Straits Echo, 26 February 1910

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 924 1 bu IN N ESS’S STOUT. TIANQ Lee 00. 4 I m 'V, ir' SOt£ 40£A75. BASS’S ALL TIIE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hud Orrici— Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. $21)0 000 deposited with the Hoogkonf Government as a special protection for oor policy holders The ONLY company that has
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    • 27 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST'. X I ft s ol 2 V, 'Z.W z fh Oa_ 3 £CKI wj nriAWO LEE A Co., Sole Agiau.
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  • 1605 2 Au Important Ruling. The following report. from The Time* 10 i the care of African Association Ltd. r. Allen i should be of interest:— This was a special case stated by arbitrator* for the opinion of (he court By an agreement dattd May 2. 1907, be tween the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 34 2 (Jonnsatl I in capsules) i» well tolerated hr the dujestire appnatus no complication of snf sort occurs, and its action is most fi «ruble in Cjstitis. Approved by the le-tdiug specialists of the dav
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    • 185 2 A, m.*RIGAUD’S Kahahga OF JAPAfI TOILET WATER Beware of imitationt. **r RIGAUD C* PERFI'MERS 8. rue Vivienne. 8 Fi't-f ranct NOTICE. Wauted to puicbate a 10-12 Horae Power Motor Car wbich mu*' he brou bt for inspection to the Public Woika Depaitment. F’lriicuUrs of car to be amt to the
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    • 1429 2 Amstel Beer Ny Carlsberg Beer. TO LET. N'> 17«. Notth.m R td—unfurnished. Ftou> Ist Modi 1010. KOH COMPANY SINGAPORE 17-1 1 38 Apply to ALLEN DENNYS4 CO TO LET. 1 10 For prices, apply to G. H. SLOT Co., AGENTS. PRITCHARD CO. Great Reduction. Special Offer for 2 Weeks Only.
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  • 38 3 Vr.nth trnm Dm* Singapore A Q A Co. Dtith Fob. Yo»ck Singapore B M ACo Ul M<tr. Kl«>«i Colombo M ACo. i oil Heuvtiaue Condon S B AC.» 4 li Devnnlia Colombo A O ACV lO’b
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  • 33 3 r t$*tt Fow A itemA »«*y« Yotolt Kleial BanTCDU* DeTjnti* Colombo A (1 A Co Colombo B M ACo. Siognpore M.MwACV Singapore S B ACo. Singapore A 0 ACo 1 1 1
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  • Shipping.
    • 75 3 Turn, Br sa 3.651, Acbesoo, 26th Kelt. Singapore, 24th Feb, Gen.—H. L. A C". Seneca. Hi. s 3171. Grimes, 26th Feb, Singapore, 24th Feb., Gen.—A. G. A Co. Sea Belle, F M. 8. Yacht, Ahum), 26'h Fob., Singapore, 24!h Feb, Gen F. M. S- Govt. Clinton, Br. a 106
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    • 90 3 26th Fbhbuary Tara, for Rangoon and Calcutta. Mi'hima Marn for Colombo and Tuticonn. Jiu Ho, for Langkat. Ifory Austin, for Asahan. Brie Bangka, for Trang. Aoagyee for Teluk Anson. Ansa ye, for Cevlou.Austrulasia, India, Aden. Mauritius, Kgvpt and via Brindiai, for Europe etcHerkut, for Deb and Langsa. Atjch, for
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    • 48 3 Koa Singapore. China A Japan—Per Glamorgaiiihire, 28tb inataut, II n in. Singapore and Hongkong—Per Lai Sang, 28th inatant, 3 p.m. Poll Swettenhaui and Singapore—Per Ivoh, let proximo, 4 p in. Ceylon. Australasia. India, Aden, Egypt and via Naplee, for Europe eto —Per Yorck, let proximo, Cpui.
