Straits Echo, 16 February 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1017 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. \S v TIV S.SSVB THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. llliD Orric*—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. $2OO 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection lor oor policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company for thi Chinese. Every Kind of Policy Issued.
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    • 16 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR UVf.; [wi&m V\ m v IriANQ LEE Co., Sa/> Ar»flO.
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  • 1086 2 Following was Ibe letter tu tbe Malay Mail, about winch we bad a telegram Dear Sir,—Mr. W F. Nutt deserves tbe thank* of the community of Kuala Lumpur lut-bavmg by a series of well chosen questions obtained, ns a member of tbe Smnaiy Board, a statement as to
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  • 111 2 February. 1910. H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. ‘late, AJ| AJ( p M ltitn *\i), 1629, 4.41, 10.51 17th 5 05. 11.18, 5.31, 11.44 18th 0.01, Nil. 0.36. 12.53 10th 7.18, 141, 8.05, 2.28 20th 8.51, 3.13, 0.35, 3.57 21st 0.40, 0.01, 10.14, 4.26 22nd 10.47, 4.50. 11.15,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 52 2 Costs Hut a Trifle. Wlu'e ii i* often impossible to pieveut au accoleui, it is never impossible in he piet’areil—it is uol lieyoud ant on purse. Huy a bottle of Cu itiitrerlaiu’a Rim Bilm sod you are pieptied for sprains, biuitea ami like injuries. For sale I y all l>,speusanes
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    • 439 2 It bus been satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of pet sons hare to thank I.OIIOHMI for restoration to health and happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail. At all dealers in Patent Medicines and Chemical in bottles of 40 capsules. APIOLINE (CHAPOTEAUT) For •'X s
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    • 1595 2 Amstel Beer NOTICE. TAMIL IMMIGRATION FUND ENACTMENT, 1908. Ny Carlsberg Beer. For prices, apiy to G. H. SLOT Co., AGENTS. PRITCHARD CO. BEST ENCLISH HARNESS, NEW SUPPLIES JUST RECEIVED, SUITABLE FOR 1AMPLOYEUS OF TAMIL LABOUR Jlj ,i.e hereby reminded that return* under the above Euactment for tbeptecerl* int; qu viler
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  • 41 3 Veueli F'rom AgetUi Da* P. Alie) Colombo B.M ACo. 16'b Feb. Beodrau Condoo S B ACo. 18' li Maceiooia Colombo A G ACo. U li Assaye ISiogapore A U ACo. M b Hcuvanue Loudon 8 B AUo 4tb Mar.
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  • 33 3 r e$i*U Fur Anmt' P. Alice Singapore R.M.ACo. Feb. Beodoran S'ligapore 3 B AOo. MiCeduuia Smuapoie A.O ACo. A «save Colombo VO ACo. i BenTenue r •Singapore 6 B AC 1 Mtr.
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  • Shipping.
