Straits Echo, 1 March 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 943 1 BASS’S ALE. "Siy/aov aiob m o. ■+> oo aa*i onvij. bUih NESS’S STOUT THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Heap Office —Shanghai, China. CAPITAL. TAELS 1,000,000. $200 000 deposited with the Hoolkonf Government as a special protection lor nor policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company
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    • 25 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST <rt C 5 ra 'isE s=l s ft ft 'X Tok Vc,oi9> friAWQ LEE a' Co., Sole Agintu
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  • 1205 2 [Tde Euro Asi in or Auglo Indian, a Burma brochure, by odc of the Community, Rangoon, Myles Standisb and Co., Ltd In the course of a review of the aoove book the Rangoon Times says The author of this pamphlet Ins handled a very delicate subject lu praiseworthy
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  • 445 2 Interesting Sketches by Sir Francis t’ig got t. Under (be title of "The Ito Legend,” Sir Francs Piggott girt* in tbe Ja uary Nine te>n‘h Century Home iuteiesting tkuches of He nceuily-assassinated statesman Sir Fiancis opeos with a ptctuie of Japan twenty years ago, wlieu be went
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  • 241 2 Match, 11*10. H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. Date. AM AM PM PM Ist 3.01, 9.08, 3.14, 9 21 2nd 3 28, 9 25, 3.43, 9 51 3rd 3 59. 10.08, 416. 1025 4th 4 36, 10.47, 4.58, 11,09 sth 5 23. 11.88. 5.52, Nil 6th 6.27, 12
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 61 2 A Remedy Which Never Tails. If ttoubM with inil’|(W4ti mi. c us'ipa'iou, DO appetite or f e li lull». giro Cimii. b ‘iUid'o Stomach hd<l Liv«-r Tub a trill and ji>u will be pleaded wrti he nil! t i tablet* invigorate the stiirsci an I live am] atm «'hen the
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    • 80 2 CHAPOTEAUT’S HUOi NO ITRATI'E TASTE I’ltlMTrl.E R 0 SMELL i >:> NO uvi:u NAISEA MORRHUOL I< upon .r tn Emulsions or Oil,it cure* l i :tn- lit C' ii.iuipu •11, Coughs. Brunr.itis aud Scrofula 1 uh tin> Morrhiiol capsule is extracted Iniiii a teaspoouful of ood liter oil. lull.. 1,
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    • 1574 2 Amstel Beer Ny Carlsberg Beer. For prices, apply to G. H. SLOT Co., AGENT 8. THE ENJOYMENT of your BATH will be greatly Increased if you will always use° “IDODERMENE" OTTO ROSE SOAP. NOTICE. THE usual monthly sale of Pawnbrokers’ forfeited pledges for sum* exceeding 910 will be held jnucuallrlat
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  • 39 3 V e mbIi t'rnm Ay*mtB />•« Vorck a oogapoie B M ACo 1 »1 Mar. K'eit Colombo B.M ACo. 2nd timrc'uue lioudou S. B ACo 4-h Deranlm Colombo A O AC 10th Dj'ta 3 ugapore A.O ACo. I‘J’U
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  • 32 3 fiteh For A*. Yorck Colombo B M A Co. M.r K at S t»JS<*por« B. M.ACo. B-onenuo Siugapure S B AC.. Devmha Smgafo e G <* Co. bolt» Colombo \.G A Co.
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  • Shipping.
    • 122 3 Nile. Br *s, 4,179, Mirim, 27ib Feb, London, 29(b Jan Gen.— VG- A Co. Janet Nico'l, Br. 474, Lyons. 28ih Feb Singapore, 26th Fob., Gen.—E. 8. Co., Lid Calypso, Br. hs 349 Biunatvue, lat Mar., Dali. 28 b Feb.. Tobacc >.—W. M. A Co. Liberia, G«r hh 3,869, K
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    • 62 3 1»T March Leona Ho, for Trang Bantam for Siogapoto. Calypen for Dali. Janet Nirotl, for Port Swe tenlumA Singapore Carlyle, for Teluk Atison. Pegu for Lmgii.T. Setnawe, 8-'kli, Olebleli and Sabiug Ipoh. for Pott Swotteiiliain and SingaporeYorcli. for Ceylon. Australasia, India, Aden, Egvpt and via Naples, for Europe etc.
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    • 114 3 Fob Kedah—Per Kedah, l< -morrow. II a in. Langkit—Pei Jin Ho, to-morrow, I pm, Tran# Pang Nga—I’er Deli to morrow, 1 p ir. Tel ilk Auson—Per Avagyee, to-morrow, 2 p in Dindings—Per Tong Cliay Un to-morrow, 4 pm. II» tu lithra, Asaliau and Ltugkat—Per Ayulhia, d d him,
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  • 257 3 Per 1.G.e M from Europe, <luu at Penang ou 2nd Mar 'I’o Pe l»ng Mr». L. L von Praag, Mr. C J. Sink To Singipore Mr. U Speck. Mr. O. Uliich, Mi.and Mm G. II Schulte, Mr E. Mac in pel, Mr. L II Weotholt, Mr.
