Straits Echo, 18 February 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 955 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. f» is 2> ?a o V C NO TIY &SSVB THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hbad OvriCB— Shanghai, China. CAPITAL. TAELS 1,000,000. 1 200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for onr policy holders The ONLY compnny that has this deposit. The Company
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    • 19 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. 5 3-- ♦/>> r\ V'-t fh -t> 1T1AWC LEE Jk Co., 3el> 1
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  • 692 2 Rainfall, 1. Annual Riturn of Rriufall for (be year 1959. M j., Pya Kamunting on Kota Kuila Began Samak Sg. Batu Eatate Months Alor Star. S.ngora Rd. 14 m.les Kanga 1 erhs. Kutim- Muda Krian Kedah- Near Semiling. from Alor S ar. Inch
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  • 108 2 February, 1910. OhI« H.W. l w H.W, l w A. M. A M. P. M. P. M. 18th «.01, Nil. «.«6, 12.53 19th 7.18, 1 41, 8 05, 2.28 20th 8.51, 8.13, 0.35, 3 57 21st 9.49, 6.01, 10.14, 4.26 22nd 10.47, 4.56 11.15, 5.24 23rd
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 33 2 Touches the Spot. Sick headache 1* c<u>ed hy a diaoiderrd condition of (lie stomach and is quicks cme 1 by ChaiuberlaiB’s Stomach >ind T.ivcr Tab lots. For sa'e by all Diapcusarns aDd Dealers.
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    • 235 2 The curative action of (jonoaan is attribuied to its lieiug antiseptic and anesthetic Mat ufactuied by J. D. Riedal Ltd Berlin, and sol.) in form of capsules. 40 in a bottle THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION Active N Principle of Cod Liver Oil with Creosote. (Chapoteaut) RELIABLE AfiENT IN TREATMENT OF
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    • 1288 2 Amstel Beer Ny Carlsberg Beer. For prices, ap;ly to Q. H. SLOT Co., AGENTS. PRITCHARD CO. BEST ENCLISH HARNESS, NEW SUPPLIES JUST RECEIVED, SUITABLE FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR NOTICE. TAMIL IMMIGRATION FUND ENACTMENT, 1908. 1 EMPLOYERS OF TAMIL LABOUR 'J are hereby reminded that returns under the above Enactment for
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  • 51 3 Vetitlt fVom Agent t Due Bern! ran fiiindou S.BACo. 18'b Fib Maue onia Jolotnbo VO ACo. 24* b Aaaaye Sm^apoie A G ACV 26 li Yoirk 3ingapme IB M A(Jo l«l Mar. K e «I Colombo M A (Jo. 2<i(i Boii vt-Lue Tiondon 3 B A (Jo 4
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  • 26 3 For IVudoran SlDIt-tpolt* S.B.ACo Feb. Macedonia Singapore A.O&Co. A*aaye Colombo G 4<Jo Yorck Colombo BMACo. Mir. Klemi Singapore B.M.ACo. Bau*euue Siugapjre 3 B.ACo 1 1
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  • Shipping.
    • 76 3 Pin Seng, Br. 378. Davidson, 17tb Feb., Singapore, 15tb Feb, Gen K 8 Co. Ltd. Tony Hong. Br. s.s. 1 314. Williams, 17tb Feb, Ringoon, 13th Feb., Gen.—E. S. C), Ltd. Kedah. Br. ns. 134, Morris, 17ib Feb. Kedah. 17th Feb. GeD.-E 8 Co. L'd Br. r.t. 2«>o
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    • 61 3 18th Fbbruabt Valenlijn, for Peli, Rttu Bibra, A saltan and Paueh. Ayulhia, for L mgkat and Asaban Tong Hong, foi Rangoon Pin Ceng, for Port Svet'eihtm and Singapore. Pegu, for Lings*, 'l. S'unane, Segli, Olebleb and Silmng. Carlyle, for Teluk Anson. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perils and Stul.
