Straits Echo, 23 February 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1010 1 GUINNESS'S STOUT. L m* W, !>> 1 m V NO^ 3iv s.ssva THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. *200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government an a special protection for our policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company frr the
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    • 6 1 rtANG LEE St Co., Sole Agent*.
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  • 473 2 Ire. Besant’n Appeal. c In tbe February number of tbe Central i Hindu College Magazine.” just published, i Mrs. Annie Besant makes au appeal to the i Government and to Eur'jeans. An old I student of the Hindu College, while entering a railway carriage, was addiessed. as
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  • 640 2 Tbe ladi in Daily Non of !i lustwii held at IJiicuiln mi Tuosday, to tliiuk Hi* Eicelleucv tbe Viceroy for the nomination of the Hon. Mr. C Madge to tbi Imperial Legislative Couucil and to congratulate tbe lion Mr. Madge on bia a,poiu'ment. Mr. Tbos McMorr.u presided
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  • 72 2 February, 1910. H.VV. L.W. H.W. LW. Date. AM A.M. P. M P. M. 23rd 11.39, sNil. 6.19 24th 12.02, 63b, 12.01, 7.03 25th 1253, 7.06. 114. 7.23 26th 1.29, 7.37, 1 45, 7.54 27th 201, 8 09, 2.16, 8.24 28th 2.31, 8 39, 2.46, 8.54 Times
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 51 2 Costs Blit a Trifle Wbi'e it i«oflFQ impoigib'e to prcteu! hi accident, it CfTtr impose b'o to be p.i pared—it ia uot beyond an? oua’a pune Buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Pam 15.In and you are prepared for sprain*, b ui-e* au.l like iuj'ines. For sale by a'l I*i»peulane* ami
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    • 375 2 Diphtheria-How It May Be Avoided. D phtheru i. usutl'y contacted wbeu the chill ha* a c»ld. '1 he fold pirparea the cbild'a ayatem far the leceftmn ai d dev I opmeut of the d pb’bcua «emis. When tbme me ci«»a of diphthe-ia in the neitth borhood child-rn that have colda
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    • 632 2 PRITCHARD CO. Great Reduction. I Special Offer for 2 Weeks Only. Orders by Post Receive Prompt •22 Attention SINGLE TERAI HATS Pearl, Fawn and Steel, Nett $3-35. Note.- —In Fawn Colour, Sizes 7, 7£, Only. THE ENJOYMENT of your BATH will be greatly Increased If you will always use "IDODERMENE”
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    • 914 2 rubber. Experienced Tippers w inted at once I (for Deli and Sumatra). Malaya or Chinese referred. Good salaries tor competent men, and travelling expenses paid. Apply, P. BAERLOCHER, 22 2 10 140ue Rnnnymede Hotel MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. The Aome of Quality. iy TO LET. 168: No 17a. Northern Road-unfurnished. Proin
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  • 51 3 Vettelt brum Agent Dui Mice lonu Colombo A 0 ACo. 23 r d Ftb. Amiifl Singapore ,A.G ACo. 20 b Y orcli Singapore B M ACo 1st Mar. K'e at Colombo B M ACo. 2ud Hon yonue Condon 3 B ACo 4 b Deranha Colombo A G ACo.
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  • 32 3 I’rttrll r..r 4y« T*' Macedonia Singapore A.O ACo. Feb. Aixi.i v 0 (Jolomb > .Q ACo. Yotck Colombo B M ACo Mrr. Kleiat Singapore B.M.&Co. BauveDua Singapore S.B.ACo Ddvauba SiDgajore G ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 133 3 Mary Auttm, Br. 121. Allan, 2t)ib Feb., Asaban, I9ih Feo, Gen—E. 8. Co Janet Nicoll. Br. t s. 47*. Lyons, 21st Feb., Siugapote, 19th Feb., Gen—E S. Co. Ltd Br r.s„ 2 494 Harrison, 22nd Feb., Calcutta, 15th Feb. Coal— P. 8 A Co Perak Br. s.s-, 258
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    • 35 3 23rd Fkbruaky Thonyioa, for Negapatam aud Madras. Deli, for Pang Nga and Trang. Avagyee, forTeluk Anson Tong Chay Un, for Dmdings. Macedonia, for Singapore, China and Japan. Plying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taipiog.
