Straits Echo, 5 February 1910

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 937 1 TIANQ Lee Oo. «S'i® Ta A SOLE AO ENTS. THE SUAiMUHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hbau Office— Shanghai, China. CAPITAL, TAELS 1,000,000. $200 000 deposited with the Hongkong Government as a special protection for onr policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company for the Chinese. Every
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    • 21 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST 0 ill'll 5 S 3 a ->> 6k> 5 •V,. XpKjfji^ A Co.. Sole Agents.
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  • 605 2 Nurse’s Adventure. A coloured mm's extraor iuary way of showing bis affection for a nurse was exposed at Marykbcno Police C u’t. The prisons-, a man of thirty time, a pensioned Oil torn* officer of the G Id Cosat, named Matru< Clarke, was shake: with sobs
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  • 393 2 Ft lirnary. 15M0. H.W. L.W. H.W, L.W. A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. sth 7 27, 1 47, 8.08, 2.28 6th 8 50, 30!*, ”8, 3.07 7th 0.43, 3.53, 10 04, 4.14 Bth 10.36, 450, 11.04, 5.18 oth 11 -7, 5.38, 11 50, 6,0 l
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 480 2 RIGAUD'S OF JAPRH TOILET WATER Beware of imitation». -*F RIGAUD C’ PERFUMERS 8. rue Vivienns, 8 Pir,t-Frinct MUNICIPAL ELECTRICITY SUPPLY DEPARTMENT. There is a vacancy for an Engine I) iver to take charge of a Shift at the Electricity Generating Station. Commencing Salary, $75 per mensem. Candidates must Ire in
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    • 2000 2 SIEMENS BROTHERS’ DYNAMO WORKS, LIMITED. ELECTRIC LICHtTpOWER AND TRACTION ENGINEERS, AND CONTRACTORS. NCBEASE IN TEE TEICE OF OIL. (New Petroleum Ordinance.) HEMS’ “TANTALUM" LAMPS GREAT SATINS. Why pay a hi&h price for oil, whei Electric light with our lamps is a cheaper better illuminant Prices As Particulars on application to
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  • 43 3 t'l Dm lj't'yioe D jikI a 8.B &0o 5 b Fh Dili i Colombo X <J ACo lmb Arciidi t Singapore a a *c >. lltb 1’ii iz Eilel Fuedricl Sincipoic B.M A Co 15'b l\ Alieo Colombo B.M JtOo. 16 h
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  • 36 3 •*r«* 5 1 for Bon^loe J 1 $lO(!tpOtP 3.1$ A 'o. Feb. Ibslt* Sll'.M^OItl VG A Co. Arcrdia Colombo \.U A io. I’rin* Eit* 1 Fiie4ticl 'Colombo 1$ M &Co 1’ Alice SlUgApOiH 1 n.M.*Co.
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  • Shipping.
    • 215 3, Br. aa, 250, Campbel l 4th Feb., Telok Anson, 3rd Feb, Gen.— E S 0 L'd. Coen. Dut. a*. 823 i Eilbraolit, 4’b Feb, Padaug. 29ih Jan., Gen. —H.L. A Co Perak. Br f 258. Milne, 4iL Feb Deli 3d Feb.. Gen—E 8 Co., Ltd. Valentijn Dut. a
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    • 86 3 sth February Thongica. for Madina taking maila for Europe, etc via Bombay. Bhirota, for Rmgoou and Calcutta, Syria, for Colombo and Tutioorin. Lian Cho>, for Kedah. Tong Chay Un. for I’angk ilan Biandan. Perak for Deli. Avagyee. for Teluk Anaou. Kitt'.a, for Port Swottcnham and Smga> porn Coen forLingaa.T
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    • 84 3 Fob Ton^kiili—Per Sappho, 7th imtant, 1 p.m. liingk »t. Per Jin JIo, 7ih inatant, 1 p in. I’ Hrandan—Per Sree Bangka, 7' li mutant, 1 p in Cilcutta—Per Lai Sang, 7ib inatant, 4 pm. Pulau iw, Perlia and 8-tu!—Per Un Veng, 7th iuktant, 4 pm. A* than —Per
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  • 354 3 Per P and O. a.a Mo'davia, from I,ond r. Jan 14, connecting with the Dell i at Colombo, due at Penang on Kith Feb To I’enang Mr. Bowden, Mr. M Court, Mr. E 11 Wo If, Mr. W. Hamilton, Mr. W A l.uuing, Mr and Mrs
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 629 3 F. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. KiperM Arrivals and Departaras. Mall Sarvica. Outward. Feb. 10 Della conneeting with Moldavia 24 Macedonia Mongolia Mer. 10 Dcoanka Marmora 24 Ai»ay* Moma Homeward. Til HOUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. IK (Jlue M Ulart f„ Louden by He* £O6
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    • 494 3 (SHIPPING.) NORDDEUTSCHER_LLOYD, BREMEN. OCPSBXAL QEBUA.tT UAIL LINS. m it TLIK fast and well-known n. 1 unßnrsn tins Company «ail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg vm Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples] (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alcxai di m aud t’t'ee verta) Port Said, Sue*, Aden] Colombo, Ponaug, Singapore, llougkong, Sfcanghai, Nagasaki
