Straits Echo, 21 February 1910

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 986 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. r 1 C/Of* -Ajjwi,/ W HQC®r» •STY S.SSVB THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Ornci—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. 1200.000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as n special protection (or oar policy holders. The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company for the Chinese. Every Kind
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    • 18 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. w: s cs 11 or i TIANGLCE A Co., Sole AgeatM.
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  • 1191 2 The >fraif« Times doe* not a.ree with tbe Erk new rrcentlj «xpreised on tins iratter. On the 17th it aars;— We obserred these differences »oroe months tgo, and cam 4 to tbe c rietueiou that the fair •it war of dealing wnb our leader* «i*
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  • 84 2 February, 19U» j, H.W. LW. H.W. L.W. A. M. A.M. P. M. P.M. 21st 9.1», *5.01. 10.14. 4.20 22nd 10.47. 4.50 11.15, 5.24 23rd 11». 5.39. Nil. «.19 24:h 12.02. 625. 1201, 7.03 25th 12 58. 7.00. 114. 7 25 20th 1.29. 7.37, 145, 7.54 27th
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 108 2 Diphtheria How It May Be Avoided. I» pfctbe's* i» ctu contracted taa ci. i kit a eo J. lM c' J p -r* m ;t* (t: j’'Ni f.*t* 3 i'4 < :k* ft W i av Wm Tb*e «<• tt*M vd pi ia ft* «k j twt.wi tfc i ktryc-.».»
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    • 411 2 Coats But a Trifle. W:ii!e it i» often unpraaib'e to prevent »a »cc lent, it i* never mi possible to be pre-i-ared—it i» n >1 beyond any one's purse. Bur a bottle of Chamberlain's Tain Bilm ted you are prepared for sprain*, bruises and iike iojune*. For sale by all
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    • 878 2 I it rS ir ***>•-> SIEMENS BROTHERS’ DYNAMO WORKS, LIMITED. 3IEMS’ TANTALUM" LAMPS GEEAI SATING. ELECTRIC LIGHT, POWER AND TRACTION ENGINEERS, AND CONTRACTORS. mease in tie price op oil (New Petroleum Ordinance.) Why pay a high price for oil, when Electric light with our lamps is a cheaper better illumiiunt
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  • 41 3 Veimit I' rum AjtAit D*> Macedonia A may*» Yorek Rlest Beurenue Colombo A Q ACo. Singapore A G ACo. Singapore iB M ACo Colombo B.M ACo. bondon S B ACo 1 24th Feb. 20ib l.t Mar. 2nd 4 b
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  • 31 3 1 *ttei» for Macedonia Singapore A .G ACo. Feb. Assays 'Colombo A Q A Co Yorck (Colombo B M ACo M ir. Kleist Singapore B.M.ACo. Benrenus Singapore S B ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 170 3 Jin Ho, Br. as, 110, Erdea, 19th Feb, Langkat, IStb Feb, Oen.— E. S. Co., Ltd De Koek, Dut. a.s 935, Fleeming, 20th Feb Langaa, 19tb Feb, Geo.—H. L A Co. C Ferd. Latin, Ger. a.i, 3.150, Wagner, 2tith Feb., Hamburg, 15th Jan Gen U M A Co. Tara.
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    • 46 3 2Dt [>'kbruart. Lian Clior, for Kedah. Van Steoll, for Olebleb, Pu’o Weh Ac, I’adaug. Canton, for Dindtnga and Teluk Anaon Kut Sang, for Singapore, China and Japan. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perils ami Setul. Malaya for Deli. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping.
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    • 79 3 Fob Kedah—Per Kedah, to-morrow, noon. Pangkalan Braudan— Per Leona Ho, to morrow, 1 p.m. I ring kit— Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 pm, Aaahau —Ter Mary Auttin, to morrow, I p inTraug—Per Sree Bangka, to-morrow, 1 p.m Tongkah—Per Rotorua, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong. Amoy A Swatow— Per
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  • 412 3 Par P. and O- as. Mongolia, from London, Jan. 28, connecting with the Macedonn m Colombo, due at Penang on 24th Feb To Penang Mr. L. B. Fuller, Mr. F. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs J. Id. Richards, Mr. A. A Craigben, Mr. H. E. Mason, Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 838 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals tad Depart ares. Mail Swrvlc* Oatward. Feb. ‘24 Macedonia connecticf with Mongolia Mar. 10 Devanha Marmora 24 Aetage M Morea Apr. 7 Delta Mooltan 21 Delhi China Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. M Ulan tad Ulan
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    • 423 3 (8 HIPPING.) NORDDEUTSCHERJXOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN HAIL LINE. s««.diSfer r»fC THE fast and well-known um 1 earner *o' this Companv sail fortnightly from Bremen, Haanbuig via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers,"Genoa, Naples! (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and tncr versa) Port. Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki and
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  • 89 4 Jmm «mUnsiwiMi sad |ailn aloaa— tmm—, '•nhiUKdwl 4ally (Moupt NMltyi) AT Til CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—292, Beach Street. Penang. PRICK U*ll, T UKIAL IN per hum OllTBTATIOW» Koalas* aura. uii. aniTiosirairnsi tie oAHi.a amiKsss Echo—Penang.” r.I.phon. Nr. ltd» e.S.-ail B—IBSM WMIWUOM shantd ba addim-d It Twa
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  • 549 4 Our Singapore correspondent telegraphically informed us the other day that there had been a fair response in the way of subscriptions towards the cost of the Agri-Horticultural Show to be held this year at Singapore. Though we share the opinion that it was the turn of one of the
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  • 47 4 Lawu Tennis Tournament. The final of the Championship will not be played on Wednesday next. The following ties will take its place Mixed Doubles Final Mrs. Dunn and Reid vi Mrs. Oachale and Eichenberg. Profession Pai'», Final Junnesou and Croucber vi. Haslain and Neubronner.
