Straits Echo, 14 February 1910

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1060 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT v*HTV S<SST9 THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. 1200 000 deposited with the Hoogkong Government as a special protection for onr policy holders. The ONLY company that has this deposit. Thi Company for the Chinese. Every Kind of Policy Issued. For rate*
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    • 21 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR BAST. «0 w 1 f? i iIPS a ?>> *> v IFIAWQ LEE A Co,, SoU Agent*.
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  • 1070 2 An extremely interest in»; experimental study of sleep bat been publitbed by Dr Born Sid it. wbote woik on hypnosis and allied subjects lu» alrerdy won him fame. Oue of tbe facti brought out by Dr. Sidit it that it it possible to indues sleep simply
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  • 128 2 Fcbrnary, 1910. H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. 1 A. M• A.M. P. M. P. M. 14th 2 sf, 5».04, 3.15, 9.2.-» 15th 3.3«, 9.4«, 3 57, 10.07 16th 4.19, 10.29, 4.41, 10.51 17th 505. 11.18, 5 31, 11.44 18lh 6.01, Nil. 6.36, 12.53 19th 7.18, 1 41,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 63 2 Do You Want Relief? Are vnu frequently hoarse Do you bare' that anuoyin.' lu.-k.u4j iu your tin oat D «es 1 your cough a moT you at n ft, ir.d do you raise mucus i 1 the mornmj Do you wmt relief? If *O, take Chamberlain's Cough Reuiedv an 1
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    • 383 2 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoided. D pill beria i* usually contracted wbeu the cbil<l lias a cold. '1 he cold pupates the child’s system for the reception and devdopiuent of Ilia diphtbeiia mu. WbeD there are cast» of diphtheria iu the neighborhood childteu (bat have colds ehoull be kept at
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    • 1598 2 IPOE MARBLE WORSS. IPOE-PERAZ. This business is now under the immurement of Mr. Ravensway, wlio bus made a great reduction in all prices and wlio will be glad t<> quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Washhund Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large stock
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  • 39 3 V CMllit t tom Agenti Dm* Prim Eilel Pried riel) Singapore B.M A Co. 15th Fob. P. A lie* Colombo IV M ACo. 16 li Mtuv'oui.i Colombo A.U ACo. •J4’ li Amtitjro Singapore A.U ACo. 1 or
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  • 29 3 For Aj-nl if 'WI Piiot Kite) Fnrdricb Colombo M ACo. Feb. P. Alio* Sing* pore ll.Sfl .A V M tondonu Singapore \.G A0«. Aiu.u Colombo VO A Jo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 194 3 Rei henbach, Ger. a.s., 2 634, Peter*. 10 h Fob.. Singapore, Bth Feb., Gee.— B M A Co. AvagijM. Br. s.a, 250, Campbell, 10th Feb., H-dawan, 9th Feb, Gen —E 8. Co.. Ltd. Ulenog'r, Br. «.,2.498, Pad Jin. 10th Feb Kui.oon, 7th vn Eng Joo Sin Kre. Flintshire, Br
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    • 52 3 14th Fkbruart Canton for Bindings and Teluk Anson. Hok Canton, for Lrugas, T. Siinawe, Sogll, Olehleh and Sshang. Hebe, for SiDgaporr. A. Apcar, for Calrutta. Un Peng, for Pulau Langk iwi, Perlia ami Setul. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld aud Taiping. Atjeh, for Langaa, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh anJ
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    • 60 3 Foa Kivlnh Per Lian Choi, to-morrow, 0 a.m. Teluk Anaou—Per Malacca, tc-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Sweltenbam and Singapore—Per Janet Nico'J, to inorrow,3 p m. Poit Swetteuham und Singapore—Per IvoH. to.morrow, 4 pin. Singapore A Hongkong— Per Lightning, to-morrow 4 p.m. Ceylon. Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples,
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  • 404 3 Per I. G. M. a.s. Printers Alice, from Europe, due at Penang on 16th Feb To Penang Mr. and Mrs. W. 1> P. Wateon, Mr. and Mrs It O. Gref, Mr. H. Suhl, Mr. M. Nathan», Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Haobian, Capt K Sohouning Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 830 3 P, 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrival* and Departure*. MailUnrlaa, Outward. F»b. 24 Uaeedonia connecting with Mongolia Mar 10 Devanha Marmora U Aitaye Mon* Apr. 7 Mia Mooltan 21 Mhi China Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. tat Ulua atal Ota« I'o Mndoibr Rtt