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  • 84 4 ««MtofcMl **llF lovrovH NM»» it m CRITERION PRESS, LM., No. *B6—2S2. Hooch Straoi. Penang PRIOR: ■MII.I LOOil p«f OIITRTATIOM KwUa» >'(o «111. ■ItITMIIIIPoMOnI lit oi hi iinm* Bs Echo— Penan#.* r«U|>hntK No 34H «II (MMuan fOMMM>Wmtlcai« •ho«ld I» Tat Ml«sum. MkUOT Intended for peblkltloi •hoeld beeddrecMxl to
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  • 569 4 DEUTSCHLAND UEBER ALLES. To-dny’s telegram about the German electoral Reform Bill seems to indicate a rerjr small step towards real reform, which is as badly needed there as in other lands. European countries, in their advance from feudalism, really cannot fairly accuse China of slowness in her march to constitutionalism.
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  • 578 4 The following business in tin has be.m done tn-dsy Penang: Peuaug Tin Exchange. $73 65 1 buyers, no sellers j Ei.teru Smelling Co 74 jq buyers, no sellers Straits Trading Co 25 tons at 74 22J Singapore Straits Tiading Co.. 25 74 15 1 Total 50
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  • 313 4 Wanted His Safe Burgletf. A very in'eiesliug contest has recently taken place iu Penang between Mr Choo Heau. a lockaunth ol fifteen year.’< xperi0i CBi and a safe manufactured by the Katner Safe Co It bad own eto the ears of the local agents that Mr
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  • 178 4 Yes'erday the February meeting of the Mmisteung Cln'dien’s League was held si the Anglo Chimse GLU’ School. Thirty eicht chil ren were present and the following ladies :—Mrs. Bland. Mrs. Bckuell, Mrs. Port lit ney, Mrs. McNamee, Mrs Ward, Mrs S nlli»m Miss Harding, Miss Gu’tineas, M;sa
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  • 187 4 Leave for Perlis To-day. Tim Siamese Commissioner* appointed to delimit the boundary between Sam and the F, M. S rvlio have beeu here since last Wednesday, will leave this afternoon by the Siamese coastguird boat Damrongrat for I’erlis. They will be accompanied in the F. M 8
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  • 205 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following was the result of the tie played yesterday Profesdon Pairs Jamieson and Crouchet beat Woodward and Martin 6—l; 6—3. Owing to the Chinese New Year, no ties in the above tournament have been fixed for next wtek 'I ho Penang School of Dramatic
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    • 41 4 (Echo Special.) Breakdown at 404th Mile. Kuala Lumpur, sth February.— Ow. ing to the breakdown in the Juhore line at the 404th mile, near Rettgam, there will be no mails to Singapore today or until further notice.
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    • 29 4 [Echo Special.) Host Sucres «fit I Function. Kuala Lumpur, 6th February.— The dance at the Lake Club last night was most successful and was largely attended.
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    • 31 4 The Tugela. (Echo Special.) Miahap off Tanjong Biltong. Singapore, 6th February.—' The steamer Tuye/ti from Dalny is said to have touched bottom off Tanjong Burong. She is leaking in the hold.
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    • 81 4 (Echo Special.) January Crops. Kuala Lumpur, 4th February.—The January cropa of the under-mentioned estates are as follows Anglo-Malay 49,2061b5. Pataling 14,190 London and Asiatic 8,912 Golden Hope 2,398 Selaba 3,000 Malacca Plantations. Singapore, 4th February.—The January crop of the Malacca Plantations is 270,000 lbs. Allagar Bn liber. Singapore, sth
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    • 61 4 (Echo Special.) Nalak South. Singapore, sth February.—The January output of Sulak South was 259.70 piculs. Kuala Lumpur, sth Feb.—Following were the tin exports for January Perak 34,108 piculs. Selangor 22,546 Negri Sembilan 3,801 The total shows a decrease for the three states of 10,328 piculs and the duly a
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    • 48 4 (Echo Special.) Warraut Against Chinese Barrister. Singapore, sth February—Tint Deputy Public Prosecutor applied yesterday evening for a warrant for the arrest of a well-known Chinese member of the Bar on the charge of giving false evidence at the last Assizes in the Tan Lian Chye case.