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  • 16 3 China Yorck) lat Mar. German Kle »t 2nd English Decanha) ,10th China (Delta) I2'h
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  • 33 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service Outwards. Homswa ki>H. Dtvanha 10 Mar. I Dtl'.a 12 .Slur. Anaye 21 Macedonia 2‘) Exra Service OUTWltin tloMKWARD.Sardinia 14 Mar. I Nyanza .1 Uui Nore 28 Jam 18
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 746 3 P.40. Steam legation Coy. Existed Arrival* ud Depnrtarm. Mail Smrvlem. M*r. 10 Detank» 24 d«»aye Apr. 7 Delta 21 Delhi Outward. connecting with Marmora n Morta Moollan I, China Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia, FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. tat CI»m M 0tax l'o I .oudou by 8*o
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    • 339 3 (SHIPPING NORDDEUTSCHER_LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. m m ii-jit-a i'o'-* 7 r -7^;- -~7fast and wcll-kuuwu uv 1 < ean>< iso tbit Company hhil fortnightly from Bremen, Hambuig tn<i Kotrerdxni, Autworp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice verea) Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang,
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  • 102 4 JMM WMuMtTMI ut iBMIr» lien* -A«*r<~. “<aMl»k«* italli |«swr> MaMai «T TM CRITERION PRESS, Liu., No. S2ti—‘2B V. Kmcli 81 root. P«n»n« PRICK Oil 1.1 LOO AI m P« OtITBT AVIUM roatoc* Bitr» VAII BItITION (Post fraat 111 UAH IB ADDHIWI Ichn—PentiFK. r. laphotio N«. ’*4H All
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  • 625 4 There cnn be no longer any serious doubt of the Chinese Government’s earnest determination to introduce constitutional administration. It lias advanced good reasons for adhering to the date originally decided, so that proper preparations for the momentous step may be made. Numerous edicts have appeared ordering the yamena
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  • 627 4 Tli" following busines) in tin li.ih It. en done to-day Penang: Penang Tin Eichauge 12} ton* at 574 45 Eis'etn Smelting Co., 109 7490 Sinaap >re Straits Trading Co, 450 75 To’a! 5G2{ lous. Tin is quote 1 in London to-day al j£l49 cash and
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  • 124 4 Yesterday afternoon at, the R fl? Range, ihe uipiubo sof the P. L. R C held a prec tice shoot at the 290 yards range, with tbe following results: m I 8 Miss L Smith 310 27 Mis Maw ley 310 27 Miss .I Smith 310
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  • 71 4 A Pleasing Probability. The mistake cf the Telegraph C" k in converting Antbounz into am lioriamg is responsible for an erior in our spicial telegram from S ngapore y-sterd .y The probiliiliiles a r e tli it Mr. Aulbiuii z, and not Mr. Michel will come
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  • 500 4 Wednesday, March 26 p in.—Evensong and Seimon Friday. 10 a m L'taty 6 15 pm —Choir Prsctca A uui.har of motor cirs, cipable of hill c'imbing. are shortly it is understood, to be tnporUd into Hotigk ng to ply for public liiro K w ites to the
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    • 285 4 Ditr Btr Kulro 0T lnl ST **'n Echo. Will you kiudly permit me a small IDtO in your wide spread jiurnal to say „f ew words anent. tbe above subject Much that have been said from ti mp 0 time in your journal regarding tbe
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  • 515 4 A few days ago, it was repotted in ibe.-e columua that on account of a Pohceniau's illegal entry into premises N > 363, Bridge Street, tbe inmates, Chinese coolie), who were at that time gambling upstairs, scattered in a panic; one of them, who threw himself out into the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 353 4 XFOH MARBLE WORKS. IPOH-PERAZ. This business is now under tlie management of Mr. Ravensway, who has made a great reduction in all prices and who will be glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Waslilumd Stands, Cemetery Memorials of jail kinds etc., etc., on application. A large stock
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    • 60 4 The Same Old Story. The old. old story, told times without number, aod repeated over and over again for ibe last 37 years, but it is always a welcome story to those in se.rcb of health— There is nothin* in the world that cures C. ughs aod colds us <|uickly
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    • 62 4 An Excellent Liniment. E»ery family an i especially tbo»e wbo reaide in ihe country should he prorided at all times wiib a bottle of Cbaroherlaiu’a Pain Balm There is no telling when it may be wanted in case of an accident or emergency. It is most excellent in all cases
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    • 27 5 Not Reporting SmallPox. (Echo Special.) Kirkiftha Coolies Fined. Singapore, Ist Mar.— Eighty rickisba coolies were fined $25 each or 14 day*’ imprisonment for not reporting small pox.
