Straits Echo, 2 February 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1086 1 uIiiNNESS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEE A 00. £TTy: m r l EAD SOLE AO ENTS. BASS’S ALE. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkad Okmck—Shanghai, China. CAPITAL. TAELS 1,000,000. $200 000 deposited with the Hoogkonf Government as a special protection for onr policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit.
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    • 24 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. 4T cs .>1 2 S a-’is: I 0 f'J A foKrq^0^ TlANO LEE Sl Co., Sole Agent*.
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  • 966 2  -  By Morrison Davidson 1« history about to repeat itselt 1« tbe British Revolution on at last It may well be ao, de-pite the conspicuous lack in every quarter Tory, L-beral, and Labours —of Revolutionists Iu all notable R volu tiooa nun proposes, but i' is manifestly tbe
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  • 211 2 February, 1910. r H.W. L.W. H.W, L.W. p p n 2nd 4 44, 10.54. 5.04, 11.14 3rd 5 25, 1137. 5 40. Nil. 4th 6.17, 12.01, 6.49. 1.05 sth 7 27, 1.47, 8.08, 2.28 6th 8.50, 3 09, 9.28, 3.07 7th 9 43, 3.53, 10 04,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 Costs But a Trifle. YVlii'e it is ofteu impossible to prevent hd accdeu', it is never impossible to be prepared— it is not beyond any on.-'» puise Buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Pam Bilm aod you sre prepaied for sprains, biutsps and like ii juries. For aide In all D
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    • 521 2 APIOLINE (CHAPOTEAUT) For La din SC only K Is superior to so-citled spiol, steel drops, tansy or pennyroyal and is a safe remedy for ladies when about to be unwell Recommended by the leading French specialists, to remove pain, cramps and irregularities peculiar to the sex. 1*11 by all Ckvnists
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    • 2106 2 SPECIAL OFFER! SPECIAL OFFER! To Readers of “Straits Echo WONDERFUL VALUE. TO LET. No 17.*. Northern Road —unfurnished. From 1»! March, 1910. Apply to 17-1 10 38 ALLEN DENNYS A CO 35/-MAGNIFICENT REAL SILVER LEVER WATCH For 18/6 Only. To introduce our good* we will now forwaid (post fiee) lor
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  • 45 3 a,,m Aj-*'. r>%, L i t iw l ilo'ohu B A Go ind FVb. ■villi !mt;ow 3 B AG i. 4 li B ngloe Ci >udon 3 1! 5 1. Dili* )olonibo G &G.I. I m b A’cadi* 4iOg«poie a 4C>. l lib
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  • 37 3 Fat i [jir* >w A D v ->ipor*' B >1 A Co. Feb. 1 s k j Si c*rv t.B A0-. BeDulie 3'iiv%po'^ *3.11A Co. 1 r* |ia S a. a Ac... AiC'di* Colomb > A.U ACo
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  • Shipping.
    • 171 3 GUnavon, Br 2 727. Woolfeuden, l*t Feb, Loudoe, 25ib Dec., Geu B A Co. btentor, Br. a.*. 4 308. Biker, let Feb, Liverpo >l, let J.iu Geo.—W. M A Co. Deffiinger, Ger. r.i., 524 Memer*. Ut Feo. Yokohama, 1 5 b Jin. Gen.— B Ml Co. Jin Ho. Br.
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    • 50 3 2nd Fibbuabt. De i, for Pmg Ngaaud Prang. Jm Ho. foi L.n f kit Wti'ari* for Kaugoou. Toni Chay Un. for Dudings KntSanu, tor Calcutta. Flying Dragon for Port Wold and Taipiug. Ue for Ceylon, Au«tiala«ia, India, Aileu. Egypt and via Naples, for Europe etc Aviigyee forTeltk An non.