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    • 32 4 (Echo Special.) Record Capitation Grant. Singapore, sth February.—At the meeting of the Volunteer corps yesterday Lt. Col. E. C. Broadrick announced that a record capitation grant was earned in 1909.
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    • 28 4 (Echo Special.) For Not Reporting Nmallpo** Singapore, stb February.— Captain Kushton of the Ban Hong I/iang wSS fined 575 for not reporting a stnail-p Ol case.
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    • 17 4 (Echo Serial.) Naturalised. Singapore, 5<b Feb.—Mr.Chew"°°“ Poh bag been naturalised a Briti* subject.
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    • 59 5 (Echo Special.) Diftmtagfd With CMtfl. Kuala Lumpur, 6th February.—The Yap Hon Chili cane has been dUmissed this morning by the Appeal Court with costa and without counsel for the defence having to reply. Plaintiff’s counsel discussed the method of appeal to the Privy Council. It is
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    • 22 5 (Echo Special.) Leave Extended. Singapore, sth Feb.—The leave of Mr. Justice Fisher has been extended to the 20th March.
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    • 37 5 (Echo Special Imperial Service Medals. Singapore, sth Feb.—lmperial Service Medals have been granted to Mr. F. Spry, warder at the Penang Gaol, who lately retired on pension, and the late Chief Detective Inspector Bourne.
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    • 34 5 (Echo Special.) Mr. Thompson’s Successor. Kuala Lumpur, 4th February.—The Rev. P. Graham, Curate of Duncburcli, near Rugby, will succeed the Rev. G. M. Thompson as chaplain. Mr. Graham formerly lived at Singapore.
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    • 17 5 (Echo Special.) A Contradiction. Singapore, 4th February.—The report that diphtheria is epidemic here is wrong.
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    • 37 5 (Echo Special.) Regarding the Valuation. Singapore, 4th February.—The Duff Development Company disclaim responsibility for the valuation of the Kuala Pahi Rubber Estates, Kelantan. It was made by Mr. Wood of the Duff Development Company.
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    • 30 5 (Supj lied by Hotter Honoured by the Kaiser. Loudon, 4'h February.—The Kaiser ha* c inferred Ihe Order of the Blaok Eigle on the Regent of China.
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    • 99 5 (Supplied by Reuter Half a Million Required Altogether. London, 4'h Feb—lmportant meetiOK* will be lielil at Oxford aud Cambridge at the end of the mouth in furtherance of the projected Cbiuese University at Haukow. They will be followed by a meeting at the Manaion House on
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    • 167 5 (Sup)lied by Reuter.) The “Times” on the Situation. London. sth February —Tbe Time», commeuting on the report that Turkey baa noti tied the Powers that the election of Cretan deputies to the Greek Assembly will be a rasas belli, regrets that Turkey is not relying on tbe
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    • 69 5 (Vapj lied by Reuter.) Bill Introduced In the Diet. London, sth F. bruary.-The Electoral Reform Bill has been introduced m the Prussian D;et. It preserves tbe system of voting by classes according to tbe am> unt of tbe taxes paid and an open, unsecret ballot, but tbe
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    • 37 5 (Supplied by Reuter Rakhlm Khan Defeated. London, sth Febiuary —A telegram from Tabriz via St. Pe'eraburg states that Kakbim Khan who bis been completely defeated bis fled with his family and followers across tbe Russian frontier.
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    • 47 5 (Supplied by Reuter Not (he Mullah This Time. London, s:b February.—There have been renewed seiiout raids in Somaliland wheie great numbers have been killed and thousinds of camela looted. The Govern ment believe* that, the act of the trilies is not immediately connected with the Mullah.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 197 4 THE GRAND HOTEL, I P O H The ONLY First Class Hotel in Perak, An Ideal Place for Families Spending Week Ends. Single and Double Bedrooms with Private Bathrooms. Electric Bells. Tennis. Excellent Cuisine. Cold Storage Supplies Weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter Moots All Trains. Tbliokams: OKEEr. In< h TERMS
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    • 35 4 Dr. Friedlaender testifies that (joiIOHUII exerts a favorable influence m removing 3 complications and haemorrhage; also more I rapid and satisfactory results are obtained by it than by auyj other preparation of Sandalwood oil etc.