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  • 746 4 The following business in tin bn» been done to-d»v Singapore; Straits Trading Co, 1 $76 50 buyers, no sellers j Penang: PenaDg Tin Exchange 1 76 10 buyers, no sellers E istern Smelting Co., 25 tons at 76 55 Opium is quoted here to-day at
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  • 790 4 P. R. C. vs.Volunteer*. Both tbe P C- C. and P. R C gained points in tbe Cricket Tournament matches which begau last Saturday afternoon. On the Esplanade the PRO. wen on tbe post, so to speak, and their victory was mainly due to tbe splendid achievement of
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  • 494 4 Yesterday at Kampong Bahru. Four prizrn were shot for at Kampoug Bahru yesterday morning Tbe weather con ditions weie not in favour of good shooting for although there was no wind the light w*. bad and the heat and glare very trying during tbe latter part of tbe
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  • 124 4 I>*7 by da; tbe abort. Circus increases in popularity. Judging by Saturday uiwbt’a house they ought to bare a glorious season. In spite of tbe he*?y rain on Saturday, tbe ground under foot was quite dry inside tbe tent, and tbe performance weut well. To-night there will be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 295 4 XPOE MARBLE "WORKS. IPOH-PERAS. This business is now under the management of Mr. Ravensway, who has made a great reduction iu all prices and who will be glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Wash hand Stands, Cemetery Memorials of ,all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large
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    • 25 4 Tbe fir*t violent inflammatory «vniptonii qnickly diaappear after treatment w.tb Hiedel.» oOiomd Capeulee. No better prep*rotion now on tbe market. Certified by tbe leading Specialist*
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    • 38 5 (Supplied by Hauler Asquith’* Speech. London, 19. h February.—There i* a lull in speculation and eager anticipation of Mr Asquith’s speech on Monday which, the Liberals are confident, will unite all sections of the anti- Lords.
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    • 83 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Kitchener's Recommendation*. London. 19ib February.—Lord Kitchener recommends the West Point (New York) Military College as a model for the Australian Military i ollege A cadet, after completing 3 year*' training and obtaining bis commission, should be sent to India or Great Britain to join
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    • 29 5 (Supplied Ly Reuter.)' Never» dale. London. 20th February.—A severe gale and numerous casualties are reported in British waters. An Italian ship, Ciauipa, was lost at Kinsale (Ireland).
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    • 31 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) KnstiUn Attltndf. London, 20th Feb.—The Russian attitude with regard to the Ctunchow -Aigun Railway is mainly similar to that of Japan which awaits details from China.
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    • 31 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) French Officer Killed. London, 20th Feb—A telegram from Tangier states that a French Officer and bis men were killed by uativea in the Sbavia district
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    • 68 5 (Supplied by Reuter Shot at by a Nationalist. London. 21st February.—A telegram from Cairo states that a Mussulman Nationslist shot the Egyptian premier Sir Boutios Pasha Qhaly, five time* outside the Foieign Minis try. Three of the wouuda are serious, but, it is hoped, not dangerous.
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    • 57 5 (Supplied by Reuter Revolution Threatened. London, 21st February —A remarkable debate took place in the Reichstag arising out of the Socialist interpellation regarding the speech of Herr Von Bethmann-Hollweg in the Diet when introducing the Franchise Bill. The Socialists made violent attacks on the premier, one threatening
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    • 214 5 Cook's Re-appear-ance. (Supplied by Reuter.) Under Another Name. London, 21st February.—After a prolonged and mysterious disappearance. Dr. Cook, of North Pole fame, baa arrived at Santiago de Chile under an assumed name. [Mr. Lonsdale, Dr. Cook’s former secretary, declares that h. received a letter from him dated from a place
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  • 78 5 Hilary Examination, 1910. General Examination of Students of the Inns of Court, held in Middle Temple Hall in Deoember, 19.9. The following Students passed in Real Property and Conveyancing Class 1. 3 Students, including Wee Bwee Teow (Gray’s Inn). Class 11. 12 Students, including Woug Siew
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  • 142 5 By the Sumatra, on 17th February, the following Penang abiproeuts were made;— For Colombo —Janoo Hasaan Pis. 550 Boiled Rice Bags 500 H. T. Ayoob A Co Pis. 2 200 Boiled Rice Begs 2 000. For Marseilles opt. Barcelona/Valencia, etc. —Adamson, Gilfill&n A Co. Pis. 842 26 Copra.