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    • 490 3 —(s niPPiN Or.) NORDDEUTSCHER_LLOYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL OESKAM MAIL LIME. MB BpB OH fftfll 9 H* =^*5SS ‘■r~~ r FlHE fast and well-known 1 r e.itii rso. t h:s Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, 1. Hambutgin-i heiteidam, Antwerp,Southampton,Gibraltar, Algier»,Genoa, Naples, (connection Al arson lea, Naples, Alexandra and vice vena) Port Said,
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  • 84 4 Jwu— wgfliiy lii IHm ~*Mtal»«4 dally NMii IT T*l CRITERION CRESS, Ltd., No. **6—*3*. Hooch Btraet. Penang PRICK •uu.f uwii m wm OUTSTSTIOR» rusts*» »«um- All. OIMTIOH |f«t riMl 111 OSRI.B lIMIRIBM Scfec Tcaaag." r.10ph0,,» Nr. *4? 11l W» I I—Hfil— M Mldra, 4 •Tn lilian. Wsusf
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  • 931 4 We are making a collection of perils in this peril-producing period, ar.d we are adding to our little lot the most pleasing example we hare so far come across. We had it from a whitehaired Tory skipper—one of the old school for whom we entertain an
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  • 319 4 The above Citcut and Menagerie arrived in Penang to day. They came dirtet from Singapore, and <n spite o the tains during their visit there, they were most i-urce sful It speaks volumes for a show when 01 < can ssy that the rain, and very heavy rain
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  • 136 4 Towkay Ewe Tong Sen’s Tindal Robbed. Our correspondent at Kampar writes: A gang robbery, in which five men were concerned, took plaoe at 5.30 p. m on tbe 9tb February. Tbe robbers are said to bare come from Teluk Anson Ther were armed with knives and
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  • 127 4 The following bu*me&s in tin bit heea done to-day dint-*pore: B'rsits Trading Co buyers, no sel’e s j Pen iiif PeoangTm Exchange, 12} tons a' 71} Rangoon rice is quoted here to day at $125 per coyan. The output of the Rubber Estates of Krian for
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  • 873 4 A Record. The Ansu«l lu»pwelou <>l the P.iwng Volutiuem io -k place at Kaiupone Bsbru Camp at 4 p m on Stturday. the l‘2ih In.t I'u*», svore 101 member» of ’be P*eang Vo*uv'leer' tVp* and 60 Cadet*, a grand total wnich h i» never been quilled
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    • 22 4 (Beho Special.) Large Number of ChliieM Visitor* Singapore, 12th Februarr.—lO jjf Chinese visited Raffles Museum on’th. 10th and 11th inst.
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    • 184 4 Echo Special.) Proposed Aviation Week. Singapore, 12th February.— A French aviator is bete negotiating for x n aviation week commencing on tbe '’Bth March. The StrmiU Timet says W* hear that the well-kaowa French sriato r M. Ferandy. is at present in Singapore and list he ia
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    • 42 4 (Echo Sye ial Dealt with Leniently. Singapore, 12tb February.—Tbe Chinese gamblers wbo were arrested during tbe Chinese New Year holidays were inoet of them discharged and dealt with leniently in view of tbe festival. Their implements were forfeited.
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    • 60 4 {Echo Special.) tiovernment Answerable. Singapore, 12th Feb.—The Slnuti Timet, in an article on malaria, saji that if Dr- Travers bad stated his facts with reasonable accuracy Government must relieve itself of the incubus of incouipetency and undo the error it hit committed without delay. Meanwhile it
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    • 20 4 The Liars.” (Echo Specia'.) A Poor Hontte. Singapore, 12th Feb.—“ The Liars’ played to a poor bouse yesterday even ing.
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    • 192 4 (tktio Special.) Neveral Mi lea Washed Away. Singapore, 12th February.—lt is reErted that several miles of the Juhore tilway has been washed away. Beyond Using. Singapore, 14th Feb.—lt is reporteJ that more than half the Jobore Railway has been damaged by the floods beyond using, involving heavy expenditure
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    • 28 4 [Echo Special.) Estate ia Kelantan. Singapore, 14th Feb.—Mr. Ward ot Kota Bharu is seeking for 2,000 a* 8 for rubber planting at Sungei Nal, <** the Kelantan river.