    • 92 3 Vary Austin Br. •i, 121, AlUu, 15th Feb., Asaban, '4'b Feb., Gen—E- 8. Co, Lightning, Br. as ,2,122, Gentles, 15th Feb.. Calcuttr, Bth Feb., Gen —A. A. A. A Co. Kedah. Br. as, 134. Morris, 15th Feb, lvedab, 15th Feb-, Gen.—E. 8. Co.. Ltd. P. E, Friedsiek, Qer,
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    • 36 3 1 th Fbbruart. Jin Ho, for Langkat Uotorna, for TongkabDeli, for Trang and Pang Nga. Avagyee for Teluk Anson Ton«; Chay Un, for Dmdinga. Main bang. for Setul, Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiptng,
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    • 129 3 Fo* Singapore, China A Japan—Per Al re, tr-inorrow. 8 am. Kedah —Per Ltan Cho to-morrow. 9 s.m. Port Snettenbam, Port Dickson and Malacca—Per Cornelia, to morrow, 1 p ni Aaahan— Por Jfary Audi*, to-morrow, 1 p in. Trang—Per Srte Bangka, to morrow, lpm. Pangkalan Brandan—Per Leong Ho,
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  • 452 3 Per I. G. M. a.». Printer» Alice, from Europe, due at Penang on 16th Feb To Penang Mr. and Mr». W. I) P. Wataou, Mr. and Mra R. C. Giey, Mr. H. Buhl, Mr. M. Nathan», Mr. and Mra. A. P. Ilacihian, Capt K Schonuiug Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 525 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Kipf*t«l Arritila «4 Dapurtarea. Mall Sarvlca. Outward F*b. 24 Macedonia connecting with Mongolia Mar 10 lievanha Marmora ‘24 Auaye Mmrm Apr. 7 Mia Moollan 21 Delhi China Hoacwar4. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. tat Clan M Ulan |‘o I
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    • 364 3 (S HIPPIM NORDDEUTSCHER_LLOYD, BREMEN. nCFBSIAl. OERKiN HAIL LINE. r u K* 1 THE fast and well-known n. I i eaintiso' i In* Company »ail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg tmi Rotterdam, Ant werp, Soutliampton, Gibraltar, Algiera, Genoa, Naplea, (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang,
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  • 94 4 J item wtHflw mrybily wd )Mtln nhlDkw< 4*tly |MO«ri *mnA*v I» TPS CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. Ml, I touch Street, Penang PKIOK •111.1 UNUI m |M per mm»"’ OUTHTATION* t’OPU«e ■*trm fill. eiMTIOIKPMIfMt 111 UAMI.N AIIIHIMH I cho— Penang.' Polophmi# N«. St4B *ll baMiMM rMomoaiirMiom ihi»M *<tdin»
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  • 603 4 A recent telegnitn from London quoted the Timed as regretting that China has chosen the present moment to authorize the construction of the Chin-chow Aigun line,” and describing it as a short-sighted attempt to force an issue by aggravating the divergencies of the Powers.” This oleaginous regret
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  • 807 4 The following business in tin Ins licen done to-day Penang Straits Trading Co 3 s buyers, no selleis j Penang Tin Exchange, 25 tons at 76 41 Eastern Smelting Co., 75 76 87J Singapore; Straits Trading Co, !’,75 77. Total 375 tous. Tin is quoted
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  • 973 4 FULL COURT OF APPEAL (Before the Chi-f Jtutiee and Jndiees Woodward and Smith-) Lee Anp II tilth vs P. L. P. P. Visvanotlitn Chetty. This appeal was heard yesterday It wa* against the deciaiou ot Mr. Justice Thornton, the appellant, a woman, was the defendant the respoudant
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    • 111 4 To Til Buiros OF rni Strait* g CHO Dear Sir, The report of the trade mark cise bet ween our firm as Plaintiffs and Messrs Thong J™ snd Co. as Defendants, which appeared in your paper last night, is likely to convey wrong impression. 1 Mr
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  • 161 4 («rand Opening To-Night! Residente.are remin 'ed that the Grand Hippodrome Circus opens to-night at the D*to Kram it Gardena and a splendid pro gramme has been arranged There are all thfse performer* Miss Ztlia, The Peerless Equestrienne, Miss Florence Lallah in her Graceful Equipose on the Silver
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  • 438 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the lies played yesterday Double Handicap, Class B Reid ami Haslaro beat Procter and Jan.ieaon 6—4; 3—6; 6 4; Henderson and Ivens hat Cave:disb and Croucher 6—4; 10—8. Single Handicap. Class A Goldie beat A. G- Anthony 7- 5
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 328 4 IPOE MARBLE WORES. IPOH-PERAE. 1 bin busiiiPKis is ih>w under tlie management of Mr. Jtavensway, wlio has made a great reduction in all prices and who will he glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Wasliliand Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large
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    • 31 4 Touches the Spot. Sick headache m e-uael by a diaordertd condition of ibe atomac'i and ia quickly cured by ChamberW# Stomach and Liver Tableta. For aale by ali Diapenaariea and Dealer#.