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    • 125 3 Fob Mergui, Tasoy and Moulmein Per Packitmba, to-morrow, 9 a.m. Kodab—For Lian Choi, to-morrow, 10 a m. Madras taking mails for Europe, etc, via Bombay—Per Taroba, to-morrow, 10 a.m. Rmgoou and Calcutta—Per Dunera, to-morrow, uoou. Tongkali— Per Sappho, to morrow, 1 p.m Bitu Babra—Per Padonj, to morrow, 1
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  • 402 3 Per P- aud O a s. Mongolia, from Loudou, Jan-28, connecting with the Macedonia hi Colombo, due at Penang on 24th Feb To Penang Mr. L. B. Fisher, Mr. F. Ribioson, Mr. and Mrs. J. H- Richards, Mr. A. A Craigbeu, Mr. H. E. Mason. Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 928 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expwted Arrivals and Depertaree. Mail 8«rvlo«. Oat wart. Pah. 24 Macedonia connecting with Mongolia M*r. 10 Drranha Marmora ‘24 Arnage Morea Apr. 7 Vella Mooltan ‘21 Delhi China Homeward. Da’a. 9 °srap Feb. 26 A tenge Mar 12 Delta 25 Macedonia A pi. 9 Devanha
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    • 419 3 (SHIPPIN O.) 12 NORDDEUTSCHER JXOYD, BREMEN. hcpsbial oermam kail lime. an mm a i n SB r• fIYHf, fast and well-known •>;. 1 eerrwra o> huh Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, 1- Uambuig via Louerdam, Antwerp,Southampton,Gibraltar, Algiers,Genoa, Naples, (connection Marseii'es, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo,
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  • 93 4 i m»w w»wi —a )ns>a»»-*»i». 'hiMlekafl dally Ifuwyt NMay») mi CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. WS—lit, Beach Btreat. Penang. PRICK: o*ll.l LOO*l m par mm* OIIT»T*TIOHS Porta** Mn. «II SIMTIOH (Port Vrssl 111 iu si a mm ass Ecbr —Pcmkß." ralaphona Nn. S4D ».».-*ll bartaM real—lrotloa. ofeoaM bo
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  • 1175 4 Cruelty cannot be defended, but we would like to hare it defined. Right, reason, and the law declare against it, but indefinite definitions of it make the anti-cruel rery cruel sometimes. Likewise the inability to distinguish what is cruel from what is not, inrariably makes the busybodies
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  • 247 4 Tim lollowiug particular» of iLe of ihe I’euaug Volunteer Corps during the paat year may uot tie umteiestiug to our renders The Corps began the year with 120 on th a muster roll, and during the year 53 recruit* were ad ltd to the strength. Of
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  • 150 4 The f.illowiug teams will play in the cricket tournament matches tr.morrow P. It. C. vs. VolunltM-rH (On tk* E*yla *>!e I*. B. C— W II a-ntly (Cap sin). M Ae.ii, J Dual, S Wills, R Mclutyre W. It I’eikms, W S ewait. W. William< C N itusch, T
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  • 131 4 The Hippodrome is now in foil swu-g Everything is huglit, spaikling. ami goes with a dash from slait to tijiel). 'iheie are no tedious waits between the acts, aud that is the secret of the .ttecess of any show The only thing we nt gin eo/rtst is. that
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  • 76 4 Tbe following props will be shot for at Kunporg Bah. it on Suudav morning 1 Cadet Officers’ Priz\ Open to all Ktt ks P. V. 2 The Running Man. 200 yards. Open to ifficieot and Honoraiy members and Rfrruita and Reservists of tbe Corps 3 250 yards
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  • 219 4 The followiug business id tin lim been done to da?: Penan/; Straits Trading Co, 175 tons at 176.75 Eastern Smelting Co., 50 76 50 Singapore S’raits Trading Cj, 212 76.8) Tola! 437 tone. Tm is quoted in London to day at £152 5j risk and £153
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    • 179 4 To thb Kuiroa or rot Stasirv Kcso. Sir. One man is ss good as anotber-« u d great dale bettber-8o is a beast body Haring beard of Mr. Elton Bell’s consider»!* compassion towards a dog in a b«g. 1 m hoping lint perhaps neit he would turn bis kindly
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  • 228 4 The preliminaiy enquiry touching the death of one Tio Ah Khoi, a pinr-appl* planter of Permstsng Tinggi, was concluded yesterday morning bv Mr Goldthorpe, at the Nibong Tebal Police Co >ri (Thepirti. coins of the case have xlreadv appeared in the Eeho.) Tio Tai Mee. opium
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  • 371 4 Lawn TenniH Tournament. Following were tbe results of tbe ties played yesterday Championship: Southam s*o/ Woodward 6-3; 6 —1 6 1 Single Handicap. Class A Wbiilock beat Qoldie I—6; 6—3; 6—l. The following ties base been fixe I for Monday, 21st lost. Double Handicap, Class A. Final);
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 281 4 XPOH MARBLE WORKS. IPOH-PERAZ. lliiH business is non under the management of Mr. Kavensway, who has made a gieat redaction in all prices and who will be glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Waslihand Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large stock
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    • 27 5 (Supplied by Reuter Confers with the Italian King. London, 17. h February—A telegram from Rome say* that the King bad a conference with Prince Fusbimi.