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  • 556 5 Civil Service Not Sufficiently Thorough. It is stated, not on the highest authority, that tbe Civil Service at Penang lack* thoroughness, and that it* official bead does not pay tbe amount of attention to miDUi ie and detail that is desirable. Look after Ihe cents, and tbe
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  • 1131 5 Government Penny Wise and Pound Foolish.” The yearly general meeting of tbe Perak Chamber of Mine* was held on Feb 2nd, Mr. R. P. Brash (President) in tbe obair Tbe other members pietent were Messrs F. Douglas Osborne, H. W. Griffihs, J P Cbarra, H. F
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  • 190 5 QUINQU\GESIM SUNDAY. Nt George’s Church. 8 a.m.—Matins (No nrgau.) 1 8- a.lll, —Holy Communion (Plain.) 9- am do (I'amil) 10- a m—Matin* (Cliiucao.)5 p.m.—ChiMrenV Si rvice. 6 p.m.— Evensong and Sermon. Nt.' Mark’s Church. Bctterworth. 9 am.—Divine SoTfice aud Holy Communion. Presbyterian Church. Divine service will be
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  • 164 5 Putlnnc .lawn. Motifs Ke'mcdv ted Go. inform in that thi v have received telegraphic iul» co T, mdbn that the r rospec'ut of "The Padittg Jiwa Rubber Estate Limited" is to be issued the e today. The nominal cipilal of the Company in £55 000 divided
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  • 168 5 ARRIVED. Per s s. Lutti u>. 4 h Feb,, fr. in Colombo Mr. and Mis. Me Parian, Mrs M N kkels Mia F A de Sonnaville, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Roberts, Mr. L. A. Tucker, Mr. F. L. R>z Mr. Fane/. Mr. Koch From Genoa: Mr ard Mrs L.
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  • 44 5 'Tn-i>AV. 26th D.iv of 12ih Mooji. Muu cipal Foe Brigade Display, 439 pn> 3'raits Cinematograph, IVuaug K 'ad 8 30 p ni To-morbow 27th Day <d 12i ii Mocn. Quii quigc-tin 1 Sunday. Struve Sun-lay. Sit-its CincmAtograp'-, Penang R iad 8 3' pm
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  • 21 5 P. O. SAILINGS. 1«t. hen ee OiiTWARim. lloMßwaaun Dr la 10 t'el> J Arcadia 11 Feb Macedonia 24 j Attaye 26
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  • 20 5 Ei-«lis)i (Della l 10th Feb China (Arcadia) ...111li Dihiim (P. E Friedrich l ...15'h Geimau (Primem Alice) ...16th
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 IWfim violent, inflammatory symptom» quickly alter .treatmerit with II c(lei’* (iONOMIIi Capsules. No httUr preparation now on tlm ii Hikot. Ceitifio.l liy the lendiutt Spociiiliata.
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    • 521 5 IHE GREAT EASTERN LIFE iSSURMCE CO LID. Hnad Okfick SINGAPORE. Life Assurance anil Endowmerit in All Forms. LIBERAL POLICIES. LOW BATES. Financial Agent» for 1'enano. BEHN. MEYER CO.. LTD. Generul Reprc»cntative for Penang, HORACE 1? JOSEPH. Local Office o/o Bkhn, SI kyich Co I.ti> 167c Postponement Notice of Sale. BY
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    • 139 5 TOWN HALL TO-NI6HTI TO-IIGHI!! Saturday, sth February, AT 9 15 I’M.. First Appearance in Penang, VICTORIA VARIETEE CO, The Marvellous, Great “Transforniist At Ventriloquist” ERNESTO FREGOLXNI, From the leading London and Paris Theatres, etc., Magnificent Dresses! Lightning Changes!! The Internati n I Troupe, FAMOUS ENGEL BROTHERS SISTERS, THE KOI AL
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  • 3295 6 Bishop’s Inquiry into Stainmore i Scandal. i Tbe customary culm of tbe remote little Westmoreland Tillage of Staiomo'e has been rudely disturbed. From comparative obscurity it has emergfd into tbe full glare of notoriety and become quite a place of im portance in tbe public eye otriog
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  • 123 6 Prmano, sth Fibruary (By eonrteey of tk‘ Chartered Bank I London, Demand Bank 2/4} 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4} 3 Credit 2/4( n 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 174} 3 days’ sight Private 170 Bombay, Demand Bunk 174} Mouluiein, Demand Bank 173} 3 days’sight Private 176 Madras.