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    • 46 4 (tonOHan like other preparations of Copaiba and Sandalwood oil does not affect the kidneys or disturb the stomach and is well tolerated by the patient even after lengthened treatment Trials by the Medical, Profession solicited. Semples froe on application to any of the chief Penang Chemists.
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    • 50 5 (Echo Special.) Accused Pleads Guilty. Kuala Lumpur, 15th February.—ln the Seremban case in which the chief clerk of the Court there was charged with defalcation of court money the accused, Monteiro, pleaded guilty of breach of trust of three sums totalling fBOO. Sentence was deferred till to-morrow.
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    • 84 5 (Echo Special.) Prise Winners. Kuala Lumpur, 15th February.—At the annual meeting of the Selangor (Jolf Club the following were the prize winners and their scores Club Championship. Baker 174 Herrington Medal, 0. S Magill 85 Medal Play Handicap, Baker 174 Competition (Senior) Dainton 79 Medal Play Competition
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    • 26 5 Echo Special.) Due in Ningapore. Singapore, 10th February.—The A»n and Soya of the Japanese Training Squadron are due here on the 4th June.
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    • 48 5 (Echo Special.) Novel Defence. Singapore, 16th February.—Lim Cheng Ti and Wi Sui Ki were charged yesterday at the instance of the Protectorate with unlicensed recruiting for Kelantan. The defence alleged that Kelantan was part of the Federation. That view was not accepted. The case is proceeding.
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    • 48 5 (Echo Special.) Manager’s Estimate. Singapore, 16th February.—The manager of Pajim Estate reports that there are 8,000 tappable trees on the Estate, increasing to 16,000 in October when the crop will be 18,000 lbs. At the end of the second year it is estimated at 55,000 lbs.
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    • 25 5 (Echo Special.) Wreck Bought. Singapore, 16th February.—The King lleurge wreck has been bought by a Chinese Syndicate at Batavia for 1,520 guilders.
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    • 28 5 (Echo Sjtecial.) Off. Singapore, 16th February.—The proposed aviation week in Singapore is t 0 owing to there having heen no arrangement for the finances.
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    • 69 5 (Echo Special) The “Hlenfalloch” Raided at Singapore. Singapore, 16th Februaiy—The s.s Ol* hillock, from Amoy, was raided yesterday afternoon by Mr. J. A. Howard,Superintendent of the Tanjong Pagar Police Departnient. and the employees of tbe Government Opium Monopoly. They seiz’d consignments of dried oysters. Chinese papers and vermicelli,
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    • 36 5 (Echo Special.) A Week’s Postponement. Singapore, 16th February.—Mr. Wee Theam Tew has applied (or and been granted a week’s postponement in the case in which he is charged with giving false evidence.
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    • 32 5 (Supplied hy Renter To Continue'short Time. London, 16ib February —At s meeting of the cotton apinners of Manchester it was decided to continue abort time till tbe 26tb April.
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    • 18 5 (Supplied by Reuter lade a Peer. London, 16 h February—Mr. Herbert Gladstone baa accepted a peerage.
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    • 187 5 (Supplied by Reuter A Banquet and Home Speerhea. London, 15th February.—The Duke of Norfolk presided at a brilliant hmquet of live hundred in honour of Mr. Wad* the Anglo Japaneae Exhibit? n Commiseioner The Duke of Norfolk, in proposing the toast to the Emperor, dwelt on His Majesty’s
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    • 40 5 {Supplied by Reuter Featherweight Championship. London, 15th February —At the National Sporting Club for the Featherweight Championship of England and a purse of jEI.COO, Driscoll, of Cardiff, beat Seaman Hayes in six rounds when the refeiee stopped the contest.