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    • 20 4 (Ecku Speciil.) $2,400 Damage. Singapore, 14th February.— Towkxj Litn Hang lost |2,400 from damaged fire at Kalla ng yesterday.
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    • 30 5 (Echo Special.) 39 Prisoners. Singapore, 14th Feb.—Thirty-nine prisoners were sent from Muar to Johore to stand their trial for being connected with the gang-robbery at Tangkah.
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    • 26 5 (Echo Special.) Visit to Bangkok. Singapore, 14th February.—The Bishop of Singapore went to Bangkok last Saturday and will return about the 28th inst.
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    • 156 5 (Echo Special.) Visit to Lanadron Estate. Singapore, 14th February—H. E. the Governor, Miss Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Farrant, Mr. D. G. Perkins, Mr. Claude Severn and Lieut. Gay reached Muar on Saturday morning in the Sea Mew. They went upstream to Lanadron Estate where the factory and
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    • 62 5 (Echo Special.) Fight between Military and Police. Singapore, 14th Feb.—The Union Time» publishes a telegram from Canton to the effect that a fight took place between the military and the police. Three police stations were destroyed and hundreds of soldiers killed. The city gates were closed. It is
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    • 45 5 (Supi lied by Reuter French Bank Advances £4,000,000. London, 13th February—The Bank of France is advancing nn Government guarantee jL‘4.000,000 for five years without interest to the small manufacturers and traders who have suffered from the floods. Other bauks are co operating.
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    • 76 5 (Supplied by Iteuter.) 150 Drowned. London, 14th Feb—The General CAnaiy, which sank off Majoica, was carried off her course by a storm and currents. She ran on the rock* and her boileta txploded. She sank immediately. The passr ngers were below at the time, and the loss
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    • 49 5 {Sniplied by Reuter.) A Successful Flight. London, 14th Feb —The new army dirigible balloon made a moat successful flight of several hours over Lafftn's Plain. She carried four passengers and maintained a good speed even agamat a strong brers*. She is fishoh sped and steers well.
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    • 54 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Social Democratic Demonstrations. London, 14‘h Feb—Numerous SocialDemocratic demonstrstions against tbe unpopular Fianohise Bill took place in the streets of Berlin. The Police prevented a mass meeting in the centre of tbe city and tbe dpaonetratori came into conflict with the Polios, who fired blank
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 376 4 •THE CRAG HOTEL.! SANATORIUM. I PENANG HILLS. J rsatw?, Proprietors. As gooo an Hotel as any in the Straits.” —Singapore Fite Preei. 27th March. SARSIES BROTHERS, RECORDS. RECORDS. RECORDS. FOK DISC TALKING MACHINES. Enquirers are notified that our NEW RECORDS are ready—they break the record for high quality and low
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    • 32 4 liottosan (in eapaal«<)i» well tolerated by the digea'ire apparatus no complication of any tort arffcur*. and it* action ia moat ft crable In Cjstitia. Approved by the reading specialists of the day.
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  • 1420 5 The Liars. Extracts from Critiques. The Kuala Lumpur Mail said, in part Although at times there were a considerable number of people on tbe stage, quite as many a. the Town Hall stage will accommodate in faot, no one ever seemed to 1« in tbe w.y of anybody else, and
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  • 603 5 (From Our Own Correrjxmdent K. K Fell. 12. Wild KtaplixiitH. On the night of the 5'h iust a herd of wild elephants visi'ed the Sanitsiy lliaid cooly lines at Suugei Siput The iuhabi tanla were much frighlened aud they demoted their bouses for some hours Cicoauut trees were
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  • 1370 5 By Oup of Them. There were tijiee of ut; each eue's little bent beating iu a tmly patriotic utauner as we started out to find the Troop* at Kimpong Bbaru. It bad beeu raining for days uni days and night* aud Digits, aud it still lo<
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  • 176 5 Abbivid, Vote •.Kedah, 11th Feb, from Kelah Mr Hall tern* Kedah 13'h Feb, from Kedah Mr*. Welli*m, Messis Wright, Wreford, Starr, Pnkftnpack, Cheeseman, Slstter. M icD.iulald, Telsdon. ai d Elton It' ll Pei ss Dilieara 13’h Feb, from Sings, pore Sir W. Ilyudmau Jones si d Lady W By
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  • 82 5 To-dav. s'h li.iv of Ist Mt-on. S'. Valentiue. O'd Ctndlemaa P. 0. C. Tennis Ties Town Band, Espl mill 0 to 7p hi Strai's Cmematograpb, IVnuig Koad, 8 30 p m Wayang I iohe'i Pitleli, A Midsummer Night' I) earn," King Sued Clio it re. ib-Moaaow ti:.h l> y
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 The first eioleut inflammatory symp'oms Suickly disappear after trea'ment with Hieel’s GoiOSan Capsules No better preparation now on the market. Certified by the leading Specialists.