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  • 329 3 Per P. and O. aa. Nile, from Loudon, Jan. 29, due at Penang on 28th Feb- To Penang M». Starkie, Min C. E. Minnitt, Mr. and Mr». O. L. Vermont. Mr. G. Cowan. Miaa B. E. M. Evans, Mr. aud Mra. P. J. Sweeney. To Singapore
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  • 16 3 Cbina (Aetaye) ...26th K«>l>. China Yorck) 1st Mar. German (Kleiet) 2nd Engliah Devanha) ...10th
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  • 37 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Servlca Odtwabus. Homiwabim. Devanha 10 Mar. I Attaye 26 Feb. Ateaye 24 Delia 12 Mar Extra Service Octwakd* Hoaewaau. Nile 27 Feb. I Nyanu i 3 Mat Sardinia 14 Mar. I Java IS
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1221 3 (SHI P P I NO.) Expected Arrivala tad Departure*. Mall Sarvlea. Oat ward. connaetiag with Mmrmora f. Morta Mooltan China Mar. 10 Devanha 24 Auaye Apr. 7 Della 21 Delhi Hemewarl. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. M UUm M Oka* I’n I .ondon by
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  • 93 4 jMtw» «aUiflM iwyMi a»4 Um-. w nhiuiiMi dally (Mon»> AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, UJ., No. 846—SOT. H««ch Btrwl. P«"»»S PKIOK: >411*1 LOOAI ..9m onnenM (MITHT4TIOHR 1*0»«—» <411 i»itiow (Poet Oreel II» UAHI.W 4I>I>KP8H »'ct*n Penan*.’' r eleftlio«» No 14» 411 boelnem rooMwonlrotlooe ehonld lx uldieend T»i Ibiiai,.
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  • 536 4 The newt that China has pushed an army to Lhassa and sent the Dalai Lama scurrying towards the Indian frontier for protection, is as unexpected as it is disturbing. No one exactly knows what induced her to adopt such forceful measures against a vassal state. Probably she is copying
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  • 376 4 Even a yearly vote of $50,000, which, we suspect, few Municipal Commissioners would be bold enough to sanction, would hardly be sufficient for antimalarial work if it is to be carritJ out systematically and thoroughly. It may happen with us as it did in Singapore in a case
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  • 153 4 At a recent meeting of the Municipal Commissioners the President stated that it was hardly fair to ask whether the Penang Road extension of the Municipal Tramway system was paying its way, inasmuch as the extension was not yet complete, it being proposed to carry the extension as
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  • 29 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament.. Following was ibe resul' el the tie plnv-d yesterday Championship Final F Eicbenberg (Holder) G. B F. Sjutbam (Runner. up) 6—2; 6—3; 6—3
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  • 46 4 Tbe Hip odrorae closea ita season tonight. when the faiewell pei fornmuce will be giveu at 9 3J, besides tbe matinee tbia allernoon The compsny I area to-morrow by a.s Merit m. going to l)eli, where we hope tbi-v will bare plenty ot luck
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  • 81 4 Tbe following huainess in tin baa been doue to day Peimng Penang I in Exchange) $75 05 buyei a, no teller a j K isletn Smeltiug Go., 50 tons at 70 15 Singapore Straits Trading Co', 210 76 20 Total 260 ton«. Tin la quoted
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  • 554 4 Til 1*1) f UNI) Y IN LEN Nl. tieorge'N Church. 8 a.m —Matina (Choral). 8-;M) a in —Holy Communion (Plain i. 10 am.— Matins (Chinese). 5 p.m.—Sunday School. 6 p.m —Evensong ami Senuoi). I‘rcHbyterian Church. Divine service will be held in tbe Presbyterian Church. Nort bam Road,
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    • 56 4 (Echo Special.) District Grand Lodge, Eastern Archipelago. Singapore, 26th Feb.-Last night n°n u r F *'h M 'i? lli t was inKtall D J* the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago i„ succession to R. W. Bro. W. J. Napier. Wor. Bro. A. R. Adams succeeds \Vor Bro.
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    • 27 4 (Echo Special.) Dr. Lucy Appointed. Kuala Luiupur,—2sth February.—Dr S. H. Lucy bus been appointed Senior Medical Officer of Perak, with headquarters at Ipoh.
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    • 55 4 (Echo Special.) Ulan Nempan. Kuala Lumpur, 25th February.— The application lists of the Utan Sent pan flotation are full. Han Hoek Hoe. A London Syndicate will acquire the new Amherst Estate, now known as the Ban Hock Hoe Estate, near the Batu Caves. It was originally opened as a
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    • 61 4 (Echo Specia l New Appointments. Singapore, 26th February.—The following appointments are gazetted: Mr. W. Duncan succeeds the Hon. John Turner on the Immigration Committee. Mr. J. Mitchell succeeds the Hon. John Turner on the Penang Committee of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board. The Hon. A. R. Adams succeeds
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    • 22 4 (Echo Special.) Mr. Crane’s Examination Closed. Singapore, 26th February.—The examination of Mr. H. A. Crane closed in the Bankruptcy court to-day.
