Straits Echo, 1 February 1910

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1146 1 TIANO LEI Oo fcvr zr I ar <2 SOLE 40ENTS. THE SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hkad Or kick—Shanghai, Chin*. CAPITAL. TAELS 1,000,000. 1200 000 deposited with the Hongko<i| Government as a special protection for oar policy holders The ONLY company that has this deposit. The Company fcr the Chinese.
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    • 24 1 I HE BEST BEEK IN '1 HE FAR EAST. £>/ a a *< 2>^ 5 r-j nug «< CD \..ys V '^CfwoTaS^ ANG LEE Co., Sole Agent**
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  • 2325 2 Protest Against Plutocracy. Oue cannot read tbe American papers to dsy without realising that a new spirit is rising in tbe Uuited States wiib regard to its public life. It is. in brief, a protest against tbe exploitation of tbe natural re sources of tbe country,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 Costs But a Trifle. YVuile it isotii u iiuposn'lile to prt**eut. hd accuieu*, it in nofor luiposMble t.> bn prePNitHt —it i* u>l boyorul an» on-’» ru r Buy a botthf of CuamberUm’» Pain Biira uni »ou art» ptt-p.'<*.l for »prams. biui e« and lik« ii jnrie». For i»le by
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    • 571 2 Diphtheria—How It May Be Avoided. Diphtheria i- u*u illy contracted when the chihl ban a cold. The cold pupates the child'a aystem for the leception end development of the diphtheria germ». When there ere caaea of diphtheria in the neighborhood children that bare cold* abould be kept at home and
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    • 1984 2 RINGS, PINS, BRACELETS, LOCKETS ft CHARMS SET WITH REAL ©AAHMIDS •1110 l GEM RINGS. Ol'R SPECIALITY, to 10 £SO _T>No iS-e w*. ft] Hi'l-marV.l flow Irmlii, with Rub, (o« S*pand Real Diamond» Master»' Price f 1 W Ne. aao. Holi-marked Gold Bracelet, set witk Rub] (or Sopohtre) D tublets and
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  • 48 3 FiU, i f Agea-t Da* Ij'V l i« J.ilombo B M A'Jo 'n.l F l>. 4 Utl i 1 mg iw IB *J.i. 4 ii B 4 gioe (j 11:a 5 l> D > l »u.b > <J AC.>. I"h Ai Oddii 1 ngafniie 1 U dUo. 11.b
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  • 31 3 i -u Lu 'W L p n_ tpo»*» B M 40«. Feb. ■> k i jSi- e i^vw S.HACo. Boiiisloe Si.iwupor** S.IJ 40« j \.0 <t AtCidia jjoloaib i 1 A.GAJo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 66 3 At ag ee Br. n» 260, Campbell, Slat Jan Singapore. 29*h Jan., Rice—E. 8. Co., L'd. Malaya. Ger. a 348, Loewe, l«t Peb, Be’awau 31 -t Jau.. Gen—B M. A Co. Janet Nicol Br hi.. 475. Lyon*, lit Feb Io uk Anson, 31 at Jan Gen.—E 8. Co L'
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    • 40 3 I>T I'IBBCAKY. Sappho. for Tongbab. Pe ale. for LMi. I/enrol Ho tor Trang Miiet-U’jcigr. for Singapore. Janet Ni o’l, for Port Swe tenbam and Smgap.ue. Malacca for Teluk Auarn. I/oh tor t'ort Swet'ei.ham anil Singapore. Padsni, for Bitu Babra.
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    • 100 3 Fob Kedah Per Tony Chum, to-morrow, 9 a m. Ceylon, A uitrala-ia, India, Aden, Egypt »ud via Naples, for Europe etc—Per Deffluiger. ti -morrow, 10 a in Pa NgaA I'rang—t oi Deli, to-morrow, 1 p m. Tei k Anson Per Avagyee, tomorrow, 2 p.m. D u lings—Per Tong
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  • 533 3 IVr I G. M. h Lot ow. from Europe, duo ai Penang on 2id Fib To Penang Mr. a. Juppe. To Singapore M>. J. Gooa. Mr. H. Beckrr, Mr C. Frey, Mr. Rambert. Mr. Biebmer, Mr and Ms E-cbp, Mr. G. F. Line, Mr. F. Knblmann,
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  • 35 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mall Service. Octwabdh. ILiunvaco* De'la 10 Feb j Arcadia 11 Feb ilacrdonii 24 At aye 26 bitra Service O'Tr'Aan- Hombwabd. Sunda 4 Feb Syria 4 Feb 14 Feb. j dnmatra 18
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 864 3 P 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Depart a ran. Mail 8arvlc*. Oat ward. Fsb. 10 Delta -nnneeting with Moldavia 24 Macedonia Mongolia Mir 10 Devanha Marmora 21 Attaye Morea Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER TO LONDON. March 25, Macedonia. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. lit uuh lad (Jim I'd I .ondou
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    • 458 3 jf (SHI PPIVG.) NORDDEUTSCHERJU.OYD, BREMEN. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. F-? rs ja? r P*L«« auJ well knciwu a., 1 earner*! Mrs Company sail fortn.gbtlv from Bremen. Hamuuig via itoue uam. Antwerp, Sou; hampton, Gibraltar, Algiers.Grnaa, Naples] (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice vena) Port Said, Sue*, Aden, Colombo, Penang. Singapore,
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  • 90 4 J«tw miclii >wr>bt4y —d )mOf *T TUI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. *SS—SSa. Bench Btr**t, FWn* PRICK o*ll,l LOO AI |M (Mr urn,. ovn>T*Ti<ma nuuv atm. «ill anmoN M>mt Frati m o»Hi.a unit sue Echo—Penang.' Tilaphona No 1,1,- *ll Milimm ronMDiiu-atloru iboald b* id dim*, d Taa aiiuii.