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    • 101 5 (Supplied by Reuter Liberal Fleeted for the Orkneys. London, 15'h February.—Mr. J. ''ason a Libeial, has been re elected for the Orkney Islands. Parliament Formally Opened. London, 16th February.—Parliament has formally opened The Speaker hia been re elected. Labour Parly’s Chairni in. The Lab ur Party has elected
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  • 215 5 The Chairman of the Hongkong Branch of tie China Ars>ci»tion. in a loDg speech on the 7th iuxt-. asid that “a number of articles have appeared in The Times-writteu by its Sbsngbsi correspondent—representing China's fiuanoe» as being in an unsatisfactory e‘a*e. This is probably the first
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  • 386 5 The past few months have given u» in the F. M. S some remaikable instances of commercial “n erprise It had been well known for some time past that various broking corporations and business firms established in tbe Colony were contemplating a descent j on tbe Native
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  • 337 5 Two Thoiituinil Dollar» Stolen. It appears that at 5 o'clock ou Wednesdiy evening a Chinese tiudal in the employ of Mr. Eu Tong Sen left Kampar with the sum of S 2 210 to pay the coolies on one of Mr. Eu Tong Sen’s mines in the Lahti
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  • 145 5 (From Our Own Correspondent A lor Star, Feb 14 A new Post and Telegraph Office at Ssmiling was opened on the 6 h inst. and Mr. 0. Wallace, from Alor Star, is iu charge of it. Mr. P. Chak apaoy who wis for many years the Postmaster at Alor
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  • 75 5 {From Our Own Correspondent Feb. 14. The dark read I spoke of in my last notes is the length between the oil mill aud tbe Station Road junction. Last night a ronggeng «tailed in front of tbe temple. There were three dancing girls, and a big crowd of
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  • 1186 5 Ine refusal of tin) Prince Rage, tto accede to tbe prayer of tbe provmcal delegates for i tbe earlier grant of.a parliament marts a definite stage, though a negative one. in tbe bistofy of tbe constitutional movement in Chin* That movement, it will be remi m bered, date’s
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  • Passengers.
    • 104 5 Aiiitid, Ter ee.P.E Fried'irh 15th Feb., from Singapore Capt Tb. Ltreen, Mr. Jama» H. Bell. Mr. K)bt Muhlha useo. Mr. A J Hancock. Mr. Draff Mr Qaah Cbow Tang, M>. Ong Yong Kum. From Hopgkong Mr. D. C Alexander. DtPABTBD. Pm»» PE Friedrich. I Hi b Feb. for Colombo Mr.
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  • 77 5 To-dat. 7th Day of Ist Moon. Ember Day P. C. C. Tennis Tina Town Hand, Esplanad 6 to 7 p in. Ilippt drome Circus, Orand Opening Performance, Dato Kismat Oaidrns 9 3' pm Straiis Cinematograph, IVnang Road. 8 30 p ni. Wavang I-cheb Puteb, belorong Cbeloring," King Stiert Theatre
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 304 5 STRAITS MALACCA. ruuu PENVNG. SOUTH CHANNEL. L rat urn N>. 3 Channel Buoy ia marked on <’lmt 3 732 ah white same ought to be m iikrcl aa Rod.” D C MACINIYRK. Harbour Mailer, I'enana. Hit hour M rate'’a Offi ;e, Penang, 15 h Kdituirv, 1910 12'i I LMAIUJ SAI
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    • 127 5 SIDED RECORDS $l-25. 12 FOR $l3-50. LISTS FREE. ..mi mo r- r ALEMBIC Chemical Works, BOMBAY AND BARODA, AWARDED 18 GOLD MEDALS. H A I R l/ouc H E. Best for Brain-workers. Most Cooling to Head. Medicated and Scented. HMD HV Indian Princes and English Gentry. Sole Audits for
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  • 26 5 Obituary. (Supplied by Renter Mr. Peter Curran. Loudon, 16th February—The death in announced of Mr. Pet»r Curran, Labour M. P. for the Jarrovr diriaion of Durham.