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    • 163 5 {Supjlied by Reuter.) Chamberlain Take* the Oath. London. 17th February—Mr. Joseph Chamberlain took the oith iu the House of Commons painfully and with difficulty. He is extremely weak. General sympathy is felt with him. Cabinet Meeting. A Cabinet meeting of two hours yesterday is regarded as a hint,
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    • 54 5 (Supplied by Reuter Furl her Details of the Ambnsh. London, 17r b February.—An c flficial announcement has bpen issued from Paris to the effect that of the 109 men of the Sene galese R flea and friendlies who were ambushed only 8 Senegalese and a few friendlies escafmd. All
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    • 58 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Japan’s Condition. London, 17th February—Reuter’s correspondent at Peking states that Japan has informed China that she does not object to the building of the Chinchow-Aigun railway on condition that she participates in the construction, financing and supply of material, with the right to appoint Japanese
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    • 32 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Dresden Damaged. London, 18th February.—The German cruisers Dresden and Koenigsberg oollided off Kiel. It is stated that tbs Dret den’s repairs will take several weeks
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    • 168 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Ntorkhroker’g Clerks Working All Night. liondon, 18th February.—The boom in rubber shares in the Stock Exchange is attracting the speculative public. An inces sant abeam of new companies is coming out '1 lie prospectus of a new company was issued to-day. It was subscribed within
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  • 377 5 From Our Own Correspondent Taiping, 16th February. The Resident returned from Ipoh on Saturday afternoon. The e was a meeting of the State Council yesterday at Kuala Kangsar, to which the Resident, the S. R and the A. S R went down. Dr. McDowell, Principal Medical Officer, is
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  • 323 5 The eighty ninth report of the Court of Directors, to be presented to-morrow, reads The Lirector* have now to submit to you a General Statement of the affairs of the Bank, and Balance Sheet for the half year ending 31st December, 1909 Tbe net profits
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  • 159 5 The last three verses of an amusiug poem in tbe Ma’ay Mail fit more than one case It seems a shame," tbe Walrus said, This ultra vires trick, After I’ve got him out on bail Aed brought him here so quick Tbe Carpenter said nothing but Costs
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  • 953 5 (From Our Own Correspondent London, 28th Januaty i 1 I*. k 0. Enterprise. The Peninsular and Oriental Company t have acquired Messrs W Lund and Sons’ Blue Anchor Line, trading to and from Australia via the Cape Lloyd’s Register i of Shipping gives the Commonwealth Geelong. Narrung.
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  • 789 5 Here are extracts from Houseboat Days in China," by J. O P. Bland Same ideas which find wide acceptance among foreignais generally regarding the Anglo Japauese alliauce are ventilated in the following dialogue:— I cte.ited a diversion, drawing bis alien-' tioo to the Japanese Settlement,
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  • 249 5 Arrived Per s.». Sumatra, 17ih Fob, from Shanghai Mr and Mr*. G. Oollver. From Siugapoie Mr. F Polloch. From Pori Swettenham Mr. De Vorcey D* PARTED. Per s a. Sumatra, 171b Feb for Marseilles: Mrs Lawrence anil infant; Mr and Mrs Seliors and infant, and Mr. VV. Houston. For
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  • 90 5 TO-DAT. 9ib of Ist Mih>u. P. C. C. T«nni« Tins Town Baid, Espl mad., 6 to 7 pm Str«jt« Cinematograph, Penang lioad, 8 30 p m.. W .yang Ircheh Puteli, Pakdainau l)ela iaui.” Kibg Stieet Theatre. Circus, Pato Kramat Oaideua 9 3) piu To-morrow 19th Day of l<t
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  • 17 5 English Macedonia ~24‘h Feb China (Atfaye) ...26th China Yarck) l«t Mar German Kle »t 2nd
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  • 22 5 t O Full Moon Feb 24 h I 4Jtiu.ri.Mi Mar. Vh New Moon t ]pb i Firal (Quarter 18 h
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  • 39 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Service OoTWABIih, llom VWA Rlla Macedonia 24 Feb. I An’tiye 26 Feb, Devanhn 10 Mar. Delta 11 Mar P.ktra Service Odtwabui Homkwarii. Nile 2S Feb. I Nijanxa I Mar Sardinia 11 Mar I Java IS
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 54 5 Do You Want Relief? Are you frequently hoarse Do you hate that annoying tickling in your throat Doe* Tour cough annoy you at night, and do you raise mucus in the morning Do you want relief If to. take Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy and you will be pleased For •ale by
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    • 417 5 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. f|AllE m. Hong B e. Csptaiu J. Homo, JL 1» expected to arrive here from Rtngoou, nu Sunday, the 20th instant, add will leave for the above porta on Tuesday, the 2 ’ud inet ,at 8 p in. For freight or passage, apply to
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    • 219 5 SIDE» RECORDS $l-25. 12 FOK $l3-5«. LISTS FREE. EOBINSON PIANO O’- L“ ALEMBIC Chemical Works, BOMBAY AND BARODA, AWARDED 18GOLD MEDALS H A I RIToUC H K. Best for Brain-workers Most Cooling to Head. Medicated and Scented. UPCD MV ALL Indim Princes and English Gentry. Sole Scents for S S.