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    • 242 4 (Supplied ly Reuter.) Fiscal Amendment Rejected. Loudon, 25th February —The fi*c*l airenduieot to tbe Budget moved by Mr. Austen Chamberlain was rejected by 285 votes to 254. a majority of 31. '1 be Nationalists, tbe O'Brienites sod two R.dioals abstained from votiug. Tbe Labour members supported theGovernmeut. The
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    • 73 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Quest lon in Parliament. I, union, 25tb February.—Tbs Matter of Elibank. replying in tbe House of Gommoot to Mr J Wedgwood, Liberal member for Newcsstle-uuderLyne, «aid that be would ascertain the number of indentured Indiana os tbe rubber plantationa in tbe F.
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    • 98 5 (Supplied by Reutei.) The Slav llond. London, 26tli February.—The Tear of Kuaaia gave a banquet in honour of Taar Ferdinand of Bulgaria at St. Peteraburg In propoaing tbe toaat of hit guest the Taar congratulated Bulgaria on her independence aud aaid that lie waa convinced that the
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    • 26 5 (Supplied by Reuter Still Rising London, 26 h Febru iry.—Tbe Seine ia •till riling Tbe Eastern diatiicta of Paris are being ri H loded
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    • 96 5 (Supplied by Reuter Providing lor Loss of Rorenno. Lmdon, 26 b Feb—Reuter’s correspondent at Calcutta state* that Mr Fleetwood Wilson bad introduced a Budget wbicb imposes fresh taxes in order to provide for the rxpocted loss of Ks. 1,872,000 ou opium The nt w duties will include
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    • 416 5 lied by Reuter.) a t Dalai Lama at Kalimpong. London, 26th February —The Dalai t Lima has arrived at Kalunpong after a f journey of great haidahip, but he waa willingly helped by the Bhudiat Sikkimese, t His arrival caused great excitement. t Owing to preasure on our apace
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 270 4 THE GEANT HOTEL, The ONLY First Class Hotel in Perak, An Ideal Place for Families Spending Week Ends. Single and Double Bedrooms with Private Bathrooms. Electric Bells. Tennis. Excellent Cuisine, Cold Storage Supplies Weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter Meets All Trains. TERMS MODERATE. Trlkokamh CREET, 1 poll. P. Z GREET,
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    • 36 4 Painful Breathing. Chamberlain’* Cough Rimed; >* a very valuable medicine for throat and lung troublea, quickly relieve* and cure* painful breathing and a dangeroualy aounding cough which indicate* oongeatcd lung*. For aale by all Diapensariea and Dealer*.
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  • 2118 5 Thursday’! Straite Timet reports The bearing of tbe action in which two Chinese named Tan Jee Kwang and Ab Moey sue Mr. E. A Gardiner, acting chief polioe officer, Singapore, to recover 93,000, was continued, before tbe Chief Juatice. yesterday. Mr. Perkins appeared for plaintiffs, Mr. Crabh Watt,
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  • 785 5 The Straits Timet, in a leading article a few weeks ago. comment'd adversely upon the valuation of tbe Kuala Pabi Es'atn. Iu a letter to that journal Mr. K H. J. Ward, tbe valuer, thus explaius hie valuation Sir, —A* *be valuer referred to in ibe
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  • 527 5 I hose who wore privileged to visit ou Tuesday the coal mine recently dircovered near Rtwang ha I an interesting xpeiiuDce In addition to Mr. F. J B Dykes, Senior Warden of Mines, who hail arranged the visit, tboie were Messrs. W Trump Diieclor of Public Woik»,
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  • 101 5 The habit of abbreviation is growing among a generation that piefe s Ibe rhort story to the three-volume novel, aud the quick lurrch to tbe more leisurely meal of its predecessors We have heard of the reporter who contracted trnnsubstautiatiou into •tn’’ And it is not long
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  • 18 5 D>pa rtsd. Per sa Miilayn, 25th Feb, for Dili Mi. and Mrs. Schubert and child, Mr. Hayden,
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  • 85 5 To-nav. 17th Day of Ul M oon. Cricket P RC. vt C.H.C.. Victoria Groeu Criiket PCC. v* Bu'terworth, Esplanade. Penang Golf Club Aunml General Meeting Town Hind. Golf Club, 9 15 p hi. Wayang Inche'i Puteh, Sieful Kabar,” King Street Theatre. Hippodrome Circua, Dato Ktimat Gardena 4 '30 a
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  • 20 5 I,»m: QiiwriJ" M*r. 4 h O New Moou ll'h K'ir»* Qu;iri(*i 18 b O Full Moon 26 h
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 119 5 THE HIPPODROME <IItOUH jku MKNAUKHIK. K HYSA( K. Proprietor <ml A fonajer POSITIVELY LAST MATINEE, TO-DAY, I -30 FAREWELL PERFORMANCE, TO-NIO HT, y-3 0 Special train* will lun after the pcrfoi in iron 8.0. AIiKLL. J. HOBB, A JACKSON. Director Prete lt‘ pretentative Re pretentative. NORTHAM HOUSE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, 16,
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    • 377 5 ALEMBIC I Chemical Works, BOMBAY AND BARODA, AWARDED 18 GOLD MEDALB. Syrups Superior Syrups. HIGH-CUSS SHERBETS. Fresh Pure Cooling. Sole Agent» for S. S. and F.M.S., Straits Supply Agency, BISHOP STREET, PENANG. THE 6REAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkad OrricicSINGAPORE. Life Assurance and Endowment in All Forma. LIBERAL POLICIES.
