6th 6.27, 12 t 7. 7.11, 1.31 7th 8.91, 2 26. 3,43. 3.14 Bth 9.31. 3.43, 9.56, 4.03 9th 10.10, 4.25. 10.40, 1.5« 10th Hot; 5.18, 11.80,
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  • 470 9 Sknuoh Nunks or Macao Thankkuma Writes oi His Cun* raoM Ciikkt Trouiii.k and Khkumaii-m bt Dr. Williams’ Pink I’ills. Eveiy morning's put b'bigs to the various o<iic»s of the 1) WMliiuir’ Medicine Co throughout the World, letters from grateful
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 49 9 A Remedy Which Never Fails. If troubled with iadigeilioD, constipatiou, no appetite or feel bt'ioua. (tire Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet* a trial and you will be pleased with the reault. These tablet* invigorate the stomach and liver and ■trergtben the digestion. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 349 9 FOR SALE CHINESE SCRIBBLING PAPER rOK OFFICE USE, size 12*X16", I’rice, $1 per packet of 180 full sheets. (Can be out lo 12’x B'.) OBTAINABLE AT THE CRITERION PKKSB, Ltd. 226—232, Beach Street. JUST ARRIVED. A NEW STOCK OF FINE POCKET PENCILS. ALSO Kxtra pencils to refill the finished ones,
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    • 436 9 NEW IOMKL ENGLISH GUNS Direct from the makers at lowest prices Superior far-killing Double Breechloaders from £2-10-0 each; latest model Rifles, Revolvers, eio. Illustrated price list post tree. C. JAM US A REYNOLDS, 9 Leande r Hoad, Tkorn'on Heath, Surrey, England FOR SALE. WALKER’S EVERYDAY COOKERY LOOK for tire Straits
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 559 10 FOR BALE. The Early History of Penang, 1692 —1827. BY E. G Cullin and W. F. Zehnder. (Reprinted irum the Strait» Echo.") Royal (Jiiartn, F gea. Price 91.00. MAT H4l> AT THE UK ITER.ON PREBH, Ltd., 226 231. Heach Street, Penang NOW JtEADY. “Ini Pantun Karang-Karangan.” (FOR SALE? “TALES OF
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