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  • 2081 6 TBE 8TORY OF FAMOUS GENERAL ELECTIONS. Few of ua are capable as yet of detaching ouraelvet from the drama of this General Election, to an extent enabling us to realise the pictureequeness, tbe energy, tbe social significance, tbe more than European importance with which
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  • 116 6 PXNANO, 18th FsBRCARY By courtesy of the Chartered Hank London, Demand Bank 2/4$ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4j 3 Credit 2/4 3 Documentary.. 2/4$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1741 3 days’sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 J Moulmein, Demand Bank 3 days’sight Private 170 Madras. Demand Bank 174<j
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  • 204 6 Gold I ieaf 4.H t. 1 1| er(W Coast 31b«.5 ox.) no stock •Vim* Pepper $24 75 buyers '#ni’ Pepper 1 7$ buyers Cl >vi'* 75— sellers M io» 83 ,-selt-rs Vlaoe Pcli'o 68— buyers Suim .I lift* 18’0 buyers f No. I 6 K.i nines Sugar < 2
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  • 200 6 Pnii<' l 18th fmiiu, )<«l(). B rt.. 30U P («r ivit t 14 Roast Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Mm Rump Steak Oil ail Hitcii 30 Took'*** 55 P»« is Heart m I ,ITer pw Catty 36 Pork— I’ork (xi oat11 m Pig’* "ml p£t u Ton uf
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  • 1439 6 a I I i I a. I j S 2 Numlerofj 1 D I g e a CtpUl. Bbates Dividends Name 5 J1 ’"«««l- I j ca 08 iC J 1 2— 1916II9I5I li)08 1909 I9K Rubber, pc pc p.c. p.c. p c 1909 lx 40.000 j J d
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 38 6 Painful Breathing. Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy in a very valuable medicine for throat and luug trouble*, quickly relieves and cure* painful bieat hing and a dangerously sounding cough which indicates congested lungs. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 50 6 Costs But a Trifle. While it ia often impoMibie to prevent an accident, it ia never impoaaible to be prepared—it ia not beyond an; one'a purae. Bu; a bottle of Cbamberlain’a Pam Balm and ;ou are prepared for apraina. bruiaea and like iujuriee. For aale by all Diapenaariea and ltealera
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    • 118 6 According to all accounts we have tlie assurance that (lonosan is one of the most valuable discoveries of modern pharmacology and is far ahead of all preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs, etc It is the safest and most successful. At all Chemists and Dealers. Ffi 1 iust as a* AovtsnsfM.-vi mi»
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1325 7 INBURANOEB, THE LONDON ASSURANCB CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CIIARTE U A.D. 17!». rpUE undersigned having been appointed JL Agent» for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rate». PATERSON. SIMONS Oo. Ltd. 12o Guardian Atsuranc* Company, Llmltod. Establish» 1821. Subscribed Capital Total Invested
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    • 113 7 Diphtheria-How It May Me Avoided. I) phlheria i- u«urH» contracted when the child ban a cold. The cold pi spares tb»i child's system for the reception and development of the diphtbeua ee«nis. When there ere casrs of dipbtheiia in the neiuhb irhood children tlor h<ve colds should be i kept
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 964 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, US.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. Sn.iDlX* AT /Vo. 21a, Penan Road. A lew door» from (he Eastern and Orlenta Hotel. 6 mthi TEA TEA JJOLE AGENTS FOB PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co.. Lid FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large
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