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  • 1512 6 The 1906 Agri-Herti Show. i The following was written by Mr. Q. A. 1 Hall after tbe 1906 Show. an I coutains very many sensible hints for the successful 1 management of Shows like the Agri-Horti cult Wat. Mgs tbe 8. F P. Am 10
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  • 117 6 P*NANO, 26TH FfBRCARY {By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4* 4 months' sight Bank 2/4| 3 Credit 2/41$ 3 Documentary.. 2/4* Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174| 3 days’ siglit Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174* Moulmein, Demand Bank 173jj 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras. Demand Bank
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  • 193 6 Gold leaf »6t.BU 3.1 er(W Coast 31ba.5 oz.) no stock White Pepper 125 buyer» IVaug Pcppei 16 —buyer» Clives 75— teller» Mice S‘S.— ielUn Mace Pick'iK-n 7<>. —tales Nutm-eg* 110 s I s i.O tellers f No. I 6SJ talet Sugar < 2 no stock (.Basket 505 talet T.pioo
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  • 164 6 FBHAHe, 26th Feb*cabt, mo. BB,r_ rt*. U P P*»f lull, 14 Koast Steak* 24 Stew or Curry Meat Rump Steak Ox Tail Tongue Feet 7. Heart JJ Liver per catty 35 Pobk—- lTnMt a) Tongue I J d P«r"b. 5 «*cb so JjjL *w 30 “'P® each 35
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  • 887 6 C ip.wl. 1909 -«'s 1905) 1905 11« *4 190« 1909 19 9 1909 1908 1907 190« 1909 1904 1905 190« 1901* 190« 1905 1907 190« 190« 1904 1900 190« 190« 1909 1905 190« 1907 1907 1906 1908 1895 1907 190« 1903 19 9 1909 190« 1909 11*09 1909 »9i*4
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 25 6 The first violent inflammatory symptom» quickly disappear after treatment with Riedel's tioiOUD Capsules. No better preparation now on the market. Certified by the leadinK Specialists.