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    • 99 3 Foi K ><Ju.h—Per Kedah, to morrow. 7 »ui. Paugkalan Brands n —Per Petrel, tomorrow, 1 p m. Deli—Per Perak, to-morrow. 1 p.m. Port Swettonham, Port Diokaon ami Malacca— Per Cornelia, tc-morrow. 1 p.m. TraDg— J er Leung Ho, to morrow, 1 p m. Port Sweteuham and Singapore—Per Teeeta,
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  • 402 3 .tan. an, connecting wTin urn iWared-mia at Colombo, tlue at Penang on 23rd Feb To Penang: Mr. L. B. Fisher, Mr. F. 11 ibinaon, Mr. aud Mta. J. 11. Richards, Mr. A. A Craigben, Mr. H. E. Maaon, Mi It. N. Kicharda, Mr. W. Meade, Mr.
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  • 39 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Service OOTWAEOM. HoMRWAana Macedonia 2d Feh. I A eta ye 26 Feh Devanha 10 Mar. Delia 12 Mar Extra Service OctwaHH Host aw Aar Nile 28 Feb. I Nynnta Mar Sardinia It Mar. Jam 18
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 916 3 P.&O. Steam Navigation Co UiptafltMl Arrivals and Departure*. Mail 8«rvlo«. Outward. F«b. 23 Macedonia connecting with Mongolia Mar 10 Devanha Marmora 24 A tea ye Mona Apr. 7 IMta Moot tan 21 Delhi China Homeward. Date, Steamer. Connecting with S.S. Due |London, Feb. 26 A eta ye iPertia Mar. 12
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    • 457 3 (SKIPPING,) NORDDEITSCHER JIOYD, BREMEN. lUPERIAL GERJtAN MAIL LINE. A i '>*** S »-4. Je- —^3.— Xis &-r' fTIHE fast and well-known m 1 < camera n this Company sail fortnightly from Bremon Alain but g via Louoiu.iin, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa. Naples' (connect, on Naples. Alexandra an,! rice versa)
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  • 89 4 i »-r»r* muMw mryboif ud )aatte« Hon* t dftily (ffi«o*pt Wwdtfi) tf TRI CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. SVfi—2BV. Hooch 81 root. Polling PRICK: •lAII.V UMIAI *M pm un« MITSTATIONS tlMp Oltn. «All. OIMTIOH IPM Pnol 111 UAKI.B AOORBBB Echo—Penang.” Tolophona No. 848 •0 To* Hapaooo. MaUot Intoodod
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  • 874 4 Thu Malay Mail thinks that the trouble ahead for rubber planters and shareholders alike is scarcity of labour. The Straitt Tim ss thinks the coming trouble is bankruptcy, due to over-capi-talization. Our Singapore contemporary says, the future of cultivated rubber is most certainly assured, for it can beat
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  • 691 4 The following business in tin has l>een done to day: Singapore Straits Trading Co, f buyers, no sellers j 170 b0 Penang: Penang Tin Exchange, 25 tons at 76 15 Eastern Smelting Co. 50 76 60 Total 75 lone. Tin is quoted in London to-day
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  • 23 4 A ride Ims bien arranged for Sunday morning; meet on the arade Ground at 7 o'clock and fiuish at Uulenhurst
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  • 54 4 Lawii Tennis Tournament. Following wan I bo result ot l bo tie pl*y»d yesteiduy Single Handicap, Class B. (Final): Darward beat Oxeubam 8 6; 4-6; 6 2. Tbe following lie b >s been fixed (or Friday, 26 b lost.: Cbainpioiislnp Fiual: F. E obrnberg (Hoi,lot) VK G
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  • 128 4 Following are the Agenda for to morrow's meetiug of the Municipal Commission 1. Minutes of last meeting to be lead and ooufirmed. 2 Any special business tbe President miy bring forward. 3 Q Ration*. 4 Letter from Government re nomination of Mr A M Pouutuuy ns a Municipal
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  • 301 4 Ail Impatient Medico. The other day, says tha Pa it, Buutar correspondent of tho Perak Pioneer, cur Magistrate Rji Chilian was engaged in healing a care m which Dr Dill -lood ctiurg ed with voluntarily oausiug hurt to two P. W. D coolies named Ayaeamy
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  • 443 4 Defendants Liable to Present > I’rnstees. On 21st inst., si t< legraphel lo the Echo, Mr. Justice mith gave judgment i at Singapore in the action brought by Messrs. \V. L Watkins and H. P. Bagley, two •odeee of the estate of M. F. da Souzi,
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    • 56 4 To nit Euros o» rm Snuu, g CIO Sir,-Your monkey story Wa with much interest here. There you ought to mrntior, whete prosecuted a man for cruelly f or the claws of live crabs, so they In pinch! All magistrates are L?t* This one dismissed the case as absurd.