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  • 199 6 Gold Fieaf $61.8 3. t'sj j er(W.Coae« 31b5.5 ot no ttork .Vbite Pepper S?SJ ,nhi Tran? Pepper out 0/ tea» ,n Cl-vo* 75 -teller» Muv 83.-«W/.r, Vtaoe Piek'ni*» 75. teller» 'tutmetfi 110« l«.:oftWyfri f No. 1 6 HJ tain Sugsr i 2 un iM Basket 525 tale Ttpioc. Flour
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  • 1476 6 a I y I a 1-S 2 I Number ot -5 3 e n Cipital, j Shares t> Dividends Namv I I '«“«l- I i 5 3 1 j, 1 O 19 6 90’, 1908; 1909 I9K Rubber, p c p.c p.c. p.c. P c 1909 X 40 000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 783 7 INSURANCES». THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720 rpHE undersigned haring been appointed J_ Agent» for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE rink» at current rate*. PATERSON. SIMONS Jk Oo. Ltd 12o lit tnc* Company, Limltod Established 1821. Subscribed CapiUl 42.000,000 Total
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    • 25 7 HOGAN HOGAN, s<», BEACH ST It EE I’, AUCTIONEERS VALUATORS ANII ESTATE AGENTS. Advancet made on Valuation <£ nett jjroeeedi guaranteed within 7 Ja.t after ule
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1147 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, O.S.A barges Moderate, Ccnsultation Free. IMIDINO AT /Vo. 21a, Penan Road. A lew doors Iron the Eastern and Orlentrl Hotel. 6 mthi FOR SALE. USEFUL TO PLANTERS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of 200 leaves. Price, $8 each. TEA
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  • 3191 9 Chinese Writing. The subject considered at the meeting of the China society held on Jan 13th in the Ciiton Hall, London, was The Develop meat of Chinese Writing," dealt with in sn interesting lecture by Consul General L- C. Hopkins. The lecture was illustrate I hy lantern
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  • 792 9 Slate Reception. The Binjkok Timet of Jan. 26 reports;— Tbe I)uke and l)oche-s Jdiaun Albiecht of Meckleubuig have beeu aceoidod a royal welconiQ in Siam, and every p'eparatiou has neon mado to rutert uu tbnn loyally for the next This morning Rear-Admiral Phya Rij ivaugsati,
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  • 399 9 Whin Suffusing With Crurl Back pains, Malaria, and Other Aii hunts into Trtino Dr. WllUuu’ Pink Pills. (hi* F. M 8 Mining Engineer Found Complitn Curb After All El-n Had Failkd Mr. Robert Dirwood. a rniuing engine»r At Kampar, Feleiuted Malay Stae«, has to 'bank bis
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  • 195 9 M ARKET PRICES. Pbmano, sth Fmuruakt, I**l <>. BRKF— Soup per catty 14 Roast M i'4 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meal 16 Rump Steak 24 O* Tail each 30 Toni ii i 55 Feet 15 Heart 30 fever p„ f catty 35 •’ORK— Rovk poi catty 32 Pig’s Ileal
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 50 9 Costs But a Trifle. Wlule it in often impossible to prevent so accideut, it is never impossible to be prepsied—it is uot beyond any one’s purse. Buy a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and you are piepared for sprains, bruises and like injuries. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 103 9 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria is usually contracted when the child haa a cold. The cold prepares the child’s system for the reception and development of the diphtheria germs. When there are oases of diphtheria in the neighborhood cbildicn that bare colds should be kept at borne and off
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    • 39 9 Paint'til Breathing. Cbatnberl iiu’s Cou;b lit is a very valuable mediciue fur tbioit »nd lung troubled, quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a daugeiously «ouudiu,; cjugh which indicates congested lungs. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 35 9 Touches! the Spot. Sick beidacbe is c-iusel l y a disordered condition of the stonarc’r and is quick'; cured by Cb tnibei lam's S’ora. cb and Lirer Tablets. For sale b; all Dispensaries and Dealen.
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    • 457 9 MAC KAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. The Acme of Quality. 168? NEW MODEL ENGLISH UUNS. Direct from the makers at lowest prices Superior far-killing Double Itreeohloader. from U 2-10-0 oaob; latest model Hide*, Revolver», eta Illiieliatod price list post free. C. J AMES Si REYNOLDS, 9 Lender Raid, Thyraton Heath, Surrey, Kntjland
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 599 10 FOR bale:. The Early History of Penang, 1502 1827. BV E. G. Collin and W. F. Zehnder. (Reprinted Irom the Streits Icho.") Royal Quarto, 44 P tie*. Price 91.00. Mkl BIJJAI) AT THB CHI TEFLON FRESH, I, to. 226 232, Beech Street, P*n»ni NOV READY. “Ini Panlun Karang-Karangan.’’ CoNTKNTB: Pantun
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