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  • 590 6 On Friday morning a ciicket match was commenced on Victoria Green between the Royal Association (a newly created team) and the Perak Wanderer» (an eleven c plained by 11. U KajaCbulan). The home team batted first and completed their first innings for 60 runs
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  • 478 6 Serious Differences with Chins. Private advices from a well-informed souioe, aaya The Tim as. of January 14, dis-1 close the serioqa situation, which baa arisen in I ibet owing to the constant friction between the Chinese authoritige and the Tibetan* The Viceroy. Chou, doee not seem
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  • 118 6 I‘bnano, 16th Fsbsoaky (By courlety of the Chartered Hank London, Demand Bank 2/4$ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 j 3 Credit 2/4', J 3 Documentary.. 2/44 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174$ 3 days’eight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Mouhnein, Demand Bank 173$ 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras. Demand
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  • 211 6 Gold lieaf 161.81 B. Pi n ei(W Coast 3lb» 6 oz.) i w> »lock White Peppoi 124 76 bvyer» [Yung Teppe \7[ buyer» Clives 75 -teller» Mace 83 telln Mace PicVmi'* 68 -buyer» Nutmeg» 110 s l^Ofcuyer* No. 1 6 Bi> tale Bugar < 2 uo tloek (Basket 525
    211 words
  • 186 6 PaiANe, 16th Fmeuakt, 1910 ®aav— t ei». Soup per mKj 14 Roast 74 Steak* 24 Stew or Curry Me* 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail met. 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver pei catty 35 Pom* Pork pet call! 3.3 Pig’» Head 20 24 Tongut 32
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  • 719 6 pc Rubber. \lor Pongtu Rubber Estate Ltd. do Cootributoij lug'#» Mskv KiiMwt»' 1.1. t f ra.,l \yer Kuuiog Rubber Estate Ltd. Balgownie Rubber Estate Ltd. B*lu Caves K übhei (V>. Ltd Batu Tigu (Selangor) Rubber Co., Ltd Bikam Rubber Estate Ltd. do Contributory Brieh Rubber Estate Ltd. do Contributory
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 38 6 Painful Breathing. Chamberlain's C >ugh Remedy 1» a »ery valurble mediciun for throat aud lun? trouble», quickly relieses .tod cures painful breathing aud a dangerously sounding cough which indicates congested lung». For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 54 6 Do Yon Want Relief Are you frequently boarte Do you bare that annoying tickling in your throat? Doea your cough annoy you at night, and do you raiae mucua in the morning Do you want relief? If eo. take Cbamberlain’a Cough Remedy and you will be pleated For tale by
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    • 198 6 Diphtheria—llow It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria in usually contracted when the child bag a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and «lev. Iopnient of the diphtheria germs. When there are cases of diphtheria in the neigh borhood children that have colds shout I be kept at
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  • 318 7 Mr A. Cavendish. K»gisirar of Bill* i>f Sale. makes tbe following rrport for Penvng. 1 Tbe fees collected during the jeer amounted to $814.75, as against $877 50 in 1908. Theieveuue in 1905. 1900 and 1907 wa» «1233 75 $*****5 and $1,090 respectively. 2. The
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  • 620 7 Mr Frederic Harrison outlines a vigorous scheme for the const it ulton of a Second Cham Iter which sbou'd command respect. Wntiug in the Chron'.e'e he says:— Lord Uosetrery. tu his brilliant and inc.sive tpoeeb, has finally under mined the m'hoiity of an
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 912 7 INSURANCES. THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. rpHK undersigned having been appointed JL Agent* for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risk* at current rates. PATERSON. SIMONS A 00. Ltd. 12c Guardian Atsuranct Company, Llmltod. Establisrsd 1821. Subscribed Capital A 2,000,000
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1025 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late oj Dr. Allen Cv., Pha, U.S.A. charges Moderate, Consultation Fits. imimna at /Vo. 2la, Penan" Rand. A lew doors from the Eastern and Orlenta Hotel. (< rctb« TEA o «V' TEA SOLE A(3ENTS FOB PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co. TUB “India Rubber &Guita Perclia AND
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