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    • 23 5 (Echo Special.) At Singapore. Singapore, Ist March.—H.M.S. King Alfred lias arrived here. H. M. S. Monmouth hns left for Home.
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    • 40 5 (Echo Special.) Homeward Bound. Singapore, I at March.—Captain H. H. F. Stockley, who has resigned his appointment as A. D. C. to H. E. the Governor to join a rubber company, is going home by the Nyanta tomorrow.
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    • 24 5 (Echo Special.) Sold Singapore, Ist March.—Mr. Ong Kim Wee of Malacca has acquired Messrs. I’aterson Simons’ Singapore premises for $30,400.
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    • 190 5 (Supplied by Reuter,) Barnes at Grimsby. fiondor, 28th Feb.—Mr. G. N Barnes, Chairman ot (lie Libo.r Party, speaking at (linnsby, said that if he was convinced Hover unit'll! would carry both the Budget and the anti veto legislation be was unconrerun I as to the order of
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    • 38 5 (Supplied hy Reuter Appeal to Kutttia. Loudon, Ist March.—The Timet correspondent at St. I'eiersburg states that the Malm Lama has appealed to Russia to support him, conjointly with Great Britain, agaiust the unprovoked aggression of the Chinese.
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    • 31 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Factorica Shut Down. London, Ist Match.—Flood* are reported in Belgium. Many factories were compelled to shut down and the lower quarters of Liege are fl >oded.
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    • 130 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Extensions of Short Time. London, 28tb Februiry—Further extensions of the International Organisation of short time in cotton spinning have been ffected. They include Auatri* 30% Spindles of boib American and Egyptian are being reduced 33 for the half year; Belgium a day a week
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    • 22 5 (Supplied by Reuter Nine Companies a Day. London, 28:b February.—Nine new rubber companies were announced to-day. This ia a day's record.
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  • 197 5 It is a sign of the times tbat many of the rubber estates in the Federated Malay State*, which received loans from the Gov erument for the purpose of development and upkeep, have already been able to repay such loaus. and carry on work by means of
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  • 683 5 We recently offered a few remark* about some Singapore contacts," Chinese who had occupied a bouse in which a caae of contagious disease occurred, being marched off with (heir queue* tied together. The following extract from a Singapore paper abowa one reault of such barbarous behaviour The
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  • 3451 5 Conclusion of Evidence Sheikh Abu Bakar, cont suing, said lie put the men on duly because betiu.ted them A European neighbour was also Ilia frioud, but be could uot give his mime. His iufor mat ion was tbat some boxea had come bv the i French
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  • 163 5 Ataivan. Per is. Ipoh. 28. b Feb, from Singapore: I lie Lady Superior, Miss Campbell, Miss Dui'grn Mus Gomes, Miss M D'Alineide, Miss P. D'Atmcida. Messrs W Stanley Lonsdale. Spulinun. J A S Basagoi'i, W Lough and J G. Cht Dey From Port Swet tenhsni M ssrs I) Phillip,
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  • 60 5 To- HAT. 20'h Di» of Ist Vooii Sr.’s Diy. Wayiing Inche'i Puteh. Baktoin and Biktim." King Street Tin «tie, 9 pm. To-Moaaow 21st Day of Ist Moon St. Chad. Penang Hunt Club I'.iie chare Town Baud, Espl.usd ,6 to 7 j.m L 'die R >vhl Piilies of W
    60 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 293 5 ALEMBIC Chemical Works, BOMBAY AND BARODA, AWARDED 18 GOLD MEDALS. H I G fT-VL ASS Chemicals Perfumery Essences Attars Syrups Inks Patent Medicines. WANTED SUB.AUENTS K K F. X. N JOIIOHK, SINUAl’OttF. Sole Agents for S. S. and F.M.S Mrails Supply Agency, IUS||0|> STKF.FT, PKNANU. RANTED. Smart H desman (Chinese)
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  • 95 6 Mr. A Staines Minders, lbe Organising Manager of the International Rubber and Allied Trade* Exhibition. L'd announce* that, at the Exhibition which will be open next year from June 12'b to 28 b itclume the rate* for spec-) will be four (billing* fora iquire foot and
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  • 329 6 Annul Report for 1909. Following is the annual report of the above club:— The Committee beg to submit to tbe members their rrp r »nd bil-tt.ce sheet for 1909 Tbe number of subscribing members at tbe end of tbe year was 56 There were in