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    • 438 5 SIDED RECORDS $1-25. 12 FOR $13-30. LISTS FREE. ROBINSON FIAHQ c°- r ALEMBIC Chemical Works, BOMBAY AND BARODA, AWARDED 18 GOLD MEDALS. HAIR DOUCHE. for Krai n-worker». Moat Cooling to Head. Medicated and Scouted. O-BU DY ALL Indian Pi inn s und English Gentry. Unrivalled Patent Tonics. MillioiiH of Mottles
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  • 345 6 Official Minutes. Minu'et of a meeting ot the Municipal Comraiamonera h on Thursday. the 27th of January, 1910 Pretent V. J. Hallifax. E-q. (President) J. \V Hallifax, E-q. Lim Cheng Teik. E-q. A bient L H Clayton, Etq Dr. P. V Locke. Quah Bong Koe, E-q. 1 The
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  • 456 6 (From o>r Own Correspondent B. Mertajsrr, 12 h Feb A Sad Accident. A dumb grass-cutter, a Chinaman, aged about sixty, while going along tbe railway line on tbe 3rd instant near tbe second railway gate, was knocker] down by tbe mail train passing at about 850 am.
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  • 405 6 (From Our Own Correspondent Taiping, 9 b February. King Edward VII School closed for tbe Chinese New Year holidays on the 4’b, and will re open on the Ist March. Tbe Rev. F R. B Pinborn, Chaplain of All Saints wbo was on a visit to Kwala Lumpur,
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  • 286 6 Rubber Boom Next Spring A correspondent, “B. A,” hiving unde statements iu a contemporary that in a few years the aupp'y of rubber will greatly exceed the demand, has been met by a chorus (bat affirms tbe contrary. “A. S B,” for instance, can only find weak spots in tbe
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  • 123 6 PBNANO, ,4ril F» BKUARY (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4$ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4j) is 3 Credit 2/4 5 it 3 Documentary.. 2/44 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 176 Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 173$ 3 days’sight Private
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  • 214 6 Gold Leaf $64.8 1.1'tpj er( 31bs.5oz.) no ttock iVh’te Popper .$25$ taiet Ci ang Pepper out of teatou Cl >tc i 75— ttl’ert Ma.ce 83 tell-rt Mace Picking 75.— teller» Nutmeg» 110s l^.- f buyert I No. 1 6.80 taiet Sugar < 2 no ttock Basket 5 25 taiet
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  • 197 6 Puawe, 14th F*b*ca«t. 1« |vj_ B *T“ boup per calti la Roast o. Steak* 24 Stew or Curry Meal Rump Steak Ox T ivil Mu-i. 3o Tongue j. Feet Heart 30 Liver pei catty 35 *»0*11 Pork pn> cafit .m Pig’s Hoad m Feet I 24 Tonga* 32
    197 words
  • 1562 6 I I 9 n I S a. I a o 2 Numlierot u i g S <J-ipi tii. 1 share» 1 t* Dividends Name >. 3 g ,«.»ued. J 1 j <a > l I J I I I a 1 T 19' 6[l9-'’< 1908 194)9 '914 Rubber, p
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  • 362 7 Die awakeutng of liberty in Peru*. says Mr Jau li in Human I- t Paris). is eutirely due (o the activity of bia own part», tbe Socialists in Persia, whom be styles tbe inort receut accessions to the proletarian Inlernationals.” This editor gives an account <>f an
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  • 644 7 There are five really «real systems of policing in the world—iu Loudon, New York, Her in, P..ria, a d St. Petersburg— arid in a i tivesided comparison the London bobby in not far behind The policeman'* deportment to the urcruge inan, tbo fiist consideraliou, for be
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 805 7 for sale. insurances, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. rjlHE undersigned haring been eppointed Agent* for the abore Corporation, are ‘IAR- now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risk* at current rate*. Commercial Union Assurance Oompany, Ltd. PATERSON. SIMONS A Oo. Ltd. 12o Guardian Assurance Company,
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    • 277 7 i “NEW HOWE BICYCLES!!! Z'' Cheap Price Good Quality Guaranteed!! BRITISH MAl)ft THROUGHOUT! Nmv llowe Bicycles are guaranteed of Superior Quality and Finish N<i SURAPPY or TRASHY parts or frames fitted; For KLKGANCEA BEAUTIFUL APPEARANCE “New Howe” Bicycles equal machines at DOUBLE the price “New Howe” Bicycles are Superior in
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    • 52 7 Costs But a Trifle. While it ii often impossible to prevent iiu accident, it is mver impossible to be prepared— it in not beyond any one’* purse. Buy a boitle of Cbamlierlain's Pain Biltu and you are [replied for *[rains, hiuiaea and bk« ii juries. For sale by all Dispeulanes
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1054 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen A Cv., Pha, D.S.A. />iarg8s Moderate, Consultation Free. BMID1X* A? A'o. 21a, Penan" Road. K few doors from the Eastern and Orienta Hotel. 6 mth« TEA E. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8 each.