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  • 839 4 Our always cocksure contemporary, the Singapore Free Press, in its second juvenility, apparently, alluded on Friday to the inexplicable sluggishness of the intellect of those who do not advocate what Chamberlain calls Tariff Reform. After describing how some labour Unions have had to arrange in order
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  • 16 4 Feb. 2nd, Puritir.ition of The Virgin Mary. Candlsmas Pay. 8 4-in —Holy Communion.
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  • 314 4 The following business m tin him been doue to-day Penang: Penang Tin Exchange,'l buyers, no sellers ('astern Smelting Co ,ViOU ns at 74.20 Straits Trading Co., 50 74 32J Singapore; Straits Trading Co.. 91 74.25 Total 241 tons. Tin is quoted in London to-dav at
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  • 464 4 On Saturday afternoon the staff of the firm of Means. Ad»ros and Allan gave a farewell lunch at Mr. W. H. Thorne's house in Burnnh Iliad (which waa lent to 'hem f >r the occ.isiou) in honour of Mr. W Munson Allan, who af;er a
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  • 470 4 Lawn Tt-nnia Tournament. Following were 'he iPsulta of the ties pluyrd yesterday Cb impionship W S Goldie heat H. A. Neubrouner 7—5 G—3 Doubles, Class A. liatdaiii and Reid b eat Souihiim and A G Autbonv 6—o; 6—4; Iroos and Heudercon w 0 from Syer and Reimann
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    • 171 4 To ths Ediios or tbs Strait» Echo. Sir, Your detailed account of the enquiry D 0 the death of the Telephone Linesman doei not say that any mention was made by a 0? of the expert witnesses, of such safeguirdn as guard wires.” I have always understood that
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  • 657 4 Following were (cores made on Monday m c c H ►< H 33 Q o 2 M 2 8 Miss Junes 22 27 22 21 70 Miss Hallifax 22 2 23 17 60 Mrs Wright-Motion ‘22 20 30 17 67 Mra. Hamilton 310 30 28 19
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 439 4 XPOE MARBLE WORKS. IPOH-PEKAS. This business is now under the management of Mr. Ravensway, who has made a great reduction in all prices and who will be glad to quote for Marble Flooring Tiles, Table Tops, Washhnnd Stands, Cemetery Memorials of all kinds etc., etc., on application. A large stock
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    • 40 4 Painful Breathing Cbamberliin'a C ugh Rrmedy is TOr va'mble medicine for throat and lung tf» u ble*. quickly relieves and cures painful bre*ti>' ing and a dangerously sounding cough which indicates congested lungs. For sale by *ll Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 76 5 (Echo Special.) e. Sentence. Bukit Mertajam, 31st January.—Mr. Humphreys sentenced Low Choo Huat, for taking away Tan Tek Huat’s wife, knowing her to be his wife, to a fine of $5O, and for detaining her to another tine of $5O, in default one month’s imprisonment on
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    • 36 5 (Echo Special.) Market Very Strong. Kuala Lumpur, Slat Jan.—The Malay Mail London correspondent wires that No 1 Plantation rubber is Bs. 2d. per lb.; fine hard para 7s. 101 b. The market is very strong.
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    • 33 5 (Echo Special.) Hatchell- Brett. Kuala Lumpur, 31st January.—The engagement is announced of Mr. H. M. Hatchell, C. P. 0., Perak, and Miss Dorothy Brett, a sister of Mr. Horace Brett of Brnseh.
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    • 77 5 (Supplied by Reuter Russia Interested. London, 31st,—A telegram from St Petersburg state* that Kus»ia has pointed out to China, in view of the Russian internals that will be eudangered by the proposed Cbiochau Aigun Railway, that it will be upcessary for China, in granting concessions, to take
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    • 27 5 (Supplied by Reuter Nslionsl Assembly to be Convoked. London, 31»t January.— A telegram from Athens states that the King baa agreed to convoke tbe National Assembly.