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  • 137 6 The fruitful results of tbe increased attention which baa been directed to tbe study of tropical diseases during recent yeers have been extremely encouraging, and widespread interest is being aroused by the announcement that a coogtes* of tbe Far Eastern Society of Tropical Medicine is ebout
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  • 199 6 The Tin Proaperls A correspondent write* Mi W. Kellie Smith, Maoaging Director of the Kellaa Estate at Bitu Oajab, ha* just left for borne to at’eod a meeting of t e Directors of tbe Company This company, with the c imperatively low ospital of jC4 >.OOO, La* an
    199 words
  • 288 6 Japanese newspapers are now, in essential respects, like those of America and Europe They have scat* of editors, reporters, and correspondents, and era tbe organa of partiea and interest*. They publish illustrations, and pride tbe so selves on promptness, enterprise, and accuracy. They ate. however, a
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  • 407 6 Terrible Allegation* Against Rubber Planters. Tbe Americon Mayeu tee for February, publishes aeotber article on tbe alleged slave trade horrors in Mexico, following np its exposure of tbe existesee of slavery on tbe tobacco plantations in tb-* Mexico detailed to its December number. Tbe present artieia is from
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  • 121 6 Pbnano, Ist March. (Hy courttt y of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4} 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4} n 3 Credit 2/4JJ n 3 Documentary.. 2/44 Calcutta, Demand Bank Ra. 174} 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174} Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’ sight Private
    121 words
  • 195 6 Gold l«*f 96i.8> 3.1 fcp( ei (W Coast 31b*.5 ox.) no stock White Pepp-e |?5 —buyers Trang Pepper 16 25 buyers Clove* 7 0—sel'ers Mace 83. sell-rs Mac* Picking» 7'*.—safer NutmegV 110 s I*. sr tiers C No. 1 7 t—sales Sugar < 2 no stock (Basket 5 '.O
    195 words
  • 181 6 Pbwaw», U* Muci. Is-lo B ««r- 8o«P P~ e»nv U Bowl H Steaks h 24 Stew or Curry Mm' 16 Bump Steak 24 0* Tail «1. :jo Toegu* 55 m Feet 15 30 L,TW per can, 35 Poe*— Feet 24 Tongue jj Muttow porin. 40 Head each 50
    181 words
  • 1292 6 6 a I .18 ■5 r Numliero- zj C W S 2 Cip U‘. Sliare» > !>»idei«1s Namss J iMued I 5 X. J. 1 iL I 2_ ,19 6119 1908 1909 191i Rubber, pc p.c pc. p.c. p c in,Mi l 0 ***** 1 Oil or p 0
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 30 6 Tbe curative action of (jonosail i* attributed to ita being antiseptic and aDse-tbetic Manufactured br J D. Riedal Ltd Iteriin and sold in form of rapenUa. 4ri in a bottle
      30 words
    • 86 6 Internal Treatment Not Necessary for Rheumatism. Full? ni e cut of eeery leu caret of rhecmjiitm I» amply ihtuma'iam of tbe tnua e'e» due to cold or «{«nip, 0' chronic rheum turn, neither of which require any internal I’eatmeot. All that ia oteded to iff >rd le I ef ia
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    • 30 6 The most rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by treatment with (jnnOHatt (Kawa Santa).) Booklet and sample to medical men free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemists.
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  • 788 7 Mr Ha. nurd Djiwiu. iu «n article in fry’» Maja iae illustrated by Ton Bidvds, sjy* 'bo cti.ef tihiuda on tbs links of Tientsin sis of a rather gruesome character, since they consist of the graves of deceased Chinai meu 'I lie moduro golfing architect
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  • 274 7 I A (Viilniaritiii Still Lend* Aetlvo Life. A l 0 h birthday celebration, leinai kable iu msuy tesp cts, wis «debated iu a lit lie cottage at Heightnw'on, three milor f ont Lincoln, vs'odiv 117 Ii n't Mis Aun Speed ita teal osnlenuiian. She si ill etij iya
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1287 7 INIURAMOKI, the LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. WUORPOR AT ED BY EOYAL CUAETEE A.D. 1790. rnUE undesigned having been appointed Agent* for the above Corporation, are AB now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current ratea. PATERSON. SIMONS Oo. Ltd. 19o Quardian Assurance Oompany, Limited Established 1821. Subscribed CapiUl M
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    • 44 7 Stand* Unrivalled. Clumlieilaiu Cotryli konedy ofve r disappoints tlio.e ,t for obstinate coujlih, col In and irritations of tie tbroat iud unK*. I' stands mu>ivallrtl a. a remedy tor all I lire r* an 1 lunii disuse*. Fo. «ale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 950 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha. OS.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. a«01DIM* AT /Vo. 21a, Penang Road. A lew do«ri from the Eastern and Orlenta Hotel. o mth» FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC, Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8 each. TEA
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