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    • 161 3 Foa ke^ah—Per Lian Cko>, to-morrow, 10 am l>en A Lmgia—Per De Hock, to-morrow, 1 pin Paugkilsn Brandan—Per Bree Bangka, 10-moirow, 1 p.m Port Sweiteubam, Port Dickson and Malacca— Pei Corn-ha, to-morrow, 1 pm. Atibin—Per Jfary Austin, to-morrow, 1 p.m. SiDgtipoie, China A Japan—Per Nippon, to-morrow 2 p.m. Singapore—Por
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  • 276 3 Per 1 G. M. s a L«t’ou>, from Europe, lun at Penang no 2id Fib To I’eiung Mr A. Jeppe. To Singapore Mr. J. Goos, Mr. 11, Beck»', Mr O. F P J. Mr. llan bert, Mr. B ebmer. Mr. and Mrs E-cbe, Mr. G F.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 625 3 p (I. Steam Navigation Coy. Exported Arm*]* and Depart*!-*». Mall 8«rvlc«. Outward Feb. 10 Delta -naMeting with Moldavia 24 Macedonia Mongolia Mar 10 Devanka Marmora t 24 Assaye More a Homeward. Tli HOUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. lei Claw M UlM r, I midon
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    • 375 3 (S HIPPING.) NORDDEUTSCHERJLLOYD, BREMEN. XKPSBIAL GERMAN KAIL 1DK KT1 we r PHE fj*t aud well-known ...l ta'iAi-siV ut sOmpimv nail fortnightly from Bremen. 1. ll*tnou j< rio 40 .0 iMtr, Aci.w*‘ r p,i>oij:liampton, Gibraltar, Algiers, Genoa, Naples, (connection Manteii'e*. Naples. A'exardru art! vice twin) Port Said, Sue*, Aden, Coiombo, Penang,
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    • 64 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow. r Sam Bee. Cip'ain \V. T. L Larkina, eipected to arrive here from Etpgoou. i is 1 h'mtUjr, the 3rJ Felmi »ud will li-avp f.»r the above port» O’J Frid iy, th<* 4t i Fe’> uiry, at 3 pin. For freight or pukia its
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  • 84 4 «till Inwfi If TUI CRITERION PRESS. Ltd.. No. lift—tit, Itmch Strsst, P«n»n*. PRIOR: lUII.I UM'Il m w* O(lT*TATI'>Mft > fua MM. «*ll. ■IIITKIH fro* rraal lit otm tiiimtm I ch< Pena**.’ r«l«|»li<>n# No 44M til MMn muMiMnlhni almM b. Midi»* 6 Taa Btvian. MMMf InUndMl for
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  • 612 4 lii tlie old days of poor dear Fay (“the Bounder Pay Jay,” and the rest of the Chronicle boys, Bob BUtchford was a burning fiery furnace of reckless honesty. We were young enough then to swallow his Merrie England whole, as a none too highly coloured picture of
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  • 538 4 The following business in tin Inn been done to d»y Peon nK: Penang Tin Exchange, 67J ton» at $74.10 Eastern Smelting (Jo 150 74 00 S'rsit* TradiogC 1 5) 716"> Singapore Strait» Trading Co., 75 74-67^ Tot i! 3421 ton*. Tin in quoted in Loudon to
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  • 110 4 While the G*rman mail boat Derflinger was tricking out of SwettHobarn Pier tbie morning she got. iuto ehoal water and got aground just between Swottenbam Pier sod Swetteubira Whaif. It was low tide at the rime aud i' look C.ur launches the Ayuik a Pnjm Bat
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  • 161 4 The s. s. Kedah. Sfail» Next Sunday. Tl o» s Kelah is at the Eastern Shipping Company's (lirkyatd at Tarjong Nyob where «tight alterations are being made to her cabins prepnatory for her maiden trip to K-il.h mx' Sunday Originilly each of the four cat in*, was ti ted up
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  • 267 4 A ii-e brok-i out it Ni. 7. Tiesgiave S'teet »b 'llly site 8 o'clock tli'S morning I he house in qua»tiou is one of a row of ten dwelling buioea occupied by Chmeee and ihe fi e s’l.rted iu a loft over au empty room ou
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  • 140 4 laitwn IViiiilh Tournament. Following were tlie results of the tics playd yesterday Championship: L M. Woodward ut o. from Basacoiti Profession Bans A G Anthony and Eioheube g (Mar. I) beat Procter a d Soul ham (Tol )6 4; 4—6; 6-3 S’Ugles, Class B.: Lamb beat Reimann
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  • 213 4 The Lawn Tentti» Championship. Monday»» TO if report* I ho final iii the lawn tenuis championship of the Ipoh Cub was piaved on Saturday between Mr. Walter Vanrenen snd Mr. Cecil I earse and was witnessed by a large crowd of spectators. From a spictacular point of view,
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    • 313 4 (Sup/ lied by Reuter.) Veto of the Lords. London, Ist February-It ii stated that after tbe addreaa and before the reintroduc tion of tbe Budget a motion will he introduced re i ffi ming the privileges of tbe House of Commons in reference to money bills and declaring
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    • 25 4 Supj>lied by Reuter CommaiKler-in-Chlef’s Hesignslion. London, Ist February—Sir EH. Gamble his resigned tbe Command of lbs Turkuh Navy owing to ill besltlr.