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    • 114 4 To IBS Kditoi or rat Smm r clo It is most tiresome with this uew cornu, that is being circulated, owing to th e facilities of imitation and weights of ill metal. There is no end of bad Coiu oo ib market and it is hard to
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  • 632 4 Figuret* for January. Following is the compuative statement <j( cultivated rubber exported during the i w 1910 and 1909 J s 2 n 3 9 J 73 s Iff i-hi w w lbs lb>. Ih« Perak 130,961 52 727 78 234 8-langor 525 814 202
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 287 4 IPOS WAB.BT.P. WORKS. IPOH-FEEAZ. This business is now umler the management of Mr. Ravens way, who has made a great reduction in all prices and who will be glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, VVashhand Stands, Cemetery Memorials of ,all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large
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    • 60 5 (Echo Special.) Fetches «350,000. Singapore, 23rd February.—A Chinese rubber estate at Seletar, 12 miles from Singapore, with 898 acres planted up, lias been purchased by a London syndicate for $850,000. 450 acres are interplanted with pineapples. The total number of trees is 235,000 from 8 to 42
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    • 17 5 (Echo Special.) At Singapore. Singapore, 23rd February.—In consequence of rinderpest in Singapore cattle export is prohibited.
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    • 31 5 (Eel .pedal.) doing Home. Singaoore, 23rd February.—The Hon. John Turner, accompanied by Mrs. Turner, have returned from Java. They are going home on Friday and will settle in Scotland.
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    • 28 5 (Echo Special) Mr. Mackray Appointed Asst. Adviser. Singapore, 23rd February.—Mr. W. N. Mackray, A. D. O. Tanjong Malim, succeeds Mr. H. W. Thomson as Assistant Adviser, Kelantan.
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    • 16 5 (Echo Special) By Sir K. Laidlaw. Singapore, 21rd February.—Sir R. Laidlaw intends revisiting Malaya.
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    • 29 5 (Echo Special.) Rumoured Legal Action. Singapore, 23rd Feb.—Mr. Wilson, who was recently in Hospital in Penang, intends suing Messrs. Godfrey Phillips for $145, salary and commission.
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    • 20 5 (Echo Special.) Postponed. Singapore, 23rd Feb.—The Wee Theam Tew case has been postponed to March 3.
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    • 55 5 (Echo Special.) Informers Hue Police. Singapore, 23rd February.—Taujee Kuang and Ah Moey are suing Mr. Gardiner, the Superintendent of Police, to recover $3,000 alleged to be due for informing in the Schwartz case in which the defendant was fined $«»,000. The defence declares that the plaintiffs
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    • 64 5 (Echo Special.) Departure for Singapore. Kuala Lumpur, 23rd February.—Sir William Taylor’s farewell “At Home was well attended. Sir William left Kuala Lntnpur to-day and motored to Port Swetteuham, whence be proceeds to Singapore. He goes home by the Assaye. Among his fellow passengers will be Mr. E.
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    • 23 5 (Echo Special.) 9a. fid. Kuala Lumpur, 23rd Feb. Co.’s Loudon agents wire that average price of plantation rubber P is 9s. fid.