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  • 558 5 Farther In crease in Valaes or Import* and Export*. The return of the imports into and exports from the Straits Settlements for the quarter ended December 30 last, show* that there was an increase in imports of $4,166 379, rqual to £486,079, as compared with the same period
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  • 215 5 As the time for the depirture of the Guides Team for Bialey draw* near so dees it* shooting improve, and if tbe present form is maintained—theie is no reason why it should not —and with luck they ought to make tbeir presence felt at tbe Mecca of
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  • 259 5 Chine*» and Buddhist M N. S. in Central Asia. Some important di-coveries of old Chinese Turki, hihl Buddhist manuscripts were made in CeDtral Asia.last year, by M. ZtnchoTacbi bans, a young Japanese explorer, who is now Secretary to Couut Otani, head of tbe groat Buddhist community in
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  • 461 5 Capitnl $850,000. Divided into 85,000 ordinary shares of $lO each Hoard of IMroclors. Luke Ch >w Kit Kuala Lumpur. Lake Chow Tbye E A- O Travers L- R Yzelman To the Ordinary G<-ueial Meeting of the Shareholders held at the Registered Office of the
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  • 551 5 We hear that Triqgganu baa at last entered into treaty relations with tbe Government of th<a Colony, and is to be henceforth considered as having entered tbe group of Piotected Native State*. Prior to this Tringganu never permitted any relations with Siam, but maintained her own indepen dence as
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  • Passengers.
    • 285 5 Akkivsd. Per Kedah, 19th Feb., from Kedah M- Ward. Per 8 .Dunera, 19tb Feb., from Sings po e: Mr». May yet and Mr. Ngvi N‘m Yew Per Taroba. 1 9f h Feb. from Singapo e: Messrs. W Weal lieigtone, H. B Joseph and E C. Water house Per Tara, 20th
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  • 94 5 To- hat. 12 b D.v of Ist Moon. I Ladies' KID Shooting. jP.CC Tennis Tier. i Pen .ng Library Aunual Moving 4-3tl p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 pm. Struts Cinematograph, Penang Ri ad, 83 1 p in. Wivang Iccheh Puteh, Siti Johanna.” King Street Theitre. i Hippodrome
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  • 21 5 O Full Moon Feb. 24 h > i Mai ijiwrim Mar. 4‘b O New Moon 11 > h F.rm (Quarter 18th
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  • 38 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Nail Service OoTWAKDH. HomkwaßlO Macedonia 24 Feb. I Aina ye 26 Feb Devanha 10 Mar. Delta 12 Mar Extra Service Outward* Homkward. Nile 28 Feb. I Nt/anta 4 Mar. Sardinia 11 Mar. I Java 18
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 36 5 f tionoun (in capsules) is well tolerated by I the digestive apparatus; no complication of i any sort occurs, and its action is most ft arable in Cystitis. Approved by the reading specialists of the day.
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    • 293 5 Notice to Friends of T. G. Pitt. His proper address is at 6, Tongkab R >sd Penaug. 21 2 10 13t> MUNICIPAL NOTICE. rpHE next Ordinary Meeting of the _L Municipal Commissioners will t>e held at the Municipal Office, at 3-30 pm. on Thursday, the 24th instant. VV. MARSH, Acting
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    • 160 5 SIDED RECORDS $l-25. 12 FOR $l3-50. LISTS FREE. ROBINSON PIANO U°, jm ALEMBIC Chemical Works, BOMBAY AND BARODA, AWARDED 18 GOLD MEDALS TO LET PREPARATIONS. HAIR DOUCHE, Most Cooling to Head. ROSE POMADE, Excellent lor Hair. COLD CREAM OF FLOWERS, Rest Remedy for Pimples. Sole Agents for S. S. and
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  • 1243 6 What is going to happen when the House of Commons meets, iu a sit tut ion which the Daily Ttlegraph ►ays is “the most extraordinary of its kind in the annals of Parliament Will the Budget go through? Will the Lords' veto ba ended Will
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  • 344 6 Secrets of Japanese Art in London. Before a transformation scene, the like of which has not before beeu witnessed in England, write* VY. B. T. in ih e Daily Mail, a Japanese garden-artist of fame explained to me tbe crowning wonder of the JapanBritish Exhibition at Shepherd's Bush
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  • 120 6 Pbnanq, 2 st Fibruaby. (Dy eourteiy of the Chartered Bank.) London, Demand Bank 2/4) 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4) 3 Credit 2/4JJ n 3 Documentary.. 2/4) Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174$ 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174) Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 J 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras.