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    • 66 4 (Supj lied by Reuter ■ausioii House Fund=£l6,ooo. London, Ist February.—The Mansion House fund started for the relief of tbe sufferers in tbe Paris fl rods h is amounted to £15,000 DHtnuge Exceeds £40,000,000. London, 2ud Februaty.—Ths Seine has fallen two feet. Tbe greatest distress exist* but the population
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    • 43 4 (Supplied by Reuter 149 Entombed. London, 2nd Februarv —An rxplosion took place yesterday in the rosin tuDnel of the Colorado Iron Fuel Company's wmksst Primero, Argentine Republic 149 mostly Slavs and Hungatun-. were entombed 71 bodies have been recovered.
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    • 96 5 (S%iplied by Reuter At Berlin. London. 2ud February.—A telegram from Berlin state* tbat tbe Emperor and Empress of Germanr, in tbe presence of tbe Grown Prince and Crown Prince#* and Herr von Bethman Hollweg. tbe Imperial Chancellor, received Prince an t Princess Fusbimi who piesented the royalties with
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    • 22 5 Sn/tplied by Reuter 100 Opened. London, 1st hundred Government Labour Exchange* were opened in London and tbe Prcviuces to day.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 382 4 XPOH MAEBLE WORKS. IFOH-FERAK. This business is now under tlie management of Mr. Ravensway, who has made a great reduction in all prices and who will be glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Waslilmnd Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large stock
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    • 105 4 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria ii uiually contracted when t be child bai a cold. The cold prepare* the child’* eyitem for the reception »nd deniopnjent of the diphtheria germ*. When there are ca*e* of diphtheria in the neighborhood children that hare cold* ibould be kept at borne aud
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  • 523 5 (For the Fortnight ended Jan. 31.) United U. 8. The Kingdom. America. Continent. Tin 700 tons. 350 tons. 85 tons, i Flour 577 Tapioca < Flake 79 132 l l’earl 60 434 371 Copra 902 black Pepper Whit 60 Messrs Bolckow, Vaughan and Go. Limited, of Middlesbrough, have
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  • 1169 5 Explanations Monday's Strait» Timet says Tbe other d»y we wrote about matters municipal, with special reference to the failure of tbe filter beds in Bukit Timah Rrad. We expressed urprise that, if there is n explanation of the stale of these beds, it should be •o eirefully concealed from the
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  • 337 5 Royalty Attend Ihe Mnrrlnge of Mr. E. B (lulhbertson. Says a home piper Their Royal Highuesses Princess Chiisi ian, Piincpss Henry of Battenb* rg ami Priicesa V Ctona of Schleswig H>t!si*-in honoured by their pieseDce ou the at inst tbe marri ge of Mr E B. Cutbbertson, son
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  • 548 5 The following Penang shipments weie male on Jan 29th Bt thb Indrani For New Yoik.—McAlister A Co Ltd Pl*. 3 781 79 Tin Behu Meyer &Co L'd Pis 2 100 42 Tin; B mtead A Co. Pis 25 Mace, Pis 671 58 White Pepoer pi 8 1 338
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  • 473 5 Tory. It is impossible to help pitying the Radicals whose orators were engaged in carrying the fiery cross through the length and breadth of the land to rouse the People against the wicked unconatitnt on-1 al L rds who hail dared to usurp the ‘People sovereign
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  • 176 5 A RRiVKI) IVr Vn Peng. 31*t J .n„ from Pule Laogkiwi Mr Yeoh Pi U Tat'. Per Janet NiColl, la'. Fob. tloui Teh k Anson; M. G_o Roberlsou. Pgr s DetJJlfngelr. Ist Fb, Ltun Sn.rapoie: Mr. Frit soda From llongkmg: Mr Lean Guan and puty Fmln Sliangb i. Mr
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  • 62 5 Tri- IiAV 23rd Div ol 12th Moot. P. C. C T*uo I* Tier. Towu Band. EapNntid', 6 to 7 p.m« Sirs ft» Cineinatogißp Penang Road 8 3 I' ro. Lodge Ray a I Piince of W.d's 9 ppi, l'|« MOKS.UUI. 2 111. Dtv of 12 h Moon J’ C.