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    • 77 5 (Echo Bpecial.) At Kuala Lnmpnr. Kuala Lumpur, 23rd February.—Sir R. Paget, K.C.M.0., and Lady Paget arrived here last night. They proceed to Singapore to-day. I Sir R. Paget sad Lady Paget left Marseilles in the P. Sl O. steamer Moldavia on tho 21it January. They were passenger*
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    • 48 5 (Supplied by Renter.) A Conference Between Ministers. London, 23rd February —Baron von Aehrenthal, the Austrian Foreign Minister, has arrived at Berlin from Vienna. He had an bout's oonferenoo with Herr von Beth-mann-Hollweg, the German Imperial Cban oellor. Afterward* they both dined with their German Majesties.
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    • 519 5 (Supplied by Reuter Asqnith on the Veto. London, ‘23rd Feb—Speaking in the House of Common*. Mr. H H. At quit fc, Premier, declared that the anti-veto resolution will be discussed before Easter and before the Budget paaaed from the con'rol of tbs House Both will be made
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    • 28 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Boom in Oil Nhares. Loudon, 23rd February—A Government order for oil-fuel for the Navy baa erased a boom in oil shares.
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    • 730 5 (Supplied by Reuter Buried with Great Honours. London, 23 d February.—Bontros Pasha Ghaly, tbe Egyptian Premier who met his death at tbe haDds of an assassiu, was buried with great honour* The assass n denies that be bad accomplices, coosr quently most of the men arrested have
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  • 77 5 By the Palma, ou 20th F-biui-j, the following Penang shipments weie made:—; For Yokohama —Hce Bee 1 Case J'nrick sha floods Sin Ghee Thye 4 Cases Jin ricksha Howls. For Marseille-* opt Baroelous/Valencia e'c., via Singapore.—Paterson, Simons A Co., L'd. Pis 841 04 Copra Bouetead A Co. Pis
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  • 262 5 An iuteiesting note on the new Indian Councils appears iu the miil papers from au aiticle by Sir Bampfyldo Fuller in the journal of the Riyal Colonial Institute Much of the practioil woik of the British i fficiil in the past has been tlie protection ot the
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  • 575 5 The Malay Mail of Feb. 19 says: A short time ago we drew attention to the extraordinary differences iu quota'ioris for sliaies given by different firms of hrokeis in the Btrails Settlements and F. M S. There is often uothiog approaching to uuiforniity of price and the wretched
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  • 231 5 The lbud Directors’ Report for present»li»D lo the shareholder* of t lie above Ciuipauy at the third Ordioary Geueial Meeting to be held oo tbe 23rd instant, stales The third balf-vearly Balance-sheet of your Company shows a nett profi' of ticals 159 127 06 including
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  • 96 5 To-da?. 14 b D*y ol Ist Moou. St. George's Cbuiclt Evensong atd Sermon. 6 p ut. P. C C. Tennis Tier. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p m. Lodge Scotia, Fieetnaaous' Hall, 6-15 p in. W i yang Ircheb I’uteb, Sri Mendawan kbiraui,” King Street Theatre. Hippodrome Ciicua,
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  • 15 5 English (Muctd'inu*) ~23rd FebChina (A»taye) ...26th Ctiiua Yorck) lat Mar Getmau (Klettl) 2id
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  • 21 5 3 H ull Moou Feb 24 h I l.i«t (JoaruM Mar. 4h O New M.ain 11,f, Fust (Quarter |g.h
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 43 5 According to all accounts we bare the assurance that (Jonosail is one of the most valuable discoveries of modern pharmacology and is far ahead of all preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs, etc. It is the aale-t and most suooestful At all Obomists and Dealers
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    • 47 5 («onnsan like other prpparation» of Copaij ha and Sandalwood oil does not affect the kidneys or disturb the stouiach and is well tolerated by the patieut even after looutheoe 1 uertaaebk Trial» by tbe Medical, Profession solicited. Samples free on appli'cation to any of th««hief Pemnp Chemist»,
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    • 189 5 NOTICE. BY OKI) R OF THE MOKIO.IUEE Tbe undersigned in instructed to tube poa FH'Kiou of aud put up for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, On Thursday. 24th Feb., 1910, A r 3 PM, Al Stingily IMitaiig, IVisang. 'I bo undermentioned property d SHEYNA MYDIN PEBOHAY deceased, (tbe mortgagor). AH that
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    • 191 5 SIDED RECORDS $1-25. 12 FOR $13-50. LISTS FREE. ROBINSON PIANO C 0 l td ALEMBIC Chemical Works, BOMBAY AND BARODA, AWARDED 18 GOLD MEDALS TOILET PREPARATIONS. HAIR DOUCHF, Most Cooling to Head. ROSB POMADE, Excellent for Hair. COLD CREAM OF FLOWERS, Best Remedy for Pimples. Sole Agent* for S. S.