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    • 37 5 Sup} lied by Reuter Set ions Rising. LonJou, Ist February —A telejram fr un Tokio states that a serious rising ia reported st South B'long-ii) Korea, where twenty Japanese settlers are reported to have been murdered.
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    • 45 5 (Supplied ly Reuter 100,000,000 Yen. London, Ist February.—Japan ii issuing 4 L domestic loan of 101)000,000 yen, «5.000, 000 yen of which is redeemable as 5% bonds for a similar amount. It is proposrd to oonvert all domestic loans on a 4% basis.
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    • 62 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Seine lulls 3 ft. London, Ist Fobtu iry.—The 8 inn has fallen 36 inches snd the streets are begintunc to emerge hut they are covered thick with mud aud filth Donations. The Porte has decided to give a douation "f 5.0.'0 franca for tbe relief
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    • 28 5 (Suf plied by Reuter Knighted. London, Ist February.—Mr. Robert Tbom *a. Chairman of tbe Executive Overseas Delates of tbe Imperial Prees Conference, has been knighted.
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  • 959 5 It ia well understood, of oourae, that neither Party can fairly claim to be called tbn Gentlemanly Party," especially at election time. Nor ia this inability a very serious reproach. Hard words break no bones, snd no person of sense stt cbes undue meant Dg or importance to
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  • 432 5 Saturday's Malay Mail rep >rts Oi Wednesday afternoon las' the mom- hers of the Klang United Association give. a reception in bouour of their Presi lent. Mr, 1 R N Crum Ewing. Acting District OffiierV 1 Klang, who is teiug transfernd to Kuala Pilab. A group photograph
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  • 508 5 In a paper read at. B >ston before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Professor Percivttl Lowell dr dared that two otnals, not simply new til u.s, but tew to Mars,” bail b«en di-ooveri’j by observations taken at the Flagstaff Ohser vatory in Ari
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  • 250 5 It. is the pjljor of the Gi veniuient to t o coupae cubes u> deposit their livings in lbs G rveromcQt S.vings Hank. It was pi inted out at a Federal Cuiiucil niee'iog lha't the Inuraa f o,ei-iug and closing were iocoßveuieut fu the m jority of ibecoolirs,
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  • 116 5 •TheßukU Bhtrru Football Club Singapore, undertakes tu pieseut two silver cup-worih 4700 to the a hauipi”ii boxer and the runner up iu the Straus Seal inents. Ary gentlem u who are desi'oiis of inking pint iu ilu special coulest wdl kiudly' sci d iu tbeil mimosa d
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  • 198 5 Wnon I look bick on what I’va daio, Aud all the years i'vu had to do it, I sometimes think my, mothrr'a sin II s wieck'd hia lifetre well hall-through it. To have for tnofo dole* far ni»u'e Does uot suit to-ty as it suited twenty. I ttc tiled
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  • 91 5 A KRIVKD IVt ss Dihca'i. 29 h Jin. Iron B"iga pur; M Iv'iim Sin Yarn auJ W. J Cunningham. Per s h Mi'ayi l«t Fib. fr>iu I> <l l M G. J>>iiu«"ii, A. Sunnuville, C ll"M'li E Divies, 0 Nikkels, 15 Alton» I* U >11». F. J»ppe an I
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  • 77 5 I 9-0 A V 22-i 1 Dav iif 12 h Moon. P. P. <\ Tennis Tic* T wn B nd. G Ilf O nb 6 to 7 r.m. S'-ri's OiuHinat-rgr rph. I’entng Road, •■B3O p ra Tii-Nnisns. 23 d |»av >t 12'lr M'-or Purification Oand'ernra P. C. C Tennis
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  • 25 5 r 'h pa (D’ fH »<;tr) lat Feb. Ooriniiii (L-’ rotc.i ...2 id Ene’rsh t T)e't< rl ...10 h Chi on (Areadi >) ...ll'h
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  • 20 5 faun Quartet 2 '1 O New Mu..o 1«» h First Quarter 17 b O Full Moon 24 n
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 32 5 Tbe most rapi 1 and satisfactory result» are obtained by treatment with (ionOMM (Kawa Sutal.) I'ooklet aa>) simple to medical men ftee on application to any of the ohief Penang C hemist».