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  • 22 5 Germnr. (LutzoiOi ...2ud Feb Eugiisti Delta ...10 h Chlut t+Arraiiti ...11 "h t',' "lons p E Friedrich- V.. 15 h
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 36 5 Painful Breathing. Cl amberliin’a Cough Remedy ™7 n’uible medicine for throat and rung troublea, quickly relieve* and cure* painful breathing and a dangeroualy acunding cough which ludicatea contacted lung*. For aale by all Dupentarie* and Dealer*
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    • 52 5 Thn curative fiction of GouONilll in attrito its l»‘inu anti»»pnc and miaxtiieiic Manufactured liv J D Rn*d«l Ltd lWtrlill anil sold in fnun of capsule*. 4.0 in a Itolllfi /{i. /(uUaltt o l/t'/an TO LIST.’ Hoiwe Jf 14 U, lJj'inck Kjad Mr. E. 0. MATHlfr 2-2 10 80 5 Ar
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    • 750 5 MRS. LECKY. L»c v, who Ml for Home yesterday Hp-iies fir? ■iiv'fi ih < -ynwj H'iv of tile Efha < •xpiess her'lhutk» for the ayirtpoBy sb >»i t.« her .by the many friend** of her late husbtnd. FOR SALE. A 1(0, iil/iH. P. ‘Humber" Mitor Oar, ,4 evluaier. qu rl
      750 words

  • 2019 6 Bj Spencer Leigh Hughes. There ha* ceitainly been a huge lie told < about Oid Age Pensions-and it ha* been t told, i« being told, and will be told, by tbe Torie* Indeed. they have told more than one. To begin with, they have
    2,019 words
  • 119 6 Pknawo, 2»d Fsbruabt (By courlety of th* Charterrd Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4$ 4 months’ eight Bank 2/4j 3 Credit 2/44 3 Documentary.. 2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank R». 174} 3 duys’ sight Private 176 Bmiilray, 1741 Moulinein. Demand Bank 173jj 3 days’ sight Private 176 Madias. Demand
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  • 197 6 Gold f ieaf 96 (.8 > 4.1 ep| er( W Coast 31b».5 or) no itoek White Pepper |2s| tale» Trang Peppei out of ,«,«>% Cl »rea IM ih mi —trieri Vl*oe 83,— ttU-n da.» Pie*«<- 75 teller, 'lptmev. 110» 18'0 buyer, No. 1 68) tain Bugar < 2 a-
    197 words
  • 1413 6 d I 3 a 0 'o 2 Nnmljer o* j 5 s> j figs t Oipttl. 8liare< > Ditid«udi Name 5 a a j pfr \±j_ x r i ill I 1305 19' 6jl9;>7 1908 1909 Rubbar. IP c pc fi.c p c. p.c. ir>d..w*. 1.50 j 2 2/
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 58 6 Do You Want Relief? Are you frrqueully hoarse P D > you have that annoying tickling in your th'oat D** your cough annoy you at n• oht. and do you raiae mucua in the morning D you wan' relief? If ao, take Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy and you will be pleated
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    • 33 6 UonMan is a happy combination of Kawa Keaina with Oleum SanUli in tb« proper tion of 1 part Kawa Kawa to 4 parts Oleum Santa! cures easily, no complications All chemists and dealers
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    • 36 6 Touches the Spot. S'clc be darhe in c<u>ed by dia udsred coed i tiou of Ibe nuc'i m>d i« quick'y cured by ChimteiUm'» S om ch and Li»er Table'*. Fur tale by all Di-peoatriei and Daaler*
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    • 23 6 HOGAN HOGAN, 66, BEACH STREET. AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS AHD ESTATE AGENTS. Adeanee* made on Valuat'on it n*U proceed» guaranteed within 7 dag» after tale
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  • 1030 7 Tariff Reform. Here is au extract from the Premier 1 speech at Ha. diug.ou. He has an itritatiUKly involved style, but the argument is cogent. Now let us look at the proposed remedy. See what it amounts to. That is thequeat.on I waut to put to you and your fellowelectors
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 824 7 insurances. the LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROT AL CHARTER A.D. 1720. flMlK undersigned haring been appointed 1. Agent» for the above Coiporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rates. PATERSON. 8IMON8 Jk Co. Ltd. !2o Guardian Assurance Company, Limited. Establish!!» 1821. Subscribed Capital £2.000.000
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    • 100 7 MARTIN’S »C VTH AILHTQN. LM OOR MON SENSE -> NUTSHELL. rff" t.;al mean. ,d trlf t urc avr, diw •ervoit* ft bin* t».*n*l debility, d«-pr>-t*to«i of A< .fwithpr** t.« dl (Wmtiotn or m-on»*,- f-. dire* t;on< lor rroKMinf certain dioualfo attort tfi,>t destroy the liappme*» of wedded lifr. »t al»o
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1053 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen A Co., Pha, DS.A. Charges Moderate, Ccnsultation Free. AT /Vo. 21a, Penang Head. A tew deer* from the Eastern and OrlenUl Hotel. 6 mth FOR SALE. USEFUL TU PUNTEBS, ESTATES, ETC. Large Check Roll Books of *2OO leaves. Price, $8 each. TEA
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