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  • 1336 6 Though we have all lead and well-nigh forgotten the newspaper aud magazine narratives of the San Francisc > earthquake and tire of April 17,1906. jet manj of the little personal stories, which throw so much light upon the workings of the human miod,
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  • 121 6 I'rnano, 23rd Fsbkdary. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/44 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 1 i, 3 Credit 2/4) 3 Documentary.. 2/44 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174} 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 1744 Moulmein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras.
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  • 205 6 Gold lasif $61.8 I B. Popj er(W.Coast 31b*.5 oz.) no $toek White Pepper $24 75 buyers Prang Pepper 1 7 3 buyers Clave* 7ft—teller» Mace 33. tellrrs Vlace Pickings 68 buyers Nutmeg* 110» l* iO buyers No. 1 6 KJ sales Sugar 3 2 nn stock Basket 5 25
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  • 201 6 Pm»», 23rd February, 15« 10. U P per Call» 14 Roast S^ 11 24 Stew or Curry Meat >t jg Rump 8te*k fi 24 Oi Tail hh(,i, 3o Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 35 Pork— or k «“«> 32 Pig 8 He*<i lin Feet
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  • 1420 6 I d~ I I m 'S 2 I Number ot 1 I D i fi 8 <S Capital. Share* > Dividend* Name A 5 t S j iMued. s '3 o8 19» ******j 1908 1909 i91( Rubber, p C p c p c. p.c. p c 1909 I 40.000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 58 6 Do You Want Relief? Are you frequently boatve P I)o you have that annoying tickling in your throat P D tea your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise mucua in the morning Do you want relief P If to, take Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy and you will tie
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    • 32 6 Touches the Spot. Sick beidache is CJUied by a disordered condition ot tbe stomach and ia quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lma. For sale by all Dispensaries and Daalera
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    • 60 6 Tbe most rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by treatment witb («OllOHall (Kawa Santal.) Booklet and sample to medical men free on application to any of the chief Penang Chemists. FOR S^TLsXS. Guide to Penang, BT THE LATE E. F. Skertchly, f. e.s. Price 60 cents. Worth a Dollar a
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  • 751 7 Itt'Noliition of Burma Government. The I I low mu Government order appealed iu the Itingom Timet A piuposal to provide by legislation for the compulsory registration of domeatic set v.iu'e iu Burma was put forward in 1905. liut was not adopted by the Local Governiiu
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  • 86 7 Id Ilia aerie» of literary cauaeriea. published under the title Koaemary'a Letterbo'k,’ Mr. W. L. Courtney ia evidently atiuck by Koine fanciful aiguiticauce about the fountain pen He thua analyse* the deineiita of the rchool of wiilera, of whom be eitoK Henley and Mr Kipling aa
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 891 7 INSURANCES, the LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. rpHE undersigned having been appointed Agent* for the above Corporation, are n )W prepared to accept MARINE and fIIJE risks at current ratB*. PATERSON. SIMONB A 00. Ltd. 12c Guardian Asturanci Company, LimlUd. Establish*!) 1821. Bubscrilwd Capital Total Invented
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    • 140 7 Painful Breathing Cbamberla'u’a Cough Remedy ia a ruiy vilu ib!e medicine for tliroit hn<l luo; troublel*, quickly relieve* anil cure* painful breath ini; ami a dangerously sounding cough winch indicates concealed lungs. For tale by all Dispensaries aud Dei'eia. COR MON SENSE ti NUTSHELL. A new ine-UK si »*.rk on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 971 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen A Co., Pha, D.S. A. FOR SALE. Ihsrgas Modprats, C:nsult*tion Free. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. KM1DIII* AT /Vo. 21a, Penang Road. A lew doori (root the Eastern and Orlenta Hotel. 6 mth* TEA TEA Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves.
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