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    • 99 6 Touches the Spot. Sick beidache is caused by a disordered condition of the stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. For sale by ail Dispensaries and Dealers Ffi /s JUST MS MM MDVEKTISIMTNI PROS HAifEiU Lit. BTL SXS to yoo oat tlltli lOlUll* tta» lot,
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  • 380 7 Stimulation oHhe Japanese Example. i lie immense potentialities of Clnua from the commercial poml of view, says Engineer ini, bus been a theme of «peculation for a ,ou 8 tilDe althoUKh the promises from lime to tinio of a great industrial awakemug h«ve not beeu fu,filled to
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  • 375 7 A Nlarfliitt; Dincoverj. lii all the tales and dramas of crime non so much the fashion no incideut more strange at d giisly has been imagined thau the sight llial met tho at teat ion of a policeuiau ou the 16 hot Hepteui er last
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 862 7 INSURANCES, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720 fIYHE undersigned Laving been appointed Agentc for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rate*. PATERSON, SIMONS Jk Co. Ltd. 12c Guardian Aaauranc* Company, Limited, Established 1821. Subscribed Capital 42.000,000 Total Invested
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    • 206 7 Diphtheria—How It May He Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the chihl has a cold. The cold prepared tbo t hild'd eyn'ein for the reception and development of th» dtph'heiia germs. When ihere are cased of diphtheria in the neighli ')i hood children that have cold a should be k-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1065 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late oj Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. ".urges Moderate, CcnsuUation Free. ft»jUDiX« AT /Vo. 21a, Penang Hoad. A lew iloori from the Eastern and Orlenta Hotel. 6 tnth» FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. TEA TEA SOLE AGENTS FOB TENANQ. PATERSON, SIMONS Co. Ltd THU
      1,065 words

  • 267 9 Official linutm. Minutes of s Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Wednesday, the 9 h February. 1910 PresetU F. J. Hsllifax. Esq Prmdent Qush Heng Ken, Esq J YV Hsllifax, Esq. Abunt L. H. Clayton, Esq. Lim Cheng Teik. Esq Dr. P. V. Locke. Minutes of tbe
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  • 596 9 "Mr Asquith riouoe more tbe chief oitiaen of the British Empire,” write* Mr. A G Gardiner, the editor of the Daily Newt He return* to the helm of S'ate with the sanction of «II that i« moat significant and virile iu the nation. No personal
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  • 1313 9 PROGRESS OF SUPPLY DURING LAST FEW YEARS Future Market Prices. The Economist, of January 22, has the following articles— Interests in the rubber market has suffered littlw or no abatement in conavquence of tb*ele*tien fever that left ita mark on most otter Indus trie*, and the circle
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  • 314 9 A Fortune Lost Hid Mr. Fraser Mrckeize, of lvau-lene wera and YVsriapolla who planted Tar» rubber in 1878, been aware of tbe value of bis trees he would now bn a very rich man, or rather, a great deal richer tliau he is I He obtained
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  • 315 9 Decree Nisi Against Actress who Collaborated. It. was stated iu a theitrical su t before Sir Jobu Bigham. Tresident of the Divorce Court, that the no respondent, Mr. W iliam .1 Locke, was "interested in theatrical matters, "and 'had written a piar Mr. Percy John Hamilton Close
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  • 357 9 It is sppareutly the desite ol the Govern men! to foster the c conu' industry, aud His Excellency referred specificilly to this branch of agricultural enterprise on the eocasion referred to above. At thit time tbe previous rubber boom was it its heigh', and planters were beginning systematically to
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  • 278 9 February, 1910. H.YV. L.YV. H.W, L.W. A. M. A M. P. M. P. M. 2«tb 1 21*. 7.37, 1 45, 7.54 27th 2 01, 8 09, 2.1«. 8 24 28th 2.31, 8.39, 2.4«. 8.54 Times of Sunrise and Sunset for February, 191«. Datk. Slnrisi:, Sunsct. 2«thto2Bth
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 53 9 Costa But a Trifle. Wbile it if often unposiible to prerent an accident, it it nerer imponible to be pi** pared—it ii not beyond any one’» purie. Buy a bottle of Chamberlain 1 Pain Balm and you are prepared for ipraiw, bruieee and like lnjunei. For «ale by all Diep*n*|
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    • 55 9 Do You Want Relief Are you frequently hoarse Do you hare that ancoyinß tickling in your tbroat P I>oea your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise mucue in the morning P Do you wan relief? If «ok« Chamberlain’» Cough Remedy and you will be plowed. For aale
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    • 223 9 Darlington's Handbooks. Nothin); belter eoul 1 be wished for British Weekly. Far superior to ordinary guides."— Daily ChronicleVisitors to London (and Residents) should use D^-TILIITa-TOIT^S LONDON Very emphatically tops them all.” Daily Graphic. A brilliant book,”— Thu Times- Particularly good.”— Academy. ARjn Bv E. C. Cook AND sth Kdition Revised
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    • 1024 9 Two Escapes of a Charming Performer. Oae a Stage incident; the other a real danger in private life. Her doctor's recognition of the value, in severe Nervous Breakdown, of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. out of nervous and mua cular energy such dating feats are performed "In Nosember.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 554 10 FOR SALE. The Early History of Penang. /for sale. 1592—1827. BY E. G. Cullm and W. F. Zehndtr. (Reprinted Irttm the Strait* hchn. Koval Quarto. 4-4 I' Rea. “TALES OF MALAYA,” “SOUTHERN CROSS,” Price 91.00. Containing 18 Tory interesting short stories dealing with life in the Malay Peninsula. (241 PAGES
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