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  • 204 6 Gold I«af >64.80 B. Pep) erf W.Coast 31b5.5 o*.) no ttoek White Feppe? >24 76 bvyert Trying Poppe> 17) buyer* Cloves 76 tellert Maoe S3,—telUrt Mace Picb'tH*. 68 buyer» Nutmeg* 110 s I s 60 buyer* f No. 1 6.80 talet Sugar < 2 wo ttoek Basket 6 25
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  • 205 6 Fkkarp, 21ft F«B*UA*T. 11*10. B>,r_ 'U. So«P P*> f o»tt> 14 Koam M j. Steak* 24 Stew or Curry Mea* H jg Rump Steak n 24 Ox Tail mea 30 Tongue w Feet l 5 Heart n 3^ I*iTer per catty 35 Pobk—- P** r oattj 32 Pig*
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  • 1446 6 Z a I I I S a I I o' 2 Nuuileroi '3 I 5> r *1 rt Ctpita 1 Share* l)ivi<iei>da Name 5 2 iwued. a J 5 5 5 fc 1 1 j I I I 19''*****' 1908 1909 1910 Rubber, pc I p.c p.c. p.c. pc
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 33 6 Touches the Spot. Sick headache is caused by a disordered condition of the atom icli and in quickly rural by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab let*. For sain by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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  • 933 7 Wbeu Sir T- S. Rsftl s was appointed lieutenant governor of Java be bad to oope with great financial difficultiea which he tried to overome, iu part, at least, by selling large tracts ot louutiv. Eveu then tins was considered to bn a queationab pioceediug.”
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1169 7 INSURANCES, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 17!». rpHE undersigned basing been appointed X Agents for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE riskB at current rate*. PATERSON. SIMON8 A Oo. Ltd. 12c Guardian Assuranc* Company, Limltod, Ehtablishiu 1821. .*2.000,000 up. Subscribed Capital
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    • 159 7 I)o You Want Relief? Arp you frequently boarse '1 Do y* u have i hat annoying ttckliutf in your throat Dies vour cnuyb annoy you at nit/ht, snd do you raise mucus in the morning Do you want reliefV If ao. take Chainberlain’» Couth Remedy and you will be pleased
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1072 8 MS W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late oj Dr. Allen A Co., Pha V.S.A. Merits, Comltation Free. EbSIDIR. At /Vo. 2ia, Penang Hoad. A tew door» from the Eastern and Orient! Hotel. t> mtbi TEA o V FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves.
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  • 2338 9 r Hy Victor Bridges in Pearson’s Magazine.”] It bat long been supposed that Marathon Races originated in Greeoe. Like many popular ideas, however, this it incorrect. It is true that tbe word Marathon was first used in connection with the old Olympian Games, but the honour of
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  • 712 9 Lord Morlry speaks somewhere of the irreverent idea that one man is as much entitled to h<s opinion as another,' says the Church Timet We have been surorised at tbe survival iuto a scientific age of all the old-fashioned formu'se of the revolutionary epochs. With tbe Puri'an
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  • 1173 9 Domestic Hearth Or Blue Sky Penang Haa One Ami England The Other. The, splendid sight ever before ay window sets n>9 tbinkiug about the influence of climate on national character aud fortuue” So writes the R-v. W L Watkinson from Italy to Recorder How complete tire contrast between this t
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  • 1144 9 Enormous Scientific Error Committed? I The Paris correspondent of the Daily TeUgrapk ha* recently had an interview t with M. Philippe Bunau Vaiilla, late chief engineer of the Panama Canal, and seut the following aiticle to our London contempt)- rary -—Your readers m ly remember that, on D.<cember
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 340 9 Painful Breathing. Cbambarlain's Cough Remedy is a very valuable medicine for throat and lung troub'es, quickly relieve» and cures painful breathing and a dangerously sounding cough which indicate» congested lungs For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. FOR SALE. CHINESE SCRIBBLING PAPER FOR OFFICE USE. size 12*xl6\ Price, $1 per
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 560 10 FOR SALE?! “TALES OF MALAYA,” SOUTHERN CROSS,’ Containing 18 very interesting short stories dealing with life g in the Malay Peninsula. (241 PAGES DEMI-OCTA' 0 Price $l. MAT BK HAD AT THK 44 Straits Echo” OJ/icej tALBO AT ssrs. VVHITEAWAY. LAIDLAW A Co.. KIM A Co., Singapore. LOCUM AN A
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