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    • 53 5 (Intiosan lik” other preparations of Copai ha and Sandalwood oil doe* not »fl-et the kidneys or disturb tbe stomach and ia wed ridmated by the patient rve i after lengthened tie- nent T"»l« by the Medic* l ‘Profession solicited. S int) lea free "O appli •V'tsi to -inv ot tile
      53 words
    • 566 5 NOTICE. I bwfcbj give not ce to these who hold ■hires, io my name. iu 1'ronob Mine*. L'ti that from and after llii d .te I wbail n> looker bold myself ie*pou«iti!e for the pi? uiHUt of a y dividend or dividcura u soct shares Tliese shareholders sbouid now ye,
      566 words
  • 28 5 Obituary. (Echo Special. Mr. Colin Mart assart. Singapore, 31st January.—Mr. Colin Mactaggart, a former Acting Secretary of the Cricket and Sporting Clubs, died at Keluntan of blackwater fever.
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  • 224 6 February, 191b. n H.W. L.W. H.W. L.W. A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. 1st 4 99, 10.17, 4 26, 10.34 2nd 444, 10.54, 5.04, 11 14 3rd 5 25, 11 37, 5 40. Nil. 4th 6.17, 12.01. 649, 1.05 5th 7 27, 1.47, 8.08, 2
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  • 118 6 Pbnang, Ist Fsbedart (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London, Demand Bank 2/4J 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4j 3 Credit 2/4$ 3 Documentary.. 2/4 g Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 174jj 3 days’sight Private 1745 Bombay, Demand Bank 174} Moultnein, Demand Bank 17ftj 3 days’sight Private 170 Madras. Demand Batik
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  • 208 6 Gold T.eaf »6LBO i. Fep| er(W.Const 31b5.5 ox.) no stock •Yhite Pepper s2s} sales t'rang Popper out of season Clive* lb—sellers Mice 83. —sellers dace Piok-im-* 75. —sellers "iutmeus 110 s 18 0 buyers f No. 1 680 smes Sugar < 2 w.i stock Basket 5 25 sales Tapioca
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  • 187 6 Puuane, Ut Fbbruart, 15*10 B«icr ft, Soup oer imh\ 14 Roast ?4 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Mea' ]g Rump Steak 24 On Tail aid. 30 Tongue 55 Feet 15 Heart 9o Liver pei catty 35 >*ORI— Pork per eatt jjj Pig's I lea.l 20 *'•*>l 24 longue
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  • 1532 6 r~ i rrm I 7“ *5 2 j Number ot 3 1 1 fi t 2 3 I Capital. Shares > 1 c Dtviden.4* .Name j |> 3 C issued, j 1 j '5 J 0; c?S 1905 19'6 1907 1908 1909 Rubber, po pe p.c p.c. p.c. I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 35 6 Touches the Spot. Sick headache is c used by a disorder»d condition of the stomach and is quickly cuie I by Chamberlain's Stonv ch and Ltser Tab In's. For sale by all Dispensaries aud Dialers
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    • 44 6 It has been satisfactorily demonstrated that thousands of persona have to thank tionOßHll for restoration to health and happiness. It is astringent and antiseptic and has never been known to fail. At all dealers in Pateut Medicines and Chemical in bottles of 40 capsules
      44 words
    • 54 6 Do You Want Relief? Are you frequently bourse V Do you have ibat annoying iu your tbioat Doe* vour cough auuoy you at night, aud do you raine mucua in the morning Do you want lelief? If »o, take Chainbeilaiu'a O'Ugb Remedy aud you will be pleat-ed For gale by
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  • 289 7 j 3»ys a home paper The tendency of the I ptrseut day among cat fancier* i* to do away I with that venerable and domestic species, I the Tabby Cat Any other sort of cat will I pass, but not the tabby, for tboae who take
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  • 630 7 Reviewing Light Coium. Light, Go.” by Rilpn Nhvill, a home paper says:- Folly is io much more in e eatiug than its opposite •hat we weie quile p epired for the altrac hrenes, of Mi. Norm's history of gambling. I is a weakness tbit can
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  • 124 7 Tb* following unclaimed letters <-'c are lying at the General Post Offia I’euang: Letter t Bacon, S. W. I.awri*“, W. D. B**avis, Dr. Ludwig, H. \V. Bilborongh, C F. Makarrsm. A. M. Blau. J. Oriniston, J. Cremer, F. Osburn, i 'apt. A C. Direng. W. Obreen, D. Durrant,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1322 7 IN BURJLMCKI, THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER AD. 17!» THE undersigned haring been appointed Agent* for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE rial» at current rate*. PATERSON. SIMONS A Op. Ltd. 12c Guardian Auurance Oompany, Llmitud. Establish» 1821. Subscribed Capital £2.000,000 Total
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1047 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late oj Dr. Allen A Cv., Pha, O.S.A. Charges Moderate, Ccnsultation Free. »■•101*0 AT /Vo. 21a, Penang Road. A few doors from (be Eastern and OrientHotel. 6 noth TEA o TEA SOLE AGENTS FOH PENANG. PATERSON, SIMONS Co. Lid THIS "India Rubber Kuita Perch; AND ELECTRICAL
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