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  • 2040 9 Aut Scissors, aut Mullus. We understand that there ii a bis local demand for Ayer Kuning Rubber EeUtee «bare*. A local shareholder waa offered tea per ceot. premium for big block of eharee, tbi* morning, but refuted to tell. Probably when the returns of the sales of rubber for December
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  • 507 9 J Homeward Conference Rates Not Uniform. A novel and remarkable development bas come over the combination of ship owners 1 (and ship agents bound to those owners) who are concerned in the Homeward Confer. 1 ence Hitherto tbe rates for cargo h ive been 1 uniform in
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  • 855 9 Daily Mail” Empire Day Rifle Contest. Conditions for ID 10 The conditions, which have bei framed by the Advisory Committee on* sting of Eirl Meath, Field Mirsba' Sir Evelyn Wool, v.c Lord Obey le»m ire. Prendout of the i National R flr Association, L* Col. Crosse, Sec etary of the
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  • 813 9 O tr R“ilin Co'respomleut writes: We in Gerinsnv hive not felt i ffei.drd at the f«ct that a war scare has been held before tbniyesofthe c nstitueuts for party pti pons Such me'lto-ls are not entirely unknown in Germany: more especially wasuch tbe oise during the elections
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  • 600 9 Immediate and Wonderful. In Thrik Words a Sukkkrkk kbom Erysipelas in Ceylon Pr-criurs His EiPKRIBNCB Wl'H l)r. Williams’ Pink Pills. Erysipelas, like other skin diseases, is due to a disordered condition of the blood. It is bectuse Dr Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale I’pople are the most peifect blood purifying,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 37 9 Painful Breathing. Cbamberl tin's Cough Remedy U rery raluible medicine for throat and lung trouble*. quickly relioses and cure* painful breathing and a dangerously sounding cough which mdicates congested lungs. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 36 9 Touches the Spot. Sick he dache in c used by a disordered condition < f i ho stem trb anti is qrckly cu'e 1 by ClHmberlain’s and Liver Tab la's. For sale by ail Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 102 9 COft MON SENSE»* NUTSHELL. A new in«*d»« al Work on the causes a bo4 irntihc effectual mean* of self-cure rvrr discovered for nervous ft functional dr billy, dept er son of sp-its. ftr.Jwithprat tw al observation* on an <] f u dirw turn* for removing certain disqual-tiratioi that destroy the
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    • 353 9 for sale:. I CHINESE SCRIBBLING PAPER FOR OFFICE USE, 8120 12'X 16*, I‘rice, per packet of 180 full Bheeta. (Cnn be cut to 12*XHM OBTAINABLS AT THE CKITKRION PKKBB, Lru. 226—232, Beach Street. JUST ARRIVED. A NEW STOCK OF FINE POCKET PENCILS. AL r O Extra pencils to refill the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 570 10 'N FOR BALE. FOR SALE. f I TALES OF MALAYA,” “SOUTHERN CROSS,” Containing 18 very interesting short stories dealing with lift in the Malay Peninsula. (241 PAGES DEMI-OCTAVO) Price $1. MAT BB HAD AT TUB !“Siraits Echo” Office tA LAO AT ••r. WHITEAWAY, LA1DLAW Co KIM A C«-. Singapore. MMMIMAN
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